3 Dark Web Horror Stories Animated (Vol. 3)

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have you ever made a friend online one you've never met in real life but whom you cherish nonetheless for me that friend was adam a random guy i met on a forum on the deep web nothing sinister just a place not categorized by the google search engine mostly used to discuss weird conspiracies and places to download movies in a less than legal manner adam was a funny person and a genius when it came to pop culture music and movies he'd seen or heard it all which made it extremely easy to find new things to watch because he always had something to recommend a few years passed and we spoke almost every day always using the same messaging service on our favorite dark web forum i suggested more common sights to him but he was adamant at keeping our friendship purely within the boundaries of that page be it for privacy reasons or whatnot other than that i never noticed anything off about him we never really delved into more personal areas but that's not exactly abnormal we never really put real life into the mix in a way i suppose he was my escape from the stress of real life that was how it went on until last year when adam asked me a very peculiar question that deviated from our usual topics of discussion what does the sun feel like he asked it's hot i guess i wrote back waiting for some kind of punchline he quickly changed the topic and i was left confused but decided not to push it any further as i was eager to return to her argument about which season of lost was the best then a couple weeks later he asked another similar question is it really that bright out there what do you mean i asked the previous question still lingering in the back of my mind outside in the movies it's always so bright and windy is it really like that he continued i replied why don't you just look out the window and tell me i can't he said what do you mean i said he replied i've never been there before i don't know how to get outside i couldn't tell whether or not he was joking but rather than calling him out on the prank i decided to dig deeper i asked you've never been outside like for your entire life never he said i proceeded to ask what about your parents why are they keeping you locked up you went on to say i've never seen them i've been in this room my whole life only talking to a voice through a speaker i wasn't even sure if any of the things i saw in the movies were real but after speaking to you i know there's more out there more than this dry dark room come on man you're [ __ ] with me right i asked a sense of dread rising in my body as the idea of a joke faded then he logged off months passed and i attempted to get in contact with adam to no avail he'd seemingly vanished from the forum and i started to worry then after being awol for five months he sent me one final message hey sorry about our last discussion everything is fine and i was just messing around with the never being outside thing let's just forget it ever happened please before i even got the chance to respond he logged back up i kept re-reading the last message and it didn't take long before i realized the message was a literal call for help based on the first letter of each sentence it was quite obvious and i guess he got caught by whoever was holding him captive because i never heard back from him wherever adam is now if even he's alive i hope you can find a way to feel the warmth of the sun like he so desperately wanted i just wish i could help him not to brag but i used to be a professional beta tester for video games i never got paid mind you but i was highly sought after had a hand in lots of a-list titles and series my talent was purely god-given i was ambidextrous with fast twitch fingers equally agile on controllers and keyboards but not anymore not since runaway mouse i'd gone snooping on the dark web just research mind you i liked keeping abreast of games being developed even if they weren't for mass consumption a job posting site was recruiting beta testers for a new game i downloaded the files being cognizant of viruses and worms and got cracking the concept was simple a small white on-screen mouse ran a two-dimensional side-scrolling maze and ate up little cheese pellets while being chased by four paw prints belonging to an unseen cat basically it was a rip-off of pac-man the soundtracks looping lyrics were set to a melody similar to the farmer in the dell the mouse runs the maze the mouse runs the maze everybody everywhere is part of the craze the controls were simple i navigated the mouse along the maze using the directional arrows on my keyboard and clicked the computer's mouse button when i digested enough cheese and earned a momentary buff where i could chase and devour the paw prints the mouse hunts the cats the mouse hunts the cat everybody everywhere beware of the rats a pixelated rat would periodically come storming the maze and eat all of the cheese the mouse could chase it off but only if you expended cheese points the mouse leaves no trace the mouse leaves no trace everybody everywhere a snake's in the grass the last lyric was really puzzling to me it didn't really rhyme and it seemed irrelevant to the on-screen action there was never a snake or grass anywhere in the game i assumed it applied to levels still being worked on and so i kept playing it was addictive seriously addictive i had played my share of habit forming games but runaway mouse took a hold of me like a narcotic the mouse runs the maze the mouse runs the maze everybody everywhere is part of the craze even as i was eating maize after maze of cheese pellets i knew that my real body wasn't getting any nourishment at all i could feel hunger pangs and fatigue but i couldn't stop playing the mouse hunts the cat the mouse hunts the cat everybody everywhere beware of the rat i was vaguely aware of daylight coming and going but the mouse needed to eat more cheese nothing else mattered to me i wasn't sleeping i was subconsciously allowing my body's digestive functions to happen avoiding my bladder and my bowels where i sat the stench was horrible but the mouse needed to eat more cheese the mouse leaves no trace the mouse leaves no trace everybody everywhere a snakes in the grass eventually i blacked out next thing i remember was waking up in the hospital bright daylight was coming through the window a doctor and nurse were monitoring me good morning sunshine the elderly nurse said how do you feel the doctor asked groggy and confused that's to be expected we had to put you out for the procedure what procedure the doctor and nurse made eye contact my memories were hazy but i could recall telling myself that i never stopped playing runaway mouse unless i removed my hands from the controls we found you in a catatonic state lying next to your computer you'd lost a lot of blood lost blood from what the nurse put a hand on my shoulder you're going to need a prosthetic but with enough physical therapy and time you'll be as good as new i lifted my arms my right wrist now ended in a bandaged stump you chewed through your right wrist we found your bite marks on your severed hands flesh and still clutched in your severed hand was the mouse to your computer ever since its invention i've dreamed of getting my hands on some vantablack liquid imagine a substance so dark it can obscure any three-dimensional shape and turn it into a mere shadow i just never thought something so harmless and fun could cause my demise while it's available for purchase under certain circumstances it's not something just anyone can buy of course if you know where to look on the dark web you can get anything you want to be fair of all the horrible things found on the dark web vantablack liquid is among the less sinister options after just a few clicks i found a vial of paint available for a cheap price even if the paint turned out to be fake it wouldn't be much of a loss with little thought i purchased one vial and eagerly awaited its arrival the inconspicuous package arrived a couple days later it was a cube shaped vial full of the light absorbing liquid if not for the feel it had in my hand i never could have guessed it was a solid object i was ecstatic but after a thorough inspection i noticed a minuscule crack in the vial a drop of liquid seeped out through the hole and fell gently onto the doormat below what looked like a hole into an infinite void formed on the mat i bent down to remove it with a dirty cloth as i started rubbing the spilled paint i could have sworn my fingers slipped deeper into the stain i immediately retracted my hand certain i must have been mistaken after the initial shock wore off i dipped the cloth back into the stain and it just sank through after several attempts at poking the stain i lifted the door net up to check if the hole continued into the floor to my surprise it was clean at that point i was more curious than afraid baffled by the impossible spot i could do a little more than stare in aw i had the thing then i came to the horrifying realization that the whole was growing i grabbed a few plastic bags and chucked the doormat into one making sure to double wrap and seal i thought the situation was under control that i had contained the ever growing void alas one of the vantablack drops had hit my hand without hesitation i rushed to scrub my hands praying that it wasn't too late unfortunately no matter what kind of soap i applied the stain wouldn't budge by the time i had given up it had already grown to the size of a marble in absolute panic i rushed to the doctor despite his initial doubt at my situation he quickly came around once he saw the bizarre spot on my hand he prodded me with needles and various probes feudally attempting to get samples for the lab all the while it kept growing before long it had consumed my entire right hand though it was still visible as a silhouette i had long since lost any use of it leaving it as little more than a limp appendage days went by and the darkness grew up my arm in a last-ditch attempt at saving my life the doctors all agreed that amputation would be the only feasible solution it was a devastating loss but worth it to save my life i signed all the necessary papers using my one remaining hand and they rushed me into an operating room while the surgery only lasted a few hours rehabilitation would take weeks if not months the doctors entered my room as i awoke from the anesthesia though the surgery had been a clear success they didn't seem happy what's wrong i asked with a groggy voice i'm sorry was all he could say the drugs had already started to wear off and i could feel pins and needles all over my body i lifted up my shirt and screamed at the horrific sight my entire torso was covered in hundreds and hundreds of tiny holes it looked as if chunks of flesh had been removed replaced only by that god forsaken vantablack paint we think the substance has spread through your bloodstream there's nothing more we can do the doctor said that was three days ago since then i've lost my legs my arms and most of my internal organs i haven't felt my heartbeat since yesterday and i can hardly breathe what terrifies me even more than the liquid replacing my entire body is the fact that i haven't died yet whatever the case i've been isolated the doctors put me in a special chamber to prevent the further spread of the liquid i guess it's for the best i'll be completely replaced by vantablack soon i just hope it kills me first thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 168,927
Rating: 4.9068866 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, dr no sleep, 3 dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror stories animated, deep web horror story, animated horror stories, dark web animation, dr. no sleep, dark web horror story animated, horror stories, scary stories
Id: LyyIM_zvsxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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