3 Uber Horror Stories Animated

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i was never a fan of taxis and other similar services just the thought of having some stranger drive me around irked me nevertheless after my car unexpectedly broke down i was stuck with catching an uber home what made matters worse were the ungodly late hours i worked at midnight there were no buses or trains driving in my direction so after some hesitation i gave in after just a few clicks i found a driver willing to take me the hour-long journey home five minutes passed and a bright red car parked next to me hey what's your name he asked while i confirmed the number on his license plate mike i said plainly attempting not to start any small talk i'm alex he responded seeming to take the hint i got in and he started driving me home using his mounted gps as a guide mind if i take a shortcut he asked i just mumbled something in agreement too tired to really grasp what he'd asked what followed was a painful struggle against sleep i tried keeping myself entertained using my phone but it was a futile battle i felt oddly hypnotized by the street lights the way they flash by intermittently lighting up the interior that combined with an exhausting day at work quickly put me into a peaceful slumber the last thing i saw before drifting off was an unfamiliar street sign that read glover road as i awoke we were driving down a long street i glimpsed at the dashboard and noticed the clock had broken i must have fallen asleep how far away are we i asked with a groggy voice alex didn't respond excuse me are we there soon still no response i bent forward to gently tap him on the shoulder when i noticed his look of utter horror in the rear view mirror pearls of sweat had formed on his forehead and his face had turned pale as a sheet alex what's going on i asked loudly don't don't look at them alex said quietly look at what i stopped dead in my tracks as my tired eyes adjusted to being awake i got a better look at the street we were driving down at first glance it looked like any old neighborhood but as we kept driving i noticed that each and every house was identical gray flaky paint with boarded up windows in front of them stood groups of emaciated people they were just staring at us as we drove past don't look at them alex repeated what's going on there were just a few of them an hour ago each time i look over at them more show up an hour ago where the hell are we the road stretched endlessly far ahead scarcely lit up with dim street lights on each side stood a single row of houses with nothing but darkness behind them the gps told me to drive down glover road so i did it just doesn't end i i i don't know what to do why don't we just turn around i did he shouted after 15 minutes of driving down this neighborhood i turned around that was more than an hour ago the exit just disappeared i tried calling for help but there's no signal i pulled out my own phone to check he was right no signal what are we going to do i asked i don't know i don't know but we're gonna run out of gas in a couple hours the further we drove the dimmer the street lights turned before long they had all but vanished plunging us into darkness despite our best efforts we'd catch glimpses of the weary people staring at us each time we did more of them appeared do you think we could run for it maybe get behind the houses and out of here i asked i don't know but soon we won't have any other options accompanied by nothing but our own headlights we kept driving each mile decreased our amount of gas and within a couple of hours the engine started stalling this is it what are we gonna do alex asked i just shook my head in despair i don't know the car came to a painfully slow halt and we were left stranded in the never-ending neighborhood i made one final attempt at calling for help but not a single bar of signal could be found no sooner had we come to a stop before the people started approaching us within seconds they formed a circle around our car there they stood just staring waiting for us to get out let's make a run for it alex suggested there's too many of them we won't make it through the crowd i argued i'm sorry i can't stay here i have to try with that he unlocked the driver's seat and jolted out from the car the very second he set his foot on the ground he froze in place then he slowly walked over and joined the crowd alex what are you doing he then turned around and stared at me his eyes never blinked and his face had been rid of all emotion within a second the street had taken him and i would be next that was two days ago since then alex still hasn't blinked and his eyes have dried out to the point where they can't possibly function the car's battery has long since died and i have spent most of my time in complete darkness despite the immense amount of time that has passed the sun still hasn't risen above the horizon wherever the hell this place is i am stuck in eternal night the phone has been my only source of light and comfort i've used it sparingly to try to call for help hoping for an impossible rescue even so it'll run out of battery soon once it does i'm going to exit the car and join the crowd of undead i'll leave this message behind hopefully someone will find it and find out what happened to me it's time to go i'll end my message with this whatever you do never drive down glover road it's not supposed to be there i drove an uber for nine months there's one fair i'll never forget it was a rainy morning i picked up a passenger at a down scale hotel he was middle-aged and stocky nothing too remarkable or memorable about him however he chose to sit up front in the passenger seat i'd found that single passengers who selected to ride up front tended to be socially inclined and conversational not this guy he didn't utter a word other than nearest atm i took him to an atm where he withdrew a significant amount of cash then he gave me an address we drove to a ramshackle house in a bad part of town then waited in the driveway as the rain formed puddles in the pothole as we waited the guy made two calls both times his words were hurry we're waiting for you finally a pair of passengers emerged from the house the first was a woman who appeared to be a drug addict emaciated and balanced impaired with a vacant stare the other passenger was a tiny baby in a car seat the guy in the passenger seat didn't raise a finger to help the balance impaired drug addict just watched from the comfort of my car as she struggled to get herself and the baby loaded into the back seat the baby was about four months old making gibberish and spit bubbles back to the hotel i was commanded as i drove the drug addict in the back said have you spoken with him yes the man replied and he's good she asked yes he said that was the extent of their communication meanwhile the various thoughts swimming around in my head were one the baby doesn't belong to either of them two they're moving the baby their traffickers three what the hell should i do we arrived at the hotel they exited my car no tip no surprise there i watched the baby girl being carried up a set of exterior stairs then made a mental note of the room number they entered then i sat for 20 minutes trying to figure out my next move if i truly believed my suspicion then i just wittingly aided and abetted some baby traffickers would i be somehow implicated or what if my suspicions were wrong and they weren't baby traffickers maybe i'd seen too many hitchcock movies in the end i didn't make the call to the authorities i greatly regret my inaction and i hope that that baby girl ended up with a wonderful and loving home but i'll never know some rules for new uber drivers one never chase a surge two never pick up a fare outside a sketchy hotel three never force a passenger to ride share it was midnight i picked up my first fare at a sketchy motorin the passenger standing at the darkened lobby's boarded up front doors was wearing a bright yellow poncho and black ball cap he got into the front seat next to me the ball cap shielding his eyes good evening i greeted him going to the bavarian grill yes their prime rib is sumptuous his voice was high pitched and vaguely european i put the car in gear and got underway how do you like driving for uber he asked i like it i replied any nightmare fares the man inquired what do you mean by nightmare fairs like has anybody vomited in my car that kind of nightmare yes that kind of nightmare no vomiting knock on wood i said just then another fare came in i accepted it and rerouted what are you doing he asked i'm really sorry ride sharing when the surge hits 10 times is the only way to make big bucks you understand don't you he was quiet the new fare was a pair of young ladies obviously intoxicated they fell into the back seat the passenger in the yellow poncho sniffed the air margaritas tonight ladies oh hells yeah they all said guacamole and fish tacos for you he said and spicy queso and tamales for your friend that's cray cray how do you know that another fare pinged on my phone i accepted it and rerouted sorry again the fair was a tall lad wearing a brown cowboy hat he climbed into the back seat squeezing in next to the pair of giggly young ladies the passenger in the yellow poncho sniff the air again you had tennessee whiskey neat and pulled pork with coleslaw in my rear-view mirror i could see the cowboy's eyes going wide cool trick dude the back seat got loud with laughter the threesome poking fun at the passenger in the pancho's peculiar talent we arrived at the bavarian grill and surprise it too was condemned the passenger in the pancho turned to me eyes veiled by the ball cap i don't appreciate being grouped with others without my consent sorry i replied he held a small item in front of his mouth a sugar cube everybody keep your eyes on it he opened his mouth wide slowly something began snaking its way up out of his throat opening its miniature jaws to bite the sugar cube that's a tapeworm the cowboy yelled oh god the lady who'd eaten the tamales vomited first i could smell burnt beans and curdled cheese and tequila the other lady vomited next expelling a wave of fishy avocado mixed with stomach bile then the cow poke barfed a surge of jack daniels tainted barbecue sauce and fermented cabbage i vomited last big mac and chocolate milkshake all over my steering wheel and dash the passenger in the pancho smiled and got out never saw him again i gave him a zero star rating thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 343,367
Rating: 4.8985868 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, dr no sleep, dr. no sleep, 3 uber horror stories animated, uber horror stories animated, 3 uber horror stories, uber horror stories, uber horror story, animated horror stories, scary stories, horror stories, horror animated stories, uber stories, scary uber stories, scary uber stories animated, scary uber story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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