5 Dating App Horror Stories Animated

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i was naturally a ladies man women were naturally attracted to me once dating apps came out i took full advantage of them i would go on three to four dates per week this all changed when i met a girl named gabriela she was an italian bombshell i never stayed with the same girl for more than a few weeks but gabriella and i were together for two months i knew she had a rough family but i had no idea as to what extent after two months of dating gabriella i got tired of her and wanted to see new girls behind her back i began to go on dates again she eventually found out and we had a huge fight all i remember was her slamming the door on me and saying my dad isn't going to be happy about this i didn't think anything of our argument and what she had said to me when leaving a few weeks later some strange things started happening to me first my cable line was cut to my house this wasn't a huge deal but still an inconvenience for me i didn't really think gabriella was behind it until the second incident one morning i went to my car to leave for work all four of my tires were slashed i had enough i texted gabriella that this nonsense needed to stop or else i would go to the police she told me that she was very sorry for my misfortune and that her dad had a temper i texted her so wait your dad's doing this and not you she never responded to my text after getting home from work i will never forget the horror i saw upon walking up to my front door there was a huge butcher knife lodged into my wooden door with a paper note being held in place by the knife i read the note and it said if you ever mess with my daughter again this will be you on the bottom of the note was a decapitated stick figure with gang symbols beneath it long story short i move to a new city and don't use dating apps anymore this happened the first time i ever used tinder i was laying in bed swiping right on most of the girls that popped up on my screen i didn't get any matches so i put my phone down at around 11 45 pm my phone started ringing half asleep i answered the phone and said hello who's this the reply came from what seemed like a very angry drunk man he said listen mate you have got to stop texting my girlfriend on tinder i thought to myself what is this guy talking about i never even matched a girl much less texted any on the app i started to get angry at this guy i said what is your girlfriend doing on tinder anyways you clearly must not be giving her what she wants he replied by saying i'm going to kill you the lion disconnected i put the phone down and laughed it off i did find it strange how i never gave my number out or any of my details but it was so late i didn't give it much thought the next day i was working a late shift at my old health club as i finished my shift i went to my car my phone vibrated in my pocket i pulled my phone out and glanced at the screen it was a text message from a number i didn't recognize it read behind you i ignored the text but the next photo made my heart drop it was a photo outside of the building i worked at now i was scared i could feel my legs sweating i looked around but saw nothing i quickly started walking towards my car then i heard footsteps it was someone running up behind me i turned around and saw a man charging at me with a metal pole he hit me with the pole and it fell out of his hands he then tackled me to the ground he proceeded to punch grab and then strangle me i wrapped my legs around him and pulled him off i then punched him so hard i knocked him out cold i called the police and they came and arrested him the real question i still have is how did he get my number and how did he know where i worked i still use tinder today but i'm careful who i answer my phone to if i see a number i don't recognize i block it now i will never forget that night running away from those creepy goons it all started on a dating app i met a girl named natalya her profile said she was from lithuania her pictures were stunning they looked almost too good to be true i suppose she must have been a model after a few messages back and forth we decided to go on a date i suggested a place to eat but she told me she was dying to check out a certain sushi restaurant i was curious and looked up the place the cheapest plate was fifty dollars i was making a lot of money at the time and this didn't really bother me natalia also told me there was a casino in the building where the restaurant was before leaving to meet up for dinner she texted me you may want to bring some cash if you want to keep up with me at the casino i thought that last text was a bit odd but i got in my car and headed to the restaurant upon arriving i texted her to see where she was at she told me that she was in her car getting ready right before getting out of the car she texted me hey do you think you could walk me in i texted her back yeah no problem i am parked in front of the restaurant which car is yours she told me that she was parked on the side of the restaurant in a black tahoe i texted her come around front silly what are you doing on the side she responded by saying she already put her heels on and didn't feel like taking them off to drive 50 feet i drove over to the side parking lot and saw the black tahoe there were no street lights on this side of the parking lot and her car was the only one there i started to feel a little creeped out by all of this i slowly pulled up to her car i got out to tap on her window right before i was about to touch the window all four doors swung open four guys with black ski masks got out one with a baseball bat i ran as fast as i could back to my car i just made it to my car before anyone could grab me i peeled out of the parking lot and drove as far away as i could from that black tahoe [Music] i live in a small city in romania romania isn't exactly known for their tolerance of gay people it's not as bad as other places such as russia but the situation is definitely not rosy here either i went on grindr and i met a guy named tim he didn't have a profile picture this didn't seem abnormal i figured he didn't want people to know he was gay we messaged each other on the app for a couple days and i ended up really liking the guy we finally agreed to exchange pictures sent him a selfie of myself and he sent me his picture everything was going great or so i thought we finally arranged to meet i had some errands to run at a tailor shop so i asked him to meet me in front of the shop the building in which the tailor shop was located in had four storeys the first floor was a storage room on the second floor there was a clothing shop the third floor was a barber's salon and the fourth floor was the tailor shop i went to the tailor shop to get my pants hemmed afterwards i went down to the clothing shop to browse around as i was looking out the window i noticed there were five men all of them were in their late twenties none of them appeared to be the guy i was messaging none of them even looked remotely close to what the guy looked like i texted the guy i was supposed to meet and asked him if he made it to the tailor shop as soon as i sent the message one of the five guys phones lit up and he started texting as soon as he stopped texting i got a notification from grinder i'm behind the tailor shop i went there to smoke so no one would see me come smoke with me i was terrified i realized i was talking to a different guy the whole time the only exit door was behind the tailor shop i asked him to walk around the side to have a cigarette with me he agreed all five guys went to the side of the tailor shop i peeked my head from the door looked left and right and as soon as i saw my way was clear i ran for it i will never forget those crazy eyes eyes that wanted to kill it all began when i was messaging this girl on tinder she was pretty cute but nothing that special i would say she was a seven out of ten after a bit of messaging she started to talk about her family life and personal issues which she had a lot of to say the least she started to devolve to me that she was taking all kinds of drugs for her anxiety and depression she told me i was the only person she had felt comfortable talking about this i knew i couldn't get into a relationship with this girl she just had too much baggage that i wasn't ready to deal with i politely told her off but she kept messaging me eventually i deleted her profile on the app this is when things got strange she somehow found me on instagram with only my first name she liked and commented on all my pictures now i was annoyed i told her to stop and that i didn't want anything to do with her she messaged me you can run but you can't hide i thought to myself that this girl had to be out of her damn mind after harassing me on instagram for a few days she stopped i thought that i could finally live in peace without getting harassed for my job i was a waiter at an upscale restaurant in my city it was an ordinary evening on the job and everything was going smooth i glanced outside and a pit formed in my stomach it was the tinder girl i thought this had to be a mere coincidence i tried to look busy and pretended to not see her she went up to the hostess and started chit-chatting the hostess came over to me and told me that this fine young lady wanted me as her waiter i thought how did she know i worked here i had no reference to my job on tinder or any social media chills ran through my spine i looked back over to the tinder girl she had a huge smile across her face and her eyes were looking as crazy as ever she said i told you you can run but can't hide thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 199,323
Rating: 4.9068589 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, 5 dating app horror stories animated, dating app horror stories animated, tinder horror stories aniamted, dating app horror stories, tinder horror stories, dating app horror story, tinder horror story
Id: OZ11ziX4iAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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