3 MORE INSANE MultiClass Builds You HAVE To Try In Baldurs Gate 3 - BG3 Best Multiclass Builds

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today I've got three more Boulders Gate 3 multiclass builds for you to try out the theme for these builds is synergy you know classes that go together like peanut butter and J or salt and pepper or like me and carlac all right let's go let me know in the comments any classes you would like me to multiclass in this sort of a style we're going to start off with the storm Warden first now if you like to get wet then maybe you also like lightning maybe not I don't know but if you wet a Target and then deal lightning damage to to it it will deal double lightning damage now there are two classes that combine perfectly into this like wet storm Warden lightning theme class that just Blends so well together so essentially the focus here is on the Sorcerer And The Tempest cleric and you'll be using the sorcerer's metam magic to cast two spells in one turn or one if you've already wet the ground but you'll use it initially first to cast water on the ground and then you'll use a lightning spell to ignite that water and electrocute it but also deal double damage to to anyone standing in it and then you can combine this with things like destructive wrath to make sure you always deal maximum damage or even any of the reactions you get from the sorcerer so you can just deal an insane amount of damage with this build just focusing on Sorcerer And The Tempest cleric which we are using here but also that lightning damage so to put this build together you're really starting off as the sorcerer you can start off the if it's the cleric if you want those extra proficiencies but essentially you want the first couple of levels of the sorcerer to get that meta magic and grab things like careful spell and ween spell and those benefits there and then we're really just grabbing two levels of the Tempest cleric now the main reason that we're only grabbing two is because then you get destructive wrath so when you roll thunder or lightning damage you can use your channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead so essentially what that means is you know how you look at every attack and it say it's going to do you know 8 to 20 damage whatever you use that channel Divinity and it just will deal maximum damage you combine that with a wet Target it's going to absolutely shred enemies because it's going to deal double damage on top of that maximum damage damage so it's really beneficial and you know I've decided to go with the storm sorcerer here as it just kind of fits this build but you can go say the draconic bloodline sorcerer to get a little bit of extra damage around that route as you're sort of leveling up here you will be putting most of your points into sorcerer and grabbing really any of the lightning spells here and anything else that you want to pick up for your Feats I would be grabbing ability Improvement to make sure your charisma is maxed out for your overall damage I'd also grab the elemental adapt for lightning so your spells cast ignore resistance to lightning damage so you know if something is say resistant to lightning damage they no longer are so they're still going to get that amazing amount of damage from your lightning spells which is going to be your main focus here and you can't roll a one on any lightning damage so you always just deal that little bit extra now as you level out your sorcerer as well you'll gain those additional benefits like the Wrath of the storm and everything else and when you're looking at sort of spells and stuff to pick up but really like the benefit for this build is it's very easy to come together and it doesn't require a whole lot of gear in order to succeed luckily though there is some really solid gear that you can combine this with some of that early to mid game like Lightning Charge you get in sort of act one act two that adds lightning charges you can use so when you have a Lightning Charge you will deal additional lightning damage and once you gain five charges they can be consumed to deal additional even more lightning damage so there's benefits there as well if you wanted to combo with some gear but for the most part the build succeeds without it right you just need to throw some water on someone and then spray them with lightning and it will just destroy them there isn't much else to say here and then you can sort of Tinker with say maybe a little bit of a dip into wizard if you want to get a little bit more spells or a little bit more flare but I just don't think it's needed right you just you really just need to use that meta magic to Quicken a spell cast some water on the ground and then just Spam lightning spells at them and that's that's it like that's the whole build all right on to the next one raging bear is a barbarian and moon drud combo now I really wanted to do something with klac and the Barbarian in general as barbarians aren't particularly great at multiclassing I've said that in a couple of videos but obviously you can just go like the classic fighter and get actions Surge and that sort of thing and it's like yeah you know that's cool and all but it's kind of boring but I wanted to do something a little unique and this is an interesting way to keep with say the theme of one of the Barbarian subclasses but then also make the moon Drew just a tiny little bit better so essentially what we're doing here is we're grabbing mostly Drew because we're going Moon dree to really get into that combat wild shape aspects now a downside of combat wild shape is that you lose essentially like everything that you're say equipped in and all that sort of like benefits when you are wild shaped one thing that doesn't get rid of though is any of say your rage benefits now a downside to the Barbarian is that you can't use any spells when you have rage and it's the same thing really with a moon drud when you have wild shaped so these combo well together so say if you wanted to use spells then you don't have Rage or wild shape active and out of combat spell is that sort of thing you can use but in combat what you can do is you can rage and then wild shape and your rage buff will actually last through your wild shape and what we're doing here as a way to combine this is we're using the bare heart Rage which will give you a buff to your resistances and essentially make you resistant to all types of damage except psychic so then when you've got that active and then you wild shape into another form your wild shape is going to last significantly longer and if you go to something say like a bear you can goat targets into attacking you which will then obviously do less damage but then you can even use other things right like say you know the AL bear or any of the other wild shaped forms the benefit to this on top of that though is something that you can do is combine this with the tabin BR feet so essentially what that does is when you make an unarmed attack you can add your strength to that attack twice now when you're wild shaped those attacks are unarmed attacks so you will actually get that strength modifier being added twice so the one thing to consider here is when you're wild shaping you want to make sure you wild shape into a creature that has a high amount of strength the AL bear is great as it has 20 strength so that means an extra five for those attack rolls so essentially the way the combat encounter goes here is at the start of the encounter you'll rage you'll get those benefits from your bare heart and then on the that next turn you'll use that combat wild shape you have to start combat in your human form because you want to get that rage off the downside to that is is that you kind of waste that first turn this build needs that first turn to get going once you've got that and you've actually switched forms you are going to see a huge amount of success in that wild shaped form and it just gives you a little bit more benefits to Wild shaping you know one of the downsides of the dro is that they just aren't great like especially the wild shaped drw there just better options and this gives you a little bit more juice to that sort of a form but I think it also combos well with this sort of a setup as you can then switch into those forms and you've got sort of Barbarian that you can fall back on if you wanted to go that route and even spells right if you are in your human form so youve got that route as well the last build we're going to call the Slayer and this is a b Fighter combo and this almost made it into my last three multiclass builds as it does focus a lot on the synergies with dealing a lot of attacks per turn but I felt like three was a better number for video title so I kept this one for this video so Sumi but anyway so what this is is it's a Bard and Fighter combo and the reason we're combining these is because with I mean the fighter is just a great class to dip into for any multiclassing because of action Surge and we're leveraging that for this build specifically for slashing flourish so when you go into the subass College of Swords you get access to these like weapon arts for The Bard and one of them is the slashing flourish which can be used for Millie or ranged attacks and it will allow you to attack up to two enemies at once now because you also get an extra attack in just a standard turn this will to attack four times essentially right because you can attack two enemies at once and then with that extra attack you can do that again so that's four times now you combo that with action Surge from figher and that makes it eight attacks in that one turn now what's really great about this build is it's so versatile as it's both A Millie and a ranged build and because we are going the College of Swords you get to pick a fighting star which we're obviously going jeweling here which will then allow you to add two extra damage to any of those attacks we're using with say a Rapier or those sort of a weapons and then on top of that because we're going fighter you get access to another fighting star which you can then go archery so which will then add two extra damage to all of your ranged attacks so you've got a bow that deals extra damage you've got a sword that deals extra damage you can then attack eight times in the one turn with all of that extra damage stacking on top of each other so it's just an another like really great combo to combine together to deal heaps of damage so we're picking out four levels of the fighter here and we're probably for the subass we're going to go Champion I tweeted around with potentially going like Eldridge Knight because you get like the spell level and then also you could grab some extra spells but because they're using intelligence as a spell casting modifier and we're not a intelligence-based class like at all it just didn't really seem that beneficial so we ended up going Champion mainly because the champion subass feed that will improve your Critical Hits so you get that additional benefit and because we're attacking so many times you got a much higher percentage chance of rolling those Critical Hits so you get the benefits from that as well we're going for in fighter here to get that extra feed and then same for Bard we're going eight to get that extra feed and in The Bard line here we are going obviously the College of swords and in terms of the Spells you want to pick up you can grab anything you like that really supplements this build but we're mainly focusing on those martial attacks with this combo but then you've got those backups to spells if you want to use them not overly much to say about Feats here really just grab the ability Improvement I'm actually making this build a strength build using the Titan string bow as it's a fantastic bow to use which I didn't mention before so that obviously uses strength so we are using strength here as this General build setup but that's up to you you can go dexterity there's completely nothing wrong with that obviously you get more I and you get the benefits from that you could do something similar to this build with the thief's Rogues extra bonus action for attacking and like using two hand crossbows to like get that extra like off hand attack maybe there's something there that I might play around with in a different build but let me know what you think of this series I might keep this going for a little bit and just like combining a couple of like three different multiclass builds that I'm intering with and maybe we'll do like some class specific ones or something I'm really to know what you guys think about these so let me know in the comments but thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great [Music] day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 28,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 multiclass build, best baldurs gate 3 multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 multiclass builds, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3, bg3 multiclass, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 mutliclass, multiclassing bg3, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 multiclass builds, norzza, bg3 bard multiclass build, bg3 barbarian multiclass build, bg3 sorc multiclass
Id: wmmJBZQ_Eks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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