This Build is Completely Broken in Baldur's Gate 3

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the eldrich blast sorlock is one of the strongest builds in balers Gate 3 for the extremely high damage output thanks to multiple sources of damage from a single eldrich blast cast and very powerful items to complement it this build has insane crowd control by pairing frightened with prone forcing enemies to skip their turns repeatedly the build also becomes strong very early on and is perfect for a Tav thanks to the super high Charisma to get started choose warlock at level one make sure to select eldrich blast as one of your C trips because it will be the action weuse use most often for subass you'll want to choose the fiend subass because the temporary health after slaying an enemy can be helpful early on for spells you'll want hex and hellish rebuke hex is a damage Rider adding necrotic damage to attack rols since eldrich blast is an attack roll each blast will deal additional necrotic damage when used on a hex Target we'll want to use our bonus action to apply hex before casting Aldridge blasts on a target for this bonus necrotic damage hellish rebuke can be used as a reaction when attacking to deal fire damage this can be especially helpful to finish off wounded enemies during their turn at level two you'll want to select your eldrich invocations agonizing blast is the best for an eldrich blast build because it adds your charisma modifier to the damage it deals and Charisma is where we put the majority of our ability points you'll also want to select repelling blast this causes your eldrich blast to push your targets back up to 4.5 M away from you this is incredibly powerful to both keep enemies away from melee range where you would get disadvantaged from threatened but also gives you the option to instantly kill enemies by pushing them into chasms at level three you'll want to choose scorching Ray as your next spell to learn this spell hurls three rays of fire each dealing two to 12 fire damage this spell is most powerful when used on a hex Target since each Ray of fire will gain additional necrotic damage making this your best single Target burst damage spell at this level which is absolutely amazing for your packed Boon you'll want to select packed of the chain this gives you access to find familiar imp the Imp has invisibility which can be used an unlimited number of times which can be used out outside of combat to initiate and surprise enemies making them skip their turn allowing you to sometimes end encounters before your enemies even have a chance to take a turn at this level you can also replace the spell you learned at level one with cloud of daggers cloud of daggers deals 4 D4 slashing damage in an area and is our best AOE option right now at level four I'd recommend you get Misty step as it will be helpful to get around you also get access to your first feet which we'll use on ability Improvement to increase our Charisma to 19 getting ATI ethyl's hair to increase our Charisma to 20 would be ideal for this build at level five you'll get access to new powerful spells choose Fireball and replace Misty step with Hunger of Hadar both Fireball and hunger of Hadar are powerful spells and Misty step can be found on a lot of equipment so it is no longer needed at level five you'll also get another eldrich invocation this time choose Devil's sight this makes Darkness much more powerful allowing you to see through it but your enemies cannot this will also give your enemies disadvantage when they try to attack you while you sit in the darkness and simultaneously give you Advantage when you attack them also your imp will now gain extra attack at level six you'll want to go to Withers and change your class to sorcerer Sorcerers get Proficiency in Constitution saving throws which helps you keep concentration on spells you'll be using like Darkness or haste for canant trips I would choose Firebolt minor illusion Mage hand and light for spells shield and enhanced leap are perfect for your subass you'll want to choose draconic bloodline this gives you draconic resilience increasing your base Armor class to 13 when not wearing armor since potent robes is our best armor and it isn't armor this fits perfectly you'll also want to choose a draconic ancestry that matches which resistance you want fire is probably the most common damage type you'll run into so any of the fire ancestries are a good choice but gold is probably the best for the disguise self utility at level two sorcerer make sure to choose metamagic twin spell and extended spell this gives us the option to use twin spell to cast haste on two enemies simultaneously at level three sorcerer make sure to choose metamagic Quicken spell this is the primary metamagic will be using to get an additional eldrich blast each turn at level four sorcerer make sure to choose the feat ability Improvement and again put both points into Charisma our next level will go into warlock this time choosing the great old one subclass for Mortal reminder mortal reminder makes your Critical Hits cause frightened in an area of effect which makes them unable to move and receive disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles this is extremely powerful for keeping enemies controlled at level two warlock this time our eldrich invocations will be agonizing blast and Devil's sight our next two levels will both go into sorcerer to obtain haste Fireball counter spell and Elemental Affinity resistance to activate this resistance all you have to do is cast a Firebolt and it will last until long rest once we have six levels of sorcerer the last four levels will all go into fighter at level one fighter choose defense fighting style and at level three choose Champion for improved critical hit since we chose the great old one warlock subclass we'll want as much much critical hit chance as possible and our last level will be in fighter to unlock our final feat spell sniper reducing our rle needed for a crit by one moving on to the best in slot gear for this build starting with the helm the best Helm for this build is birthright it increases your charisma by two to a Max of 22 since our build is relying so heavily on Charisma this is an obvious choice and you can obtain this in sorceress Sundries if Roland is dead loken's projection sells it if both Roland and lokin are alive Roland will sell it and if Roland is alive but Lorin is dead it can be pickpocketed from Roland in rami's Tower the best cloak for this build is the cloak of the weave this cloak grants a plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolles and allows you to absorb Elemental damage once per short rest and deal an additional 1d6 of that element on your next attack you can obtain this from hellick at the devil's fee in act three the best armor for this build is the potent robe it grants gregarious Caster causing your can trips to deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier and it grants well-liked and well fortified which grants temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier at the beginning of the wearer's turn to get this robe you need to complete the quest rescue the teelings in act two and Al will give this to you this involves breaking out the prisoners inside M towers and making sure alira doesn't die in act one or you won't be able to get these robes when it comes to gloves the second best gloves for this build are these spell m gloves these gloves Grant an additional 1d8 damage to a spell that requires an attack roll at the cost cost of a minus5 penalty to that attack roll the additional damage is incredible and your attack roles should almost never miss you can obtain these gloves by completing the quest fine dribbles the clown from lucious or a much easier way to get them is to just pickpocket them off lucrecias or Lu them off lucious's corpse the best gloves for this build however are crater flesh gloves these gloves cause you to deal an additional 1d6 Force damage whenever you score a critical hit and this 1d6 Force damage is a damage Source activating all of our damage Riders again however it is currently bugged and is dealing much more than 1d6 Force damage right now since we are stacking so much critical hit chance with this build it fits perfectly you can purchase these gloves from the echo of a bazal in the murder tribunal after you become an Unholy Assassin of ball the best boots for this build are boots of Stormy clamor These Boots inflict two turns of reverberation when the wearer inflicts a condition upon a hostile creature when combined with spine shutter amulet which inflicts two turns of reverberation when the wearer deals damage with a range spell attack you will very very quickly reach five sexs of reverberation and knock your target prone now in order for a creature to remove prone they need to use movement but because of mortal reminder causing frightened which makes creatures unable to move your target is actually unable to do anything but remain prone and thus skip their turn you can purchase the boots of Stormy clamor from omum in the mikid Colony after completing the quest help omum investigate the parasite and of course the best amulet for this build is the spine shutter amulet like we mentioned in the boot section this Amulet inflicts Two turns of reverberation when the wearer deals damage with a range spell attack and when combined with boots of Stormy clamor which inflict two turns of reverberation when the wearer inflicts a condition upon a hostile creature you will very quickly reach five stacks of reverberation and knock your target prone and again in order to remove prone a Target needs to use movement but because of mortal reminder causing frightened which makes them unable to move your target is unable to do anything but remain prone and skip their turn this amulet can be looted from the mimic in the bedroom on the Upper Floor of moonrise Towers when it comes to your rings the first ring you're going to want to get is the coruscation ring this ring inflicts two turns of radiating orb upon the target when the wearer deals spell damage while eliminated by a light source radiating orb is powerful because it gives minus one to the target's attack rolls and it also enables our next ring Callis glow ring to deal additional damage the coruscation ring can be found very well hidden inside the cellar of last Light in inside of a heavy chest in the second ring callous glow ring causes the wearer to deal an additional two points of radiant damage against creatures that are illuminated since we have the coruscation ring causing radiating orbs and Illuminating the area will always get these two additional points of radiant damage just make sure to cast light on your character so that you're always within a light source whenever you use spells to activate coruscation ring and finally the kis glow ring can be found inside of an ulet chest inside the Vault near Bazar inside the gauntlet of sh when it comes to your melee weapons the first weapon you'll want to seek out is the spell sparkler this Quarter Staff grants two lightning charges to the wielder each time they deal damage with a spell or can trip since eldrich blast deals damage multiple times as you level up you'll generate lots and lots of lightning charges with this staff you are rewarded the spell sparkler by Saving counselor Floric from the burning building in Walken's rest make sure when you first encounter Walken's rest you immediately go and save her because because if you walk by without doing that this weapon will be lost forever you'll eventually replace this quarter staff for knife of the under Mountain King which is one of the best weapons for this build this knife reduces the number you need to roll a critical hip by one which is perfect for our crit Focus build the knife of the under Mountain King can be purchased from AAC near jira in Crash yic for your second melee weapon you'll want to get raps City this grants a plus one bonus to attack rolls damage and spell save DC for every foe you slay up to plus three and this can be found on the corpse of Cazador Zar and for your ranged weapon slot there's nothing better than the Deadshot and it's the best for this build because it reduces the number you need to roll a critical hit by one again supporting this highly crit focused build so your final build will be six sorcerer to warlock for fighter six sorcerer gives us lots of spell slots to convert into sorcery points so that we can use Eldridge blast as a bonus action each turn by using metamagic quickened spell with haste bloodlust and metam Magic quickening we can get up to four casts of ald blast per turn and there are ways to get even more per turn but I prefer this build more than them for maxing out Critical Strike chance in Charisma and the incredible amount of spell slots you can convert into sorcery points
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 387,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, eldritch blast, warlock, sorlock, sorcerer, craterflesh gloves, agonizing blast, repelling blast, pact of the chain, scorching ray, devil's sight, hex, darkness, hellish rebuke, potent robes, rhapsody, knife of the undermountain king, the dead shot, birthright, sorcery points, metamagic quickened spell, imp, fireball, misty step, overpowered build, eldritch blast build, best builds in bg3, best build, warlock build, build, best class
Id: 3aoY6YnCjbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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