20+ Secrets and ADVANCED Tips and Tricks Baldurs Gate 3 Doesn’t Want You To Know - (BG3 Tips)

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the Xbox release is coming fast with Boulders Gates 3 so I wanted to Cate some of the Lesser known tips tricks secrets and more for the game that you should know about we cover hidden Buffs combat mechanics patch changes and more let's go let me know any that I may have missed or that you have in the comments down below so we're can to help each other out so this is things that I may have covered before plus some other things that I haven't and I just wanted to collate everything into one video so that if you're returning to bers gate you've got a bit of a refresher or say if you're playing for the first time on Xbox you've got a bunch of really interesting tips that you will know we'll start with one of the most common annoyances I think for or at least for me and that's Inventory management so you're going to pick up a ton of things in this game there's just constantly things to pick up and you're going to be moving it between all of your characters and just like make sure you're not over incumbent and all that stuff one of the really good tips like the best tip across the board is that things like your keys that you pick up or any you know food and supplies as well as any Alchemy items will automatically go into the keychain the supply pack and the Alchemy pouch however this doesn't always happen and sometimes they can get like pulled out because of various quests or you know they just like don't happen what you can actually do is move a keychain the supply pack or the Alchemy pouch into a inventory and it will automatically scoop up any of those items that are within that inventory and put them into that pouch now this only works for these three specific things so Supply pack for all of your you know your supply items that you would use for your long resting so all the food and everything keys are obviously for keys and Alchemy pouches for all of your Alchemy stuff the alchemy One is definitely one of the better ones that this works for because you'll pick up a ton of like herbs and everything throughout the playthrough and being able to scoop these up into a pouch very easily is super valuable something else to point out as well is that any of like your camp supplies that go into like that Supply pouch that they should actually just go into your traveler's chest because your traveler's chest will be accessed when you go to Long rest so anything that's there so you don't have to actually carry all of that extra weight and they can be pretty heavy especially all the food items and stuff when you've got heaps with you so putting them in your Travelers chest is a good way to not have to sort of worry about that whole process you can also like pick up containers that you find like say backpacks or any sort of pouches you find throughout the world sometimes you can just like pick them up and just use them as carrying containers I like to do this for things like Scrolls and that sort of a thing because they just take up a lot of space in your inventory it would just be nice if you know they didn't for one but you can sort of put them all into like one backpack and like whack them on Gale or something like that just so you don't have to carry them and see them all of the time you can also pick up chests and store them at your Camp say for example if you are out of lockpicks or you just like fail to check on everyone you can just pick up the chest and send it to your camp and do a very similar thing right you know you can just then pull it out at your camp and then be able to actually lockpick it and in this way you may have also notice that your traveler's chest has unlimited carry away so you can just fill that bad boy up with everything that you don't necessarily need to carry on you so any armor weapons supplies Etc you can just dump it in there and speaking of that carry weight if you press tab you'll be able to bring up everyone inventory together it's just a great way to manage your inventory when you are on PC so you can move things between them now you don't actually have to move something into a companion's inventory in order to actually like use it right if you have someone else selected you can actually still use something from someone else's inventory just pay attention to the name that it says in Brackets right like say if you're trying to create potion or something like that and if you click the equipped symbol on the inventory screen you can actually see all of the items that can be equipped into that specific slot so you don't have to hunt through your inventory list try and find specific things this doesn't include inactive companions or your Camp chest like it should absolutely include your Camp chest though right laran you're listening please make this include your Camp chest like I don't want to have to carry 20 pieces of armor around just because I like to change my build every day but but this is like super helpful right so I use this all the time when I'm trying to like figure out what I want to use for my builds I essentially just like put everything that I have on all of my companions and figure out what sort of equipment I want to use and that's like the best thing to do with patch 5 that launched literally the day after I recorded this video you you can now access your companions inventories without needing to First add them to your party there's a new camp companions option in the bottom left when you're at camp now this will only allow you to equip and move items from their inventory but it doesn't change what I mentioned earlier in that when you're looking at those equip slots you won't actually see items from your inactive party members or your traveler's chest in the equip slots baby steps right let's move on to another massive topic and that's these hidden Buffs and it's really all comes down to these like ritual spells and this concept of like Camp casters so every day that you go out you've got a bunch of companions that just stay at your camp and it's important that you can actually use them right like there's no reason why you can't equip them into your active party for a brief amount of time to say use certain spells that last until your next long rest what I would highly recommend to do is go to Withers and grab a highing that's either a cleric or a wizard and then multiclass them into the other one especially a transmutation Wizard and we'll cover why in a little bit but when you do this you'll be able to pick up these ritual spells now the main one here is really long Strider to increase your movement speed by 3 m into your next long rest but you can also grab a a to give you temporary HP and the when you upcast Aid you'll get more temp HP so the further you get in the game this still becomes valuable and it's just like free HP right and because you're doing this on someone that's going to stay at your Camp you're not wasting any spell slots for that right so you can do that in that way so anything that has that until long rest like a last for that long and isn't a concentration spell you'll be able to use that and then once you remove that party member from your active party it doesn't matter because it's still being cast and it's not a concentration spell you can do this with other things like there are other witw spells like feather fall and enhanced leap and stuff but they don't last until long rest so they're not as useful but say if you need them you can have someone at your camp that you could quickly switch in and out of your party to use even dialogue spells like speak to the dead or speak with animals detect thoughts those sort of spells as well having a cleric and a wizard sort of combo for this is best because you get aid from the cleric line plus a few other spells there as well as the wizard picks up all the other ritual spells but the main reason you want to go to the transmutation wizard is because of their class feature that will allow you to craft two potions instead of one with Alchemy when you pass a medicine check now this is really valuable because when we talk about potions our next topic there are some absolutely insane potions that just give you so much value in terms of Buffs right like you could you know you can obviously do things like cut like make grenades and that sort of thing but the main benefits here in the early game would be the potion of speed which is essentially a free wind condition not only does give you free movement speed it also gives you an additional action in combat right so we've talked about a lot of my multiclass builds about how attacking multiple times per turn it's just super valuable now with the potion of speed it gives you an extra action to use so it's essentially a free accent surge every turn while it lasts now once it does expire you'll get lethargic which does have its own debuffs but you get this benefit very easy but most times like these encounters end before that effect wears out alternatively as you get further in the game you've got blood loss which is like even better so when you defeat an enemy you get a temporary HP bonus as well as another action for that turn right so if you in like the later games when we're talking about these builds we can attack like eight times per turn with one action right you are obviously going to defeat an enemy in that turn if you focus fire on someone then you get another action and you can just you know attack another eight times right like these potions are absolutely incredible and there're just a couple of them right like there's bark skin to increase your armor class and plenty of others that just do these really valuable things so Alchemy is something to not be slept on right it was only added with the full release of the game and it's absolutely beneficial to use for crafting these sort of amazing benefits that really help with some of those late game bosses so highly recommend another fun tip is about passives and their General like willingness to make things better so one thing to think of right is non-lethal attacks now you can do this and enable this to knock out enemies rather than actually killing them you have to like knock them out with martial weapons you can't like knock them out by smacking them in the face with you know a fireball or something right that doesn't really work but if you knock enemies out they will still survive those attacks which in some scenarios is actually beneficial there are certain boss encounters as well as different outcomes to quests that this is important for which I won't spoil but just you'll be thinking about that if something is important that you say no don't kill me for whatever reason but there are other reasons to use passives as well right like you can turn off weapons that have lights like some weapons just have like a massive light on them this makes stealth really hard because it's literally a light coming out of your weapon and in your passive you can turn this off and you can see that this actually changes how obscured you are like when you're stealth there are other Buffs and like class specific features as well that will show up in here that you'll often get as you level out your classes with your class features so just important to remember that you have that passives Tab and be thinking about that as you're entering in boss fights and encounters because in some cases like some of the Monk class fees you can just get like free damage from enabling certain passives so just consider that as well with all of that gear in your inventory you will spend a ton of time talking to vendors now there's a few important things to remember here when you start a conversation with a vendor the prices will be calculated based off the character that you start that conversation with and their not only their attitude with that specific character but also their Charisma stat so in this example here you can see when I'm talking to this vendor with will that his Charisma is obviously a lot higher than aarian and you can see the price difference for this Longbow is significantly different even though they have different attitudes as well you can see that that stat difference just because of that Charisma difference is also different as well you can increase their attitude towards you by selling items for less than they worth or just giving them items for free and then you know does calculate into getting you items back in terms of bartering for like less but for the most part you'll be moving through the game at a rate that you don't necessarily need to do this like I would really just be talking to people with your highest Charisma stat and if that fails you can just steal their inventories right like if you have a character that's quite stealthy you can stealth behind them and steal anything that you like and if you're also wanting to sell more items vendor gold does refresh when you either level up or you long rest and that gold level will refresh combat is the last key part of bers yet we haven't really touched on now one of the key things to remember is surface synergies so if there's water on the ground you can Electrify it my storm Ward multiclass is absolutely brilliant for this so go and check out that video you can also put things on the ground like grease or oil and set them a blaze speaking of putting grease on oil on the ground if you have a backpack in your inventory speaking of the method we talked about earlier how you can carry backpacks you can put explosives and bombs and all that stuff in them throw the backpack and it will throw all of those items at once so you don't have to throw them individually and then with say just hitting them with one sort of range attack you can actually activate all of those effects at once now this doesn't do heaps of damage right it sounds like it should do like a massive amount of damage and explosions and all that kind of stuff and it it does do that like putting grease and fire in there is obviously great because you can create like a fire hazard on the ground but if you have a lot of bombs and grenades that apply status effects you can do this to apply all of those status effects at once so it's a great like fight start opener so you can apply those status effects to everything sort of in that surrounding area and then attack from there also High Ground is obviously amazing for range characters it's always valuable you can create your own High Ground by stacking crates and climbing on top of them don't forget to examine enemies all of the time it's one of the best things you should do in every combat encounter because basically every enemy has some sort of resistance and you won't know about it unless you use the examine feature so obviously use that it will help you decide what types of damage to use against them what type of spells to use and it will explain any of the unique Buffs that any of these like unique enemies may have so make sure you're right clicking and examining on all of these enemies laran have been regularly updating the game since launch with a number of patches that have come out and they've actually added valuable things for you to think about if you're returning to Boulders gate or even playing for the first time one of them is that there is a magic mirror at every single camp this can be a little bit hidden so make sure you're looking for it either on the map or just like running around to find it this will allow you to change your appearance now you can't change any of your race or any of that stuff cuz it's all link to you know the role playing aspects but you can just like tweak your appearance here if you wanted to you can also do this for higher link as well which is a massive buff that you can now actually change these hings so they can look a certain way if you want to do that you can also change their name there as well patch 5 also added a brand new epilog with over 3,000 additional recorded lines that occurs 6 months after the main events from the game where you can catch up with your companions and other people that you've met across your journey and find out what's been happening with them this is in itself worth another playthrough or just booting up an old save to check it out honestly to see these different variations that can happen here but this is a massive addition to Boulders Gate 3 well after the launch just for free like it's huge and there has been just an insane amount of bug fixes and like dialogue fixes and just new scenes and Corrections being added like there's been a lot of new scenes and changes to say KAC and mintha the two companions they've had plenty of fixes and changes as well so this and everything else that's been added to the game is absolutely huge right there's too much to go through and I wouldn't recommend reading all the patch notes CU there is a lot there but you know if you are returning to the game you will notice some changes and things that have been up ated I've got tons more tips and builds and all that good stuff on the channel including another video that covers even more unique tips and tricks and things you need to check out so go and watch those videos thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 18,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 advanced tip, baldurs gate 3 advanced guide, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 things to know, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 beginners tips, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 combat, norzza, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, bg3, baldurs gate 3 starter guide, bg3 secrets, bg3 hidden features, bg3 secret features, bg3 advanced tips
Id: Y1FynUa7A74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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