Baldur's Gate 3 - 7 Best MOST POWERFUL Multiclass Builds Possible - Fast Easy Honour Mode Guide!

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hello and welcome back to balers Gate 3 it's been a while since I've been able to say that with the release of the Xbox version of the game earli this month as alongside the awesome honor mode update with that mode there's going to be a lot of builds that going to be great as a single class Focus but multiclasses are fun and there's some seriously strong ones that we've been learning about since the launch of the game today I've got a pile of awesome really strong multiclass builds to consider with a variety of play Styles this should serve as quick beginner ideas for you to then flesh out and as a reminder balers great 3 is extremely forgiving with its resp mechanics the strength Elixir and the busted items which I won't be fully talking about today either way let's get started to kick us off we have that well-known classic the tavn brawler monk because Tavern brawler is heavily argued to be the strongest feet in the game this multiclass is using that to its maximum with a combination of open hand Monk and the thief Rogue the monk provides the strong basic attacks the extra attack and Thief provides an extra bonus attack per turn which is best used on Flurry of Blows letting you attack four times a turn without any Buffs or haste or anything like that the potential is pretty pretty ridiculous but the damage is really high thanks to tavn Brawlers specifically you also get lots of utility like stunning strike or steps of win for Dash and disengage all the awesome deflect missiles and more the final level balance for this build though would be eight levels into open hand monk four into the thief Rogue getting you three fat total and lots of extra stats so when you're ready to work in the Rogue probably when you're like level six or seven on the monk this is the path that suggested Rogue could be taken for the first level with the following six levels then going into monk at this point you'll have your first feet with the monk level four which is naturally the main event of the build Tavern brawler you go for the plus one on Constitution in this case Tavern brawler is the thing that's causing your unarmed attacks to work in your strength modifier and it adds it twice to the damage and the attack rolls which is broken when using the Elixir to have high strength especially early you are making a massive impact with that from this feat the following three levels will go into Rogue then to get the thief subclass going the big Power Spike with Flurry of Blows on your bonus actions and you'll also get another feat to further help your stats all the last levels will then go into monk so you get eight in the Monk and four in the rad with that you have a great balance of stats and tons of options for utility making great use of this very busted Tavern brawler concept but next we can't really talk about Tav brawler monk without also talking about the throwing version which is not just genuinely strong and well known at this point but definitely one of the strongest things in the game again Tavern brawler causes unarmed attacks to use that strength modifier twice to damage and attack rolles but it also does this to improvised weapons and yes throwing particularly the fact that it affects attack rolls is why this is so good cuz it's way more likely to land and the leveling setup for this is best used with a multiclass as well but a triple one barbarian Rogan fighter fighter makes your life easier via the eldrich Knight if you want to go that route you can bind a weapon to you which gives you lots of different options in the late game for what weapon to use but the build will be relying on the returning pike weapon which is found in act one either way so it's not exactly vital the Barbarian is vital though you have rages meaning extra damage for both melee and throwing attacks but also this is where you get your extra attack and the Berserker subass gives you frenzy meaning you can use enraged throw you can use bonus actions to do your froze instead then and it adds your current strength modifier to the attack a second time so a big damage increase the Rogue is providing you the extra bonus action from Thief so you've got more chances to throw the leveling is pretty simple we start as Barbarian and you want 17 strength and 16 constitution in particular to maximize the damage we go Barbarian to level three where we can now take the Berserker subclass and get that frenzy at four you've got your feet where of course we're taking Tavern brawler in that case you want the plus one strength now you've got 18 then at five on your Barbarian you've got extra attack and from there we can start dipping into the Rogue until level three for the thief so now you've got that extra bonus action the last levels then can go nicely into fighter getting a fighting style of your choice probably defense and then the subclass champion will make crits slightly more likely and again you could go eldrich Knight if you want to get the bind weapon for more options for weapons late game if you don't want to use like nner or something but that's the concept a well-known Ultra a strong pick moving on another well-known top tier build is the dualan crossbow builds not quite what they once were but still very strong and there's a bunch of ways you can run this this could be Rogan fighter you might do a b version for slashing flourish rang is very popular too there's a load of ways to do it but whatever you're doing you're probably centering it around the Sharpshooter feet and also archery fighting style to help counter the negatives of the Sharpshooter if you can get two weapon fighting on top then it's going to be very good so there's many ways to get these things but here's just one strong suggestion a ranger that's using Gloom stalker as it subass it's probably going to be a great pick always here you can get the archery fighting style at range level two and then gloomstalker is going to start doing some serious work it provides dread ambusher for the all important initiative to get the first go and start smashing targets it even adds an extra 1d8 of damage outside of that you got things like dark vision an Umble shroud to turn invisible when you're in the dark to so this subclass gives you extra burst to start a fight and helps you position during a fight at level five you get extra attack to send out even more attacks and by that point you have your first feet which would be Sharpshooter completely removing the penalties of High Ground rules but also increases the damage in exchange for that penalty to attack rolls this used to be more busted because it didn't seem to actually affect your offhand attacks but they fixed that now but there is an item in the game called the risky ring which really helps with that I like Ranger with fighter the Battle Master subclass provides a lot of utility and at just level one in fighter you get another fighting style option so if you picked archery with the range now you can get two weapon fighting which will add your ability modifier to the damage of your offhand attacks really improving the offhand damage potential the fighter will also give you things like action surge for an extra main action per short rest and then Battle Master for its superiority die attacks Precision attack could be great to help get more consistency for the attacks but there's loads of utility options there four levels into fighter would get you another feat and then you've got the three remaining levels for the class overall which could easily go into Thief that give you the second bonus action for your off hand attacks but also things like sneak attack for extra burst as you're able to do that this is just one way to run a dual hand crossbow build though like I said there's lots of very strong ways I'm sure there'll be more suggestions in the comments for the next build we can't really talk about the whole duelan crossbow stuff without also mentioning a very strong stealth focused gloomstalker assassin build a unique play style about destroying your enemies from far and surprise in the dark and then leaving and returning to do it again it's very flexible in an on a mode situation it's also good cuz if things are going wrong you can just leave for for the sake of variety I'm highlighting the Titan string bow build the Titan string bow is basically a long bow that provides extra damage equal to your strength modifier even though yet you could still run this kind of build with like dual hand crossbows but with Titan string and the fact that you can use the elixir of Hill giant strength to absolutely carry you can get a lot of damage via that i' start this out as a Gloom stalker though pushing this to higher levels and then maybe Respec to get the Rogue part going once you're ready say six levels into Ranger to have a functional build early and then you can Respec and go three and three in each the Gloom stalker subclass is so good for this concept thanks to the initiative the extra turn to begin with the bonus damage all on your first attack and then at level five if things go wrong you can also use misy step to get out of there when you're ready to go into the Assassin though you want at least three levels still in Gloom stalker to keep that initiative and the first turn extra stuff and then three levels into Rogue to get assassin Assassin's what provides the real burst though passively at level three you've got advantage on your attack rolls when attacking something that hasn't taken a turn yet which results in better accuracy despite that sharp Sho of feet you taking your damage should be nice and high there with the fact that you'll always critically hit when Landing an attack roll against a surprise Target and then there's that last passive that gives you your action and bonus actions back right at the start of combat as another fantastic perk from here on though we push the Gloom stalker all the way to level eight this leaves you with just one last level to put back into the Rogue to get another feet for the build so yeah the concept of this is to look to kill your enemies within one turn maybe even multiple enemies before they get a chance to fight back when they are able to react you can literally just leave stealth exit teleport away and then just return to the now dwindled pack of enemies ready to take out another and then just repeat until they're all gone it is a unique play style but it's definitely not for everyone but if you're looking to do whatever you need to to clear on a mode this is a great option all right so compared to the previous builds we've talked about it'd be nice to have something more front Liney that's where the awesome Locker in comes in this multiclass is a simple mix of Paladin warlock leading to Great survivability but also good burst the subass of the Paladin's a bit up for debate on the other hand the Warlock is always going to be the great old one you get Mt reminder so when you crit which does happen often you'll cause fear on enemies meaning they now have disadvantage and at level five on the Warlock you get the Allin Point deep impacted leading to a second extra attack on top of your Paladin's original also warlock spell slots means you get your spells back every short rest maintaining your output even after multiple fights for the sake of variety let's talk more about the Frontline verion in this case oath of ancients Paladin is a great subass to go for you get the aura of warding which gives you huge resistance to spells and as a aura if you have P members near you they'll get it too for leveling you'd want Max Charisma you can start with since your spells are scaling with Charisma for both the lock and Paladin as a reminder you definitely want to lean on the hill giant Elixir for the strength in act one as usual for leveling you can start with your Paladin all the way to level seven you get your subclass the smites the first feet and extra attacker level five and at seven you got Aura of warden going from the feet we recommend the Savage attacker which is found to be top tier for paladins in general different from DND D larion has you rolling your damaged dice twice with this letting you use the highest result from that feat which is super strong from here we can start the multic classing though with the remaining five levels going into warlock your warlock subclass is going to be the great old one like I mentioned and from your eldrich invocation choices beguiling influence and repelling blast could to be great here you can pick whatever you like a level three warlock you want packed of the blade though leading into its deep and packed at level five and also you're going to get another feat here which helps push the Charisma even further from this though you'll have lots of choices for your spells and setups using things like repelling blast to get enemies off your party when needed and kind of being a barrier around them next up it's finally time we talk B though which can be great for a party face and also you're going to get an extra short rest there's two kinds of very strong B builds to talk about let's first talk about the very effective control version played more as a support and actually from ranged control builds are really strong they prevent enemy actions make your teams more effective this version can actually deal good damage itself though thanks to the super effective slashing flourish of colge of Swords bared this multiclass will actually weave in B and wizard though so during your leveling it could be a good idea to Respec so initially you start as Bard by the time you level six you'll have the College of sord subclass you have your Bic inspiration song of rest extra attack and the all important blade flourishes slashing flourish when uses a ranged attack can actually attack the same Target twice rather than what it implies so once You' got level six it's probably when you should resp that point you can then work in one level into fighter to help with the concentration saving froze you can get archery fighting style to help with the slashing Flo flourishes you'll be doing the second level can go into wizard which gives you the well-known ability to learn spells via Scrolls and that can lead into an all important haste buff for this class the rest of levels going back into bad though resulting in a 110 split in terms of Feats you definitely want the Sharpshooter feet to further improve your damage potential and importantly you're going to want to know what spells to take to actually control command is going to be really important and you can get that from your magical Secrets at the 10th level on Bard I've talked about command on this channel a lot but basically it lets you control enemies without using a concentration you can knock them prone you can disarm them move them around and still follow up with other spells to layer in more control in general whole person a monster Glyph of warding fear and confusion these are all great picks while counter spell and shield are also going to be really helpful from say you're wizard through all these options you can AE control packs of enemies while maybe Hasting someone or full commit to the control whenever you get the option to do it say things are under control you can start spamming slashing flourish for real damage despite being a control build so a super strong concept and a different play style but I did mention we talk about one other bad play style for my last build today this is more melee and classic well-known strongest hell mix of Paladin and bad bad and Paladin scale their spells with Charisma and bad is going to make great use of the smites with the bad spell slots and just like the other Bard build slashing flourish is going to be very important since that's just really strong you get lots of utility and potential control from The Bard but the build's much more bursty and damage focused the levels are pretty simple though T into B for college of swords and just two inter Paladin to get you the subass and the smites themselves the subass can be great for vengeance Paladin you get inquisitors might you often have that spare bonus action and that's a great use of that and you'll also get easy access to command which we just explained is really good B provides all the standard stuff song ofr rest Bic inspiration slashing flourish and you're going to get extra attack and magical Secrets level 10 so it's just very good the leveling is going to be mostly Bard to begin with until level seven though so six levels straight into Bard you get College of Swords a feet and an extra attack then on that seventh level we can start working in the Paladin for the O of Vengeance subass it could be a good idea to Respec at this point to put the Paladin at the beginning then you get it starting proficiencies the second level into Paladin will get you the Divine Smite that's where the burst of the build really becomes silly and all the remaining levels go back into bad for that 10 and two split in terms of Feats again I'd strongly recommend Savage attacker since it's just so strong with this setup you could use command in a clever way you could command someone to approach you next to an enemy you're already fighting to double them up next to each other for a slashing flourish allowing you to kind of set up Cleaves in the middle of a fight it's also a very good idea to take whole person a monster for further control with this build and you can smash targets that are held too in terms of magical Secrets From The Bard I would recommend at least counter spell you'll have nice high spell slots to always be able to counter anything dangerous especially in honor mode but yeah there you have it that's a pile of builds that are extremely strong with different play styles to consider I do hope there's enough detail to get you started or at least consider the concept properly before you go look at it in depth and find all the items and stuff and there's even more multiclass Concepts that are going to be great for this mode out there again I'm sure we'll see some of them in the comments but either way good luck in your own honor mode attempts and until next time I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 65,450
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 honour mode, honour mode, honour mode build, baldurs gate 3 honour mode build, honour mode best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, multiclass, multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feats, best class, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, class, multiclass build, level 12, subclass, game of the year, ragegamingvideos
Id: xFP9exFQSTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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