INSANE Sorcerer Build in Baldur's Gate 3 | BG3

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just look at the combat loog this numbers is insane and M Adventures today I will show you very cool and unique build for sser in balos Gate 3 if you already beat the game then you will enjoy it especially on your second walk through this is not completely overpowered but got very unique play style and very interesting so character creation is really simple and straightforward you need to pick any character any race you like and then we're going to make saucer subass will be storm sorcery which gives us future to use stous magic when we cast spells we can fly away and that's great for this play style as you already know we building Snow Queen so we will specialize on magic spells but this build kicks in really early in the game so you don't need to pick Ray of frost feel free to just pick something like folt for early game shocking grasp very nice game trip minor illusion very good for exploration stuff and some utility and you can have something like bone Shield versus UND deaths as for starting spells you can go with magic Missile to have 100 100% hit chance very good in early game and chromatic orb this orb can have different appearances with different damage types skill proficiencies is not important so pick whatever you like and our stats main stat is charisma it's your Spell cting ability and it will determine how much you hit your spells that's why we're going for minan Max strategy and getting Charisma up to 17 next important start is Constitution it will determine how good you at keeping your concentration we're not focusing at a lot of concentration spells but they really powerful so it's nice to have constitutions and more health of course and next important start is dexterity so we're leaving it at 15 other starts is not too important for this build so you can dump them leveling is really easy and straightforward too we're basically playing full saucer we don't need to pick any other multiclass options our spell of choice on level two is Mage Armor to increase our Armor class for class passives we're going for twin spell and distance spell on Next Level we picking ice KN and our paive quick and spell on level four we get an additional krip for krips just pick whatever you like we don't care about other K trips as for spell we want to get which bolt over here basically we're focusing on Frost and lightning spells but on level four we can pick a fit so our fit of choice will be Elemental Adept and we're going for Elemental Adept C we are Frost Queen after all on level five we're going for lightning bolt level six that's where our class is basically kicks in at full power we get in create or destroy water and that's a very great spell for our class and of course call lightning nice Lightning Spell we are Frost queen queen of snow but still we can use some lightning spells if enemies got some protection from cold spells so as for spells on this level I would recommend to pick something like invisibility or maybe even missed a step some exploration utility spells basically we don't need any anything else level seven that's where we get ice storm very nice very powerful spell so we definitely picking it level eight nothing here so you can even go for something like enhanc slep if you still don't have spells like this but in level eight we got additional feet and we're going to increase our ability points with dexterity and Charisma level 9 gives us access to level five spells so we going for gold of cold of course and on level 10 we get an additional caner we don't care what gship we need to pick additional spell again you can go for utility right now or for some cool concentration spells so like telekinesis it's a really nice concentration spell and will fit in our play style very well as for class passives we can go for additional metam magic and I like to pick subtle spell to be able to cast spells when we silenced and finally we are at level 11 we can go for chain lightning here and on level 12 we can get one more level six spells something like of invulnerability it's very nice versus bosses or you can go for control stuff like hold monster hold person whatever you need here we get an additional ability point and we're going to max out our charisma at 20 and so what we get here what we get with this class what we get with this character and how to play this girl and first of all we need to take a look at gear how this build works so most important piece to make this build work is morning Frost you you can build this stuff by yourself you need to craft it it's very very rare Frost stuff but very cool and Powerful so coolest part when you dealing cold damage you dealing additional one cold damage basically a little bit more powerful C spells than it normally would be but actually it will increase even more when you freeze and froze people and idea for this build came from cool condition so basically when you're using this morning Frost you got additional attribute dealing cold damage with a Spell possibly inflicts Shield upon Target and when Target is chilled they becomeing vulnerable to cold damage and that's crazy because you will do twice as much damage with your cold spells so that's crazy but I found that when you combine Shield very rare condition with any type of water creatures becoming Frozen so let me demonstrate let look on his conditions he is now shield and now I just need to drop a pile of water at him and it will be combined in Frozen status so now he is frozen and this means he is vulnerable to blood joning damage additionally to thunder damage and force damage so if you cast an enemy like this something like disintegrate spell it will inflict almost 200 damage with just one attack and that's crazy and of course there's more stuff to this build so let's continue exploring what I got here for you morning Frost additionally gives you Ray Frost C trip so you don't need to learn it by yourself and every time you C this C trip anywhere you will create some ice like ground beneath the target so again let's demonstrate on Minsk we're just throwing hand ship at him and he is prone because we created a lot of ice and this comes from our ring combination so snowb burst ring when weor deal skull damage they also create 4 M circle of ice around Target basically you're creating a lot of ice on the ground and it's hard for enemies to navigate in this place second rink is not very important so you can pick something like rink of protection if you can get it and you will get more Armor class for our necklace I would pick a necklace of Elemental augmentation when one of your can trips dealing any type of damage you add in spell cting modifier to damage dealt and even basic Ray of frost krip will become deadly with this AMOLED now let's go to our gloves so gloves when weer deals skull damage inflict two turns of encrusted with frost and this again will make us more chances to inflict Frozen status on enemies because after seven stacks of encrusted with frost the enemy will be frozen to be able to go on water we need some additional stuff and as you can see I'm really moving on water because I got this awesome boots so disintegrating night wer basically you can't be in weed and Tangled and snared and can't sleep on Grease or ice very nice for our build as for our cloak we can pick any cloak you like uh and basic cloak of protection will work to increase our Armor class head is really important we need this cold brim head so once per turn any condition inflicted On Target also applies two turns of encrusted with frost and because of our morning Frost we can inflict Shield this will INF l m incrusted with frost chances to make targets Frozen is insane because we pick saucer we get proficiency with Shield so we can pick Shield I like Sentinel Shield you can pick any Shield you like but this one gives you plus three bonus to initiative roles so basically you got more chances to act first in a turn and this means you will do a lot of ice and enemies will have hard time going up to you and doing any damage for both slot same idea hell Rider long bow is really nice you gain plus three bonus to initiative so same idea and now our beautiful dress what to pick and what we can do with it if you want beautiful character go for something like wave maso you will be resistant to firing cold damage additionally if you're standing in water surface at the start of your turn you will heal some hit points and you will get create or destroy water spell and that's really nice and cool looking dress but if you want stronger character then definitely watch out for potent row this will add a lot of benefits for us and our build so this will add Charisma modifier to our can trips damage and this Stacks with necklace opmental augmentation so basically we're doing double cisma modifier to all our G trips and this means we adding 10 flat damage to our krip so just normal rare Frost will do incredible amount of damage without using any spell SL and additionally this rope will give you additional hit points at the start of the turn based on our Charisma so it's very nice too another cool rope it's more late gamish rope of the weave not so cool looking but it's giv you plus two Armor class and you gaining plus one bonus to spell save thec and attack roll so you got more chances to hit enemies basically it's up to you but I prefer potent rope for this build it's looking cool really Frost Queen so how to play and what we can do BAS basally with this build we get three spell options basically this is cult options so Ray Frost our cult canri range can that doing damage at the range and if you hitting targets creating ice surface beneath them so they can fall prone ice knife level one spell doing some piercing and C damage don't forget we got Elemental Adept so we ignore resistance to C damage and that's kind of same spell but it will always create ice surface even if you miss but ice damage is better on rare Frost so keep this in mind then we got our ice storm it's large radius spell which inflict cold damage and some piercing damage too very nice and creates a lot of high surface cone of cold it will freeze everything in a cone just like that then we got our lightning part so Shing grasp if someone come in midle range you can use shocking grasp to make them being shocked basically we got chromatic orb level one spell so we can cast it as lightning or cold damage it will be basically globes that will do some damage you can cast it in water surface to make it electrified water you can freeze this water too with ice spells so it's really like nice combinations we got lightning bolt basically like Lightning Spell that will hit everything in a line large line long line so just like that and of course chain lightning level six spell incredible spell doing light large amount of damage so then we got our amplification stuff create or destroy water basically before fight starts you can use something like Quicken spell and U basically cast create to destroy water with your bonus action so by doing so you will use only bonus action and three sry points to cast this spell this will create large amount of water and make enemies wet so let's demonstrate on msk for example I will cast great to destroy water on him and he became wet when he is wet we can just do any type of cold damage and he will be vulnerable so we just one shot him with like crazy amount of damage as you can see and we can pick him up of course you're fine M if you want some concentration spells so there's level one which bolt which will tie you with Target for some like lightning damage or call lightning which will do Circle damage in area and will destroy everyone and you will concentrate on this spell and you can cast it every turn basically so so until you lose concentration of course we got telekinesis to concentrate on it and just throw targets every now and then to some places and some utility stuff but it's not important so we're picking Mage Armor because we're using no armor at all and shield is not armor and by casting M armor on yourself basically level one spell at the last levels you will have something like 21 AC with this build and that's crazy in my opinion 21 AC is really large number so it will be really hard to hit us and how it ties together basically you do in water in a start of the fight and then you're doing some ice damage it will inflict large amount of damage to enemies they will be chilled frosted maybe prone and as storm saer you get in this tempestous Magic Flight so you can use bonus action if you haven't used it to fly away basically that's crazy so you're really mobile person but even without this like spell you can basically move away targets will be prone and they will probably just stay on ice for this turn they will try to get out maybe they will be lucky and they will get out so you rinse and repeat on the next turn basically you just creating more water creating more icy surface with maybe ice storm you can just use any ice spell and Target they will be wet they will have double damage and you just kind of kite them so you just attack targets kite a Target skite if for some reason they can melt ice maybe they get some fire spells then you switch into like chain lightning spells and just destroy everyone so that's crazy let me show it on real enemies so here we are M player wants to treat us let's use uh subtle spell and maybe just cast something like destroy water on him and now he will be wet yeah additionally because we gave him wet condition he is encrusted with frost at the same time thanks to cold RM head now we will try to use basically rare of frost on him basic can no spell slots and just basic canri doing 50 damage 50 damage guys with just can because he's vulnerable to fire damage he is wet basically in my opinion that's crazy because he is chilled at the same time so when he's chilled we can just throw water at him look at this and now he's Frozen he's Frozen means he's vulnerable to our basic damage even with our morning Frost yeah you won't be able to hit enemies that got high SE with your normal attack as Mage but still some enemies is really possible to hit even wi flares look at this strike oh my goodness balers gate tough but yeah we just did it better just use something like rare Frost and Destroy these guys in case there are multiple targets again you can use something like create water on them and you got different options while one of the basic options is to just use any Lightning Spell like chain lightning or other spells actually there is really nice option to use metamagic twin spell you just use it and without like using any spell slot you can cast double rare frost on two Targets at the same time so double ray Frost is always nice idea to do but of course there's fun interaction if you're willing to use six sorcery points you can use twin spell chain lightning so we'll basically cast double chain lightning on these guys and they will be demolished in one second they will literally reing just insane amount of damage they will be chilled Frost Frozen whatever other conditions they will have and you just run away from them in case Target is too spread out out you can use something like ice storm to hit all Targets at the same time and yeah it's doing crazy damage too and in case your enemies is frozen and maybe you picked not glob of invulnerability to be protected but as a spell like disintegrate which doing Force damage and Frozen Target is vulnerable to force damage you can basically disintegrate them from this state easily with great amount of d damage so if you want to inflict this amount of damage every turn basically and one shot half of the enemies you see in this game this build is definitely for you because I don't know what you think but in my opinion being able to cast two chain lightning which is level six spell in one turn at different targets and basically destroying them the same time is just crazy just look at the combat log this numbers is insane I hope you will enjoy playing this build but I got more awesome builds coming for you very soon make sure to watch them on the screen right now if they are ready and see you in the next videos
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 58,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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