All Classes Ranked In Baldurs Gate 3! - Which Baldurs Gate 3 Class Is Best?

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12 classes is a lot to choose from in Boulders Gate 3 especially when you take into account multiclasses those 12 classes quickly becomes over 100 think about it anyway let's rank all 12 classes in Boulders Gate 3 so I'm not going to go deep into multiclassing in this list like literally at all as that gets super messy when you're trying to rank these individual classes against each other but before you do watch this video just know that every single class is 100% viable and fun and enjoyable to play and I guarantee you regardless of what class I put at the bottom of this list someone in the comments will say nah you're wrong but this is a subjective list based on my own thoughts and opinions of the game and I would absolutely love to know your own opinions and thoughts in the comments down below so let me know your own rankings in the comments so we'll start at the bottom and we'll work our way up and we're going to start at the very bottom with the ranger the Rangers are a class that I really liked at the start of Early Access but that might be because we had such a limited amount of classes to sort of play around with and and also like sub classes and everything but my favorite thing about the ranger is really that you can get a cool Pet Companion right like if you pick the Beast Master you can summon that companion they sort of grow with you throughout that experience the downside overall to the ranger is that like other than that and the Gloom stalker which does have its benefits especially for like stealth and like that early initiation in combat there's there's not a whole lot of great things that are happening for the ranger that other classes don't do better like say If you think about you know as like a range sort of fighter well you know for the most part the Rogue or the actual fighter themselves can do that ranged combat a little bit better even like using finesse weapons you know the Rogue can do that even better as well and you know you can definitely get some interesting stuff out of multiclassing with the ranger it's just that as a class on its own there's just better options for everything that the ranger can kind of do or kind of excels at so that's why it ends up at the bottom of the this list and I'm going to give everything sort of like a tier as well so we'll say the ranger here is like C tier for like average right number 11 on this list is going to be the droods now the droods are an interesting class cuz they have so much uniqueness to them right and it's a very fun kit you've got wild shape that allows you to transform into any forms whether that be in combat or out of combat and then you've got unique sub classes like you know the spor rude that you can be to have that sort of necromancy theme like raising zombies and the likes but overall in in a similar way to the ranger They Don't Really excel in any one specific way and the wild shaping feels a little bit I I know I was a bit disappointed overall as to how Wild chapping feels cuz it's it it kind of doesn't do much outside of combat like there's a little bit that you can do like you can sneak through you know like gaps in things or like borrow into things and that sort of thing and laran have done an excellent job of actually incorporating some of that wild shape out of combat stuff but even regardless the real reason to use wild shape is because of its combat potential in Boulders Gate 3 that's a little different to like tabletop where you know you can shape into anything and because of the freedom that tabletop gives you and just that nature of Freedom you can do like literally everything but laran has done a good job of accommodating for some of those certain actions but I think that that lowers the overall flexibility and fun of the dro in that you can only use it in those specific scenarios outside of combat and then in combat it's obviously just like a you know like a different way that you can deal with combat and it's not always the best option and there are other better options in in most cases as well and then as a Caster like either land or spor drud you've got better options in the other actual just like spell classes themselves though the Drew does have a lot of unique spell that are actually quite fun you can still learn them on the other classes anyway it's probably a C+ class like there's some fun role playing stuff in act one if you're a drw and that is a good class like all the classes but something has to go here on this list next we have the monk at number 10 now the monk is actually quite good for one there is like a ton of really good monk gear in the game which I guess is good because they are unarmed you need some way to accommodate for that but the downside to that is that because they are unarmed most of the time basically every weapon in the game they don't really get get a whole lot of benefit from because they're using unarmed attack they are actually very different to 5e not that I've ever played a monk in 5e but they are pretty fun in the game they have an insane amount of burst damage that they can do with like the bonus actions and especially when you combo with multiclassing which we're not going to go deep into but there's a lot of potential there and they do have some fun flexible options with their sub classes that you can sort of take it into a bit more of a magical route with the different element types and the key resource is quite enjoyable but the downside here really is that as a a level 12 month with no multiclassing while they're still quite powerful they're pretty Limited in terms of their overall flexibility compared to the other classes right cuz they're a weaponless sort of unarmed focused class regardless of what you have they're also a bit Limited in some of the dialogue options and different ways that you can really Express that role playing element compared to some of the other classes which is potentially because they were the last class added and they're also very unique in terms of the other classes but overall I'd say the Monk Is Like A B tier class moving on to number nine we have the Rogue now the benefit here to the Rogue is that God like stealth attack is just so freaking strong in Boulders gay 3 like you just use that bonus action to stealth and you do a stealth attack and damn it's so much damage the Rogue is also fantastic for those like dexterity skills like your lock picking and your disarming and those sort of things and the downside to the Rogue is outside of combat for that role playing aspect the Rogues being you know stealthy assassins or regardless of your subass but that stealthy aspect any class can really succeed in stealth in Boulder Gate 3 because of the way like the line of sight mechanic works and just the way the stealth is implemented so you don't have as much reason to be like oh you know going a rogue just so you can be that sort of stealthy class unless you want those dexterity skills but then other classes can do that as well and then when you get into the flexibility of the class they are a little bit limited as a whole because you know going the Arcane trickster it's not actually that great in the full game they may have patched it a little bit since you know patches 1 2 and three and four but it's not a great subass and then Thief for bonus action is kind of the only option in my opinion unless you want to go assassin and like combine that with gloomstalker but they they're bit a little bit Limited in terms of their overall play style but stealth is and the sneak attacks is just so powerful in combat that's why they end up a little bit higher on this list plus their diversity with skills so I'd say the rogue's about like a B plus tier moving on to the Barbarian at number eight this is an insanely fun class and they have a lot of fun role playing aspects like with their intimidation and being able to throw stuff and using that rage mechanic they're a very heavy hitting Millie class that focuses on just grabbing the biggest weapon they can and smacking it around it's a lot of fun for those reasons but conversely they're actually also the negatives for the class because in the same way the rogue's a little bit Limited in flexibility you are as a barbarian right like you can't cast any spells and regardless of what general setup you're going for regardless of your subass Etc it all revolves around that rage mechanic and if you don't like that mechanic it definitely can be an issue but they are still quite a fun class that especially excels in like the early mid game and then as you get further into the game they definitely get outclass in terms of damage to some of the higher classes on this list like let's say Paladin or fighter those sort of classes that do outpace them with damage because of the Fighter's extra extra attack and then the paladins insane amount of damage that it can do so there are a good class there's a lot of good fun things you can do in terms of like intimidation and that sort of thing but obviously carac great as well so B+ I would say for the Barbarian number seven is the cleric the clerics are quite a fun class and there's a whole lot of really interesting role playing stuff you can do with the cleric in boulders 3 specifically because of where that story goes and also the options to pick a deity and how that impacts story and certain dialogue options as well so there's a lot of fun outside of combat as a cleric and then inside of combat you've got all of those sub classes or domains that you can choose from that really give you a lot of options in terms of how you want to play that cleric whether you want to be like Paladin like and go for say life or maybe you want to be a little bit more like a Dru you can go nature you want to be a big sort of heavy hitting heavy armor Marshall weapon tanky thing you can go The Tempest or the trickery like Shadow heart probably one of the weaker ones in my opinion but there's a lot of options that you can go in terms of those sub classes and the way you want to play a cleric rather than just that prototypical like one style that some of these other classes have so I think that's why they fit nicely here sort of somewhere in the middle because they are not a jack of all trades but they're flexible in terms of how you want to play them and then also because of that flexibility in some cases they don't super excel in any one specific role or aspect which is a good thing but it's also potentially a bad thing but they are a fun class to have because of the role playing aspects for sure B+ I think for the cleric like tons of flexibility as a support Caster as a General Caster even getting into the Millie range with some martial weapons lots of value in a cleric number six we have the wizard The Wizard is a fun class and you can literally learn every single spell right because of their options to actually just learn spells and what this does mean is that there's a lot of flexibility for a wizard in terms of out of combat spells like adding different effects you know your disguise self your long Strider etc etc and then in combat you've got a lot of flexibility in terms of the Spells you want to use cuz you can literally learn like basically every spell in the game and even though you can specialize in any of the magical schools to like give yourself Buffs for that specific school really like evocation is like the main one you want to go because then you don't hit your allies with any of your AOE spells which is just such a massive damage Buff when you can just drop massive high damage AOE spells literally on the center of everyone and not damage your allies it's just fantastic and similar to the Barbarian in that they are really good at what they do they don't have a lot of flexibility right as a wizard you're just going to be a prototypical spellcaster you don't get any sort of meta magic skills like a sorcerer or any packed additions like the Warlock has so you're limited in that regard but your freedom is that you can learn literally every spells downside is you have to prepare those spells and if you forget you're sort of screwed but I would say the wizard overall is an a tier class they are quite good at what their role is but they don't have a lot of flexibility outside of that number five on this list as we start getting into the last we've got the B now the B is your prototypical jack of all trades can learn basically every single skill in the game which gives them a lot of flexibility outside and inside combat they are also a Charisma class which means that you will excel in all of those dialogue options and talking to people and you do so much talking in Boulders Gate 3 that that's really important to have they're also flexible in terms of their combat options you could be sort of a Millie finesse swordsmith with going the sword subass you could even be sort of a little bit like a paladin in a way like by going The Valor or if you want to just be like a flexible Caster you've got like lore as well so there's a lot of flexibility in terms of how you want to take that b but learning basically every skill is so valuable because if you want to pass skill checks and you just like hate failing skill checks you hate seeing that failure menu you've also got all of those skill checks and the proficiency so you can pass a lot of those plus you can perform on the streets for like monthy as well as distracting enemies and there's just a lot of fun to be had there and in terms of cons there's not really Hees right like maybe the limited amount of armor options but that doesn't really matter unless you're going to play the Millie focused Bard which you do actually get like the medium armor proficiency there if you wanted to go that R so there's tons of options you also get the extra attack for swords like I there's so much fun that you can have with the B and this is going to come up heaps with these Charisma classes as well is that there is so much value in Charisma in Boulders Gate 3 right because of all the dialogue stuff but then even outside of that there is multiple bosses in the game that you can literally like kill in quotation marks just by having them kill themselves by passing like like Charisma checks and that sort of a thing so just an insane amount of benefits for Charisma and also the way that the Charisma classes can interact if you want to think about multiclassing just so much value there and we'll talk about that a bit more later but tier a I would say for the B maybe A+ like depends on your own specifics but moving on to number four we have the sorcerer now compared to to a wizard the sorcerer stands out because of what makes it special and that's that meta magic right being able to enhance those spells even if it is a limited spell pool compared to the wizard you can add extra targets you can make it extra damage you can even use like the subtle spell so you can avoid hitting allies kind of like how the wizard can with the evocation subass as well you're also a Charisma spellcasting class as well as your modifier so they're great for talking as well outside of combat plus combining with the other Charisma classes the downside I would say is that they don't learn a lot of skills compared to some of the other classes and they can sometimes be a bit chaotic say if you go like the wild magic right that's literally the focus of the class but the draconic bloodline is great for that extra HP as well as Armor class and that specific buff to like that damage type so plenty of damage that they can impact because of that but I'd say that overall downside is really their limited amount of skills that they can learn compared to some of the other classes but because they are Charisma you definitely get benefits from all those dialog options and the amount of damage they can output with that meta magic benefits as well number three is the fight now the fighter is the best just overall Marshall class in the game if you just want to strictly focus on Marshall right so not only do you get that extra attack at level five you get another extra attack on top of that also you've got action surge right so technically you can attack three times and then use action sures to give yourself another action and then attack three times again so that's like six attacks in one turn and they don't even have to be Milli attacks right because you can attack with range weapons your bows and crossbows and stuff as well and then you know if you wanted to dabble in spell casting you've got the Eldridge Knight as well which gives them more flexibility than say a barbarian does and they're super like Noob friendly too because you know you've got something that you can do every turn like you've got attacks you can do you can you know use second wind or action surge all of that stuff I would say the only con for me personally with a fighter is that they can be a little like boring because all you do every turn is just like attack and like I mean that's the name of the game in combat right but they they are good otherwise and you know they can learn some few spells and they've also got some flexibility in terms of the skills they can learn outside of combat as well because you do get to pick some extra skills so there's a lot of fun there in terms of a fighter that you could definitely have make a very consistent Marshal Focus class that does an insane amount of damage can attack a bunch of times and do all sorts of other things if you wanted to go that route so that's why they're number three on this list and they are absolutely an A+ maybe pushing s tier like depending on your overall build number two is the Warlock now the main benefit for the Warlock across the board is Eld blast and it's just amount of absolutely ridiculous damage that it can do as a can trip and the benefits you get as you level up right you can add additional cast I think up to three different blasts that it can do you can repel enemies with it to knock them off things push them back do all that stuff plus warlock spell slots are fantastic in the higher levels because essentially what that does is that any spell you cast will always be cast at its highest level spell slot available like highest level spell but you have a limited amount of those warlock spells we can refresh them easy with like your short rest plus there are other ways to replenish them as well if you you know you worry about that stuff but you've got plenty of options there to cast any sort of spells that are very high amount of spell level and then Elder blast being as strong as it is plus all of the packed class features you can get on top of that they're not as squishy as some of the other spell claster they can learn a decent amount of spells and like there's just a lot of flexibility in terms of the Warlock being sort of a battle mage type or P like Caster plus the Warlock spells and the Charisma Focus so much value with a warlock especially you know we haven't touched on it much but multiclassing as well absolutely fantastic s tier class that definitely sits at number two on this list that leaves us with one single class left and you may know what it is it's the Paladin now the Paladin is definitely my personal favorite class so it probably gets a little bit of a boost because you know maybe I'm a little bit biased here and I have spent the most amount of time with the Paladin in Boulders Gate 3 as well as in 5e as well it's just like my favorite class overall but in Boulders Gate 3 itself it is absolutely exceptional right Divine smite is so much reliable damage because there is a ton of enemies in this game that are either Undead or fiends which get extra damage from divine's mine and there is like actually an insane amount of Undead and fiends in this game basically the entirety of act two and then some into act three and into act one as well like they are all over the place so having a paladin in your party for that Divine Smite extra radiant damage absolutely huge plus the extra attack they get right just so much easy reliable damage but on top of that they are flexible Cas as as well in terms of being able to cast spells to buff allies do a little bit of healing Buffs and debuffs as well as some other spells you can learn plenty of proficiencies as well one of the core benefits to playing a paladin that I think everyone should absolutely do at least one playthrough for a paladin is their sub classes and how that's really directly impacted on your role play right with any of these other classes you can role play anything you like you can be completely Topsy turby you can in one dialogue scene be completely evil and just awful to everyone and the next you can be you know the nicest guy ever with a paladin you're kind of forced in a way to play that roleplay aspect in a specific way based on your subass and your oath right whether you are you know a good good in quotation marks right oath like the ancient or devotion or say like an evilish one like Vengeance or even going the route of breaking your oath as part of your roleplay right and and going that oath breaker in the different way that impacts your sub classes there is just a lot of really good class fantasy in the Paladin in Boulders Gate 3 and you really should do at least one playthrough as one because it really impacts the choices you make you know whether you're trying to stick to your oath or and that sort of thing I think there's so much flexibility in that plus their Charisma so Charisma is great for talking and all that stuff paladins absolutely fantastic in combat out of combat roleplay class fantasy everything it ticks all the boxes right so Paladin gets number one on this list but let me know your thoughts in the comments down below what's number one on your list what is your full 12 list I'd be really interested to see so thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 162,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 classes ranked, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 all classes, baldurs gate 3 class tier list, baldurs gate 3 best classes, baldurs gate 3 which class to play, baldurs gate 3 class rankings, baldurs gate 3 all classes ranked, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, bg3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 class, bg3 classes, bg3, baldur's gate 3 class guide, bg3 classes explained
Id: WF8svNp0cpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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