3 AMAZING MultiClass Builds You HAVE To Try In Baldurs Gate 3 - BG3 Best Multiclass Builds

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[Music] all right so today I've got three more multiclass build ideas for you to try in bg3 these three don't follow a particular theme like the other videos in this series it's just three fun Concepts that are vastly different from each other so let's go let me know in the comments any other build ideas you'd like to see also I've just updated my membership program here on YouTube to include Early Access to practically every video so if you like these sort of builds or any of the other content that I do on the channel consider joining the membership cost you literally $1 you get early access to basically every video Plus access to the members only Discord a bunch of other benefits as well so if you like what I do here please consider checking that out but enough of that onto the video we'll start with the Necromancer now this is a even split between a necromancer Wizard and a spor rude now you'll probably start off as the drude for the proficiencies that you do get from there but essentially the way that this build comes together is you're going to use the necromancy mechanics from The Wizard to summon Undead throws as well as the necromancy mechanics from a circle of sport drud with fungal infestation to summon zombies in that way so essentially here you'll get like a little bit of an army going of Undead mions that you'll be able to use in combat so generally most turns you'll sort of Tinker between animating dead to animate dead enemies obviously you have to kill them first which can be challenging now one thing to point out here is that the hardest part of this build is that you have to kill the corpse in a very specific way so that it's still a quality corpse you know you don't want to waste those corpses so you can actually then reanimate them so you can't like burn them or blow them up that sort of a thing they have to be a nicely clean presented corpse for you then to animate the dead now you can get around this a little bit with the spor rude elements because with the fungal infestation you can raise a minion with a reaction so you can actually get an additional zombie in that way as well this essentially allows you to animate dead and use fungal initation in the same turn as one as an action and one as a reaction now the reason that we're going necromancy 6 and sporr 6 is because at level six for the SPO that's where you get the fungal infestation and then at level six for the necromancy wizard you get the undead throw so your summons are actually better they have additional hit points and you get to add your proficient bonus to their damage they deal a little bit more damage so they'll survive a bit longer than they would typically in the early game so it's a good balance there to get both of the benefits from both of these like necromancy themed classes there is also plenty of gear here that will benefit from this build right the circle of Bones headpiece will give you Undead W so that Allied Undead within 6 MERS are resistant to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage it also gives you access to anime dead which you already have anyway you can use the armor of the Spore keeper as well which is like specifically for this like Spore drud setup it gives you access to a couple of different things for your spores with the Spore stack so you can like add different effects to them in that way and there's a couple of different things you can do here in terms of weapon right you could just use a cord staff as a typical sort of drude wizard would but there is also a rapia called the Jeweler prerogative which is you know it's it's a fine enough weapon you're not really going to be attacking that much with this build like just with your weapon and by equipping this weapon you get access to an additional reaction per turn so the benefit there is because as a Spore Dro when you are actually spreading those spores that is actually a reaction the Halo of spores attack right now if you wanted to use Halo of spores and the fungal infestation in the same turn you need two reactions in order to do this and this Rapier gives you two reactions now in this footage here you can see I'm not actually proficient with rapers but that doesn't necessarily matter you can actually pick up a feat here which I actually did before recording the combat footage that will give you access to the proficiency for the rap here so you can do that if you wanted to go that route get the two reactions and you can attack with an action or something like that and then you've got the two reactions to use the sport drw specific reactions so you've got benefits from there but this is a fun build that is hard to really see success in early game it really is a late game build and it's also definitely a hard build to actually get going because you need the dead like to you need dead people right like there's no better way to put it you need to kill people with your other party members so you can reanimate them to actually see success with this build so takes a bit to get going but it is definitely a fun build to put together next we have a opposite sort of build right we talked about a very evil necromancy build this is a pure healer cleric divination wizard combo now this is basically an active party version of my Camp Caster concept that I've talked about in a couple of videos where you've got a Caster that you have at your camp that will have these like permanent Buffs that every like day you can just return and use them to like buff your party right right and I wanted to do like an active version of this what if you just wanted to have like a pure healer that comes with your party and this is the best setup that you can do in my opinion so essentially how this works is you will be a life cleric level 10 and a two divination wizard now the main thing here is during combat you're going to use your actions and bonus actions essentially to heal and because of the life cleric class features you get you do a really high amount of healing numbers with these different healing effects we are comboing this with level two for the Divination wizard for one specific reason which which is the portant die now twice per day you can change the role whether that be an attack roll or saving throw of anything around you to be a number from that Port di so you can use this to make enemies miss their attack role so protecting your allies you can use this on your allies to make them past saving throws it's really beneficial and it's a good way to use your reaction as this sort of like pwy healer setup to avoid damage in that way now this build itself really is just simply about healing and buffing allies you know with things like Bane and bless as well as summoning support with your cleric because you can use things like the spiritual weapons or the Guardians of faith if you don't actually need to do any healing then you can still be beneficial in that combat encounter with the spiritual weapons to deal damage or the guardian of Faith which will also deal damage and sort of pull attention away from your allies or you can like summon spirits around you there's plenty of things you can do outside of just the simple like attacking but the main thing that you'll do before any combat encounter like literally every day is you'll cast long Strider on all of your allies for that free movement buff now this is a ritual spell so it doesn't cons consume those spell slots and then aid for that free HP you probably want to upcast Aid you get that extra free HP as well so the higher that you cast Aid the more like hit points you get for the rest of that day for them so it'll give your allies that initial buff to their HP then you can heal it back with those massive healing numbers that you can do with all of the AOE healing spells you can learn with the live cleric plus the class feature benefits you get from that as well so there's a lot of fun with this build too and it's it definitely combos perfectly with like a tanky character or those like high damage impact characters as well that say you don't want want to take a lot of damage and doesn't fit with this three combo of builds that we're talking about here cuz they're all sort of way all over the place but if you're looking for say having some sort of a tank character or you just want a character that protects your allies then this pure healer setup is absolutely perfect for it because of the different spells that you can learn to really protect your allies in that way our last build here is the Jeweler now this is a a rogue and Bard hybrid that continues the theme for basically like my Bard setups I guess like if you think about the one we did in our last video this is similar but it's a different sort of concept so this is a dexterity based Bard or Rogue and we're using duwal crossbows using the hand crossbows here now the reason we're comboing this with a rogue is because as a level three Thief Rogue when you pick the thief subass you get access to a bonus action so you essentially have two bonus actions by comboing this with the of Swords B you can get access to two weapon fighting so when you make an attack with your off-handed weapon you can add your ability modifier to the damage of that weapon so because we can then use off-handed attacks with the hand crossbow in our offhand we can then add our ability modifier to that you can also do the exact same thing with Millie weapons right if you had say had two daggers or two short swords equipped which we are also doing for this General setup as a college of Swords bar as well you get access to the flourishes and the slashing flourish being the key here right which allows you to attack up to two enemies at once now as as you level up the B because the B's going to be your main class you get that to level eight and the Rogue to level four four so you get that extra feet and then eight for the B so you get the two feets that way plus the extra attack so essentially what happens here right is that in a standard turn you can use slashing flourish to hit two Targets and then you can use that extra attack to use slashing florus again to hit another two Targets which makes four then you've still got two bonus actions left to make off-handed attacks that still have your ability modifier applied to them with your off-handed crossbow what that gives you is in that one turn you can essentially attack six times pretty simply I'm also combining two hand crossbows here the Hellfire hand crossbow and the fire stoker now this doesn't happen very often but you can trigger this effect too right so with the Hellfire hand crossbow if you attack while hiding or invisible you can possibly inflict burning and the fire stoer deals an additional piercing damage to burning targets now because we've got the Rogue we've got the cunning actions here to hide as well so you can hide in combat and be able to trigger this effect or say you know you can hide outside of combat and start from that initiative surprise effect as well so you've got benefits to use these two hand crossbows that sort of really have nice Synergy so this is the general setup for this build and you can go into the sharp shooter line to deal additional damage in that way for the feed as well this is a fun build and like bars are just fun in general because you got access to so many skills and proficiencies same with the Rogue so you'll be able to pass a lot of skill checks and then you've also got the ability to attack multiple times per turn and do different things with the flourishes and you've also got spells right like you've got some spells you can play around with I would say with this build as well just make sure that you're spreading your stats properly because you know a Bard would typically have a lot of Charisma but because we are a dexterity sort of Marshal Focus Bard you want to make sure that decks is definitely a higher stat still with a little bit of Charisma there so you can cast spells and get benefits from them if you want to go that route and do a little bit of that but your main focus will be on that Marshall aspects of the kit and if you wanted to you could dip two levels into fighter to get like action surge there as well so then technically you could like attack like another four times per turn if you wanted to get really crazy with this build but I think that the flow of just having these two classes fits a little bit better but that is all of the builds I have for you today guys let me know your thoughts on these three in the comments down below and check out the rest of the videos in this multiclass build series that we have spun up here thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 55,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 multiclass build, best baldurs gate 3 multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 multiclass builds, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3, bg3 multiclass, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 mutliclass, multiclassing bg3, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 healer build, bg3 necromancer build, bg3 crossbow build, bg3 necromancer, bg3 healer, norzza
Id: KuViGxYzwHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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