ULTIMATE NECROMANCER Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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necromancers are easily everyone's favorite Caster  bro and it is a pretty straightforward play style   here in balers Skate 3 in this video today we're  going to go over some of the details of playing   a necromancer such as a necromancy of thebook  how animate dead works and some items that you   can use to maximize your dead Bros this will be  a bit different from my normal build guides but   it will follow roughly the same format there's  not a ton of Mystique here to crack as far as   the actual build goes it'll be just making sure  you do certain things along your path to maximize   your use of necromancy this is your first time on  my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting   the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if  it's the right one for you with that being said   this build is very straightforward you're taking  12 lever levels into wizard with the necromancy   sub class that's it if you're looking for more of  a Dark Knight build I have that as well linked in   the upper right hand corner but this assumes you  want to just be a pure cter character outside of   that you'll want to get the necromancy of f book  in act one in the bled Village the gem is down in   the well and the book itself is in the cellar in  the first house on the left on an altar combine   those step through that process then not to spoil  anything but look for a codex in the Sorceress   sunry's vault in act three which will allow you  to summon four ghouls on top of your anime dead   spell but that's really the entire gist of this  video if it's all you wanted to know then get   to creating your bone Daddy and have fun in bg3  before you head out though please don't forget to   like comment subscribe each one of those things  does help me out in a huge way I currently have   something like 89% unsubscribed viewership on  the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to   change here before the year's end so every little  bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of this   video that in you the most using the chapters  about the timeline and the description if you   need help with any other subject though in balers  Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at   the end of the video let's get started here on  our best Necromancer build for balers Skate 3   jumping into character creation let's take a look  at things for our race selection for a necromancer   and man my allergies are really rough in it so I  apologize if I sound like my head is inside of a   jar but uh you can go with whatever you want race  wise D is always a really good solid option it's   my favorite race in uh D and D so I'm a little  biased here but D does have some really great   capabilities you do get the uh skill perception  naturally as being a Dr also you'll get access to   an advantage on um being Charmed you're immune  to sleep you get Superior dark vision and your   drw magic gives you dancing lights in fairy fire  which is whatever but you still get darkness which   is a pretty good ability you can just send your  Undead minions into the dark and have them attack   things I I really quite like another good option  here is for any of the elf both half or full Elf   and going high elf because this gets you access  to an additional canant trip this cantrip bases   or is um it uses intelligence as it spell casting  capability so a lot of other races don't really   benefit from this the way that the wizard can so  choosing a high half elf or a high elf are great   ways to get just an extra can trip on board um  as always the gith is a really solid one just   because you get access to quite a few things when  it comes to their Marshall Prodigy you're going to   get your uh light and medium armor proficiencies  as well as short sword long sword great swword   weapon proficiency so if you want to kind of  be this character that does use like two-handed   weapons even medium armor and still just being  a pure wizard you can definitely do that as a   gift which is very very fun um I also really like  the duar as far as a dwarf goes uh because they   get the ability to cast enlarge and the ability to  cast invisibility as well as just being a dwarf so   that gives them advantage on saving throws against  poison um and dwarfen combat for battle axes hand   axes light Hammers and warhammers but my go-to  pick is the asmodus tling this is going to get you   the cantrip of produce flame and it will also get  you two other canant trips at levels uh three and   five here uh it's going to be uh helish rebuke is  one of them which is actually kind of just a nice   capability to sear things up whenever they attack  you and another Darkness spell just like we get   from the Dr so being a wizard you can cast all  these spells so it's not like you're missing out   on anything if you don't take them this is just  kind of my reasoning to kind of have them online   very quickly in your playthrough um as far as your  race goes though pretty much go with whatever you   feel the most confident and the most secure in  just choose whichever one you want because they're   all going to have the same exact stats um now when  it comes to your class you're just simply going to   choose wizard as you would expect cantrip go with  whatever you wish here I just definitely want to   take bone Chill from a thematic standpoint this  isn't necromancy cantrip it is the only necromancy   canant trip and I quite like this here another  cool thing you can do is taking friends as a   really good one unless you have another character  that can take friends as part of their initial C   trips and for spells again just have fun choose  whatever you want this is just level one I like   stuff though like here I'll kind of Select my  starting go-to level one spells uh false life   life is one of your only level one spells and Ray  of enfeeblement I think is another one but this is   uh one of your only other necromancy spells so  you can go with this just to get some temp hit   points and to stick with the theme if you so wish  Tasha's hideous laughter is always really nice   Shield is a very good capability um unfortunately  i' I would select sleep but it falls off very   quickly so if you're using this in the very  beginning of the game definitely go asleep but   you can go eventually with something like charm  person but this is a pretty good little initial   setup for however you want to do things oh Ray of  sickness Ray of inment uh level two I think Ray   of sickness is the other uh necromancy spell so  you know what just for thematic purposes we'll go   with that background here please go with whatever  thing makes the most sense for you your character   and the role play you have in mind really build  out a role play for your characters makes it a   lot more fun are you some sort of uh Noble son  who discovered a the dark book of of necromancy   and this brings you into the necromantic a web  of things are you a former Soldier who's been   corrupted by the th and then th thus Le learns  necromancy do whatever makes the most sense for   you Guild Artisan is always a really good solid  option here it's my like min max option uh because   it gives you insight and persuasion which are two  really great skills that you can then select over   here uh with your uh actual breakdown of your  character now the real question is how do our   ability scores work as a wizard and ability  scores or ability points are pretty much just   going to be just like this since we're going with  a pure wizard we don't need strength we don't even   need wisdom or Charisma assuming this is not your  main character if this is your main character I   would just take the points out of dexterity and  maybe pop them over here into Charisma you know   probably maybe not 10 but this is an example of  what I might do with my main character you could   even reduce them from Constitution if you wish  the reason I have Constitution at 16 is that   it's going to obviously give us plenty of Health  but the main thing is it's going to help us out   with any saving Constitution saving throws which  all concentration spells utilize so this is a   concentration spell whenever I get hit I'm going  to make a concentration roll to see if I maintain   this spell if I fail the rooll I stop casting the  spell if I M if I pass the rooll I keep casting it   effectively so I like having my Constitution kind  of high on this character you can reduce this if   you wish to increase your dexterity cuz you are  a wizard so you are not using armor and this is   what's going to give you additional Armor class  but we're talking like if I'm going to put two   points into this that's only one more Armor class  so to me honestly I'm a wizard if someone gets up   close in person my face I'm going to need a  spell to help me out not necessarily my raw   Armor class in my personal opinion but I'm not a  d andd master so take that with a grain of salt   those that's a pretty good setup though for your  ability points on your wizard let's jump into some   what some progression looks like now for this  character progression for your Necromancer is   going to be very straightforward you're just  pretty much going to level up that's all you   need to do make sure of course you choose the  subclass necromancy keep in mind that when you   choose a subclass of any specific Wizarding  School uh is that that what I call it is it   it yeah it's a school right uh or School of magic  whatever learning necromancy spells from Scrolls   only cost you 25 gold per spell level not 50 so  you get a little bit of a discount there makes it   a little bit easier and since we are going with a  necromancer we're getting the subass feature Grim   Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with  a spell you regain hit points equal to twice the   spell slot level used Thrice if it's a necromancy  spell Undead and contracts are uninfected so you   want to kind of focus on using necromancy spells  as your best ability especially that cantrip bone   chill also necromancy Savant learning necromancy  spell oh whoops whoops whoops whoops whoops I   thought this was going to be the one about get an  extra get an extra thing in aob we'll talk about   that in a bit uh so let's just go ahead and choose  like false life here and uh this this character is   a different one than we did in character creation  so we'll go ahead and accept that we'll push here   into level three and just again we're going to  do the same thing so Rave enfeeblement is going   to be your other necromancy spell that I was  talking about earlier uh my head but just kind   of stick with necromancy spells if you don't  already have them but you can also spice into   different directions like it's very easy to really  stack up fire or cold damage in the beginning of   the game and I'll show you how you do that so  I'm just going to choose ice knife because you   know maybe that's what you're going to go with  you're going to you're going to hinge yourself   upon that but also keep in mind stuff like you  know Darkness can be pretty good or even using   things like crown of Madness those things all can  be pretty great hold person is an amazing ability   it is enchantment but who cares it's still you're  a wizard you're going to be able to cast whatever   you want there's not that many necromancy  spells in this game so once we reach level   four it's time to choose our feet so first let's  go ahead and just do this and we'll choose our spells here what do I I'll do a little Mel faacd  arrow and you know I'll do H person let's now   talk feet for Necromancer and feets are going to  be pretty much dealer's Choice as it always is   Elemental adapt can be quite good you can focus  on that early cold or fire damage unfortunately   necrotic damage is not an element so we can't  focus on it but still doing one or the other kind   of works for me uh personally cold for me is very  thematic to necromancers uh so I would probably go   with something like that and focus on cold damage  if I'm not doing the outright necrotic damage um   also I kind of like a lot of the cold spells like  uh hail storm or is it hail storm orle storm of   ice ice spikes from the sky whatever the hell it's  called um and also like cone of frost stuff like   that but outside of that you have plenty of other  things that you can take advantage of even just a   simple ability Improvement here just put the  two into intelligence whatever you'd like to   do there is a really great one um another really  nice one here scroll down is resilient so what   this is going to do here you increase in ability  by one to a Max of 20 and gain Proficiency in   that ability saving throw so if you're just out  of all of your Fe like I I don't know what to   choose this is a nice one because it allows us to  get a um Proficiency in that ability saving throw   so in this case it would be uh Constitution so we  would add our proficiency bonus which is going to   be two three or four depending upon what level you  are to anytime we're doing a constitution saving   throw which concentration is this is a very nice  simple one that you can really take advantage of   I quite like it uh a real another another really  good one that's kind of a no-brainer for any kind   of Caster is spell sniper you learn a can trip  which is lovely and the number you need to roll   a critical hit with spells is reduced by one so  now you can crit on 19 and 20 can trips go this   allows you to uh oh I guess I guess I didn't  choose bone chill no I guess I didn't either   okay uh there we go so this allows you to jump  into ELD blast if you so wish but since we're   not really kind of going that direction I wouldn't  worry about it just choose whichever one of these   you makes the most sense maybe shot and grasp to  give you a little bit of extra punch whatever it   is um another fun one too is where is it not Mage  Slayer uh mobile which is nice your movement speed   increases and difficult terrain doesn't slow you  down when you dash if you if you move after making   a melee attack you don't provoke opportunity  attack so this is kind of a nice way to get   you well mobile and have you moving around quite  a bit I do like it a lot war cter is always nice   as well because you get an advantage on saving  throws to maintain concentration on a spell so   you can take this over that resilience if you so  wish the shocking grassp portion of it is not as   awesome it's nice to have but it's again not  that crucial um it's mainly you just want that   Advantage it's a nice thing to kind of have  in this situation but really kind of go with   whatever makes the most sense for you I think  stuff like spell sniper and War Caster become   pretty much autop piics for casters but you could  even do something like again like durable if you   wanted or gain full hit points each time you take  a short rest if you want to kind of focus on that   uh whatever makes the most sense for the type  of character you have in mind have fun with it   don't feel locked into any of these Feats you  can always just spec and choose different ones   but these are the ones that I recommend for this  build now continue with the progression of this   character again very straightforward you're just  simply going to keep leveling a a counter spell   is very crucial almost all the time you can  choose animate dead here if you want you can   get it from a spell or you can just wait until  level six where you just automatically get it   it's up to you Glyph of warding is always great  transmutation or haste is really good you can also   go with you know a necromancy spell like vampiric  touch which is actually very good touch an enemy   to siphon their life force and gain half as many  hit points for 10 turns you can use vampiric Touch   again without expending an additional spell slot  so it can be one of those ones that you can use   in a pinch someone gets close to you you cast  it and you kind of have that ability to use it   quite a bit especially if you use boots that have  a misty step to get out of a sticky situation it's   quite a good spell I do really much I do very  much enjoy it we're going to take that now once   we jump into level six we get some good features  first off we get animate death de so we'll talk   about that in its own section but we get the two  big subass features so for one when you cast or   when you use animate dead you raise an additional  corpse which is awesome and you get better summons   so creatures created with animate dead have  additional hit points equal to your wizard level   and your proficiency bonus added to their damage  so just for the most part here like I said just   keep moving through this just choose spells keep  pushing yourself up we you're not really going   to get anything crazy from the rest of this going  forward uh we choose another blight right another   necromancy spell um really the only thing that's  going to jump out is um at level 10 you'll get   inured to death which is okay it doesn't really do  anything crazy you'll see we're going to be there   in just a little bit I'm just going to choose  more spells choose another thing I chose spell   sniper I'll just choose war cter and I want to  get to level 10 before we end this segment uh can never remember what spells are at the top of  my head cuz I've never played tabletop I've only   played like all the games so I'm way better at  the games than I am at tabletop I'm sure there   ice storm that's our that's our cold magic I  was dipping into right level five right there   huh and then at level 10 we get this last subass  feature in y to death you have seeped yourself   so completely in death that you are resistant to  necrotic damage and moreover your hit point Max   cannot be reduced so that's the max capability  here uh you know another way to approach this   entire playthrough is by doing six Spore Druid  six Necromancer that's a really good build my good   buddy ra mortis has on it you can see his he has a  really a legion of Undead things to take advantage   of which is very cool but I really wanted to make  a pure wizard character so this is what this is   here today after this I mean you could jump into  fighter and bring fighter two levels and this is   going to give you access to action surge but I  think jumping to at least level 11 with wizard   get you that final uh level seven spell I believe  it is at that at that at that rank um and that's   kind of the big Focus here I'm just trying to make  a pure spellcasting character so have as much fun   with this as you want this is where I'm going to  stop this portion of it let's talk about equipment   and the necromancy of Fay so if you're going to  go with a necromancer an absolute crucial thing   you need to do is in act one go to the blighted  Village get the necromancy of thebook from The   Alchemist Cellar it's in the first building on  the left and then you need to go into the well   and then get the dark amethyst do whatever's  in the wealth don't want to spoil it for you if   you've not done it you put these two together and  you're going to go through a series of checks if   you're a wizard it's far easier to do those checks  than anything else and once you've done it you're   either going to you want to succeed through all  three so you can save scum through it if you wish   you can use your inspiration points if you wish  whatever allows you to get through those three   checks and then you're going to think okay well  that was kind of that was kind of dumb I didn't do   anything this book then gets turned online I guess  you could say by getting the thran Codex or thian   codex thaan is it from th it's not from th it's  from the th the thian Codex I think it is that   you'll find in the sorcerous Sundries in act three  that's just right in the lower city as soon as you   get into there there's a vault you'll go through  that you'll get the Codex from there I I don't   want to I'm explaining this because if you've not  done it I don't want to spoil that whole entire   Vault it's this really cool series of puzzles and  fun things to do so I want you to experience it   yourself if you've already played the game and  you know where I'm talking about you know where   that codex is so go get that you put these two  together and then you're going to get a spell   I do not have that spell unfortunately but that  spell is called the dance maob this was recently   well was nerfed at the very beginning of the  game when it came out so the actual tool tip I'm   showing you is from that is is pre Nerf but this  creates four ghouls that fight alongside you this   is a disgusting amount of Undead because we're  going to stack this with our anime dead capability   and our other capability that we got right here at  level six which is summon Undead wherever the hell   it is somewhere in my in my in my repertoire but  we'll we we'll show that off in the next section   but all these things in conjunction allow you to  have a ton of Undead on the field at a given time   making you the true Master of the undead so let's  talk animate dead and let's talk about how we can   get a legion going now unfortunately I don't have  the cryp Lord ring which we'll talk about in a   little bit and I don't have dance maot which we  just talked about both of those abilities do not   require a corpse to summon your Undead now that  might have been patched so please take this with   a grain of salt uh I've unable to get that uh that  spell to test this but that's the big thing about   those you can allows you to cast Undead which will  last until long rest with without using a spell   slot or B A corpse which is the two big things  that it costs here but I'm still going to show   you how you can utilize your level six spell slot  to get a lot going on here so let's take a look   at these corpses I've strewn about the the the  area so the first thing we want to take a look   at is Anime dead so animate dead gives us some  options we can summon up a skeleton or a zombie a   zombie is going to be a Melee character versus the  skeleton here it specializes in range combat so   you can see the difference between these so this  is what you're going to start off with but once   you get to a level five spell slot you're going  to get animate ghoul specializes in melee combat   or animate flying ghoul that specializes in range  combat so again whatever makes the most sense for   you and when I click this spell I'm using a level  five spell slot so it shows me I can click two   Targets but I'm going to go ahead and supercharge  this up to level six before I actually cast this   spell and you can see I after have to select four  targets I'm going to do this instead so Arcane   battery this is from this item which we'll talk  about in a little bit Arcane battery alleviate   the Arcane burden of spell casting with the power  of the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost   a spell slot we're going to cast that it's up I'm  going to press six I'm going to find animate dead   and I could I just as I could you create Undead  with this if I want but using animate dead and   I'm going to Do Ghouls one 2 3 and there we go  because we are Necromancer we're getting four   ghouls rather than uh three so this gives us a lot  of really good capabilities but we still have that   level six spell slot so let's go ahead and C  Cast create Undead get to get in range there   we go and B bam now we have a supercharged mummy  unfortunately the mummy doesn't get the benefits   of your subass and this is just a bug for some  reason but right here we have five Undead you add   dance maob into this and then we're going to get  four more ghouls because it's no longer six more   it's no longer six ghouls so we have eight total  Ghouls and a mummy that are ripping and gripping   Downstream for us and I don't even know what that  entire sentence means but the important thing here   too is because of my helmet which I'll show off  in the gear section they all have resistance to   bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage the nice  thing about this is that these guys are just going   to be able to do quite a bit of considerable  damage in conjunction with each other um uh   with their where is this ability they the ability  to paralyze things H claws lash out wildly with   claws and possibly paralyze the Target that is  one of the best things about them also they get   devoured by a knocked out prone or sleeping  Target and deal 6 to 33 slashing damage heal   that many hit points so you can keep these things  up for quite a bit and here's our mummy here who   has just rotting fist drive your fist into a foe  and possibly afflict them with mummy rot you can   see your max hit points is reduced by eight you  cannot be healed really strong in conjunction to   with multi-attack and aim multiple attacks at a  Target that is frightened each one deals 5 to 15   slashing damage and 3 to 18 necrotic damage and  you also have Dreadful glare a fixed Target with   your Dreadful gaze to frighten it and you as a  wizard have tons of sources to frighten things   as well so you can see that your Undead Legion  is going to be quite strong and fun and remember   you're not playing alone you got three other  classes that are going to be able to help out   in this situation and the nice thing too about  this is with four extra ghouls in the equation   yeah they're not going to kill something but  maybe they will because you can use the weight of   numbers to take things down or you can use these  guys to basically spread along the battlefield and   lock things down in a threatened position so they  can't just simply get away you use these Ghouls   and these and these zombies and these Ghoulies and  these boner boys and whatever the hell that's what   I said what I said to really allow you better  flexibility for the rest of your party not so   much to completely kill things in one go the  mummy's very strong but the ghouls in and of   themselves like I said it is definitely weight of  numbers not individual Target damage that you're   going to get out of them which is still though  pretty considerable too if we're taking a look I   that uh pretty considerable to take a look at the  uh oh man I'm just pressing all the wrong buttons here there God uh uh still getting though keep in  mind uh necrotic immunity and poison immunity but   this has multiattack on frightened The Mummy  can multiattack if its Target is frightened   it's one thing that none of these tool tips say  so I wanted to make sure you knew this that the   undead mummy can do a multi-attack on a frightened  Target whereas our uh our Ghoulies here oops wrong   one little Ghoulies here they don't get that they  don't get any kind of multi-attack which kind of   it does definitely kind of curtail the amount of  damage they can do since they they're only doing   one hit per turn but this is all the details  now on on your animate dead your dance maob and   your summon dead capabilities as a necromancer  now as far as gear goes to this character have   fun choose whatever you find cast with it use  it you're a wizard so hairy so the best thing   about that is you don't really need to focus on  much of anything you can really kind of go wild   with whatever you get and that can kind of spice  how you play this character you can use cold uh   spells you can use fire spells whatever you  want to focus on get the spell get the pieces   of equipment that will really kind of hinge or  focus on that you'll find gloves that will give   you fire Acuity if you set something a fire or  or a h a hat that'll do that whatever it is so   just to kind of show off an example here um here  is the morning Frost which you'll get in act one   uh when dealing cold damage the dealer the wielder  deals an additional one cold damage there you go   we can kind of use that in conjunction with this  which you'll get in act two the cold brim hat once   per turn any condition inflicted on a Target also  applies two turns of encrusted with frost and you   can see what that does here affect the entity has  disadvantage on Deck saving throws when there are   seven or more turns remaining The Entity must  succeed a constitution saving throw or take   one to four coold damage and become Frozen so you  can see that you can really stack these things up   uh when the wearer deals cold damage they also  create a 15 for foot circle of ice around the   target so hinge yourself on a specific element  until you start to get to some of the things   that really make sense for this build and to  be totally honest with you there's really only   one item that really makes sense for this build  the rest find whatever you want and use it that   don't feel like you're you have to use anything  specifically for necromancy because you really   don't need to which is actually kind of nice um  there is a staff called um it's staff the cherish   Necromancer and you're going to get it from the  same way that you we going to talk about the uh   the Ring of the cryp Lord but you kill kill  an individual in act three and you'll drop   his staff and his ring the staff doesn't help  you as a necromancer at all it helps with your   necrotic damage but we're focusing on our pets  this isy we're trying to make this a pet class   so that's really not that crucial now the Ring of  the crypt Lord here is pretty good now the reason   this is pretty good is that it allows you to use  create Undead without using a corpse and without   using a level six spell slot this is nice this  is crucial you don't have to waste any kind of   gimmicky stuff which I'm going to show you in a  little bit on getting your uh uh corpses online   faster right your your your your Undead online  fasor so this is the only item that I don't have   that I wanted to Showcase outside of that the  other big item you need the absolute the best   item you do need it wasn't that trip it was this  one the circle of Bones Undead Ward Allied Undead   within 20 ft are resistant to bludgeoning slashing  and piercing damage so they're going to take half   that damage you get this from balazar in Act  2 it's it's absolutely crucial to this build   uh any boots you're going to want something that  gives you Misty step there's a lot of different   ones these are nice because you cannot be in  webbed entangled or and snared so you have that   as well as not being able to slip on Grease or  ice so just a nice little bit of uh capability   to move around gloves we've got the quick spell  gloves uh can trips that cost an action cost a   bonus action Instead This effect can be used once  per short rest this is nice that this comes back   online with a short rest you'd simply go ahead and  press this button and then select maybe your ray   of frost if you're doing that cold damage or that  bone chill if you're doing that necrotic damage   whatever you kind of want to do here you can just  go ahead and amp it up um if you do really want   to hinge onto that necrotic damage please by all  means go ahead and get the staff of the cherish   Necromancer and all the things that bonus give you  bonuses to necrotic damage I just really wanted to   show you how there's not this this build is not  dependent upon any real items other than this one   because it allows our all of our Undead to take  50% less damage from these three sources which   is going to be their prevalent amount of damage  they're going to be dealt in close combat I'm   using the cloak of Elemental absorption but use  whatever cloak you wish uh another good one here   would be the cloak of protection that I actually  have on carlac right now so Armor class plus one   and saving throw plus one that's quite good here  as well another good set of gloves would be the   bracet of protection which give you two Armor  class if you don't have any armor on which you   will not have on and I'm just wearing this this  rope you have advantage on saving throws against   spells uh as far as like some top tier stuff that  you can get this is definitely a really good staff   uh you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and  spell attack roles alleviate the Arcane burden of   spell casting with the power of the staff the next  spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot so I'm   going to show you how we're going to use this or  I've already shown you how to use this to really   get the most out of using our our spells so this  allows us to keep our level six spell slot while   being able to kind of get things online far as  jewelry goes uh envo amulet is great voice of the   circle you can also use this one right here which  gives you Shield there's other ones that give you   uh uh the tentacles that you can use the the the  necklace of endless hentai whatever it's called   um but even just some generic Act One stuff you  can get too is the staff of Crohn's this is going   to give you Ray of sickness that you can cast  on people giving them Crohn's disease but you   also have the staff of interruption that gives you  counter spell which is just a really strong spell   to have I like having that kind of turned on for  me at all times uh rings too ring of regeneration   is just some just some basic hit points uh killer  sweetheart to help out with critical hits because   this also applies Critical Hits to spells um also  is the spurred band during combat when the wearer   starts their turn with 50% or less hit points they  gain momentum for one turn allows you just to get   a little bit more Mobility when you are in a  hard pinched area but this is your equipment   here for your Necromancer very straightforward the  jumping into combat let's have a display of what's   going on here today right so with our four little  ghouls we can go and jump into all these things   and just kind of lock things down unfortunately  these things don't have the most movement in the   world but still we just let's let's just kind of  come over here just slash slashed that guy okay   that's 13 damage or stay there we can see what I  can do here I mean I to be fair you know I could   be doing some some leap in action here out nothing  like watching ghouls leap across the screen at you o return slam on my ghoul how dare you sir we get just a little bit closer and what's nice here is you know yeah sure  my ghouls aren't taking anything down right now   but now I don't necessarily need to worry about  those things kind of freely doing or acting   whatever that see okay they tried to move he got  slashed so it's just kind of free opportunity   attacks because the AI almost always Ops to just  like oh I guess we'll just move out of the way and   from here you know what if I kill someone in this  whole entire Endeavor then I get the capability to   just simply animate more corpses if any of mine  die your corpses last until long rest and that's   probably the best thing about them right you don't  need to constantly be summoning these things up if   you short rest or it's been 10 turns whatever it  is and hell I know I'm a necromancer but I could   Elemental right now you can have as much up as  you want you can really lean into the Summoner   portion of this game if you really want and just  have some fun with it or just jump really hard   into all your necromancy abilities okay blight  so we could just simply like go crazy here Target   on De wait where right okay over there I was like  what the hell you as the actual spellcaster could   do whatever you wish you you're pretty much just  wanting your Undead to kind of get around and do   damage and then you as the Caster kind of more  supplement the either the undead or help Focus   down with your Undead I kind of think of it that  way versus like okay your Undead are solely going   to be so strong they're going to kill things and  then you can go kill things and you can still play   like that if you want right you send all of your  Undead onto one Target and you do whatever you   want but out I think kind of the better way to do  things is saying like Okay my guys are attacking   something let me see if I can do this right plant  uh plants that take to plants take maximum damage   from dispel oh that's a plant thing never mind  but just do a bunch of damage here like oh okay   that guy's already getting d Damage Done like  whatever it is kind of hinge myself on those   actions or you know what I really need a little  bit Mobility we got to get out of this tight spot   let's jump up here Missy step out of the situation  just keep in mind if you do do that and I did this   deliberately you'll see that these guys just lost  Undead Ward so you still want to kind of be close   to your Undead but still since you can summon them  up freely don't be afraid to get out of a sticky   situation if it means that you'll stay alive you  probably don't have the most capabilities in the   in the game right here right I could use quick  spell to cast another uh uh spell rather than   doing what I just did there you don't you can't be  C casting crazy CU you're not a sorcerer that can   convert your sour Source points around and stuff  like that just use your spells to supplement what   your Undead are doing or to help out what your  other melee characters are doing to allow you   to really kind of flex into whatever is needed in  a given combat situation so hopefully this helps   you out in playing a necromancer in bers skate  3 and I think that yeah a lot of people say it's   the weakest of the of the sub classes when it  comes to the popular ones but I disregard that   I still think it's a very fun class it does  take some time to get off the ground I mean   as you can see I don't have that Overlord ring I  don't have dance maob and I still think I have a   very fun functional Necromancer if I have those  things it makes me even better the big thing is   if you're a Spore Druid you can really add to  this and have a massive Legion of Undead but   it's not the play style I had envisioned for this  character so if you do want to kind of do that   like I said my buddy remorse has a great video  on splicing wizard with uh the capabilities of   sport Druid to really give you a massive Undead  Legion but still nonetheless you're going to have   plenty of fun playing this character the minmax  approach to this is just not worth it play the   game how you want you spent your money if you  want to play a necromancer and it's the least   it's it's the worst class in the game hint it's  not that's the Arcane trickster then [ __ ] it   do it don't mind what the internet says what I  say or anyone else says play how you want it's a   single player narrative game enjoy it to the best  of your ability and if you have any suggestions on   how to play this class different items that you  really have taken advantage of or whatever it is   let it be known in the comment section below I  wanted to make a very low barrier ventry class   it's not built upon like 50 different items and  hopefully this is the one that kind of clicks for   you guys but as always thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 168,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE NECROMANCER Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3, bg3 necromancer, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 necromancer build, bg3 danse macabre spell, bg3 necromancy of thay, bg3 necromancer wizzard, bg3 necromancer wizard guide, bg3 necromancer guide, bg3 animate dead vs raise dead, bg3 animate dead, bg3 necro build, bg3 necromancy wizard, bg3 tharchiate codex, bg3 necromancer gameplay, bg3 necromancy gameplay, bg3 best wizard subclass
Id: kiRMDZ477oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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