Calling out Insta MALE Models [Jeremy buendia, Brad Castleberry, Devin Physique]

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[Music] hello mayor its princess again she's blowing up Townsville no we're not gonna let her join the Powerpuff Girls just cause she's throwing a tantrum hello Townsville those cheap low rate questionable style and excuse of superheroes that you guys called the Powerpuff Girls said that out loud to join the Powerpuff Girls but here I am because princess always gets what she wants and you don't care who do you step on to get what you want and your point is always the low YouTube and welcome to the channel and the second episode of Powerpuff Girls week we were first awesome now we are princess miniature money bucks herself [Music] the iconic extremely rich brat that we all love to eat when we watched Powerpuff Girls this is her all grown up and black do you feel old yet as you can see princess is still rich while this dreadful Powerpuff Girls are still fighting crime and poor so I was thinking the other day because I asked you guys on my Instagram right there I will throw a temper tantrum if you do not follow me but I asked you guys what topics you wanted to hear during Powerpuff Girls week and some of you guys said brony dawn because she's a brat she's spoiled she gets what she wants she expects to not work and still make a lot of money she steals money wreaks havoc on the internet gets on the news and exposed for stealing money and then she still gets to keep all of that money give us that excuse of what she called an apology sorry brainy harmony and really doesn't get much negative reinforcement that really would affect her yeah a lot of people hate her but if you look at her Instagram everything is just full of sugar it's mice and everything freaking nice really just got no negative reinforcement very similar to me I get to throw it too pretentious all over Townsville and really nothing ever happens I mean I am rich now he's just going to bail me out again and again and again but you guys know Britney Don is not the only princess of the internet and quite frankly I'm a little tired of everybody blasting these women when these men are being just as bratty with a whole lot of douchebag just mixed in there so it's a day Townsville we are shifting from the women to the men because I am the only princess that belongs on here and I don't appreciate peasants leaking into my lane now let me introduce you to be one of these there's three of them Jeremy Boone dia Devon physiques and the man with a shirt always off Brad Castleberry and like I said before we talk so much about the woman the insta thoughts the IG hoes and the mineral here doing the same exact thing without getting the same repercussions that the women get and what really triggers me is that they act like they're rich princess money bucks rich bouncing as if they've just got piles of money bags behind them all they talk to a camera please so let's just chitchat a little bit of the Mel's of the fitness industry and see what they're up to and how they're representing the fitness community jeremy Buendia is a four-time Olympian physique champ and alleged woman beater he doesn't have that last one on his Instagram but let's talk about it for a little bit Jeremy buendia's ex-girlfriend Hilda Laura Amaral posted pictures of injuries allegedly caused by him shortly after Hilda did a detailed interview on Kinney Kayo's YouTube channel about Jeremy wound dia and how he would abuse her I guess the first question just jumping straight to the bat as I just kind of touched on was Jeremy Buendia abusive at all towards you yes he was abusive verbally and physically yes is the rumors of him paying you off in order not to speak up about the abuse true as well yes those are true shortly after the interview jeremy Buendia attempted to sue fitness you for Kenny ko for defamation of character surely after that Jeremy buendía apologized regarding violence and allegations for responsibilities do the things I know I have issues with I know I have problems with I'm not here to deny them my goods you so minimize shortly after that Jeremy Padilla got dropped by steel supplements after abuse allegations so these are all allegations that Princess personally believes now they are allegations but once again the fitness community is not huge you hear things you see things and I believe the allegations I'm sure people will post their opinion in the comment section I'm sure people from the fitness community will post things in a comment section some agreeing some not agreeing but I made a small post about Jeremy buendia a long time ago and so many a male body builders actually ended up in my own in my inbox talking about how much of the scum and Jeremy buendía is when it comes to women and just as overall demeanor and personality along with a lot of women we might in the feature of people on the channel talking about it but once again I don't like the fitness community I'm not that interested in it I just know that the guys are just as bad as the girls maybe even worse if they're out here put these chicks in the face I personally do not like when people think that they are better than someone just because they're ripped or they're a Olympia four times winner or whatever he is but this guy has major short dude syndrome I mean he is honestly shorter than the short king cody KO he made a song called short king 5 [Music] so Jeremy bindiya ended up being shorter than the short King so I thought that was very ironic and hilarious just thought I would fit that in no there's absolutely nothing wrong with being short you guys will love the Powerpuff Girls they're short I'm short you guys obviously love me and my money but you guys understand that those men that really are insecure about their height for obvious reasons I know a lot of girls are very rude when it comes to high and that's something you can not help and you cannot change but those guys that have to act a certain way to make up for their shortness so they flashed in your face there girl and her boobs and watches and cars and that's pretty much what Jeremy Buendia does in his posts on Instagram so besides the fact that I don't like this personality besides the fact that his attitude sucks besides the fact that has a very hot-headed temper he has a few things very similar to the traditional in some model female you can't take constructive criticism he got very upset when a bodybuilder did kind of a joke performance whenever you go to a bodybuilder show they have a pro bodybuilder come out and they pose in their underwear and this bodybuilder came out and he pretended that he was a physique competitor which Jeremy Buendia is and he did a couple physique poses and then made a joke that physique guys don't have a muscular legs because they wear board shorts and bodybuilders were the little anywhere's and they have to make sure their legs are developed within it what am i doing children the whole package yes [Applause] and so there is a long time joke that especially when physique just started that physique guys don't train their legs because they don't really get judged on them and Jeremy Quincy Boone dia even though he didn't this the bodybuilder that did this didn't like say oh I'm gonna I'm pretending to be Jeremy Lin dia I'm making fun of him didn't hurt him at all Jeremy Budhia got very offended by this and put on this long rant about a guy that was not targeting him at all man there's guys in the Michelin c-class I can't but make class of Z weight division because they're so [ __ ] big but yet we're still a [ __ ] mockery of the division and there's no assignment the fans are followed if you want Instagram that are not of the ones that are making a mockery it's the [ __ ] body boogers man you guys hate us for no [ __ ] reason and you know what I'd be bad to see guys wants get the [ __ ] checks nowadays I've won four titles put trying to come down on mrs. League come down with me personally the one person that has been really killing it from a social media part getting stabbed born at a branding standpoint why keep [ __ ] Rocky and most people in the bodybuilding industry and fitness industry know that it's a joke and can laugh about it but Jeremy took it completely personal so it's like a bikini chick getting offended that you know people make fun of the bikini a thing when it's it's just a joke just take it and move on if you like it then just do it if you train legs we all know that Jeremy Buendia trains his legs obviously a couple other things that Jeremy buendía does similar to the insta models is sell supplements that will make you train like you've never trained before post before-and-after pictures like this one that's a 14 day transformation all this guy did was lose a majority of water weight and he already had a ton of muscle which is going to give him a very tighter looking physique and give the illusion that he lost a ton of body fat in the captain Jeremy says use the Shred with Gwen Zia ebook to get ripped in a matter of weeks a matter of weeks money can't even get us-- treaded in a matter of weeks I try I've got tons of it so it's different ladies at the plastic surgeon still did not get rid of the cellulite on my ass and they better believe that my daddy is going to call them because he paid so much money how did they expect me to get to the powerpuffs girls to cellulite so that's why people quit diets because they got people like jeremy Bundy si el it's only in a matter of weeks that you can drop all this body fat what this guy did for this guy whose transformation is something that I can do I've made videos about it in the past about how if I'm on my period or I eat a whole bunch of crappy food drink a whole bunch of water my body gets super puffy and it's gonna get even more puffy the more muscle you have because your muscle has a lot of water in it so the more water you drink more carbs you have the more puffier you're gonna get and then you're just gonna lose all that water weight in a matter of a couple days and then you have your physique back it's not really a transformation it's just your body lost the water and that's really it it's smoke and mirrors townsville use your head or at least be rich which jeremy Buendia is i mean not on princess level of rich he's can't even dip his toes on the amounts of money that I have but you guys know how these instant models love to just show off their materialistic items so everyone else can feel like [ __ ] that they don't have these materialistic items and think that these instant models are amazing people because they have all these cool things and they take pictures next to their cars and their clothes and their shoes well he takes it to another level and does it in video form you you I cringe so hard Demming physiques Fitness fashion lifestyle how many guys woke up this morning looked yourself in the mirror and we're not at all satisfied with the results you saw very similar to mr. Pandya takes pics next to cars and he takes on it even a higher level than that he is on top of his cars posing butt naked get on his level mr. B this brings me to my point so many people get on the females about over sexualizing the fitness industry posting supplements like on their butt and saying you know take this supplement but it's really just about their butt doing deadlifts and their thongs and then you know talking about I deadlift but it's really just about their butt taking a picture where is literally just their butt and they're talking about a hamstring glute tie-in but it's just there but why is no one talking about Devin physiques because he does the absolute same foolery probably because a lot of men do not do these type of things that's usually the lemon but since you do know that he does seen things now I expect you to say this is about Fitness like we do with all the females Devin faziz posts his hole on Instagram and his caption is always best caption wins a meal plan the one with him standing on his Jeep with his pants down best caption when's a meal plan okay wait what is this one I told you guys he's on the same level as these instant model girls that everyone calls thoughts and hoes if you didn't know he is promoting a supplement right here we had to zoom in a lot then he says comment to this couple emoji and win a meal plan I find the whole winner a meal plan things so funny because back in the day maybe like five years ago I'm not too sure exactly on the timeline but Devin fizzy Scott and got himself in quite a bit of controversy he would hold these contests where you would have to purchase his generic meal plan and his generic workout program and then within like six weeks you post your before-and-after picture and whoever is the winner you would get a substantial amount of money but winner would get a crap ton of money and it was all a hoax staged fake cuz he didn't have the money to pay these people the alpsee an amount of money he was promising to the contestants what is it was these peasants faking being rich either your daddy has money or he doesn't thanks daddy so he would stage these fake contests pocketing all the money and then put some fake before-and-after pictures on his profile and not even tag the winner this was a long time ago but people started calling him out on it and whenever someone did he would say oh well these people don't want to be tagged Paige Hathaway was doing the same exact thing and they started tagging people and we found that the pages were pretty fake and they were like their friends you guys call me to this on the last episode of Powerpuff Girls when we talked about Herbalife and a lot of your guys's friends were like Herbalife people and they kind of asked like if you lost weight they asked you like hey can you fake a picture if some random people that sell Herbalife do it why would you not think that popular people on instagram would fake a contest so that they can make money I honestly believe you know those contests that I see on like cereal boxes I feel like those are fake too I feel like a lot of these people that have a lot of money or have a big business fake a lot of these things and they use as free marketing people are going to share and show that they are working that they are like trying to get this certain thing so then that that company gets free marketing people talking about the product people talking about the event just my thing I bet you guys didn't know that princess was really into conspiracy theories and the last bread that we will be talking about today not the last one but because there's so many of them out there but the one that I decided to talk about is Brad Castleberry I don't know much she doesn't seem very different than the other guys when it comes to their Instagram personas he is a being model so that explains the cringe videos [Music] but his whole Instagram is just a lot of flexing pics a lot of lifting videos lots of not wearing a shirt and that's fine their body is their job they have a great physique of in physiques that I get it what spoke volumes to me about Brad hassleberry and why I wanted to talk about him in this video is a little clip that I saw of him when Kenny ko Prost Brad out of public you've been about Brad not using real weights like I guess there's something going around that Brad fakes a lot of his videos whereas I personally would not be surprised because like I said people fake things the whole internet is fake don't take it literally can't say everything but from what I've seen in the fitness industry everything is so fake so there's a lot of rumors that Brad fakes a lot of his lips and he just does it you know for the views and so Kinney goes and approaches Brad Castleberry we're gonna I could invited Brad for them to go to a gym together with cameras so that he could film Brad pushing the weight that Brett said that he pushes and put all of these rumors that Brad does fake weight to rest on the Internet Brad always proves that the weights are real but once again it's the internet you can't really prove so Kenny wanted him to like prove it with him with his camera guys not you know it all staged with Brad's people because obviously you can do things if you have your own people you bring another outsource into your area for them to prove it then it's gonna be a little bit more credible Brad got very annoyed with that suggestion and he decides to say take your shirt off I just find it funny that if Sun is approaching you and confronting you about something and the first thing you say to try and prove them wrong is a take your shirt off bro because I have abs and you don't and since I have abs that means that I'm right and you're wrong and I'm better so take your shirt off so we can we can we can really prove who's right no matter what you say if you don't have abs and my abs are better than yours you're wrong I stole something take your shirt off police officer take your shirt off and we'll see who's correct here because I'm pretty sure I am well Townsville thank you for watching the real leader of the Powerpuff Girls well what are you gonna do you're gonna weakest one out of all of them Powerpuff Girls I need you blossom and Buttercup aren't there well this is a free Powerpuff Girl job I can't open the pickle jar again hi guys I hope you're enjoying Powerpuff Girls week please subscribe leave a comment and we will see you on the next episode who do you think will show up next time
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 117,990
Rating: 4.9680452 out of 5
Keywords: jeremy buendia, male models, male model, kenny k.o., mens physique, mr olympia, brad castleberry, fake weights, brad castleberry fake weights, devin physique, devin physique exposed, exposed, male instagram models, ig models, calling out, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you weight loss, michelle mcdaniel, brittany dawn, cosplay, cosplayer, brittany dawn apology, brittany dawn fitness exposed
Id: BDaRmiFgoH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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