Veganism or Keto..Which Diet is better?

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Oh vegans and now time we have dealt with the mockery for too long the memes on Facebook not enough options at restaurants how dare they not cater to my lifestyle choice see family dinners we are done with the insults and taunting the sheer disrespect bacon followers and now time that we band together and unite that make sure the world really knows how strong our vegan games really are are you with me you see the chip in my car and if Kitty I do you secure the bag I get the bar get up Danielle before we start my 12-week program is on sale for 99 dollars instead of 170 you also get lifetime access to the Facebook support group more info is links below also yes I know my wig looks odd all make up yes I've even tried vegan makeup gives me headaches and wigs give me headaches as well and I was doing the most with this cosplay so I didn't want to glue down my wig and make it acceptable to the critics standards so roast me and appreciate that I could eat Brussels sprouts to my face just bite my eyes bugging out and blazing headache because of the glue okay hope you enjoy the video I hello everyone along to the channel and if you're new here yes I am a freak honestly if you think I'm a freaking you just appreciate the makeup the crown the tops of a carrot as a staff welcome to my channel if you are new my name is Michelle McDaniel I'm a personal trainer from mother and cosplayer and sorry vegans I am NOT vegan I am just a cosplayer just like I'm not actually Ronald McDonald the ugly witch giving young girls apples and I'm not actually Gamora okay I'm just a lonely cosplayer who occasionally like to create her own characters as this one I don't know her name please feel free to name her but I know that she is very passionate about veganism I know she is clean of the vegan she's very passionate about animals she loves animals in fact she loves them way more than human and she's an extreme passion for vegetables and fruits so much of a passion that she has now sprouted brussel sprout leaves on part of her face so vegans if you had clean this to see you would serve all right it's on to the topic so earlier this week my friend John aka obesity's posted a pretty offensive mean and by an offensive meme I mean completely not offensive and people just taking it personally and deciding to be offended because they are bored so we got a very cute little baby Yoda the cognitive John's meme says me when I see two people arguing about quito or veganism being best for fast loss so I'm not sure if John met fat loss or if he met fast loss like which one makes you lose weight faster but that's not really the point of today's video the point is that a bunch of people are not offended by this meme and decided to take time out of their day to comment how either veganism is better or keto is better what's a day I'm going to tell you my opinion on which day I think is better veganism or keto and you right now in the comments section I command you as you're vegan clean to tell me what you think is better before I tell you mine because on here we make our own decisions no matter who's the queen and who's not I can't demand into my washers to think the way that I think you have to make your own decision but I can demand you to comment your opinion in the comment section before I tell you mine plus I'm the one with the carrot and brussel sprout crown see me okay so before I get to my opinion I wanted to read a couple comments from obese obese or John a comment section because I find and I say this in the nicest way possible but whenever I read John's comments and it is the most just innocent post Joe's followers seem to take everything personally they seem to get very offended about anything even if it's like a joke they can't take it that's why I say and once again this is coming from the nicest place in my heart because I have John in the thumbnail maybe some of his followers might come over here and if you are one of those sensitive followers this is probably not the page for you because if you are offended by anything that John posts especially his jokes that I've seen a lot of people go insane over which honestly obese obese is one of the nicest people I've ever met his jokes are literally no offense John but Barney level so if you are one of his very sensitive followers you are going to find absolutely everything I say and especially my jokes offensive it it will send you why really right to be offensive and mad at me throughout your day and you don't need that in your life so if you are sensitive I recommend staying away from all of this because I'm nice but if I tell a joke and you get offended like I've seen you guys do with a beast of Beast I'm probably just going to laugh okay you have been warned now if you are loving all of this weirdness hit that subscribe button and if you want even more weirdness follow me on Instagram so let's make some comment so you can see what I mean about his followers being pretty sensitive I get it it's not what you do and it's not how you lost weight so obviously it means you must battle both and this ultimately bash anyone else wants to live their life in their way because they don't follow your advice to a tee almost on par with Julian Michael so I guess Julian Michael's made a post about vegans I'm not too sure exactly I couldn't find it but this comments are said did you see the post that Jillian Michaels did recently about veganism this is gonna piss vegans off oh well they're always angry anyway I'm sure many vegans are going to comment about that why not let people do what best suits them you joke about PETA but it really is one of the only diets that is well researched it enough to say it's effective for fat loss now sure you can lose weight without it but things like keto and intermittent fasting can be incredibly beneficial to some people okay you never said that it wasn't beneficial never said any of these things that this person is trying to prove though what's the plan of commenting vegan does better at nutrition in fact org has a whole series of videos on this keto is trashed he's probably that person in the mean trying to tell keto people at veganism is better one thing I have to say about pedo is that both give you results hard to keep them which oftentimes on courage people to work harder hit the gym harder and track food better I started with keto and lost like 15 pounds but that was enough for me to get inspired and make changes le 100 plus pounds okay I think that a lot of people are just trying to prove like okey doke does work when no one said that it didn't it's just a mean it's just pretty much pointing out that these two people who are offset always fight about which one is better that's all and these people are proving the point that these type of people are the ones I always trying to prove that their diets better so this guy responds and says that's for you personally if you look at long term at overall studies keto [ __ ] up the metabolism well there are exceptions like yourself keto is just another fad diet trying to blame an essential macronutrient as the problem and you in fact do you need it also you lost weight because of calorie deficit even with cute cuz carbs and proteins amount for the same calories per gram so if you limit yourself to this okay so pretty much he gives him a nutrition last lesson on calorie deficit but I see he didn't do that for any of the other people when they were talking about veganism how they lost weight he only did it to the keto diet so but he's right he lost weight because he was that at calorie deficit just like the people who say like oh I lost weight on a vegan diet or a plant-based diet or a vegetarian diet I don't care you guys fight in the in the comment section about which one to say doesn't matter to me I say whatever you eat is a diet that is the technical term so the people who say like oh I lost weight because of a vegan diet no you lost weight because you're at a calorie deficit is with absolutely any diet I have lost weight with all the diets that I have done my base you know IIF I am all completely different guys but they all had something very similar I was at a calorie deficit funniest thing is that most because I know are chunky I don't know the most because I know our Chucky I've never really thought about it but there are vegans out there that are heavy which proves the point just because you're being it doesn't you're gonna be thin if you're at a calorie surplus you're going to gain weight or stay at the scene I really used to like you but damn so many of your posts are so annoying now always judging always saying what someone else needs to do mind your business you losing weight doesn't make you perfect I mean if you really want to look at this super deep he's saying that he is the baby Yoda so he's literally just standing there watching didn't judge anyone he's just looking drinking his tea I'm the one that's judging decided to come at this I am judging the hell out of you though you are so me was not being like overly sensitive FL a pretty harmless means I think these people look way too much into it or they just are upset that John's content has changed over the years and he doesn't completely just do those blog things that I used to do which I love the blogs but some people want to change their content so they might be kind of upset then he talks about the fat acceptance community and so right then and there they just kind of shift they get pissed off and they're just kind of waiting there and their phone for John suppose some sort of thing anything anything at all they go to me yep right there I'm offended and now we're going to voice my opinion about a freaking me a meme with baby ass Yoda and be offended honestly a lot of them are just acted like I can't even st. shelter because I can't see a child being offended by this meet but y'all are acting worse these children here from some virtual world where people get offended by baby Yoda drinking out of a tea cup so congratulations you're offended even the vegan Queen it's not offended by this alright so the answer that you've all been waiting for is veganism better or is the keto diet better neither my idea is the best diet is the one you can sustain so for me neither because when I went close to being vegan or plant-based once again fight about it in the comment section I don't care my endometriosis went haywire and when I was kiddo I was always hungry whenever I say there's a couple people from both sides saying well you didn't do it right that's cool doesn't matter they didn't vote for me and therefore I will never do that for you and my meat vegan for the next person looking at my Vita for the next person maybe it's pizza maybe you're eating your healthiest life eating pizza all the time I highly doubt that but you know it could be cauliflower pizza cauliflower pizza is gross it doesn't really because there are so many different people in this world but so many people that means that every person is an individual which means that each person has different needs different health issues different ways in how their body responds different ways and how they can't adapt and stick to a diet I hate when people say no this is better that's what it is maybe it's better for you but maybe it's not better for the next person offended too bad because that's just how the world works we're all special and different and different diets work for different people now that we talked about that go to my Instagram and comments on this wonderful vegan character anyway thank you everybody for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did hit that subscribe button remember my 12-week and group program is now available for $99 instead of $170 vegans and keto enthusiasts are very welcome any day that you choose can work we are just learning how to make it a lifestyle and staying consistent along with having a pretty structured workout routine so if you want to become part of the group where I am a very very active and I comment on every post I post more videos I post a little reminders I post my meals the group posts their meals and we need to below we would love to have you whether you're vegan keto eating pizza and trying to get healthier we would love to have you and no matter what diet you are on we are here to help once again that links below remember you do not have to be a sighs to having big biceps is great to have the scare away all the boys even though I think that my Brussels sprouts face would probably do that enough but they are not needed to be healthy but health is very important and when you are choosing a diet you should choose a diet that you can sustain I'm wishing all of you guys the best on your health journey your mental health journey your physical journey whatever journey you are on I'm wishing you the best and I will see you guys next time you lead off in my car love kitty I secure the bag I get the bar you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty yeah he's secure to Mikey I get the bugs open on the flexor stretch on a nova scale
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 62,579
Rating: 4.9365549 out of 5
Keywords: vegans, veganism, keto, keto diet, keto meal prep, obese to beast, vegan gains, freelee the banana girl, vegan keto, vegan 2019, vegans vs keto, vegan vs ketogenic diet, vegan vs keto weight loss, what diet is the best, ketosis, weight loss, best diets, best way to lose weight, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, keto diet before after
Id: jjZIfSesIc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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