Gross You Look TRANS!

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this is the most masculine looking woman I've seen in a while I get wanting to be skinny but muscular women are visually repulsive the only woman I've seen with shoulders like that is trans women this was a comment that I received on my last video and it just hurts my heart so much I just want my body loved and accepted by everyone [Music] beep mr. muscle shaming me that's right muscle shaming it's a thing I know I know I know what I'll do I'll start a movement oh yeah I'll make a movie where I empower and praise any athletic woman I see not the men they don't count a movement I will empower all these athletic women and we all will band together and to make us feel stronger we will recruit other minorities into our group to make us stronger like gay people black people and trans people and when someone says something about my muscle positivity that I don't like yes muscle positivity it's a thing I will turn around and insult everything about their body all while saying that I'm muscle positive because I am people shaming me for being able to do over 10 pull-ups muscle women gays black people are they're colored people trans people any other minorities I can make us a bigger group and seem the stronger come for the muscle positivity movement and let's force everybody on instagram to accept it because it's a part out here being me [Music] just kidding i don't get a poop emoji if you don't like my body but i didn't want to get on here and chitchat with my youtube crew but that was a real comment for my left you all right maybe that's a few easy tips to lose weight so I wanted to get on YouTube just talk to you guys a little bit about mental health so all three things I kind of want to talk about today the body positivity movement and then putting themselves on the same levels of other minority groups such as trans individual I want to talk about confidence and bullies and not giving a poop emoji about what people think let's talk about the body positive movement individuals who acts like they're accepting to all bodies when I say obesity is unhealthy they are the first turn around and call me Tran let me just read this to you real quick this comment was when I was on Facebook which I actually hate but I also love it people usually have pictures and well here she is they're usually the first to insult my body say that I look like a man and lastly call me [ __ ] you look transgender and you have some balls to open your mouth full of baseball face [ __ ] by now I guess in that little enter the body positivity a group loves to recruit other minorities to bring into their group so that they can feel stronger there's you scared to stand alone so they need all these other groups they create a facade to make them look like they have this huge you know movement so in a lot of their videos I hear them constantly saying we want to see more trans bodies gay bodies people of color bodies in the media like the body positivity movement strives to create representation for marginalized bodies we want to see fat bodies queer bodies bodies of color and everything in between and they act like they're extremely accepting to everybody but I find it so interesting and this happens a lot I just ended up screenshotting this one but if you read my comment it happens a lot from these people who claim to be body-positive right but the moment they hear meets the facts about how obesity is not healthy and none of my videos I never called them ugly I never made any fat joke I say it's unhealthy I Pierre Lee talked about the side effect and the risks of having that much body fat on your body is and the first thing out of these body-positive individuals is insulting my body and then they follow it up by saying I look transgender a group that they need with their group that they say they support so they use them as an insult to me was at the same time is insulting that now for me when you say I look trend I take it as a compliment girl thank you because I follow quite a bit of trans females I mean Angela vanity Blair white Nikita dragon you don't need to find a differential because that's a compliment for me it just means that I am flawless extra over the top when you guys say holders like I'm rare and that means that you guys are just noticing all my hard work I put in to the gym that you clearly can't do and now I'm going to talk about confidence and bullies I mean I call them Internet [ __ ] but you know now I wanted to talk about this cuz I got a lot of comments saying oh my god she's so confident she really doesn't care what people think and I honestly don't if I did I'd be mentally effed up and I want to be striving to be thin or have a huge fake butt so I can be instafamous by the way there it is but instead I'm doing one-armed push-ups and cranking out pull-ups for the fun of it so how I got my confidence one you guys heard this before I realized I was never going to make everyone happy and clearly not everyone can like my appearance or your appearance like I said in past videos when I was thin people how to issue with it when I was chubby earth people had a issue with it went out of average people had an issue with it when I'm muscular people have an issue with it from a young age my brother with lobster Dragon Ball Z I was like I want to be intensely strong I want muscle I want to beat the boys and I want the boys to feel intimidated by these and this extremely strong personality I just love the body that I could work for I think it's just really cool to see you know people's bodies changed through hard work instead of and I know this is kind of a mental thing as well as starving yourself anorexia or overeating you know getting up and just being like whatever I'll just be whatever I want you know both are are something to do mentally and I realize that I just I find it very inspiring people that work towards a body healthy way now how to deal with comments like that I usually blast my as egos because let me tell you those people who go out of their way to leave comments like that is this so much about them let me prove it to you I have somebody that I know that goes on the computer creates a fake profile with absolutely no picture goes out of his way let's go to random profile doesn't matter and leave the most vile comments like for the fun of it that's that's a good time for them and like I said I know this person I know what's going on in their life I know all about them and guess what his white stuff he has no money no job can't pay for marriage is on the rug you name it it's happening I think he's balding now actually his life is horrible so what does he do pop songs is the computer on his fake profile with no picture and tries to make other people feel as him and unfortunately many people lack confidence or are unhappy because they keep doing things that think that they think will make everybody else around them happy what made me more confident after knowing this person's life I see many people I know many people like that that leave those kind of comments and I know about their life and I can see why they're trying to do that because their lives once again stuff now unfortunately some people are not mentally strong or confident so these internet [ __ ] I mean bullies be politically correct word no this and their goal is to make you feel just as bad as they do about their shitty Squidward life any jealous Oh Oh my back yep I thought I with this pop on on here and chitchat with my youtube beeps so now it's surgeon what is the rudest comment you ever received on one of your social media plus did it bother you and how did you handle it to keep you mentally healthy because mental health is important too looking forward to reading all of your comments my name is Michele McDaniel and no creepy men I will not be proving to you that I'm not trans by showing you my every time I talk about this topic I get those weird men in my inbox like hey baby but why don't you send an e a pickup prove you're not trans he can make sure to follow me on instagram turn on the belt to become part of my notification game pick the sub button and if you want a fat-burning weight loss workout routines check out my website Michele McDaniel dotnet and make sure to email me or semana DM if you have any questions remember be a beast stay strong and healthy see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 48,292
Rating: 4.9701061 out of 5
Keywords: gross you look trans, transgender, body shaming, fit shaming, body positivity, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, blogger, vlogger
Id: _5z4nNa7IO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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