Temptation Island is still mental

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YESSSSS the first video was so good. So hyped for this sequel

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ariel-colossus 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Banger alert

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/dumbassg4be 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

on fire for this one

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/spicysuperwoman 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

This series by Noel is my guilty pleasure.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/an00ny2k17 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
fortnite like the video please let me out please press like let me out unshackle him free [Music] all right that was kind of intense hello everyone welcome back i'm here again with our favorite cow temptation island i'm here milking it milk the second teat the second season i'm gonna do my best to summarize 13 hours of content in about i don't know 10 or 15 minutes so here we go let me start off by saying i didn't realize that mark l wahlberg was the host of the antique roadshow which is perfect for this show because this dude is great at interviewing people who own old broken things you know what let me let me stand around and pace for a bit cause you guys know you guys know i like to do that i don't know it makes my brain work better before i start talking about the couples let me say this the first season you could tell they're figuring out what this show is this season they're going for blood they know what they want they learn from the first round and now they're going to make it hell for this round an immediate thing i noticed was these couples were very young in their relationships rick and ashley they had a break so you know relative to when they had restarted the relationships were kind of young i think they chose things that were about as strong as a nature valley bar they were looking for that was going to break at the slightest push sneeze kiss whatever the best example of this to me was the dude casey with his girl ashley h now i don't know the guy and i don't know what the vibe was when they're shooting these opening scenes when they're packing their bags you know they're getting ready to leave they're going to temptation island he has this mega condescending moment where he looks to ashley and he says something to the tune of oh this this experience is going to be tough for you it's definitely going to be very hard for you near the beginning why do you say that he's kind of got it in his head that he's going to do just fine he's going to have a great time but it's going to be hell for her i think he's saying that because the way the relationship breaks down at the beginning is she is very attached to him and i think he likes that he comes across like the kind of guy that likes a girl attached to his hip now why am i going in so much detail it's gonna matter later but you just lock that in your head that this dude casey thinks he's gonna have a good time there's another ashley on the show she's with a dude named rick and rick i love the guy from the beginning because he comes out real right at the start of the show i think no you could put the clip here but he goes i'll be real i cheated there's nothing for me to hide so i'll be real i cheated rick kind of has this honesty about him right off the bat that makes me feel like okay this show is going to be pretty pretty interesting the next couple that i can remember is sonica and gavin and after that is kate and david i focus on kate and david because this dude david he basically talks about their relationship like he's kind of a cia agent or something it's just an act of service he doesn't really seem as though he's into it so just like the previous season episode one they kind of detail where all these relationships are at yada yada they go to the house it's big and beautiful and then that night they introduce the couples to the single people now at that moment or in that scene they show all these people and 17 minutes and 44 seconds in that first episode you look at the lineup and you're thinking who is that [ __ ] with the long ass hair and that h mannequin in front of him just the first single guy in the lineup is his dude ben i think and he comes out and he goes what's up i'm ben and i was a sniper in the army and i got your girl in my sights which is kind of a crazy thing because you know sniper in the army to me means like this dude can be awake for 72 hours comfortable [ __ ] in his pants you know waiting for an opportune moment to strike observing and learning about a target over an extended period under intense conditions and i don't really know if they need someone with that kind of training for a situation like this but i feel like that sort of underscores what they're going for this season when i say they brought killers okay going into this season i know the producers were stoked because they got kate and kate from the outset is a nervous wreck this lady is uh she's melting down internally and you know the producers are really excited about this because they couldn't ask for a better thing a crying woman only 20 minutes into the show i think she was starting to tear up on minute two so you know they're loving every part of this another important dude out of the lineup is this guy kb it's important to know him for a couple reasons one when he steps into the frame i mean the only cinematic comparisons i can make for this guy is either xerxes or ultron this dude is like seven five and when he speaks it sounds like i don't know that's just going to some kind of vocal processing this dude is like i'm here to take your [ __ ] i forgot exactly what he said i think he just steps in the frame he's like what's up i'm kb i'm 36 and after that i could have sworn like rock started floating and if he was any kind of like super villain or you know if you had a super villain name it'd be something like i don't know [ __ ] taker cocktron or something anyway so the couple sit down to have dinner and uh you know the producer is already excited here because now ashley h she's breaking down i forget what casey said but casey kind of trips up and he says something to the tune of oh you know it's gonna get harder and harder and immediately ashley h is like harder because like harder to resist and he goes no no harder because i'm gonna miss you and when he said that i was sitting on the couch like you don't mean it that way bro we see it all of america can see it in your eyes you don't mean it that way all right so going into episode two you could tell the vibe is already different it's not about finding love for the singles frankly they are all smiling like sharks they want kills they want points on the board they're trying to squad wipe each of the people in the couples they're trying to go one two three four now in the girl's house kb already puts his sights on ashley g and already they're flirting it's kind of playful it's kind of cute you could already feel the tension and then spoiler alert they [ __ ] fast one kill on the board and i know in the production room they were popping bottles of champagne's like we broke one already we got one boys only three to go only three to go let's [ __ ] them all up after kb [ __ ] ashley look at the way he talks about it just look at this she was in a relationship it's over now i'm the captain now if a dude ever looked at me through a camera sitting next to my sort of current exhale whatever you would even classify that and goes i'm the captain of this ship now let me tell you um so at the first bonfire they all sit down and it's kind of intense because at this point you know that they've been partying in the house with the dudes and the dude casey got grinded on by these different girls so you're kind of sitting with this gut feeling like ah ashley oh just just close your eyes you don't want to see this and they show her they show her the clip of payton you know doing i don't know what that was a dog fresh out the bath to work i don't know what that was she starts crying and i'm crying laughing as well because i feel for her but also the juxtaposition of crying against twerking i mean the edit it seemed like something out of tim and eric like she's distraught and they just keep showing these clips of these girls being like it cuts back to her you know just by the way i forgot about this it also doesn't help at the moment is supposed to be so dramatic and ashley h is saying something like oh that's my boyfriend they're just grinding all their asses all over him i mean he didn't touch them but he let their asses rub up all on him so eyes full of tears grinding their butts all over him killed me man something else that's important to call out is in these bonfires unlike last season you could tell mark mark is really trying to like like pull the darkness out of them you know like while they're crying he'll be like now i know it's hard but tell me what are you feeling this is an old ass reference but it's really like some star wars like they're crying they're seeing fire in their eyes they're like you know mark's there like yes feel your anger i can feel your anger it gives you focus so they get to the guys at the bonfire and they're trying to see how they react you know to different interactions kate has been real reserved but at some point someone puts like suntan lotion on her and they show that clip to david and david like the cop that he is he immediately goes into like deposition mode or or the same behavior a cop would have when they're answering questions about a crime that just occurred and they're just trying to be as calculated as possible dave did you see kate getting suntan lotion on her shoulders yes well obviously there are risks on both sides in this operation and uh we can't make any conclusions uh as of yet it's literally how he sounds roll the clip it sounds exactly like that i mean yeah you know having a guy put suntan lotion on her body i mean i'm not jumping up and down about that but um at the same time it seemed pretty innocent now the david thing is funny but as you're sitting there the thing you really care about is rick because you know you know what they're about to do to him you could tell this season it's not just about crying woman tv they're trying to make the men cry as well and they got that sex tape ready to go and it's really kind of messed up because rick is sitting there and he's got no clue what he's in for i mean bro this is after night one and they just roll that clip they're like look look look look look let's see if he cries do it rick has what i would describe as i think the quintessential dude reaction you know he just saw that tape and all he could do is this that's what men do we have to we have to pull the sadness back we have to pull it in reset you know we have to stay cool i think that whole experience for rick and anyone is i think that's worse than coming across your lady or someone on the hub because you know it could happen but you still have like this element of trust where we're not gonna do that and then they do it and now it's like oh ah and you brought me here to ah two because that's the part you have to remember is that ashley was begging rick to go with her on this experience so now he's sitting there like going from that point there's a lot of interactions with the singles and the people and the couples and all the singles sound like shady car mechanics or something the way they talk about you know the couple's relationship they all just kind of you know look into the engine of their relationship just sort of like oh yeah yeah that that right there that's gonna yeah that's gonna cost you a whole it's gonna need a whole you might as well just get a whole new one honestly i mean that right there that's a man i mean you keep driving on i it but wouldn't i want to sit down for this next part of the video because honestly what happens from this point forward in the show it just kind of blows your [ __ ] mind more than the first season i mean everything like you you need to take a seat to really think about what the hell you just saw spoilers i'm gonna punch through them here but just you know it's that time all right one of the first things is that dude casey gets butt ass naked in an apron and they make ashley h watch him sit there and party boy it up while he's butt ass naked in an apron did i mention that this dude is ass naked in an apron on like night two remember when he was like this is gonna be hard for you i don't know how you could really justify being ass naked on night two even three even seven come on man what'd you show up for after having sex ashley g puts the question on kv hey if i wanted to leave the island with you right now and start something real how do you see that and he just goes yeah it's not gonna work he goes i don't really see it like that but you know uh i want to be your friend and i want to help you through this process and you're young you have time man that was the spiritual equivalent of like closing her eyes and putting a condom over each one and just sending her back out into the water you watch that scene and you're kind of like yeah that's pretty bad and then a few minutes later gavin is uh sucking somebody's toes aggressively munching on him looks like he's at a dodger game the way he's chewing on them shortly after that rick starts making out with this lady medina and then right after that uh you remember that cia agent david yeah he starts to get into what looks like a goddamn threesome and it's crazy because he was the one who wanted to bring him and kate there to prove that he could be trustworthy foul man foul now out of all the storylines going on in the house they put a lot of emphasis on this dude casey they get him in these moments where he's kind of got a lot of pride and he's saying things like ah man if ashley h broke up with me i wouldn't care and they show her that clip you know and it and it motivates her to be a different person to take certain actions she ends up having this passionate kiss on the top of a mountain which casey sees and uh well i think you can see from this clip it's him punching the punching the seat during the bonfire i mean this is this dude's joker moment he makes a 180 in this show that i could have never seen coming he becomes full of regret he's emotional as [ __ ] he's like crumbling inside he could barely hold himself together to the point that now he's kind of putting on this display of i don't want to be here anymore you know i want to be with ashley i want to spend the rest of my life with her and he starts hanging out by himself in the jacuzzi and he's going on this path and he's it's almost i don't want to call it delusional but the sort of look in his eyes is kind of like i'm going to fix this and he's very dialed in on it before the final bonfire where the couples rejoin and decide if they want to stay together they pick singles from each of their respective houses and spend the night with them casey picks this girl rachel who he had been kind of talking to and they spend their date shopping for a ring for casey to propose to ashley h and the whole time you know it's bad because on the other side she's like become a new person she's loving this other dude she's she's all about it they got this crazy moment where he's just sort of speaking like he's got the thousand-yard stare and he's just like i would i would i wouldn't spend the rest of my life with her i this this is gonna be it this is gonna be it and use the viewer no no it's not it's [ __ ] over man it's nah you're done so he buys this ring and they go into the final bonfires where they're going to decide what they want to do and i'm not going to tell you what happened with the other couples in case you want to watch this thing through because i want to leave a little bit for you to sort of discover but casey walks in and you know it's a death trap because you know based on some footage leading up that ashley is coming here to put the wooden stake through his heart everyone on the show knows that even mark mark has these moments where he's just kind of like he's like trying not to laugh he's like oh uh-huh no i'm i'm totally serious right now i feel terrible for laughing because i know he probably really wanted to fix it he just didn't have the emotional iq to really read what was going on there as you could tell off of her body language coming in that it was over and he should have just let her have that but instead instead he does this crazy hail [ __ ] mary i'm talking from the one-yard line to the hundred bullet throw just [ __ ] delivers this crazy speech where he's just like i wanna and i wanna i wanna i don't wanna be with you forever baby baby i wanna i don't wanna be your baby i wanna get i wanna grow old with you and tell jokes on the patio and drink wine and he's just borderline incoherent and mark has to cut his ass off he's like hey hey let her talk and then you'll get an answer to your question okay i mean this dude is like on one knee like put the ring on her knee just begging just like slurping at her kneecap like a like a dog just like i love you please let me say something bro i don't know how he didn't interpret her covering her face like this the whole time as stop proposing like this right here during a proposal means stop don't say anymore we're done here and he keeps going and going and when she [ __ ] like severs his heart into two he does it was like tommy wiseau or some [ __ ] i couldn't tell if he was acting or true heartbreak i mean this this run-off it was and you're sitting there watching him [ __ ] beg please don't leave me and you contrast that with the smug look on his face going into the season where he's like yeah this is gonna be hard for you it's gonna be tough oh oh i mean that [ __ ] was about as satisfying as watching like ramsay bolton die in uh game of thrones i mean it just it just felt like that like just somebody who just he's maybe a little bit of humble pie just a little slice of reality and he got that and you're like you know you don't wish ill on him but man yo man don't get too comfortable you don't you don't own anyone everyone is is human at the end of the day and they have value and they'll find it you can't treat people like that you know and i think overall the show really went from crying woman tv to everybody's crying to everybody now has permanent damage the reunion episode is is cold it's visceral like no one there is really happy there's no happy endings really from the show there's like one sorta happy ending but that involves rick and i think rick was really the only one built for that whole situation because the guy just seemed to have a high emotional intelligence and a real brutal honesty with himself and he's like the only guy i felt that came out of that better off but everybody else i mean there's it's completely insane completely freaking insane so to that i would say if you would like to see eight people get emotionally traumatized and then changed for the rest of their life then you might be interested in this season of the show if you're not then i would definitely say this show is not for you now i know in the last video i said something about oh man there needs to be a show where it's like a physical competition for love and some of you were like i guess you've never heard a fear factor and fear factor is for money i was talking about a situation where one significant other does a physical competition to prove their love for the other one and it turns out something like that exists and that is something i'll be covering in a video in the very near future so in the meantime thank you for watching this one and uh yeah i'll see you on the next one [Music] ask me if i peace a [ __ ]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 2,003,828
Rating: 4.9878168 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: i2pN55pluTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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