The Dumbest Chess Game Ever Played

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ladies and gentlemen when you browse chess games here on youtube you're most likely to discover some of the games of the masters the best players currently living or throughout history but in this video i'm going to show you the dumbest chess game i've ever seen in my life and hopefully the dumbest chess game you have ever seen in your life that you yourself have not played shout out to daniel guan who sent this to me i've got nothing else to say let's go back we are in the year 1983 and we are in holland kristoff vandalou has the white pieces m hessling has the black pieces i don't know his first name or her first name for that matter i actually don't know who that is um and this is one of the few games on this channel i'm gonna have an eval bar because that's how exciting this was pawn to e4 pawn to e5 knight f3 knight c6 bishop c4 so far so good in italian nowadays players play bishop c5 c3 knight f6 d3 and they maneuver but back then we got knight to g5 knight to g5 is known as the fried liver after knight f6 to go after the f7 pawn nowadays the main line is d5 and after pawn takes you play knight a5 and or knight d4 is a very interesting system but black was ahead of their time black clearly had foreseen that some 38 years later a traxler video from one gotham chess would hit youtube and they were well prepared and they played the move bishop to c5 now the engine hates it but my engine is on a low depth that's why it's showing plus 1.6 the traxler is one of the most insane openings that exists and the point is that after knight takes f7 which forks the queen and the rook black has this dynamite strike bishop takes f2 check now computers move 25 to 30 so 20 moves beyond this point have proven that white in the traxler is okay and can get a computer advantage like point seven point eight but who has the time to memorize 25 moves and tons of branches of variations right so so king takes f2 let me just take the bishop and now rather than losing my queen or my rook or defending one of them i'm gonna go knight takes e4 check this attacks the king and frees up the queen the king goes to e3 this is one of the moves of the traxler the other move is to just tuck the king back here now normally queen h4 is played in this position with black the point being that you defend the knight and you threaten queen for uh check but black plays queen e7 which is not a very popular move because it loses it's a losing move according to modern day analysis white should now take the rook and white can survive this position but in this game white played the move c3 and i can only imagine that the plan was to prevent something from coming to d4 like if queen c5 check for example you have this and then you have a barrier here right and then so you can always like take and hide your king that was the point the thing is that the move c3 in the game did not prevent knight d4 at all but after knight d4 the position is plus five it's plus five but it's plus five if and only if you do not take the rook you do not take the knight and you do not take this knight it is only plus five if you play d3 d3 that is the only way just wait for a move and black has uh no threats it looks like there are threats after knight f5 check but you're completely safe in the center of the board as idiotic as that looks so instead white takes the knight and oh here we go back down now it's 0.00 queen h4 check king goes back to e3 and black plays the move d5 now this looks absolutely terrifying look at what the eval bar is gonna say it's saying plus three right but watch this watch this takes this is the point and oh actually the eval is now back down a little bit and the computer's gonna actually realize that it has the position incorrect because the only move that you have is to go to c4 right but now after this move b5 check oh oh oh actually black is winning oh the computer does not understand the position unless you add depth to it you need to boost the computer's rating a little bit for it to understand what's going on so this king is now being hunted out and by the way just for the record anywhere the knight moved would have been a discovered check but white is up six points of material so check here and now the position is completely lost for white completely lost the only way that this is completely lost though is if the queen finds a way to get to the king how's the queen gonna do that by the way notice that this rook has been hanging since like move five this knight arrived on move five and white's king has been basically hunted to death and now there is a breathing moment but there is a winning move here for black and black spots it and the move is queen to h4 to bring the queen back to e7 at which point it's essentially checkmate like that is made queen e7 is essentially made so what is the only way to prevent getting checkmated you can try to pause here and find it this entire game will basically be a riddle uh how do you get out of getting mated it's actually incredibly difficult to spot this move so it has to do with getting your queen uh your king more access so you're not gonna go here you can't really go back because then i hunt you down with my a pawn and still mate you with my queen the move is this knight takes e5 because now the king attacks the knight and if i check you you go here and you're safe again and now you're up 10 points of material okay great so knight takes e5 now the only move for black to get an advantage in this position once again is to castle long long castle so the rook now pressures the bishop the queen patrols the entire area over here and again white has one and only one move that does not lead to force mate every other move is force made c4 how does that not lead to force mate well you're trying to get c takes b5 on the board and escape down the c file backwards that's the only way you're gonna escape also you needed to defend against rook takes bishop rook takes bishop was a massive threat um so c4 but rook thinks bishop still appears wait a minute i thought we just defended against that c takes d5 oh black has backup so now white is up nine points of material but it's made in 14 moves by force if black finds it white plays the move knight to c3 and now in this position there is a winning move for black which forces checkmate and white would need to sacrifice all their material what is that move what it what is the move because you start looking for this check that doesn't do anything that check that check just takes knight e6 is actually very scary looking uh you cannot take it because then the queen teams up with the rook and after check here check here check anywhere you move it's mate so knight e6 is pretty scary but king takes b5 is on the board which is why i said this is one of the dumbest games i've ever seen in my life so knight c3 the only move that wins the game here or at least forces made is a five that's called a mating net you are trying to weave a mating net you take away all the king's escape squares there's no moves now and here's the threat the threat is this let's say um you go a3 something like a3 watch this queen f6 but i thought i thought king takes that yeah queen b6 look at you getting crisscrossed applesauce in the middle of the board okay so we can't play a3 so what will we play to prevent mate after queen let's take this pawn yeah so after that the force mate is queen takes knight it's a force mate where you die very slowly you don't get checked you just i just get closer and closer and then your king runs out of squares if you try to run away like this check here knight takes knight as checkmate yeah i mean when your king is the most advanced piece and the army behind it is worth 22 points it's probably bad you're probably gonna lose so in the game after knight c3 black did not find the move a5 and instead opted for knight to c6 which as you can see goes from m14 to zero zero zero after the move knight c6 and here white plays one of the most disgusting moves i have ever seen in my life ever ever and i've played a lot of games and i've watched a lot of games and i've thought of a lot of chess moves so here's the thing if you play king c6 then after queen b4 it's bye-bye you are banished to the shadow realm because you're just getting mated if you take with the pawn then after queen d4 king b5 you are getting banished to the shadow realm once again and if you take with the horsey then it's a very swift death you die with queen c4 mate it's just mate so you cannot take the knight but you can play this move now tell me this is not the stupidest move you've ever seen if you are looking at the position correctly yes b takes a4 is a possibility but after knight takes knight white's king is not only safe white maintains a three-point material advantage and white is potentially better the only way for black black to do anything is to threaten mate again and you would play b3 and somehow white just keep keeps playing the damn game keeps playing the damn game okay well black just doesn't take the queen at all and plays queen e7 check king takes b5 and now black has to play knight takes knight to threaten bishop d7 among other things but then there would be check here and the king would escape the king would escape that and this this position is apparently uh is apparently equal what is the computer saying rook d6 oh then oh oh queen a5 rook b6 is it is it this is uh oh no it's still winning for black so rook d6 rook b6 and cut the king off on the a file and that that's the way black would win this position so knight takes e5 yes knight takes e5 would have been the only way for black to play on and finally black did something dumb themself black play queen takes e5 and now we go from mate in 14 to equal to five two plus five plus five why because of queen c4 and now white is still up seven points of material and the king is no longer getting mated because it has a safety net knight d4 check king to a4 bishop d7 all right great it's time to bring the king back wait it's not time to bring the king back home because knight c2 and we might get a repetition of moves which would be depressing no repetition of moves nope the king goes back forward not only does the king go back forward knight c6 the key the king ain't slowing aren't you aren't you happy you clicked on this game it was such a clickbaity title but isn't this so worth it this is better than any movie anyway king a6 knight to b8 and if white was a super gm white would have just repeated moves but white is not a super gm so white took on a7 and now it's made in 5 again it is made in 5 again but it's made in 5 again in a very very specific way a mating net once again queen to d6 threatening i'm not even sure what is being threatened i think what's being threatened here is queen b6 and something moving to c6 so for example in this position oh i don't know i'm sorry right now the threat is mate on b7 okay wow uh so knight a4 that's the threat it's queen b okay and if queen b3 queen a6 so there's no way to prevent check and mate on b7 and if you play knight a4 then i just take and i threaten okay makes sense makes sense okay sounds good excellent question asked question answered c6 played in the game to try to play queen c7 queen b7 but that move doesn't win c6 is now advantage for white because queen c7 can be prevented with the absolutely savage move knight b5 and you cannot take because you are pinned so now black plays bishop f5 looking to get a seventh rank made somehow so white just plays d4 rook d7 check and the king is mated to a8 oh yes yes yes yes aren't you so happy you clicked queen e7 and the simplest of pawn takes pawns bishop e4 pinning my pawn to my king i put in the corner voluntarily d5 breaking the pin but after bishop takes d5 you are out of options you have to take so now you have sacrificed a queen you are only up two points knight a7 check king d8 king takes knight and now we go from plus four to minus to two minus everything the game is over in six moves it's force made it's force made queen before check is force mate king a8 king c7 bishop f4 check you take the king's mated kings mated but queen c7 check first and rook a5 also looks like mate right i mean it's mate queen c8 is mate queen a7 is mate rook a7 is mate check check rook takes bishop check can't make me if i'm checking you check rook d7 who's mating who because when you go here and i go here uh you could take as many pawns as you want i'm going to protect my king and then i'm going to make a queen you are about to get ladder mated even though my king's on the same rank as your king rook c5 c7 hello if you take discover check oops oops oops oops queen g4 check and let's not forget i want to give everybody a turn i want to give everybody a turn everyone's going the a and the b pawns are going to h5 a5 h4 b5 h3 knight c6 h2 and rook takes g7 and if queen g7 c8 but of course you would promote to a rook because that would after root takes g7 black resigned black resigned because there's nothing to be done if you play a move like queen c8 check i go here i pin your queen to your king and the move b5 was useful because it defended the knight and black resigned black resigned because you cannot prevent all the different ladders and c8 um well folks one thing is very fitting about this game the fact that it was played in holland it's very clear that these two players must have um inhaled something of the smoky variety prior to this game now the other thing to mention is that on a serious note the traxler counter attack against the fried liver first of all the fried liver and second of all the traxler counter attack are some of the most insane lines in all of chess and for the beginners watching you can have a lot of fun with it and for the advanced players watching you can dig into this with some engine prep and really make it a powerful weapon but i had to share this game because i just don't get to share games that look like this very often so as always if you enjoyed you made it this far you managed to watch and you still think that some of the games you play might look even dumber well that's an achievement in and of itself um if you guys have any other solo games you would like to show me do send me them or leave them in the comments i'd love to go through them make videos about them make funny thumbnails about them and show them to all of you till next time i'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 921,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 7S5Plq6RC24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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