Wilderness Canoe Camping With a Puppy

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hey everybody my name is Matt Posen I'm gonna go camping for a couple of nights and I'm bring Monty here it's not gonna be an ordinary camping trip I'll tell you why in a second but first I just want to go over a couple things that I always bring I got my frangie at 28 mini so and my son's saw it's a full little bandsaw this is my New Mexico I dry bag it's huge it's 115 litres and it holds a lot of stuff and I'm gonna travel for the first time also got my water filters that was our gravity filter I got this cute 11 week old Australian Shepherd puppy improver that membrane isn't he adorable sorry you had to go in there yeah but it's actually Ruger's first time going camping so that's why this is a special trip we're gonna see how he does for a couple of nights he loves the outdoors so you should do just fine narrator we think Monty you're gonna be able to share the tent with Ruger here so yeah hopefully it's gonna be the middle of summer it's the end of July and we're gonna have some good food maybe drink a couple beers and catch some fish let's get going guys we're just on our way camping and it's uh like it's gonna be some good weather I'm pretty excited about it well we were a little worried that the weather was saying it wasn't gonna rain it was gonna be pretty nice so we were worried that we wouldn't have very many mosquitoes to deal with but luckily thunderstorm and rains really hard so we'll have a fresh batch of us eNOS which would be sweet I love mosquitos my favorites what little buddies nothing are you just sitting there tormenting mati are you two being cute you guys like car rides together huh what do you think mati yeah I don't know about him either I just parked my car at the opposite side of this modernist area and got a ride all the way back they got Ruger here with me and funk already portage down or bagging stuff aside a drop right here on the drive the other side so she's been sitting here a while waiting for me and we're about to get this adventure started Monty yeah buddy nice and Paul just great for the bug kid sit still so it turns out we're gonna get an extra night we're gonna do three nights going all the way to do the place now we're doing reportages today too don't even really count they're very small and at one small little porch to get this started so it really was an easy day and uh yeah maybe I don't get this some fishin if I can set up camp and get enough firewood early I haven't revised for dinner Ruger uq5 he's a good boy too we can make make sure that we'll come back to this fund we're going to go do a portage and go to the next Lake and then hit the porch back to continue on tomorrow nice little lake Monte does not like deer flies you just told me that I like them either I'm glad this isn't a with your monkey of the nine Oh Monty you're all sweaty it's not like we're camping and so you get the strings okay buddy no problem duck whoops oh they don't call me monkey folks for no reason I was just they talk about past history in front of Monty nope Monty wings not to you went you know I'd use a smart little boy we arrived at our first campsite what do you think Ruby what do you think you like camping Jeanette camping so far Oh what do you think yeah he likes it so this is where we're spending night number one someone left us a little bit of cut-up firewood we'll get some more but it's a good spot on the lake a little point some a good night you just need to get some water camps all set up I think Monty Andrew found himself at the enjoyable in couple sticks mosquito on your nose Monty what are you doing you little puppy are you teaching him how to play the sticks Monty you're getting just nice and dirty for the tent aren't you oh boy yeah that's just fantastic Boise yeah there's some good boys eating your food are you a dirty puppy are you a dirty puppy should we do - don't fluffy yes you are this is our MSR gravity filter this is I love this thing for you I was bringing a bunch of empty Nalgene just clip them on the other side of your pack wherever you got a strap it gets us tons of water I love having tons of freshwater on camp and I don't have to do any work help the bag I can get three huge now beans from the water last me all the time we're camping here in freshwater so love this thing - perfectly calm even out there I want to catch a fish so that is my goal right now when the ball up there catch one fish tell you track fish the fish dinnertime I'm very good at it by the way that's not this guy this is the cutest little thing that is a bass let me tell you something bass on Monday and there's a monster oh what's going on the wall hey you know what I did you know what it's getting dark and I'm getting just mauled by mosquitos so I'm gonna call it back to camp get a fire going less funk Rd got one going I'll make some dinner pretty bad right now oh they're getting my ears Hey they're eating me alive so I'm just gonna go with that that's cause smoke baby all right we'll get this thing ripping and then we're gonna make some mistakes before this storm comes in elysium yeah this is your first taste of skeeters but you're just loving that one so what's on the dinner plate for tonight is to beautiful ribeye steaks and some baby red instant mashed potatoes I have the water going they stay hot for quite a while so well it's that's boiled and they're cooking we're gonna this these fire rings come with the great so we're gonna lay the tinfoil down over the grate and cook these steaks up it'll be delicious all right just in case you're wondering yes I will be packing this trash now burn it blaster fires cuz I like cooking over fires and fire pits so I don't burn plastic in there I just pack it out in the old ziplocs I bring I don't like eating plastic oh they're gonna fry up so beautifully I'm gonna wash my hands babies up this'll do you know oh yeah good grief tonight fatty ribeye now just let these sit for a minute let this burn off and then we can rinse that out and pack it these are done our mashed potatoes are ready and eat it's time to enjoy an outdoor feast mm-hmm mm-hmm don't you see where that is Oh are you looking at something Monty know if you're lucky and that mosquito gets you too much I'll give you some steak fat I promise this is how you make your dog enjoy steep-ass you get your hands real greasy and you just let him pull off little strands yeah see he's forced to taste it this way I know it sucks having to eat it nice and slow and not just whoop it down and swallow it good where's pretty hot we're coming you want some Steve fat be gentle so I took the boy that's your first steak bet only gum oh you got some pictures of them I don't want to give them free rein thing Oh get the blue things I want to boil them up and give them a try a little I pray for sure oh it's looking pretty good definitely done they can cool off for a minute oh there we go right there let that thing cool off doesn't seem to mind being out here Oh big Skeeter full of blood let's take out tail we're just got a little bit of fugu on it take this off here there we go a delicious little lobster tail might as well be lobster you pull that off tikki that's a mud babe that's icky there we go let's see how good she tastes mmm pretty tasty delicious gotta tell you funky tired Monty an attack here with the teeth go to bed so warm in this tent we are chilly in our underwear almost naked taken to a kindly rugers just cuddling on his big brother and Monty is just doing this thing where he lays over most of space what we should all get a good night's rest oh it's morning the puppy was very restless and it was warm in this tent and I mean Fung didn't get much sleep it's a pretty tired but the dogs are out didn't need a lab a bug so we got to be out there to make some breakfast pack camp and scoot along to the next spot you guys are so precious so precious I'm using my fringe yeah stove here it's a little alcohol burning stove I like it it's very simple he's a little windscreen the flame was lit gonna make some high quality Obi over breakfast you don't want help me although I would like to make a cup of coffee I'm gonna use my little MSR mug night here thing works pretty good for uh making coffee definitely like that let it steep for a minute you get a delicious cup of black coffee there we're all packed up campsites all cleaned I don't think we forgot anything at all oh I guess we forgot this little poppy guess you can come with us bring into the pack you're part of us now and we're off we've got four Portage's today each one gets a little longer than the next one their first couple aren't so bad and then the second two or they're not terrible last ones about a half-mile so for Portage's I'm going to go four legs and then last leg we'll get set up at a nice little spot that we like do some fishing eat some fish for dinner tonight hopefully I'm pretty confident we're gonna catch some fish see how that goes hopefully it doesn't rain too much on us on our way out there was a check I do a Monty swimming like a champ Claude is a very slow swimmer because he's got so much hair creates a lot of drag right Monty didn't everybody swimming away only carries got right now is when the next tree knows we need a tree whoa check that what you're gonna ride in the boat with me for this one let's see uh this is Lake Italy too friendly to swimming down got three edges really great near the edge of the water blow me late I felt like a little corn fish definitely little Panthers right any big fish you know well that's perch as a perch nibbles we definitely sit and fish for perjury more Portage's to do I feel like dragging a bunch of fish through four inches right now I'll catch them on the lake that we end up on Pyke Oh a little cute place where that thing yeah I knew we'd catch one we always the least catch one that's how we roll now just like yesterday I'm bringing the quality nice monster northern so let's get this guy free it's under its tongue there we go boom freedom okay to the next yeah Monty what do you think these really mucky Portage's are the best definitely the most fun let's get on with our third reportage yeah we got one more for today we're going to fish on this lake for a little bit and get going he doesn't mind does he get some of the fish little perch I could see as a whole school of them here some big ones in there yeah fishing in these solo canoes makes it kind of topple we're gonna find them Jumbo's embolize Montee spent many hours paddling and fishing in a canoe why did you go boy mind you you good boy yes you are yes right at home in this canoe he does not mind he gets treats in love and if I catch him enough I'll catch you a fish Monty I catch a fish just for you I promise okay all right deal a nice perch that we tied up when we're gonna bring over for dinner but something else has got hurt I don't have my waterproof case on but the snapper decided he wanted the perch and you're gonna get it buddy I just well he's got a big ol each other's back I got that that's a big leech all right hold on I had to cut this fish free you enjoy buddy have a good day huh well what'd you think about that Monty well now that he stole our one little fish I was gonna feed the Monty here we had to catch some more hey Monty so we're just the last half of our last porridge for the day I always carry the two boats my main bag of gear and our food and dog bag and funk always carries one bag and all the fishing poles and or so I always do a little extra work don't mind it like I like going through the Portage's in the different lakes so get this over with and set up camp and then do some swimming made to the last leg we already took off the dogs she's heading to a campsite way over there I stayed back and grab some nice firewood bunch of dry hardwood trees I'm gonna bring over the campsite and I'll process it and I can leave a pile of extra wood for whoever camps their next bus a beautiful little lake and as soon as the wind dies down a little bit we're into some fishing fishing in these solo canoes without an anchor is just you know you blow around like crazy so I have this issue where called the can't help the calf syndrome where I see a nice little spot it looks like there could be a fissure I cannot help but cast him they're supposed to be heading back to camp and setting up but ah just out of the wind just a little bit and they just help myself I need to fish a little bit just a few cast just maybe till I catch one like that we got here well we got a pike this guy except prefer to have a bass little mother see can't help the cast just can't help myself goodbye alright go ahead I didn't take my line maybe used to count more cast we've arrived hi thank you we'd arrived at our second campsite we have a happy little puppy and a happy little Monty and a nice little point funke's got her hammock set up and just winds blowing on her blowing the bugs away she's loving life right now she's gonna take a nap we'll get camp set up cut up some firewood whatnot [Laughter] all right nice little pile of wood now you do some swimmin maybe make some lunch maybe do some fishing honest to god we did not make them sit like this Monty just poke pick this spot endure came and curl up right in them it's two beautiful little brothers passed out a hard day's work it's so precious I can't help it stay a day oh there's nothing more refreshing than a nice dip after sweating all day Hayati waters like bathroom so normally I'd bring out our own dehydrated foods which is what I got right here some dehydrated spaghetti but I didn't have as many in the freezers I thought I did and funk lay claim to those so I just got some of these I've had these in my closet forever about a long time ago I use these when I don't have enough food just some mountain house freeze-dried food it's still tasty but I'm gonna cook for lunch right now I'm trying funks big dehydrated spaghetti is actually over a year old I made that middle last summer I think maybe hmm but still pretty good you go you know not on the Sun pretty warm yeah change that much better let's get some fish well the only crazier than Shore so I'm not trying to avoid that for the time being I'll get over there eventually cuz I have to right now stay out of the way I'm going to illustrate into the wind Oh with snagging a tree now wait till the wind dies down do some night vision hey Monty keeping everyone safe I think I'm gonna set up my hammock and join Ruger and funkin an app that looks kind of nice hey say hi Funke well I did a real bad job of catching us fish for dinner so we have to go catch some 7:30 we got a couple hours ugh it's dark and the wind has not died down unfortunately don't hey there funk what was that celebrating oh well so we got some work to do all right funk good luck fishing remember dinner depends on you and us Monty let's go let's go try it out fishing okay you got hungry like the wolf by Duran Duran stuck in my head I don't even know the words really but it's been stuck in my head for the past day [Music] [Music] there we go [Applause] so nice little bass it's pretty small a nice sized bass that along with my Gil gonna make up some nice dinner that guy right there we picked something too we'll have a nice meal on our hands I'm gonna get this guy on the Springer you're a good fishing partner you know that your good luck Monty you want any treats I'm gonna feed you some fish how's that sound that's some good oh yeah I wonder what's going through Monty's head Monty what's going through your head when you're sitting in this boat you've done it so much and you've been such a good boy about it do you I love you so much but you just put up with it Monty's you're a good dog okay funk what you got there Jeru grrrrrr oh look at that nice job all right so we've got two baths and a bluegill and we've got two hungry dogs look at that cute little think's in that boat he's a good dog so we're gonna head in and watch the sunset enjoy yourselves so we've got plenty of food for dinner tonight where's that thing what's that thing Wow be gentle oops got a nice fire going Sun setting so I'm going to Flay up our fish we're gonna wrap it in some tinfoil and cook it with lemons and some seasoning okay we've got the dogs bluegill and then we've got our bass with some Montreal steak seasoning and sliced up lemons now we're gonna wrap in tin foil and then we'll put a little bit of water in there so that it doesn't burn to the tinfoil and then we're over the fire hey buddy I people you should go boy oh there's a good boy and funk reminded me that I should let everybody know that he is flee taking heartworm treated so the only thing we got to worry about is other people's dogs that are don't have any shots which I hope we don't see any and him getting bit by something with rabies which I'll kill it I'll kill Horace this cute little puppy it ain't happening with our fish we're gonna have some Louisiana red beans and rice in the side instead of mashed potatoes soaking away deliciousness you know I know you're a good boy both you're good boys first we got to see if Rooter likes fish okay Monty you go Ruger big fish oh yeah that's a good boy Ruger that's yours that's all you get for now we don't want you to get diarrhea Monty go ahead go ahead Monty eat up it's a little warm you go Ruger there's a little piece that's not so hot oh yeah he loves that looks pretty good mm-hmm let's gonna do some deliciousness right there oh yeah all right it's time for us to eat some dinner all right let's get a bite here a nice big tail piece mmm it's so lemony and delicious hmm now that we're all done with dinner we're bringing out a little treat this is a camp chow we got this last I went to the Boundary Waters it's a chocolate-covered cherry cheesecake it's at the trail Center on the gunflint trail and we've been saving this for a special occasion and rugers first camping trip is the special occasion it's really good we feel real fat and sassy that was delicious I just had a bunch of food feeling pretty good we're gonna let the fire burn down a little bit and then we're gonna put it out and head to bed it's a pretty good day today puppy morning yeah he had some loose poops and some Tareq's if that until when you treat some little bits of mashed potatoes and stuff for bed right there guy hey Monty don't you put a hole in that tent Ricky Bobby always Claude just slept with the rain fly off we just have it attached so if it started to rain we could just flip it over hook it up real quick I'm gonna get the stinks so we got to Portage's today looks like it's going to rain unfortunately but that's alright just something a good day accidentally turn on my GoPro last night kill the batteries so I meet all my backups now and I hope I can get some Sun so I can charge up some more battery otherwise I'm gonna have to take less video so we're gonna get up soon make some breakfast pack up and get moving she poured this across one when we get down to a nice little spot and we'll catch some trout today we shall see what the day's shall behold let's call morning door oh you think while camping big guy huh what do you like camping mmm those eyes those eyes just like Earth's blue and green and then you got Monty's they're black like space hey Monty just do one last little inspection I always like to check over see if I left anything nothing nice clean campsite there's a big piece of birch bark and I put sitting over those logs I left so I stayed dry so I must have cut it buddy you ready to go Monty next spot all right go boy let's do it we should risk all meowing ice fishing come to Monty yeah he wishes it for me we don't get to choose the weather we only get to choose the days that we go out into it gotta love these steep stairs they're so fun the piggy in the mind that's what I am stay there mighty be a good boy chose not to stay and now he's all muddy you muddy wet gonna get like new all girls can't blame me I guess [Music] freedom now we need to go up over this Beaver Dam here to get to the next portage whoo last portage of the day's done now we're just on this handful lake that winds aren't too bad we're gonna go to the campsite here there's only one on this lake and post up then we're gonna do some swimmin cleanup take off our sweat and then fish and of course here's the spot for the day hey Mandy what do you think it's a beautiful spot I do a funk waters cold well it's cleansing stay there monkey all right we got camp set up a nice little spot Ruger's chillin chewing on some sticks I'm gonna join funk in a swim then I won't get some wood and I planned ahead there's two Portage's to the truck and I put a cooler with beer and ice in the truck so I'm gonna go probably portage and grab that won't bring some beers maybe that'll be tasty who's gonna come we set up the noah's tarp and we're just relaxing outside gonna maybe play some cards I'm gonna hold off on fishing for a while I don't feel like fishing in the rain right now hopefully it stops before make time so that I can go for some travel we'll see it'll be a little bit wet but we'll make do still make a fire [Applause] hi puppies Hooda jerk marina for a good hour yeah it's alright and it was supposed to rain for a majority of the day so we're just gonna go take a nap lay down for a while and then see if it lets up at all it's still raining it's six o'clock so I think if we wait just another 2 or 3 hours it might stop I just don't think it's gonna stop took a long nap yeah so I'm going to go get the beer because we're gonna sit in the rain whom I also bring some cold beers I don't think we're gonna have fish for dinner or a fire we're just gonna have some dehydrated meals and chill into the tarp play some cards drink some beers talk play with the dogs maybe let them get a little wet yeah loam get wet yeah that's our evening it was a uneventful third day we didn't get too much fishing that's okay sometimes you get these days you just gotta you just gotta do what you can and still still enjoy them I like Raina I just wasn't adventurous today I didn't feel like going fishing so that's that maybe it'll go away or for a great time and I still have to go fishing we'll see we'll see how it plays out but we got to get out of here we can't stay in here any longer the bugs dogs need to be free well they're not free you're like crazy you look great no like all that crazy thing like a crazy thing hey hey that's my camera hey no yeah that's all you know you puppy with your big relies your sight come on team course I'd definitely do this beer mission I'm gonna put on the waterproof case on my GoPro so there won't be much sound so maybe I'll play some music over this or something but I'm gonna go get the beer I'm gonna empty out my big drive egg and use that to carry them in so let's go do this let's get those beers [Music] [Applause] we may have picked a poor location for the tent all right so we're gonna grab the tarp and we're gonna set it up right here because it's not so bad we've relocated at the tarp boys funky or sitting under there monkeys got his string on a stick stick on the string whatever [Music] imade it back with the beer stopped raining for a second it got my hopes up but it's sprinkling again I'm still probably going try fishing for a little bit see if I can catch anything if I do catch a trout and it seems like it's not gonna rain too hard I'll make a fire in these wet conditions and eat it but that's a big if if I catch one and if it's not raining when I catch it too hard otherwise I don't know hopefully like making a fire we'll see we'll see how it goes we got here let's see we've got a pickaxe blonde KBC for Aaron and it's ice cold ice cold and I've got a quality light so now we're just gonna chill drink some beers for a minute and I'll see if I get back out there get him on get him on T yeah get him on T get him yeah he's got your tail Monte better get him and eating his dinner we're uh we're not getting rid or any treats and we're feeding him early for dinner because last night he had diarrhea and puked because we gave him mashed potatoes beef jerky fish treats too many treats and all that gave him the liquid squirts where he sharted and puked in the tent multiple times in overindulgence yeah so that was a mistake on our end and guess what Ruger we're never gonna do that again no we're not no we're not so yeah we knew better we're just we're just silly we're trying to spoil our dogs Monty you do the way an old man he's a year and a half and it looks like he's just like a seven year old dog but we live when we learn yeah you're gonna be a good wilderness pup you've done a lot in your eleven weeks hey you're gonna wit you're gonna poke somebody's eye out better watch it so I just saw a trout jump and it's not raining so I'm taking it as a sign that I should try to catch fish you have a trout for dinner got my lines set up late in the summer to be fishing for trout the waters really warm so there's not a great chance that I'll catch one but you know it's it's colder out today and it's raining it's calm we will see I gotta be quiet done you don't want to bump the boat they can do 200 I just had a bite there's still help left this one named fortune ten fish right now late summer and the waters are too warm so I'll be lucky to get another bite there to us all right I did just have a bite metal pole but it's it's getting dark I need to get back to my lady and my dogs so I'm just gonna troll my way back and on call it on the fishing of the rain starting again and the mosquitoes are just swarming us like crazy so we are making boiling our water for food as quick as we can and that we're gonna go under the tent for shelter because the rain started again mosquitoes are swarming poor Monty here you know that they're just all over him yeah I agree it's nasty poor guy so we're gonna get them in the tent get to safety so the mosquitoes were insane when I got back from fishing it's like they hatched or something I don't know they just came out but when it got to night time funk was just getting eaten alive and the dogs were just not happy it was like springtime hatch bad like just terrible so I we boiled our water from we boiled our water for our meals and just got right into the tent these dogs we're pawing at the tent they just knew that it was safety and they're happy to be in the tent right now there's a couple of wet dogs just chillin they haven't moved since they've been in here we kind of felt bad you know I don't like him getting eaten alive but it was it was really not that bad until it got too dark after all this rain so we're just gonna eat some food we got it over here turn them around let me see what we got here these are those Boundary Waters meals we got chicken alfredo and we got wild mushroom casserole so we're just gonna eat those up you know we had a day we sat in the rain a lot we took a nap I didn't get much fishing in that's okay I was a interesting day these will happen sometimes but I don't mind you know the rain it sucks you have to sit around you can go out fishing I would normally but I just felt like hanging out with funk in the dogs didn't leaving or just sittin in the rain by herself so it is what it is and just another day out in the wild and we're gonna get up tomorrow pack up all our wet stuff and head home so we're just gonna call it a day here eat some food get some rest let these puppies get some rest I hope they don't have the bathroom too much I got a little face won't be time to give up don't okay well good morning it's time to at home dogs are wet and tired and we're getting ready to pack up and we're I'm gonna make breakfast or anything we don't got too far to go we're just going to pack up head home keep the dogs as dry as possible it's not raining right now so we're gonna get moving pretty quick and try to beat the rain before it starts again till we get drenched let's get going this has been Monty's life since we got this new puppy he's not always impressed with him get a bug right here knows they're Monty is that your little chew toy Ruger your big chew toy we're all packed up and ready to get out of here got all their stuff everything's wet gonna have to go home and dry it off we're moving on we gotta cross talk for a second about the next log there I pack which I just tried out for the first time this trip that thing is awesome I normally use the bills bag and rs bills bag and that's 110 liters dry bag and it's just got the shoulder straps it doesn't have the backs for anything and I always wanted to find one with the the shoulder straps I didn't really look around complaint the until I saw used to burn Joe Robin that's video where he had this backpack I'm getting one of those and it is awesome to make portaging a breeze it saves your back it's a really great pack comes with three colors I think a little black in don't like yellow and black a figure of paddling in the Sun it would just heat things up my pack or anything nothing wrong with the pills bags other than performing without backs for it it's just not as enjoyable sticking alongside / last portage hey Ruger hi funk are we going home Monty would you stop licking your paws no don't lick those paws Monty don't lick those paws that was a great trip she's got done porridge and packed up the car Ruger did good was a good three night trip we got all sorts of weather we got wind and rain wind and Sun muggy heat and just straight-up rain rain but last night the Thunder was going crazy the Owls are going crazy as well all the noises out there but Ruger did great - is it great and we'll catch you with the next video the next time we go out camping
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 66,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilderness, camping, canoe camping, wilderness camping, overnight, fishing, camping and fishing, puppies camping, camping dogs, dogs camping, girl camper, girls camping, girls, fishing and camping, Summer camping, overnight camping, canoe campin, dogs, epic dog, epic dogs, eating fish, cooking fish, catching fish, wilderness fishing, backcountry camping, outdoors, wild, outside, outdoors cooking, cooking outdoors, fun, puppies, catch and cook, Wilderness canoe camping
Id: JT830iSp-ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 31sec (3931 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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