Will It Deep Dish Pizza? Taste Test

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Josh managed to make Rhett and Link eat (and like) blood and now brains.

Next he needs to make them like beef bile.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExDream00 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link’s energy today was so fun to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sweettea79 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s been so long since we have seen a will it so I’m happy about the episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wlmwlc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we ask the age old question. - Will it deep dish pizza? - Let's talk about that. (groovy electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning! - Pizza comes in many shapes and forms, there's skinny, square-y, fold-y, greasy, crispy, floppy, super size-y, and even vegan. But out of all the kinds of 'za out there in the world, perhaps pizza's most controversial form is Chicago deep dish pizza. - Yes, but whether you think deep dish is a crust above the rest or you think it just slaps pizza lipstick on a casserole, today we're taking deep dish pizza on a deep dive into unknown culinary waters, but will our flavor flickers want to send an SOS? It's time for... - [Rhett And Link] Will It Deep Dish Pizza? - Three things make a deep dish pizza deep dish, you got the tall, thick crust, you got the cheese and toppings on the bottom, and a heaping mess of sauce on top. So Mythical Chef Josh has worked within those parameters and is dishing out deepness for us to judge. Beginning with... - Jollibee is a Filipino fast food restaurant known for its fried chicken and their self-proclaimed mission to spread the joy of eating. I can get behind that slogan. But will a deep dish pizza made out of Jollibee's entire menu be a joy to eat? We're calling this one, Deep Dish Jolly Pizza. - Jollibee-za. - Bee-za. - Jollibee-za. I've never been to a Jollibee. There's over 1,300 stores around the world. US locations in California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, Texas, Washington, and Virginia. - [Rhett] I made you a nice little slice right here. - Josh, what did you do? - [Josh] So I took the chicken from Jollibee's famous Chickenjoy, I infused that into the crust, and then I actually baked gravy into the cheese, there's a sweet Filipino style spaghetti sauce in there, along with tocino, tapa, and longganisa toppings, and all various forms of Filipino sweet meats. - Sweet meats. - Yeah, 'cause it kind of looks like a wiener. - [Josh] Yeah, so that's actually the longganisa, it's a kind of heavily sweetened pork sausage, very delicious with breakfast. - I gotta go to this place. - [Josh] You gotta go. - They got a drive through and everything, right? And there's gravy. - There's gravy as well. Do you want gravy on top? Now we're doing this, what we've been told is the Chicago way. Is to use a fork and a knife. - I want the gravy on the side. I'll get a little dink of the gravy. - I mean, this is a great way to find out if you should go to a restaurant, put all the ingredients into a pizza and eat it. - Very barbecue sauce-y. - [Josh] Yeah, so that's the banana ketchup, it's actually ketchup that was made with bananas 'cause there was a tomato shortage back in the '60s. - And I'm just gonna try some of the crust, 'cause once you get down to that. - I mean, I like hot dogs in general. We once put hot dogs and a pizza together, remember that? - Yeah, we did. Josh, you should've seen it. It was before you were born. - Got on Chicago TV. - 2008. It was quite a monstrosity. This, on the other hand is very good. Having never been to the restaurant, I just think this is a really edgy deep dish pizza. - It's so edgy. - It works. - Round one, so edgy. Jollibee, will it deep dish pizza? - [Rhett And Link] Yes. - Snickers are not only the best selling candy bar in the US, they're also the best selling candy bar in the world, y'all. So what happens if you take all of that best selling milk chocolate bar crammed full of peanuts and caramel and nougat-y goodness bar into a deep dish pizza? Say hello to the Deep Dish Snickers. Deep Dish Snickers, look at that. - [Rhett] Josh, explain yourself. - [Josh] I don't know if I can, but I'll sure try. So we made a sweet chocolate crust, there is a caramel sauce, we infused cheese with nougat, then there's classic Snickers, Peanut Butter Snickers, Almond Butter Snickers, White Snickers, Peanut Brownie Snickers, and it is topped with chopped peanuts for texture. - Nougat infused cheese? - [Josh] Yeah, yeah, yeah. We hand removed the nougat from each of the Snickers. - [Rhett] How could this not be good? - I'm so hungry. It reminds me of when I was dropped from a helicopter into the middle of nothing, and I had to figure out how I was gonna survive, for days on end. I was angry at the world, I was angry at myself for jumping out of that helicopter. - You should take a bite of that. - And then I came back to the desk, with this in my mouth. - You're not you when you haven't had your Snickers. What is it? (Rhett chuckles) (Mythical Crew laughs) What's the slogan? You're not you until you have your- - You're not yourself. - You're not yourself until you have your Snickers. - You're hangry, I don't know. So there is actual cheese in the nougat. You know, we're big fans of nougat. And I'm a big, big, big fan of the Peanut Butter Snickers. My favorite. - You know what, it's got that chocolate cheesecake thing happening. - [Link] It does. - It does. - With none of these like dessert pizzas, I've never seen a chocolate infused crust, in a pi-ssert, am I wrong? - You might be wrong. - I might be wrong, but I don't think I am. - But I haven't seen it done deep dish like this. Snickers, will it deep dish pizza? - [Rhett And Link] Yes. - We wanna remind you to check out the Mythical Kitchen channel. Lots of good work happening over there. Super entertaining, they've made some fantastic foods, including some really old foods in their Meals of History series. Josh and Emily recreated a 2,000 year old Roman pizza, and also explored an ancient murder plot in the process? Okay, and Josh and Nicole have a podcast where they discuss if deep dish pizza is even real pizza. Check that out too, by downloading A Hot Dog Is A Sandwich at your preferred podcast place. - Okay, the trouble with deep dish is it's not great for people who are on a diet. - True. - But what if we were able to combine deep dish pizza with the ultimate diet soda, Diet Coke? Well, forget about it, we did it! This is Deep Diet Coke. (Rhett chuckles) - It looks great. - It's dark. It's real dark. - Josh, what did you do? - [Josh] Yeah, this one got a little wonky, I'm not gonna lie to you. So we boiled down a bunch of Diet Coke into a syrup and then infused that in the crust, we infused that into the tomato sauce, and into the cheese, and then we soaked pepperonis in fresh Diet Coke, and then of course, there's a little bit of olive, Italian sausage, and green peppers, again, all boiled in Diet Coke. - It looks so tasty. - And healthy. - I got you an extra big slice. - Oh yeah, you did. The crust is for real. Now, I mean, if you put an Alka-Seltzer on top of this thing it would probably just explode. (Rhett chuckles) - Is it gonna be okay, Josh? - [Josh] Is what gonna be okay? - Us, when we eat this? - [Josh] Oh, of course, why not? - You said olives, so I'm trying to find the olives, so I can- - [Josh] The test results on the lab rats were inconclusive. - Okay. Oh, gosh. - It's not as bad as I was afraid it might be. - Wow, the fact that you knew the olives would be complimentary. That's smart, man. - [Josh] The phenols. - [Rhett] How is it good? - It's so gross to look- - You can't look at it. - It looks like a sewage pizza. - You gotta put it in your mouth without looking at it, see, like this. - I'm impressed you know where your mouth is without looking. - You try it. - I always look right at everything to make sure. - Try it without looking at it. It's not as easy as you thought it was. - Actually, it is. - Yeah. - This is not viable. People don't eat food blindfolded except us. - [Josh] Well, maybe we need to make it Diet Crystal Pepsi. - Yeah, so you can see right through it. - A crystallized version of this could work, but this is just... I mean, it doesn't get off the tarmac. - Let me just say, it's way better than it has any business being. But, Diet Coke, will it deep dish pizza? - No. The everything bagel is a bagel seasoned with all of the bagel seasonings that can season a bagel, and that special seasoning mix is also now being applied to things that aren't a bagel. I'm talking pretzels, all the way to ice cream, and everything in between. What we wanna know... Oop! - It's okay, it's everything, man. - Clean up this mess for me. We wanna know if you can intensify this stuff, so we have created the Deep Dish Delicatessen. Actually, Josh, you've created this with the help of your illustrious team. So what did you do? - [Josh] Yeah, so we made everything bagel crust, there is a cream cheese sauce, then we infused the cheese with capers, there's lox, tomato, red onion, and then it is topped with everything bagel seasoning. - It's basically like a really flat everything bagel. - [Josh] It pretty much is. The dough's really a combination of deep dish and bagel. - And it's got the hole in the middle. I mean, you could serve it with the- - Oh, you should serve it that way. - With that in the middle. - 100%. - It comes out like that. So this is a fun presentation. - Very fun. - [Link] The exact opposite of the Diet Coke. - We're thinking it was fun, Josh, when you did this, were you like, oh, that's fun? - [Josh] Yeah, yeah, yeah, we were trying to get some fun in there. - And when you pull it apart, it just kind of looks like someone's already taken a bite out of your pizza. - [Rhett] But that's just because it's part of a bagel. - I will say, that one of my favorite things to do with a pizza is bite the tip, you know? I really like the pointy part. - But just the tip. - Yeah. - [Josh] I ate the hole. - You ate the hole? - Yeah. - Is this really everything, Josh? - [Josh] It's all your hopes and dreams, it's everything in the world. Mostly garlic, onion, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, salt, and sometimes caraway. - [Rhett] Just say when. - When. When. - I'm doing a little bit less on mine. Because I was just waiting for you to say when. - I guess it's gonna be fishy. Bagels are such a foreign thing to me. (Mythical Crew laughs) - [Josh] (laughs) I'm sorry. - Foreign. If bagels are foreign to you, you might be from a small place in North Carolina. - It's pungent, man. - Don't let lox... And that's the capers, the capers are what's really, really punching you. - I like a caper. (exclaims) - I think this is excellent. - I don't know, maybe you put too much of everything on mine. - Well, I mean, I was waiting for... I mean, yeah, it is too thick. I was waiting for you to say when. If you like this... Stevie, you would love this pizza. - [Stevie] My mouth is watering so bad. - [Link] Yeah, this is your thing. - I don't like it as much as Stevie does, but I appreciate the combination of flavors and I think you absolutely nailed it in the form of a pizza with the hole in it that you ate, which is weird, but we're not gonna talk about that anymore. - So yeah, this works on a menu. You're right. - [Rhett] Everything bagel, will it deep dish pizza? - [Rhett And Link] Yes. - Okay, a long time, February 18, 2015, to be exact, we did Will It Pizza, and a lot of things were different back then, my hair went up, Link's hair went down, and we didn't have a whole Mythical Kitchen to try and turn brains pizza into something we might actually enjoy. And for those of you who don't remember that experience, it went a little something like this. We're about to eat brains. (chuckles) (Link retching) (Link exclaiming) There's bones in this. (both retching) - Will it pizza? - No. - It wasn't great. - We had a rough time with that one. - But now we have the talents of Mythical Chef Josh and the Kitcheneers at our disposal, so we think that it's only fair to give brains another shot at pizza glory. But did we think stupid, I don't know. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Deep Thought-za. (Rhett chuckles) - That's funny, Josh. - [Josh] Thanks, you too. - Can I do the honors with this? 'Cause this is not really a knife. - You literally just... Something just flung at me. - I mean, both hands are on it. - Here's what you can't... You can't hurt yourself with it. Hold both of them. It's like giving a baby something, it's like they can only hurt someone else, but not themselves. So go for it. - Josh, what did you do? - [Josh] Yeah, so brains are one of my favorite foods. And so we really put- - [Rhett] Hold on, what? - [Josh] I love brains, they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, different animals, different preparations, but for this one, we braised brains, we pureed it into the crust, and we stewed down some tomatoes, and a whole lot of brains in there. We actually took the brain stem and then used that instead of pine nuts in a pesto, and there's just some quick sauteed brain, crispy fried brain. - Brain stem? - [Josh] And then a little bit of fennel seed crumbled brain sausage, crispy head cheese, and then we also infused brain puree into the cheese itself. - Okay, so you could've just put some brains on the pizza, but you literally found a way to get brains in every single piece of it. - [Josh] Inescapable, that's the Mythical Kitchen motto. - Look at what I did. I cut something. Should I smell it before I eat it? - No. - Are you that confident? - [Josh] Yeah, I'm that confident. We put a lot of aromatics in there. - I smell a little bit of brains. I mean, I smell a little brain when I went for that. - Well, there's brain in everything. - There's brain in everything. Which is really a statement about the universe, Link. Consciousness permeates the entire universe. - I'm not going light with this either. I'm going heavy. - There's really no difference between me and you and this pizza. This is just the universe having fun with itself. Think of it like that. This is the universe consuming a pizza of itself. - This is the universe playing with itself is what you're saying. - Yeah, it's a little masturbatory. - [Josh] You want some like crushed red pepper or something? - Dink it. - I mean, Parmesan would be great. - [Josh] We're out. - And think it. - We're out. Think it. - I can definitely taste that there is like an organ permeating this entire thing, but it also has the experience of normal pizza. - It's not bad, Josh. - [Josh] Yeah, open up your mind, man. - [Rhett] This right here is just a piece of brain fried. - [Josh] Yeah, it's like a brain Parmesan. - If I can enjoy this, then you've done something. - Oh, is that what that is? That was okay. I'ma try one of these. (Link exclaims) - I think the texture might get you. Hold on, Link, you can do it. Turn that frown upside down, smile, you like it. Smile with your eyes. There you go. See, makes everything better. - It's not bad. - It's just the universe experiencing itself, man. (Link grunts) Don't cut yourself. Don't cut me. Josh, that was actually kind of good. - [Josh] It's the most I can hope for on the fifth round, honestly. - I mean, it was, we did a duel, I mean. - I mean. - I mean, maybe. - I mean, it was pretty good. - Yeah, that brain nugget was edifying. - And mainly edible. - And it was existential, man. - And exciting. - Yeah, and so smart. - And excellent. Okay, I didn't think this day would come, but brains, will it deep dish pizza? - [Rhett And Link] Yes. - Congratulations, man. Was this a freaking Queen Sweep? No, no, no, the Diet Coke, (blows raspberry). We don't need to go back to it. - I mean, I kind of liked the Diet Coke. - We don't need to go back to a place of negativity. - Here we go. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Halston from Ontario, Canada, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That's a professional right there. - Tosser. - Click the top think to watch us turn Pizza Hut pizza into glorious pizza huts in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie. - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Josh] A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hot dog is a sandwich. (Nicole and Josh laughing)
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,167,307
Rating: 4.9541764 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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