Will It Cheetos? Taste Test

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Hmmm. Not a fan of the "teaser".

A few YouTube channels do it and it's not a necessary feature.

The thumbnail already ruins details as it is. Now before they even started I know there's Taco Bell Cheetos and Coke Cheetos.

EDIT: My thoughts on the intro. Eh, I'm indifferent. It's getting shorter and shorter.

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Intro was good, teaser was super awkward to me and spoiled the episode a bit. Also thought I was watching More.

It’s fine that they want to stop the «let’s talk about that», I just wish they found a better way to start the episode.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Applesinth 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love the new intro! Really did not love that last one.

And oh man. "Let's Talk About That" is gone! I'm guessing that's the big controversial thing people weren't gonna like. Personally, as a classic GMM fan from 2012 to 2014, I don't mind. "Let's Talk About That" hasn't applied to the show for years now.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/your_mind_aches 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hate the teaser, and I dont get why they did it? They tried it before and people complained about stuff like the Walking Dead episode starting with Rhett saying "FINE, PASS ME THE BRAINS" or whatever, which spoiled that Link won or tied.

Also, that new intro is pretty nice.

My final point is uh...whats the change? They said this would be "THE BIGGEST CHANGE IN GMM HISTORY" and all they did was change the intro, get rid of "lets talk about that" and add a teaser that spoils the episode? :P

Other than that, episodes good. Its the same old GMM.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Jirachibi1000 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

One thing that I noticed straight away and a lot of the comments on the video as well noticed, is the lack of "lets talk about that."

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Cobraninja97 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

personally i think a teaser is pointless, this entire show is about their reactions to a “product” and they only do 3-5 foods or products a video. They just gave away both a product and their entire reaction to it in the teaser alone. Why do i need a 10 second teaser to a video i already clicked on and therefore intend to watch? the first 10 seconds of a video i already clicked on will not deter me. I just don’t get why they talked about this like it was the biggest change to gmm ever but it’s really pretty minor, it’s just that “let’s talk about that” is part of the brand. the intro was whatever, personally wasn’t very captivated because not only was it a bit too loud and bright but also very visually overwhelming. There were lots and lots of graphics very quickly flashed by so that you could tell there was stuff but not what any of it was?

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/haleyhorowitz 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don’t understand the amount of pushback on “spoiling” the episode... [edit: beyond “where’s ltat”]

As long as the winner isn’t revealed in competition games, what’s the teaser spoiling that a thumbnail wouldn’t? Seems like a natural response to youtube’s auto play thing as you scroll on the main page

Anyway, happy to get back to daily eps no matter what! Season 18 🎉

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/yagrobnitsy 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wondering what everyone thinks about the fact that this will it had a Queen Sweep. It seems like they have been doing a lot less of the crazy gross flavors in recent episodes and it kind of makes me sad. There's nothing like watching these two freak out over something completely gross, rather than love everything they try. Or in this case, be relatively indifferent to everything they try.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/b_radtheruler 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hate the teaser. Reminded me of those movie trailers that have teasers at the start of a trailer I’m literally about to watch.

Loved everything else.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/ForgetfulLucy28 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
- It's so accurate and so concentrated. How did you get con- - Whoa! - Cherry Coke to be so strong? - That's not actually a punching bag in the back of my throat. It's a uvula. (techno music) - Good mythical morning - And good mythical season 18 Fresh new intro - I saw it - Different approach to the (indistinct) I know you gonna love it in due time yeah we're making all kinds of changes cause it's a brand new season. Same crappy year, but it is a new season so we do want to thank you for making us a part of your daily routine. We couldn't have made it this far without you, especially this year. - Yeah, and you know what? There's something else happening this year, it's the election, and we want you to vote like a beast! Yeah, Link and I are going to be voting in November, we want to encourage all you in the US to also vote. Now please check out the site that we've created: votelikeabeast.com - Yeah, votelikeabeast.com. That means educating yourself so you can vote according to your conscience, and really make a difference, cause the process of voting, it can be intimidating, it can even feel like a burden, but we want to do everything we can to help remove any obstacles or excuses that could keep you from taking part. So we have created this site to help equip you to not only know how to vote in your given state, but also to find out how your passions align with specific candidates on your ballot. - Again that's votelikeabeast.com - Now, on to other important matters: Cheetos, the non-partisan snack that brings nations together. - Yeah, because other snacks could be divisive, man. Doritos, they're triangles. Ruffles' got ridges. Sun chips, they got sun. But Cheetos - Oh everybody loves some Cheetos y'all. So today we may be sending the world further into chaos, or may we're just going to make a fun video! It's time for: - [Both] Will it Cheeto? - Okay so there's an ongoing debate as to whether Cheetos are chips or if they're puffs. - I don't know. - But whatever you call them, what mythical chef Josh has done to maintain that Cheetos' puffy crunchy structure is, basically everything has this cornmeal and leaven-ey agent base, right, but then he's mixin' and puttin' other things in - I don't know - to just make it whatever it's gon' be. He'll explain it. - All I know is that the first thing we're Cheeto-ing is Oreos, because that's sounds like fun right? Some people like to dunk Oreos in milk, some people like to separate the cookie and lick out the icing. Some people like to eat them whole thing like a psychopath. But is there a way to get the perfect Oreo experience in one Cheeto-ey bite? Maybe, with these Cheetos Oreos, aka. Double Puff Cheeteos! - Cheeteos! - I'm going to- - I got my milk ready - Remember that show, Cheaters? - Oh man, the host was great. - Oh, look at that. - Oh wow. Okay Josh, tell us how you Cheeto-fied these things. - [VOICE] All right, so like you said we started with the same Cheeto base and then we sort of deconstructed the flavors of an Oreo using black alkaline processed cocoa, and a little bit of white chocolate. - It looks like a dirty wolf tooth. - [VOICE] Yeah, dirty wolf tooth was kind of what we were going for. Now that you say it - [Rhett] I'm dipping a little bit here. - [Link] I'm not going to dip yet. - Oh! You should dip. - Primo crunch. - Speaking of wolf tooth. That is what I would imagine like a seven-month-old wolf tooth, like one that's been out and weathered in. - The level of crunch that I'm experiencing here combined with the sweetness. I mean if I were blindfolded I'd have said I was biting into a candy cane. You know, it is that crunchy. So the - Lube it up with some milk - The taste is right on - maybe - I'm not lubing it. I'm softening it. - It lubes it though when it goes down. - Oh does it? - [Rhett] I could - you know what It's crunchy man. - [Link] This is good. - [VOICE] You guys ordered extra-crunchy too - Oh, yeah, you're right about that. We did order extra crunchy. - It's making me think that actual Cheetos aren't crunchy enough. - Yeah. - They're a little airy because - Extra crunchy! - You made these a little more dense. I like it. - You're finally getting some use out of all those chews you do. - Yeah, I'm about to choke too. - The amount of complaining that people do about your chewing. We're just starting off season 18 with you chewing the crunchiest thing we've ever chewed. We're just leaning right into it. - Well I'll lean away, and I'll keep it down, cause I love you. Oreos: Will it Cheeto? - [Both] Yes You know eating really crunchy Cheetos makes you thirsty, so let's find out what happens if you pair it with Cherry Coke, or as the ancient band Savage Garden calls it: Chica Cherry Cola. We call these Chokitos, aka gamer's delight. - Chokitos, I definitely want to eat something that has the word "choke" in it. Uh if you don't like Cherry Coke, - [Rhett] Grab one off the top there. - Does that increase the chances of you - Maybe this is what's going to turn me on to the cherry-ness of Cherry Coke. - Well I love a Cherry Coke, man. - This looks like a Barney turd. I know all stuff about Barney's - Whoa. If you don't like Cherry Coke you're not gonna like this. - It is accurate? - It's so accurate, and so concentrated. How did you get con- - Whoa! - Cherry Coke to be so strong? - [VOICE] Well turns out you can buy straight up Cola extract on the internet, and so we got a lot of that in there. We wanted the flavor of the Cola and the Cherry to really shine through. - [Link] That's not actually a punching bag in the back of my throat, it's a uvula. But you have knocked that thing - I feel like you could - Out the zone - Completely flavor - Good gracious - A regular Coke into a Cherry Coke just by for like maybe a tenth of a second dipping one of these into it. - [VOICE] Yeah, highly concentrated. - Uh, wow - I mean that's marketable. I mean you're talking about like, - Flavor it? - Get punched in the throat with a Chokito. Get punched in the throat. It'll choke you out. - I don't think people want to pay for- I mean some people want to pay for that. But that average person doesn't want to pay for that. - Be a niche, it could be a niche thing. You're- look- now that- are you, you're used to it now you're just killing it - I like it I'm a taste masochist, you know. - [Link] Whoa! That really bites. That's fun. I mean you gotta- You gotta watch out for the punch. We put that on the thing. - I feel like I'm starting to sweat a little bit - Start to sell that. - For some reason I can't stop going back to them - Yeah, there's an addictive quality. Is there an addictive substance? - [VOICE] Legally I'm not supposed to say. - Okay, then we'll just go ahead and answer the question. - I need to drink something. - [Rhett] Cherry Coke: Will it Cheeto? - [Both] Yes Now Taco Bell once had a Cheetos Burrito. It was just a burrito, yeah, with Cheetos stuffed inside of it. But because it's not longer on the menu, we put thing down, flipped it and reversed it. Introducing, Taco Bell Cheetos, aka diarrhea-tos. - Well only one way to find out if they're true to form. - If you're constipated though, maybe this'll - I am after that Cherry Cola. - This'll even you out. - I'll tell you. Three of those Cherry Coke Cheetos - Reach in there, grab a nice-ey. - They did something to my insides. - The scent of Taco Bell is wafting out, big time. - [Rhett] Oh yeah. This makes all kinds of scents. - Oh, that was my tooth. - [Rhett] Josh, how did you get the flavor of Taco Bell onto a Cheeto? - [VOICE] So we use the actual spice mix that Taco Bell puts in their beef - Yeah you need it - [VOICE] Yeah we did. Then we use what's called meat extract. Added that in there to get that beefy flavor. We used dehydrated cheddar cheese with dehydrated sour cream, and a little bit of citric acids and spice, for that sort of fire sauce punch. - This is just fun in a bag y'all. I mean- - Are you getting a workout? My teeth are getting a workout. - [Link] Mm hmm. But you're sitting at home - Oh, that one's different. - Do we have some quality control issues here? Nope, that one's still tough. You're sitting at home, you're thinking Man I want some Taco Bell. Even now, just ordering from an app to have it delivered, is not as easy as reaching in a bag. - Yeah - This is - There's something futuristic about this, about- I used to think all foods as just going to be made into pills in the future. Like take your dinner pill. No, no, no. It's all going to be made into Cheetos. Cause this is almost like a pill, and you get to chew it. - I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, Josh but I'll say you probably could make Taco Bell Cheetos just by going to a Taco Bell, pouring out a bunch of regular Cheetos on a table, and then just coming back in a few days, raking it back off. I think would soak in enough of that. But this is fabulous. Taco Bell: Will it Cheeto? - [Both] Yes! - You know, it can be very difficult to focus in college, right? And I think that we have created something that is going to make it If we actually release this to the public, it would make it (coughing) - Hey man, I know - Tar Cheetos. - It's important what you're saying - It would make it absolutely impossible to focus because we've combined two of college students' favorite things. We got ramen Cheetos y'all. Or as we like to call it: Ramen Choodles - [Link] Okay, um. Open her up. Chester got nice and red on the front of that one he's embarrassed. - Oh, look I got a three-guy - Oh my goodness. Now these are Isn't that fun-looking? Get a little bit more for you They don't wanna come out - Oh my, oh my, Josh. Oh my Josh! - Whoa! Whoa that's salty. Is it- I'm just going to ask an honest question - It is What - If you just take out some ramen and you take out the pack and you sprinkle it all over it, and then you start eating it, isn't that kind of the experience we're having? - [Rhett] Yeah, but - Uncooked ramen? - Josh it's not that easy. Tell him it's not that easy. No, that's a totally different thing. - [VOICE] Nah. - Well here's a little one. It's even more like an actual ramen noodle - I can't stop eating these, man. - [Link] It is strong. - I can't stop. - I'm a little Cheeto man. - [Rhett] Yeah, just say that again. - You know how when you're in the- shh when you're reaching down into the bag, and there's like those huge ones that you got, they look like a chicken leg and then you get down and they're like the little Cheetos. - Those huge ones are like (indistinct) - I like the little Cheetos. They're the best. The ratio is just off the charts. I'm going to lobby for no because you already have this with an uncooked packet of ramen. - No you don't. You don't have the Cheeto-ness. - Well it's not shaped like a toe, I'll give you that. So okay. You want this to will, I'm not going to fight you. - I will, man. - All right. - I think we can actually start a whole university with this. - [Rhett] Ramen: Will it Cheeto? Yes! - Do you ever wish there was a snack that packed a tasty crunch while also preventing scurvy? - Yes - Well so do we. Feast your eyes on Emergen-C Cheetos. Or as we call them, Emergen-Cheese. - [Rhett] Emergen-Cheese! - They're dangerously healthy. - Okay, so we gotta use these just like Emergen-C. I got my glass of water. I'm ready. - Pop her open. Whoa! I mean, you could play a practical joke on somebody cause these just look like normal Cheetos. - But what happens when you place them in water? - [Link] They float. I mean maybe you need to do some like, some stirring. - [Rhett] Oh look, I'm getting some fizz. I'm getting some fizz. - Let's just go with a whole bunch. Grab a whole bunch there. And then use a long-ey and just stir. Now I'm also a long Cheeto man. But as long as it's long and thin. Like, you know, those are the kind that I like. Cause again, I don't want a big bulbous Cheeto. - Okay, yeah we get it, yeah. - First I'm going to try this one. - Oh, it's a little tangy. - [Link] That's strange. It actually starts to- It's kind of like a fruit loop situation. - [Rhett] Oh, somehow putting them in the water makes them easier to eat. - Water don't taste nearly as strong as you would hope. But the Cheeto itself, doesn't it start to taste like- cause it's wet, my brain is saying: You're eating an orange fruit loop. - [Rhett] It has a cereal, like a citrus-ey thing happening, but I feel like I'm just fighting things off. Does Emergen-C even work? Isn't the whole industry- - If it doesn't, I don't want to know. - The whole industry is kind of bogus right? Medical experts? Chase went like this. - Our medical experts are taking the day off. Chase gave me one of these. Ah maybe, maybe. - There's still a little fizzy-ness. That's the thing we have yet to experience in this Will-It-Cheeto adventure we're on. Not a lot of fizzy. I thought there'd be more fizzy. - But look at how bright my fingers are. You walk in on a man who's got some wet orange fingers like that, and ask him what he's been doing. - [Link] Well you know what he's been doing. - He's been eating them Emergen-Cheese. - Mm hmm. I'm going to try the - There's no mystery there. - Now, this could be a Queen Sweep of positivity if this does well. So- - That one's really hard. - [Link] I'm leaning against it because I don't know, what do you think? - [Rhett] I think we gotta wait and see if we get a cold. - Okay. Emergen-C: Will it Cheeto? We'll have to wait. - Let's do a time lapse. (clock ticking) All right we're back - Five days later. - It's, yeah, approximately five days. - Yeah we're wearing the same things but that's because we thought we might be getting sick. - I didn't get a cold, did you get a cold? - I didn't get a cold. - Okay! Emergen-C: Will it Cheeto? - [Both] Yes! - We got a Queen Sweep - [Link] We got it on the Will It We're back, season 18, everybody's happy Or is it 19? Are we at 20 yet? Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Yeah, don't focus on the numbers, you know what time it is. - I'm Philip, - And I'm John, - And we're in Spokane, Washington doing a blind international taste test to celebrate John's birthday. - It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Our lawyers are coming after you right now John and Philip. - To wish you a happy birthday. - All right click the top link to watch us guess what Cheetos from the internet are supposed to look like in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's going to land. Make your voice heard in Vote Like a Beast. Visit votelikeabeast.com for all your voting needs.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,140,832
Rating: 4.9104571 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 5Qosrv_PuJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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