Cooking Meat In Different Liquids (Taste Test)

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As you can see 👀, we can't 🙈.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Link was horrible at identifying the meat.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/studmuffffffin 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm a simple man. I see a blind taste test, I hit that like button.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Rhett: *Guesses the right answer*

Link: "No, I want a point too"

Rhett might be a sore winner, but Link just refuses to play along sometimes

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Smashmaster12 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Rhett bringing the lumberjack realness today... :)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/toadpuppy 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm going to say it and I hope I don't get blasted... I don't have a problem with these type of videos, I have a problem with the ingredients. It's always Gatorade, it's always Pepto, Margarita, Redbull or something energising. I'm pretty sure that before they were more adventurous with the ingredients or mixups.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Hormiga95 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I didn't see that exact episode but I'd try it. Now I want meat covered in pepper or soy sauce.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Riou84 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
- These mystery marinades got us all kinds of afraid. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) "Good Mythical Morning." - Okay, so I distinctly remember a pivotal moment in my childhood. - Okay, good, good. - I walked into the kitchen and my dear mother said to me, "You'll never guess what I found out today." And she had a Ziploc bag in her hand and she said, "You can marinate chicken in Italian dressing in the fridge overnight, and it's supposed to taste amazing." And I was like, "What?" And she was like, "Let's try it." - You watched the moment of discovery of marination, in your mom's marination? - I remember that, and she was really into it. And our lives were never the same. I mean, has meat marination not changed your life entirely? - I need to marinate on that. - Okay. (chuckles) Today, we may be doing for you what my mom did for me. So let's see if we can discover some brand new renegade marinades. It's time for These Meats Have Been Soaked in Things Quite Curious. Can We Guess What They Are or Will the Mere Concept of Not Knowing Leave Us Fantastically Furious? - The Mythical Kitchen-eers have left various kinds of meats soaking in a variety of different liquids, maybe even Italian dressing, call Link's mom, over the last few days, and then they've cooked said meats. Of course, we're gonna eat them and try to guess what they were marinated in. - Yeah, points are gonna escalate each round, and in the end, whoever loses will have their favorite possession in the world marinated. - Oh by the way, I've marinated on your question, and the answer is yes. (upbeat music) - As you can see, we can't. - And there is some food in front of us. I was told that the fork has been pre-loaded. - [Link] Oh, is it? - [Rhett] A pre-loaded fork. - Okay, okay. That's gotta be beef. That's not even- - [Stevie] Well, reminder, yeah, reminder you guys are guessing marinade, but. - We're guessing marinade. I can't even tell what meat it is. It's sweet though. - It's so sweet. - I think it's a strange juxtaposition. - [Rhett] I can't tell what kind of meat it is. I don't know if it's steak. It might be chicken. - I think it's a beef roast. - [Stevie] You want me to tell you what meat it is? I don't know how you wanna play this. - I'm ready to guess about the marinade. I could care less about the... - It's chicken. Oh, it's chicken? - [Stevie] It's chicken, yeah. - Oh, man, it was dry. - [Stevie] Okay, you wanna guess the marinade portion? - Yeah, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Gatorade. - Grape soda. - [Stevie] It's purple Gatorade. - Hold on, hold on. - I said Gatorade, bro! - But, hold on- - You said grape soda. - Grape soda, I guessed the flavor and he guessed the brand. - [Stevie] Half points for everyone, I don't know. - Oh, come on! I said Gatorade! - [Stevie] This is gonna be in the comments section. - You can take your- - [Stevie] Yeah, take off your blindfold because it looks absolutely disgusting. - Look, I said grape soda. You said Gatorade. You were only half right. - Is purple Gatorade grape flavored? - [Stevie] It is. - Well, what I was hoping was gonna happen, just so you know, I was gonna say Gatorade, and you were gonna say, "Be more specific," and then I was gonna have to come up with a flavor. - [Stevie] I think this is a gentleman's agreement situation. - I'll split the points because I'm a gentleman. (bell dings) (upbeat music) - Pre-loaded fork. - Okay. Now, this smells like beef. - I think this is beef too, which probably means it's chicken, I guess. - [Stevie] It's a specific kind of beef that you might texturally- - Yeah, corned beef. - [Stevie] No, pot roast. - [Rhett and Link] Pot roast. - [Link] Yeah, it's roast. - It's something a little sour. - It doesn't taste as bad as the Gatorade did, but it doesn't taste good either. - [Rhett] It's not great. - It's tangy. I know it's tangy. - But it's tangy and sour. - Yeah, it's not sweet. Okay, I have a guess. - Hold on. I don't have a guess. I need a... (chuckles) (crew laughing) - What do you mean hold on? There's nothing for me to do. What are you doing? - Eating. - There's more? - There's actually quite a bit. I don't know what it is. It's gonna be clear when you give a hint, but... All right. - They're not - Three... gonna give a hint. - Two, one. - Vinegar? - Orange juice. - [Stevie] Okay, you're dancing in the right area, but I can't give it to you. - She is gonna give a hint. - Who's dancing in the right area? - [Stevie] You're kinda, you're a little bit both, maybe. The hint is to guess this marinade, you'll need some brute strength. - Brute? - Beer? - [Stevie] Link was closer. - Orange-y beer, sour-y beer? - Isn't Brut cologne? But that's not my guess. - [Stevie] No. This is a very brunch thing to marinate something- - Mimosa. - [Stevie] Yup. - Yeah, okay, 'cause it's got the orange juice and the- - So I get half a point again? - (laughs) 'Cause it's got the acidity, the acidity. - Ooh, that actually looks good. Just a hunk of meat. - Now that I know that- - Champagne and orange juice. - [Stevie] Correct. - I have to say that I was still half right. I just have to say it. - If you wanna take half a point, take it, man. - I mean, what is a mimosa? It's half orange juice. - He's right, I mean- - [Stevie] I mean, you could each take a point. This is worth two points. - No, I only want half a point. Oh, yeah, okay, I'll take a point, and Rhett can take two points. - Yeah, I got it right, so I'll take two points. Give him a point for getting orange juice right. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Okay, sure, why not? (upbeat music) - If you enjoy the boundaries of food being pushed, well, you need to subscribe to the Mythical Kitchen channel because every Tuesday and Thursday, there's a video over there that is gonna be completely original, culinarily. Josh and friends- - Culinarily? - Right, Nicole? - [Voice] Yes. - Over there, just making it happen. Check out Mythical Kitchen channel on YouTube, and their podcast "A Hotdog is a Sandwich." - Check it out! Where's the fork? - [Link] There it is. - Oh, what the crap? That's not meat. - Ew, is it sausage? - [Rhett] I think it's a shellfish. - [Stevie] It is a shellfish, but you haven't said what it is yet. - Scallops? Clams? - [Stevie] No, it's more basic. - [Rhett] Shrimp. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Oh, I like shrimp. - Oh, now I got a full shrimp. Now- - I'm so relived. I was so scared. - [Rhett] What's it been in? - Whatever it is, it made it worse. - Yeah, it's not good. - [Link] Not good at all. - A teeny bit sweet. - It's like furniture polish. - Man, it actually didn't do much for the shrimp, except make them bad. Of course, I am on my third. - Oh, gosh. (crew laughing) I cannot- - It's only for the sake of the game. - I know I cannot put another one of these in my mouth. - [Stevie] This one's really hard I will say. - I mean, I got a guess. I do not feel confident in it at all. - I think I'm tasting mostly just the fishiness of the shrimp. - [Stevie] Are you still chewing on the first shrimp that you put in your mouth? - Yeah, 'cause I'm trying to taste something. - You've de-marinated it by this point. You might wanna load another one in the chamber. (chuckles) - I can't put another one in my mouth. It's grossing me out too much. - All right. - [Stevie] Ready to guess? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Coke? - Nothing. I got no guess. - [Stevie] Okay, the hint is this shrimp heals sunburns. - Aloe. - Yeah, it's aloe vera juice. You can take off your blindfolds. - Aloe vera is a little bit sweet. (bell dings) Remember way back in the day when Carl would come by and help us out making videos? - Oh, he introduced us to aloe vera juice. - He would just- - It's really good just to straight drink it. - He'd bring by aloe vera juice. (upbeat music) Are you enjoying this process? - I mean, you know, I'm always having a good time. - Well, I'm having a good time, but I'm experiencing a lot of fear. - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I feel like I know what it is by smelling it, but... It's so familiar, but... - Earthy. Oh, good gosh. That's big. - Is that tofu? - [Stevie] Yeah, it's tofu. - Oh, gosh. See? - [Stevie] Once you get over that hump, I feel like you guys are a lot less scared on the type of meat it is. - If we were playing the game what are we eating, I'd be winning. (chuckles) (Link groans) - That is just earthy, man. - Okay. - I think I got a guess. - [Stevie] You ready, Link? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Coke. - Play-Doh. - [Stevie] No, (chuckling) you're both wrong. You're tasting a lot of Coke when there's no Coke around. - But it really tastes like Coke to me. It has a lot of Coke notes. Coke notes. - I think tofu just tastes like Play-Doh to me. - [Stevie] Okay, your hint. This is the only way Jimmy Buffet eats his tofu. - Margarita! - [Stevie] Yeah. (bell dings) - Tequila. It's margarita. - Yeah, there was a sweet beverages thing. It was obviously not Coke, but- - Look at that. This thing is heavy. - Now I can really, that margarita mix, whatever makes a margarita mix a margarita mix- - [Stevie] That triple sec-ness? - Yes, you can taste that in there. Link said he can taste it too. - This is like five pounds. - Careful. (upbeat music) - Find the fork-y. Mm, interesting. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's kind of, that defeats the point of having a fork. - That was a very deceptive fork placement. (crew laughing) Every time it's been kind of out there where I could get it. This time it's just in the middle of the plate. - Now, is this another shrimp, or is this- - [Stevie] No. - This is sausage? - [Stevie] I mean, it's a hot dog, yeah. - [Link] Hold your horses- - It's a little- - [Link] This is hot. - It's a little spicy. I don't know if that's from the wiener itself or the, I assume it's from the thing that it was marinated in. - If you start breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose, if you vape it... (crew laughs) - Hey, man, have you vaped a wiener? - You can taste the marinade. (crew laughing) - All the kids are vaping wieners these days. Can't stop them. - What is that? Oh, gosh. - Again, it has a sourness to it. - I have a... I'm getting something very specific from this. (crew laughing) Rhett, is that you making that noise? - I've got one. (crew laughing) It took a while to get that last wiener. - How many wieners are you eating? - Maybe six by this point. - Seriously? - I'm trying to play, man. I'm here to play. - I am, but I'm doing the... If you grind it up more, you get more of the marinade out. - It's not really that spicy though. - No, I think that might just be from the sausage. - Okay. - [Stevie] Here we go. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Hot sauce. - Beef jerky juice. - [Stevie] What? No. (chuckling) No, no, no, no. We're not on the right path here. - I got nothing. - Is it hot because of the wiener? - [Stevie] I think it might be hot 'cause of the wiener, yeah. - [Rhett and Link] Oh. - Maybe take the hotness out. - Got a hot wiener. - I mean, I just don't wanna taste it anymore. - It's sweet again. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. When I give you the hint, you're gonna get it. This wiener has got wings. - [Rhett and Link] Chicken juice. - [Stevie] Oh, God, no. - Oh, Red Bull. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Ah. (bell dings) - Chicken, we were both on the same... There's that many left? I mean, I'm sitting there doing this. (upbeat music) Okay, Link, you technically can't win at this point, but here's what I'll say. - Yeah, yeah, yeah? - If you get this right without a hint, like on the three, two, one, and I don't get it right, you can take home the prize. - Oh, I'll take that. I'll take it. I'll take it. And you know what I'll give you? If you get it right, you can win. - Okay. - I can't even tell if something stinks anymore. Are you eating it? 'Cause I'm afraid. - Yeah, I don't even know what this is, man. I don't know what meat it is. Is that pork? - [Stevie] Nope. (Link groans) - It's not that bad. (crew laughing) I think I might know what it's marinated in though. - It's bad. Is it chicken? - [Stevie] It's turkey. - [Rhett] Turkey, okay. - Oh, God, thank you. - [Stevie] The game that you're playing, Rhett, I feel like is actually a really great game for parents to play with their young kids if they wanna entertain them for a while. They can give them their dinner, but they blindfold them. - Yeah, my parents did that anyway. (crew laughing) Find the meat, Rhett. - Is this not so bad? - This is pretty bad. I got a guess though. - [Stevie] Link, are you okay? - I got a guess. - I'm trying to get a guess 'cause I wanna play hard. I wanna make my momma proud. My momma, she's at home marinating right now. She's watching me. She's thinking, "Come on, boy, you can do this. Channel everything I taught you into this last moment." - All right, you ready? - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Listerine. - Liquorice. - [Stevie] You're both incorrect. - I said liquorice, all right, I have no way of winning. - I said list... it's not a mouthwash? - It's got that medicinal thing. That's why I said liquorice juice. - [Stevie] Upset stomach? - Oh, Pepto Bismol. - Pepto. - Yeah, it's got a- - [Stevie] Correct. (bell dings) - Super medicine-y- - Oh my goodness! Look at that nasty presentation. - Oh, man, what did you say? What was your guess? Liquorice. Yeah, okay. - Liquorice. Yeah, 'cause there is a bit of a liquorice... And that might be why sometimes you can find me in the closet sipping on Pepto, 'cause I do like liquorice. - Mom, I'm sorry. - [Stevie] That means Rhett wins, so- - So Link's- - [Stevie] Unfortunately- - Favorite possession - What have you marinated? has been marinated. Oh. - Oh, you have marinated, in Italian dressing no less, my Johanna Lindsey, "Stormy." - Stormy what? It's- - "Stormy Persuasion." - [Rhett] Ah, "Stormy Persuasion." Good gracious, there's- - I haven't read the whole book. I've only read parts. - I hate that they had to do that to you. I really hate it for you. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Emma Claire from Wilmington, North Carolina. But right now, I'm in my dorm room at... UNC! And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - You didn't have to tell us. You didn't have to tell us where you were. - That's a rival, so- - You didn't have to tell us where you were. I mean, you could have said at college in your home state, and that would have been good enough. - Just study hard I guess. - Click the top link to watch us try gummies that have been marinated in different sodas in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel's gonna land. - I'm gonna do the Beyonce thing. - What's the Beyonce thing? And then Jay-Z comes in with the mayonnaise and he goes... (laughing)
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,571,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: q3-QPSsMPD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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