Will It Lasagna? Taste Test

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Welcome to season 19!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I learned everything I know about sex from the posters at Spencer's"

Boy if that don't hit home.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PB-n-AJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Remember when they put actually challenging foods in the last couple dishes in Will It? I get that it doesn't always have to be all eating spiders and congealed blood, but it just feels a little bit anticlimactic and underwhelming.

Still, happy they're back and looking forward to looking at the clock to make sure to be there at GMM time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Robot_tangerine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll admit I missed them even though it was only 2 weeks. I enjoyed the more episode, the relaxed chatting vibe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rachel_of_oz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Milking the lard teat" - words to live by.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t put into words how much I want to eat that baconator lasagna.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nolanthenerd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's a nice surprise to have them filming in the studio!

So ... are we guessing this was filmed in 2020, before S. California got hit so bad? I thought they might have to film from home again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The queen sweep

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/3SlavicJosh5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loving that new mug design! I'm so glad they returned to the classic orange-and-black design--but now there's a funky color-changing element, too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we ask the age old question - Will it lasagna? - Let's talk about that. (groovy music) - Good mythical morning. - Woo, we are back y'all. Happy season 19 premiere and happy 20 and 21. - Yes and listen, we want 2021 to be drastically different than 2020, and to be specific, drastically different in a good way universe, please. So we wanted to kick off this season with some warm and fuzzies for our tummies. - Mmm, culinary warm and fuzzies to me immediately screams lasagna. I mean if we're doing this thing - Scream lasagna to the universe. - While we're screaming to the universe, that's right. It's the culinary delight that's got more layers than a Christopher Nolan film. - Woop, woop. - But the question that we are going to answer today is if we take lasagna into uncharted territory, will we still be happy when we're stranded on a remote culinary outpost? It's time for - [Both] Will it lasagna? - First, let's establish the essential elements of lasagna that we are working within. According to the mythical kitcheneers, lasagna gotta have noodles, gotta have sauce and gotta have cheese. But most importantly, you gotta have at least two stacks of those noodle, sauce and cheese and to be lasagna. - Okay, now we're gonna start off with a classic lasagna stackage made up of a classic food court snackage, Wetzel's Pretzels, and we're calling this one Wetzel Matter with this Lasagana? (laughs) Trevor, what have you done? - [Trevor] So I took the original pretzel from Wetzel's Pretzels and infused that into the noodle dough. And then I took a two pretzel dips from Wetzel's Pretzels, the cheddar cheese and the jalapeno cheese and made that into a sauce. - No you didn't. - [Trevor] And then finally it is Wetzel dogs is the meat, so it's just cut up Wetzel dogs in there. - And what is that on top? - That is the pretzel noodle. It's a crispy pretzel noodle on top with pretzel sauce. - How do you make a noodle - [Both] Out of a pretzel? - Isn't that cray? - It is 2021. - [Link] It kind of looks like a fruit roll-up if I'm just being honest, like a salty- - I'm actually gonna pull that back to get- - Right 'cause underneath there- - To get all the way through here, rip it and dip it. - Lasagna is special to me, it's special. So I'm actually nervous - That it's gonna get messed up for you? - That this is gonna mess it up. - I mean are you a big Wetzel Pretzel guy at the mall? - Dink it. It's a good mall food 'cause you can just keep walking around. - And sink it. - Mmm, it's salty. - I mean besides the layering and the cheesiness- - I like it though. - It's just pure pretzel. I mean are you going in the Dillard's right now? Are you smelling the perfume in the belt department store, the hecks or whatever they're called? - I'm going into Spencer's Gifts. I'm going to the back. I'm going to the posters. I'm looking over my shoulders. Is anybody gonna watch- - I know what you're doing. - 12 year old Rhett go through the posters, ooh, look at that. Ooh, look at that. Ooh, I'm not ready for that. - Did you open your eyes when you were 12 years old? - Yeah I was looking at it, but in my dreams I had to access it 'cause otherwise I just would have been looking at Jake if I had my eyes open. - Did you know how salty that was? - [Trevor] There's a lot of pretzel salt on top. - Oh my gosh. I mean listen, I think something happened here. I think it's somewhat beautiful. It's like those posters, it depends on which one. - You're learning a lot, aren't you? - I learned a lot. I learned everything I know about sex from the posters at Spencer's. Wetzel's Pretzels, will it lasagna? - [Both] Yes. - Whether you call it bubble tea, tapioca tea, pearl tea, or it's more common name boba teas- - That's what I call it, boba tea, that's what I call it. - Nobody has tried to turn this slurpable drink craze into lasagna before and we might be about to find out there's a good reason for that. This is, waiter, there's balls in my lasagna. - [Link] But boba balls. This is heavy. - I feel like you need to confess something. Why did you do this? - [Trevor] There's a lot to confess. So the pasta sheet is made out of tapioca jelly. - [Link] Oh, I see that. - [Trevor] The cheese is made out of Thai milk tea. - [Rhett] Oohh. - [Trevor] There's a taro milk tea sauce with lychee jellies inside and then it is topped with rainbow boba. And there might be a little surprise in the middle for you. - Oh, in the middle? - Should our approach mentally be dessert lasagna? - It's like when you get a frappuccino from Starbucks or something like that. It's like this is it's dessert. - It's really dessert, let's be real with it. Now I was gonna say, we could try to suck a boba out of the middle, but let's go for a slice first. - I think we got to experience it as lasagna first. - That cheese, is it actual, it's not cheese at all? - [Trevor] There is a little bit of cheese in there. - [Rhett] Yeah, you gotta. - Hey, it's the beginning of the season. We're gonna dink and sink on every one? - No, let's not set a standard we can't live up to. - I didn't say it was a standard, I said it's- - Let's just dink and sink on the first two. - [Both] Dink it - And sink it. - It's a gelatinous mess. It's creamy though. - You know what it's very reminiscent of? You've been to many family reunions in the south. Somebody always brings a weird gelatinous mold and I'm always into it. I mean like I'll take that thing home with me. - There's like a creamy or pudding tapiocay thing happening in the middle and that's the part that I like. - Well speaking of the middle, we need to go in. - Let's see if we can suck up a ball, but not from the top, deep down. - You gotta go all the way in. - Uh uh. My whole straw is getting. - Oh. - That was the problem. - I got three balls in my mouth all at once. - I'm getting nothing, man. I mean they're in there- - You're working a lot harder than me though. - I know it's like, oh my gosh, it's like my throat is collapsing on itself. This is dangerous. - I like the texture, I think it's fun. I think it's a novelty item. You would do this and you would like it, you'd be in the like some weird part of Disneyland and you'd all split it. - You got me on splittable. - [Rhett] Boba, will it lasagna? - [Both] Yes. - All right, Mythical Beasts, for season 19 of Good Mythical Morning, you may have noticed we have an all new mug. And at first you might be like, oh, they kind of brought back the classic black mug with the orange icon on it. - But it does have an additional side, which is something new, but that ain't enough. - Check out this y'all. If you got some hot water, you just pour it into your mug. - It is a heat activated design. I don't mean to spoiler alert but once that mug heats up, oh, look at that. - [Rhett] I want them to see the whole deal y'all. - [Link] It is freaking revealing- - [Rhett] Look how it comes up. - [Link] The design from the intro. - And you can see that it is the cockatrice who is in the night sky blowing Good Mythical Morning with Rhett and Link all over the universe. - I would turn my mug around but you filled it so high with boiling hot water. - Yeah 'cause I wanted to get the logo all the way to the top, bro. - That's good. But yeah, mythical.com. Be one of the first to get the brand new mug, get some hotness in it and then it'll explode with design. And then it'll go back to coolness. - Mythical.com. - All right, despite the facts that lasagna is stacks on stacks on stacks it never seems to bring home the bacon. So we thought it was high time for lasagna to go whole hog. - Oh okay. - By channeling the big pig energy of a Wendy's Baconator. Behold, the lasagnator. - I think it's the lasagnator, oh that's the lasagnator, lasgnator? I think the lasgnanator is, it would sell better. - This looks good. Trevor, what did you do? - [Trevor] This has pasta dough that has been incorporated with American cheese. - Incorporated? - There's cheese in the dough y'all. - Yeah, the cheese incorporated. What can we do now? - [Trevor] Then the sauce has Wendy's Baconator meat and bacon in it. It is topped with more American cheese and on the top that is a Baconator bun that has been crumbled on it. - Whoa, you got a Baconator bun you just crumbled? - And I'm just gonna give it a sniff. - I mean what is this meat? - Smella that. - Is that just meat? - You could've smelled yours but - That's Baconator meat. - I got to get in on this man. There's absolutely no chance- this is not gonna be incredible. - So lasagna's a square, Wendy's burgers are square. You didn't succumb to the temptation just to slap a whole burger in there? - [Rhett] He likes to talk, I like to eat. - [Link] That would be too much, wouldn't it? - Oh my gosh. - [Trevor] You want to get the sauce to coat the meat when you make it, and if you just flopped a whole square in there, it wouldn't really work. - This is magical. This is absolutely incredible. Now listen- - It is so cheesy, so meaty. - Here's the thing, we're not technically in the Baconator demographic because the CEO of Wendy's admitted at the time, admitted- - Like, yes, you got me. - When they introduced this in 2007 that it was targeted towards 18 to 34 year old males. Now let me tell you, we were about 34 when this show started, season one, okay. So we've been out of the demo for a long time, almost 10 years, but let me tell you, I've never felt more like a 34 year old than I do right now. - This is so good. - I am having such a great time. Back to season one. - [Link] Wendy's Baconator, will it lasagna? - [Both] Yes! - Because I have such a deeply rooted, long lasting love for lasagna, I thought that, hey, maybe this is an opportunity to incorporate something that I'm trying to like but I can't, which is sushi into lasagna, so I become more of a sushi lover. So that's what we're gonna try right now. Say hello to 20,000 layers under the sea. (laughs) - [Rhett] Okay Trevor, what happened here? - [Trevor] What happened here? That is seaweed infused pasta dough with a sauce made out of ginger, soy and wasabi, raw salmon and tuna as the meat, spicy mayo cheese, and it's topped with rice, more spicy mayo and roe. - We technically should use chopsticks for this. - If you were taking a lasagna and making sushi, yes. If you're gonna pick a lasagna apart, it doesn't lasagna. - It cuts nice. I know you're on a quest to like sushi. I think the way that we're trying to get you to like sushi might not be the best strategy. I think when everything opens back up, you go to SUGARFISH and you just get the menu, the chef figures it all out, and if you don't like that, I'm gonna, I won't be your friend anymore, but I know you will, you will like it. - I'll tell you what's wrong with sushi in my mind. I don't like seaweed and I don't like the raw fish. Everything else works. - Oh, this is good. And the noodle's actually super mild. I think you might like it. - So I'm getting a little bit of both fish. - I think you're gonna like it. The mayo goes a really long way. I'm not messing with you. You can do it, I believe in you. If we're at SUGARFISH, they would never put that much spicy mayo on anything at SUGARFISH. - It's not bad. - Is that as good as you can do? - It's okay. It's decent. - If it makes a man who doesn't like sushi think that sushi might be okay, then I think the verdict is clear. - Yeah, because the seaweed is not there. - The seaweed is not there. The seaweed is there, but it's not- - It's not there, it's folded in. - It's working. - Sushi, will it lasagna? - [Both] Yes. - Okay, most people will tell you that fat equals flavor but is a lasagna made entirely out of animal fat too much flavor for our little tongues to handle? This is lardsagna. - Good Lord almighty. Now it looks good. - It looks like a normal lasagna. - It looks like lasagna. - With like butter on it. - [Link] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what's happening? There she goes. - Well that's just a dollop of fat. Okay, what besides fat is in here? - [Trevor] That's pretty much it. It's a lasagna sheet made out of duck fat. The sauce is made out of lard. It's a sheep fat cheese. There's a beef fat bolognese, a little schmaltz bechamel in there and then a dollop of whipped lardo on top. - What'd you call Link? - Schmaltz bechamel. - I like fat, like I'm one of those guys, if there's a steak with a bunch of fat on it, I go for the fat, the fat does have flavor. I know you don't really like fat. So I think if there's any fighting fatting chance it's gonna be me. - Before you put it in there, put it in there meaning there your mouth- - Before you put it in there, make sure it's covered in fat. - If this was a yes, this could be a queen sweep in a will it. - It is possible. - Dink it. - [Both] And sink it. - Ooh. - Oh that's crazy. - It coats your whole mouth and you keep breaking into a different layer and it's another layer of different fat from a different animal that goes. - And the flavors are good. - It's a little rich. - It's so rich. Try this by the way, 'cause this helps, I don't know. - Squeezing your invisible boobies? - I'm milking the lard teat. - You know what, I think it works as an muse-bouche - A what? - An amuse-bouche. - An amuse-bouche? - Just a little. Okay it's a really nice Italian restaurant and the chef is just renowned and then it comes out and he's like, "The first bite is lardsagna." He probably has a better name for it. - [Link] 1/34th this size. - Yeah just a little bite and it's all fat and he does exactly what Trevor did and he goes through all the different fats and the stuff and then you just start squeezing. I think you love it at that point. Fat, will it lasagna? - [Both] Yes. - Starting off season 19 with a queen sweep. - Now typically queen sweeps apply more to competitions, but hey, we'll apply it here and we'll take it all the way across. There has not been many of these, Trevor. So welcome to 2021 buddy. - [Trevor] It's good to be here, it's good to be here. - It's shaping up to be a good year. - Oh yeah. I feel like I can move forward, it's a great start. You're here, we're here. You can count on us. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell and squeezing that invisible boob. - You know what time it is. - I'm Katie - And I'm Katie. - [Both] And we're Katie squared and we just got married and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - [Both] Congratulations, Katie squared! - See we didn't practice that I promise. - We didn't, we just knew that was what we needed to say. All right, click through to watch us guess how many layers there are in each one of these different types of onions. - Yeah 'cause you want to. - In Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality gonna - Add some scientific magic to your mythical mug collection with the GMM heat-activated mug. Available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,126,451
Rating: 4.9489541 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: F45-xPpfvXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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