What Tiny Food Is This?

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The this little piggy part of more is incredible.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/WakeupDp 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel like Rhett has red in his beard from yesterday's episode.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MadJohnBeard 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Fe fi fo fum. - Who can guess food that's the size of a thumb? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Whoever said bigger is better has never watched tiny food being prepared on the internet. - Or been separated from your mom at the mall. - Whether you've seen tiny food cooking videos before or not today is gonna be splendid because watching tiny food cooking videos is always splendid. - Dare I say delightful and impressive, but it's easy to get distracted from the food by all the cuteness around it. Like how did they get those knives so little and how do those tiny food chefs keep their cuticle so fresh? - Well, you better keep your focus on the little bitty of food, Link, because it's time for Mystery Countdown Theater, tiny food edition. - Today we're guessing what tiny delectable dishes are being prepared by our new friends at Miniature Cusina. Be sure to check out all of their amazing tiny creations on their YouTube channel, Miniature Cusina, and follow them on Instagram and Facebook @MiniatureCusina. - We're gonna be watching some of their tiny cooking clips and the first person to buzz in and guess what the adorable little food they're making is wins points. And if we guess correctly, we get however many points are left on the timer, and if you're wrong, the other guy gets chance to buzz in and guess. - Yes, it is the most competitive game in "Good Mythical Morning" history. - Yeah, that's the name of the show, morning. - The ultimate loser has to play a time-lapse game of this little piggy with the winner's toes in "Good Mythical More," and now look, last time you won while wearing my lucky shirt, which you stole from me. And then by the way, you never give it back. So I've taken all that into account and I'm ready. - What's happening there? - This is a shirt with you on it wearing my lucky shirt that you never gave back to me, which makes this shirt the lucky shirt. - You know, I thought that you might do this. I anticipated this. So I've got on a shirt that's got you wearing a shirt with me wearing your lucky shirt on it. - I don't even know. I've never worn this shirt, so how do you have? - Hey, listen, I've known you for a long time. - I'm gonna take this jacket off. - I've know you for a long time. - I know I'm gonna be sweating. - I know what your next move is. - Fine, fine, fine! Let's see the first clip. Oh, tiny. - [Rhett] Okay, well. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Link? - Tiny, tiny sandwiches, finger sandwiches. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - [Link] Oh my, look at this. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett? - I'm gonna say that it is gonna be, I see that it's gonna be some bacon, so I think it's just tiny breakfast. You got toast and bacon are at least two of the ingredients. - [Stevie] You're correct. (Link mouth farts) - [Link] Look at that little skillet, man. Where do they, where is this stuff acquired? You know, all American breakfast right there. - I've never seen any of this. I mean, it totally makes sense that it exists, but I-- - Then how'd you know it was so delightful? - Just because I wanted them to believe. (laughs) - [Stevie] It looks like tiny versions of you are standing at the little podiums because it aligns so perfectly. And the black shirt especially, it's like fading into the background. - It fits the theme. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah, I anticipated all this. - So yeah, just frame, just frame it right here. - And ultimately what I'm saying is I anticipated that I would like a little food videos. That's why I said it. - Okay. Okay, lots of veggies. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - I'm gonna say that it is going to be a spaghetti. - [Stevie] You're correct. (Link groans) - [Link] Spaghetti sauce, see like knowing ingredients and how they make foods is helpful. - [Rhett] It is helpful. - Crazy. Now they did, they did that thing where they make the sauce and then they make the noodles and they mix it all together like their school lunch ladies did. - You like it that way? - I like it like that. - You remember in October what it was called? - Spooky-etti? - Scary spaghetti. No, it's called scary spaghetti. And my mom would be like, "they're having scary spaghetti today." - You're trying to cheer me up because you're-- - I took an early lead. - [Stevie] Wait, why was it scary spaghetti? What'd they do differently? - It was Halloween. - [Stevie] But it was the same spaghetti? - Yeah. - Exactly the same. - [Stevie] Oh, okay. - They just might have poison in it. - Okay, I've got to pull some powers together, some culinary powers into my brain. (bell dings) You're going? - [Stevie] Rhett? - I think that this is a sandwich. - [Stevie] I can't accept that, I'm sorry. - It's gotta be more specific than that. - [Rhett] Oh, I know what it is now. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Link? - Miniature hamburger. - Yes. - Cheeseburger. - [Stevie] Yeah, I'll give it to you, but can you guess? - Double cheeseburger. - [Stevie] Well, no, nevermind, let's just watch it. - Big Mac. - [Rhett] That is so crazy. So, look, the little onions. Oh, okay. - [Link] A McDonald's mini-- - [Rhett] Cheeseburger meal. - I was supposed to guess McDonald's mini burger? - [Stevie] I don't know, I just wanted to see what you were gonna guess. - The old minu-burger. - You know, this makes me miss Terry Crews. Remember when he came by and we had all that tiny food? - He's a big man, tiny food. - Yeah, we actually experienced this. All right, so I just made up, I made up a little bit of roundage here. I don't even know what that is. Everything starts out looking the same. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett? - I believe that this is gonna be a Chinese food dish. - A Chinese food. - [Stevie] I need you to be more specific. - I'm gonna go with beef and broccoli. - [Stevie] Well, dang, that's right. (Rhett laughs) - Dang it. Because it was broccoli, and then what, you saw beef? - The very last thing was the beef that went into the pot. - How did you know it was a Chinese food? - Well, because it was broccoli and meat and it was gonna be sauteed in a wok thing. - Oh yeah, the wok. Are you frustrated by this? I mean, as cute as it is-- - I'm winning. (laughs) - But like, if you think about the proportions. - Eating it would be. - That would make you extremely frustrated to only, I mean, you could eat that plate of broccoli beef, including the plate all in one bite in the way that you consume things. - But if you went on a tiny food diet, you might die. - Yeah. - But you would lose a lot of weight before you died, (laughs) you know? (crew laughs) - [Stevie] Sweet. - All right, before we do the next one, we want to remind you this is the last month to be eligible to receive the Mythical Snackiverse lunch box in Thermos set over there on the wall. This thing is metal. It's amazing. It would be great on your shelf or to carry your miniature lunch or normal size lunch. You gotta join third degree quarterly or annual plan by March 31st to be eligible. MythicalSociety.com for details. - All right. - It ain't over. - Alright. Come on, foods. (bell dings) Okay, so this is a shrimp cocktail. - [Stevie] Can't give it to you, I'm sorry. - Well can I be more specific? - [Stevie] No, that was just wrong. - Okay. - [Rhett] They are shrimps, that's for sure. Okay, I see some, okay. - You ain't gonna get mini-- (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - I'm going with fried shrimp. - [Stevie] Devin? - [Devin] Can you be more specific? - Can you be more specific? Yeah, you got to be really specific. - Surf and turf? - [Stevie] Oh gosh, I'm gonna hear it in the comments, but I can't, I can't give it to you, I'm sorry. Link. - Shrimp scampi. - [Stevie] No, no. - That's a guess, all right. All right, now I'm gonna let this one sit a little bit because if we don't know what it is. Okay, they're frying the shrimp. Now what are you gonna do with the shrimp? - [Stevie] What's that called? - Oh, shrimp tempura? - [Stevie] Yes. - Oh gosh. - [Link] So fried shrimp. - [Stevie] Look at those tiny, tiny, tiny shrimp. Like what? - [Link] Look at the shrimp. - [Rhett] Is that sea monkeys? - [Stevie] I, no, it's too big to be sea monkeys. You know how they have the dried? - Sea monkeys, if you keep sea monkeys around, which no kid does. - It's krill. - Okay. Well, all right. - Okay. Okay. I'm not gonna be discouraged. - [Rhett] That's actually kind of big. - [Link] Oh gosh, this is-- (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett? - Lettuce wraps. - [Stevie] Yeah, this was hard. - Yeah, you had to wait until the very end. - Did you, what, did you get two points for that? Or one point? - [Rhett] Just two. - You know what I don't like? - Lettuce wraps. - I don't like lettuce wraps. Like we had lettuce wraps last week and I just ended up like-- - You mean at your house? - Yeah. - Did you tell your wife you didn't like them? Or did you smile? - No, I ate it all. I didn't say a word. - You think she doesn't watch the show? - Well, here's the thing. It changes from just being lettuce wraps to just being like lettuce pieces with the stuff on top of it on a plate and I just eat it with a fork. = That's where you're wrong. - I think it's that-- - You have to commit to the lettuce burrito, the lettuce taco. - Our lettuce, it's like that white thing in the middle was so strong. - Oh, you got the wrong lettuce. - Getting the wrong lettuce or something. - You got to get, what is that lettuce called? Stevie's the lettuce expert. - [Stevie] Well, it sounds like you're eating romaine, which would be the choice, I would think. - No, I think it's like bibb. - [Stevie] Bibb is, yeah, bibb is in there. Yeah, because like a butter lettuce, you know, it's just too floppy. You can't, you can't use a butter lettuce. You want to talk more about lettuces? - Yeah. - No, let's. - Let us do that. - Oh man. - Let us continue. (bell dings) - Okay. I have to go aggressive here-- - That's true, that's a good call. - With pizza. - That might be it. - [Stevie] I'm gonna give it to you. - How many points did I get? - [Both] Nine. - [Rhett] Okay, see man? It's anybody's game. - [Link] Woo, look at that going in, going in that little oven. What kind of sauce is that, apricot sauce? - [Rhett] This is a strange pizza, but it is a pizza. - [Link] Ham and cheese pizza. - [Rhett] You just got, that was the biggest round of the whole game. - Yes. - [Stevie] When they bring out those like-- - It ain't over. - [Stevie] Those tweezers, what do call those tweezers that have like the dip at the end? The like really tiny tweezers that they bring out. I don't know if there's a specific name. You know what I'm talking about? When he picked up the pieces of the cheese, he uses those tweezers. - Teeny tweezers. - Little pluckers. - [Stevie] That's how small these little things are. That's crazy to me. - My fine motor skills are compromised in a way that would make me incapable of making this food. - Fine motor skills. - Here we go. - [Link] A lot of onion action happening here. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - It's squid. It's fried squid. - [Stevie] Oh, I can't give it to you. But I was, I agree with you, but no. - And what is it, 'cause that is squid. What? - Oh, he's using. Okay. - I buzzed in at zero. - They're using squid to make octopus. - [Stevie] I thought that too, but Devin said no because, okay, so think about. - Zero points. - [Stevie] You know those little squid pieces. They're much, they're like the size of that entire freaking bowl. So these are like super freaking tiny. - [Rhett] They're baby octopi? - [Stevie] I guess, I tried to Google it, but look, I mean, they're so tiny. It's like half of one of his nails. - Octopus don't get smart until they get bigger, right? - They're not born geniuses, no. - Okay, good. - Nobody is. - Oh gosh, it's all coming down to the end here. (Link groans) (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Why am I always that far behind you? - I think this is gonna be French toast. - [Stevie] Incorrect. (bell dings) - Bread pudding. - [Stevie] Correct! - Dang. - [Link] And it's tied up. Yeah, because all the pieces of bread, you know, there's no way that would have been a French toast. - Okay, this is tied up going into the final round. - Come on, come on, come on. - Oh, this is difficult to know how to play because if you get it wrong, lucky guess. (grumbles) (bell dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Dumplings. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - Dang it! I lost. - [Link] Well then what the heck is it? - [Rhett] Well don't just wait until it gets down to one, man. Come on, don't do that. (bell dings) - [Stevie] Link. - Chicken noodle soup. - [Stevie] Correct. - Oh, I didn't really know if that's what it was. Oh man, did I just win at the last second? - You did, man. That was a comeback for the ages. - I don't even know how to react. - [Stevie] Mini Rhett on your shirt looks very, very disappointed. - Yeah, and mini Rhett here is very disappointed. And big Rhett is disappointed as well. - You know what? - That means that, no, that happens in 'Good Mythical More," I'm not doing it now. (laughs) That's what we said. - I'm getting ready though. - I'm gonna play little piggy, what it is, this little piggy with Link's toes in "Good Mythical More." All right, thanks to Miniature Cusina for letting us play a game with their videos. Make sure to check them out and support all their amazing tiny culinary creations on their channel, Facebook, and Instagram @MiniatureCusina. - And thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Raquel. - And I'm Matthew. - And it's his birthday and we are trying out every flavor of Jelly Belly jelly beans, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - This is what you got to do in quarantine. - Happy birthday. - Click the top link to watch us play tiny games in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Get the latest quarterly collectible item, the Mythical Snackiverse lunch box and Thermos set by joining the Mythical Society third degree quarterly or annual plan by March 31st, visit MythicalSociety.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,480,643
Rating: 4.9518785 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: JgCwzunlEOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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