Will It Milkshake? Taste Test

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A perfect Will It? episode. Link's response to the oysters was glorious!

GMMore provided a phenomenally entertaining look into Rhett and Link's unhinged creative process. The improv was great; I'd love to see more challenges like that!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why do they change the thumbnail?

This one was uploaded with Pizza as an example shake with Link holding it. Now it is Butter with link in the exact same pose.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IndirectLemon 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we asked the age old question, - Will it milkshake? - Let's talk about that. (soft upbeat music) Good mythical morning! - And happy 1800th episode of this show. 1800 episodes, can you believe it? - I can, yes, because you, 'cause I, but... - Who would lie, who would lie about this? (both chuckle) - Would we lie to you? - You have to believe it. Listen, we wanna thank you for sticking with us, watching this show. We don't just make this show because we love it. We do it because you love it. I mean, some of you love it, some of you like it. - We love that you love it. - Some of you just click on it every once in a while like, I don't know which one's Rhett and which one's Link, welcome to you as well. I mean, go back there's more to watch. - I'm Link. We're very, very grateful that you're here, all of you. - He's Rhett. We look different in other episodes. - Yeah, we've changed a lot over the years. - All right, seeing how's how we're in the middle of summer. How's how, and things are only getting harder, we can't think of a better way to celebrate 1800 episodes. I mean, Judge Judy has over almost four times that many. - Well... - 4,300 episodes. - That's not four times. - No, it's not. But that's a little over double but it's a lot. - Well, she will. We can't think of a better way to celebrate. No less than that. I don't mean to be a downer. It's good, all right, I'm back into it. Then by cheersing some cold ones. - When you say cold ones, you're talking about- - Milkshakes. - Milkshakes, right. - Milkshakes that have never graced the lips of people. - Judge Judy. - Yeah, until today. It's time for - [Both] Will it milkshake? - Okay, normally in the first round of a will it we do something sweet, but I mean, milkshakes, they've basically have done everything sweet under the sun. So we thought we could find something butter. (Rhett chuckles) I mean better. Link I hope you're thirsty, because this is a butter milkshake, get it? Butter milkshake. - Yeah, it's a milkshake just made with a whole bunch of butter. How much butter, what did you do, Josh? - [VOICE] Oh, too much butter. So we blended a bunch of Kerrygold yellow butter into the actual shake itself, we topped it with whipped butter, we've topped that with brown butter caramel, and then there's also just fresh butter shavings on top of that. - Just fresh butter shavings. - Oh my goodness. - Just top it off with fresh butter shavings. - And vanilla ice cream. - [VOICE] Sweet cream ice cream. So just pure butterfat. - Wow. - It's pretty thick, I can't... - Well we got, let's do a ceremonial dink and sink. - I mean, I haven't gotten any yet, so it doesn't count. - Dink it, and sink it. - Try to suck on it. - What, uh oh. - [VOICE] Rhett you might've gotten a solid butter cube. Maybe try and like chew it from the bottom. - Mine was easy to get into my mouth, but then it was, whoa that was (stutters). (background laughter) - There we go. There was just a straight butter ball that I had to get through. - That is rich. - Now thing has 2800 calories in it. - That's more calories than episodes we have but less- - It's actually 1.55 calories per episode, math. - But less than the number of Judge Judy episodes. - [Rhett] I mean, just look at how this disk of butter whipped cream sits on the top. I love it man. - Yeah, that's just straight whipped butter, no cream. - I mean, if you love butter, you'll love this. I love butter so much. It's just that the caloric intake is really getting on my nerves. I wanna feel like at any point during the consumption of this milkshake, one of my arteries could just be like, peace out, I'm done. - That's called a heart attack, isn't it? (both laugh) - I'm trying to put a positive spin on heart attacks, okay. - Okay, but we got- - It is my favorite thing in a milkshake. - No, come on man. Listen, I know we're in a celebratory mood, but this is a bit much. - I like big butter and I cannot lie. - [Link] Butter, will it milkshake? No! - Okay no. - Okay next up we were thinking about bringing the warm feeling of the winter holidays into summer, the good friends, the laughter, the ham, meat, the honey shaked ham. - Oh yeah. - This is a honey baked ham themed milkshake, Josh. - How do you get a honey baked ham into a milkshake? - [VOICE] Blender. So we blended a lot of fresh honey baked ham into sweet cream ice cream, and then we also put candied ham fresh on top, blended some candied ham into the ham whip beneath that, and there's a ham fat caramel rimming the glass I'd recommend just licking the rim a little bit. - Oh, just ham fat on the rim. - I mean a honey baked ham is a good thing. - Yeah, that spiral cut. - Oh yeah, and then it can't be duplicated by other places. - I've tried. - You've tried? - I've tried to buy it from somewhere else (chuckles). - Harry J Hoenselaar opened the first honey baked ham store in Detroit in 1957. The idea for the spiral slicing process came to him in a dream. Is this a dream? - Maybe I gotta taste at the rim (chuckles). - It's pink, and you think it might be strawberry, but that's just ham pinkness. - [Rhett] What's in the whipped cream. - [VOICE] Ham. (background laughter) - And these chewy cubes on top what's this? - That's the ham. - Okay. - When I eat the part that's still ham intact, it's really tasty, but something about ham being turned into what it will be turned into in my stomach for me is not... It's hard to do. - This is better than the butter for me. - It's not better than the butter. - I mean my stomach is hurting. - Don't listen to him. - And when you have the sugar here, it really does help. Come on, man. - Oh, you know me, I'll go along with it any day. I got no pride. - Oh, so, okay. - If you wanna say yes, I'll say yes, I don't care. - Then I become the bad guy for noing butter. - Exactly, that's my point. - [Link] Honey baked ham, will it milkshake. - [Both] Yes. - Celebrate our 1800th episode along with us by getting this Super Mythical Beast Tee. It's only available for 18 hours at mythical.com, the clock is already ticking, so get it now, So you can prove you're part of the celebration. You were here for this. - Yes. Okay, now everybody has burned their mouth on a freshly microwaved Totino's pizza roll, right? I mean, they should be treated like the cart burgers with a mandatory cooling off period. That's what you've got to remember. Or just put it in a milkshake. This is the drinko-totino. (Rhett chuckles) There's toast on top. - [Link] Look at this. - [VOICE] Well, that's the Totino's crostini. - That's the Totino's crostini, get it. And then there's a Totino's pizza roll just right on top. And then what's there in the middle? - [VOICE] So in the middle there is some mozzarella whipped cream and then there's just fresh Totino pizza rolls blended into the shake and then a pepperoni and cheese butterscotch that's rimming the glass. (background laughter) - Butterscotch. So let's find the mindset to give this a fighting chance. - I can't lose that mindset. That's the mindset I roll with. - Well, give it to me. (Rhett hums) I meant like, - Yeah, you... - tell me something- - No, no, I gave it to you like through your eyes. Now you'll like everything. (Link hums) Yeah, that was it. - That's what you did? - But now I gave it to you, so I don't have it. You screwed up. - I think I gave it back to you when I (Link hums). - Okay, good, thank you. Here we go. - What's that? - [VOICE] That's the pizza rolls. - Wow, bready. - It kinda has a, it's very starchy. It's the starchiest milkshake that I've had in a while. You still want it to work? 'Cause that face is saying that you don't. I do want it to work. I mean, I like the consistency, I like a really thick milkshake. Yeah, one that you can use the straw itself as like a spoon. - Get that whipped cream, man. Get that straight up whipped cream, that's good. - Ah! - [Stevie] What about the butterscotch, I'm interested. - [Link] Yeah, where is that Josh? - [Rhett] It's the rim. - [VOICE] You gotta tongue down into it. - It's on the inside. - All that orange stuff. - Oh yeah, I mean, I gotta admit, it's kind of tough to eat. (background laughter) I mean, I am finding the bright spots. - Yeah, and it's that butterscotch sugar. - But the brightest parts are kind of blocked out by- - They're deemed. - the overall, you know, just the pizza being in the ice cream and being cold. - Totino's pizza roll with a milkshake. - [Both] No. - Oktoberfest is right around the corner, but when you can't travel or go to a bar for that matter, just remember, you can always get creative with your booze and your shoes, say hello to the milk schnitzel, AKA, the mabutstein brings all the boys to the yard. (Rhett chuckles) Or the beer garden. - Josh there's no straw. - [VOICE] No, so the straw is actually that knockwurst on top, we've hollowed it out, so you're gonna shove the knockwurst into the half of ice and pretzel and mustard milkshake, then slip it through. And try and get some of the mustard whipped cream on top and a little bit of the schnitzel sprinkles. And for the top-ons here we have some sauerkraut dotting the outside. - So you stick the wiener into the shoe. - Half of ice and... - [VOICE] That's how it was explained to me, yes. - So a big thick witty beer- - That's how your dad explained it to you. - [VOICE] Yeah, he was a cold man. - Okay, so it's like a- - I think this has got a good chance. - It's like a beer float. And like sucking it through the... Is there a straw in there or is it just hollow? - [VOICE] Just hollow. - It's oh ooh, that beer taste. Oh, that's nice. - [VOICE] Yeah, the sausage should accent the beer and ice cream taste. - Yeah, I can totally taste some sausage coming through there. - Hey don't make... (Rhett chuckles) You gotta practice your initial reaction to face. Even if you don't like it, just make it look like you do. - Well I don't- - Just to give it a chance. Just see if you can smile through the whole thing. Smile through the whole thing. Take it in, keep smiling, keep smiling. Doesn't that help? - Nothing is coming out. My knockwurst has been knocked out. - [VOICE] Try and kind of hollow it out with your finger. - I think there's a lot of foam. - I had back up. - All right. - Sorry. - I like the cr... When it gets down to - It's cream. - the main part, it's a very creamy cream beer. - It's a creamy, creamy, creamy beer. - Creamy, creamy beer. Like the way there's so much foam in a Guinness sometimes, - And it kind of makes its own mixture. That's kind of what's happening here. - [Link] You got these crunchy things with some mustard on it. - [Rhett] The mustard. And listen. - Am I making another happy face? - In a beer garden, everybody's already so wasted, you give them this, and they're like, whoa, like y'all pay $28 for this. - Yeah, over wasted. - Yeah, right so, beer garden, will it milkshake? - [Both] Yes. - You know, there's always a risk when you're eating raw oysters because what if you get a bad one? Well, yeah, they don't call me reckless Rhett for nothing. (Rhett laughs) This is a milkshake. This is the moister oyster. This is it Link, the milkshake is in the oyster shell. - I don't- - Look at it, make eye contact with it. - I don't even like oysters, much less the use of the word moist. So you've really outdone yourself Josh. - Grab your little Tabasco 'cause you've got to make one for yourself. Josh, what happened here? - [VOICE] Well, we mostly blended a bunch of oysters with ice cream and then put it back in the shells, but we made the mignonette from scratch. So that's cocktail sauce, maybe a little bit of Tabasco and then mignonette is my favorite. It's like shallots and vinegar, really lovely on oysters and maybe milkshakes. - And ice cream, yeah. - Hopefully. - What's the positive here, I mean- - It's cool, man. I mean, first of all, when I go to a restaurant and somebody is like, y'all want oysters, I'm like, yes. And when they bring this out, usually there's regular oysters on there, but that makes me excited. - Oh, well it is a aphrodisiac. (Rhett clears throat) - That's not why it makes me excited. - So it's like just a gulp. It's not really about tasting it as much as just getting it down, right? - Yeah, you wanna get the whole thing down. Now here, you can easily cut your mouth on one of these things, especially if you panic and jerk around. - Oh really, so don't drag it out. - You can end up like the joker. You could just completely slice both sides of your mouth open. - Oh Gosh! - So don't do that, okay? - Dink it. - And sink it. - No. (Link whimpers in disgust) (Link coughs) I got it down 'cause it just slid down. (Link groans) Oh Gosh! It's always a little difficult to enjoy things when the person next to you eating the same thing is literally looking like they're about to go into some sort of shock. - I think my right eye popped out a little bit. - I kind of like what was happening there. 'Cause one of the things that happens with an oyster is it's super slimy and it almost has a snot-like quality to it. - Okay, yes. - And the snot-like quality - Like (indistinct) - has been completely replaced with a milkshake quality. - What's this hard stuff like- - Oh, did you get a pearl? You get a pearl? (Link pretends to vomit) (both laugh) - What if I caught up a pearl? - Well as you can see, I liked it. - You didn't really like, just like you didn't really like the butter. - You just can't even empathize with me to the point to understand what it would be like to just like everything. - You don't need to empathize with someone who's having a good time. That's not how empathy works. - No, there's your problem. It's called reverse empathy. - It's not good, right? I mean you wanna yes it, we can split it. I mean it's, you know, 1800 episodes, I'm just in a good mood. Oysters, will it milkshake? Yes! - No! - Yes it does. It milkshakes and it continues to be a show. - All right, we're still doing this show. It's gonna keep being a show. You know what, that was difficult, but I'm glad you were here for it. I'm glad you're always here for us. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine, for subscribing, for clicking the bell, for all of the things that you do, that make us able to do the things that we do. - We appreciate it. You know what time it is. - I'm Julie, this is Cow cofta. We're in New york city and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality, get it? - I get it. (both laugh) - I get it too. - Yeah, you're going places girl. Click the top link to watch us write a love poem to the Mythical beast at the Mythical More. - And to find out whether mythicality's gonna land. - In celebration of all the super mythical beasts we've unleashed the 1800th episode, Super Mythical Beast Tee for 18 hours only. Get yours now at mythical.com.
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Views: 2,220,527
Rating: 4.9547887 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, gms2020, good mythical summer 2020
Id: b0y4dpDCsqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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