Putting Weird Things In A Hot Glue Gun (Test)

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Just watched it and they seem so much happier working together in person. This video shows that how much they need each others physical presence. Glad they're back in the studio.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TwEaK354 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode was so chaotic and I loved it! Huge kudos to the editors for the jump cuts. Also shows how much effort the crew does behind the scenes to make sure β€œnormal” episodes are seamless.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zarrasko πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Barbie arm had me falling out of my chair.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/equalszer0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"We've got better ideas!! Don't click away!" Such a good episode. It felt more natural than in a long time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PlanetGG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Between "Ramrod Rhett," the hilarious montage of Link struggling to rip the Barbie apart, and Link β€œaccidentally” ruining Rhett’s gummy worm, this episode was chock-full of goofiness. Loved this one, it reminded me of the classic "Cooking in the Bathroom Challenge" video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have they ever included outtakes in an episode? Glad to see the show back to its roots

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jeskid14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I laughed out loud multiple times. Such a great episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YourFavoriteAuD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This may be one of my most favourite episodes of all time!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The GMMore was glorious. Only Rhett and Link could take a conversation about glue and turn it into a conversation about which animals are intelligent enough to replace them on the show...and what a grandma's neck tastes like.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Can we make breakfast with a hot glue gun? - Let's talk about that. (funky music) - Good Mythical Morning! - You know what, Rhett? Since we're back in the studio, making fresh episodes in this brave new world that we live in, you know what I'm in the mood for? - What? - I'm in the mood to put some things that shouldn't be in things, in other things anyway, just to screw with life. - Whoa, all right. Yeah, that's what we're all about here. - Screwing with life, man! This is a hot glue gun. We're gonna be safe, I'm not gonna screw with your life, or my life. The projectile that comes out of this thing is as slow as anything that a gun could produce. - I can dodge it. - I mean, it's even slower than a caulking gun. I could make something come out of a caulking gun real fast if I had to. - I don't wanna be there for that. - With a glue gun, it's just a little less than that. These are the centerpiece to every good crafting set up. And the source of many minor burns in my household. - What's home without minor burns? (laughs) - And what's using a glue gun if you don't touch what you're gluing too early and burn yourself? - That's right. Okay, yeah, we're gonna explore the never before tested magic of hot glue guns. It's time for, Putting Things in Things, Hot Glue Gun Edition. - [Rhett And Link] Round One. - We're curious what we can accomplish with a hot glue gun that doesn't involve glue, hot or cold. - Right. - You wanna make some breakfast, Rhett? - Yeah, I'm so hungry for breakfast. - Now, I've scrambled up some eggs, what you got over there? - I've got some Bisquick Shake and Pour. - Okay, now you wanna double team the eggs first? - I think there's so much going on here, we should do one at a time. So let's do eggs first. Now, this makes sense, 'cause it feels like the eggs can go through and they can cook and come out cooked, man. This is how I like to make my eggs anyway. I always mix some cheese in there. - I don't think I want too much cheese though. What we devised here, thanks to Mike Pasley, is a syringe with a tube. The tube's gonna go in there, because this moves in a solid piece of... But it won't move down a liquid. - We don't need that. - So we're gonna do like a-- - Like "Cake Boss". - Cake balls? Cake balls, I love them. - "Cake Boss". - Oh. All right, so here's some scissors. - So you gotta get it really... Hold on, yeah, do that side. - Really, really small. - Yeah, I'd go in the top and hold the bottom with your finger. How many men does it take? - Oh gosh. - Yeah, pinch and roll. (Link exclaims) All I'm doing is holding the bag loosely at this point. I'm not helping. - See look, all of that is cheese. The cheese won't come out. Here it is. - Get that cheese in. Push that cheese in, friend. (Link exclaims) - You get that. - I got it. - Okay. - Okay. (sighs) - [Link] So now, I'm gonna cap this. This has got raw egg on the plate, so now we're gonna need-- - Oh, it's pasteurized. Here, I got a new plate. - Okay, get rid of this plate. Freaking chaos, man. - See how I was ready for that? - We're like two lone wolves in the studio. Okay, so now, point the gun at the sky like that, and then I'm gonna get this in there. Oh yeah, there it is. Okay, now, the oven's in here, Rhett. The cheesy eggs are up here, and the runny eggs are down here. - You gotta squeeze the cheese into the-- - [Rhett] Okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we're cooking. - I think we're cooking. - I think we're cooking with eggs. - Oh, I smell eggs cooking. Here, give them a down the barrel shot here. Look at that, we got a little bit of egg coming out. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right, now I've got cheese coming out. - Cheese, please. (laughs) - There's not enough. We need to shove more cheese in there. Move your hand, I can't see when you're blocking. You're blocking my face, man! - Get it in there. (Link exclaims) That's not in there. - In my hand! That's my wrist. Okay, here we go. - Oh yeah, the cheese is entering! (Link exclaims) The cheese has entered the building. Oh, we've got eggs! Keep doing that! Pump it, pump it, pump it! - What about this? - Yeah, yeah, blow it out. Just blow it hard. Oh you know what, I can see, you're smoking. Okay, pull it out. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. - You got some eggs there. - Right here, look at that. - [Rhett] Try that. - That right there, that's a scrambled cheese egg. - [Stevie] It looks delicious. - Why don't you eat it and find out what it tastes like? - I'm not hungry. (Rhett laughs) - You can't go through all that then not try it. - Oh! It's like 80% cheese. - What percent plastic? (laughter) - 80% cheese, 5% egg, 5% plastic, really good. - Yeah, that's the way I like them. All right now, Shake and Pour, okay, same technique. - We'll get rid of all this. - You're the bag man on this one, so hold that bag. - Hold on, I'm cleaning up. Stevie, you can have the rest of those eggs, if you want them. - [Stevie] I really like these eggs, so thank you. - Hold him open. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just go for it. - [Rhett] You think that's enough? That's enough. - I'm sorry you didn't get to eat any of the eggs. - [Rhett] Oh, I'm gonna eat this. - But there just wasn't much to go around. Why you got the gun sideways? - 'Cause it keeps it from just pouring straight out. It might actually go up like this. Squeeze it in, Cake Boss. (Link laughs) - I got a little on your finger. - I see that. - I'm feeling helpful. (Stevie laughs) - Hear that, hear that? Oh, we got some serious sizzle. - Oh no, just a drip. - Oh, too much. Gotta go slow, gotta go slow. - You gotta be patient. Do it on the try so people can see better. - Oh, oh, look, look, look, look. - [Link] There is a hard turd in there. - [Rhett] There is a hard part to it. - I'm very close to the microphone. This is gonna be an ASMR glue gun experiment. - Pushing. Push it. Oop! - It spurts out past it. - There is a part that's cooked. - You're making a pancake pipe. - But now I gotta go to blow. Gotta go blow mode. (laughter) - Let me add some more. All right, here we go, here you go. Oh, you put it half way down your throat. (laughter) You didn't blow on the end. Good gosh, man. Whoa! Your eyes are gonna bug out more than they already do. - Shoot! (Rhett yells) (laughter) - Hey, we got better ideas. - No, no, no, give me the scissors, I wanna taste it. - Taste it. Don't click away, I promise we have better ideas. - [Rhett] That's cooked. - Eat that, eat that, yeah. - Just a little bit. It's hot. It's a hot little morsel. - Hot morsel. - Yeah, yeah, I can do that. - We have better ideas. - [Rhett And Link] Round two. - If you ever wanna play the wishbone game, but you don't have a wishbone, never fear, all you need is a Barbie. - Yeah, always carry one of these-- - Grab that arm. - To settle opinions. - Three, two, one. (grunting) (beep) - Take two, let's try again. (Link grunting) Son of a gun. - She's got good joints. (beep) I'm just gonna hold the whole Barbie, and you just pull that arm out, 'cause that's what we want. It's too slippery. You got a pair of pliers? Not scissors, don't do that. (beep) - I got some orange gloves. - Yeah, grip it. (beep) - This glove is wet, why? (beep) - Oh, what the crap? - Okay, okay, okay. - They built Barbie so well now. (beep) - Is this the whole video, us just trying to rip an arm off a Barbie? (beep) (snapping) (exclaiming) - Oh yeah! - There we go. - Yeah, look at that. - There you go, perfect. All right, once you do that. - Oh man, I hit myself in the balls. (Rhett laughs) And I'm really experiencing some residual testicular pain. You know how it hits you later? - So what you're gonna wanna do, is now once you've accidentally taken off Barbie's arm, which as it turns out, is impossible. - I get a wish, by the way. - You have to purposely do it. So you want the shoulder part to be the first part that touches her shoulder, so the shoulder goes in first. - Is that going in there? - Don't know if that's gonna get through there. Get through there. There we go. - Oh, now it's going through? - Just keep pushing. See her little hand coming out there? - [Link] Hello. - Wave bye bye to Barbie. You're gonna just push on the hand, and just push it right through with your little dilly dally. Give me a heatproof glove. Oh, here we go, here we go, it's coming, definitely coming! Okay, you ready? - I don't want her to see this, Stevie. You're covering her face. - I really hope she doesn't wake up during this surgery, because it is going to be awful for her. She'll never forget this. (Rhett grunts) - You're pushing too hard. You're forcing it. - I don't know what's gotten into me. - [Link] You're forcing it. I feel like I need to cut her blouse a little bit, like an EMT would. - Here we go, here we go! I got it! I got arm coming! I got hot arm coming! Oh, get ready! (Link yells) You need to put another glove on? Put a second glove on. But be fast, I got hot arm coming. - On the same hand? - No, on your right hand, the one that you just burned. This is like 3D printing, man. (Link exclaims) - [Link] Yes, oh my gosh, smush it right on in. - [Rhett] Is it attaching? - Oh my gosh. Pick this up and kind of-- - I'm pushing so hard on Barbie. - [Link] Don't pull, just extrude it. - [Rhett] I'm trying, it's-- - [Link] Extrude it! - I've hit bottom. - [Link] Let go with this hand. Yeah, use both hands to extrude. - [Rhett] Her arm looks so good so far. - [Link] It looks no different. - Yeah, you tell me, look at that, she's reaching right in there, and then you just, (clicks tongue) snip it right off. (laughter) Look at Barbie! Wow! Hold on, she got a big old Popeye forearm, look at that thing. (laughter) - Now I think I wanna bring it up like this. - Yeah, make it attached, and it will kind of hide the fact that we didn't really get the hand right. All right, there you go. If you need to reattach Barbie's arm, you know how to do it. - [Rhett And Link] Round three. - We have a quick, very exciting announcement, the Mythical Society mobile app is now available for free on iOS and Android. - Yeah, we got a Mythical Society app, download it. Whether you're a Mythical Society member or not already, you can download the app in order to browse everything the Society has to offer. And we are very proud of everything that we're offering over there at Society. The content, the connections, the collectables, and more. - Yes, and it's a level of access to Mythical that you can not get anywhere else. The free Mythical Society app, download it today. - Now, Rhett, I know you are a fan of gummy bears. - Yes. - Are you also a fan of gummy worms? - Yes. - Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted gummy worms, but all you had were gummy bears and a glue gun? - I can't say, but you know what, for this bit, I'll say yes. Can you clear the area? (beep) I'll feel better if you summon me. - I'm shoving that in there. - Can you summon Ramrod Rhett? If you can say, I request-- - I request the presence of Ramrod Rhett! - I'm here. I got a rod, what you want me to ram? - I want you to ram these gummy bears down into this and I'm gonna hold that there, so they don't come out sideways. - [Rhett] Yes. - Oh! That's gonna pinch. - [Rhett] Oh, here we go, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, here we go, here we go, that's good. - Now pull it back out. I got to get some more. I got to put another bear in there. - I can't do what you're asking. - [Link] Just pull it out. - It won't come out, it's got to be threaded, and Ramrod Rhett is done threaded out. - [Link] Let me help you. - [Rhett] Oh god, I hate myself. Oh, there we go. - It's hot. - See, look at that. - Oh, what you doing now? - Cleaning it. - Use the other end now. - It's fine. - Use the other end of the ramrod. - What's that? - Oh yeah, look at that. - Ramrod Rhett doesn't discriminate with the things that he rams. - All right, so here you go. - I'll ram any rod you got. - Ram that one. - [Rhett] Oh yeah. - [Link] All right, that's good. Pull it out, pull it out. The bear's still stuck to it. - You gotta detach the bear. - The bear's not in anymore. (beep) - What you got now? - Stevie keeps showing up with different rods. I didn't know you were a rod collector. - If I knew you had a wooden rod-- - Why didn't you give us the wooden rod to start with? - From day one. - [Stevie] I didn't know I had the wooden rod. - That's what Rhett would have requested. (Link exclaims) That's going so-- - [Link] Oh yeah! Oh, I got a bear and it's on it, shoot! You finally make it work and I threw a bear in it! (beep) That's not much of a worm, it's more of a-- - Don't insult my worm. Don't insult the girth of a man's worm right in front of him. - All right, so now we know what to do, right, Rhett? - A few bears, push, pull. Few bears, push, pull. - [Rhett And Link] Few bears, push pull. - [Link] Okay, okay, okay. - [Rhett] Good, good, good. - [Link] Yep, good, good. We're starting to get-- - [Rhett] I had no idea I was making worms. - Oh man, the fumes coming off of these bears dying is a little traumatic. - Don't think of it as bears dying, think of it as bears being reincarnated. - All right, so now I'm gonna get you to go to the other end. - Well, I think we can just eat it. - Let's see how hot this worm is. - I think it cools down pretty quick. - Yeah, thanks. Okay, so a spatula. (Stevie laughs) Oh gosh. It's not ready. - [Rhett] Well, that's kind of a worm. - It's a worm? - Yeah, I mean, I wanna just see what it tastes like after going through the glue gun. Tastes like a cooked gummy bear. - Try some of that. - Oh, that's still warm. Get that, that's excellent. I mean, the flavor really comes out. - Still got a line. - That flavor really comes out, doesn't it? - I like this better. I mean, I think we're gonna have to throw this plate away. (Link laughs) I mean, you wanna ruin a plate, that's how you do it right there. - Take it from Ramrod Rhett, you put some gummy bears in a glue gun, they gonna come out looking like a worm and they gonna taste better. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. (Stevie laughs) - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Sabrina. - And I'm Mark. - And we're at the westernmost point of the Lower 48. - [Sabrina And Mark] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Click the top link to watch us try some non-toxic glues and figure out which on tastes the best. - And where to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Are you a member of the Mythical Society? Want an even easier way to dig into content like Behind the Mythicality and Rhett and Link React? Well, download the new, free mobile app now in the Apple and Google Play stores.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,146,510
Rating: 4.8977857 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Putting Weird Things In A Hot Glue Gun (Test), puttings things in things
Id: SLxvUtx9rRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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