Try Not To Gag Challenge

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"I can't wait for the day you learn a second thing about me" - former Hot Dog On A Stick employee Matt Carney, 2021

Put that on a T-shirt and sell it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can we appreciate the fact that they're still using the Mythical barf buckets a fan made for them years ago?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Painted-Claws πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link: "I already farted in here to prepare myself"

Stevie: "oh, good!"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Steezymann πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As soon as I saw the title I knew Link wasn't going to do well

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PirateDood1738 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't watch videos of body parts breaking. Only the sound of the video and the thought of what happened made me flinch and turn the volume down.

Poor Link had to endure all of that. At the beginning of round 3 you can see that his soul is probably gone. Glad he got it back for More.

Talking about More, i love these games when they need to match the Crew with the cards. Some hilarious situations usually happens on these.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExDream00 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't think I've ever seen someone who feels everything quite as much as Link. Even his toes have emotions ...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fotheringhay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

No videos in the description :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dShado πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a swede: please know that over here we open chans of surstrâmming under water to contain the smell! ☝️😎

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/adleradleradler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like this video is in response to everyone saying they miss when they would eat gross food and gag all the time hahah

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/not_a_library πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today he who doesn't gag gets to brag. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - When was the last time that you gagged? Not on this show. Like, gagged in the wild. - At the end of me brushing my teeth every single morning. When I brush my tongue. - It ends with a gag? - I usually gag when I'm brushing the back of my tongue. - That used to happen to me, but slowly over the years of brushing my tongue, I began to expect it. - I brush all the way down here on my tongue. And sometimes I'll be like, (retches) It'll be that loud and I'm not exaggerating. (retches) - I'm glad we don't live together anymore. - But it's clean down there! - All right. I think that gagging is the great equalizer because we all do it, we all hate it, and for some twisted reason we're gonna do it for your entertainment today. It's time for "If I Have To Gag I'll Try Real Hard Not To Show It. But If It Travels In The Other Direction, Let's Hope My Butt Doesn't Blow I!" - Let's have a little science. The pharyngeal reflex, AKA the gag reflex is a contraction of the throat that happens when something touches the roof of your mouth or the back of your tongue, like my toothbrush. It's a choking reflex meant to keep you from swallowing something harmful. It's there for your protection. - Yes, and the gag reflex can also be triggered by senses like touch and sound, but more importantly, the three senses that we're gonna be focusing on today. I think I said that word right. Focusing on. - Focusing. - Focusing on today: smell, sight and taste. - Yeah. Each of those senses is on us. In us? Each of the senses that we have- - Is within us. - Can you tell that we're... - Apprehensive. - We're approaching this with some trepidation. - Apprehensive. I don't want my butt to blow. (Link laughs) We're gonna be placing those senses that we have under extreme conditions via intense triggers. Our job is not to gag, all right? But if we show any reaction to the things presented to us at all, that includes closing our eyes, making a noise, turning our heads away, anything, we're gonna be penalized a point. But if we actually gag, we're gonna be penalized five points. And if we tap out of any exercise, we're gonna get hit with 10 penalization points. - And so of course the person with the fewest points in the end wins. - [Both] Let's try not to gag. - Hey! All right! (playful music) (gagging) Welcome to the Gag Lab! Stevie, what have we agreed to? - [Stevie] You're actually going to be smelling three different smells in this round one by one in your own personal puke pods. - Oh gosh. - I've already farted in here in order to get ready. - [Stevie] Oh good. If at any time you need to tap out, simply say, "I'm out" and you can stop what you're doing. - I don't feel good. I can already taste the smell coming through some of these things. - [Stevie] Go ahead and remove your nose plugs. - [Link] I already smell a stink! - [Stevie] Please open container number one. - This one? - This one? - [Stevie] And take, uh-huh, a big old whiff in three, two, one. - How do you open it? - [Stevie] Okay, you guys can close it. You did well! Do you know what that was? - That was durian, right? - Yeah. - That was not good. - I like durian. - [Stevie] Yeah, we're starting easy. You're good. You were both good. - All right. - Okay, here we go with the second one in the middle. Three, two, one. I don't know. Link's doing some stuff, guys. Now he's not doing stuff. Was that a point stuff? - I know I closed my eyes once. - [Stevie] Yeah, that was a point. That was a point. We can close them now. - What is that! - [Stevie] That is skunk essence stink bomb. - Yeah, that's, wooh! (Link slightly gags) Oh, I'm about to gag now that I've- - I just gagged now that you said that. - [Stevie] I don't know what the rules are on that. - But we were out at that point. - [Stevie] Okay. Ready? - Oh snap. All right. No gag, no response. Here we go. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. (Link gags) (background laughter) Okay, you can close it. You can close it, but that was a full-on gag. (Link gags) That was a full-on gag. (Rhett laughing) (Link gagging) Do you know what it is? (Link retching) (Rhett clapping) - What was that?! You didn't gag?! - I think that was surstromming. - You're a psychopath, man! - Oh, yeah it was. (Rhett laughing) - I'm crying! - Can I undo my lid? I mean, can I... It's horrible, but I didn't gag! - [Stevie] You guys have completed this portion. We had a gag, but I think you both did well. We can move on. (playful music) (gagging) Hey guys, how you feeling? - I mean, I'm not well. - Not great. I mean, I feel better to be out of that capsule. - The smell of whatever that was, I think it's the surstromming that smells the worst, is still amongst us. - [Stevie] Oh yeah. I'm there with you. But good news, you have more things to try not to gag while doing. You're about to see four gag-worthy videos from YouTube. Heard of it? - Yeah, the website. Yes. - [Stevie] You must watch the videos in their entirety and any kind of reaction or gag will of course result in penalty points. These videos are so gag worthy we would never dream of making our beloved Mythical Beasts watch them, but if you at home do you wanna watch along we've included the links in the description. Though, if you do watch, please don't say we didn't warn you. Gentlemen, sit back, relax and watch "Girl vomiting on slingshot ride." - Oh gosh. - Okay. - Now Rhett, you gotta look at the girl. - I'm looking at straight at her. - [Link] Look at the girl. - I know what's about to happen. - Don't look at the guy. - Okay, here we go. Oh gosh. Okay. Oh, now she's- - That was just a little bit. That wasn't- Oh, there's a lot. - All right. And look at... - [Link] There's a lot. - Oh my goodness. - Oh my gosh. There's so much. - [Rhett] Oh, we got more. - Oh, there's so much. - [Rhett] There's nothing you can- - Oh, there's even more! - There's nothing you can do about it once it starts. - How can there be so much in there? - Is this guy her friend or just a stranger? 'Cause I couldn't tell by the way he was looking at her. - Oh, I looked at her the whole time. Okay. Rhett admitted to looking at the guy. - At the very end! - That's looking away. - At the very end! - [Stevie] I mean, Link, you were emoting more I would say. - Are you telling me, Rhett, you did not- - [Stevie] No, he looked like a robot person and you were- - A robot person?! - [Stevie] Yeah. You know the ones. - I am a robot person. - I'm assuming, I looked at posture before. - You have to relax yourself a little bit. - Okay. Yeah, I did that. - [Stevie] Are you guys ready for "Draining a horse cyst"? - Oh, okay. - Oh, seriously!? - Okay. All right. A horse cyst, you might get me with a horse cyst. - Son of a... Oh gosh. - [Stevie] Link! - That's a horse and that's a cyst. - No! - [Stevie] Link! That's another point. - Wow. There's a lot of stuff in that cyst. Man. - It's like a soup! It's like a bowl of soup! - The horse doesn't seem to mind though. Well, it's really- - It's spurting! - Wow. - I mean, that is volcanic. - [Rhett] Yeah. Here we go. We're not done. - Oh! Oh. I'ma have to look away! Oh no! (Link screaming) I can't chicken out! I'm not looking away, but I... No! - I'm not sure that's a cyst. I think they've just pierced the horse at this point. - What the crap! - I think that's just piercing a horse and seeing what comes out. - Listen, I'm not doing this for anybody! I'm doing this for me. - I think I could be a horse doctor. - And you know what? I'm not trying to react. I'm not trying to build anything up. And what's wrong with you is the real question. - I think that I might need to be a horse doctor. Somebody's got to do it! What did the people piercing the horse were doing what you're doing right now? - [Stevie] How about this age old classic, "Arm wrestling accident." - Okay. - Oh. No. - I don't like bones breaking. - [Stevie] Wait, am I getting some tapping out here? Are you guys gonna- - I'm gonna watch it, but I do not like this. - I can't even have my blood drawn. (Rhett laughs) - He might faint. I'm not kidding. (laughs) He might faint with this one. Okay. All right. - Okay, let's do it. - I'm gonna hold myself a little tighter for this one. - I can't watch it. It's girls. - [Stevie] All right, we got a tap out. - I'm tapping out. (people on TV shouting) - Well, that's gonna hurt tomorrow. - What happened? - It looked like the elbow came out of joint. - It was two girls at a birthday party. I have to sleep tonight. - Yeah, he doesn't want to ruin girls at birthday parties. (background laughter) As a mental category, he's gotta hold on to girls at birthday parties. (Link laughing) You know what I'm saying? - I don't wanna be dreaming about girls at birthday parties- - Okay. Go on. (Rhett laughs) - I don't wanna dream about that. - Oh, you gave me a point. Somebody gave me a point I see. - [Stevie] Oh yeah. It looks like there's a point on the board. Oh, and they're both nodding. Like, "You know what you did." - I think I may have winced. Or I may have, like, furrowed my brow. - [Stevie] Okay, this is... This one, via the title should be better than the horse cyst 'cause it features our friend Dr. Pimple Popper and it's called "Popping cyst on head." - Okay. But not a horse. - [Dr. Pimple Popper] Ready to go. It might be a little bit under tension. - Look at that guy's face. He's smiling. - Okay. - [Dr. Pimple Popper] Come to mama. - I can't! - [Man] Oh, good lord. - I can't! - [Stevie] We got a tap-out. - [Dr. Pimple Popper] But I have to stop for a minute to take the acid off my arm. - [Man] Oh, geez! - I kinda think of it like ice cream. You know, I kind of think of it like- - What's wrong with you? - Like fro-yo. - It looked like a snow cone coming out of his scalp! - And y'all gave me another point? - [Stevie] Things aren't going well, because, Rhett, you have two, Link, you have 30, but maybe in this next round you can make up for it. - I have a soul. That's what I have. (playful music) (gagging) - Okay, before this last round, do you like food? Do you like passionate conversations about food? Well, you should listen to the podcast "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich". The mythical kitcheniers do it, Josh and Nicole. They argue about things. They believe in different things about food, and you're gonna enjoy it, okay? Check it out wherever podcasts are sold. - [Stevie] You guys now look like you're at an invisible bake sale, competing with each other. So Rhett, because you currently have the fewest points, you get an advantage in this round which will be revealed when you reach plate number three. - I thought I got the advantage. - [Stevie] Well, you're losing! - I thought the advantage was given to the person losing to give them a fighting chance. - Well, you know what? We'll cross that bridge when we get there. - [Stevie] Okay. You may remove the cloche from plate number one. - What is that? What is this? Marmite? - Close. Vegemite. - Vegemite. - Oh gosh. This is a lot. - The new Marmite. - [Stevie] Here we go. Three, two, one. (Link whimpers) - I can't. - Not sure I can swallow it. - I can't. (Link gurgling) (Link spitting) - [Stevie] Okay. Link, you have received two points I believe. I see in my scorecard that there was a head shake and shiver. And Rhett, you also have two points actually because you had a brow furrow and a wince. - A brow furrow and a wince. (laughs) - [Stevie] All right. Cloche number two. Let's reveal this, baby. - Oh, what is that? Is that a pig foot? - [Stevie] Yeah, these are pickled pig feet. And we're going to be more precise about what you have to do for this round. And that's, you have to take two bites and swallow them. Are you ready? - Okay, first of all, I'm just gonna get ahold of this thing. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. It's so gelatinous. - I'm just trying to get, I'm trying to work myself up to touching it. - So just so we can kind of agree what we're biting, I'm gonna take a bite of this big hump right here. Like, that hump - [Stevie] Three, two, one - Here's the first hump bite. - [Stevie] Was that a gag? - Not a gag. - I like pickled meats. (Link grimaces) - I know I'm gonna gag right when my lips touch it. - You gotta really bite the hump though. (Link gags) - It's kind of like, it turned to jelly. (Link gags) (Link retching) - That's one. - It's got a nice flavor profile. - [Stevie] So Link, you didn't take, you just took a nibble and spit it out, right? Or did you swallow a bite? - I did not swallow, no. And I just finished my second bite and thought it was actually pretty tasty. - So you know what? Penalize me. - Well, in Rhett's column- - I guess I quit. I guess I'm quitting again, guys. - I have brow furrow. - Okay, if you wanna give me points for brow furrow even though that's kind of just my look, (Rhett laughs) (background laughing) I'll take it. - [Stevie] Link's column I have mini gag, eye closed, gag, spit-out, shoulder shake, not taking a second bite. And that is equivalent of 10 points - Yeah, okay. Round to 10. - [Stevie] Let's just move on. And it all comes down to the final plate. You guys have been on the show. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah, a few times. - Yeah, thanks for having us. - [Stevie] So remember I said, Rhett, that you get to choose in this round, but before I reveal what's under the cloche, I'm just going to say that any time you guys have tried either of these items in the past, it hasn't gone well. And here's a little reminder. - Oh gosh. Okay. Is to filter blood. (Rhett gags) Create the best experience. - Not red velvet! (Link gags) Blood from a pig that's been congealed. (both retching) The peanut butter is helping me. (Rhett retches) - [Rhett] There's so much of it. (Link gags) - God, it's made of blood! - Is it liver? (Rhett gags) - [Link] Pork blood. (Rhett gags) (Rhett laughing) - This is the first time I wanted to cry. Pork liver pate. (Link retches) - Liver King. - I hate blood! (Rhett retches) (Rhett laughing) - Oh, the aftertaste! (Link retches) The pork's blood. (Rhett retches) - Swallow! (Link yelling) We used to do a lot of that on the show. (Rhett laughing) - Oh man. See. I'm really out of practice. I've reset back to zero, I think. And listen, this is obviously liver and pork blood. That's a big piece of liver. - I choose the liver. First of all, how many bites of that liver I gotta take? - [Stevie] I think just one. - Golly. Just looking at the blood makes me... - [Stevie] And the judges would like you to swallow please. Okay. You ready? - No. - [Stevie] Three, two. - You didn't even season it. - [Stevie] One. (Link gags) (Link gags) (Rhett gags) (Link gags) (Rhett gags) (Link retches) (Link spitting) (Rhett retches) - Oh God. - Welcome to the club! Better late than never, man! - Oh gosh. - Oh gosh. - Gosh, it's the worst. - So that brought him up a little bit, huh? - [Stevie] Yeah, but not enough, because I believe, Link, your final score is 52. And Rhett, you're at 15, which makes you the Try Not To Gag champion. - I feel! - I don't feel like a winner. - I feel, and I have a soul. But I'm glad I have you to count on. - When the going gets tough? As long as it doesn't involve- - When the going gets nasty. - As long as it doesn't involve eating liver. I'll look at the liver all day, popping right out of somebody. (background laughing) - Well, thanks for enduring this along with us. You know what time it is? - Where are you looking? (background laughter) - Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm in Auckland, New Zealand. This is Percy. We're on our evening stroll. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - An evening stroll. - In New Zealand? - In New Zealand. I mean, that just sounds, that's top of the list of the things that I wanna do. - That's like the opposite of what just happened to us. (Rhett laughs) - Click the top link to watch us match the crew member to their gag trigger in Good Mythical Morning. - And if I know where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie. - [Josh] Yeah I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] that makes no sense. - [Josh] A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hot dog is a sandwich. (both laughing) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,383,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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