Will It Grilled Cheese? Taste Test

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Rhett: "Um, li'l heavy on the ... many different ingredients that don't taste good."

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Was that a reference to the infamous grilled cheese rant?

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/PandaGrill 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

stevie, stevie, y u makeen me doo deez?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/am-i-aphilosophernow 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we ask the age-old question. - Will it grilled cheese? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Life is full of dynamic duos, peanut butter and jelly, very rich old men and very much younger wives, mustaches and serial killers, but today we're busting open the barn doors on another dynamic duo, bread and cheese. - That's right, we're talking about the grilled cheese sandwich, and just like a pair of quirky dress socks, a grilled cheese always makes you smile when you get a little peek of one. But will these new grilled cheeses we're tasting today be the bee's kneeses or taste like displeasing diseases? It's time for. - [Both] Will it grilled cheese? - Now, grilled cheese is already arguably a perfect dish, so I don't know if it's a good idea for us to be messing with it, but screw it. Maybe we'll learn something. - All right, we're kicking things off by introducing gold old grilled cheese to the good old county fair and combining it with a funnel cake, and we're calling this The Funneled Cheese. - Look at that. - That was the best we could come up with. - [Link] I bet it'll taste better than the name. Josh, what have you done? - [Josh] I did something bad. So I took funnel cakes and then I made a strawberry ketchup compote, and then there's white American cheese there, and fresh strawberries, and that's it. - Oh, we got a little strawberries, we got a little ketchup with the strawberry thing happening. - [Josh] Yeah. - So it, we're still in a dessert zone I think? - Yeah, because you can have cheese on your desserts. You think we should get a cross-section of this thing? - Oh, I got a knife here, yeah. - You know what, I'll take the knife from you. - They put the knife on my side, that's all I'm saying, I mean. - Ooh, look at that, and then we got this. - Ooh, okay, all right, so I'm just gonna bite this one. - (laughs) Yeah, I mean I just wanted to do that because it just seemed appropriate. - Cheesy, strawberry-y. - [Both] Dink it and sink it. (sandwiches crunch) - You got a little bit right here and a little bit right here. How did you get it all over your face and I didn't get any on me? - Because I didn't cut mine. - First of all, I think you made the right choice by going with a mild cheese. - Easing into it. - It does feel like I'm in dessert territory, but I'm getting just a little bit of extra something special, but I'm not in like sharp cheddar territory. Stay away from sharp cheddar. - Oh, and definitely the cutting it and getting to that middle part is where the real magic starts to happen. - And there's a cheesecake thing happening with the strawberry, how do you call it, what do you call it? - [Josh] Strawberry ketchup compote. - [Both] Compote. - It's not compost. - [Josh] Not compost, no, we do do that here. - Compote. - This is a heavenly sandwich. - Like that cheese mixing with the strawberries. - You don't really get a lot of dessert sandwiches. Name a dessert sandwich. - The doughnut thing. - Ice cream sandwich, name another one. - You know, the pancakes and meat. - There's not another, I can't think of another dessert sandwich except for what has been invented right here. - Now we will say, before we give the verdict on this, which I think you know what's coming, if you want to know how to make this, mythical chef Josh is actually showing you how to do this over on The Mythical Kitchen channel today. - New video over there, it's up right now at the end of this video. - And so then you can make it and you can taste it and you can decide, funnel cakes, what is it called? - [Link] Yeah, funnel cakes. - [Both] Will it grilled cheese? Yes. (bell dings) - Takis are a fiery little number who always had dreams of growing up and becoming something greater. Is this their moment? Coming in red hot, this is Taki Cheesy To Me. (laughs) - [Link] Ooh, look at that, Josh, what have you done? - [Josh] So we infused Fuego Takis with the actual bread that I baked from scratch, and then we sliced that and then crusted it in Nitro Takis, and then there's Guacamole Takis infused with pepper jack cheese in the middle. - I didn't even know there were that many types of Takis to play with. - [Josh] Oh, we've only scratched the surface. - Or that you baked bread. - [Josh] Yeah, it's a little hobby of mine. - Isn't that sweet. - And before you taste it, I gotta say, I didn't know much about Takis until I went to Six Flags and there was a roller coaster sponsored by Takis, and that was when I was like "we are not at Disney Land, are we?" - Back when we were kids, you didn't have Takis. You actually did have any hot snacks. Hot snacks were just a stupid pipe dream. Now we're living in that pipe, and we're dreamin'. - Livin' in the pipe. - [Link] I'm gonna bite at the center, I'm not gonna start in the corner. - Taki to me. (chuckles) - Now, is it getting hot for you? - This is the sandwich that bites back, Neal. - It takes me a seconds to kick in, but it's really, it's really starting. - I'm finding myself wanting to eat the whole thing, which I believe is a good sign. - Look at that. - You think we could go to Six Flags? - [Link] You got the string. (growls) - [Rhett] You think when people are-- (Link growls) - You talking? (growls) - You think when people are about to ride a ride sponsored by Takis, that they're more likely to in that moment want to eat Takis? Because if so, we can get into Six Flags without permission and sell Taki grilled cheese next to the Taki ride. Big bucks. - Big bucks, this is fabulous, Josh. - It's very, very good. - They've outdid yourself once again. - [Rhett] Takis, will it grilled cheese? - [Both] Yes. - There's only one fast food item in recent months that has caused lines to form around the block and fights to break out on the internet. Of course, that's Popeye's chicken sandwich, so will grilled cheese-ifying it create another sensation? - No. - Introducing Popeye the Grilled Cheese man. (laughs) So right in here, we've got what starts out just looking like a nice grilled cheese top, but then bam, this, what's in here? - How did you get the chicken sandwich into a grilled cheese sandwich, that's magic. - [Josh] No, because if you put chicken in there, to me, it's not a grilled cheese anymore, that's a melt. - [Link] You're right. - [Josh] So I only used the chicken skin as a little work-around, and then I actually took mashed potatoes and I whipped them with cheddar cheese to create a French dish called aligot, that's inside there, and then there is spicy mayonnaise on the chicken sandwich as well as the pickles from the chicken sandwich inside there. Oh, and I took biscuits and blended them into some white bread dough. - There's biscuits in the bread? - You made bread out of biscuits. - You made biscuit bread? - [Josh] I made biscuit bread. - That in itself is something we should be just stopping and appreciating. Let's stop and appreciate it, just appreciate it with me. (crew giggles) - Now the chicken skin's the best part of the chicken, man. And it's still in, we got it, son. - Look at that, look at that. Look at that cheese just falling out, it's about to fall right into my mouth. (crunching) - I got a lot of pickle. - Too much pickle? - Too much pickle in my first bite. - I didn't get any pickle, I'm not complaining. - It's a classic grilled cheese experience here, with just some hidden gems. It's got the spicy. - Yeah, it's got a kick, man. - This is good, I would order mine sans pickles. - I'd order mine with sand, I mean, it's that good. - It is that good. - So Popeye's, will it grilled cheese? Of course! - Yes. - As it turns out, cheese in all its infinite glory does have one flaw, it makes your breath smell like a dumpster. That's why this round is dedicated to freshening our mouth holes while filling our tum-tums. Introducing Cheesy Febrezy Beautiful Grilled Cheese. - Febreze is in this, is Febreze edible? - [Josh] No, not real Febreze, please don't eat real Febreze, but I've kind of made my own edible version of. - Explain. - [Josh] But also cheesified. - Explain yourself. - It smells like Febreze, brother. - [Josh] The bread is lavender, which is my preferred flavor of, not flavor, type of Febreze, it's lavender bread. - You have been eating it. - [John] Then inside there's Swiss cheese that's been infused with lavender and rose hips. - Oh, I like rose hips. - That's cheese? Because that definitely looks like a flower. - [Josh] The flowers kind of overtook the cheese a little bit, I'm not gonna lie. - [Link] Oh goodness. - I like floral things, but can I just say that typically when I want to freshen my breath, I don't use Febreze. - [John] You should try it. - I use like minty, like gum. - Well actually we should try it. Febreeze, with an extra E, cheddar fresh flavor. - [Rhett] Hit me. - We're supposed to hit the sandwiches with this? - [Josh] Yeah, yeah. - Here first. Let's see if we likey. Ooh, look, look, look. It's actually changing the color of my, look. - [Link] Oh yes, yes, yes. - A little cheese stream. - Yes, look at how orange it's becoming. - See if you can make yours orange. - I'm gonna make mine orange. - [Rhett] I don't think it's gonna make it taste better. - [Link] It's almost like painting. - [Rhett] All I can smell is Febreze. - I feel like a graffiti artist. Hey, I'm under a bridge, man, don't film me. - This is the Banksy sandwich. - Don't film my face, man. (gags) I did a Popeye sound. (laughs) I didn't even mean to, here, see if it makes you go Popeye. (groans) - That's not cheese, man. - [Josh] Well it's cheese essence. - Oh, it's still spraying. It's like got one of those-- - That's the cheese that won't quit. Okay, here we go. - I'm gonna go spray side down. - [Rhett] Why? - That's aromatic. - Um, a little heavy on the many different ingredients that don't taste good. (laughing) - Yeah I mean, just to give you some constructive criticism. everything that wasn't good in there makes it not taste good. - [Josh] I'll go back and rework everything then, thanks. - You know what the good part is? The Swiss cheese is kinda coming through, but the Swiss is too neutral, you need a stronger cheese. You need cheese that will actually engage in war. - And fight back the flowerness? - Yeah, yeah, so Febreze. - [Both] Will it grilled cheese? No! (buzzer buzzes) - A little red crab once said to me "under the sea, darling it's better "down where it's wetter, take it from me," and if I've learned anything in all my years of living, it's to listen to a talking Jamaican crab. - So we did, and we caught ourselves a squid. Will a scary sea sucker have a place in the grilled cheese halloumi of fame? It's 20,000 Leagues Under the Cheese. (plate clatters) - [Link] Okay. - [Rhett] It's a little dark. - Yeah, I mean, I've learned to not be afraid of squid ink because hey, you put it in pasta, maybe it's okay, but there's all this stuff that's peeking out at me. - [Rhett] You mean the squids? - [Link] (groans) Is it, Josh? - [Josh] Yeah, so it's squid that has been cooked in its own ink actually, which seems either sacrilegious or very respectful, and then squid ink-infused bread, and then that's provolone cheese that's been infused with squid ink as well. (Rhett groans) - [Link] It's, it's a nightmare. - This is like your first meal in Hell. - [Josh] Yeah. (crew laughs) - Hungry? - [Josh] This is meal three, they warm you up to it. - Welcome to Mordor. (groans) It doesn't even look like cheese, it looks like tar. - But cheese can cover a world of hurt, you know. - Hurt. - Hurt, but this might hurt too much. - Is that the whole head of a squid coming out? - What do you call like a whole group of squid? - Squad. - A squad! (laughs) Surely that's what it is. What's the scientific name? Well we need to write in to the Discovery Channel, because they're the ones that make the decisions. - Dink it, take a deep, deep dive. - I'm going straight for that squid right there. One just fell out, here we go. (gags) I found something that's not completely dark, look, the inside of a squid. - Oh gosh, I just don't like the idea of eating a squid. - You're not eating a squid, you're eating a squad. - The bread and cheese consistency is the only reason I'm still hanging on. - It's not that bad to me. - The bread tastes good. - What's wrong with me? - [Josh] Oh, thank you. - It tastes better than Febreze, that's all I got to say. - Mm-hmm. - You were gagging a second ago. - It's because there's like a squid body that I'm chipmunking right now, and if it ever comes back into the biting spot, I'm gonna have to gag again. - Just think about him, he was just like pumping himself through the water, when he saw things, I (pops) squirted out a little ink, then we took that ink, we cooked him and his friends in it. - I know. - And now it's in your mouth. - Okay, I'm gonna keep chipmunking part of this. You know what? It's just the idea, and once I forget the idea, I'm good at that. - Here's the idea right here. - Oh come on, I'm actually trying to say this is a little bit fun. If you reel in the tentacles, like a black, dark-hearted grilled cheese? - I think this could be on the menu somewhere. - [Stevie] Wait, hold on, is Link trying to get out of swallowing this? Because that's not how this works. - You gotta bring it back into the main part of your mouth and you gotta work it and you gotta get it down. - Stevie, Stevie why you making me do this? I don't want eat the squid. - [Stevie] Eat it. (crew laughs) I want you to swallow that before we move on. - Because that's the only way to really know. I do respect the request. - You can do it. And don't worry, if you stain your shirt, no one will know. - (swallows) Ah. - Hey. (crew claps) - I got it down, and you know what? I don't need your pity applause. - Yeah, right. - Again, if you trim back this stuff, I think there is something here. - I don't know if it's for the masses. - You can sell this on the corner in Hell. - Every corner of Hell. - Every corner of Hell has a squid grilled cheese. - [Rhett] Squid, will it grilled cheese? - [Link] In Hell? - [Both] Yes! (crew laughs) - All right. - Here we go, usually doesn't happen. Usually the last round doesn't will, but it did. - It got better once I came to grips with it. - Okay, all right. - Click over to Mythical Kitchen channel to figure out how to make the best version of this, which was the first one, and thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Leslie from Georgia. I've been watching Rhett and Link since middle school, and I just graduated college. It's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Congratulations, girl! - You're kinda saying it like I can't believe I still watch these old farts. - Hey, don't take it personal, let's celebrate her victory. - All right, click the top link to watch us try Twinkie grilled cheese in Good Mythical Morning, More. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land, it's More, it's More. - It's not Morning, this is Morning. - Ketchup has a ton a sugar, so does the strawberry compote, so we're doing that. That's empty, I thought this had water in it, so I picked it up and looked really confused for a second. (laughs) Oh I have an astigmatism.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 6,115,849
Rating: 4.9328465 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Will It Grilled Cheese? Taste Test, takis, popeyes, chicken sandwich, grilled cheese, funnel cake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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