Carbonated Food Taste Test

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This episode felt weirdly like a prank to me. Since the food didn't look different in any way, and I have no frame of reference to understand what carbonated food tastes/feels like, to me it felt as if they were just eating normal food and reacting funny.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/not_a_library 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Loved the chaotic energy from gmmore: Rhett fascinated with the discoveries and Link mad about the taste test.

I really do hope that Topo calls them, so they can visit the natural source.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/ExDream00 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Is fizz the future of food? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Here in the good old US of A, we're no strangers to odd and innovative food trends from iconic hybrid creations like cronuts. - Cronuts. - To divisive or divisive, the way I say that word can be divisive or divisive, science experiments like Dippin' Dots, we made some delicious and perhaps questionable discoveries, but we have yet to venture into carbonated foods en masse. Do you think that right here today, we may stumble upon a new age of food or will it just fall flat? Get it? 'Cause the carbonation, 'cause I fall flat. - Yeah, when something doesn't have carbonation, you say it's flat. - Right, so you liked the joke? - I loved the joke. Yeah. - Thank you. - Not divisive in any way. - All right, some other channels have dabbled in this field like the King of Random channel, who carbonated a whole steak. - Yeah. - But we think it's time for this new art of unusual food carbonation to be truly put to the test. - Okay, we're gonna want to carbonate a lot. - Yeah, we're gonna want to, in fact. - We already have. - We're gonna want to so bad, we do want to. - A lot of foods have been carbonated and we're gonna experience them. It's time for is food infused with CO2 long overdue? Or is it all just a bunch of downright ballyhoo? - All right, we're gonna be using dry ice to carbonate all different kinds of food. And if you're like us, you might be thinking, well how in the world does that work? That's how we think. That's the voice of our thoughts. But luckily we have a feed to the Mythical Kitchen where Nicole is going to show us how it's done. - Nicole, are you, are you there? - Yes, I can hear you. Also this was prerecorded. So the way I carbonated all of these goodies was by pouring a bunch of dry ice into a cooler, lifting up the foods in their own special bowls then I popped open the top, and it's just that simple. - She really, she really ruined the illusion. I even put my finger up to my ear like we were gonna be having a conversation. - She said it was prerecorded. - She's also, just she's here. - [Nicole] What's up? - Hey Nicole. - Obviously what you're doing now is also prerecorded and we're not gonna fall for it. - Right. Exactly. Yeah, it's a hologram. Okay, in each round we're gonna try a food that has been carbonated and rate it on a scale of one to 10 based on its newly-added effervescence. - Whichever item has the highest combined score, we're gonna name Carbonation Brian. - Let's start tasting. (relaxed music) All right, first up we have potentially the first ever a carbonated Wendy's Southwest chicken salad. Whoa. - [Link] Yeah. - [Rhett] Oh, there you go, Neal. - All right. Oh, watch your elbow there. - Speaking of safety, we want to let you know if you're gonna try this at home, first of all, just don't. But if you, if you just insist, you have to use food grade dry ice, because if you just use any old run of the mill dry ice, there could be toxins in there that ended up getting into your food. - The waterier stuff is more carbonated. Like the chicken-- - The chicken, not so much. - [Link] Well, try it. A little bit of bacon, a little bit of this guacamole over here. Some of these lettuce. - And the dressing. this is a big bite here. A carbonated Southwest chicken salad. You didn't think that was gonna happen, did you? - I mean, a cold salad, like really cold, I actually prefer like the coldest of cold salad. So I'm discovering that. - Let me say this as well. - [Link] Say it. - Speaking of more science, one of the things that happens when this process is taking place, carbonic acid is generated, which actually adds a little bit of a bite. So the bite that you can taste is not just from the carbonation, it's from the added acid from the process. - Salad bites back. - What if you just slip one of these into the drive-through at a Wendy's? You think somebody would say something about it? - It's not like drinking a carbonated beverage. There's just like a little hint of magic. You might not even notice it if you're not living in the moment. - I wish you would try the tomatoes because the tomatoes are so high in water content, they really have the most effect by far. - Yeah, can't do it. - Don't go there. - 'Cause I want to say this is great, and without tasting the tomato, the coldest of cold salads, we going out of 10 or a hundred? 'Cause you know me and my scales, always want to get it correct. - Let's stick with 10. - I'm gonna give this a good solid seven. - I'm gonna give it a six. (relaxed music) - Hear that fizzle sizzle wizzle? That is the future talking to you from right in here. - The future is in this old cooler. - We're trying fizzy mashed potatoes and gravy. And we actually tried a version of fizzy gravy back in the day and we kind of liked it called it Grazie. But back then we just mixed it with club soda. But with this dry ice technique, we're taking it to another level with mashed potatoes. - Look at that, Link. Now they're cold, keep that in mind. - Yeah, so we have to figure out if the fizziness of the potatoes and Grazie counteracts the ice coldness. - There was a fizz thing happening just from just like-- - [Link] It was like popping a bottle. - Um, um. - Ooh, this is prickling my tongue. - Yeah, there's a lot of water in mashed taters. - My tongue is totally prickled. - [Rhett] It's the temperature of yogurt. - Nicole, can you hear me? Not box tater, is it? Can you hear me? Are you there? - [Nicole] I'm not gonna lie to you, it's Bob Evans from the store. - Bob Evans. - Bob Evans, is that a mix? - [Nicole] No, it's like pre-made and it's in a container in your local place. - Just let it dance on your tongue. - [Rhett] Thumbs up to Bob, oh it's dancing. - It's like stabbing your tongue. - But it's a good stab, it's like acupuncture. - Even though it's freezing, I like this better than the salad. - Oh yeah. - And I gave the salad. - See, you started too high. I'm giving this a seven. I'm taking the seven from your first round and I'm giving it to this. - Cold taters get an eight from me. - Yeah, see? - Because it dances on your tongue and it's like it's trying to murder your tongue. - Yeah. (relaxed music) - I want to remind you to check out the Mythical Kitchen and all the videos over there. In the Doritos flavored Mountain Dew episode, you will learn that Josh almost injured his cat Kevin in a SodaStream incident. - Yeah, it's like a crossover, a carbonation crossover. - So you learn a lot more than just how to cook stuff, even though you can learn that too. Mythical Kitchen channel, check it out. Do it for Kevin. - Yeah. - Rest in peace. - All right, on to some bubbly ramen with katsu pork. - Okay. This is scary. - Now usually you enjoy this at, again, we're making the point every time, I guess, But usually it's warmer. You know, I just feel like I have to say that every time. - It's either cold and carbonated or warm and ramen-y. - [Rhett] You got a little bit on your shirt there. - [Link] That's fine. - [Rhett] I'm just going noodles. - You want to get some of the juice because there's carbonation in that. - [Rhett] I've got quite a bit actually here. (both clearing throats) - Cold ramen is tough. - Yeah, there's something about ramen needing to be like a comforting temperature. What about carbonated pork? - Yeah, I mean, it was, it had a little bit of that fizz bite, but it didn't have all the tinglies of the mashed potatoes, which I'm a bit surprised by because you know, there's so much liquid down in there. Did the pork get ya? - When it's cold and congealed and carbonated, it just doesn't do the same thing for me. - When you really munch on that meat though. - What about this potential? - It releases something that tells your brain that this is bad, spit it out. - That single piece of corn was pretty good though. Well, that's good corn, huh? - Ooh. - We'll get a little corn pop. - All right, if this was just a bowl of corn, I'd be giving it a nine. But just for that one kernel of corn, I'm giving it a one. - I'm going to two. I want to be a little bit generous. (relaxed music) - You bob, bob, bob, we all bob for shrimp kabobs. Or should we say shrimp ka-pops? - Now before I open this, I mean, I just feel like this is something you could do with some kids, but like little kids, like little stupid kids. - Yeah, yeah. - You could give them this cooler and it makes that noise and this would just keep them occupied for days. Don't try that at home. - Here kids, I'm going away for the weekend. Just hang out with this cooler. - It makes interesting noises. - All right, so there's lots of water content in a shrimp. Also the peppers, zucchini, and squash. - And there's barbecue sauce. - All right, so I'm gonna take a, I'm gonna take a shrimp off. Cold shrimp, good idea. - Okay. - This has got the most punch so far. - Vegetables have a lot of water in them. This is broccoli and squash. (Link yells) - Get that. If it's anything like this pepper, that's gonna get you. - I can't even put my mouth down on it. - Yeah, I know, I've got these sensitive teeth. - Would you be annoyed if you ate with me and I made this face all the time? - Yeah. - The very high water content vegetables, that's where it happens. - Oh, oh oh oh. - I like the effect, but the overall taste? I kind of feel like, I don't know if I like it as much as I like the mashed taters. - I know, I really liked those. It kind of had this-- - I'm going back down to a six. - I'm gonna give it a seven. (relaxed music) - In an episode full of firsts, we have another one, carbonated Domino's pizza. - Ooh, it's coming out of the cloud. Okay, and then this is just cheese pizza. We already know with peppers and onions and stuff like that, this would be through the roof. - But what are we gonna get in the cheese and sauce? - Dink it. - The sauce is kind of weak sauce on this. - The is where the carbonation is at. - There's a slight carbonic acid sort of bite that comes from it, but I don't know if I'm getting much carbonation. - This is my second favorite way to eat a fast food pizza. My favorite way is just room temperature, but leftover just out of the fridge, I ain't ashamed to do that. And because of this carbonated bite, it kind of gives you something to look forward to. I might, I might actually-- - It's room temperature, cold, and then fresh from the oven? - Yeah, I'll order a fresh pizza and I'll let it sit a little bit so it doesn't burn me and it can kind of, it like sets up a little bit. - How long you letting it sit? - An hour. I can let it cool down and then be optimal. - It cools down in the car. - But I think this is the best. This may be my number one because I like leftover pizza, and now that it's carbonated, I get that knifey feeling on my tongue. - But it's so subtle. - I like it as much as the mashed taters. - Five - Which would be an eight for me. (relaxed music) Last but not least, for dessert, we got some effervescent cherry pie with sparkling whipped cream. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - This is, this is. - This has got a lot of potential because you've got that pie filling, you've got the whipped cream, it's a dessert. - It's full of water. - It's full of water. - Water. - That's how they say water where we come from is water. What are you talking about? Water. - Ooh. - Okay. All right, okay, okay. Uh-huh. That's what I've been waiting for. - [Link] Oh yeah. - It's got bite. It's almost like if LaCroix came out with a cherry pie. - I'm having a little difficulty because it is so cold with sensitive teeth. - You got them sensitive teeth. - It's an issue, but again, it's just that, the tongue attack, like I never knew that I wanted my tongue to be just mauled like a bear. - Might want to tone that down. But something about-- - I never knew that I wanted my tongue to be mauled like a bear. - I didn't say "tune it down," I said "tone it down." I'm in love with this because there's nothing off-putting about it for me. - Oh, pudding is a good idea. - Pudding would be good. - Yeah, pudding and corn, make that the sequel. - I can think of few things better than this carbonated, 10. It does what cherry pie does for me, but then it does a little something extra. You know what I'm saying? Something extra I didn't even pay for. - I could definitely see like you got the whole pie turnaround thing in the deli. I'm giving this a nine too. This is definitely the winner, man. - Whoa, nine? - Because you see it in that turnaround thing and then they pull it out when you order a piece of pie. But instead of giving it to you, they say "it's gonna be a few minutes," because how long does it take? - [Nicole] About an hour? - Oh, an hour. - Well, I think, I think it's like Quizno's. Would you like that toasted, or Subway, because they always toast it at Quizno's. Would you like that toasted? Would you like that fizzed? It's like, it'll be an hour. You might want to go to the magazine section. - It's worth it. There's a magazine section at the Subway? - I was thinking about the grocery store for some reason. That's where I buy my pies. - So the mashed potatoes, I know we thought it was gonna win, but cherry pie blowing it out of the water. - So officially that makes cherry pie our Carbonation Brian, right there on top. Yeah. Perfect. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Kyle. - And I'm Mag. - We're in Charlotte, North Carolina. - And we just completed a blindfolded ginger ale taste test. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Double blind double high five. - It's tough. Click the top link to watch us find the best bubbly water brand in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie. - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Josh] A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hot dog is a sandwich. (both laugh) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,485,614
Rating: 4.936502 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: pBOlu36yLxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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