What's The Best Instant Ramen Noodle? (Taste Test)

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oh damn I forgot that Chase posted this poll on their ig months ago.

In before the babies complain about them slurping.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

In today's More:

Link - "You know what Rhett, you're good at coming up with hollow compliments"

Also Link 5 minutes before - "I wanna compliment you on the ability to wear your shoes on the right feet."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love GMMores where they play little games like Jenga! I want to see more of those; it adds another layer of competition.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really enjoy the creamy chicken. It hits different.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xopenguin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shin ramyeon is the best out of what they had. Final two was perfection.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwaggiiP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was really hoping Samyang 2X Spicy was in there... That spice blows Nongshim out of the water....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StormFreak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I recently discovered Mama brand ramen and it changed my life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chubbybella πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think rhetts long hair looks good especially in the half up and half down look. Anyway now I’m craving ramen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_il_mostro_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Indomie Mi Goreng is a fantastic β€œdry” noodle, sunny side up an egg on top. It’s fantastic. It wasn’t in the show for the dry aspect.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dariath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- [Stevie] On your marks, get set, tug. (upbeat theme music) - Good mythical morning. - Happy first day of autumn, Link. - Really? There's no way we're already in fall. - We are, and it's time to bury our faces in the warm feeling of fall. Now, when you think of autumn, what's the first thing that comes to mind? - Well, one summer she started coming to the same babysitter as me. She had long, flowing brown hair, and then she left before the school year began. We lost touch. We never touched. - This is a girl named Autumn, I assume? - Yeah, I hope she's good, Autumn, hey. I also think of soup. That's why starting today and over the next three days, we're gonna be trying 24 different soups across three distinct categories and picking our favorites. And we're kicking off today's tournament with a soup that is bonafide worldwide. - Brace yourselves as two men open their slurp holes for a thrilling three-day soup spectacular. Today, eight brothy bowls of brawny instant noodles contend in a battle most brutal, albeit it far from feudal. One soup holds the noodle we want to canoodle. The chewy string with the bling. The tasty rope most dope. It's time for Souptember To Remember: Instant Noodle Soups. - Hey, you all right? - And that's just day one, you wait. - When we say instant noodle soup, we're talking about the good old packets of dry noodles that you gotta add water to and then patiently wait as the noodles unfold themselves inside a warm, yummy broth. I mean, shelves are packed with this stuff. - Yeah, right. A lot of options. - Only one can be the best. - Okay, and heads up. Tomorrow we're gonna be finding out the best fast food soup, and then Friday, we're gonna be dipping into cheesy Campbell soups, but today is all about the instant noodle soups. Now we posted a survey online, and 28,396 of you voted on which instant noodle soups you like most, and your votes decided our brackets today. - And according to you, the top eight instant noodle soups are Maruchan Creamy Chicken Flavor. - [Rhett] Indomie Special Chicken Flavor. - [Link] Maruchan Beef Flavor. - [Rhett] Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor. - [Link] Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy. - [Rhett] Maruchan Soy Sauce Flavor. - [Link] Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor. - [Rhett] And Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Noodle Soup. - In the end, only one instant soup is gonna be worthy enough to sit atop the coveted golden soup stoop. - Oh, look at that. - Hello. - Bring on the bowl. (bell ringing) All right, starting out with our top seed, Maruchan Creamy Chicken Flavor, up against our bottom seed, Indomie Special Chicken Flavor. - Both chicken. I know that Davin is pulling for the Indomie because Indo is short for Indonesia and Mie is for noodles. What is Maruchan? - And then Maruchan is loosely translated, basically like a round-faced happy child. - Oh, why am I... Okay. (slurps) Mm. That's comforting, it is creamy. There is a creaminess to that broth. Let me have a little bit more. - That was nice. That was very nice. - Really nice. You're going to leave your spoon? - Let me see if I'm indo-these. - See if me is indo-these. - Davin. - More brothy. Ooh, a lot more spicy. It's got that bite to it. But I find myself wanting to taste this one again 'cause I just really like the creaminess of this. - The initial bite of the Maruchan was more impressive. I do like the spicy, but let's see. - This is a more robust taste. It hugs your heart. It's very much on your beard right now. - Yeah, that's gonna keep happening, oh, gosh. - I don't prefer spicy, but I'm okay with it and I think there's a good place for it. But the creaminess just takes the cake for me. - Okay, Davin, we're sorry. But it looks like Maruchan is gonna move on, which means that we're going to toss the Indomie into the... - Huge freaking ladle, and we're gonna say see you ladle. - [Both] Oh. - So Maruchan Creamy Chicken moves on. (bell ringing) Now we've got the Maruchan Beef Flavor versus the Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor. - I'm not immediately into this. - Yeah, well, I mean, I'm a bit bored. It doesn't taste bad. It tastes good, but it's not anything to send a postcard about. - When's the last time you sent a postcard? - I should get back into it 'cause I can't even remember. Something special about sending people postcards. - Whoa! When you get the straight-up broth, that's a little kick. It's a kick that I really like. - [Link] This wakes up your mouth. - [Rhett] The interest factor is just there. Beef is boring. - Yeah, I say let's see you ladle to the beef. Let's just go ahead and do that. You can do it. Oh, nope, way off, way off. Not that I wasn't before, but postcards, let's get some of those and send those. Mythical Postcards, that's something we should think about. All right, the Maruchan. Is this Maruchan? Nissin Top Ramen Chili moves on. (bell ringing) Check out the Mythical Kitchen channel. Josh and Emily are taking a trip of the tongue to Singapore because, over there at their KFC, they have a Mac and cheese zinger. The bun is made of mac and cheese. They recreate this thing. Check out the Mythical Kitchen channel and subscribe. - And also they've got a podcast where they're talking this week about whether or not a Kit-Kat counts as lasagna. - Hot Dog is a Sandwich, wherever podcasts are podcasted. - Okay, so now we've got Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy versus Maruchan Soy Sauce Flavor. So this is getting more complex over here. There's more happening. These noodles are thicker too. Now the Nongshim website says, "Nongshim Shin Ramyun can make a grown man cry." - Oh, man, that's good. - I don't consider myself a grown man. But that is spicy. To me- - That is so good. - It's about what is the taste within the spice, and this one grabs my tongue in a different place than the other spicy stuff. - [Rhett] It's not mushy at all. - What is that thing? There's a brown thing? - [Rhett] There's interesting things in there. - Brown chewy thing. - And now we're just soy sauce. Some people like simple things. Not me, but I'm gonna try it. - I like simple things. Let me get some of that sauce. Survey done in the year 2000 asked Japanese people what they thought was their greatest export of the 20th century. Was it the walkman? Was it the Nintendo? No, it was instant noodles. - What about an instant noodle walkman? - [Link] I don't want any more than that. That's a good idea. - [Rhett] You think you can get music to go through a noodle? Me personally, no. But could science, sure. - There's no contest for me on this one. - This is amazingly next-level. This deserves a postcard. So to the Maruchan Soy Sauce Ramen, we say see you ladle. - Oh, almost banked it off the- - You hit the top. And that means that the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy is moving on. (bell ringing) - Now we got the good old Nissin Cup of Noodles Chicken Flavor versus the Nongshim Shin Ramyun, the black package noodle soup as opposed to the red, which we tried earlier. - Now there's some corn in here, some corn and some- - Oh, yeah? Carrots? - [Rhett] Carrots. - [Link] Let me get down in there. - [Rhett] That's pretty nice. It's comforting. But it's, I mean, it's still a little boring. I mean, look at this. There's a mushroom sitting on top of it. - [Link] And we really like the red. Let's see if we really like the black. - Oh, that's still spicy. Did you know, I was just informed, that our very own Nicole was the food stylist for Nongshim Shin Ramyun noodles at one point in her life. How, I mean, Josh, this is a fun fact that's actually a fact. - That's why we hired her, because she- - What did they tell her about the noodles? - She kept them too bloated. - I can't immediately tell the difference between this one and the last one. - But I can tell you that it's a lot better than that boring stuff. - Yeah, it is, we love it. Okay, here we go. - [Link] Cup of Noodles... - See you ladle. - Oh, a little short, but you're correcting properly. - I was getting the line right. - Which means the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Noodle Soup moves on. (bell ringing) - Okay, our semi-finals. We've got Maruchan Creamy Chicken Flavor versus Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor. And again, this is everybody's favorite. - If you buy these in bulk, Maruchan's gonna run about 20 cents a pack, whereas the Nissin is about 25 cents a pack. After everything we've been through, Rhett, together today, that creamy stuff is pretty simple. But I mean, this just has chili. It's basically just the spice, but not a lot of interest beyond that. - Just the spice is not as good as the spice from the South Korean noodles. - But do you like it better than the cream? The cream versus some spice, which we know isn't the best spice. - I don't think I'm as creamy as I am spicy. I think I'm a spicy man. I like the spicy better than the creamy. I'm sorry this is the number one seed. - [Link] The creamy is unique. - Well it's got that going for it. - I gotta vote for it. - You're a creamy man? - I mean, in this match-up, definitely. This is a boring spice. - I'm holding strong at spicy. That means we we've got a tiebreaker situation. - Time to tug the noodle. All right, so we're gonna throw our... Okay, thank you. - So Chase is gonna place this in our mouths. And then on the count of three, we're going to pull and see who gets more noodle. - You guys need to stay close. - All right, don't watch, go away. - [Stevie] On your marks, get set, tug. (crew laughing) - Well look at how long that noodle is. That means that the spicy is moving on. Oh, hold on. - Creamy chicken. - Let me toss it. It's on my side. - Okay. - I feel like I'm getting close. - [Both] Oh! - You were that close. - What did it hit? - You were a little further back that way. - (claps) Dang it. - And that means the Nissin Top Ramen Chili moves on. (bell ringing) Okay, it's the Korean noodle match up of Nongshim Shin Ramyun against itself, red versus black though. What are the differences between the red and the black? - So the red comes with one seasoning packet of beef extract, chili, and vegetables. The black, which is actually a little bit more expensive than the red, comes with one packet of chili mix, and then another pack that has beef and anchovy soup base, and the dehydrated vegetable packet in the black is also larger and contains bigger chunks of mushrooms, scallions, and peppers. - Which is why you're gonna pay more for the black. Ooh, that's spicy. (coughs) That red is some tasty stuff. - I like this so much. Now side by side... - Let's move on over to the black. - Side by side, you can taste that anchovy paste a little bit. It's a more complex flavor. - Yeah, I didn't know that's what it was. The spice is a little bit on the back end of the bite, whereas the red kind of hits me right up front. - Yeah, yep. The black has a deeper spice. The red has a sharper spice. - I think I might like the red more than the black. - Crap, man. I think I might like the black a little bit more than the red. - Oh, gosh, well I hope we got more noodles. - A little better flavor, more robust flavor in the black and spice, harder hitting spice, and still a good flavor. - I don't, I like the red more. - I like the black a little bit more. It really comes down to- - All right, get another noodle, Chase. - It really comes down to where you're putting the emphasis, if it's on the spicy or the taste. And you're either like this or like that. Oh, gosh, but I think when you factor in price though... - These are a little bit cheaper. - They're a little bit cheaper. All right, I'll agree with you. - Chase is, he almost had a noodle. - See you ladle. - Oh, and then that toss, ah! Okay, but the red moves on. - [Link] 'Cause of money. (bell ringing) - Okay, our finals are here. We've got the five seed, the Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor, versus the three seed, the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy. We call it the red package. - And you know what? This was the first cup of noodles from way back, 1958. This is the originator. - I'm sorry, this is the originator, but you know what happened? - You're talking 25 cents versus like $1.25. So you're paying a substantial amount more, but then it's still just like $1.25. And it is so much larger of an experience. - It might cost five times as much. It's at least five times as good. - All right, so on your side. This is your last chance to see you ladle. - Okay, I'm gonna do it. - Oh, you're drying off your hands. You're really going for it. - I'm gonna do it, Link. - Can he do it? - I'm gonna do it. Gonna do it. (exhales) - [Both] Yes! - And we are pleased to crown the best noodle is the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy Red. - See if you can go right in the door and come see ya. - [Link] Well, hello. - Oh, come out of the door, okay. This was no contest. Well, it was between this and the black, but I gotta tell you, these are so much better than anything. I think I learned something today. - Get you some. - Not a noodle aficionado, but I learned something. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - We'll send you a postcard. You know what time it is. - I'm Chloe. - I'm Chris. - And we're at the Great Pyramids. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality, ah! - I'm so jealous. - That's not a green screen, is it? - No, it's not, and I'm jealous. - They were really there. All right, click the top link to watch us play Sushi Jenga in Good Mythical More. - What did you call it? - Sushi Jenga. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. (blender running) - Ah! (laughs) - [Josh] I think we made cheese sauce.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,289,450
Rating: 4.9291835 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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