BBQ Peanut Butter Food vs. Peanut Butter BBQ Food Taste Test

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I want those peanut butter crisps omg.

I also want a Mythical Kitchen series where they teach Link to cook. Baby Steps With Trevor?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fotheringhay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

goddamn that wine ad was long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cancerboi97 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Peanut butter chops seem fantastic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lord_vader_jr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't know why but I'm so interested in this episode, gonna watch after work for sure

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/allanmonroe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok but what is on Rhett's forehead???

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mbremme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve actually had a BBQ Milkshake. It wasn’t good if you’re wondering.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/doublerr14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Is barbecue peanut butter food better than peanut butter barbecue food? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning. - Today, we're gonna be taking everybody's favorite peanut butter foods and barbecue sauce foods and flip flopping and swip-swopping 'em around to find out how our tongues react. - And speaking of perfect pairings, a portion of today's episode is sponsored by Bright Cellars. More on that later. But now without further adieu, let's confuse our pallets with some PB and BBQ food swaps. It's time for barbecue peanut butter versus peanut butter barbecue. Which one will please us and which one will be like, ew? - A few weeks ago, we posted a series of barbecue-ized peanut butter foods versus peanut butter-ized barbecue food match-ups and you voted on which you thought we would like better. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram if you haven't but want to participate next time. But now we're gonna find out if you were right and the prize at stake is for you. - Yes, you're gonna get a point for each round the majority if you guessed correctly and if you get three or more points, we're gonna do an Irish jig while singing, mythical beast, you look as good as a freshly opened jar of peanut butter. In an Irish accent, or at least our best attempt at an Irish accent and if you don't get three right, we're gonna post a picture on Instagram of us holding a big ol' bowl of loser soup and you must leave a comment on the photo that says, "Please, sirs, may I have some more?" - Now, y'all keep avoiding the loser soup but this time around, is your mojo gonna run dry? Let's find out? - All right. (upbeat music) Okay, we're starting off with some classics, you know, PB&J and barbecue chicken pizza, but of course, this is not those. This is barbecue and jelly. And then peanut butter chicken pizza. - Okay. Barbecue and jelly. Never thought to think that I should eat this. - It's almost like the barbecue sauce and the jelly became one thing. - Yeah. Do I smell evidence? Yes. - Yes. Yeah you do, definitely. - Of barbecue. - All right. It's not bad. I mean. - It's like the tangiest jelly you've ever had. - It's actually getting better. - If we didn't, yeah, once you can expect it. - That second bite was even better than the first. Whoa. Okay. - I mean, it, it is not better than a PB&J but. - That's not really he test though, it's which one of these two is better. So, this is basically just barbecue chicken pizza with peanut butter instead of barbecue sauce. - Peanut butter on chicken - Happens. - and on a pizza has happened. So, this isn't crazy, crazy. But that's a lot of peanut butter. We did not skimp. - Hm, the peanut butter and the cheese together. - Hm. It seems like this should be, (man coughs) this should work. but it's not. - Well, 'cause that's just straight up peanut butter. Like, a peanut butter sauce, you usually have some other things to- - Yeah, If it was like a Thai pizza-type thing. - I don't find it bad. It's just, the peanut butter is doing too much. Whereas, this created some kind of unusual sensation, surprisingly. - I gotta go back one more time. - You're in agreement. - I am. - Golden tongue is going in the barbecue and jelly. - I bet you, they missed. - [Stevie] So, 60% of the Mythical Beasts thought you would like the peanut butter chicken pizza better. - And I totally understand where you're coming from. I would've voted just like you did, but hey. - You gotta try this. - The proof is in the tasting. - Barbecue sauce and jelly on white bread. - I would also have a PB&J right beside it - Don't do that, 'cause you won't enjoy it then. (man chuckles) (upbeat music) Before we taste our next items, this portion of today's episode is sponsored by Bright Cellars. Bright Cellars is a monthly wine subscription service that helps you discover the wine you love. - Yeah, you ever been to a wine shop or the wine section of the grocery store and you just feel like a deer in headlights? You're trying to play it cool so that nobody knows that you do not know what you're doing and then you call your wife and you cover your mouth and you whisper on the phone and you're like, Christie, Christie, I don't know what wine to get, Christie. Help me, Christie. Help me! Well, I got good news for ya. You never gotta be a whispering, scared deer again thanks to Bright Cellars. All you gotta do, from the comfort of your own home, is take a non-wine snobby seven question quiz and then they analyze your taste profile to suggest wines that you're guaranteed to like. Then, you'll get matched with wines from all over the world that are curated to your palette and they're delivered right to your door. - Yes, now, you know I'm a pretty adventurous guy when it comes to what I eat and drink. I don't have to tell you that you're watching this show. So, when it's time to sit down and unwind with a bottle of Vino, I get a little giddy when I get a new variety that I've been matched with but I haven't tried yet. Like this, The Last Room Tempranillo that I'm excited to dive into. - And it's not just about getting great wines. It's also about learning why you like the ones that you like and Bright Cellars knows that and that's why each box comes with education cards that explain each bottle and outlines the tasting notes, suggested pairings, best serving temperatures and origin. I got your card right here for your Tempranillo. - Oh, thank you, Link. Okay, also with Bright Cellars' delight guarantee, in the rare case that you don't love a bottle in your shipment, they will send you a replacement bottle in your next box, now who doesn't love dat? - I love that. Bright Cellars is giving you 50% off your first six bottle box. All you gotta do is click the link in the description to take the quiz get started and discover the wine that you love. - Thanks again, to Bright Cellars for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. And now let's taste some more peanut butter barbecue swaps. - And the one that we're gonna do next is barbecue milkshakes versus peanut butter potato chips. - Okay. I feel like, should be start with this and then wash it down with that? - Why not? - Why not? - Oh. I got this one that's like, it's flirting with foldy. - Boy, there's a lot of weight. There's a lot of weight in this chip. - Very peanut buttery. (loud crunching) - Oh. - I thought it was, the crunch was gonna be acoustically damped by the peanut butter. - It wasn't. - But it's not. - Hold on. That is tasty. Speaking of foldy, look at that. - I can't believe this doesn't exist. There's not anybody who does peanut butter chips? Trevor, you never seen that? - [Trevor] No. I'm the first one. (loud crunch) (man laughing) - Trevor's the first one to make it. - That is surprisingly good. And it's doing the thing that we were hoping that the peanut butter pizza would do which is that savory peanut butter mix, but in a good way. All right, what about this though? - You know how much I love peanut butter. To have it missing is always a tall order for me. - Okay, well this hits different. - Yeah, it does. - [Trevor] Also the first one. (man grunts) - Now, Trevor, do you have a strong pick for this? Because it seems obvious to us that these chips are the biz-omb! - [Trevor] You would me correct culinary opinion. - Were are you thinking biz-omb? - [Trevor] No, sure wasn't. - Link's trying to speak your lingo. - Yeah, come on, what's the word? - I told - What would you call it? - He said he was gonna try biz-omb before the episode and I was like, I don't think that's- - Trevor's gonna love it. Give me an adjective. Give me a, just a. - [Trevor] An adjective? Swag. - Swag. - You're getting old too. (man laughing) - [Trevor] No, swag is cool. - Still cool? - Hey, I gotta say, I like this more than I thought I would. But this is actually a new creation that you should try. - What did you say? - [Stevie] A whopping 82% of the Mythical Beasts thought that you would like the peanut butter potato chips better. - And you know what? It needs to be bagged, tagged, swagged and biz-ombed. (man laughing) (upbeat music) - All right, now it's time for the big daddys or the little bites. Barbecue cups versus peanut butter pulled pork sliders. - Main course, dessert? - Dessert. But there is barbecue sauce inside these. So, don't forget that. - Yeah. - That's fine. - I think, there's so much chocolate, it's still dessert. (crosstalk) - Chocolate covers a world of hurt. We've talked about this discovery before. - You have not skimped on any of the peanut butter-ization of anything. It's not just like, a little flirtation. - Peanut butter pork. - I feel like I'm eating a peanut butter sandwich that has like, a weird consistency. - A meat texture. Yeah. - But I can't taste pork. - I taste a little pork. It doesn't clash, it's just the peanut butter is so strong. - It's grossing me out. - Okay. - The texture's grossing me out. - You do you. (man grunts) (crosstalk) - This is guaranteed to be great. I'm gonna break this in half so you can see what's happening. Oh, whoops. - I'll tell you what's going to happen, barbecue sauce is gonna come out. - It didn't really. (people laughing) - And you know what? That's why I'm not gonna break it apart, I'm just gonna eat it. - Mom, I had a accident. - Oh man. - Christie, help me. My hands are dirty, Christie. I got sauce on my hands, Christie, I don't know what to do, Christie. - You need to taste it. That's what you need to do. Because. - I need to taste a different one I think. - Taste the one that's in your hand, man. - It's not the complete experience. - It actually works. In the same way that the peanut butter, the jelly and barbecue sauce worded. - I mean, it's like, it's explosive. - We're gonna have to change the consistency a little bit. - We've gotta thicken the barbecue sauce. - To make it more of a jelly. - I mean, on camera it kind of looks like a bloody mess, doesn't it? But in my mouth, it's the surprising. - It works. - Yeah. Hit that in there. - Actually, it works really well. I don't know why. - [Stevie] So, 73% of the Mythical Beasts that you would like the peanut butter pulled pork sliders better. - And again, I see why you would think that. But I also see why you're wrong. - Okay, so you're one for three. - Yeah. - And I think we've really, this is the first time that. - We've been really surprised. - Yeah, not that we're, yeah, that we're going against our own expectations. Is that what surprised means? - Yeah. (upbeat music) And finally, we have barbecue Pad Thai versus peanut butter ribs. - Those ribs have a lot of peanut butter on them. I mean. - And they've been dry-rubbed with peanut butter dry-rub as well. - And ribs, you can get a little bit funky with ribs. You know, people do like, Dr. Pepper ribs and stuff like that but this is next level. - You want to start over here? - I think so. - [Link] All right, so I'm gonna get a little bit of the shrimp. - [Rhett] I'm going noodles. Nudes only. - I mean, not nearly as much barbecue sauce as you did with the peanut butter sauce over here. It's sour. I mean, Pad Thai is already a little bit (crosstalk) There's sourness to Pad Thai, right? Am I right? - [Trevor] Yeah, you're correct. I tried to do ratios, so like, you wouldn't get a ton of peanut sauce in Pad Thai. I tried not to add a ton of barbecue sauce but ribs have a heck load of barbecue sauce. - You're right. Okay. You tried to be, ratios you say? - [Trevor] Yeah. - Yeah. - I got it. I got it. - Ratios. I like that. - But this, I'm discovering how much the peanut butter like, that heaviness of a peanut butter. - Is needed. - It is needed to balance that out. - This is more tang on top of something, and then the seafood part of it. - Tang on tang. - Can't have tang on tang. - Now, what we need, - But can you have peanut butter on ribs? - Okay, so, here's what I'm gonna do. - You know what, you don't have to explain it, just do it. (woman laughing) - [Link] And then once I do that, do you just wanna, I think there's a rib in there. - You know what I'm gonna do? It's a taste test. - It's falling off the bone. - I'm just gonna grab grab the meat 'cause it meat is falling off the bone. No reason to get too nasty. There's plenty of peanut butter in this bite. - Oh yeah. - The oil and peanut butter immediately coats your mouth. - And it's like, nuh uh! You are not tasting anything except me. There is no way! - To me, it's not gross. What it is, - It's not nearly as bad. - is it doesn't let the meat be the meat. You know, like, barbecue sauce, if you don't put too much on, lets the meat be the forerunner of the meal, right? - But tang on tang. - This is nasty. This is just actively not good or bad. But it was better. - Lesser of two evils here. You've already lost. We're gonna go with the ribs. - Let's see how badly you lost. - Slightly better. - [Stevie] 58% of the Mythical Beasts thought you would like the barbecue Pad Thai. - Wow! So you were only one for four this time. That hasn't happened. That's never happened. You've never been this wrong. - I mean, that just goes to show how strange this exercise has been. - Or does it mean that you don't know us so well anymore? - But those potato chips (indistinct). Am I right? am I right? - And you know what it means, it means that you need to go over to the picture that we have posted of loser soup on Instagram and comment with, "Please sirs, may I have some more?" - Do it. Right now. But first, thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Beth Ann, from Morristown, Tennessee, I'm getting ready to dig into some of my husband's delicious pulled pork with homemade barbecue sauce. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Oh yeah! - That's the spirit. - Click that top link to watch us make our own special special barbecue sauce and get mythical more. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. - Do you judge - [Stevie] Yes. - the three producers for when we give you our total runtime, 'cause sometimes they get real off. - No, I judge Rhett and Link. (all laughing) No I don't!
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,697,338
Rating: 4.9267364 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18, bright, cellars
Id: Td4tkROTgD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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