Why Helldivers 2 feels horrible after new update

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are you enjoying hell divers 2 if you're not I have a pretty long explanation the short and sweet of it is it's probably because of all the changes they made to the game they didn't announce it's not since they nerfed the rail gun some folks will assume and say y'all are just meta slaves you can't play without the meta and now you're mad I can play what I want bro I can play all the weapons if I want to some are terrible against certain things but that's besides the point it's more because they increase the intensity of the AI of the monsters especially the bugs they increase headshot damage you take that I can show direct proof of right now this is before the update the head shot damage you took this is after the update and headshot damage does not care about armor because our helmets are all the same which they they kind of Chang that before we had helmets you could wear they reduce headshot damage but they remove that too whatever it was like a hidden buff they also increased the head shot rate cuz I'm getting headshot a lot more often I have hunters jumping from Narnia and they're more accurate now thanks to the AI intensity increase what what the and they head shot me consistently from deep and more often than before it's not it shouldn't be too hard to show that I'll do my best to get old footage I have like a terabyte of gameplay recorded and not to mention the way they swarm you is not normally bro they be freaking side strafing you to get around you and they just form a dang a unit they form a circle around you it's gotten to the point now I'm getting swarmed and they force me to the ground and I'm prone I can't stand up that is crazy in so many ways and it's just never happened before ever I have hundreds of hours playing this game all I was just like sitting with the game open and making videos but still I play the game a lot never happened until after the Patch dropped they also made it so we have more patrols or something to do with more enemy spawning which wouldn't be a big deal but they nerfed weapons they nerfed weapons that people are using to handle certain mobs and it's just it's very strange and some of the Nerfs they made like tun for instance was only I I think I believe mostly because of a bug that still exists in the game let you two shot B Titans easily whereas it takes insane charge to rip the armor off a charger's leg it is strange it's also weird that double Titan hunts are now missing a mission that I liked a lot gone normally found level five now I can't find it at all and I feel as though they made it to where missions that you go and Hunt things like Chargers specifically have a lower chance to spawn or to be available the changes they listed like nerfing the Primary Weapons it doesn't like why would you Nerf the breaker three shots really you move three shots for who the folks that are mad at The Meta slaves the people that play Meta Even though people will always play meta because meta just means the most effective tactic available that will always be available there will always be a more efficient way to do things AKA The Meta you can you can change it you can flip it around sure but if you're trying to appease those people you're already losing you've already lost lost the plot it's crazy and the sad thing too is now you have those folks that are like you guys are meta blah blah blah they're going to see me make this video and other folks make videos like this and say you're just bad skill issu it's like what the what I'm showing you is real this is not I'm not just saying oh I guys I I can't handle anymore this is tough and what's really rough too before this update I was having so much fun I think I made a tweet the day before the update came out cuz I I didn't know it was going to happen actually and I said this is the best game i' ever played I'm having a blast see E's base blah blah blah blah and I was having a great time I could do solo hell dive and it was challenging in a way that was meaningful it was enjoyable and then the update happens and I log in excited to play and I freaking raged the moment I realized what's happening getting hit harder than ever cuz by the way head shot that happen more often now and hit harder they ignore armor cuz helmets are the same so we're taking 60% plus around there more than half HP from a single head shot you get headshot twice you're dead regardless of armor you can have 200 armor rating and you're dead so it's like what would like why why did you fix armor because people were saying oh we're getting we're getting kind of rolled here and we're wearing light armor so you fix armor and now we take more damage than we did before wearing the heaviest armor in the game that is crazy no is that not crazy to y'all it's just who who are these changes for and y'all say a game for everyone is a game for no one right now you're making a game for the smallest amount of people possible it's the weirdos that think that arbitrary difficulty is cool oh man this game's so tough guys ain't it awesome it's like yeah it's difficult but it's not fun to play anymore congrats and their plans as far as I've seen are to decrease heavy spawns fighting the heavy monsters is fun it's just that you you took away the tools you took away like the only like the tool that was meaningful because the rail gun was good because you had 20 shots and it was was easy to rip armor off Chargers and you could also two shot B Tides with the PS5 bug but the thing is even if I want to use other weapons which I do I play all kinds of weapons they're not good in some cases autoc Cannon sucks against B Titans you can't do anything you destroy the sax underneath it and then what you can't kill it takes you like maybe 200 shots maybe cuz the bullet just reflect off everything then you give us things that increase the cool down for our strategems hey guys just go ahead and use strategy we we went ahead and Nerf stuff cuz we want you guys to use use more straty and then you the modifiers bro 50% to 100% increase straty cool down time that's crazy my cooldowns go from being around like maybe 4 minutes to 7 just for the basic ones the mech goes from 10 minutes to 15 minutes and then you have increased drop down time so now I can't even drop down a strat gy where I wanted to and land on a monster efficiently and then you give us the thing that makes it so we call them orbitals and they miss what the and then you remove strategems against certain like on certain plans with certain modifiers what the what's going on I don't mind the EMS Jammer thing cuz I can destroy it I can get rid of it there's counterplay but these modifiers are so bad it's not necessarily your fault that in that regard a bunch of games do modifiers and for some reason folks don't realize that they're just garbage like players and devs alike and folks that make games alike modifiers are so trash 99% of the time they're done so bad because they're not fun to play against they don't do anything you know what's fun playing h 2 and seeing different monsters that have different ways to attack them and kill them that's counterplay that's engaging that's fun you learn I don't learn to play around a long cool down I just sit there like oh I got to wait there's nothing to learn there's no counterplay it's so so whack and that's been in the game it's not like that that that's been in the game but now that we have all these changes happening it definitely makes it a lot worse which I've always hated that dude I hate modifiers you don't understand maybe you do from that that quick little snippet there but I hate them so freaking much because there's so many more cool ways you can go about changing your game to try and make it more challenging in a way that entices people to get better and enjoy it and by get better I mean learn I don't mean get better as in hit Mar shot BR just to to learn to adapt in a meaningful Way new update it just ain't it man and I really hope that going forward they can realize that but I don't I don't know if that's going to happen not because they're showing themselves to not be aligned in that manner it just depends and it all comes down to how they try and go about this stuff I think the best play right now revert the AI change that increase the intensity lower the reduce the headshot damage let's be real that's ridiculous go back to what it was go back to what the pre patch was rail gun can stay changed but make it make more sense you should not need 90 95% charge twice to break a charger's leg armor that's crazy you don't need to you don't need to you don't need to decrease the heavy spawn rate and the elite spawn rate just give us the weapons that we need to deal with them make them usable make them viable you know what's not fun having to sit there and say hey Carl uh my builds for clearing all the small ads you're for killing the big guys you're across the map I need you here now I'll wait unless you enjoy that kind of Reliance on your teammates me not a big fan I like taking the strateg I need to handle basically everything that I would have to in that fight and at the moment it works really well against the automatons but versus the bugs bow Titans are just strong against a bunch of support weapons they're impervious to autoc cannons they're you can break the socks underneath but then what you do nothing The Arc thrower can kill them but it takes a kajillion shots unless you have a PS5 player in your party and in which case you do a bunch more damage at least I do and it just that's that's a big problem I think think there's not enough counterplay versus those things and then versus Chargers it still takes a bunch of damage as well I feel the automatons are somehow more balanced and they have been more balanced than the bugs I believe that most support weapons should be good against the majority of content in the game such as making flamethrower good against ball Titans it's not autoc Cannon good against ball Titans it's not making it so you can handle all these situations with different weapons in unique and engaging ways that way you're not feeling left out when there's a battle Titan and you're using a weapon that just doesn't do anything against it when you have a support weapon on you there's some examples where it doesn't like it wouldn't make that much sense like grenade launcher I don't care if it can do that although it may it may be able to I haven't really tried it but uh yeah new patch just simply isn't it I still play the game though and I plan to I'm I have a decent time I just know that I could have a much better time if they just reverted all these stealth changes guaranteed and I do plan on trying to do some more solo hell Dives I did one before they made these changes CU I was working on other stuff and also make guides for different weapons and whatnot I still got plans to play the game I just know that the experience could be that much better if they made the right choices and they already they they did the right choices were already there I don't know man any thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 166,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 patch, helldivers 2 secret changes, helldivers 2 headshots, helldivers 2 damage, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 review
Id: lZvxeJZ-zxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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