Railgun RS-422 How Good is it in Helldivers 2

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how good is the rs-422 rail gun hulks get staggered by any unsafe shot but if you hit them in the red visor it's a oneth if you're slightly above safe as seen as such rail gun has two modes one you should never use safe mode when you Scope in prol lock can't do a whole lot you stuck at this charge forever and that charge is not good the more charge you have the more armor pin and damage you you have in Deal unsafe mode the GED one that's where you want to be this is highrisk high reward how this works the left portion that has notches like a ruler that is below 100% charge which is good in you know many cases but for some enemies enemies you want to have a 100% charge which is right around there the top portion that has no line indentions but it's past that like black line that is your grace area to where you can be 100% charged deal Max damage and not die because if you charge too much past 100% right here you explode Max charge shot against shield and shield does nothing I knew that makes sense which is why you should just aim for the face wrong thing H it's way easier aiming for me at least in third person on the shield guys and honestly maybe a safe shot would kill him in the face I'm going go ahead and see that real quick it shouldn't matter though just to give you an idea of how much charge you need haret candidate safe mode holding the charge to not change anything but yeah those guys are the r gun's nuts versus the bots in that regard but I think you can take off their arm though I shot your arm it is still what the it's like detached if you shoot at me I'm I'm F A complainant he just Shield bashed me at first I disarmed him but then he picked up the most dangerous weapon of all my body oh and it's gone a decently charged shot to the battery on the back of a Devastator or a rocket Devastator or other nerds Max Health Marauder versus body shot charge still alive makes sense still alive wait okay was a Max charge this is a full HP there may be some Merit here rail gun vers tanks is interesting and it can be useful if the tank is already smoking and on fire showing it is weak you can shoot and Pierce the front plate but I believe it does a lot less damage and to pierce it you to charge your shot a lot tank Towers have the same properties as regular tanks so how many shots to the weak spot does it take I have no idea one for sure efficient there's two Walkers here if I shoot the the jandles it's a one shot but it takes a while to charge but you don't got to be full charge I'll charge it a little bit past safe mode I was in safe mode if you go up on of safe mode you can play the game it just takes an unsafe jle shot what the and those guys it feels like it takes no charge to kill them because it's just a head shot let's say you don't trust your aim that much against these bigger dudes a chest shot with with enough charge will also kill them the chares be in unsafe mode as per usual they can shoot the leg twice with a high charge shot and the armor is now removed you can shoot it and kill it that way or you can go for head shots it takes three of them that way though it might die it's low I mean it's going die third shot anyway so remove the arm and shoot the arm with your regular gun or shoot the face three times and kill it forever traumatized but with a PS5 player um there's another one of those big things where uh over here oh it's that uh there's a first person yeah bring me back get I was the first in compare that to how many shots it takes to kill B Tian when I'm playing solo using even more charge 13 Max charged wellplayed shots K bounce Tien if I'm playing solo which I think is a little ridiculous brw mothers take almost no damage to kill they move their head and they just fall over in a few seconds Hive guards you can kill him in safe mode it's just not very consistent so I suggest going unsafe mode and charging for a little bit more and one shot to the Dome here's an example killing a hve guard in safe mode though well like it's it's weird how this game works sometimes man where is the consistency B spe should be the same thing that H guards get is a one shot to the face even in safee mode because they only have medium armor I think but you have to actually hit them in the face if you miss a little bit um they live all right Rogen can Pierce enemies um ra gun can go through enemies but it depends because it doesn't carry on the armor penetration after the first Target all right there's two of them stacked up right next to each other that was a Max charge shot and you can see it was it was a double jle lineup and only the first one got knocked the optis way to take down bunker turrets and or the mortars is thr a single impact grenade really close to it or on it and then shooting two Max charge R gun shots at it and once that's done it should be gone I don't believe that R Gun can break open the blue and orange crates that's a Max charge shot but sometimes these side shots make it easier yeah I don't think so how many full charge shots to kill a Shakira Hotel 13 Max charge shot regardless of shooting the stem or the bulb at the top I've been accused of cheating cuz I reload too fast the rail gun to do it you just Spam reload you shoot spam reload it works the same way for controller you just hit that reload button two or three times to make sure the action goes through and you're good it might be wise to tell you guys how to actually change the firing mode for folks that don't know um one moment please thank the Lord there's no increased cost on time that'd be ridiculous I don't mind waiting for the basic one but mouse and keyboard or in general you hold down reload and then you press buttons to change it that's simple for mouse and keyboard you press right click on your mouse to switch between modes for all weapons for controller you hold down square or whatever your reload button is I'm using the best controll known to mankind PS4 and then you use the left or the the d-pad but the right button so the camera might be inverted so left like the d-pads the right one just Spam buttons you'll figure it out so how good is the rail gun well it depends on who you're fighting versus amatons it's one of the best weapons in the entire game taking out the majority of bots in one single shot and for the ones that are annoying to deal with like rocket Devastators it's not even an unsafe shot it's a safe one meaning it's quick to charge and all it requires is a bit of precision if you have that it's crazy it's not good versus the tanks though full stop not great taking more than half your shots that's unfortunate but tanks don't spawn that often and when they do they're not going to be that many of them so you have other strategy that make that make sense qu playing versus termin raan still great gun but some things change and now it takes longer to kill the heavy equivalent of the bot which is now the charger by about three times which is fine but keep that mind and B Titans which are the elites of the bug side spawn a lot more often than tanks do and they take roughly the same shots unless you have a PS5 player in your party and you aren't the host at least in my experience cuz then rugan goes to being amazing again because now you can twoot B Titans with barely any charge which is crazy because a gun that has 20 rounds can kill 10 B Titans if you don't mess up it turns one of the strongest mobs actually no the strongest mob in the entire game into something into something that's weaker than a charger which is crazy also you lose a bit of the ver the bugs cuz you can't kill you can kill the structures not all but some it just takes more than half your freaking thing whatever whatever that thing is yeah any that's the video thanks for watching have a good day if you liked it leave a like maybe comment share it with your grandmother or something if gram Graham wants the pointers but real quick here's some clips of pre-f rail gun back when you could two shot B Titans which you still can but the difference was you never had to actually leave safe mode you could to leg armor off Chargers but with like barely even going to the max limiter of safe mode it was a weapon that had zero risk and only reward that was never the intention so they made it to where now it has higher risk you could blur stuff up but the reward is still there although damage did change a little bit for structures the dev said it didn't change it changed a little bit bro I can I can deduce that based on my footage but it's still a great gun I'm not sure why people think it's a bad gun it doesn't make any sense to me at all especially versus the Bots I can't stress this enough it is insane vers the robots it's it hasn't changed at all against them aside from how many shots it takes to kill tanks that changed as well it used to be maybe less than 10 now it's 13 Plus guaranteed so just point out that people they they always say things that make no sense in this game
Channel: OhDough
Views: 54,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, hellidvers 2 weapon guide, helldivers, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 damage, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 railgun, helldivers 2 RS-422 Railgun, helldivers 2 railgun guide, helldivers 2 railgun gameplay, helldivers 2 railgun unsafe, helldivers 2 railgun nerf, helldivers 2 railgun tutorial
Id: FaQjMTTe4O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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