How Good Is The New MECH ? (Mech BREAKDOWN) | Helldivers 2

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hello You Beautiful People today we're actually going to talk about uh the Mac because I've been playing it for about a week now since its release uh obviously I feel it's awesome the devs made a really good job I love the way they Incorporated the mech into the whole game how we unlocked it and everything but I think we need to talk about why it's good and for what specific scenarios it's good so as some of you probably already know we had to liberate ta T Tian Kuan to actually unlock the mech because apparently the automatons have taken over the production of the mech well I mean not the production of the mech but I mean they seize the territories so I'm thinking that if we actually did not liberate in one I think we would not have unlocked the mechs which is a cool thing because imagine if we didn't liberate tan Kuan that means that you could have said bye-bye to your Mech and probably never see it again but I mean knowing the developers we probably would have gotten them in the future if we did not indeed Liberate the planet so that's what I love not many companies actually do this kind of thing but Arrowhead did and I'm actually very proud of them anyway let's get into the mech itself so before we start I kind of want to show you the obvious so the mech is available from level 25 and it costs 20,000 of these credits you can use it two times per Mission its cool down time is 10 minutes and the call- in time is actually not 0 seconds it is 12 seconds so from the moment that you drop the strategy on the ground it's going to it's going to be 12 seconds before it drops we're going to get into to this later in the video but for now I just wanted to make sure everyone knows about this and yeah so first of all I wanted to talk about its speed the mech itself is slow if moving side to side if you're moving at a 45° angle by pressing forward and left forward or right and the same for backwards it will move faster than going just from left to right I haven't tested it but I believe it is slower than a regular running hell diver obviously it has no stamina so it doesn't matter I mean you are not going to run away from a charger or to be honest any bug in the game but it is good at holding them back I don't know why but it also feels that it's not good for traversing the environments because it feels slow maybe it's just me but but it feels slow when you're moving but maybe that's just because of the point of view of the mech cuz it's you know bigger than the hell diver itself and it feels that it's moving slower but it really isn't now the point that I wanted to make and some of you might not agree with me but the Mech is made for terminates not automatons and I'm not changing my opinion doesn't matter who says it it was made for terminates now why well for instance take a look at this playing on the level seven difficulty on automatons I could barely stay alive with the Mech because there's shots coming from every single corner from the map from everying single automaton on the map they honestly just gun you down and you can't do about it because it's gun blazing you can barely see anything there's Rockets there's mortars there's anti-air things that they have there's hulks there's tanks you can't really do much about the automatons when sitting on a Mech because terminats simply do not shoot back you can destroy them while they're coming at you I'm not saying you shouldn't play against automatons with the Mech I'm just saying that it's insanely hard because for example if you look at terminates the only thing that can damage you from distance are the bile spewers then Chargers cuz they're fast and they can Ram you down or B Titans these are the only things that killed me when I was playing against Terminus so it's super obvious that this thing was made for terets now let's talk ammunitions this thing if I remember correctly it has 14 rockets and 1,000 machine gun bullets now machine gun bullets can deal with pretty much anything against termin of course except for something that has medium or higher armor so I'm talking about Chargers B Titans etc etc anything else like Hunters brute commanders anything else machine gun deals with that no problem now if you hit two of your Rockets precisely against a charger you can kill it instantly usually it takes three if you shoot like a couple at its head and one at his leg it takes three sometimes maybe four now B Titans oh boy when me and my friend had mechs in the battlefield there were I think like three or four B Titans at one place and we gunned them down no problem two mechs can pretty much destroy anything coming your way of course you still have to keep your distance because you know B Titans can spew their thing out of their mouth and then your Mech will start smoking and then you will not have any choice it will you will literally explode and you will not have a chance to even Escape so just be careful about that now against the tomaton I don't have have very good footage because usually my Mech would just explode when Landing or in the first minute of me using it there were times when I used it for a few minutes before exploding and mechs are surprisingly good against tanks and hulks but they're just not viable as I said because every automaton on the whole planet just keeps shooting at you now the mech also has a stomping mechanic so you just press your melee button and it can stomp so if there's like a lot of bugs swarming you you can start stomping them you won't need to use your bullets or Rockets it's not really a huge mechanic but it does help out in some scenarios I saw a video on YouTube where there was a guy who was running a Mech and there was a charger running at him and if you get like a perfect angle you can Stomp Them and kill the charger in like two Stomps but it's a very inconsistent mechanic to use now when do you use it I noticed that the mech is usually amazing when you are extracting well before extracting because usually when the bugs see the big light beam going into the sky they will start swarming you so if there's you and another guy running a Mech you will hold them off no problem at all of course it doesn't really matter when you use it against the terminats because if you use it on the extraction you pretty much guarantee everyone's safety and if you use it just in the middle of a mission you will just complete the mission faster that's about it so it does not really matter of course just keep in mind that it has a 12C timer from when it actually drops when call so you don't want to be calling it in when you're getting swarmed you want to be pretty much prepared for the bug swarm okay so just call it in before you're about to do something another thing that I realized the mech is actually resistant to fire damage so you know AATA Prime right the big fiery Planet the sand arus type Planet yeah in that planet there's actually fire tornadoes so if you step into a fire tornado with with a Mac it will not do anything to you but you know what fire does to Bucks exterminates them so you can actually use that to your advantage there's going to be quite a few tornadoes if they appear at all there's not one there's usually like three four maybe a few more you can step with your Mech inside of one of those tornadoes and actually survive the Flames but the bugs will keep swarming you and they will die inside of that tornado and I think if there is a person running with a flamethrower they can actually use the flamethrower right in front of you and again not do any damage cuz of course it's fire resistant so you can use these things to your advantage while riding the mech now when to use it against automatons I honestly I really don't know you can try using it at the start of the mission to just to be safe I did I do remember I used it one time at the very end of the mission sadly I don't have the recording of that cuz I was just you know enjoying my time late in the evening so I wasn't streaming and I wasn't recording we did use the mech at the very end of a level s Mission but you need very good cover for it so if you find good cover you can use it against automatons on very high difficulties when there's like a lot of them swarming you but just for General play against automatons I don't know bro it's not really my thing to be honest now you also cannot call in strategems while you are inside of the mech that's kind of obvious but just make sure you remember that because let's say You're The Last One Alive in the team and you need to reinforce someone you don't want to be going to a fight alone with a Mech cuz if there's bile spewers or bile Titans or Chargers and they Ram into you just going to instant explode so don't do that just leave the mech alone for a little bit use your strategems get your guns get your Shields even maybe for when you actually leave the mech and then go into it well of course remember to reinforce your teammates but after you do that then you can safely go in cuz trust me you will not know what the hell hit you when you explode in the mech there's also one very funny thing that you can do you can actually get a friend to climb somewhere above the ground a little bit like on a building or something and if you stand on the lower ground he can actually jump on top of you and you will have like a perfect scenario for dealing with every single terminate on every single planet it's also kind of funny to do that so definitely try that out the Rockets also as well as an auto Cannon or and grenades do destroy nests stalker nests so you can use the mech for that as well I also would not recommend wasting your Rockets immediately because if you run out of rockets and you only have your machine gun if a charger starts well charging you you won't be able to defend yourself so only use Rockets when needed don't start wasting them just because they're fun I know they're fun they're awesome to use they they feel good but you might want to save them for really critical situations the mech did work amazing in the activate termicide Tower missions because usually the bugs swarm from three or four different locations and you can just keep protecting one or two of them very very easily I believe when when this video is released the mission is still there so you can try it out there but all in all honestly the mech is amazing it feels amazing it is amazing it's awesome against the terminates not automatons the devs made an amazing job Arrowhead definitely knows what their players want so yeah in general love it so yeah I hope you've taken away something good from this video maybe you'll start using the mech if you haven't by the way hit that like hit that subscribe button I hope you come back you can also follow me on Twitch I stream there well not lately because I've been focusing on YouTube videos more but I plan to do streaming way more regular L at least two or three times a week so yeah thank you for tuning in I hope to release something of good value for you again next time and I'll see you next time all right bye
Channel: ultimateOG
Views: 3,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QYtl4VwL7BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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