Helldivers 2 New Update "fixed" the game!

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I want to apologize for yesterday's video I was wrong and the devs have fixed the game let's go ahead and read some patch notes shall we the amount of heavily armored targets that spawn on higher difficulties especially for terid have been a big discussion Point online internally the intent is for groups to have to bring some form of anti-tank capability but not to the degree previously needed H to that end we have reduced the spawn rate of chargers and bow Titans on difficulties 7even and up in addition we've reduced the risk of Spawn Spike of chargers and B Titans please note that we have changed the distribution of enemy types H what could that possibly mean not reduce difficulty expect other enemy types to appear in greater numbers instead so for folks that love playing against Hunters cuz they're super balanced and enjoyable they slow you they almost One-Shot you there's more of those now awesome change we are humbled by the community's ability to find things like Chargers like meta in our game however spending your heavy anti-tank weapon on legs instead of the obvious weak point seems C to expectation we're not changing anything regarding the Charger's legs we are however lowering the health of the Charger's head it should now be at a point where a well-placed shot from a recoiless rifle or eat it instantly kills a charger which it does and it feels great together with the unfortunately undocumented change of last patch to increase the armor penetration ability of less well-placed shots for edits and recoiless rifle shots Chargers should now be easier to handle by well equipped groups except you're getting jumped on by a thousand freaking Hunters every two seconds but moving on gameplay electronic counter measures operation modifier which had a chance of giving you random strategy instead of the one you inut has been removed in order to be reworked and we will be reintroducing it in the future iterations we found that this modifier wasn't communicated clearly enough and overall caused more frustration than excitement with the way it was currently implemented if that's how we're if that's why we're changing things cuz it's not causing excitement I got some new news for y'all about the recent patches this change was made in 1. 1.00 but was unintentionally omitted from the patch notes what about the other stuff what about the other things that were unintentionally or intentionally omitted from the other patch notes we talk about that yet or we just going to gloss over it that's crazy and then they fixed a bunch of bugs I'm getting comments in the last video saying this video was a little unfortunately timed they fixed all issues you crybaby hey what issues bro did you not watch last video I mentioned I don't mind the heavy or Elite spawns what I minded was not having the ability to handle them and even they mentioned that in these batch notes and their solution was to decrease the spawn rates instead of actually making it so weapons could handle these monsters and what that means is the most annoying thing or one of the most annoying things is going to get worse that is the Hunters that I showcased at the beginning of the other video that could jump on you from Narnia head shot you and you're almost dead and I didn't mention it but they can slow you down which is a very egregious slow and then they can just Spam attack they're freaking spamming why why why why why they're just beating you bro so what got fixed realistically it's cool they buff the the edit but it doesn't solve the problem they did add a new mode which is kind of sick but it also feels like a hunter Paradise because now they're spawning like crazy and our Primary Weapons are not that good they're objectively terrible if for being honest the damage they deal to most monsters is laughable and the ones that are good against the more big monsters that aren't actually big they can't handle the smaller monsters and you need to shoot the small dudes given how many are spawning with the recent changes so I just failed to see how the new patch fixed the problems I had in the old video also considering I believe headshot damage is still the same we're getting a head shot like crazy more consistently than ever so what really changed yall saw a patch and just said oh it's fixed the real fix is going back to we had before when virtually everyone loved the game and building upon that adding difficulty in ways that are meaningful there's there's actually methods you can go about doing this that makes sense but the thing is it was so good they had a 4% reduction in player base after like a month or so and then they make these changes and they didn't even tell you about them they kept them a secret does that not raise alarm Bells slightly that's not a problem at all we're cool with that entirely it's called being brainwashed before I say more I am still enjoying this game a little bit but before the patch happened I was enjoying it so much it would blow your mind I was so excited every day to play and other folks feel the same way it's not just me crying and complaining because oh the game changed and I can't handle it which people are so hung up on that like he's mad he can't solo hell dive anymore I never said I couldn't I said that I enjoyed solo hell dive before the patch which I did three whole times I solo hell dived on purpose three whole times when I play solo in this game most of the time it's getting footage for videos to make guides most of which have been for non-meta weapons so the folks call me a meta slave or meta one trick you guys are brainless look at the videos I and it's crazy too the effort I put into making these videos and not just saying this works how this works this way and being wrong like most folks are zero appreciation from like not zero it's just brutal bro for no reason these days you can't say anything remotely negative or point out any flaws and give critiques to a game without folks calling you a crybaby a WI a moer blah blah blah blah blah even if you're still enjoying the game and just want to do well just like if I was making positive videos all the time you're just getting paid to say these things you're Shilling where's that disclosure of the hash ad bro and I expect some of these comments like I may have mentioned before but the amount I'm getting is driving me nuts and I post on Tik Tok too and it's wor it's worse there at least it was the recent video on YouTube is very interesting because these these Gamers have this awful view of difficulty you shouldn't be able to solo hell dive why it's a very arbitrary goal to set you realize that folks are are immensely better at games than you so saying that you shouldn't be able to do this thing you could make that happen you could make it impossible that would be horrendous forms of arbitrary difficulty though which is not good but that's the view that folks have it's also the view that the devs have apparently they're changing difficulty based on numbers and graphs and the amount of folks that are doing hell dive successfully and they're doing it in the most lazy way possible cranking a slider I understand the game is maybe a month old but these changes are not it especially when you don't tell the players about what you're changing when it's this drastic and then you Gaslight them and thinking that they're just bad skill issue you changed so many things and didn't tell us what do you mean skill issue you got a freaking patch note writing issue oh we unintentionally omitted this what the so I'm guessing you intentionally omitted all the other stuff and that's that's just fine and then you tell players oh it's a skill issue you know like the game didn't change that much you're just bad not verbatim by the way but that's essentially what happened and you get praise but people don't have a problem with that we just have patch notes that do not tell the full story or even close to it there were so many there was more changes that weren't listed than the ones that were listed and those changes that weren't listed were major whatever whatever man the game is still it's still a game I'll see how I feel I don't plan to just keep posting negative content either by the way this isn't like this is not me intentionally trying to be negative this is just me caring like truthfully it's just me I I'm it's frustrating should be obvious it's a frustrating thing to deal with in gaming and I'm just sick of seeing games that are good being ran to the ground for no good reason they have got to figure it out we need we need like a training course for these freaking people hey your game's doing great how about you don't um P drive it 6 ft deep please simple
Channel: OhDough
Views: 89,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 patch, helldivers 2 secret changes, helldivers 2 headshots, helldivers 2 damage, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 new update, helldivers 2 patch notes
Id: 0OUIzZFuSrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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