Helldivers 2's Arc Thrower | ONE SHOT a BILE TITAN

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ever wonder what it takes to do the unthinkable in Hell divers 2 to stay in the face of a towering B tide and bring it down with a single definitive shot after receiving suggestions to try the arth I have uncovered that it is capable of one-shotting a bile Titan and much more so stay tuned to uncover the secret technique behind one-shotting a bow Titan a feat that turns The Impossible into a reality but too learn how to One-Shot biot Titan with the ark thrower you need to understand the gun's core principles this weapon complex yet potent slowly reveals its capabilities as you learn to wield the weapon and I've got two key tips that are going to help you master wielding the AR thrower so let's get into tip number one and tip number one is crucial if you want to One-Shot a biot Titan and this tip lies within the click q that the gun makes before you shoot it the sound isn't just a part of the weapon's firing mechanism it's a signal that the weapon is fully charged do its maximum damage potential I'll play this sound in the background briefly so you can hear what I'm talking about it's crucial when using the ark thrower that you're able to time the release of the trigger to when you hear that click sound that the gun makes now tip number two is kind of going to be a different one but it's going to be adjusting your aim to slightly be above the Target that you want to hit unlike traditional guns and Hell divers too whenever you slightly aim this weapon above your target it's going to enhance the weapon's performance along from for more precise hits and effective enemy engagement with the targets that you want to hit and a last suggestion before moving on into how to onshot a biot Titan when wielded and coner with another Arc thrower exponential is not only doubled but exponentially increased demonstrating the weapon's destructive potential against a backdrop of chaos this is not essential however it will help especially when you fight the bio Titan which leads us to the next phase of the video on how to onot a b Titan in Hell divers 2 in this phase of the video we're going to break it up into three small steps with the first one being the biot Titan has to be facing in your direction this isn't necessarily essential however if you want to be consistently one-shotting bile Titans this is going to help you do that a side note I'm also going to be giving you a stratum list and telling you what primaries and secondaries I had the most success Running With The Ark thrower now the second step is going to be that you have to wait for the bio Titan to start to spit at you yes I did just say that but this is essential for killing the B Titan with one shot when he starts to spit at you this is going to be his most vulnerable state and this is where you have to land the correct Arc thrower shot on him to bring him down with one shot and before we move on to the final step on how to kill the bow Titan with one shot I want you to be sure to pay attention to the background footage that I have dropped on this video These are perfect examples of how to do it correctly before we move on to the last step on how to oneshot a biot Titan I want to ask that if you enjoy the content or if you find it useful be sure to like And subscribe I mean bro like really I'm showing you how to one shot a b Titan so if you don't subscribe you're literally not for democracy now that that's out of the way moving on to the final step on how to onot a biot Titan and Hell divers 2 and it's going to be to time the arc throwers click when it's fully charged with when the bile Titan spits at you and that suggestion that I brought up earlier in the video about bringing multiple Arc throwers with you on a mission is effective right here because not all the times it's going to work but if you have multiple Arc throwers you're increasing your chance of one shotting that biot Titan the technique is undefeated there's constants that come into play like Chargers charging at you and other things that are in effect that can get in the way of you one-shotting the bot Titan but if you have the correct setup he's facing you he starts to spit and you release your weapon after the click you're going to One-Shot him about 90% of the time and if you have two Arc throwers that percentage will go up now the strategems that I bring into my missions will help a eliminate those constants so that I can focus on the bile Titans when they pop up and those strategems are going to be orbital rail cannons Eagle air strikes or even Eagle rocket pods I also bring in the Rover backpack because whenever that Arc thrower does chain damage that Rover backpack typically finishes those enemies off it also helps keeping enemies at Bay whenever you're trying to focus on one-shotting the bile Titan a final note is I also run the breaker spray and prey with this I made a video about that that I'll link at the end of the video here in a second but but the breaker spray pre is really good with the ad control and just killing those smaller enemy types and I want to focus my strategy on taking out Chargers because they're very hard to deal with and the arc thow is viable dealing with chargers but it's not the most effective way but that's all I got for the video guys I Tred to make these videos quick around 5 minutes just give you the information and let youall digest it I see a lot of YouTubers out there that could make this a 20 minute video but that's not me be sure to like And subscribe also thank you to the suggestions and feedback I've been getting still trying to figure out this YouTube thing so all feedback is welcome good or bad and thank you to the suggestions for trying the arc thrower it led me to this video leave suggestions if you want to be featured in a future video but that's all I got guys peace out
Channel: New Gen Guides
Views: 4,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, helldivers 2, Helldivers 2
Id: DjVApNz0Wk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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