Testing Every Support Weapon vs Chargers - Helldivers 2

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good and here's he K charger with every support weapon charg of his flamethrower good talk if you want to kill a charger it has to be kind of far away from you like a decent bit of distance here traps per chaps like you have that method and then you have the other method that involves you dying with the AR thrower aim for the face I missed it's like six shots waiting like six shots I think the first one hit the leg but it takes two shots to reip off a charge's arm it was weak what is with the flipping that guy's a tumbler oh throw a back too she it physically hasn't moved see like how is it dying in Two Shots before it takes two shots and you shoot it with a gun that does damage this one is decent for it but not the best Scorch is better if you're shooting leg meat my good sir this was not planned but three head shot should take it out at the 90% charge that's one you're climbing out of that ain't no way brother three shots it's got to be 9% plus that 9% Mark is all the way above what you think it is that's that's like 94% right there I was told to shoot the inner to his back leg twice I was told correctly most of the time it's a gargantuan lie this time was correct LIT All right so like it charges past you right and then you blows back out are we good I think we're cling with it lad so here's the issue these things everyone says oh charger Behemoth is more armored I mean the armor looks different the main difference though between a charger Behemoth and a charger is that charger Behemoth take about 25 more years to bleed out that's like the main difference a regular are you not bleeding out mate you've been fibbing how do you fib what I thought it was I thought it was good that thing is barely hanging on oh had ammo you been okay disagree there it is that takes more shots than it should sometimes it's very misleading all right so cue what I said earlier but right now it's going to take a year and day to bleed out but it takes the same shots to blow the back out of a charger Behemoth and or a charger you got to be quicker than that under perfect circumstances one two three it's three shots but when you're actually fighting it it feels like that number varies rather greatly it's kind of weird laser Canyon V charer youve done your Dy this takes more damage no you can break it what's the point and the back legs it's about it CH man the back leg shots kind of weird taking zero damage it's reflecting right now but if I shoot it after a charge having to be the right charge I guess not that one right there a different one it was weak right there what if you shoot just like me if you're better at aiming it dies faster grenade launcher I think he's doing some damage sometimes you can shoot beneath it and it destroys the charger other times it's not as consistent but it do be like spit in blood or something okay I disag oh it's dead it can still kill me but like my movement is too sick so that took about six shots I think I missed one though I hit that and now it's bounc it again I think I hit twice last reload three shots kind of it's weird though under perfect circumstances that's lot of bullets all right anti-tank shoot a leg I'm out and you remove the meat making it weak to whatever you have to shoot shoot the face and it dies one recall shot to the leg's already weak one Rec shot to the leg still life ring the meat by myself th reload Ponder life ponderance done and one face shot dead you don't you don't have to wait for the war animation what the it's still going I had someone say got to wait for the war animation to one shot it you don't have to do that just shoot in the face the gun backpack is the the worst strategy I've ever used in this game the best way to use a guard dog is like so that's a pretty that's a very consistent throw at least for me s n brother don't kill me I said all support weapons and I regret that heavily how are you focusing the one part of that back you can't hit this is faster but why would you ever do it Shield backpack still alive e ballistic shield backpack Supply pack yump still alive eh you're you're kidding me all right full disclosure I've been shooting it for a while this machine gun though under the perfect circumstances how many shots does it take to remove thine wagon what disagree it's a lot it's about half your magazine no it's it's around 100 shots with the changes to the face can I one shot with a rocket no that's also the arm if you break the arm hello break the arm you shoot that thing de I gota walk over over there going in for it that is not that is a terrible move I I don't I don't see why you'd ever want to stomp out a charger is it dead it is dead that just people act up like yeah you can jump off his leg dude it's sick it's like what the all right a shot Dr A that was that was a face shot two rockets if I Al at four can I keep the mission that I'm looking to do two 90% Char shots to a leg one leg in particular particular will be good enough Freedom mares onward thanks to you you may proceed to extraction did they change something
Channel: OhDough
Views: 103,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 charger behemoth weapon testing, helldivers 2 charger weakness to every support weapon, helldivers 2 weapon tips, helldivers 2 charger, helldivers 2 behemoth charger, helldivers 2 every support weapon vs chargers, HD2, Eat, Expendable, Anti tank, anti-tank, arc, arcthrower, hell divers, auto cannon, spear
Id: IEyt3-fwKgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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