Helldivers 2 - What If I only used Eagle Strikes on Helldive Solo?

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what if I only used Eagle strikes on Hell dive difficulty solo go and find out doing the W drop Mission Landing right here and I got a free 500 kg taking stamina boost adding another kg and then Eagle Strike Napal pluses got the sickle Redeemer impact and medic light armor speaking of light armor or armor in general I I kind of hope it get some kind of cosmetic stuff going forward cuz I look like a Christmas wrapping paper for a fact I am green white and red and I love Christmas just don't particularly want to be looking like that but I can't pass up the Buffs the medic buff is crazy dude extra stems exra stem duration you spawn in with four stams go now that's guot beyond belief brother remember this I don't always like scoping in but this gun feels good I've heard shoot those guys legs but they keep pressing W like shoot their front legs dude they're still alive they're just hobbling towards you menacingly he My Sweet Lord I'm safe say hello toy I think they should have got more kills than that that's just me Wilbur is doing Maneuvers all right if I do boom boom I like with that angle and then not die to it thoughts that someh kills you we take those that blast radius is filthy though J always I got to be careful about on that thing I have an orbital one trick by the way I freaking I do gas strike like no one's business my favorite strateg I think so I don't really know how good actually I know how good they are but I don't know what the blast R is on most of them uh we got a pump up here over don't do anything crazy don't do anything you'd regret where's that guy coming from is the new update put in freaking air pods in my pocket cuz these people are oddly aware of my position maybe it's just me but I feel like every time I hear they they fix uh they change Patrols in some way that just means that there's more patrols if I had St grenade I'd use it right now okay so it's fine I need you to die okay this is wait huge this is huge this is huge bur it chilling beyond belief and I do this and run away you couldn't drift that one now could you there but those dudes have crazy handling now that reminded me one step closer to Mission comption they can turn Corners like no one's business they got the drift kit for Prosperity it is filthy cuz before it were're pretty simple to just side straight really easy and you still can but if you're on a corner it gets it gets kind of dicey nowag what be that any guesses dring a pin Norwest 300 me okay it's like you can ping stuff on the map but it doesn't tell you what it is you just go in blind it's good to know though cuz I I suppose there just objectives or something side side quests avoid the Dome maintain course nuke the guy guarding the thing you I know what that is I learned that's death democracy we make it through this I'm dead I just want to press the button and then potentially more buttons there's a stalker the problem is I do no damage to them I time I time I'm I'm a coward if I was a stalker which direction would I come from 100 is this this is not it that's a light Nest I see the question mark I could nuke it but I'll just use my grenades instead what the lingering there's no shot I already cocked it I already had that thing wound up I missed the first one too I can't move my my drop ship thing um so yeah about that nuke thing and not wanting to use nukes sorry delivering payload so if I ever mentioned that the sickle is good against stalkers just go ahead and redact that information I don't know why I thought that was the case cuz I was playing solo and it was undamaged and I guess I just hit the craziest shots of my life I died super fast but ever since that day unless they stealth nerfed did the gun feel like I just don't do the same damage to those guys here comes the Cavalry there's no I'm I'm just the best one throwing grenad that's pretty good for me he po the map so did I so with the recent change you can't move your dude like just revert that change where you can't get on High Ground cuz it's just destroying everything bro I just can't play the game oh my sweet I don't want to be going this way anyway like I was saying the whole drop pod thing it got changed where you can't land on certain High grounds because I guess people are exploiting it but now it makes it to where I can't land on anything half the time like there's bad dudes and I'm trying to murk them and I can't I see you creeping the shots you take is a thousand dude there's more I broke your nest your home is gone you staying here just doesn't doesn't like what what do you gain from staying here and there a bug bre I just want to leave and an ion strike dude I just want to call my Strat all right next video is what if I only use support weapons so I can actually do damage what if I only use the ark thrower is there another Nest or am I being gared the dead bodies are blocking they're freaking saying get down Mr President get down Mr Hunter maybe they just all follow me and I have a couple of moments to figure out how to do this little button thing that do be the case sending down equipage of democracy that a stalker I was going to freak out I time 30 years later okay I didn't going walk through that am I dead that blast radius is deceptive to me BR I need to get those those things found him delivering payload I guy trying to crawl away dude Liberty dis look at the drift okay okay we just got to do a bit of locking in here I guess uning democracy can these cluster bombs kill a charger cuz he seems to be a little unfazed a rather dangerous amount of unfazed I'll have run this wall you can you can slow walk at me medly it's fine need to charge this way and ignore me and it's a sick drift who gave him the freaking drift kit who who request approved deploy reinforc I can't even land on him I saying is these changes we got to take a little bit like just look at them with a fine tooth comb perhaps per chance because I do not believe that they really make for the greatest gaming experience considering they just remove all the actual fun like landing on stuff is fun and I can't do it because I'm next to a mountain I guess I don't think that makes any sense that's just me though that is just me how many Eagle resupplies do you get cuz I should probably use that now no Eagle One leaving combat zone to resupply way progress locked no I'm going the right way I'm slightly going the wrong way I think that the B Titan doesn't know I exist quite yet normally not ideal in this case perfect it's kind of like when the IR do know exists that's a good thing when they know oh it knows about me I'm getting audited okay so within hole 100 they they usually okay those things they they spawn at like 140 M sometimes a bit less and they be summoning bug breaches from the sky we have got to look at some things guys these things were not occurring before the recent patches they just weren't happening what changed that is never mind enemy I got to live for 20 seconds Freedom never that a stalker democracy look at ask that question a lot recently like this match alone I've asked that question a lot wait B Titan can help the ball Tian can one shot these towers can one VI him armed ready um the angle I required it maybe potentially one shot with the the eagle air strike is this one we don't need a combo get out get get out dude it was like so close coming in that's a lot of investment if it didn't kill that though imagine oh I still got to kill the things that are flying they just got to they just got vacated from their the premises they're still alive twisting M there's quite a few of those things they can one shot I need deoy page oh my goodness please I have no stems I would like to live I made a mistake I made a mistake I shot it I shot it and I knew I knew right then in there I made a mistake reinfor launched just you just can't shoot them simple just just don't shoot him okay surely I'm fine delivering payload dude ior Search and Destroy Blitz Mission this should be this should be just swell and dandy I have four nukes don't know the blast radius on this but I think it's decently big enough I'm landing in the red circle taking a N strafing Run can these those can't steal the bug holes taking that taking this that same old same old so the nuke can hit multiple bug nests I haven't done the same thing with other Eagle strikes though I feel like the Eagle Strike itself like the the plane Jane one can I do not believe the clusty one can go now I thought I was in more danger than that shadow of neither death nor tyranny for justice is your ca Justice takes me a clip and some change to break that oh I just found the freaking the hugest thing in the world clipping some change Outpost spotted prepare ter High structure destroyed if that hits all three money it didn't hit all three it's not a bad thing yet here comes all righty can you break anything you will never destroy our way of life I do not believe so clean I'm scared to go in I really am but here we are throwing grenades payload sending down so for those that Swip in it should break that bug hole even though it's not inside of it you see but now all these dudes are blocking my stuff unleashing democracy you will never destroy our way of life dude they just oh my God they jumping for 2 seconds you're dead they jump in with the shank bisted Fells that's crazy he waited he predicted my movement and went for the final blow I'm kind of greedy here I really want the rep to the uh I wanted them where' they go like I said his drift factor is on a different level stems Acquired and then go ahead and eat this in goodbye I missed I'm trash unstall on it oh we got two more bug holes to close and four lives remaining it's looking pretty winnable just a whoe bit feel that I saw some stuff why I think I know there's stuff over there wait it's just too easy this is honestly a crazy way to do this Mission really fast attack underway cool guys don't look at explosions even though I I was almost feeling like that was not going to hit at all I had very low hopes of that hitting what can you hit to stop cuz you you'll go over this won't you ask questions I got knows attack underway me to dodge my body my mind my soul request approved deploying reinforcements see when I can do that feels good if I can revive and take one out like if I can use my death to take one out I'm down [Music] the way you're guarding this stuff is making me feel uncomfortable you as well we got double breach summons happening all right I'm just going to distract I think by the time I clear out all these minions and under way it just won't even be worth the time how you like to so the 500 kg nuke is crazy for the bug clears but in reality I could just used grenade launcher and probably gotten most of those from way further away more more conveniently the moment we get a jump pad in this game and we get accuracy from Air cuz right now if you jump pack and you try and shoot your gun it's not going to be accurate at least the one at least one I I've tried it hasn't been accurate they change that imagine something imagine jump pack and or jump pad in the air and you just shooting nades in the bug nests clearing them all right so this I think what I'm going to start doing from now on or for the most part cuz like these kind of things I don't want to do it with people cuz it's basically griefing in this sense it's like oh well I'll do Eagle Strike only you can see how I'm like waiting for cool down sometimes even though I could be using a lot more I'm still waiting if I do these kind of things I'll do it solo but I want to do more random stuff preferably like lower levels and see how that goes cuz that's the that's the more fun thing for me solo is it's neat but it's kind of me request confirmed shleb I think it's way more fun playing with peeps but solo makes more sense when I'm doing stuff like this where it can legit be seen as griefing if I do it with people that aren't signed up for it if they don't subscribe to the challenge run you can't just be like hey guys I'm going go ahead and do this and it's going to ruin your experience cuz the other stuff I do that other folks would call griefing is actually helping the team don't know but this is not helping the team they have they are wearing socks on a tile floor and just sliding everywhere I hear nothing liy St H to democracy takes a FL strike and a full clip a oh I didn't even I almost messed up the timer administering fre wherever you throw that it goes perpendicular no my body my mind my soul took off his leg and they still kept swinging oh don't even don't don't don't that's that's cap that is Cap I landed I was in rain oh well the mission's complete what you know the mission the mission's good this this is fine demy potentially the most diabolical Nom strike in all existence reun getting two shot is so awesome what can I say listen all I'm saying is I see a check mark on the mission which tells me w
Channel: OhDough
Views: 20,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 solo, hellivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldivers difficulty, helldivers 2 helldivers difficulty solo, helldivers 2 solo max difficulty, helldivers 2 solo gameplay, helldivers 2 solo max diffiuclty, helldivers solo, helldivers 2 eagle strikes only, helldivers 2 500 kg bomb, helldivers 2 napalm eagle strike, helldivers 2 cluster bomb
Id: Bbwfld0lJrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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