The TERMINIDS Internal Biology and Lore In Helldivers 2 Explained

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in an effort to secure Humanity's domination on the galactic front our species would spread outwards towards the stars in hopes to become more than just a single planet fairing race it as always was rather unknown what lies just beyond our solar system so it was a little bit scary while this information is incredibly sparse at least concerning this game and also very difficult to find believe me on that Humanity would take to the Stars where things would get a little complicated for Homo sapiens but arguably it may have been by our own hands I know right humans making things difficult on our side how is that possible with our species spreading quickly and dropping Colony after Colony on any available planet in the general area eventually we would happen across a species that would be deemed absolutely abhorent by our standards and by the standards and operating government of superar determinat however which is pretty ironic it would appear as though at first they had no intentions of actually engaging in battle with humanity and were a relatively peaceful race after several failed interactions of peaceful diplomacy it was right around that time that Humanity learned that they could actually produce a form of space oil that could be utilized in humanity ships this would result in a conflict with the species that would flare up over a century later again after some pretty horrific Farms popped up so in today's episode let's be real Here There is almost absolutely zero low on Hell divers and Hell divers 2 I mean there is some but the game plan here is to discuss what little I can find on the terminats and get into their actual biology and their apparent sapience and why exactly they were such an adaptable race or at least appear to be because I believe it to be something completely different this is going to require a lot of filling in the blanks and I'm sure if you scroll down into the comments right now everyone is calling me you know disloyal or some nonsense like that but to really understand the tanid you're going to have to like just listen to the heresy so to start this off right we need to understand what Humanity was even doing during this time frame and brother we were stomping everything in the Galaxy the second we ran across it Roll Tide during the events of the original hell divers there was a galactic war that took place and well there's not really any way around it the entire thing was inspired by Humanity in one way or another it appears pretty much on brand with how our species is currently and explains why the government is as it is at this time frame now my ship being called The Patriot of patriotism indicates I am in fact a Chad but that doesn't mean the government always makes the correct decisions in fact one could argue they rarely do Humanity itself is number one but those in charge might need a good deposing from time to time but given Humanity's warlike nature if our species could not be United under the banner of EXT exem sense of Duty and like Ultra patriotism to the ruling dictatorship of superar then it's likely Humanity would have just filled the soul system with war and completely flamed out after only a couple of decades so prior to the galactic War somewhere along the line Humanity would form the government of super Earth it is unknown up to this point why exactly is referred to as super Earth however all indicators of like the symbols and the view of the actual Planet would indicate it still is in fact earth now why again is it called super Earth well again why is my ship the Patriot of patriotism because we are all super stoked on Homo sapiens and our home world is basically the best place around the leadership of super Earth is considered to be a dictatorship under the guise of a managed democracy managed democracy being an automated form of voting that really just keeps the same group in power quite consistently heresy to suggest I know and the comments again are about to be filled with questioning my loyalty but I didn't see you guys on melen Creek so uh get good for a time humanity would exist completely unchecked by any other opposition in the surrounding area that is until 2084 and as it turns out Orwell was not talking about 1984 but actually 2084 he was so close but so far away with his guestimate as Humanity continued to run across their first Troublesome species this would spark a rather bloody exchange initially for the other side while the termined are known now to be quite violent and downright vicious for a time they were peaceful with Humanity deepor suggests that they were quite content with their colonies and were not attempting to really engage in active combat with Humanity but as stated the only good bug is a dead bug Humanity would be disturbed collectively by the appearance of this race which would inspire a massive conflict as the terminant began to realize these primates had no intentions of not attacking them this in turn caused them to begin adapting and becoming just as bloodthirsty as Humanity was now you can call this adaptation but really any species that can conceptualize spreading beyond their borders or its own world already has a sense of abstract thought which is exactly what humans have and an instinct for self-preservation which is exactly what humans have so before moving on to how everything went to complete crap let's discuss that for a minutes while looking at what the terminats are now it might be easy to think that they're just your standard animal that must be destroyed however this does not appear to be an actual reality of potentially what they are or at least they were it's important to understand that specifically with this race there may have been a multitude of factors that led to what they are now after the first Galactic War which we will discuss here in a moment so first and foremost the terminats appear to be a hive mind sort of species or at least usocial this indicates that they they are much like the insects on Earth as ants for example which says to me there is likely an unseen controlling Queen somewhere this could be why at first the insects were rather peaceful towards Humanity instead of outright attacking when the first few interactions went terrible for the race because even though an individual bug got got the queen was still like hm well maybe it just went sour so this however shows the issue of this degree of separation from those engaging in battle and those being controlled by the queen or at least again presumed Queen again the lore is sparse but if they behave and operate much like they do as any insectoid species on this planet it's a logical conclusion to reach initially in 2084 when humans entered a fullon war with these creatures it was a tempered response at first due to the influence of a leadership the bugs fell under now that was because mostly they were willing to strike up a coexistence with the primates that likely looked a little strange to them as strange as they look to us but the problem is homo sapiens on our own Planet had to fight claw and bite our way to the top of the food chain dealing with larger animals throughout our entire evolutionary past which characterizes why we would see a larger alien species that really appears just like animals to us as a threat by doing this however we would create a larger problem for ourselves Beyond just the simple idea of oh they're just mad at us now and I think I figured out why returning back to the lore for a moment before rounding it back to the terid Humanity would officially declare war on the bug minus but not before realizing the bugs themselves could be turned into Starship fuel so Planet by Planet humans would begin pushing ing back the bug race in an attempt to rid the Galaxy of this Terror or at least that was the accepted explanation that was given out and this was usually disseminated through like logs and videos and propaganda it was around this time however that another faction would then join in on the first Galactic War creating a double front issue for Humanity way back in the day colonists would be sent to a planet that was completely Frozen and was essentially a complete hellscape this insanely harsh world and the conditions that existed within would likely begin breaking down the people currently mining which would at first likely necessitate like prosthesis Limbs and a bunch of other things that would follow as people continue to live there more and more injuries due to either their exposures or accidents would in turn cause them to begin turning to metal as a way to bolster their systems in an effort to survive their environment that for all intents and purposes they were forced to reside in you know sort of like forced adaptation to a place that you really don't want to be at usually doesn't work out too well but this would result in the first evidence of these cyborgs cropping up in the first Galactic War because of the vast distance between superar and cyber Stan as it was known where the colonists were placed they began to realize there was very little control being exercised over them seeing the war taking place on the other side of the Galaxy and understanding super Earth's attention was further diminished they would declare independence from the ruling government this would obviously enrage super Earth's government which they would then immediately declare war on the cyborgs and they saw it as an Abomination anyways opening up a second front to the war interestingly 100 years later as Humanity would engage in a faction that seemed to come out of nowhere the automatons as I write this a few days ago they have turned away from heading towards super Earth and instead are now headed towards cyan this may indicate that the cyborgs once living on that planet after being pushed back to their home planet and then defeated retreated even further past the edges of the Galaxy where their body modifications took on even more machine stature completely removing their humanity and becoming the automatons which if you would like to see a video on that let me know again not much lore but it might be something I can put together in the future and we are returning to the bugs here in a moment I haven't forgotten it's just important to kind of understand what Humanity was doing and why this may have caused the Terminus to become the way that they are it was around this time a third faction would get involved by complete accident known as the illuminate they came from a completely different area of the Galaxy and had no idea Humanity was currently going toe-to-toe with everything in sight these amphibious people came from a planet that had quite a bit of water on it but appears to be relatively shallow not much is known about this species apart from the fact that they were highly intelligent and Humanity actually in some ways wanted their advanced technology as the illuminat spread out from their home planet much like the terminats it appears to have been through peaceful means they really didn't want to just like go and attack everything they had their own religion and psionics and through this their entire goal appeared to be converting other species to their religion by peaceful measures but what they would be met with was absolute War Humanity began seizing ships claiming that they were carrying wmds and because of this Humanity would then go on to declare war on this third species opening up a third front on the war it's a good thing Humanity loves reproduction because this three-way meat grinder would become an absolute slog of attrition as Humanity somehow managed to push back all three factions over time securing human dominance in the Galaxy at least for 100 years the result of this was the cyborgs were pushed out of their home planet to which they assumed they had been you know absolutely defeated so they were pretty much extinct no more problems right we'll see however as the automatons push back towards cyber currently this may indicate that they were never extinct just that their human portion is the illuminate completely disappeared after they lost their home planet but what's interesting is there appears to be information surrounding that their fleet has been spotted this would mean that they are still out there and they are likely rather pissed over the events that have taken place after 100 years they may have reestablished themselves somewhere unseen by Humanity which in turn may explain what's going on with the terid the terminats depending on who you ask probably had it worse once being peaceful the idea is that they adapted quickly and became as bloodthirsty as Humanity now the defense of their colonies and world do not really necessarily indicate that they are bloodthirsty just like if Humanity were to do the same it would be more seen as heroic than anything however the species that humanity is fighting at this current point in time has changed into something they may have not been before which has really left them as almost completely animals first things first the terminats are a carbon based life form and much like Homo sapiens we can assume there is likely genetic coding within them they can reside on a very similar planets to humans as well which means their metabolism is very likely oxygen based now there is this concept that I always have to go into which is well row and Oak how do you know that they're not just breathing another gas and to answer this it's actually quite easy for any two species to exist within the same atmosphere together there needs to be a similar mix of gas as the home planet that is tolerable for either species that is not native to this world and again the concept always comes back well how do we know that they're not breathing into which is nitrogen that is in Earth's atmosphere which I believe is around like 78% rather than just the oxygen that's in our atmosphere and that's because nitrogen is triple bonded with each other which makes it incredibly difficult to break and any cell that was attempting to do that through metabolism is not going to get a lot of energy out of it because the energy has to put in to break those bonds so again there must be a similar mix of gas on the home planet that is tolerable for either species that is not native to the world that they are on then with humans again Earth's atmosphere is 78.0% nitrogen and 20.95% oxygen and roughly about 93% Argan with other Trace Gases such as carbon dioxide for humans to land on a planet and breathe the air and establish colonies the terminats are on then they must be compatible with this degree of oxygen now this also hints it's something else concerning their actual physiology concerning the terminant but it is important to remember that when you drop in you are a soldier so you have a helmet on now these were all colonies of humanity so I'm going to go ahead and assume they weren't constantly wearing rebreathers or they didn't have helmets they had to wear all the time and also basically the atmospheres would be compatible for human existence so while they appear to have a form of exoskeletal armor plating internally this would mean the terminats must have a closed circulatory system much like humans have the reasoning behind this is an open circulatory system would not allow for such large insects to form now obviously you're probably thinking to yourself well how do we know these planets just don't have more oxygen they can't because again if humans can exist on a planet then there must be a similar physical makeup or compositional makeup concerning the atmosphere this is because of something known as oxygen toxicity for humans we cannot live in an environment of even 35% oxygen even at levels of 25% this can begin to become harmful to us at these levels this can cause oxidative damage to the cell membrane leading to the complete collapse of the alvioli in the lungs resulting in you literally suffocating in a high oxygen environment it's kind of ironic really this damage to the lungs will also cause bleeding rapidly which will eventually end the person as you can kind of also suffocate on your own blood now the other side of that coin is this an insect with an O open circulatory system in an environment with high oxygen it actually would Faire rather well and this would increase their stature quite dramatically as seen on Ancient Earth with centipedes that were over 6 ft long sign me up for a big mug of absolutely no thanks you see my own biases here in the IMM moralized words of Damon be humans are hardwired to react to things that Scuttle and this is probably why intrinsically humans were completely disgusted by the terance anyhow so highlighting the oxidative stress of high oxygen environments that would put on humans who live lived on a planet obviously owned by the terminats this means the terminats do not require High oxygen environments to grow into what they become because even further than this point when the Farms popped up this continues to support the idea that metabolisms and oxygen Distribution Systems would have to be similar a closed circulatory system would have other benefits to the terminats as well the largest one being they would be more intelligent than average see an open circulatory system as established it would not be able to peruse tissue with the oxygen required to allow humans to breathe if it were just open in the termined to effectively kind of create the size of the insects but also the thinking capacity of these insects but with a closed system it's very likely they could do the same thing as with humans this allows for an enclosed brain space and with it moral neural connections that would be fueled by the oxygen necessary of a closed circulatory system allowing again for more intelligent bugs sounds pretty horrifying right well that's because it is by human standards the termined race is considered to just be an animal but that's not possible given their expansion across the Galaxy and their propensity for peace that would mean that concerning their neural abilities like forethought and planning they were in some ways on par with Humanity I mean though they did indicate that they're like were going to be a real threat to the human race once the gloves were off and they began to actively fight this aggressive race of primates and during such events this would cause many different variants of this bug to crop up all being controlled however from what we can tell they're all a quadrapedal race no matter what form they take they will fall into into several categories though from what we have seen at least concerning recent events as the scavenger Warrior Hunter stalker B spewer charger bile Titan and brood Commander these are really the main foot soldiers for the termined race and were born out of the adaptations in the first Galactic war and have continued on into the current conflict however I think we are missing something which is a leader again like with most youth social insects that are considered to be a hive mine there is typically going to be the top bug which is usually a queen the queen dictating what is happening across several planets that they exist on would engage with Humanity in war but something appears to have happened whether the queen was taken out or escaped is completely unknown and we are trading into some major assumptions here just as a heads up with the queen potentially having retreated removing a large portion of the direction really just leaving it to The Brood commanders and the standard intelligence the terminates had this resulted in what we Humanity are fighting currently or were fighting by our own hands as the conclusion of the first Galactic War again it was discovered that the terms could create space oil for our ships referred to as element 710 this would be invaluable for human expansion but would require the subjugation and harvesting of potentially a Sapient race which I mean is arguably a little messed up but this sapiens may have been Reliant upon input from the queen so the terminats are bust down to sentients rather than sapients and this is where the absolute state of aggression comes from well from two points of issues I suppose the first is is these Farms were created and were likely for the explicit purpose of creating as many bugs as possible to harvest for element 710 likely as with any species overbreeding anything will begin to affect the genetics of that animal this will amplify both good and bad attributes of any type of animal with the terid this overbreeding due to the desire to obtain more element 710 may have been what made them more aggressive as it Amplified their ability to do that already it may also have made them larger but decreased intelligence resulting in them becoming more animalistic compared to what they used to be as the lines accelerated and likely were grown faster this would also begin to create different versions of the terminat which would later we would have to go on to fight in the human termined war that would follow up 100 years later in 2184 during the events of Hell divers 2 which by the way if you are still fighting the terminat for the love of God go fight the automatons already so as the termined species numbers kind of began to build back up because we were allowing it to build back up a critical issue would follow somehow in in explicably they were able to begin jumping worlds now the question is how head Cannon says that the illuminant are actually back and I think it hinges on a queen being out there at some point it went from the bugs being on the farm not making any gains for again about 100 Years to all of a sudden they're now organized and our planet hopping taking over human worlds I believe at some point when the illuminate retreated from the Galaxy they ran across the queen who was probably just as pissed as they were and Alliance would be struck up from here the illuminate would then get the queen back close enough to control the terminats on the farms and the illuminate would then begin dropping terminats onto human controlled worlds however they would need to wait until the numbers were built up enough from the Farm's breeding terminats until the time was right for the attack it may also be that the 100-year LOL gave the aluminate time to interact with the cyborgs as well who also retreated out of their systems to the fringes of the galaxies where the aluminate would Supply them with the technology necessary to completely forsake their human form completely leave it behind and become fully machine all of this has B basically opened up another at least for now two War Front for Humanity with I believe a third front coming very soon because well I mean honestly once the automatons get to cyber I think that's where uh a bunch of crap's going to go down and the alumin are going to show back up but that's just my own head Cannon but anyhow I want to thank you guys for watching do you believe their survivability and adaptability may have come from the fact that they were just simply overbred or do you think it's more intrinsic to their own biology when dealing with humans let me know down in the comments you enjoy then leaving a like would be greatly appreciated and subscribing is a great way to stay up to date on what I post also if this video does well which I don't really know kind of it's honestly kind of treading out a little bit from what I normally do I may consider going over the automatons and cyborgs and their relationship a little more in depth next time but again the lore is sparse and a lot of assumptions had to be made on context clues anyhow I'll drop my Twitter Discord patreon and Rono Tales Channel Link in the description for anybody interested where this week we're actually talking about a bridge that allegedly has had over 600 dogs just leap from it for some reason it's very strange but anyhow speaking of patrons I'd like to thank mine real quick first huge thank you to our astrophysicist death's dancer thank you man next up I'd like to thank our scientist Chad the enjoyer of explanations of B red horror movies Dakota 23 Jax Josh Blanchard Lucian Dragon metric system and trash panda in a trench coat thank you guys to the rest my patrons your support is greatly appreciated and it helps keep this channel running so thank you all right that's going to do it for me I hope everyone enjoyed and we'll see you all in the next one
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Keywords: helldivers 2, helldiver 2, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 gameplay pc, helldivers 2 pc update, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 gameplay multiplayer, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 gameplay part 1, helldivers 2 review, gameplay tips, helldivers 2 story, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 ps5 vs pc, tips helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips for beginners, Roanoke Gaming, Hell divers 2 lore, Hell Divers explained, Hell Divers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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