Helldivers 2 - Quasar Cannon Combo Solo (Max Difficulty, Full Clear)

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howy hello my name is do hope you're doing good we have the queso combo solo hell dive versus Purge hatcheries I'm landing right here boost Vitality enhancement more HP to be tankier quazar Cannon guardog Rover cluster bomb I want to use gas strike but a modifier makes it Miss so I can't anti-tank the C clay SLE Redeemer impact grenades and armor that gives me more grenade carrying capacity and reduce recoil being prone to crouch but I really notice that too much with the current build I would crutch on medic armor for more stems more stem duration but the grenades are crazy utility you can blow up the eggs for the current Mission it can also close bug nests and holes having six grenades goes wild First Step do not land on enemies Second Step spam the kitchen sink at the ground all the Galaxy looks to you for salvation let nothing stand in the way of Liberty and look for things to do radar Tower I'm doing that first wait this map is so open there's potentially two Shira hotels over there that might be the Zeus's door knob the sample Rock which I won't go for just because I don't need it that was a sport beer and not Shir Hotel termin hi structure destroyed I'm out aim up so high for those and it still almost misses so for the shrier Ness it takes you two shots of an anti-tank wus quasi Moto cannon that might miss dude that's how far away they are hole Ste canc that 3 something meters I'm not going to break them all right now just because the radar Tower takes time too which I'm going to do this I can't stop a bug bre from this distance I can do is hope this cluster Bomb Pops off pay in case someone a charger B Tite I'm throw that behind me I'll take 15 kills D they summon nothing crazy you Rie mistake I heard dudes my left I summoned no either it's a giant Patrol or no that's a whole that's a whole Caravan T location it'd be kind of wicked if I could activate this and raise it demy I can just in case need the ammo have aive democracy democracy's on it way I'm cheesing them I didn't know you could do that oh no get did you guys get away from the the top here I should been ning here the going left they there Attack under surely it kills the thing I'm trying to kill which is the giant brw mothers you will never destroy our way of life I'm doubting a little bit here now that's what I call Liberty oh we're good Mission updated it'd be ideal if they went ahead and breach by by the way I'm doing a clockwise motion I'm doing this current plan of action support tossing my stuff so I can rotate that way I should resupplied inside of here I kind of forgot that all these mobs pushed out towards me I'm out if I'm quick they won't bug breach and mess me up too much worst case scenario just go ahead and clear all the things that are going that way so like like clear the things you can't shoot from where I'm going to be trying to exit at or where you be trying to exit at how do you like to the freom and luckily this is slanted enough democracy or I can leave but can't and we're good no Eagle though but they just they bug breach which means that all I have to do over here is just kill the things deploying support weapon I hate being scoped in up close that's on me I can't scope in now leave me alone give me some distance of course I missed no n see I don't want to use this don't want to waste my shot here or my grenades that'd be foolish the grenades it's tempting to use them against the mobs there's a reason why I'm not doing that though hit me not the hunters throwing Gren the Hunter's slow it's evil I'll die if I do that I wanted to though I really wanted to delivering payload maybe he'll stay stuck there this game control you and summon a bunch of The Brood mothers which I'm not quite sure what I'd rather face at the moment brood mothers or Hunters I'm leaning a little bit towards the brw mothers or the hunters structure destroyed resupplies back up as well whole thing is cleared next up is that question mark I cleared that in under I did the giant nest and that another 10 minutes which is huge get get if they bug reach back here that'd be ideal yes you can cheese the bug breaches so the people behind you breach and not the ones in front of you so they're constantly trying to catch up to you how do you like the T of freedom on and here I'm using using my staty to close these bu holes that one lands surely sweet Liberty ow it did indeed land that's a decent certain structures certain structures of the eggs get rolled by air strikes like that more than others 12 kind of sad deploying equipment package have a t of say hello to democracy it killed itself let's go um I've already probably triggered it so I may as well I may as well kill these stalkers you like the taste of Freedom enemy tactical asset within threat range aware sir good get deploying support weapon kidding me I'm alive somehow how many things could possibly slow me down they put all of them right there if my laser kills me doesn't count a death you heard here first dude get this thing away get get Peg Leg out of here get Peg Leg out of here get him out thing is ridiculous in theole supp ah dude I misclicked really bad too I was trying to I was going to look up and toss it my head demy I mean intentional I killed 16 people on mey nothing is on accident is that his jaw something looked real sketchy over there two d shots Miss water two d shots all need goodbye sending down equip okay supplies over there charger right there by the way get it'd be cool if that landed I I have my doubts though send down support I have my doubts that'd be sick though imagine I skyed that when you're waiting for cool Downs this this becomes a lot more difficult it just comes it really comes down to managing your I could have used my exp here managing your resupply that's the big thing and it was beyond the play to go kill the stalkers it's just by the way returns locked and load grab this first a nice dude I got more eggs to kill I mean if I clear this before the 20 minute Mark I'm still doing great Reena forever throwing grenades should have just shot those structure destroyed oh my goodness Freedom that's a spot War leaving the mission area and that's why I said weird spot I don't know how those things work so I throw them chances are they going to kill me dude let me the [Applause] shot um too many Hunters it's just one more Nest man that's called democracy the oh okay we're good I'm supposed to clear the whole thing right I don't really ever full clear stuff except for once against the Bots I don't know how it works against the bugs really so we cleared two eggs we have kind of half the map left don't turn mind your business it's very tempting to sit there and throw grenades in of those but having the quazar if you have the time shoot the shott sending down support weapon [Applause] not there's no way chasing me down like a dog by the way that's spooky get that's a weird little bunker I've never seen this before like situated like that it's tucked away this is stressful not to mention at any given moment and any given moment oh no no no I knew I messed up a little bit there destroy injury what injury depl supp come on deploying equipment package Mission at 20 minutes here comes the Cav I got to run away from those I simply have to go around them grab these supplies they're basically guarding my stuff oh I cleared it I didn't know I cleared it dude I didn't know I cleared that would have had a slightly different approach that's called democracy all right this objective does not feel the greatest here comes the Cavalry request approved deploying now deploying support weapon coming in HB clear the area get don't stop noing be back shortly you will never destroy our way of life it's fine I'm walking away from the edges these guys freaking face through them new anti-material Hunters hey guys PE the new leaks speaking of I feel like there's a leak every other day with this game at a certain point it gets excessive it's it's no longer content it's just posting stolen content that makes any sense hellbomb request approved on it way now I archim ASI you're kidding me that's going to land it's going to alert them I can't even stop that I could have I could have done nothing to stop [Music] that bomb arm clear the area this should been a very stressful game eag from The Nest when you charge it and put it away it looks go on your back on it way the qule canyon get get have a taste of democracy all I'm going to say is that Primary Weapons don't exactly feel like Primary Weapons against the medium mobs I'm not looking for like god tier kills everything say hello to democracy it just feels a bit questionable at times democracy you will never destroy our way of life sending down support weapon how about a ni I did so well for so long dude no reest appr I should strike them refor I can't move hey there brother we got hey there guys we made it so you can't land on anything important because some folks are abusing it so we we figured it makes a lot of sense to make it so you can't use it at all that's our new idea guys awesome coming in I should have waited a few seconds for my stratum call Downs okay deoy support weapon deploying well it's in game I'm not sure if you need to know this or not but when I have a support weapon and a primary weapon and I respond with my support my primary weapon I don't need it again I just responded it's going to be goated regardless it could per chance be lit if when you died your support your primary weapon went further away that way you wouldn't mix it up as often there's the nursing spear over here that was having so much fun throwing grenade it's kind of funny it tosses me away and it gives you time to reload deploying equipment package H I kind of need to wait for that uning democracy have a chaste of Dem on play again out oh yeah I'm going close this I'm going to go do the [Music] eggs saving one of my things deoy support weapon would be wise to double back and grab yeah this makes the most sense I'm going go back and grab extraen ades that I just dropped right here get and then these eggs they should be the smallest no or close to smallest it's painful approved reinforcements have been launched hey guys we're back again they're kind of guarding my stuff but not oh no I have no clusters either I got 10 minutes got three lives I was trying to do a Flawless Miss and look where we are I could restart but I think it's G it's gone pretty well sending down support weapon get get 5 4 3 2 1 that's how math Works how counting Works got the quicker version I'm out first shot was not a forehead shot second one I'm pretty sure guaranteed had have been throwing grenad how about a nice cup of Li te Freedom has Prevail now head to the extraction point I see those nests that also got to be closed closed they can't push this way can they fre see like throw my sickle away from my stuff I mean there's Nest there but are they objectives I don't think they I think only the red Stu objectives I just realized I have a 4 minute extract toing that down and I also wasted my resupply mayhaps should go back to that and I don't have grenades there should be grenades here though there usually is a whole Canter grenades should be somewhere around here I guess not should have dodg proceed to extraction when ready all right the mistake I just made is massive I threw my res why I'm bleeding out not you again why it was going so well until it just fell apart request appr everything was going so well oh hey I can't I couldn't move my cart but it's fine what blocked it then Li please don't hit me get almost 30 not too shabby deploying support weapon deploying equipment package unleashing democracy democracy you crash into him oh my God like I said it was going so well 5 minutes left Liberty speat your step diver feels good P pain dude no request approved reinforcements on the way oh I can't I can't if I told you I couldn't move my uh my thing would you believe me it's my fault I shouldn't have died to many times no extraction shuttle INB how you like the CH of fre sending down support weapon oh you can't break that democracy what is the area to be close this thing for or the distance not area distance distance brother moved SOS Beacon imagine the first person to watch the video all the way through and see that would be rather mad minutes I'm going to be abusing whatever I can to survive here never die sending down support weapon I got lucky with that shot cuz no way that would not kill it two manoto though my sense is not have a of democracy it looks funny when you try and do that you miss a lot I just want to make it past you real quick okayed forever I need that I needed those don't mind me democracy's on it way throwing grenade that dive that that dive helped me land that shot my flashy getaway payload I just don't do enough damage gas strike solo I I think gas strike has been thousand times easier it would have also helped if I had known super I didn't know that eagle cluster bombs could close bug poles I was highly unaware democracy on it way how is that virtually zero kills enemy rein who was down fire in the hole 10 seconds clear Landing Zone if they could speak I know our heroes would not have us mour their L I'm posting that I don't even care that is a nightmare I got everything right 22 33 I feel like I was doing things I wasn't supposed to be doing I was clearing stuff that didn't need to be cleared thisel outstanding patriotism and all I'm really saying is I would have had a easier time if my flight could go where I'm like if my drop pod could go where I'm supposed to be a go I'm not trying to cheese on High Ground I'm trying to land on stuff like the monsters that just killed me or near my loot 88 3,000 shots fired my goodness I'll do this again on a different mission it'll be a solo Flawless that mission's a nightmare
Channel: OhDough
Views: 53,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 solo helldive, helldivers 2 helldive, helldivers 2 helldive difficulty, helldivers 2 quasar cannon, helldivers 2 quasar cannong gameplay, helldivers 2 eat-17, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 walkthrough, helldivers 2 map clear, helldivers 2 max difficulty solo
Id: OzBiPDngm9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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