Heavy Machine Gun is Literally Broken - Helldivers 2

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I think Steve buim SED in my HMG but maybe it's just a skill issue who knows howdy and hello I'm do hope we doing good and we just got two new support weapons the quazar Canon and heavy machine gun one feels amazing to use the other is the heavy machine gun which we'll be discussing in this video HMG is basically the handheld version of the HMG imp placement and is a bit stronger and more powerful in some cases than the machine gun it has more armor pin against some mobs not all and it feels really good against the Bots or it feels decent at least ver the Bots because you can kill every single robot that the game throws at you currently you can kill Hulks and about six shots if you land him against the visor which could be tough but still possible you can take like four shots to kill the shieldin the Devastators and all those medium targets versus the Marauders it's a little questionable very questionable actually insane what the why are Marauders like just impervious to damage am I the wrong spot any and you shouldn't really use it versus the cannon F like the small dudes but it takes two shots to them or one head shot which if you're going for head shot to HMG you're a mad man and you can kill tanks you can kill tanks if you hit the very back of it even it's not a weak spot you'll blow them up so tank Towers tanks you can handle them if you get behind them a little bit so that feels great but you only got 75 rounds you only get two reloads and the reload takes 30 years it's fine to have one of those be a thing but when all three are in effect dude it doesn't feel great reloading every two seconds full stop and considering how big the freaking reload looks like 100 shots should be manageable we can go ahead and find some science or we can engineer a way to get more rounds in that uh belt fed magazine clip thing my bobber that's just buy it's just buy two cents and more reloads it needs to be a thing we need more reloads if if you're going to give me 75 rounds give me four reloads if you're going to give me 100 rounds give me three reloads s Tinker around with that so that's something that's really apparent now there's a bug currently at least for me I'll discuss in a moment but first versus the bugs it feels fantastic when shooting B spewers it takes three or four shots they get killed licky split you're versus The Brood mothers it takes I think more than it does the B spearers if you're Landing all head which is crazy brute mother is built different but it takes around six shots or or maybe a bit less and then it loses it head and dies eventually first the regular mob Takes Two Shots against like the I guess like the really small dudes or the medium dudes the small guys it's around one round you don't want to shoot medium or small with HMG at least I wouldn't when you're shooting Hive guards takes around five or six shots so you can kill all those dudes just fine when it comes to the charger you have the same issue the H the machine gun has and the HMG imp placement has which is you can't do anything against the armor you can shoot the weak spot as all guns can and you can kill it kind of quick I guess but like I feel the HMG should have a little bit of armor pin versus a charger's armor like maybe take 30 rounds 40 45 rounds something to kill it if you land all those shots I think that's fair but instead you're just doing what every other peasant weapon does and you're trying to blow it back out and the HMG has some recoil brother I tell you what normally recoil wouldn't be a problem in this situation but it is you can change your RPMs and whatnot you can go low which I do suggest going low RPM on the HMG for basically everything against a charger maybe medium maybe high if you can control it but that's where it feels kind of bad and then for B Titans I haven't tested it I might test it you can maybe kill it it wouldn't be worth it though but you could maybe kill it not to the face you like at the bullets also bullets back out and not to mention when you're facing the terminat of whatnot there's a lot of them and they actively press W the robots will like sit there and shoot at you like oh he'll peek eventually the bugs will go to your your address your coordinates they don't stop pressing W so you have to reload um yeah not ideal I wouldn't recommend it versus the bugs full stop anyway the bug I'm dealing with like the actual game glitch maybe it's because it's caused my my armor but my bullets my my shots and whatnot are not going where I'm aiming I put my Red Dot on someone's face I shoot we're really close to each other the bullets go to their chest and you can kind of see where it's aiming from when shooting it's aiming far below where it should be like like far below where most other weapons would hit which feels terrible basically the gun's not SED in it's and it's way worse than the freaking anti rifle don't even give don't be like well AMR has the same issue just get good dude this feels terrible it's not just aiming to the left a little bit this is aiming up a lot of bit it's a decent margin of of freaking bullet trajectory difference or something like that and it feels bad and maybe it contributes to why the HMG feels a little sketchy to use here and there for sure actually but even if they fixed that it still wouldn't feel that great because of how few rounds you have and how few reloads you have in conjunction with the crazy reload time and I don't believe that every weapon should be that crazy cuz they don't want it to be that way whatever but I do think that the HMG should just be a little bit better but then again maybe maybe we'll be getting I think we're getting like freaking other stuff there's so many leaks in this game and I can't tell if they're a good thing or bad thing yet but there's some stuff coming in the future that would maybe make it maybe make this make sense cuz they probably want to have a progression system where these early weapons aren't that crazy but still it's good to know like what it can do what it can't do also HMG cannot break blue or orange orange crates little fun fact and I guess the only real redeeming quality aside from like what it could do would be the level you unlock it at based on what level you are that could make this a lot better because progression wise you need things to level up like you need to use what you have to level up so whatever level you unlock this at could make it a lot better if you're in game I don't see the point using it but then again I'm not really a fanboy of the stal wart and or machine gun like some folks are so if you're a stal wart or machine gun Stan might like it all right shooting this dude goes down pretty quick now for the Hawks it works kind of weird though aiming wise but they died relatively quick that's awesome and I can't I can't aim out cuz there's no base reticle I think there should always be a base reticle for a weapon I don't know why there's not cuz you could equip it yourself I want it when I'm aimed in like that I got to aim up like this oh that's actually pretty clean that is mighty impressive I like that that took me probably less than 20 shots whereas if you're like this you can still kind of hit your shooting that that's just bad I don't know why they make it to where you have to be in first person to see what you're aiming at cuz I'm aimed in right now but there's no reticle you can make sure you have a reticle all the time like this but I don't know if it affects being like this which I don't want a reticle when I'm hit firing I don't it looks Jank looks kind of trashy to me I just want it when I'm aimed in and this is trash because look at all the muscle flash immersion out of ammo
Channel: OhDough
Views: 217,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 heavy machine gun, helldivers 2 new support weapons, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 how to, helldivers 2 heavy machine gun vs charger, helldivers 2 heavy machine gun testing, helldivers 2 MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun
Id: Yuh5Q2D5gK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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