Why Everyone Is Playing The New Helldivers Game - Helldivers 2

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hell divers 2 has taken the Internet by storm the game just exploded in popularity with over 360,000 concurrent players on both PC and PS5 tonight and is still climbing after years of franchises where the game has tried to force you to become the main character the hero replacing our masked Soldiers with ones with wacky personalities don't be sad this is just how it works out sometimes it's refreshing being a nobody in a fourman squad sent in by the cause to take on hordes of disgusting putrid creatures with little actual care for you and your team's lives of course you are expendable you will die thematically I just think these games go hard GTFO dark tide and now held divers all share this feeling of impossible courage against an Unstoppable Force they also benefit from some of the most satisfying gameplay shoot bugs explode bugs carpet bomb bugs A10 gunun the bugs microwaving some fried bugs orbital laser the bugs tactical n bugs sauté bugs stewed bugs uh bugs and potatoes the depth of the gameplay and teamwork mechanics here mixed in with the relatively easy learning curve for new players the quick time between launching the game and grouping up to jump out of your hell pods into a mission all of this combined creates the best paced Co-op game I've played in a long time something I failed to mention in my last video there are two entirely different fronts to this game one being blasting bugs at relatively close range two distant firefights with squads of Terminator robots who want to crush your soul with their own unique strategy even the musical themes in the background of firefights are entirely different cover becomes more important and you'll be asking yourself if you accidentally bought arma3 SOG Prairie Fire Within the first few minutes and on the robot front one of the maps is effectively The embara Arc from Star Wars the Clone Wars running through the jungle dodging Tracer fire and all I can think of while taking so much fire on both sides is man why couldn't Star Wars make this game why could good [Music] halo not that I dislike the hell divers Universe in any way it's fantastic and fits the gameplay perfectly but I would love to play a four-player co-op hord slashing Republic Commando game if I had one in today's episode we're going to be playing some of the harder difficulties in the game not the hardest yet I'm I'm still bad at the game and trying to do my best at that but you can always see what difficulty someone's playing at the top right of their screen by the way and so if that number is higher then you know they're getting into more of the Frank Sinatra My Way Halo Reach objective survive sort of missions I really do think that the game shines here I think that if you play the game on the lower difficulties you get a you get a sense of it but these games go hard whenever you are barely scraping by on missions whenever one guy survives out of the entire mission anywh who in today's episode we be using the laser cannon and the guard dog laser drone to be able to take out a lot of light enemies and use that in a certain kind of utility role of my groups that I play with really like this load out for killing a lot of the smaller lightweight creatures and bugs running around the map while my team focuses on big guys a good advantage to this load out as well is that neither the backpack or your Laser cannon use any ammo as long as you don't overheat your Laser cannon as long as you're shooting a little bit at a time and you're not burning it too much it gives you a lot of audible and visual warnings on your HUD whenever it's about to overload you don't need to reload this thing and it won't consume ammo and one of the planetary effects that is very very useful for this weapon is that on cold planets it runs even longer and doesn't overheat as quickly so you can just burn through the laser on bugs and it's so much fun it's like popping uh little popcorns around the map now just know it's entirely ineffective against armored targets so you're going to want something like the Liberator penetrator for your assault rifle just as a backup so that you can pin some medium armor but it's a really beneficial Loadout to have when in a team because you're stopping yourself from taking that ammo you're allowing your teammates to have it as well as you're taking out the small guys so that your teammates don't have to waste ammo on them and they can focus on the big dudes I like it it's fun oh dude watch out watch out watch watch out this is the pit of death you don't want to go in there I've fallen in there multiple times and died I've got orbital uh it doesn't look that big though no no this I'll just do a regular eagle on it Go support we love that yeah these [ __ ] Walkers are coming in I got one guy oh this isn't the objective I thought this was oh we got Metals in there metal nice huge oh Bo what's cool is you actually have to extract with that stuff too I'll do orbital laser on this next one all right yeah youal I'm going to throw a barrage on there just cuz I love the turret suppressing you can get on those Cru servs as well yep thank you another you extract one St closer to Mission comption look at all the tracers coming from the right side oh [ __ ] my own laser why did it come to me you it came to me dude what the hell that's funny oh oh we got um got a lot of bots look at that got it yeah I got the tower air strike going ining anag oh ow okay we're clear you get over there yep all good oh [ __ ] got one of them back there come join you guys got a little separated go here oh oh my gosh you guys have some more action over here yeah we gaming in the oh did I just Kobe it let's go I got a lot coming in behind we got a Bruiser coming in where's the I got it yeah just get get a pre he's going to come around the corner just wait for him there he is that one yep y y this one I'm reloading trying to hit his butt oh [ __ ] oh he's about to start cooking W flamethrower flamethrower run back run back I got him nice nice I'm going to flank the outside wall I'm reloading again shoot him in the back yeah yeah got him oh [ __ ] atrt outside oh I can't move I'm loading hold on oh gosh de dead he dead he's dead he's dead watch you right on the chainsaws holy crap dude look at the legs I'll call reinforce reinforce we got to kill this bunker or whatever spawning them yeah I'm going call resupply I'm out of ammo for my primary or was that just a a drop ship or something or where they spawning from something I think oh yeah yeah there's a spawner there's a spawner nice got Walkers there's a resupply down if you guys need it it's crazy this feels like a whole separate game it is man [ __ ] another Bruiser yeah yeah turning you guys on a different side we got one over here as well I killed one on this side I'm coming to you guys I'm trying to flank this one yeah I've got him turned I've got him turned if you can hit him com coming now now you got him you guys got him okay he's like what the hell the heck I climb the FL on the side outside if you guys need it got small groups coming in the Southwest apparently these things used to be human H Eagle support going to run you're good there say hello to democracy nice reques Maring location never mind not even H him The Recoil oh big guy big guy coming up oh the deformation got him he's dead nice whoa those mines oh drop ship shoot the engine if you can yeah nice hit I I'm reloading reloading oh he took off chainsaw to our East big group that way got a eagle for theming anag oh that was too far oh no I got him I got him yeah that was really good okay uh right there extract is oh what is that Tower to the east with the red light now that's what I call uh the sa6 tower I don't think it's a factor proceed to extraction when ready sending in an eag it's their comms array nice so you're just tapping open the map and just going after all the small factories real quick pretty much this oh hell yeah what the hell what just happened behind Canon macrs in atmosphere left side the laser is just killing everything Laser's just oh my God run bro laser gets a little bicy little quirky sometimes man chill bro oh my God you know another cool detail is your ordinance actually comes out from your ship above us yeah that's oh so we have our own ships up here uh here let me call on a resupply really quick we're all L yeah that would be wonderful my last B my testicles War you are in of enemy artillery huh oh [ __ ] oh my God already from the from the south from the south [ __ ] we got to take that out quick grab Theo and run oh dude the sound of that it's so cool there like a weird whistle to it Patrol Patrol in the water you got a gun run for that uh I do don't know if it's going to spread very Welling again firing again firing again I literally killed all of them okay let's go get that mortar quick spread out spread out look up up up up up up how do I pigy big group in this in this yep hit him a rocket 120 barrage going right in there got it okay I'll wait then holy [ __ ] of enemy artillery [Music] oh can I kill the r with a frag I got the big oh no no no war you are I missed that come on I think that bounced too holy [ __ ] I have calling no you are in range of enemy artillery holy I've got to do this now how a okay got it there is a giant group coming in from the south on me coming giant giant group I'm coming back to you guys I blew up their spawner over here coming back I'm to support with uh gas hold on dude my Watchdog yeah over there huge group can't see them I'm orbital on their uh Mor gotcha perfect something okay that's one dead you can hit it with the uh oh I got up with my strike oh that walking barage oh my gosh I love how they even thought about the moment where you look at a red laser and you go what is that and then if you look at it directly it will pop up what it is so you can say oh it's a orbital barage I need to take this into account this is so nice so clean it's like you don't need the words unless you're looking at it and then it then it opens up sorry you're good you're good good cover oh [ __ ] ow I think they're coming I'm on [ __ ] Minun right now they're not oh there's a spawner try I got another air strike ready air strike's going up perfect big group on me here oh I found samples right up nice got that Walker I'm rejoining with you guys Dey the dolphin dive is so fun it is dodging at the perfect time is there's nothing better than that dude I think you get eye frames when you do that too oh really it's like a I think you get a little bit cuz I definitely like have dived out of things where I'm like man that probably should have killed me all right call an extra Supply I'm surprised there's no like actual jump over and all that oh got HMG placement oh wow this thing doesn't oh it does 360 it's is super slow coming in from a rear is that am I looking at yeah a vending machine yeah it's just like little LED bits throughout the game get get up right side dude the Watchdog is so helpful in the forest like this oh yeah visibility is just so low running through the jungle there was it was always shooting things that 80% of the time I just didn't even see and this shit's kind of light if you hold the rail gun in unsafe mode is that when it starts getting like is it like a the more you hold it it's just if go if it goes to 100% you die you so you can go up to like 90% every single time reloading that's basically it I think a 90% plus charge will like for shot V Titans and [ __ ] [Music] gotcha he just dropped a flare you called a flare yeah he's going to call in uh air so get the car all Goosey ready y there it is there it is engine hit nice nice holy crap and I call my orbital right there two oh my goodness oh we're here we're here good to go got gentlemen to launch in seconds extraction complete one begin okay I can see why this game is very addicting very what addicting add maintain our way of life got some um things there mantis immediately or stalkers whatever we call them stalkers can you see where they're coming from No I'm trying to find it all right I found a nest over here I don't know if this is it yeah I need some help over here with these stalkers all right double laser where' you die's down over there yeah just [ __ ] I was being lazy my bad Chuck it into my general direction if you can think que I got you reinforced as I can yeah yeah I got the one on the right got this left samples get out of here buggies buggy go home oh B Titan okay let chasing me come from where dude check this out how cool is this [ __ ] if I fire this rocket uh-huh if I dive [Music] prone let's try that again yeah if I there we go so if I die prone if I lie on my back and reload look at the animation hold it on my chest reload like that and then if I face down PR when I reload this time there's it under the body how [ __ ] cool is that yeah that's nuts it's crazy also like I saw someone's clip of just the the animations from falling all the way to getting back up are just so smooth yeah most games really struggle to make that look natural but you can like roll down a whole mountain and it looks pretty good yep just the sinking of all the different animations they're really [Music] nice mortars look massive damn it reinfor should get you pretty close to where you were dead I think he is he's perfectly still reinforc [ __ ] oh I have triple High Ground Centuries with M with fast tracking this is going to be a massacre this is going to be so [ __ ] dope mag hell yeah holy [ __ ] hell yeah America oh God oh God oh God I know I'm trying dude down yeah Dre's got it nice I'm dead and double ping that Supply so people know where it is calling in reinforce how'd you get up there sa the back side you just walk into the walls it's like slightly lower and you can hold space and just climb up oh I see y I've got it Mission M updated I've got the five purples by the way so if I die save my my body Clean Run trying fre him forever Heavy's front right leg is out got him double bio double bio I've got orbital laser ready I'll run on this close one uh yeah yeah get on this close one oral inbound holy [ __ ] oh no requ reinfor you on your body package acquired dropping package thank you one down two down well well played over the laser woo laser got them both that laser there get him dang I got to go coordinate the bomb okay A little calm now a little calm right now Jesus need launch now right that's the last thing I'm down there no needs I need actually fun you send that North Korean firework off PR wish they had fireworks like thisw a little form of them coming from the southwest honestly grenade launcher is really good man I'm having a lot of fun using this thing it's cool they're classic though aren't they huh that just classic just it just feels yeah it's just you know it's just really good for killing crowd's enemies no problem all right nuke is on how you doing over there dude good good Freedom love how you can watch where it goes too oh we got a big Force coming a lot of different directions and there we go we got to go Southeast for extract should found a bunker right here again said I found a bunker over here all trying to come support SU I'm good all right hey come let me hit this I got a heavy behind me right now don't try to blast him right there cap on your right through the turret my switch on the next Target yep y yep the turrets are my friends they'll never shoot me wow we got a lot here oh oh my God nice oh no holy [ __ ] oh my gosh I didn't even know they were coming up behind me I just didn't even see we got that thing that's all dog [ __ ] you want throw me on that b Titan I got you s hold on right here oh I'm actually good um I just need we got this bunker over here get some credits or something I can't P it for some reason ooh hey got it hey nice the en good job yes sir hey I got a record list if you want it for now uh my stuff is right here thank you though okay I better see a dab to this button two flamethrowers that's stinky and a sniper actually down there that's try and regroup oh you still get you get yep yep coming I got it right there I've got some friends you guys want come run to me run to me run to me run to me there a h bomb right here a h bomb right there H bomb right there I'm going to save up my stamina really quick then oh oh come on dude get my epic get my Epic on my body I'm re resupplying on your body right [Music] now well Titan out there see hey yeah yeah bring him over to the hell bomb here it's right there hell bomb's right there this front leg hurt I'm getting a cluster over there deep requesting a support bring him over to the uh bring him over to the hell bomb super good cluster bomb's right there oh they're behind us behind us big group oh bomb's going off nice I'm dead huge group behind us or we're moving thank you reinforce you on your body thank you back away from back away from my SES were firing at them Drew oh my God holy I got Auto Cannon Sentry up here too I got your samples clean oh there's a there's a hive over here we're wild Titan no way what killed me holy [ __ ] call me in on the B okay oh my gosh clicking the wrong buttons okay you're in on the bile there's a lot around it though get ready marking bile we do have the SE should we call the SE in on it uh clean might get it right now yeah I'm going to kill it right now got it oh nice God damn this artillery oh no watch your right side close coming left as well hey guys pull off that I'm clustering you move back now coming go go go damn no kills feels bad it was cool though it was really cool visually very appealing morale boosting even okay i' I've set up a AA turret Network here so we should be good to retreat got you running woo those sentries put in work man once you upgrade them yeah your [ __ ] beam so [ __ ] long range that's like 150 me what the hell hell yeah I'm sniping in first person right now so I can see the reticle easier you got them 338 photons in that [ __ ] yes sir I's on my corner here B hit the B here push up close up close medium and nice on you I'm hold on I got to throw I'll hold I'll hold the close angle I got a cluster right there hold on [ __ ] I'm out ammo behind you one behind you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] an eagle close God 11 mortars mortars check High we got tox ones coming right up our ramp fre forever oh wow [Music] I don't know how he still Al my gosh his head off oh he's still alive oh I'm sorry get my samples get my samples what the [ __ ] is that I got samples oh no oh my God reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce yeah I'm dead too last one last one last one last one whoever's alive grabbing all the samples I'm grabbing all the samples hold reinforce first cuz you die it's over I have the five out of five down below and don't don't walk in dude just reinforce Bri right out L man calling in reinforcement don't get in the thing cuz if you get in it it's over until we land okay we're here we going in I'm trying to get round you I guess you can get in oh [ __ ] you get all this my up top I think so oh [ __ ] I'm low I'm getting in holy I feel like um these ships they need like a door gunner as well on the back holy did you all for get in bio was holding me back Liberty has seen you through so in this next mission uh this was me joining karmakut and his crew of buddies in a level 9 Mission this was the first time I'd ever done a level 9 and so you can kind of see both me and them figuring out some of the basics of the game play which is just a fun mission us figuring things out as we go along requesting against there an extra Supply pack down that someone should grab I'll grab that's uh jeez tons of them I don't I don't know how we like there's continual qrf I don't know how you like stop that I don't think we can I think that's why it's called healers cuz I think it's like non-stop ones you're in contact oh helloy hello this is a rail gun all right we got to keep moving let go northeast dropped whoever's real gun that was I'm dropping a 120 to our rear turn my finger down sorry we still 380 yes on you want me to throw a 380 in there uh yeah in the objective you can okay I got to take cover oh [ __ ] I got to get 4 second of quiet and then I can throw it in I threw it in it's pretty far in I don't know if they all pulled our way I'm moving counterclockwise oh [ __ ] go I need to get that shotgun dude I can't get up Cara keep running no no brother brother [ __ ] I'm am I stuck oh no I think I'm stuck in here am I not am I Pro oh I think I'm stuck can you die I'm trying to are you like under the map I'm like stuck between two rocks I'm dead but we can uh definitely get out of here now oh there's two tight y we should get out of here dropping Karma on top of one of them think maybe not appro reinforc no I can't see anything don't don't even try with this three three of what's our move are we moving North uh we're moving North yes East and then North East and then North i g for my stuff let's see reload the answer would be no you know you know what I also did that work is uh when I died I spawned in and I landed on like the Cliff of the objective and I shot down at the eggs coming at oh my God right behind us whoever's the rear I might have an eagle on you okay sorry relo I love getting charged twice in a row oh my gosh he is cooking and he's not dead bro God lasers might be to play in Mass they are for just huge groups but they're tough uh we have a giant group on that Mark coming into you [Music] oh there's a Titan coming from the East I've got one 20 if you can get out of that Circle are you out of the circle now I am call 120 inside the objective Southwest everyone go Southwest [ __ ] 120 on on the objective right now there's still they just exited [Music] no call in I'm going to wait to call you in oh I just called them in okay nice it's fine oh there's a Titan on me you spawn in when able yeah I got you I'm try to call in a 120 behind us we need to destroy eggs here yeah I got a couple of them dropping a static field as well I've got 380 uh when we need it hold it I in blowing stuff up right now Titan just spawned in on me can we go back the other way uh oh [ __ ] not easily there's like three eggs though only you top of that is following me so I landed on it yeah I killed it and it killed he's go I'll try to no wait can we get him on top of that one there's two of them I'm dead too hey as I call you in just go for the objective okay oh my are you serious dude yeah just go for eggs we need four more two more inside nice all right run I'm going to just oh my God we running de C oh my God I crack myself oh my gosh get up Dude Where's extract Nar Nar okay I'm going to throw a 380 on my rear unless one of us is behind me or no I'm going to wait I'm going to wait I'm going to wait kma's on the other side and it's sou on there's got to be another Spore spew over here over this way you want me to start the plane yeah yeah just start it it's going to take 4 minutes okay I'm running we have to hold out for 4 minutes cuz of the increased call down or whatever mhm I've still got 380 on me and 120 probably can you drop uh something here take out the nest there give me a sec I'm about to call the plane and then I'll come back to you honestly it might be better to just keep running around away no no yeah call the plane and then fight off the if we fight off of the uh hlz and then run to the hlz at the end one of us has to be at the hlz to the to not give up okay how long is itri four got three and a half there's a lot of big signatures coming from this southwest yeah I'm going to I'm going to probably should I do my 380 now should I do my 380 now on that yeah the next way wave before they get too close I'm going to do it I'm going to do it on that that's a lot I would spread to the other side of the circle here charger oh there's a charger on me I just died charger dead there's one more on the right side though come on 380 come on 380 it's just hitting the cliff I've got 120 I may drop it on the center of the objective here oh God I'm getting bounc here come back this way I'm going to drop 120 in this Center 13 seconds there's also 500 kilo going down there's a nest over there that's my 120's Landing now holy [ __ ] that right side oh [ __ ] I almost died 1 minute 30 the left charger charger on the left quick quick quick quick quicko loing real gun God oh God hi [ __ ] oh I'm going to burn [Music] out oh God 50 seconds we get reinforc in 19 and another Titan coming in throwing air strike in front of you Karma 30 seconds on the shuttle reinforce in two one reinforce thank you I'll try to land on it oh baby got it I went right through it I went right through it you did damage it it killed it it killed it oh my God 10 seconds it's just you two oh my gosh come on just kite just kite just kite just kite this Isel I have visual on the extraction Zone Pelican one wants to land in this go the left go the left go around the okay y I got to get stamed dude get in there Flur go Flur get in there get in just get in FL just get in FL just get in FL I'm I should get it you can do it you do oh my gosh oh my dude holy oh my gosh Liberty has seen your throne so as you can see it's a pretty uh it's a challenging game once you get up to level 9 and above it turns into a very uh a requirement for your team to have some sort of Team cohesion or strategy to your build uh you can't just run and Gun in there you have to have some sort of tactical uh gameplay going on with the team but that's what's kind of cool about the game is that there's so many different very granular difficulty settings I don't even I think I think there's a few more options past nine um it might go up to 10 or it might go up to 12 I'm not really sure uh but the game is is is very cool in that aspect I think if you like GTFO if you like de Rock Galactic you're going to find a very uh similar game here it's just that I feel like this game has been built from the ground up and it really feels entirely different uh than any than any one I've tried before so I've been enjoying it it's one of the games that just like was totally surprising to me I think even the steam page store undersold the graphics and the the the immersion in my opinion but hopefully the footage conveys that even though some of the last matches there I was a little quiet cuz I was playing right beside my cat who was trying to sleep uh you could tell that we were getting really really intense in those matches so yeah I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,798,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JTfsQA4pCtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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