The Ultimate Helldivers Tierlist

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hello hell divers after the crushing defeat at Malon Creek it's apparent that some of you missed basic training I'm here as a highly trained professional efficient oh hell diver to fix that to help your tiny ape brain understand I've simplified it into an easy to digest simple and sure okay tier list that even your Tik Tok adult brain can understand first some Basics this list is based off of the difficult difficulty 7even and above I sure hope you're not struggling because hell divers 1 goes up to difficulty 15 I hope you're ready hell diver because we have a long War ahead of us the machine gun is the first support weapon that you'll get and honestly even after 100 hours and 100% in everything in the game currently it still holds up it's a heavy lumbering variable fire rate monster that tears through light armor on Lower difficulties on missions where you have someone in the anti- armor Ro it's Godly holding all you change the fire rate but it's heavy requires you to stop to reload and takes a long time to follow your cursor but man does that thing feel good originally I put the machine gun in B but after more fur testing it's just badly outclassed by the other support weapons it's barely worth considering these are my best clips and only after the fact did I notice that I barely got any kills it's just not effective at all the machine gun gets demoted to e the starart is a lighter version of the machine gun it's easier to aim and doesn't require you to stop to reload it is for all intents and purposes a worse machine gun it's fun to use but the most a machine gun will ever be is an extension of your Primary Weapons capabilities it does get an extra mag and if you want to run it as a primary go ahead but you're missing out on the downright necessary utility of other support weapons oddly enough I was going to put this in e but I flipped from preferring the regular mg to preferring the stone being able to reload on the move is just too essential and with both machine guns having similar time to kill the stal is just far more versatile both are still outclassed but if you want to run a machine gun like a primary weapon the stalwart should be your choice just remember that if you choose either you need to bring another another anti- armor capable Straten the antimaterial rifle is an anti- armor rifle well it's supposed to be in reality it can only ever penetrate light armor and must be fired in first person it does have variable Zoom which is cool but it's slow cumbersome and has low DPS and utility if you're raming for weak spots you're better off getting a marks rifle and saving the support slot for something with real use f tier for [ __ ] useless the Expendable anti-tank is a one-hot launcher designed for well tanks in this role it's all right a good example of this is when a Titan took a 500 kg bomb and then three additional Expendables to finish it off later the utility of this comes from the fact that the drop pod has two launchers each and the cooldown is insanely short out this means you can run another support weapon as your main drop an Expendables pod when you run into enemy armor then carry on the mission with your original it's pretty cumbersome when compared to the other anti armor options but it works and it's fun as hell you can also use it to shoot down bot drop ships if you hit the frosters which is pretty easy with the speed of this thing there is also an alleged way to one-hot a Titan by shooting it in the mouth right before it spits but I've been unable to achieve this I give the Expendable anti-tank an a for always dispensing freedom the recoiless rifle on the other hand is a reusable launcher that comes with a backpack of ammo it does far less damage in the Expendable which already doesn't do enough damage running solo with this is it's not great the reload is so slow that it makes it very difficult to use in the middle of combat and you'll need to use every rocket to take down Heavies plus it takes up a backpack slot which is a heinous crime on the hardest difficulties it does have anti- armor capabilities with that one loaded shot you can shoot a charge's leg to expose its weak weak point and at that point it's trivial to deal with it gets an F for [ __ ] but wait if someone else wears the backpack Everything Changes the reload speed is cut no diced to a fraction of the time you can rapid fire every rocket faster than you can call in an Eagle Strike if you double up on rifles you can go back to back for 12 consecutive Rockets it definitely gets an extra point for the co Factor but the actual utility of this is questionable you're now sacrificing two support slots and two backpacks the weight of which will be apparent when we get to backpacks it can also shoot down drop ships though the rocket is slower but you do get five shots we can bump it up to C for could be better the flamethrower was originally on my ship list I just expected it to be [ __ ] all of the problems we were having on Max difficulty were to do with Heavies so we needed anama then I picked one up off of a fallen comrade [Music] and you will never destroy our way of life kill I have so many Clips like this this thing is incredible how' you like the taste of Freedom it's a little fussy but it's a support weapon get yourself on a bit of high ground or find a choke point and decimate the Infectious insects just be wary of charges and Titans it will eventually kill Chargers but not before it knocks you over and suddenly your little choke point is a free Gateway for your enemies to swarm you it takes a little to get used to it it's not very effective against automatons since you leave yourself exposed to gunfire when using this give it a B for burnt bugs the autoc cannon is the antimaterial rifle on steroids it's capable of stripping the armor from charges with its Explosive Rounds okay scratch that I really thought highly of this thing but I think I only used it when we were starting out going back and using this thing to kill charges it's useless it has a high explosive effect but even for killing groups of light enemies it's just not very good it's basically a bad cumbersome grenade launcher if I'm being honest like the recoiless rifle this one also comes with a backpack but it's much more reasonable you can reasonably solo reload with this one but the loss of a backpack slot is always going to be painful the go up reload isn't really much to write home about like I said on Lower difficulties it was one of the first weapons able to reliably kill Chargers by difficulty 7 though it's near useless [ __ ] uh I give it a d for disgraceful to democracy the grenade launcher is the finest way to dispense freedom and liberty to the terminate Scourge it doesn't have traditional anti armor but the splash damage can bypass some enemies its main use is for rapidly clearing hords of enemies and also for destroying hives from a distance so while it isn't technically anti- armor it fills the crowd control and objective niches there isn't too much more to say I don't run it super often but someone on our team always does it's a great tool just as long as someone else is taking taking care of armor for this reason it's far better against bugs than Bots which I think is the case with most weapons it gets a B for brother you have raged all me across the map I hate Gravity the laser cannon is pretty trash there isn't really much to say it has infinite ammo if you don't overheat it and one replacement reload if you do it doesn't penetrate armor and it doesn't really do much damage this thing needs some kind of buff it'd be cool if it could melt armor if you kept the laser on one point it gets an F for being an absolute failure the AR thrower is what an energy weapon should be not many people like it but it's actually really good at crowd control and in some cases anti- armor it takes some getting used to it has infinite ammo but has to charge for each shot I can't confirm it but it feels like waiting for the flash of lightning makes it more likely to chain to other targets oh yeah it chains between targets heavy and armored enemies often sit at the front of a h and the first two shots you put into a charger will net you half a dozen kills to all the weaker enemies behind it granted it's it takes up to 15 head shots to kill a charger but you're likely to kill everything behind it in the process like the flamethrower flower like the frame throw flamethrower oh my like the flamethrower if you find a choke or get to High Ground you can just sit and decimate entire bug breaches without breaking a sweat the range is actually far longer than You' think it would be not far enough to put you out of the effective range of automatons but for bugs you can take out an entire Patrol before they even form up speaking of automatons it's good and it isn't like I say you have to expose yourself to use it and against melee Bots it's near useless but if you position yourself right this thing ignores armor and will slowly shred through anything you point out I will say though this thing feels horrible to use having to charge each shot is a headache and every time you don't charge enough you get blue balled by it not firing the AR thrower gets a c for could be useful the spear is well it's broken so it's hard to say right now it doesn't lock on half the time and you can't fire it without a lock it comes with a backpack carrying an additional three Rockets the real draw of this is that it can oneit kill tanks but it's really hit or miss as to whether it will sometimes a tank will struggle off three hits sometimes it dies to one regardless of where you aim it's good for finishing off a low Health Titan at distance but one time I shot three Spears into a Titan just for it to keep coming if it worked it would be a great support weapon that you can pull out for a reliable anti-tank but in its current state it's just a bad non-expendable anti-tank and the final nail in the coffin it doesn't have a team reload and ammo packs found at points of interest don't resupply the Rockets I think in a future balance update it'll move up to a c or even B slot depending on how much damage it does I want to see it consistently one to two shot tanks and reliably fre shot a Titan at least it is one of the few weapons that's effective at long range it can Target objective buildings and large enemies at what feels like infinite range if you can manage to lock the damn thing so I really do see potential after all it is one of the last unlocks until then I'm putting it in E for every now and then the missile is not sure where it is is the rail gun is God's gift to the hell divers when the automatons attacked and all hope seemed lost the rail gun descended from their heavens and in the trained hands of a holy hell diver proceeded to oneshot every Hulk in existence early on we had a day where the rail gun was free and we immediately realized this is the weapon of choice it can kill everything hold AR to change the fire mode to unsafe charge that bad boy and one hit most enemies like a true Soldier it's pretty much Essential for someone to have it for difficulty missions the only thing that's comparable are the most powerful orbital and Eagle strikes it's currently in a class of its own in fact it needs its own tier let's call it SEF for super Earth's finest as mentioned it can One-Shot hulks of a good head shot melt tanks through the front of the armor as long as the shots line up with the vent at the back which also applies to turrets one shot spitters strip the armor from charger legs with two shots one shot shield Devastators stun and even kill Titans if you want to use up to 15 shots it's un rivaled as a handhold weapon it completely demolishes Heavies which are your main adversary and I often find myself using it to kill the tougher enemies like spitters and warriors instead of Mag dumping with my primary oh they just I hope that rather than Nerf the rail gun they bring up the other options to a comparable level then we can have harder difficulties or more enemies I really hope we see a hard mode someday with impossible waves of enemies to see how long you can hold out an effective and independent team will all run a rail gun each but it's only necessary to run one rail gun if you all work together it is essential on the difficulty suicide and above for someone to run the rail gun simply to strip armor from charges legs oh yeah there is also the break action shotgun which can be found in missions there's un look behind you D okay let me see if I can one shot him nope so the previous section mentioned backpacks a few times since they're tied together they'll stay on the same name to your list again the order of the stratum list is a little [ __ ] so I'll order it in a way that makes sense the supply pack is the first backpack you'll get again like the machine gun it holds up relatively well from low to high difficulty it depends on your play style dotted around the map are dozens of ammo packs at points of interest more than you'll ever need paired with the resupply Pod you always have you'll never really want for ammo the issue arises when you either don't know or don't want to be on the Move constantly if you're the type of player who likes to sit on an objective and find the endless hordes you'll be running out of ammo fast it is also a fun play style to constantly throw everything you have at enemies which coincides nicely with running from point of interest to point of Interest killing all the guards and patrols before they can call in reinforcements so it's kind of a newbie backpack and there's no shame in that I love being a support player but we haven't needed that backpack in a long time so I was over 100 hours when I found out that you can self Supply this changes everything it opens up a new Avenue for your loadouts and with the self Supply you can be a lot more spammy with High consumption weapons like the machine guns and grenade launcher it practically moves the grenade launcher from a b to an a when used in this combination the cool down is too long to completely rely on it but the resupply Pod rearms you and the suppliers per rearm so you essentially get two rearms for the price of one if you really want to minmax it you could drop the pack and have everyone pick it up when they rearm but it's really not necessary the supply pod has like a 3 minute cool down which is more than enough just be advised that ammo packs on the ground do not stalk the pack you can pretty much call down the resupply Pod as soon as it's off cool down since most of the time it sits unused if anyone ever needs ammo you can just go give them some with this knowledge it gives some legitimate competition to The Meta go out and give it a try it goes in a for all the options it opens the jump pack is hot trash itless you do a little jump think about a jetpack and what you want it to do you'd want to use it to get to high ground or to avoid enemies maybe a way to hover by tapping the jump button for a few seconds to open up some new dimension to a fight the jump pack says no to all of that gives you one pretty small and clunky jump it's probably the worst rendition of a jetpack in games I've ever seen half the time it doesn't work jump jump Jesus [ __ ] Christ it takes like 30 seconds to recharge and it has a completely set trajectory you can't escape me I'll chase you to the ends of the Earth it gets an F the confusingly named god dog and guard dog Rover are drones that hover over and protect you the guard dog is a ballistic gun and the Rover is laser based the ballistics Rover needs to reload and has finite ammo whereas the laser only needs to recharge and is infinite the ballistics Rover is supposed to do more damage but it feels like it only holds like 10 bullets and constantly reloads plus just like the spear ammo packs on the map don't reload the pack so the laser is the objective Choice here although half the time I feel like it decides it doesn't want to Target anything and watches me get mold by 10 Hunters you come to America looking like that I will [ __ ] the [ __ ] out the laser dog gets a d for damn that's a lot of kills and the ballistics gets an F for being functionally obsolete The Shield generator pack is the savior of super Earth it lives on in Legend with the rail gun as objectively the best items in the game where do I even start this is the backpack you want on higher difficulties it negates many One-Shot kills and relegates them to Simply breaking the shield so first of all you're not taking any physical damage so you're not wasting stems constantly and it's essentially a recharging health bar and secondly it prevents staggering as long as the shield is up damage you take won't stagger you which is huge for things like stalkers Devastators and chargers chargers especially you can just walk away as they charge into you and as long as the shield stays up so do you the only downside to The Shield Pack is that it trivializes every other backpack for a while I made a point not to run it so that I could get experience with all the other backpacks and while some play Styles like stealth don't require it and if you simply get good you don't technically need it it just gives too much of a benefit on the harder difficulty missions it makes such a difference when you're not getting ragged all around constantly like the rail gun and some others it has a ridiculously long cool down so make sure you're picking your equipment back up and saving the coold downs for when you physically can't retrieve it the only note I really have is having two slots taken up by a rail gun and a shield generator really limits how creative you can be with VI of as stratums especially given that you basically have to run a 500 kg bomb and with everyone using this load out and the breaker shotgun it gets boring really quick super Earth's finest without a doubt um aren't you forgetting something [Music] no now we're on to the non-player carried strategems starting with the orbital strikes these originate from guns on the ship and are defined by their usually infinite use and wide utility they really benefit from The increased Salvo ship module which we'll get into later if I don't mention how many uses it has then it means it's infinite just be wary of the strategy scatter modifier as these will get you killed the orbital Precision strike is your first offensive strategy it's pretty generic and lackluster like all the strikes they can't onot a Titan which is where we'll get most of our comparisons from the Precision strike just doesn't stand out in any way it's good for killing a small cluster or a hive with a 100 second cool down use it till you get something better it gets D for how quickly you'll be done with it the orbital Gatling barrage on the other hand is a series of high explosive rounds that cover a similar area to the Precision strike but due to how long it lasts it can be used to clear an entire wave of enemies where the Precision strikes damage fall off would not with a cool down of 80 Seconds you'll feel like this thing is always ready for you and with infinite uses you may as well use it as often as you can there's no such thing as a wasted H shell it gets a B for being one of the best auxiliary strategems similarly the orbital air burst strike covers a comparable area but is in a line perpendicular to the direction you throw it does have a similar amount of damage even though it's not high explosive and since it has three salvos by default it can be used as area denial or to cover a bug hole for a decent amount of time it does however have a 120 second cool down it gets a c for being the weaker brother of the Gatling barrage the orbital 120 and 380 mm barrage are A peculiar pair both of them are too random and inaccurate to get much use out of although it is satisfying as hell when a shell lands on a group originally we would throw these on big bug nests but it's just ineffective and with a 240c cool down you could call down three Gatling barges the 120 mm is at least concise enough to have very limited uses clearing bases and hives but the 380 can't be thrown far enough to not be at risk of friendly fire without the armor that lets you throw further yeah it's cool but it's just too ineffective the 380 gets an F for friendly fire but the 120 gets e for extremely impractical the orbital walking barrage is sort of like the 120 mm if it went in a rough line ahead of the direction you thre it even the preview for this shows how ineffective it is 90% of the time you need a precise strike on a specific Target and when you don't you want a specific area to be blanketed with fire none of these cover the ground you want they're just too inaccurate and with a coold down of yet again 240 seconds you're just going to get way more utility out of others the walking barrage goes to E with the 120 mm the orbital laser is one of two strikes that aim themselves this one will follow targets until there are nonone left or until it runs out it can cover as wide an area as an enemy leads it and would appear to be an anti Titan weapon but even against charges this thing struggles there are two things that completely kill it a 300 second cool down and a freeuse limit this thing needs an extreme boo oof straight to hell with this trash the orbital rail Cannon strike is our other self- aiming strike it will Target the largest enemy near the beacon and strike it with a 100% accurate penetrating round it has a near instant Callin and aim time and with infinite uses it can be used to take out pesky Heavies instantly it doesn't one-hot tighten sadly but will often leave it vulnerable to an Expendable or a second rail strike sadly it has a 210 second cool down which is a bit too long for it to have real utility if you run multiple on a team or play slowly and stealthily I highly recommend giving it a try because it absolutely works but it is kind of Niche it does reliably on-shot tanks though trying it again after unlocking everything I will say that 210 seconds is short enough of a cool down between engagements it only can't keep up if you get stuck into long drawn out never ending fights if you use overwhelming Firepower to prevent reinforcements this thing is a super convenient tool for Heavies the rail Cannon gets an a for anti- armor finally we have the orbital gas EMS and smoke strikes the gas strike does kill enemies but it's sort of me it's good for dropping on an area where lots of enemies will pass through but it doesn't last very long the EMS strike is all right especially before sending in a destructive strike and the smoke strike just has better options in the eagle version plus I found it pretty ineffective for breaking the line of sight for stealth the EMS and Gast strike do have coold Downs of 75 seconds which is really good for consistent area Den I just feel like other strategems have more use try them if you have to spend your money I put them all in e but if you feel extra all right this is where the magic is I immediately spec into the eagle strikes I want it to be the guy calling in air strikes constantly and a fair bit of warning you will cause a lot of friendly fire while you're getting the hang of the Rangers the Eagle's deal is that it's a plane on standby ready to call in near instant strikes it can carry multiple different strikes with multiple uses and all on an extremely short cool down of only 8 seconds the catch is that it has to rearm but the rearm time is only like 200 seconds I can't remember what the unupgraded time is and on top of that the final hanger upgrade adds an extra strike to each Eagle strategem you take this is insane the amount of strikes you can put down in a short amount of time is immense especially if you're tactical with your re arms which you have infinite of it'll begin to make sense as I go over each individual stratum beginning with the Eagle strafing Run I honestly slept on this for a long time I rushed the bigger stuff but I came back to this when I was unlocking and testing everything it's it's actually really good it's quick has four uses unupgraded which is really handy for getting enemies off your back or clearing a small area since you can pretty much call it right on top of you I would give it a higher rating but there are better options even just in the eagle section use it while you're low level solid [Music] C the eagle air strike is the strafing run on steroids it calls in a bombing run perpendicular to the way you throw it it has free uses unupgraded and can be called in relatively close I usually drop it on myself in a panic and you have plenty of time to to get away provided you don't get rled this is my go-to if I have a spare slot or I don't know what else to take it won't be killing Titans or tanks anytime soon and to be honest even Chargers Will Survive almost all the time but it's great for clearing a small area quickly it gets an a for always useful the eagle cluster bomb is sort of like the Wimpy version of the air strike it does the same thing but it just never seems to kill anything it does get five strikes by default so you can put down a lot of fire but it just doesn't reliably kill even the lightest of enemies I'm going to put it in C the eagle Napal strike is a weird one it doesn't do a lot of damage but fire can be really deadly if heuse bright I'd say it's like the air strike but more area denial than clearance you can drop it on a bug breach for example or a choke point it has three uses before rearm by default there are better options so I'll give it a d the eagle smoke strike is what I would recommend if you want to use smokes it blocks line of sight meaning you can use it to lose enemies which is probably the most most powerful tactic in the game I just find it doesn't work for bugs since they're usually too close for smoke to block you for long enough to lose them like most strikes it's perpendicular to the direction throne and gets free strikes it goes and see because now you see me the eagle 110 mm rocket pods are phrased like it's an anti- heavy weapon it says it will hit the largest Target near the bacon but it can't kill most enemies it just seems completely pointless tiny area tiny damage e the eagle 500 kg bomb is the final Cornerstone in the triage of Liberty it completes the set with the rail gun and Shield Pack by giving you a true anti-amor weapon capable of oneshotting everything in the game by default you only get one of these per real but with the hanger upgrade you get two it's hard to get across just how good this is the only problem is the damage follow off anything short of a direct hit on the Torso or right underneath a Titan will not guarantee a oneit kill it takes getting used to but the bomb drops parallel to the direction thrown at an angle which can easily get stuck on mountains it's also hard to time despite the quick calling time you're going to want to throw it right as the Titan begins to spit stab or raw and pre it doesn't move we're pretty good at predicting its movement oh the [ __ ] leg but it will often just decide it's going to head in the opposite direction for no reason outside of its One-Shot capabilities it's not very effective because of the falloff it rarely kills much you do get the occasional 15 kills with one but you're probably more likely to kill something like a charger by having the bomb land on it rather than the explosion speaking of which if it lodges in a Titan's leg that's a Surefire way to have it not be a one shot you pretty much need a followup weapon just in case naturally it's up there in the trifecta of super Earth's finest you might think that sentries don't have much use outside of Defense missions but you'd be wrong when used right I.E out of the way of enemies they had deadly for clearing objectives bug bre es bot drops hides you name it they also draw enemies which can allow you to retreat from an endless swarm of enemies with a tactical distraction they do have one big weakness though Chargers to a lesser degree the Bots are pretty bad for them since it's easy for a turret to get overwhelmed but it's almost always me enemies that kill them chargers are just notorious for walking over and trampling them and there's little you can do they all have a cool down of 180 seconds the machine gun Sentry is the first and easily the worst it seems to run of ammo just as fast as the stronger variants do and do less in the same amount of time I figured it would have more ammo in exchange for the less damage or something stop it it goes in E damn it's going to be pretty full down here the Gatling Sentry on the other hand will singlehandedly decimate a hard if placed right it runs out of ammo insanely fast but if you put it behind a swarm those terminats will soon be terminate if you're not careful like all turrets it'll get destroyed before it can do much or get stuck shooting an armor Target for zero damage limiting its utility but be smart and you'll love this little gun one thing about both the gun turrets is that they will fire while turning wasting a lot of ammo so place them where they won't need to turn as much AKA not at close range it gets a c for the charger about to trample it the M Sentry is the deadliest of the bunch to your friends at least even now we constantly Friendly Fire each other with this thing what what but man is it good they can carry defend the missions on its own so you can go play whatever brain melting Tik toks the kids are watching these days given enough time this thing will even kill tanks and Titans you do have to be strategic with the placement it can't defend itself oh my God this is beautiful oh my God this is beautiful place it right and it'll last half of the cool down meaning you could theoretically have a motor for half the mission time easily an a for absolutely disgusting the EMS motor Sentry is more of a niche one ask yourself this why would you stun enemies instead of just kill them with the regular motor well one reason is to use it in conjunction with the regular motor which will increase the hit chance substantially but then you're taking up two of your four slots for a marginal Improvement I will concede that the EMS motor has its merits on automaton missions it stuns them almost indefinitely basically until it runs out of ammo or you kill the automatons so long as the motor is safe it can really ease up those crazy B engagements for that reason alone I'll bump it up to D the autoc Canon Sentry is the king of direct fire sentries anything in this thing's line of fire as fair game it will deal with Warriors Devastators Holts Chargers and even bot drop ships all the same place it down in an open Vista and watch the Carnage unfold oh I knew that was going to happen it goes in a for being the best Sentry the rocket Sentry is a sorry followup it lasts much longer because of its slow rate of fire but is extremely vulnerable it's much worse against heavy targets so unlike the autoc cannon a charger will walk over this thing like it's nothing it's pretty good at taking down drop ships but that's a niche feature in the grand scheme of things though it's just outclassed I would never recommend taking this over the autoc cannon or motor sentries and you rarely have enough slots to take two sentries unless you're AFK farming a defense Mission I would put it in C for its own merits but it's just Outcast I originally rated it higher but it goes in E because every other century is better than it and finally we have imp placement similar to sentries they're Deployable defensive structures they're sort of miscellaneous the anti-personnel and incendiary mines threw their respective Minds in a surprisingly large radius around the drop pod they persist for the entire Mission so you can have quite a few of these things going just be warned it's very easy to step on them you can sort of use them Like an Eagle Strike or Napal that simply lasts much longer since it takes longer for all the mines to be activated not only that the incend mines are the coolest effect in the game uh that that is cool even if they're [ __ ] that's really cool I find myself rarely using them because you always desperately need anti- armor they're not the worst but they're a d the heavy machine gun in placement is the surprising Underdog of the bunch this thing is incredible place it in a spot with wide ranges and you will shred everything this thing kills everything short of Titans and tanks it struggles with charges which will instantly kill you if they touch it while you're on it as they love to do but you can kill them with their exposed rear end which sadly doesn't act like much of a weak point jump off and destroy the leg armor I'll have someone do it for you and you will melt them the surprising thing is that you also melt hulks the head is a small weak point which only needs a few rounds to land to kill it or you can hit them in the back it has a 180 second cool down reduced by ship modules and will last about 1/3 of that time if you spray the kicker is there unlike sentries dropping a new one doesn't get rid of the last one the trick is not to be the center of attention place it in the distance or in anticip ation of an attack and you will shred them it's got the power it's got the cool Factor this is the only weapon that gets super F's finest on its own merits I hope they never change this thing the shield generator relay is naturally the disappointing followup to such a Godly weapon it blocks projectiles coming in while allowing you to shoot out and with a 90c cool down it seems pretty good right well aside from enemies walking in and forcing you out it just never sees much utility against bugs it's pointless and against automatons it just seems ineffective if you're struggling with Bots and need a strategy to help you're better off getting the EMS M I've just never been able to get any utility out of it there goes an e for everything just walks in damn boy and finally the Tesla Tower it's kind of similar it always gets destroyed before I can see much use from it or it just repeatedly kills me despite the fact I'm standing 12 nautical miles away I can see it has potential on bug missions only chargers and Titans really pose a threat and the smaller bugs get melted by it but I've never had it last long enough to see how good it really is it has a 150c cool down and I'm pretty sure it's killed me more times than it's killed enemies even going prone doesn't save me I would put it on C because I see potential but I'm going to put it in D even if you were to use it just right it's just so impractical there are better options all right I have 20 hours to finish this and I'm only just starting now so this is going to be a bit faster the ar23 Liberator is the stock assault rifle it holds up all right in the late game the main problem with it is that you have to mag dump to kill medium enemies so you live will be running out of ammo constantly or have to use a lot of crowd control strategems it gets to see the AR 23p Liberator penetrator is basically the same with extra armor penetration what this means I have no idea cuz it feels identical to the stock it's burst fire but if you spam click it essentially Fires at the same rate B tier the ar23 E Liberator explosive is is the explosive round variant I really don't like it in the current state of the game explosive damage has a modifier for weak spots but this gun just feels like it does no damage it doesn't have a real explosive area like the plus one and it doesn't do the damage that the jar five Dominator has F tier probably my least favorite gun the r63 diligence and the r63 Cs diligence counter sniper are high accuracy semi-auto rifle that ought to do more weak point damage or penetration they're much heavier than other guns and I find myself constantly unable to keep the gun on my cursor this thing so slow to away what the hell especially the counter sniper I feel like they just worse Liberator penetrators I find myself constantly switching to my sidearm when using these F the SMG 37 Defender feels a bit like the stock rifle but with a slower rate of fire that makes it feel more powerful and accurate it's weird I almost prefer this to the stock rifle because of how much more consistent is btia the sg8 Punisher is the first shotgun it's not bad it has a slow rate of fire not a huge spread but it does have decent knockback which is good for bugs but in my opinion bad for Bots cuz it's harder to headshot them reloading shells individually is nice but with all the shotguns we're basically just avoiding the elephant in the room the breaker has more ammo more DPS more mag supplied from the resupply Pod faster overall reload all the shotguns are completely outdone by it the sg8 gets a c the SGA Slugger is the same gun but it shoots slugs and it's blue kind of rate it but It suffers with the same problems it does have a mega knockback effect and feels great I'd go so far as to say it feels better than the stock Punisher but it might just be that chunky fire btia the sg25 breaker is the meta gun it has an average spread it's semi-automatic and a magazine size of 16 it's the highest DPS primary by quite a margin I have to put it in St for how good it is but it ruins 90% of all of the primary options simply by existing like the rail gun the other guns need a buff because even the breaker struggles some sometimes it feels like every enemy is a bullet sponge taking entire magazines to kill if they do Nerf it they should Nerf the enemy health or make weak points do more damage the SG 225 SP breaker spray and prey is the same gun but with more ammo per mag and way less damage like tickling the enemy kind of damage like the regular breaker it takes almost a full mag on an exposed charge Al leg to kill it but because the mag is twice as big it essentially takes twice as long F tier the SG 225 I e breaker incend is the same gun but also sets things on fire making for a wonderful fireworks display even though you're still tickling your enemies those tickles set them on fire which can be devastating for large groups of enemies you can even do it across the map it's useless against bots though eter the jar five Dominator is what the Liberator explosive should have been in fact I say ignore it entirely and use this instead it still doesn't have an explosive area of effect like the pla but it does do enough damage to compensate if you're accurate this thing can be really effective against both Bots and bugs B tier the L 5 Scythe is a continuous beam energy weapon and it barely does any damage it has infinite ammo if you don't overheat it and six reloads if you do F tier the plas one scorcher on the other hand shoots a plasma bolt that explodes on impact with a real area of effect meaning you don't have to be 100% accurate it's the only weapon that contends with the breaker it doesn't feel overpowered it feels like it does just the right amount of damage it does burn through ammo so you really to make sure you're hitting the weak spots it kills exposed charges in about half a m the main downside is that it's terrible against large groups or light enemies each light enemy is basically a waste to shoot at it does however open up alternative support weapon loadouts especially against bots the plas one can kill every automaton including tanks and turrets if you shoot at the vents so you can omit your anti-tank in favor of something capable of killing large groups like a grenade launcher or more Eagle strikes to make up for its weaknesses it's almost like a mini support weapon in and of itself it goes in s tier the P2 pacemaker is the stock pistol and being one of only three options it does really well even on higher difficulties it's a 1 to two shot to kill lights which is what you'll be using it for anyway it can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger and reloads quick making for a great panic button when you need to reload or get surrounded it is however completely outclassed by the next unlock but it's fun to go back to every now and then they really nail the feel of this gun it feels great a tier the p19 Redeemer is a machine pistol that surpasses some of the primary weapons in terms of DPS and versatility it burns through ammo though but as a result it melts enemies you can tap fire or spray to rid yourself of light enemies and makes for the ultimate G of jail free card when surrounded by hunters like the breaker the only real downside is that it completely outclasses the other pistols it still goes in s tier the P4 Senator is a revolver that feels amazing to use it is in practice however not very effective the main feature of this gun is that it can shoot through medium armor like the hive guards but with six shots you're sacrificing your most ammo efficient way to deal with light enemies meaning you'll constantly burn through your primary ammo D tier the G6 frag is a short fuse grenade that doesn't give any benefit over the stock grenade if you want a short fuse just cookie grenades by holding the grenade button FTI the g12 high explosive is the stock grenade and it does fine it has a 3.5 second fuse and decent damage though it doesn't one-hot medium enemies for this reason it's pretty spammy and never really feels like it does too much CTI the G10 incend grenade sacrifices most of its explosive damage for laying down a carpet of fire I feel like you get more utility out of this since you can still destroy hives but also deny areas blanket choke points or Cover Book breaches with them equipped I find myself using my grenades more often in general b tier the g16 impact is really nice if you like instant grenades you don't have to think about the fuse though it does a little less damage you also have to be more considerate when throwing grenades into factories and hives especially hives as an enemy coming out can instant kill you you kidding it's just preference really CTI the G3 smoke sounds good in practice use it to break line of sight to lose enemies easier but in reality it just doesn't work and I never find the automaton accuracy penalty to be very noticeable F tier there is also the Knight which is a premium weapon you can only get from having the deluxe edition it's insanely High rate of fire so you can barely control The Damp thing you can put it on burst fire but overall I think the gun is just okay C tier all right 13 hours to go I'm sure I can make the video even longer right so we all know about the meta build the breaker Shield Pack rail gun and 500 kg hopefully the inevitable rebalance that will will come out within a week of this video will open up more options but for now I have a few Alternatives that work the grenade launcher spam kit is one of the best feeling and effective alternatives to the matter with the supply pack self reload and how quick Supply pods cool down you can decimate large waves of enemies it's most effective against bugs but it doesn't do too bad against bots plus you can just act as a backline support for your team and resupply them on the go just be careful not to team kill them you will have to concede your remaining two stratum slots to The Meta for anti- armor this means take things like the 500 kg and rail Cannon since nothing else is as capable of a reliable anti-tank unless you can get teammates to dedicate themselves to that Ro the pl one scorcher opens up some Avenues since it fills the anti-tank roll mainly for bugs but to a lesser degree for bugs but it can't kill Titans or Chargers on its own you can make up for this with an autoc Cannon Sentry if you place it right or with any anti-tank support weapon like the Expendable or recoiless you can also spec entirely into antitank by taking the spear or rail Canon strike and Expendable which allows you to take on all armor in Bots and bugs it does leave you vulnerable to large amounts of enemies though so this is best used in a team stealth is an option many people Miss rather ironically by using the Scout armor you can easily slip my enemies you'd be surprised just how close you can get while prone to accentuate this any kind of long-range weapons become more viable especially since bug breaches and Bot drops can become endless if you get stuck in a firefight you're essentially opting to avoid fights rather than kill everything for all my testing I can't complete all objectives and stay stealthed so the strategy is more about doing as much as you can before detection than losing detection as soon as possible high speed high destruction stratums like the 500 kg bomb or autoc Cannon for destructible objectives smoke for breaking line of sight and sentries to distract enemies away from objectives and for retreating are your bread and butter it's essentially an alternative play style to the run and rail gun it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to remain stealth for as long as possible you can just use the stealth mechanics to change how you play you can also try the sniper stealth combo where one person Snipes and the other sneaks into the objectives unfortunately it rarely works the best thing you can do is snipe as many as possible draw them out then have the infiltrator finish off the last ones or use every destructive strategy they have to get in complete the objective then get the [ __ ] out of there the name of the game is to not get tied down because stealth as a complete concept doesn't really work in this game I mean we're dropping at Hypersonic speeds in drop pods probably made of tungsten what about that scream stealth if you have any more load out ideas put them in the comments below cuz I could probably come up with some more but I am running out time least just have way
Channel: Ricksdetrix
Views: 135,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, malevalon creek, tierlist, best guns, best strategems, moments, funny helldivers, helldivers funny moments, helldivers memes
Id: 34f3mBZgv2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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