Solo HELLDIVERS 2 on Max Difficulty

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well welcome to founding father of humankind that's what I name my ship I'm not really sure uh how we founded humankind here on a ship when we're too busy fighting the fronts against the automatons and the bugs I love squashing bugs anyways it seems as though hell divers 2 has been blowing up recently and apparently I've been blowing myself up along with that oh yeah this is going to be a good one it least 20 kills uh yeah so uh when you're playing in the higher difficulties or some of the other worlds you get some negative effects on your strategems and in that case it's called scatter strategy and they don't always call in or come in exactly where you call them yeah it Le it leads to some painful moments but anyways I had some comments or questions rather on my previous videos there were people were asking if I could show them a full playthrough but I think what they were really asking is they wanted to see a full mission instead of just some highlights so I figured if we're going to do something like that let's go on the highest difficulty possible hell diver difficulty and I'm going to do it solo I want to see if it's possible for myself but before that I should show you exactly what I'm going be using in the video cuz I know people will be asking so for my primary weapon I'm using the breaker shotgun which is apparently as I'm being told probably the best gun in the game currently so if you're playing solo good to use this for my secondary just using the Redeemer pistol I haven't unlocked anything else recently cuz I don't really use them too much and a normal grenade and something I can't stress enough is the light armor in this case the Trailblazer Scout outfit because it gives you a ton of stamina and speed and it reduces the range at which enemies can detect the wearer by 30% now obviously if you're trying to do stuff solo on the higher difficulties this will help you a lot so you don't draw aggro from every single mob that's on the map and uh you can kind of sneak through and maneuver your way around the map cuz if you bring up your map your enemies will actually be pinged on the map so you can kind of get an idea of where people are but yeah I figured I'd show you the load out cuz I know people will probably be asking and uh I hope you enjoy the rest of the video give me a hug and I'll catch you in the next one engaging orbital thrusters there quite a few people around here huh look at that I just I love that I love the fact that you can see other players ships like these are not the actual players right they just kind of put in placeholders here I'm sure but uh you can actually see the fact that they are here fighting for this area on the planet I just think that's really neat I don't know how easy this is going to be so low oh yeah cuz I have to do the fuel pump I have to do the power generator I even have to do the launch codes this is going to be a lot this is going to be a lot I'm wondering if we start yeah I don't know I can't do the Escape pod there's no way cuz I have to stand still in order to do that you need a team for that one so I'm thinking maybe we start with launch codes and then we go to the bottom right and then up top or it's all kind of far isn't it or maybe we start bottom right then we go top left yeah let's try that okay now that I don't need to take out eggs I don't have to bring in the grenade launcher and I can probably bring in the rail gun the question is what else do I want wiping out squads would be nice so maybe with the orbital laser perhaps could also do a cluster but these these don't always come in exactly where you call them I think a rail gun would be best and of course the stamina upgrade launch initi let's try this like you can see people calling in stuff on the background there that's cool sending down support weapon let them let them let them face the this is the fuel P so let's get this stuff in first I got the right gun this time I think when my game crashed it uh reset everything real guns on on safe mode right engaging laser take out this guy first it'll be a quick one there we go of course there's a bug breach why wouldn't there be a bug breach of course there is and it's these guys too it's nothing oh these guys are going to be tough all right let's get back to the missionary thing Chase my legs here you will never destroy our way of life that's nine an eagle never misses get some get some it's not about the samples but I also can't just pass them up when they're sitting there this is going to be no joke this run oh okay deling payload that should be a good one desty I think it okay it did die it did in fact die let's what does this look like up close interesting it almost looks like the charger in way but just bigger okay and now it's going to tell us to do the fueling stuff uh adjust it to The Silo okay I've never done this one before um there we go little puzzle I like that okay 2 a 2 b 1 B see if we can do this before anything else comes in oh no didn't do it all the way okay now we should be able to activate this complete okay now we don't have to fight anything else mission is progressing I really hope there's not a lot lot of these things later and stay itad okay we fueled up let's resupply the ammo now let's go to the top left there grab the launch codes I think this is the one where you just have to get the launch codes you don't have to actually carry the like carry the codes over if it's that one it's going to be very rough see there's a patrol over there but the nice thing about this armor is it reduces my Threat Level by 30% so they probably won't even see me from there I'm sure there's mushrooms laying around here somewhere as well those are generally on the outskirts of the map though they're little red lights in the distance generally you can see them I hear something up there oh yeah there's a nest up here so let's keep to the left oh boy there some more there as well I wonder if we can sneak through the center if we can't it's going to be rough there's something here there certainly is but I'm not going for that yeah I'm kind of with people I I do wish that there was a first person mode only maybe not necessarily a mode but just a set a setting oh I don't want to fight this thing am I another Nest here might be able to avoid them I don't think they're alerted the music says otherwise bugs charger there you know just being able to make it so that you can run around in first person if you want to cuz it doesn't really hurt anybody oh it's a stalker Nest up here did I alert anything nope we're okay launch codes over [Music] here near your location so I think I have to call this one in come on reload it oh no for Prosperity let the kiing begin there two stalkers okay I got to be aware of these guys I want to get them all in one spot so can take out this guy oh my goodness reload the gun that's always my downfall okay he's kind of coming this way stalker's over here he's thinking he's being nice and stealthy but he's not oh Titan got me that's not good I might be able to land on him though no I certainly cannot okay now we're a me the enemy now we're down bad [Music] here it's okay should hopefully hit him come on right in the forehead take it down see something I noticed a long time ago the Titans actually help you if there's a bunch of bugs on you wherever they spit they actually deal damage down okay we got to find the launch codes I'm pretty sure they're down here yep thought this was the one you had to call in but I guess [Music] not making progress Mission at 30 minutes remaining we got time we got time I need my ammo get some get [Applause] some another stalker two stalkers 29 minutes to go we got plenty of time tagging map Northeast so we got to go up here and then we go down I think it was Southeast after this tell you what I really noticed the stamina drain on this planet definitely going to keep up my stamina as much as possible though see like imagine you were running around like this see my last video if anyone caught that I had a bug where I was uh where I was able to run around it didn't matter the weapon like even when I swapped off my weapon I was always running around I could Sprint in first person and everything I just it made it feel really cool but man it would be kind of difficult to like always turn around and shoot and there would be lots of flicking more stalkers I swear this is the only planet that gives them away we going to make short work of them though [Music] okay you know what I know I'm saving the nuke we'll draw aggro yep I knew it was good to good idea not to do that we're going to have to get around a mountain here yeah there's a lot you will never destroy our way of life ma empty oh boying in to destroy quite a few oh my cool down is still 1 minute oh this is the special one grab that after I got to be careful these Chargers okay and the stalkers apparently I got to grab the ammo [Music] [Music] quick I think I'm next to a soccer there okay it wants me to log in let reload resupplies coming in shortly maybe we can go back and grab those samples real fast since we dragged everything away deploying equipment package where was that that might one was down there much time do I got I need this one minute on this take care of that guy quick if I get rid of this guy quick then this will be so much easier EMP no the stalkers there's more there's always more you will never destroy our way of life he broke through the shield look at this man 10 seconds on this if I can get the orbital laser that would be fantastic how about a nice cup of liverty let's drag them away and then I can run downhill little bit kiten oh there's a nuke here oh my God this is perfect yes yes yes yes keep coming keep coming keep coming oh shoot I'm on the oh I knew there was a stalker L I have three grenades maybe it's enough fire in the hole throwing grenade that's got to be it there we go and we're dragging them all away which is [Applause] great don't really want want to use the nuke right now so let's use a laser this might give me enough time to do this [Music] sequence go back for the ammo real fast Freedom Forever that was a lot of kill see this is why I choose the laser good boy that's called democracy let's grab the samples real quick so if you're ever looking for those really good samples the supers they're always around a rock that looks like this just in case you were wondering lots of kiting going on here lots of kiting mag's empty see what would I do without this Shield I think I'd be ruined get the fuel [Music] going signals good damn those stalkers really do come out of nowhere don't they say hello to democracy what was that sound fire in the hole get up get up okay what do I have to do I just have to pull the Transformer that's easy then we have to go over to the nuke side and pretty much do all this all over again oh no there's a bug breach 20 minutes remain okay we're done that dropping a p now we leave you know what let's pop a stem and keep going I think there's more ammo over here as well so we should be all right there we go okay let's keep going [Music] I might actually unlock the revolver pistol might be my next unlock cuz I think for reversing those guys it might be it might be okay to use cuz that way you can run away and you can still shoot them like the two uh you know the breaker the my main weapon for example I can't do that with there anything goodies over here main objective near your position certainly not stalker so far we're doing all right how about a nice couple let's calling a resupply is in Far rotate back over to that Ma empty for Prosperity yeah this Shield generator is too good for this I don't know what else I would do without it ow he hit me how' you like oh boy okay we got a log in the control system my orbal laser is gone now we we don't have it anymore that sucks that sucks a lot we got to get them away from the control panel administering Freedom might be okay it might be a good one get some get some five that's all I got was five oh that was worthless enemy baby they're just going to keep coming I'm going to use one of the stems maybe I can somehow do this I don't know oh the login takes forever yeah I don't know if I can do that I'm going to have to rotate them around and there's a bug breach fantastic you know what I'm going to drag them really far away and then come back I think it's the only thing I can think of doing also I really need that ammo unleashing democracy there I got him to stay there for a moment it's one down see I don't think you can onot these guys they are very tough I have nothing else oh that was close the launch code part is going to be the worst so I think I have to wait till he starts spitting in order to try and take him out okay one more rotation around uh oh there's a patrol down there okay let's do it this way then throwing grenade Jesus where do these guys come from I wanted to fully charge him couldn't come on big guy what you got you want some more I think he likes it oh we missed that that's not ideal 27113 oh I got it though I I played that really risky I could have came back off of it and went back in oh I might die here as well we got 14 seconds of the bomb now how about a nice cup of Liberty tighten down back Freedom Forever ma empty and we have a bug breach fantastic get this charger dead oh there's so many bugs over there they hello to democracy oh this is going to be really rough that broke my shield I got to keep running I need my shield back please get some get some it's just these leapers really anything else is not too difficult cuz you can kind of outrun them oh I should stop dragging them around that oh you know what hold on hold on still some ammo there ow man how' you like the taste of that's what we like to see big booms no there's another Titan not ideal we can do this we 100% can do this but there's only 10 minutes left let's drag everything away throwing grenades chck a bunch of grenades I should be utilizing everything that I have before I reload but I'm just not doing that bait him into a spit that should hit him there nuked him e one is try to rearm for Prosperity mag's empty okay we're actually slowing them down here this is great I think I got got Okay I lied another bug breach use the terminal to open a silo hatch okay we can get rid of these guys or some of these guys at least also got to get rid of this charger in a second can't risk being hit right now oh boy we got another one have a taste of democracy we don't have very long 1 minute on the bomb yeah so that's how you stop him from spitting but I need ammo we can't risk this oh those are samples uh is there ammo here I have to do the coordinates too I have 7 minutes for this 20 seconds on bomb this is Eagle One we're back in businessing payload come on reload the G oh it's not even going to hit him did hit him directly [Music] beautiful an evil never misses okay we got to go right for the codes e to missal fuel in progress beautiful I actually think I'm taking too long to do all this stuff I could probably do it a little bit quicker but say hello to the we're kind of doing our best you know stressful situation here no not a bug breach he can just run right over that huh listen Mister cheating okay launch and we're out Beauty oh God we might [Music] die yep oh the timing that was awful my shield just went down you may proceed to extraction I need those samples though come on kill everything Freedom Forever 19 kills Beauty I repeat 5 minutes remaining what is that thing man oh 5 minutes remaining we got to run okay as soon as I run into stamina pop a stem cuz I'm a little bit low gives you full stamina again nice thing is is I should be able to just outrun these things now I don't believe I have to fight them it's looking like a close CL one though cuz it's going to take 2 minutes to come back in so I'm not going to be able to call in any Eagle strikes or anything it's going to be a survival Mission how long 2 minutes deploying equipment package wonder if any bugs will actually come over here I crou maybe they'll just pass right by yeah cuz they can't detect me or can they I wonder if they I wonder if they actually know where I am [Music] this is kind of the nice thing about this armor I'm buying a little bit of time here no they [Music] know those pey pesky little buggers oh boy that's not what we want we got a big boy after us oh that actually kind of helped help me not joking that actually helped me 40 seconds on or 4 seconds on the bomb I should be able to outrun this and then up and around reset the timer grab some ammo along the way seconds 10 seconds get some get some I wonder where the Titan went at coordinates for okay The shuttle's Landing this is beautiful now I don't have to be in the vicinity anymore if I don't need to be we got 1 minute left though where's the Titan at is it still following me here comes the Cavalry boom now that's what I call Liberty I need to get out of here no more waiting around we're leaving well we died I think a couple times victory was you know what it's it's not easy you run out of stamina there or you get your legs chopped out from one of the those leaping guys and it's just it's kind of over unless you can get a stem off and just keep dodging it's not [Music] happening but that's hell divers hell divers too the Max difficulty it's definitely doable solo but it's one of those modes it's one of those challenges I think if you don't have the right gear you're really going to struggle that's why I went with the armor that's light I went with the shield it was all but the Maneuvers maneuvering around only two stars but you know what hey we completed it we still completed it I wonder if I should try the automatons next that's probably not going to be fun solo automatons is probably not fun I might try it I might try it but yeah if you were ever wondering if as solos is possible on the highest difficulty it is doable but it's tough
Channel: Aculite
Views: 1,166,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 moments, helldivers 2 helldivers difficulty, helldivers 2 helldivers difficulty solo, helldivers difficulty solo, helldivers difficulty, helldivers 2 solo gameplay, helldivers 2 solo max difficulty, PC, Xbox, PS5, helldivers solo
Id: nw7or32evpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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