Delivering Liberty by Unethical Means in Helldivers 2 (LIVESTREAM VOD)

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hell diver gameplay di 2 hell diver 2 Gameplay it'd be really funny I feel like or meta to just start streaming the first game and just act like the second one doesn't exist it's like what are you guys talking about guys it's another hell diver stream everybody's asking me to play this hell divers game you know to check it out that' be perfect Freedom I'm I'm so sad I thought of that idea as I went live cuz we could have just switch between the games with no explanation hey everyone welcome to a wonderful Saturday evening on Hell please stop playing your video game I'm gaming I'm sorry he's ruining my intro hey everyone uh literally about 10 minutes ago two new planets unlocked on Hell divers so we're going to go check those out and uh obviously it takes like a week for me to make a video so I didn't want to wait that long to make hell divers content so we're doing a live stream so welcome oh it's a one day for this thank you to yeah I am cool but let's see check my sensor check my sensors thank you 20 whole us um by the way for super chats and whatnot uh this game is uh hectic at some points and I might not get to so be warned where you spend your moneye the G war look at this planet ready be CH will the fish return I actually made a new be right back fish just for you guys you want to see it I don't have a be right back fish I go to the end you should have a be back crab yeah I feel like you literally have the perfect idea okay you guys get the fish for like one uh MC bill second the chigle chunk there it is it's gone okay um do we haveen or desert I feel you were pretty hyped for Desert moon or Dune moon or dun moon or Dune myus my Boon okay we're do we're going to oracus daytime you know I just realized in my difficulty is set to Hell dive right now so we're doing a nine right no no no I think we're we're doing a nine right come on there's no come on come on we're hell divers come come here we just got to prove ourselves we just got to prove ourselves love I love how are you guys already level 20 uh cuz we played way too much that's the that's the answer enemies of democracy never sleep thank you Derek uh good job keep going strong thank you and very kind um I love democracy again I will not be great on super chat so you caught me at the best time for that to read that um I also want to ask does the stream audio sound good is anyone too loud or too quiet so far negative positive positive I ended up buying an entire new computer in preparation for this game because I just want to make sure it would run turns out I was Overkill but you know uh Bueno audio good I'm seeing 90% good 10% goofy um okay we're good it might get unbalanced when we're burning a bunch of bugs to death but we'll see um which is really funny because we we were playing uh the Starship Troopers update and at one point in was like you know this game is going to die when nail divers comes out and I didn't want to say anything but it it's true now he's right that being said I do love that game so I I hope it gets love oh it's hot how hot hey guys all three of these objectives are covered in the the Spore guy yeah that's the that's the operation we we oh really oh yeah you know what we just got to unsp them by fire maybe there's another one we can do there is the challenging or no not the extreme you fear adversity I I fear not being able to see the wonderful desert Planet uh we could do30 in the morning sad if you go up to extreme we get different new operations but it's extreme difficulty what difficulty were we just on Extreme oh aers then uh it's still spores I think it's just a spory place we's just going give them one uh how about we go to hard and then the 4:00 in the morning one unless this is obscured by spores hey chat it's not D it's Pacman CH can we get a in the chat good look spelling that can we get a in the chat I don't know how to spell they're trying they're going for it let's go all right get the goddamn Pion coordinates La mine too bad oh what the hell damn sucks sto absolutely stole it wait what is this oh we're sealing buggies [Music] uh let's start here and then go do this what am I here yeah where go [ __ ] let's see I'm feeling a bit of trolling so we're going to we're going to do one thank you for the 20 G I'm going to do thinking that's probably good Gatling mortar yeah and uh for a sauteed onion we'll go for that I I'm working on a hell diver's video but that's probably going to be next Friday obviously so uh for now you get fish for now fish um J have you been gunned down by your own turret yet that's like the first thing that happen in this whole game to every player so yes yeah we have video evidence okay let's go about damn time Scorch is literally just a stormtrooper yeah God damn right Pathfinder ready for pathfinding let's go baby I'm so glad this game is good this has been one of the best games I've ever played oh yes there is for fire that Isa someone is there Friendly Fire yeah well this doesn't look like a desert oh wait it's uh it's 4:00 in the morning on the desert Planet yeah that doesn't make me magent o there's something right there down and dead yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys got that right oh is that the uh the incendiary breaker shotgun yeah you got the is super oh baby calling my little guy there's a dude right's building Bionicle while watching my hey you got a Crusher coming towards you hey CER you good I'm fine no no wait pressure oh my goodness great goog I need help on fire oh I have a concussion I have brain damage someone help when I a that true enough oh my God that was rude I'll remember that I'll remember can someone kill this giant I got him I got him oops oh he didn't loost on reinforcing see your shotgun no my shotgun how about aoad sare I'm glad the flame ended up being good Ste Js Js you have you have uh sh ready to power I have a concussion again I've been if we get caught on fire that's that's a occupational hazard y you got to dive she just standing there cooking brother die creature okay we're good all right guys we were we were overreacting a bit we I uh set tone on fire that's far of this game baby oh guess what Crusher please oh is it a sandstorm I think a sandstorm just rolled in cuz I cannot see found Sandstorm without the Darude oh I immediately for my S yeah you got what you deserve for that one now wait aeer how'd it get up there I want to point out to everyone uh we did not move out of the spawn yet yeah we should probably terminate these B oh there's only 9 minutes left it's a yeah it's a blitz I'm running Shield that my God Siege player look it's a it's an oasis wink I like the 90 different oil jokes in chat and uh normally I dismiss them but that'd be very topical for this game cuz there is oil Mission oh we hunting for oil spreading democracy for oil uh the okay first over here there's something really big over here excuse me seor is raining it is raining in a sandstorm this is a bad acid rain this has to be like a orbital fluctuations oh oh oh oh is that a stalker I think it was we've launched too much ordinance in the atmosphere I'm stepping in the puddle of piss water all right I thought J was a bug I was about to flick oh I think I found a SPO launcher you don't know that I'm not oh yeah I killed that fre get him out of here oh my goodness greatly boly scor you okayy I tucked oh you like Flames bud don't you uh there should be a nest somewhere right here it's chasing me it's chasing me hey you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine y sample G guess what's coming oh man action is coming action is coming finally hey you good this water does not put out you should di baby yeah but you would think you know well I guess I don't know if this is truly water that could have been like tabanag gas or something tabana G yeah you just jump in it erupts like o yeah immediately I need grenades I got two people on I need grenades on do not start this [ __ ] again I don't have the energy he doesn't any energy oh I'm getting up by a stalker I am immediately meeting my demise oh my God these drones I love the drones I love the flamethrower yeah I think I can tell I'm almost my character laughs like a maniac you're so happy was low on supplies took ammo left oatmeal good luck d That's environmental storytelling right there I love environmental storytelling the sun should be rising soon these grenades I still need them the sun does not ooh a sample ooh a sample O A sedy man um I'm sorry this is democracy Terrain in front of us hey do you see that on the radar they're here who could it be now I only have a a little bit of fire left so uh wait hold on let me call something in oh well God speed Soldier C her out that was all my fire left revolver or laser cook the enemy but democracy W it bullied the hell out of that bug oh yeah he God I love democracy look at that out of ammo I'm out of ammo also hello everyone that recently joined the stream I'm not going to be super receptive to chat at the moment cuz bu but uh I appreciate everyone that drops by yeah what's out here you guys happen to have ammo over there they have ammo maybe don't you have ammo down there yeah I have a one ammo thing oh hey guys the sun's rising out of this get it dude hell like hell divers love love that no it's actually Heaven divers we're actually we go up Rapture gaming Rapture gaming rapor Rapture the Raptor Rapture a [ __ ] giant dinosaur did did listen we both needed ammo you still have a primary I got I have kids to Fe flame bro you just slurped up that ammo yeah I took the Chug jug what about it I'm covered bug guts I'm very proud of you for that yeah thank you looks like I took a oh someone activated the artillery have 3 minutes left so we we got to destroy this thing right here one more hole if you find it it's right by extract ring shells upon them I see the bug stink ring we did it let's leave let's leave uh let's go speedr Runners yeah speedr Runners confirm actually there's goop there's goop here so much goop talking FL Soldier I need you to rtb back to base on my way oh that goes for you too get your cheeks to the seats you I have a gift for you sniper a sample uh it's almost a sample there's something foul stalking me over here it's see it found me suffer quick you're fine suff quick take it oh oh thanks oh good Heavens what have you brought with you uh that's this is a little guy hold on I got I got something to deliver don't deliver it to him that was worth it hey there's more no I won't G my T I love you scorch oh wait no I thought Scorch was over there I should probably hit the buttons I'm going in yeah do the this bu well that was not as eventful as the other one got I'm good B Bop bopal INB gun orbital deployment I'm calling an orbital just at that tiny little guy oh my God piss beam from space piss beam Jesus Christ well they're dead we won D we are itner thank you for the 10B St put it here partner put put it here partner put it here partner for super dude we are covered in guts holy [ __ ] yeah like a true hell diver a you guys got a you got a stem if you if you got a hook for man yeah let's go here's a stem buddy don't worry SC we going get you back a lot of bugs I find a lot of hey hey welcome let me get a sample why like an hey I dropped an artillery bar it was in my hand uh that's about to hit you guys incoming get down get down oh Jesus fight my uh my auto turret decided I shouldn't be alive anymore rising up for everyone in chat do you guys remember when we put all that work into making an Arma hell divers operation and then a month later they announced this game that was wild I watched J go he was like I seized up if anyone follows me on Twitter I've been like schizophrenically like stalking the arrowhead devs for this game for years so when they finally announced it it was like my my re have a rail gun did someone everybody gets rail guns it's the yeah it's a special event hey our ship left so don't die we have no more I need my samples they're all over my samples here okay scor I all I see is Tracer fire one's being angry right get on the bird we got to get out of here my samples I'm you scorch we going get them damn samples there's so many bugs on radar get in the shadow cyer it's leaving in two seconds oh it's leaving I see you guys it was good oh they di bab I really like that new planet old these another victory for the right side of History should doubter like you got to be a hell diver man where's your faith did you get the samples did you get the samples no well the scientists waiting at the ship us coming back covered in blood did you get the samples did you get the samples as little grabby hands yeah give me the samples what hand them over hand them over how many times have you said shut up the friends probably a lot cuz I have silly friends he beats us with a broom in a can no silence him shut up so rude so rude oh my God that's it see look what he did he did he's putting a pickle on us he just did it no Lun what are they l oh yeah where are the Tunas no Tunas yet fish planet has not been found we wiped them out wiped them out okay that should help keep the bug population in check what we got I got most of weapons I should probably get the uh donation access license gamer alert gaming over here this guy loves gaming all right come on don't don't mess it up now come on oh get ready get your big ass shoulder out of my way did you use the the ballistic shield for the bugs to it doesn't it doesn't really do much against the bugs me the controller yeah I think it only works projectiles okay I I still want this beautiful grass planet to show up I'm waiting for it some someday you're beautiful uh I'm tempted to get the guard dog robot that just has a machine gun floating around it is it is pretty strong but the laser one not running out of ammo is oh absolutely just yeah that one has ammo oh okay and you'll have to take two packs to reload really okay well that that that does it for me it does do noticeably more damage so okay oh yeah it absolutely destroys spawn to destroy our worlds I'm going to do jump pack flamethrower combo that seems warped I'm dripped this come on it's the Scout Armor man it makes me faster man come on man come on I put on the cool hat look the cool Hat's on look I'm doing the uh the Cyber Punk trauma team bit real quick what you doing get out of my you don't havea sorry I'm a platinum trauma team member excuse me what you say to me this is my f you guys calm down back there take my helmet off take my helmet off sh you got champ B shut up here shut up and it's too late the bugs down your mama I stole your pod stole your pod stole your pod okay how about it's another Pac-Man is this water or a Gorge it's a Gorge yikes okay so you want to start here and go sure here okay here or do you want to do this and go here about uh I think we I think we drop on the research station land on Blow land right on it okay yeah I think we drop on tilted drop ont Dr tilted straight down on tilted I take that back I don't want that wait how do I I'm here today to demonstrate the superiority of e we love Eagle shout out Eagle thank you for the five country humans okay uh let's artillery and I think that's very good oh I should have got the Gatlin entry I acknowledge all of you man I'm not balling come on man he's Bing on a budget man come on cyer is going insane over there no I'm not man disrespecting no drip flow they don't know they don't know the Str those won't bite us back you brought mines with you you fool yeah just uh don't run into it for your huus I don't think I've ever brought in mines and not stepped on them myself and killed myself I don't think I've done that once I've never had a Flawless mine run en remember when we had that glitch where our pod just kept slowly drifting out of the code yeah and Stu forever that was great am I on a tower it's [ __ ] here guys that's a lot of bugs wow hey you know it' be funny of I know it would be funny that's not funny that's a little pretty funny to me was that a 500 lb yeah I do off that like thank you nautical and Country hum again uh he's going a budget increase or a decrease I know you're looking at they don't get that much training uh also probably won't be able to respond to too many more cuz the bugs are here hey guess what's here my my my brother crustation gym I'm calling in the inide mines on us I'm drowning you're drowning drowning here on I just don't hit the mines I think it's time for a certain type of stream oh my goodness hey there's a Crusher coming out of the lake called in urinary support yeah urinary support oh my goodness may it cleanse the flame oh why is there still stinus everywhere I blew up the thing hey guys I'm dying I think this world is just stinky now hey what's coming oh oh I'm have blown I'm sorry don't say you guys say like that bro hey are you guys I immediately paid for my sins I'm just going to do that oh that's unfortunate to that's really unfortunate spicy I'm unkillable we're Invincible I'm God I'm literally goded on top of me oh oh I immediately pay for my sins yet again oh oh my God I can't believe that bug picked up a grenade and threw it at you T that was awful wild they do that oh that's right oh that was that was rough be so funny that's going to be so hilarious hey guys I'm back a oh you both missed hey there's a barrel right there it's on fire a bear barel that' be that'd be wild huh where's my uh where's my little drone where's my little drone deck I don't know this fog is wild I really like my drone Jack back somehow Dr I found someone's rifle next to a corpse of some sort yeah for some reason every time I drop my rifle it just floats oh Scorch I got oh dronin got some what for since you got back I'm grabbing your breaker gun so I just have all fire weapons yeah everybody want to grab the breaker gun but don't want to be a breaker all right what are we doing here uh want to go south and get that one sure yeah let's do that why is it so is this a sandstorm the N this is just uh normal everyday smog oh look at that right there I thought we killed that we did there's another one it's another one oh my God but there you go we're free we'll clear up now maybe just a little bit destroy stink is stink is deployed oh my God I can see I can I can fight this game looks so good holy [ __ ] the fire reflected off the water hey guess what's behind us you guys it more bugs we got cleanest stay in Los Angeles slos yeah cleanest stay in New York Ty what's all these bugs doing in my shelf oh let me get some of that ammo so good I just at so good Hold My Liberty while using a jump pack I didn't get to read the achievement hey dude I got you an achievement thanks man oh it was you it was you oh yeah you did it you feel better now oh no guys okay here have a Fire Grenade sniper huh I picked up Fire Grenade you why'd you throw a fit so rude yeah um I'm going to have to report you to the super Earth democracy Comm it's down there going have to jail you if you keep on friendly firing where's my breaker breaker breaker oh uh where's you guys got a lot of you probably I don't I don't know where my gear went I'm going to be real grenade it was a break up you need to calm down with the impact grenades they're so good they are a breaker finally I have my breaker uh can someone call me in um opening my phone thank you cyer call reinforce hello lot bu lot bu [Music] lot okay we may have taken some minor casualties but we still go kill those eggs I want the sandstorm to go away AR Thro ah Zeus attacked me please don't tell me Scorch as an arc thrower it's over it's electricity the power of God I believe sir he has a you say why did you become French I don't know I don't know what happened my cond bled out yeah my hey one in the chat myen requal yeah just BL that up for me if you could careful with that thing hey you don't want the flamethrower okay the AR throwing way worse oh my God electricity is a predictable science all right it's not I I I have this specific image I was showing around where it literally went off screen and killed gems maybe it was just a a there's a breach there's a breach throwing grenade this is what the flamethrowers for baby you like that you like that cleanse oh hey the this storm wherever it went is gone now oh okay I think I've been AR thrown I think you got hit by a bug oh yeah there's fire over there tone look at oh enemy reinforc behind us flip through a guy doing the thing they're stabbing me burn hey to oh thank you yeah I got you I got out of am kind of you kind of good at kind of good at it all right let me go get my drone in I knew it was coming I tried to get away the range of that thing is crazy it's so good so good at killing enemies the pgs was this a weapon truly me super Earth I every time I use I just think of District 9 no one good po democracy has landed I'm not I'm not killing the pr I'm not killing a PR I'm not killing the pr stop in District N maun I hate my not killing noon I love big I'm not [ __ ] killing a PR I'm going I'm going incognit I got to get my Zas okay I'm going I'm going deep Behind Enemy Lines the patrols won't see me oh there's a lot of piss over here we're going in you heard them there's a lot of p over there we should probably help thank you thank you at least someone's listening to the Scout reports go no killing the stop what does he even mean what's wrong with [Music] him you see that over there bomb camps hit fil no oh my God my drone gave me away oh no now he's in a fight for his life contact we're in contact die already you good yeah we're go we're okay super super credits super credit super Earth let me get some of that ammunition yeah you got you got some Critters coming towards you cyer possibly a what is this this game about it's satirical take on all sci-fi genres while also uh hyperbolized in American society and it's fantastic all right whatever yapping said it's for super yeah do not call me yappert that's a real super citizen oh I'm sorry the Yap station went on crazy oh there's a lot of bugs I think it's time for the orbital laser I think it might be um where's the eggs at eyes on egg hey there's no juice left in this thing just F holy eggs Batman I might be on fire but it's just bouncing off this is my walkway you are not permitted to pass oh my God the giant laser on the crusher Crushers sorry there is a second something in is that my favorite AR 3 YouTuber Ruby D I'm a hell di YouTuber now I've changed oh my God the switch up is crazy it's so bad I've I've abandoned you all I'm sorry I'm not going down there I'm not I'm not I'm not getting that Crusher you can handle him well yeah he's already on me oh they're coming up they have wings or that was just a rag doll I'm not sure di armop when we technically did do that before I knew this game was going to exist um you down there look like I'm okay I cleanse from AAR okay don't me I'm the great fire seraphim well they're crawling up here dude that's wild die yo this is Deep Rock Galactic I love this game says someone in chat thank you for the two and the 6 sarian me open uh I can't wait for you to experience the hell that suicide mission every we've completed up to the impossible difficulty uh we haven't done a hell dive yet which is the oh my God Cypher catch me Cypher catch me catch me okay damn I think you bounced think my uh neck is out of line yeah just inject some of that wizard weed wizard weed absolute dank is the visard V vizard Ved I need a resupply my friends I will more there some of that clus demo D oh oh he's gone hey what's that what's that oh threr hey guys I'm just for some supplies I got killed by my own drone hey that's a lot of guys gor yeah another day another Victory I just realized there's 2,000 people that's crazy oh oh ready to liberate [ __ ] I don't know how many is in mine but I love them all anyways I'm on fire yeah my baby [ __ ] Dam it hey the crusher's coming for you oh my shield didn't work I'm getting at the rail gun oh my goodness oh they're Dr oh my character just ascended from the pool like an angel did you guys see that holy [ __ ] what not oh supp get him Auto cannon turret my days first R the stream I watched say uh Jericho I can't pronounce that name I'm sorry uh well it's a rare I only do like two streams a year so hell divers got one this is this is a damn Bug Hole the Fantastic part about the rail gun is it has uh the safe and then the unsafe mode wow one of our teammates is dead why did I kill you remember reinforcing cuz you dropped it like 3 from me there's a solid rock in between you and the bomb must have been very solid bomb don't bomb don't discriminate we should probably get to the eggs before we lose all our lives we won't lose all our lives uh also for those asking hopefully this will be a public VOD afterwards for people that cannot watch the entire thing and want to yeah yeah yeah all public VOD Watchers donate $5 in the chat for the public VOD Watchers shout out no we got to close the holes close the H Watchers skip 30 seconds meis oh you bug bastard holy how many those are here guess what's behind me more bombs I'm out of grenade hey the creatures approach could die impossible this can't be I'm throwing a air strike oh okay well I'm leaving be prepared I'm also clear this hole run for your life run for your life if you can y it's it's run for life is that a is that a 380 oh bar what's behind me this time I can call in a 380 goes see what I have to deal with Chad tell him nuh guess what he does does it anyway hey there's a leader behind you hey the artillery bombardments here thank God he's going this guy need a rail gun I missed I missed requ throwing that one didn't miss stamina's back we're pushing towards egg site Delta the EDF deploys I feel like you could pick any sci-fi genre game and you can find a way where it fits here this reveal I don't think I I don't think I'll do that one would that even be I just take a picture of we'll skip that stream we'll skip that stream take going off look did isn't uh the next evf game about to launch too it's launched already on Console PC maybe okay yeah it's been out for like a year I in some change on uh PlayStation consoles and Japan yeah I don't even think the US got the copy yet mine PC I almost landed head first on a death oh my God I'm dying I'm dying that would have been very com n you're fine I'm not that's the part that's the part that's not true I'm not Jes Christ he was not kidding I'd like to hope that uh my mic picked at me frantically hited every single key on my keyboard no unfortunately you have very good noise supression so none of that ped came through it was is your sweet Supple my refor sweet Supple I return yeah squish something I'm I'm at the the Hatcher burning I'm burning hey guys I don't have any bullets whatsoever uh Reon okay I've set the Hat resupplies an executive decision hey does that guy have a head okay hey uh this is this 222 I got a Patty wagon full of bug coming in in the back onagon on Andy we riding in that goddamn P wagon he's fine whatever he's doing is there ammo any ammo yeah right here right here hey your guard dog uh Cypher just bit me that your little laser Dr it's uh it's called Princess for a reason hey there's another Crusher yes my God hey guys we have five reinforcements left we should leave let's leave oh my God oh my God cyer somehow killed me I'd like to know how cuz I saw he bugged the cap I think that was a a false flag is actually a cation supporter right let's get you guys back in oh yeah guess what's coming more something behind you no there's multiple somethings remember me for your birth you okay oh my God someone should activate the oh guess who's here oh is it dead it's dead we should leave I didn't get the privilege of dying yet no my inside mind Liberty save me do that Liberty save me I know definitely someone has said scity saved me I know someone has something's wrong with you in the brain being what do you mean wrong with the mines are here don't don't step on those oh why I always forget how big that is I think I've died probably four times more Discord I have the bugs this session that's landed I I think it's accurate in fact to the enemy I think we're got to hit it with the super laser for one last time oh I wanted to call it my at the same time I forgot to bring It come on come on Kyle what are you doing yeah I'm letting you down it looks like a apocalyptic war zone over there also thank you sp for the dollar I love dollars I just I just thought I would fit J sorry Richard that's better you take Richard you is this intera once alive with a cman hum the abandoned machine Now lies dorm I think a forklift used to be here and you atomized it yeah well you know it wasn't serving super Earth at the time so it was the bugs approach not necess this is honestly not that bad 30 seconds we go call that in holy [ __ ] Joshua uh thank you for the $200 us and just for calm down I do a Dark Soul stream that's not happening I stepped on my Minds I knew it I was distracted by the donation you're distracted by chat I st on my own godamn inside the prophecy comes full circle bro you want some the bad di too oh was rough oh the Crush in your mines shoot the Min shoot the mines oh gu only has a submachine gun is your where's the ship right here what's up chat it's me your boy your Bo ship oh oh no oh that's so sad so sad I'm not making it home CH damn oh s for scream for super piss for super piss I did it you didn't have to do that you're so susceptible to chat pressure um I I tried to get into the ship and my character decided to Vault on top of it and get atomized by a Gatlin run we'll remember Jay um he was um what was he doing um out dying uh that's right that's right he fought off the bug so we could Escape that's right that's what the action report's going to say at least and not that was vaporized by our own run the the ministry of Truth [ __ ] guy Min of tooth redaction I'm sorry I'm level 20 now I get the funny level 20 stuff hell yeah what do you get at level 20 it's just the chief thing right you get the shield you can get the I thought the shield wasin missile the javelin hey guys I'm to the side don't worry off to the right keeping the ship warm yeah thanks for the thanks for the hot coffee that's crazy thank you a done Joshua that was wild that's that's a definitely more generous than uh needed but thank you nonetheless there so scar brother no chat kill that man no no no no you can't do this to me this this is like the one time I can say it anotic cuz I say it all the time so chat crush his skull you can't do this on my stream as well forcing people to kill me okay time to time to change the helmet is the EMS Mort good yeah keep people in place there need to be a flamethrower Sentry Steve from I miss Steve bro Execute Order 66 it will be done I'm grabbing the the orbital Cannon rail gun but but it makes me I'll get a flamethrower the flamethrowers are fun I should get the Nall next time I have the the credits doing a quad flamethrower you know what that sound like a good idea that's a great idea what the name God we're so oh this is a defense oh perfect really a defense y in the name of our Lord Liberty okay that that message right there sorry Cipher your Sigma R was too scurity go to Ohio you're get now got to Ohio you're get now okay okay got and get out of here they get me oh you're saying Terrible Things oh yeah yep yeah you are well I'm going to drink some of my tonic Brew it's just Red Bull it's just red I'm uh I think I think we're dropping right here guys here I've thought about that suggestion but I've also thought about right here as well also is when the foot long was still $5 what the foot long now dude I remember when the the whole foot do I'm dying uh Subway foot long $5 foot long going on and I was in Anchorage Alaska and the clerk stared at me with the worst possible expression like sorry ours aren't $5 we're in Anchorage Alaska he opened his dark book of necronom cric and [ __ ] casted de it was it was like seven $30 God you cold water after brushing your teeth I'm bringing two mines this time why I think I they cancel out really they cancel out no launch initiate we're going to die grabs you by your shoulders we're going to die 1,500 isk is it isk the currency from uh Evon line I don't know what that I'm sorry if that was me I don't I don't know what currency that is but I appreciate it yeah how dare you make fun of the free curreny what the hell did I just land on what what am I on okay uh I sled okay that's cool oh you're you're one of the two people that live in Iceland that's kind of badass I hat it here where are we holding up I think we should go to fener after this where's uh where's our base of operations I'm going to I'm going to jump off this big thing that'll be pretty funny put This Ti up here oh Eve was made by Icelander okay that's deep lord well now that makes sense it's all adding up I I hope he's not just gaslighting me because I fully believe that would be very funny I think he's right though okay there's a breach uh don't go there anymore requ foric I finally fortifications uhoh the mines I like how the mines were scattered like on the walls of the buildings too what's that that sounds big is that a i don't no I'm just going to thr in this direction would it be a bot Titan right here they wouldn't yeah let's throw someb over and Henry for money I love money they got he's sliding he's sliding mening animation caning no uh let I'm bad at calling in things don't worry any second now there it is have learned new movement Tech kill oh oh I'm being jammed hey Sor that's getting kind of close that's getting kind of close that's fine y oh my you tell I'm good I'm good he dead oh my God someone hey what's uh what's sound is oh yeah don't get too close to the laser I the the laser isn't real anymore I think you broke it oh it's gone it's gone okay saying i' break things you know what that's so rude how could you do that I'll see you in court I'm sorry you see me in court I'll see you in court court of Truth yeah your hand scor hey what is that he's he's trying to taunt you so he drops his 500 kg bomb look you I feel the Tool uh Deep Rock Galactic I do plan to make a video on at some point it's hard to now right now with this game existing but back Shots part two hey you want to get out of there I backed over into a land mine field oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my you sure did the mine field you play yet again he never learn uh my object permanence is not fully developed in my brain more like shoped wait wait okay never mind we should probably call you in huh hey welcome back to the fight hey guys I'm back in the fight that is that the EMS mortar yeah yeah I have both of my mortar up there away hey they found me guys they found me well the double Mortage is probably a strong combo oh combo oh I'm setting that dude on fire hey you're doing great over there hey can you guys help me over there I'm working on it can you save my little I don't want to hurt so you can save them are you putting me back yeah hi on the feet I do know what the lady's like watch out I think I just broke my spine oh they found me oh yeah all in your organs oh he's mad about that he's so mad he's so mad he's actually hug he's actually oh my goodness help me they're bullying me to death they f to be like an omelet dude speaking of omelets I had one this morning thank you I can go for anly hey hey Roof oh I've made a terrible decision I'm bad at calling there we go my leg oh oh please die your convenience bug my leg is broken it's every SC you want to help me I'm going for I'm hey call me b Bop idiot idiot idiot uhoh his brother's here guess who it is big and his brother bck him prevails once more holy moly holy smoly thank you frie the Frisbee again frisbee but no Jay made it it was that time I made it it was Scorch a wonderful Warrior Scorch I didn't hit the ground in time oh my God I'm balling chat is confirmed I'm balling my chat says uh you heard pip chat we got to kill Cipher with hammers now so don't know how you're going to deal with that I ignore them anti- Hammer I put up my anti-am shield 0% liberated o we tried now we go the moon you want to go to Moon Yeah I want to see and then we should do automatons to hit it out yeah damn where is Scorch I don't know man he's off the screen for me I see part of his name to the left over here over over here uh who won on friendly fire damage uh Cipher by far woo baby put one here wait where are you uh did I get medals yeah oh sons of Gorgan put it here I'm getting the ceremonial armor that does the weird death defies thing oh yeah yeah put it here oh yeah put it here I'm getting the high five put it here put it here put it here come on that wasn't a high five at all bring it up bring it up here what the hell you doing here come on hey Brash tactics shut up Brash is on TV you will get shot at yeah yeah we will br oh my God remember your I you and you will never die always be taking C I don't know if does that Mak sense to me oh the te went little that's awesome we should do that c isick and Lely impet that makes sense that makes sense real oh God he's so smart God I love that guy oh God Brash tactics St up oh that was awesome we did that all right what are we doing uh we're going to fener the home of the Space Wolves oh my stole that fory this guy don't we we only eat worlds here none of that [ __ ] we only eat worlds here we don't do none of that man blood is the [ __ ] it's true we love carving skulls we do we do hey Jack Douglas thanks for the 10 uh playing this game against a robot which are bombing us with all the artill dude the robots are so fun to play uh we'll hopefully be doing a campaign against the robots to end the stream at so we're we'll probably be streaming for another hour or two because this game is far too fun come here come here no come here NOP here you guys good yeah hey Scorch be warned I'm going to put us in the war travel territory where will you join them I'm going to pause send us into the Pod I don't think there's a single one in daytime right now go up to extreme uh so true so true not single one in daytime there's maybe one just one kind of uh was there one super late at night hey look there's and gu troops in the field we got troops in the field there's one at like dusk hell yeah uh you have a strategic eye you hear that you have a strategic eye uh extreme cold is it still stinus this is stinus oh my God kind of want to see the planet is the wild fire we could do suicide mission yeah there's a suicide mission in the middle of the day look it's we only have to like sign a waiver that we never return to the ship uh does this game have crossplay someone asked it does you can play it between consoles and PC it's not stinkers let's go send us in uh EXT I didn't know extreme cold actually lowered overheat on weapons cool okay I'm gyrating in the corner he's gting chat stop you can't stop what you can't handle the fleet of ships we're here baby ho FTL jump successful let us in H's Prime take soon absolutely despicable absolutely despise here uh just Dro here here yeah on top of it no I think we go a little to the side put us in the Miller like can't oh h a little bit of laser little bit of or I'm going to grab the at-4s or the laws a little bit of autoc can in centry a little bit of I'm grabbing the autoc can youve uh reminded me of the existence yeah what he said you're right yeah I've been thinking about it a lot yeah it's just been on my mind you know yeah I see yeah you understand okay that's real that's real okay good lach initiated send in the fleet time to fight cockroaches on the moon oh my god oh how can you say such a thing to report you to the Democracy officer no don't do that dude if you tell that if you tell the Democracy officer I'm taking your ballone sandwich out of your hellad this atmosphere is kind of thick I think you're a bot sympathizer I would never be a bot in fact I do my math in my head so I don't use a calculator Bots use calculators of Mo your wow I landed on super samples right away oh yes yes now you must protect me at all cost wait get the last one get the last one where is that is it here oh yeah yeah you got to split we're going we're good damn my guard don't take forever wow this place is pretty uh I think we're being jamm yeah complex strategy so yeah this place is cool looking bug Patrol on the left let's not [ __ ] with those guys I like the frost oh wait we have to that's a nest over there thanks for the five Henry how much democracy have a defined amount I hear bugs close 200 Mew I hear him good thing it oh we just Huck artillery barges over onto the nest okay oh goodness oh no oh no my shells are bouncing bro did not right oh that was too close are you Javelin laer oh wow everything's on fire I'm fine I'm not I'm dying scor on your left oh what a bastard I'd say uh tacal Retreat sound the war horn I got it I got it yeah we got that bug down oh my spy die okay this is a this is a bad Zone oh oh oh help oh help help help help I'm stuck ho [ __ ] run to CH hey to we going to get you back hey guys I think I know what they called this suicide mission it's not even that bad it's not even that bad not bad not that bad it's minimal bug resistance three Crushers here minimal bug resistance guys I'm in a rough place I'm in a I'm in a rough way this there's something terrible happened I'm covered in blood sometimes you land on people with your help and it just doesn't kill them yeah it's did you try to land on me no I try to land on a bug I was about to kill you oh see if I can call this thing in nope you know what maybe I won't to the Democracy off bot to shoot the missile to it won't lock off to shoot the missile he's having the same issue we did SC there we go no no man it is bad down here huh orbital Canon wow there's like there's so many Crushers it's like Crusher City requ support uh I'm in a I need help I need God I got you hey what's that wow I uh I death defied oh oh squ position com know I'm very lucky this armor is immune to H in cuz right now I'd be bleeding out oh this Auto Cannon no at least I got the ammo out of here hey guys yeah what's up man it's over for me nah surely okay what's behind me death ignored grenade under them yeah I figured that is a good tip thank you Henry where am I God help who I saw the ends of the Earth hey Cypher how you doing hey I think we need to break contact laser not a good time okay hold on I got this requal you will all die to my big laser yeah they're trying to get up close ier they're up I'm tops I don't think he made it hey guys I'm here joining the we need to get my samples those are priority one priority One objective do not let those samples fall on enemy hands on has directed us to capture those samples I got him I got him is the vi do not let him die weon oh I saw $10 donation chosen reload where am I hey my War doog here we hold the line whatever the cost the cost is pissed stop talking Hey where's my where's my rail oh oh no oh no about to be a big boom gaboom little pieces down here hey to you happen to have a Javin ready or something wild lost it lalb orbital inbound get out of there I'm doing everything I can it's boom my life for super my life for super that is that a walk-in barrage it is quick break contact while bu I still have five bug holes in this Hive uh will I be doing a god channel for the probably not cuz I don't stream often so it'll probably just be on this channel who that play you so true uh can we get a in the chat I can't climb this what's that it's over uh requal kill you targeted the wrong one what's this oh I deified iied oh don't mind if I do oh uploading data I think I'm in hell right now I think hey what's that over there over there I'm fine oh you just had to show up didn't you we got a stalker stalker C for the stalkers set them on fire I don't think I've seen you guys in a while I've just been in my own own little bug hell for a bit oh my God guess what to you get out of here weing objectives for super I'm just trying to survive all right uh left or right the bugs they're so hungry you want to oh I got killed by my own drone it beam the laser straight into my brain my Tesla is here behold the power of God I think they they killed my Tower right away never mind it's alive kill them be careful oh there is a God God laser be they killed it they killed it I'm heading towards you around so many get a missile ready I don't have a spear there not it's not any better over here yeah but I I won't is I did it I did it you did it oh so many prones he's talking about the prawns again don't shoot the shoot the shoot the prawns guess what's here I think I'm my character is fatigued all right Javelin incoming uh I'll uh I'll K him I'm getting really good at it yeah so did I oh my beautiful gun give that to me give that to me oh stalker no oh I think that was it die from the rooftops oh oh that was bad get off of him oh my God he like Lego fied I killed it yeah I pressed the button right as he smacked me I saw the donation another one godamn cloak Elites I'm we going to get [ __ ] yeah let's leave let's leave let's leave a should get there's a stalker South that's where they're coming from it's too late for me of your stalker more stalker you don't get my drugs anymore I don't need them anymore only real Patriots who don't die my Dr this post was made by true super Earth patri hey Doan please help me St my brother no left behind all right now let me make the magic oh my gosh gour hole you could have told me about your friend back there my God there's two I'm just want this on I want this AO cleared holy stalker oh yeah he didn't like the the chest it survived hey can you call me in I think I'll just go R Sims ammo everything I need cyer please cerer help help us y what's going on what's the problem I've been dead welcome back oh I got something for that how much do you love super the biot Tian is H super all right you love super earth right you would give everything to Super Earth I would give everything I got this you love super Earth took too long you don't super kill rail Cannon hit it it's hurt it's not dead I'm setting it on fire oh there a stalker I saw that stalker I saw you you stalker get out of here oh oh oh he's on me oh my God oh my God oh my God help help help stop biot Titan what are you doing stop what are you guys fighting over there oh steing steing steing s it it's coming the Dark adition of the Lord coming uh call this is on my position run man I really wish I saved that orbital laser I didn't know this [ __ ] oh it's going to takes so long two stalkers two stalkers oh I just got stalker oh three stalkers on me Yum Yum Yum ah ah ah I'll inject ah I love stimulant please one of those artillery shells hit that [ __ ] you like that it's not dying locking the btan firing must go faster B Titan's down I got I got another one over here that needs a kill oh my God I need more Javelin Rockets I need there's a stalker hey how's it going I got it this you biot Titan freak I'm sorry I oh my God there's stalkers there's stalkers ciper it's over why am I crawling oh cuz I'm covered in BIO goop there's another biot iten all right watch this I'm good call me in CER I can call or rail this was behind me you guessed it another stalker two stalkers three stalkers why am I covered in blue glar this this is my Mountain Hall uh I'm not coming down oh they're coming up though got it l complete oh be gone oh my God don't worry guys I got it I just see someone in chat difficulty tweak wow I just got Nickelodeon you wonder why they call this difficulty suicide mission no sure not joining the parade hey it's me welcome back to the game stalker commence operation recover the samples requesting guess what's following me you guessed it the 25 seconds until the rail Cannon's back oh oh oh are recovered they really don't like me today goodness oh autoc Cannon my belov oh there's another biot Titan that's cool that's there's three oh my God there's three stalkers you know what I don't think this Enough by Titans find another that's it fire mission oh is that a stalker behind me man what man okay you know what there has to be another stalker layer there's like 800 of them running around I found a bunker over here wouldn't be following me would you that'd be crazy oh get absolutely obliterated they can't find me here right on not locking on oh I stepped on a land mine out of here sterning the bug population re the bug population does not seem to be sinning if anyone can get to me I have a uh a bunker system on Me on the way oh it's looking like the end my friends oh hey I found someone to open this bunker for I'll just call him in real quick if I can do the combo reinforcing I love the auto Cannon get the javelin loaded get the javelin loaded I need my samples hey where'd you bring me to oh there was a you good man stalker just kind of stalker you say die you hor Beast okay open the door open the door I'm on it we're good hey can you uh uhoh grab that load me grab grab the backpack I guess I could do that okay let's go pulling the switch cyer please you forgot Aller ciper I'm in the backs I'm in the back cyer you took your you took my ammo with you I'm in the back rooms you need to take out um oh I got a bomb metal that's pretty nice that's huge super samples down don't worry I have the perfec call God kill stalkers man the bugs there trying to eat me through the wall can't be a Fire Grenade near where you guys land over there oh that for you good what' you do what' you do um what' you do um I wish I could tell you right now my uh my view is uh I know what I must do remember me for I was a hell diver I was a hell diver oh my arm uh Bing Bing Bing Bing Bop requesting orbital Strike wow they uh wow hey guys we're running so hard Dr oh no back back back that was my last shot did you just hit it with your pod yep that was fantastic to Gamers and we're Meed at end [ __ ] oh it's bad if I can get this combo right that'd be fantastic down a support weapon leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone the LI turns are getting away again hey CER roundabout this way there's a unexploded ordinance that we can use yeah I'm taking them with me oh time to go that was awesome that was so epic I can't believe I surv that uh switch into unsafe mode on the rail gun blow calling in scor I swear help me assassin oh it's also teach you to be a bug in my neighborhood Jesus Christ moon is haunted and also full of bugs I'm going to shoot this hell bomb I didn't have a gun loaded it's over for me it's over now you'll make it you make it uh uhuh I'm going down like a hero dro the samples oh the brambles we get you back in why is there bushes on the moon yeah why is there all this all this gibber get get my beautiful Tesla coil protect me all right I'm going to see if I can sneak into uh oh it didn't protect me we are uh running out T manow I think honestly we just run the time down and just get the hell out of here just so we can secure the super samples wow that ready requesting have we been completing objectives by the way this entire match I've just been running for my life a couple of them we've been doing I think we blew up some nest and whatnot other than that it's a I am living in terrible fear for my life at a constant rate we got we got 20 minutes we can still ha it we got we got to uh call me in can't uh got no oh oh no who the [ __ ] is that no way hey wower wow what a what a little weasel reloading you think I'm going to let that slide come back here he ran away what a little [ __ ] so deadly get the [ __ ] over here oh it's already out of ammo wow again reminds me of the scene from Alien the El turn's right here and do they have the guard the goddamn don't even know what it is behind your Ser behind you oh don't you can't dive away from every problem yes I can we got to get up here ammunition that's epic uh I am callable oh my did you guys hear to last transmission that was the last thing that came over the radio bro oh okay okay it's getting a bit silly ain't it I uh I didn't kill the armor guy oh my oh my goodness place is unattainable chat is like what was that sound oh wow it's like three stalkers guess what I'm doing jumping off the rocks my God they're ultral Lis everywhere whoever made this specific speed loaded and firing I wish you a terrible day Smith and Weston [ __ ] guess what's behind me you guess don't turn around J oh come on Zeus Zeus whoever put that there Zeus bad Zeus Zeus oh my God a good Zeus I would probably have like a couple kill ourselves this pretty bad oh my can Scorch it a drive by I'm the last one left he is you fight my life for super up he couldn't even why didn't I think that the can of raid this is it hey you got this right uh cler kick no and or kick there's no bullets this think you get me back carving out your back bacon he's just no pieces load already oh my God what is happening please oh thank you for the 50 lbs Boris That's Heavy wow they decapitated you wow that was a time for me to save the day here comes no it emergency called him oh time for me to save the day come on guys where's my where am I where am I that's a lot of bugs oh that's a lot of bugs oh they're about to turn me into a liar I hate the stalkers so much bro my life for super my life for super my life is super Earth thumbs up I got it I got oh my God the Beast started she got a oh that's more stalkers oh [Music] please they're here for you no I don't want them I don't want them to be here for me I want them to why do they knock you back so hard that's my least favorite bit I didn't care about the damage really funny though no it's [Laughter] not okay we're doing it we're doing it where am I okay we're cooking we're cooking we're cooking oh please stop cooking behind me okay that working watch those tiny little bugs summon a hord nope I got them I'm better than that your location Who YouTube is throttling your stream it's probably fine it it it just happens on YouTube sometimes weap for super Earth we will get the next call down he calls in his Legion of Sentry turrets that is what I do javelin javelin my beloved all right now uh reinforcement calling a reinforcement calling in reinforcements it's Scorch the next one okay here they come oh my god that hurt you're abandoning the mission there's a Crusher coming towards you why won't the javelin ever lock how long do you think your sentries are going to hold they got this hey to I'm going to break contact you have a good one he's follow you well you get cyer back in a minute I do I do I do requesting a support hey the soccer found you that's too bad about tot that's too too bad about that's too bad about them oh my God why are there still so many you have a brood Commander behind you oh yeah be M reloading are you shooting a hell bomb next to turn no that was woo that I just m ising m is singing the crops are hostile you guys have 12 minutes before our ships leave orbit which summons the extraction that is true that's the plan we're cooking okay well you might want to get to the extraction site it's called escaping evade sweetie if you heard of it someone hasn't been to see your school additional reinforcement funding approved the crops are hostile the crops are hostile just like I need my world eater brother I need my 12 Legion brother get in here bring me blood here comes cyer I need my TW Legion Brother Blood Jesus Christ the inside rounds okay okay now we're back to blood oh I took that like a champion dunnel bug tunnel up there you need to go guess what I'm doing toen it's something I like to call oops oh do it do it do it do it do it it'd be really funny oh that is really funny the beam cover our Retreat keep pushing okay hold on laser I have this chance why is what there what there you you just hand out yeah there's no there s you're losing it you know oh hey there's there's someone here now uhoh oh sa coming my handshake I was coming with my damn handshake feels good I'm Scorch doy come on come on come on we got recovered the G virus samples I couldn't it wouldn't let me this was not it's time to get the [ __ ] out of raccoon raccoon we got go we gotta go raccoon city is not looking good this time uh Scorch please be the one to call me in cuz I don't like where they are okay they might take I'm going deep intrusion Behind Enemy Lines I'm going to go do the objective if I die so be it it be just throw me in a hive there's not a hive don't be dramatic that's a hive it's a former got an enemy Patrol near me ho [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you've doomed me you've actually doomed me I I don't like you no dead ooh I didn't I didn't think they would react so quickly you threw me in the middle of them I literally pulled the Yoke of the drop out as hard as I could but there was no Escape that's so many stalkers yeah you dropped me in seven of them it was a stalker hole it was to kill the stalkers all right this is where we make our stand he I like my camera is just my blooded corpse laid in a field on the moon I can't spectate you guys anymore oh my God the intrusion is working I haven't beened yet this is a this is actually a really depressing Vis I have on my screen it's it's the cost of War oh my God the intrusion is working I have a I have a squad near me I'm activating the terminal Well Chad will keep me company as I lay as I corpse on this God forsaken Moon oh [ __ ] contact people in the J grave cam can't run you we hold this line to the end well I'm on my way my blood I like how my health HUD just says hey your torso's damag meanwhile the only thing left is my dorso requesting okay activating s systems lowii Tunes to bleed out too oh man I got to do this [ __ ] dude like what the [ __ ] okay can someone that's not Scorch call me in I I made a mistake requested his assistance I don't think you want to be where I am right now it could be anywhere better than where Scorch called me I'm going to be real you're coming into where we are enjoy dude they just don't [ __ ] die I hate stalker so much oh wow I hate it here told you this was oh he just SED my turret man oh yeah we love oh yeah that's I want never lock oh wait you're a bug me when the bug oh God okay I instantly split up for my friends again drop the G5 temples they're in the middle of the soccer lay but I I wa did you activate it toen yeah I got activated it holy smokes is that the ex or the stalkers are here the stalkers are here oh oh they're all coming for you you you've doomed us we're doomed oh guess what big billy here too not big billy leave me alone big Chris big Chris make it his way I love big Chris no I don't those are the last of the stalkers if you wipe them out we'll be free of them I will wipe you out with the rest of your jean seed Oh Come to Me My beautiful Canon requesting Advanced Weaponry almost got it almost got it almost got it I finished what my blood brother started requesting orbital strike rail Cannon inbound oral strike oh oh that was bad I hate of them after you I that thing I like chat J laugh little late now 5 Seconds to what oh well I'm back at least I have a spectator K this time oh oh no cyer thank you for another 50 lb B Freedom never get out the F water I feel like this game would name like a pesticide weapon of fce water just a r up person in chat right now hey Jay I think there's a stalker stayer what a calm day on this moon right reloading requesting the crusher the stalkers they back flipped him bro okay reloading uh I'm in hell literally support incoming brother I I'm in an afterlife and I did not go up I've recovered the ju good cyer where'd you go CER caming is com like like a goofy like a like a spingus like a SP hey cyer cyer call me in um I guess you you where did you just toss me where did you just toss me what was that by bye sorry I'm I'm marging you right now I can't I can't tell you where you are I'm going to get you bro um don't get my don't bring him to the location of Truth oh wait no it's j hi J yo what's up there's the Bing down a not surely it's it's uh it's here big chis don't call him Chris that humanizes him a bit too much that's a orang creature the darkest death Asar the Destroyer yeah that works does that work yeah you look at that that's like that's an asgar uh by the way he's here that's what's coming wow wow it's not good this is wild wow o wow I just wanted I want my rail gun I want my rail gun that's it I'm calling in Big Steve Big Steve let him know what's going on I'm sorry for anyone in the area I apologize in advance oh you make it oh my God that's walking towards me yeah that thing walks who put the who put the legs on the artillery oh that next one might be on you scorch get to the hole the fre Titan's dead switch into unsafe mode switch into bingus mode over doing intrusion tactics reloading what the hell just hit me tactics to they're all around you you're doing great I know o o not like this there goes my head that's so tragic reinforc luckily we had one just waiting for youest appr reinforce on hey guys I'm here I never died I'm literally Invincible never die old manit oh the jet pack tucked me so hard wow I've uh I've ran ran pleas theack do you guys need help with that Crusher where's where's the samples you need help with that Crusher ohal stri I don't know ifles you can do it you can do it you just have to commit I'm committing we love my commitment um CER are worth more than your life any Cypher to your left Cypher to your left oh it's heinous oh oh winess from the rooftops oh I just landed back in the same situation I was in you have a on right oh they're here they call it a bug oh man it's over I didn't get to call my Al our orbit they're leaving it's 4 minutes 4 minutes oh [ __ ] hey man hey man hey this is kind of like [ __ ] up of you I'm just leading him in a circle get out maneuvered he wish he could are you kidding me the only one's left cyer to you got to recover those samples gentlemen we're here we get we we get no value out of this if we don't okay where are they to North I think Northeast where to just died oh I don't like that where the jump pack is on the mini map all right I will will embed my own my Tesla coil don't get Tesla S I'm embeded in a rocks the biot Titan destroyed my Tesla I'm holding position on these rocks where are the where are the samples I don't see them on are they South they're where the jetpack is that's South okay I was running the wrong way oh hey Cipher a Goliath of the darkest sun is behind me oh oh yeah no I see it I have eyes on everything I am currently in Deep Cover intrusion waiting on I'm glad you're in Deep Cover intrusion uh I'm not uhoh it seems the bio Titan has gotten my scent surely he will not see me it's over for you he get up the biot Titan has caught my scent the brutes have I sent where is it where is it I can hear it it's in the super is the shampoo get the shampoo get the G virus sample get the GV virus sample God damn it is this loaded it's not no man this is [ __ ] up look at they do it to me man get that shot already oh my goodness jum Sodor holder of the 13th ring of Asma gak following me that's wild you know you know there's no shame in just getting up high and hiding me that's what I tried and then he started throwing up after there two of them well they're currently throwing up on you I think you're talking about I didn't like the mountains him get up on that house actually they'll probably just shatter the house but no they wouldn't last reload damn do I have like yeah they would bits in my pocket how does this [ __ ] following me oh oh hey hey what's up what's up oh oh guess guess what's coming action is coming it's the dark dark Brewer of world they're all here they're all here position is untenable I think Hey where's the drop ship would be really great if it showed up now oh oh he got me somehow that's insane huh [Music] oh yes yes let them all Cho sa I shot his head off it didn't he still got base motor functions is it here yet what what's the called it 30 seconds um out maneuver oh my God Jay I think you I think you've actually decapitated the Beast he does not know oh it's uh it's rough now thanks everyone the donation I'll maneuvered chat we're making it through this drop Shi J Jerry you got to dive for it hell dive where's the ship he's [Music] got I'm sking get the biotan good hit open the door my God Five Nights at Freddy jump scare holy [ __ ] we did it we got out with the peroxide of Victory oh [Music] oh I don't like bugs uh Mission failed and it doesn't feel like it we got out of there sample secured oh an ugly Planet a bug planet and we just blow this [ __ ] up hell di we did I will check the stats viory my God it's still paa a lot we should blow up this planet we should blow up this whole planet that's that is not a for man job hell diers we did it that was rough another victory for the old days hey cyer how's it y I'm tired that was him my eyes sunk into my skull you did you didn't let me down we did I didn't let you down brother we did it for the for the Legion for the legion baby for the 12th Legion huge put it there put it there for the 12 Legion for the red angel baby for the red angel what what a kind of mods those super samples thank you storm cow that was a lot that was um that that was a lot I say we do adaton now yeah I AG I feel like I fully experience that fenri 3 and I don't want to go back to Fen Al I want to go Deep Jungle Ops in the jungle want to do Deep Jungle stealth op yeah Deep Jungle stealth op carbonation bath water think this planet is theirs show them otherwise put it D okay it looks like there's a campaign on this island I think we do a Deep Jungle stealth out hell on hell no I say extreme and then we do hell it's not that bad hell Di baby clutch of the centy no longer viable a lost man knows what we're doing I'll hell di with you hell yeah yeah initiating FTL jump 2 Theon Creek System the hell divers not yet dead dive thank you Henry into myalon okay we're on a a jungle planet now yeah baby let's get it down I know what I'm bringing oh launch IC any more fun weapon oh no negative they are not Covenant oh I don't I don't feel well we did it we do this G and it all be over I'm going to I'm going to grab some water and then we'll uh we'll get out my pod then get out of my J I'll be right back put a there going in the jungle of course we always need more daaka let's buy some more D hell yeah what are we feeling C are we feeling the I don't like the strafing run too much I've actually already bought like most of the daaka already bought most all of them I think we're going to do can we get some more daa I think we get some more D let's get some get the or air burst yeah let's do it yeah yeah don't worry I got artillery for days yeah where you at look you see that over there you looking at I return the vehicle bay where the hell are they AR I want where the hell are the vehicles where're hell H diving everyone to your podt to yourt Bam to your podt uh let's do stealth armor oh I don't know how much is Hell divers on Steam $40 like 4 $40 for the normal Edition here probably 60 for the super citizen awesome Earth Edition yeah what do you guys want to drop here here yeah yeah put it there put it put it down put it down on the blood what about over here so we can stealth we drop there we're going to be in combat I'm a world eater baby through and through okay I'm a whole world eater oh you putting us in Deep Jungle yeah all right we got to change our armor back to light boy armor yep I concur I agree Auto get it yes grenade launcher now here this now here this all all Pilots to your [Music] ships for the money hi casy Blues hi hi hi hi uh what's this why you got the UN helmet on what that uh because it's blue stealthy is a pretty blue planet we super Earth we're good great ging all Pilots man your Battle Stations ini here we go we're going in something delicious about a cold good old cold Ro be here sub true y ready for the big game tomorrow superow tomorrow theygot super holy we've been going for two hours already oh my eyes last a while all that g looks to you for salvation let nothing stand in the way of Liberty I forgot to change my weapon Deep Cover operations go deep cover operation we make our way to the Bungalow hey what's up man cover covered that me up cover cover da I'm wait I want some of this action wait hold on I should probably call my grenade launcher myin the weapons team is on standby missile Squad reporting cover de me up Deep Cover D the DCd got my grenade launcher all right be right here yeah it looks like a medium maybe uh I see at least one automation plant there's mines yeah's a lot of mines you want to just call an artillery right away yeah I'm calling an air strike 3 380 incing in artill they know got a z Ro we got it okay break I got this area preed contact so teams into the jungle go that way go that we went too deep into the jungle turn around turn around hopefully that 38 doesn't go Rogue on us you said that wait I think this is their main Fortress up here yeah I got an orbital laser with her name on it drop shps above us move I'm engaging the enemy holy [ __ ] good strike on target good strike is this the new Arma uh if only it's oh behind us we're being flanked they're coming out of the trees dread not R this is a bad stealth Mission take this com po p down I've got heavy bombs incoming man down we lost one lost toen [Music] walk it will be no Walker after I'm done with it oh holy [ __ ] you know what to do the it laser time the Terminators are coming after us bro oh there nothing oh yeah there are laser turrets here to we get you back oh I see a little mischievous breaking contact moving in holy moly hey do this is Pathfinder breaking contact hey the laser kill the destroyed I knew what I would doing smoke them out we can leave I'm pushing over bye Captain red bones good [Music] night what a baller name Captain red bones out Spott oh uh thir you okay yeah I'm good I need to go back and get my spear is it worth it to you yeah yeah it does have like a six minute cool down it's pretty rough this is Pathfinder I don't have any supports I'm moving in with the grenade launcher we brok in contact hasn't but I hav't yet oh right in the hole baby on course throwing grenade dropping a pin [ __ ] you robots I'm trying to get it in the hole please oh my goodness that [ __ ] coming for me please let me up there we go got him just pass one in contact can you run in and disable the factory good job never doubt Pathfinder one one okay uh let's uh go to the main objective oh we lost the real one what got you a lot of bots this bad one breaking gu moving into the brush oh those explode when you shoot them some of them do if they have like the weird looking backpacks on they do no it was a plant the [ __ ] bird green plant yeah bomb that [ __ ] having to relearn how to fight against robots I've been fighting against bugs all day yeah they do have guns which is different theyy shoot back the Communists have always been my true enemy kamy robots I got something for you you commi robot call to oh to he will be uhoh never mind okay to you will be the double man what was that you know you know yeah the spritzing on them for the one time uh this game is very good Epsilon it makes me feel like a Super Trooper and then I die made by real patri real real real gargantuan Patriots okay uh do we still need the oh there's drop ships oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I need ammunition so bad I say we uh Retreat from that engagement that that too many guys see how let's see how baller I could be requ oral strike where are we we need to turb right to the objective that's sucks uhoh they're mad about there's a bot Outpost here I think I'm out of combat wait are we leaving the objective nope we're going around you guys are really going around uhoh no you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me I'm in Deep Cover hey there's a oh you don't know they don't know oh holy [ __ ] take this you damn Bots yeah yeah yeah that was rough oh yeah oh yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh they they figured out my my D plan of not being seen enemy I have no explosives left this is extremely upsetting I know what I got to do that hurt enjoy take this you Robo freaks reinforcing oh oh I knew thank you sir oh I need a St holy he's got a rocket launcher oh I'm sorry please tell me there's some ammo down here for brother for a brother I thought that was going to break open I did not think it was going to bounce okay let's get these launch codes and disappeared back into the jungle okay I got a sample I'm out of here we're good leaving let's just get the hell out of here where the hell is the platoon oh this B find the one I've been in the jungle for eight days you more found something I'm trying to break contact with the oh my ammunition so many Pathfinder one one I have ammunition I'm about to get back in a fight water oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] you like that you got my Javelin back godam there's a huge Patrol behind us yeah baby so much ammo Cypher where are you you're like I'm in the Deep uh-oh uh-oh they they found me theyve called they've called the attack dogs of being hunted hey guys the ISR on is right here oh oh baby we got a break we got a break I'm going to see if I can get close enough to that to blow it you would not believe what's behind me oh I found artillery binging binging Bing they don't know they don't know oral oral strike incoming you targeted the wrong thing the ISR on knows it knows guess what I'm doing activating artillery smoke don't need that my explosive oh stff in [Music] requesting oral strike ain't n none of that panicking business okay I'm panicking keep it together I need something oh I know what I need Factory what the [ __ ] are you looking it okay well no one's coming to kill me so found something oh Jesus Christ com on looking at me did the hell bomb not get called in mini nuke it got destroyed I mean I just called it in calling in a hell no where did it roll off to that's that's close enough that's close enough uhoh uhoh that is a whole automaton Army moving on my location you guys okay out there we're doing it we're doing it we're making it work team work making oral strike call that orbital strike on my location oh there's a patrol here the patrol found me the H hell yeah please let me climb over this please guess what's not in my thing ammo Jesus Christ I need to move toen to is that you yeah guess what's here cool artillery hell yeah man I already got a mini nuke loaded but the position is compromised we're here now we got to back you up oh I did it I'm lost in the jungle now you guys are close AC I got sneeze oh that was a Victor chicken Nuggie Walker got a sample that's my bad I just blasted the hell out you s yeah it's for super Earth okay I love super I love super Earth I'm going to the oil oh that hurt yeah we'll meet you at the oil all right everyone break contact push to the wood it doesn't look like there's any enemies holding in the oil facility there will be soon goddamn robots they finding me in the brush Min a defense study indicates enemy morale reaching new unprecedented lows real robots have morale there's a lot of oil down here guysle collect oil you see there's a lot of oil okay the chicken walkers got are hung neatly in accordance with governmental guidelines it's 47 or whatever do I just hold this pump yeah just uh twist it we did it yeah okay uh let's go north back into the jungle hey is there any ammunition around a brother star uh we call it in that be BOS that'd be BOS of you okay this is our this is our camp for the night there's a patrol right there there's a patrol right there oh it's got dreadn you better rearm fast man I'm stuff all this ammo in my pocket time for the v a Hulk with them close I don't think they noticed us I think they heard that I think they heard they heard it they heard it grab ammo grab go go go go go go go go disengage disengage think they caught on to us sure for that the advantage of scout armor yeah Scouts there they have Flame the watch out for those J I'm going to run right into I thought you I thought that explosion was you literally turning the pace right let's get out of here break contact break contact faster dude I'm like literally tesing you I'm Lally running oh that's a call artillery to come [ __ ] of a base oh I fell in a hole he's gone he fell in a hole my samples I your samples are gone boss enemy robots nearby I'm going to put a laser on that I can blow oh yeah hit the base with lasers okay holy [ __ ] I'm throwing my laser hold on pushing Deep Jungle Ops dread knot inbound I have a solution to the dreadn calling in orbital strike perish mortal Pathfinder one throwing the laser oh god I've been I've been spotted they going to get scorched back in a fight calling down a s calling in refor holy [ __ ] they are glassing the [ __ ] out of that base wonder if this out of coven it feels when they just see in unfc base like okay I've been ambushed I've been ambushed get out of that L-shaped Ambush son holy [ __ ] there's a dude behind me with a knife you brought him here yeah like the [ __ ] Barn all right perfect Northbound break contact break contact go go go go it I I love J hey Jay behind you it doesn't work when you tell it in the future that's like that's like a current thing kind of advice you're supposed to you're supposed to judge from the past past future present I think you guys broke contact well no way we got a flower we got we got a patrol right there make sure you watch yourself oh got enemy's front we're close a democracy we're close now he's going to be contacts at the ICBM site uh take them out stealthily the stealth take down put my supressor on yeah I heard Prime something I wish there was like a suppressor enemy stealth tooking down for sure let call for help and it's stealth I must inject oh there's a base right there yeah I got it okay that's why Prime yeah hit it with the blitz oh guess what that is Big B big Baby Big Boss baby right there big boss baby man you're on fire die already I'm get get this [Music] [ __ ] holy moly wow holy moly start it I'm activating it holy [ __ ] they're here wow that is like a platoon of them reload I think they're dead one of them lived on there any leftover ammo this I can't hit him you [ __ ] all right code uh still one to unlock all right unlocked I got the terminal what the [ __ ] I got the terminal I did it again there's a I think one of them just but they're checking in on their squad not reporting hey you guys you guys okay hey uh you guys aren't responding on the radio what's going on hey don't uh don't don't uh don't don't don't shoot that funny though wait now SC get out of there it's going to it's going to fall on you final Gods ammo guys get some ammo ammo here hey there's just a dude watching us right there yeah he's calling in a a nuclear bomb on this ICBM can't fight nukes with nukes that's just dumb yeah don't play around with insan ammo on a nuclear warhead why not oh you want to give me your backpack you want it I can help you out okay what the hell bro what the H man hey man oh oh they're here ready load it feed me ammo Feed Me Ammo yeah yeah keep doing that yeah how did they instantly get the B I don't know all right launching oh oh it's beautiful I need ammo they're here throwing grenade s for load me launching I'm loading hold on here the nukes away May Feed Me Ammo Feed Me Ammo feed me okay move we need to pull out oh here comes d where is he oh my goodness this is it baby hold me oh come on quickly I we getting shot at we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go say we created a new son must vacate the premises yes a shotgun with dragon's B is a stealth weapon correct correct BL in correct okay Jake okay I shot him three times in the head what do you want from me first two times you missed on my screen no everyone I everyone in my live stream knows the UN the big truth okay big F okay dude that's just how powerful my bullets are they go right through disrespect right now brother than for the right bro that was a missing bro bro let it slide this time oh oh stuck again that almost killed me I got bleed from that you serious shom I summon forth my Legion he summons forth his Legion I summon Force they're here my guy in attack mode how you like I didn't uh what why that's a that's a Min I thought it was Smoke perfect hug perfect hug to my Legion is gone but my Legion stands kill the robot Min they got a flare off over here well it did leave the big guns cter out it's over hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah come on auto get in we're surrounded on all sides mly that what C reloading alled resupply calling down Supply take this you chicken walking piece of [ __ ] I need a loader team reload requ load me to me come on let's load this thing I need a St I need a SIM give me a Sim give me Sim you're out of Sims yeah take your take your chicken keep shooting keep shoo don't stop oh okay guess what you're out of ammo for everything here's a St oh thank God there ammo here negative oh there is oh there is where oh my God that was was that bad reloading that wasn't that bad that was horri don't worry about it wait a minut more Bots incoming God they giv me like epilepsy to shoot it's stuck to him keep them back ooh all right I can re reload your auto Cannon Mr J the dreadnots here it's dead that's itad oh my life for super Earth that was a little bit of taste oh wow that was a great Javelin great Javelin look at that [ __ ] off in the distance load me load you okay load Meo supp oh the arm animation bit littleit mess up hey no worry about that keep hey uh they're getting closer no they ain't hey they're getting close it's fine hey hey that one is literally right there oh girl all dead what about that dude should I kill that D yeah should chat should I kill this guy CH yeah man get a quick pull up oh wow that dude just shot straight you in the chest have a taste of democracy oh I blew him away bleow me away I think this hold out would be better with Breaking Benjamin true he bugs the Terminators yeah thank you for the money that's a lot I think I I don't know what the currency is guess what another play scor is dead get him back in the fight Dam it artillery type is it Tonga time it's tonger time tonger time oh oh wow that's right there guess what I'm calling in an orbital strike get out of there oh that is an orbital strike that's wild pelic one must be they're here hell oh baby we hold to the end for super hey why is that 500 Kg on the why are you over there to uhoh wow tot turned to past reinforcing got it's time to get the [ __ ] out of here countown initiated stand by up I behold I oh I got samples back Mr prankin get the bir exra complete one beginning a set we got to get out of here Splendid my friends our way Splendid blow me away oh oh I'm decaying bro yeah I'm acally turning into a pickle I'm a pickle CH he your pikach we show those cies who balls man we did it glorious Victory thank you we just got two more missions two more we will hold ah what is spring drink oh man all right crazy time to up to difficulty lots of enemies and I'm good if we want to cancel that campaign and go straight to a hell dive yeah sure yeah let's do that let's do hell dive on the oo not the other one Whatever It Is wait is that the place we were at uh scor no j i you J I think we're going to do it I think no what's wrong with these guys hell divers across the Galaxy are fighting for every territory where will you join them some men just have to burn the it's only a hell three missions right where shall we the operation forward it's three missions initiating jump the U System oh man we're going to UA baby man he's sending us to U goba man we're we just arrived at uba goba well I'm taking my pills get old prar sir we know what's going on down there we're going to die yeah we're taking the SMG this time so pull yourself together cuz you're going with them what about that Hulk run simulation do slightly more in the middle of the day let the enemy feel the wrath of Liberty uh nope not that one this is H divers too Hunter of the H Yep this is the one stick with the hell d a chief he knows what to do yeah stick with the hell chief he knows what to do engaging oral thrusters we're going to make it out of this a lot right yeah okay just checking orbit synchronized we have to launch another ICBM oh look at his hell Escape not a piece of cover inside no breaking contact this time here I think here here what about here here okay what about here here here we hit it with the walking barrage I'm going to need you for today javelin we'll go three oh it limits us one Strat or well I'm all I'm all offensive oh we get the free rail gun so it kind of counters balances out that's true kette Shak Canon dabs up dab up I don't know if stealth will be as viable on this map I'm going to switch my gear no let's try stealth I just like going fast TR okay he likes quick yeah if I can Boogie out of a situation I will oh this is going to be a lot of pain really quickly h H goddamn right launch initiated bad for your help remember to fill in your c01 permit before any act that could result in a child thank you training man me while hell di train program is undeniably infallible you can always repeat your training from the game in you just if you need it sometimes you're for oh he's slipping out of his coat oh hey yo we're here we're here uh they're here why are they here oh scor is that a cannon is a Canon about to blast me too kingdom comes oh okay yay put on the Battlefield 3 [ __ ] filter on his damn map it's [ __ ] bright I can't see oh this guy doesn't have an arm he's coming for me why do I have a concussion it's the combat zone you got to be pissing on me brother this is wild reinforc oh wow I love that they have turbo lasers re what if I just what if I just prone behind us for rock he can't shoot me then right ho got the to called that in that was awesome that was a good shot I don't have bull in my gun up up up there we go he's dead you got him dreadn yes one I'm out heavy North close oh yeah that's wow already kill good shot good shot good shot target destroyed Target destroyed to my battle brother rocket for you man yo we get you back in a fight to they're coming the mrrs robots I blew up a sniped that chicken buer oh man youed flying tank it's over the ominous tanks ominous Technologies behind us behind us oh we we're surrounded we're surrounded die coward we have to keep moving holy [ __ ] okay don't go this way actually I'm running out of the B real what Star Wars map looks like this I it's on the tip of I can't remember someone from Battlefront 2 I think ho [ __ ] I can't remember that it's called there's a huge base to our left you you want to attack it yeah I got an or laser so honestly I can just throw it [ __ ] and then you know it be done in that order as well is there Vault here holy [ __ ] here mode yeah you know what let me do that too unsafe yeah we're cooking get to the bunker there's a patrol right there there's a bunker got enemy base inside ready for orbital destruction careful to our they're following us slightly this is Pathfinder run going to go drop the bomb they don't know oh they're chasing us I think they they don't know I think they know they don't know I think they know I don't know I one bullet in my gun what the uh [ __ ] you giant turret oh I'm sorry Blow That Thing Up Jesus Christ what's the status of the tower pad hey it's rough down there yeah I'm calling in the laser we're doing it I'm also calling a laser send them in get out of there oh my God right on you to get out of there the be be yeah the beam team oh my God that's Glory they're Crossing be Retreat Retreat they're coming towards you don't just got turn to face Jesus Christ re dude we get you back in a fight don't you worry okay it's time to leave let's go north God we got to break contact we've done our job do job Y what you said I'm oh I found the B pit okay don't go this way sees me I think nope he disappeared chat you saw that right [ __ ] got deleted I'm looking on the map I'm going deeper into the catacombs what's that on my right oh I've re-entered stealth I found an outpost over here what there's a robot walking around on fire there's a patrol near me ite wish I could mark it oh it's right next to me where you see my icon there's a p no uh uh they blew my cover it's over hear screaming over yeah chilling this is J rptor this is my last transmission oh bye J bye oh oh my gentlemen here reinforcements are in order reinforc reinforcements are definitely in order I'm breaking contact going intoy there's no W did you call us in on contact no should be contact free oh well they saw you guys come in so rough rough I'm going to go Advanced weaponry oh can a rail gun blow up a Whatchamacallit if you shoot it in a hole a factory no guess I'm going to hit it man all right I guess I'll hit this with the air strike for the one time why you have a dud laser the hell's going on what the eat this freaks support HOH like that my strateg just don't work anymore down W Comes the Boom comom call good kills good kills H one good kill oh my God Eagle my blow activate rotate the G I've got eyes on station providing enemy propaganda call inal stri is that a right therey oh it's Jam is there a jamming station yeah there's a Jammer station right there the [ __ ] is that noise God damn this battlefield three [ __ ] Project Blue beam is hurting my eyes damn broke ass absolutely annihilated come on then come on come on I blew off his right arm but it wasn't enough my auto Cannon is eeden him is he is he dead he's not dead he's not dead Auto Cannon can I can I auto Cannon kill him wor where the Jammer I want to get away from it that that Devastator is no joke West I think okay pop beepop bop reinforcing calling down a support weapon oh my auto turret decided to go on vacation damn they out my ass don't go that way Scorch yeah people getting up on my mic on me sometime when I'm eating this delicious me okay we try again oh I don't want to try again anymore not today can I walk the barrage into the broadcast tower let's see let me try as well oh I think the Jammer blocked it the Jammers Jammers got it absolutely covered I'm going in infiltration team moving in oh I'm going in oh call support maybe I can what you got what you got coming oh you need to hit that [ __ ] re a rail gun see if that works too oh you going to cor on a rail gun just for me uhoh you have lock on Target no Javelin doesn't lock however I can blck that that boy me setting it to unsafe sir that that was not where I needed it to fire oh right in his back okay oh you got him heavy Devastator incoming oh my God we're ped we're pained sir we're pain okay holy holy holy moly hey the the dreadnots here on fire oh here oh yeah oh yeah absolutely request approved deoy reinforce to can you deploy the reinforcements yeah it did oh Auto turn for the win I'm pushing up got him oh wow demy the jamming Tower is still up oh oh oh oh oh oh not will be here soon holy sh they're here IGN them into the face and just said no where's this jamming station at I want to have oh yeah I got eyes on I'm push unsaved I got it we have nine men left my goodness reloading I got to sneak in this is crazy or do they know I'm here already oh they know I'm here already that's called democracy that's called democracy my gra this real quick let me let me let me just sneak into your fortification Jo I got a firing position up on The Hil uh this is Pathfinder one I'm closing in on enemy fortif oh wow everyone's here already never mind you not really pathfinding are you damn oh Smash in the corn the corn the corn Adam Smasher in the cornfield what he going to do I got turned to P oh he Shug that one off okay we're good Scorch pick up my samples don't let the enemy get those Jean seed samples please kill the tower calling and rein turned to Dr robot Supply oh I'm getting called back in there careful over there what the hell was that that's me blowing the fabricator yeah do that again we're going to have an issue buddy Rel what's that do again we're going to be throwing hands I thought i' seen you flying oh that's fair we just set you on fire grab your ammo quick hell bomb's about to go we leaving yummy yummy wow that Battlefield 3 filter is crazy goodbye you're not kidding holy boom tomaton facility destroyed um okay now let's do the actual objectives yeah are you okay over there ciper I think I can I think this is an AA site I'm going to activate this AA site okay in your vicinity uh toen I don't know what you're doing over there but you have brought the pain I'm fighting wow the balloom is this is bright as hell I can't see I was not kidding I was not kidding this [ __ ] is bright as hell I this is supposed to be sunrise right now yeah more like son is in my eyes hey I can't see I don't feel good hey oh hey hey where the hell am I hey welcome to the Sam launch site currently setting up I have like a legion of death robots here oral inbound are they Super Death robots they're super death robots i' I've called in a heinous death laser upon them don't much oh there's a platoon in front of us oh my God don't get out I could tell how many there was cuz my game chunked for a minute the laser hungers for more I can tell Zeus is spawning group conversations this is crazy oh we held our Hill holy dispens Inquisition with the [Music] Five O ooh this nation's back baby thanks for the kit oh that's a tank there's a whole tank here Annihilator tank right there wow for that and Bob's my Uncle Bob my uncle I tell you what two dreads oh I'm get down oh I pop smokeing bing bing bing bing down behind us you hold that I'm going to go I'm going to go get some of this uh what Whatchamacallit the launch codes oh that pissed him off kill my you were aiming at the wrong target got him you saw that that was a tful kill this I have the launch codes I repeat I have the launch codes one step closer to Mission requesting I have launch Cod I got an OverWatch firing position over here to support you down there I appreciate it he's here spear down there I killed him oh heading to the pumping station the bloom bloom is location L is ready turn the key holy moly how much longer please activate the Transformer where's the Transformer here across the way yo I'm on it let's get out of here all right pushing it towards the fuel station dropping a pin Northwest the popey's biscuit Bounty no drink is still up yeah he's he's he's got a lot on his head I tell you what there's something here I tell you what SLE yeah there was some pumping station what is a pumping I Emoji it's a ping cyber cyber splooge money oh my god oh damn you brought all of China upon us how could this is R to say we break oh oh oh to down okay I'll call might that might have been a bad what was that friend that was a grenade you gibbled me what is that that's the ISR on on the fing station right they wouldn't put that there we we have to disable that or El we'll call in uh tank okay wait you didn't throw something right on this right yeah CU I got to do TR bullet oh Fu J I'll just lay right here I'll be fine is it is it it's still up didn't kill it the hell Liberty save me oh oh hell oh you have like a a group of men just waiting to shoot you uh yeah man calling in a sometimes you sometimes you just got to kill he's here he's here he's here wow I'm getting off the oh [ __ ] hey guys how's it Go killed by J Raptor that's complicated I don't know how to feel about that grenade in oh oh oh hey to yeah I'm my CH reinforcing oh somethingest appr re I think the ISR one's gone now cuz I blew that [ __ ] up very good of you samples it's not what the [ __ ] did I blow up oh yeah there is the ISR on watches it watches it watches oh it turned off look at that that's insane Advanced weon there's like 800 hulks near that thing there goes Scorch hey the drop ships are here um what if we told him no oh no down got him oh no one told me this guy was here you're about again oh the tank help air strike the Jamin struggling to lock onto it for some reason got it oh God I'm in the Bish rocks drop that heat oh my goodness it dead oh hell yeah it is God bless thank you gohost go go go go thank you Emerald gamer not we love you God speed God bless super they're approaching requesting Sentry what else do I got in my little baggie my position we got to manually adjust which one's over here Justin yeah just all of them The Dread is here kill him Auto Canon kill him all right this one's good Jain oh calling in another air strike keep your heads down all right we're going to leave let's get the hell out of here they're pushing up the ridge why is the sky blast what happened I don't know uh they brought evil foul sorcery upon us it's the we should have destroyed that while we could I did they brought the shadow oh my God I can't stem save my life literally I ran into that Hulk buster oh I'm out he blocked it with a shield that's crazy we must launch the nuke my current position in is uh Doom I'm not going to make it out of this one oh what a to to stay alive make it I'm I'm working on man I'm working on it man I'm working on it that guy better not launch rockets at me I swear to God don't don't come in oh we laid it right on him base we landed right on our base that's wonderful call in an orbital laser let's break contact get the hell out of here how am I alive holy machine guns Jesus Christ theiron covered oh my goodness got to get out oh my goodness oh my goodness oh the missile sights that way oh for [ __ ] sake holy [ __ ] it's not good over here [Music] bro Oh my Jesus that's a lot of smoke right there we should go in it I agree I have a dude behind me and he is hungry is that a tank requesting Advanced Weaponry bro that's a tank F supp wait oh the sight's this way God damn I think we're I think we're good for now oh hello oh my God guys it's uh it's looking bad for the home team hey good luck we'll remember you we remember you is one of the super democracy's finest super super democracy finest super soldiers super democracy of Freedom Fighters oh it's that type of guy oh he's dead I found mud where's this ICBM site what the [ __ ] uh my guy is so tired youve been pushing it for oh the ICBM site we're here I'm here reinforcing oh thank you jul milk with the corn FL oh requesting advaned we in the terminal the robots they're hunting me yeah that's fine all right I think oops God damn it you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me five oh no five I I hope you guys are having a wonderful time right now cuz yeah we're chilling I have embarked on the entirety this guy night yeah and we're trying to launch a nuclear war what was that that was a rocket uh-uh oh great you've rang the dinner bell they're coming oh I did I'm not either thought we dived into hell or something game crashed your game crashed when you said that as soon as I said I didn't like that Al Destroyer no we lost an ally Destroyer I got the rolling barrage keep dude I [ __ ] they killed Scorch immediately oh why did I fall over call it in an air strike keep it down here comes St yeah got love air support die they're coming closer I'm out I killed it that's great um I killed him I'm launching the nuke launch it cover me oh D4 launching coordinates ploted I'm out of ammo is another loading bar who made this goddamn computer there's a resupply right next to you J where down that little Hill you're coming back in grenade that a grenade next to me that's a grenade I threw you mid jump that was epic that was kind of cool I ain't going to lie all right coming in he's here he's here I'm going in the missile dreadnut oh oh [Music] ciper that hurt never SL but I'm ready I'm a hero I'm a goddamn red blooded American and I'm going to launch this missile for democracy [ __ ] launch it oh launch it missile launching okay leave here he comes I'm here Freedom let's go with honor we are leaving pry pry they've launched a mess of pry the AR base God my God did for a second I thought you just leaped off the map you leaped off the C cyer cyer oh oh yeah yeah yeah himself back to this okay I say uh say we take it slow and stealth unless he knows exactly where we are he knows exactly where we are you threw a stratum why this is path by you're lucky that critical him he's dead CER no You' doomed us to a fate most fou no we're good Cy the one to call me yeah I could do something like oh they pop smoke for me thanks into the Mist holy artillery if if you have any answer besides no you're incorrect a Jesus Christ I need I'm P down let the turret fight okay let me get to a spot where I'm not pinned down by mg4 oh there's a base right here do not going to happen that's not going to happen we need to move faster a big ass he's a big ass you got to ju on that be me to true death ju on that beat real quick some's already called you in oh hell why I got to be over here manin the yeah I'm scuttling I'm scuttling like a little crab my little Claws and [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] going we're moving we're moving we got it we got it requal this Pathfinder one I'm almost at the extraction holy [ __ ] Sigma my eyes I can't see you on that you on that I'm losing it I'm just covered in blood of my own blood by the way this is on mine oh my God okay stealth yeah we made it add money to the to the guac B I think I'm at it I'm at the extract that's that's big of you requesting a support I'm calling it in I'm so hurt I'm hurt mentally bro I'm losing it what calling an extraction you got to let me touch the pen I don't I don't think you're typing on the screen for me I'm typing oh well he did it I don't have any well this is it but something's Landing here already how about a nice C of Li oh destroyed he's running counter Ops the enemy Advance okay I can be called in in 5 seconds cyer all right this is one one holding that position uh what is that call me fing approv one call you we're holding a Yankee Doodle Dandy over just don't let them call in drop launch welcome back to the fight Soldier yeah what's up T you made it you mile supp we have a patrol resupply down here for youus 3 minutes what's that coming up Bots Bots dear God they're coming for us calling down a son of a [ __ ] they found the extract H 21 and calling in air support I'm ambushing him 21 this is Overlord got coming in on your location holy [ __ ] baby to one good kills good oh my this machine gun oops kill them my beautiful boy oh my god get some get I saw Adam Smasher go air is there an Adam Smasher behind us there's a dread coming over near me Con in another oh my God his head lost his head oh a jav themus 2 minutes good strike on target 21 multiple Kia holy big boy big boy I have a on owner 2 one I'm calling in the final laser [ __ ] if I could if I could okay the CH B the CH yeah take this lials get out a liberal this baby 30 seconds come on call me in call me in CER call me in don't call me in on any Enemy No no no call me in safe place thank you oh the piss beam got him turned off thank you I hit him right in his battery P that dude still alive that's crazy mg42 uhoh he's got rocket requesting orbital slow slow slow if you shoot them in the rocket shoulders it does a lot of nightman are hungers the unbidden oh we're going to make it we're going to make it guys make it we're going to make it grab shoulders we're going to make it out of here where's that beam going it it's found someone at once scorge what's your status over kill the tank I'm on my way okay gor is almost rtb tell me when you're close I get you a Whatchamacallit a walking barrage right behind you there's something right there oh just BR behind there don't go there coming hot spicy Chihuahua Meats what's he say you're standing oh this guy has little toes look at that it still has animations going huh this guy go we must hold for scorch scorge I'm almost there let's go preparing to depart launch in 20 seconds there were Bots over there I knew it get on get on we completed a hell dive bro we did it today you another oh thank you Mason gray oh many years of friendship I love friendship and freedom I think that's a good place to stop the stream I think we're going to complete this hell dive but I don't I'm I'm Tucker out us on theard Drive yeah we got ripped off man it's been 3 hours of Pure Freedom oh oh we've done it shameful return did they not just see us 7,300 direct points 1,600 XP thank you thank you a lost man certified piss Nation W thank you solar solid heard that Liberty oh the Liberty in the pursuit of ski that was a lot that was a lot mentally we did it though good night gray good night I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their Saturday evening or whatever time of day it is uh what's the stats on this one I I got the most kills but that out there um I was oh hold on hold on you got a lot of Friendly Fire oh my God scor your friendly fire is insane wait I didn't die once that whole ass Mission that's that's powerful oh my God I definitely did good night stream we've done it victory for the OG good night everyone thank you gsman [Music] oh don't DB me up actually this is not there we
Channel: RubixRaptor
Views: 310,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubixraptor, jayraptor, rubixraptor livestream, rubixraptor best moments, ignis corp, funny, rubixraptor funny moments
Id: wzGMKldzKaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 28sec (11368 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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