The Guerrilla War in Arma 3 that Rages While You Sleep - Antistasi Tanoa Pt. 2

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fast mover West fast mover West oh no oh you may wonder how I got here on this tropical island in the Pacific fighting a war against two massive armies with my crew of marauders see months ago we began this fight for freedom on this island because with every island we control we get one step closer to World dominate I mean uh to spread peace uh not war this isn't a selfish Conquest for our own monetary gain [Laughter] one thing is for sure though this anti-stasy mode for Arma 3 sure does make it satisfying to play you and your team slowly take control of the cities and bases over the map Gathering higher end weapons vehicles and supplies along the way today you're watching over 24 hours of helmet cam footage that I recorded in my Adventures as we live and die for to Noah we're gonna try to kill it at that pole [Music] good shot oh another one he's moving left screen left green left right there right there on target foreign [Music] [Music] duke it might be a second I'm gonna hope that the AAA launchers can get this guy okay little jet wants a little fun all right um copy I I should have good control here as long as he doesn't throw too far away he just got hit he's ejected we're good okay all right all right I'm good coming down yeah I saw that thing lining you up friendly that doesn't look friendly that doesn't look good jump in a bench and then we're gonna go kill that pilot oh hell yeah all right right yep here we go all right yeah teach this guy a lesson oh [ __ ] get him get him get him [Laughter] I remember Josh this isn't bumper carp ET Shadow is in position at Oki one uh surveilling the factory and the seaport over ERG that position the [ __ ] does grg mean uh means oh he's on the left oh this is going to be interesting hey Josh yeah you want in like if you go oh no no no everybody get a everybody get a right now everybody get a empty your bags get ready for Special Forces Special Forces it just vomits on the beach out of fear yep eyes eyes on South South aircraft South load mine uh view this since nerd increase enhance foreign good shot nice I need more Rockets I got an A10 firing on the A10 a10's down ghost oh nice good kill in the Comanche oh my gosh dude get the ghost Hawk good hit holy [ __ ] good [ __ ] one more one more another one it just flared parachutes parachutes they were not ready they were not ready [Applause] goodbye delete take the El NATO take the freaking L yeah we got mprl take the L capitalists go back to Texas go back to Texas you nerds this is uh what are we called uh what are we called what's our name who's talking about there's a rocket holy [ __ ] what the what killer that's been a missile from uh yeah it came back what'd you would you the ghost talk out in the water what the hell I think once it was destroyed though I think your rocket launcher 180. it went straight up and turned around bro the rocket pulled the Uno reverse card on us smoke coming out of the water is this good for the environment take that Greta sunberg capitalism what my name is Alex Jones why are you lagging I don't know bro just get good let me see what your frames are your frames are 16 everybody else is at 49 60 29 20 54. this is the your PC is older than Drew that's why I have 970. what's your seat goal anything over honestly anything at 1080p over 970 makes no difference it's all just CPU single core I'm gonna guess a uh uh 44 770k with that with that set up a 970 you've got a fortune Intel five seven six seven hundred oh I love that CPU spring you got to get yourself like a brand new like an i5 13 600k I will be saving up for it you will literally like four computers sitting in your closet actually yeah but I'm not I'm not made of computers I mean because they're backups for money oh he gave us a helicopter let's go we're just gonna go parachute parachutes don't need this kind of negativity in my game God damn it is everybody in good to go copy going oh this thing is auto hover on what the hell okay what's our altitude for jump Drew you tell me the number and I'll fly that high uh as high as we can okay we don't get shot down I'm gonna raise altitude here then where are we aiming aiming for uh 15 seconds [Music] all right pilot says green light go go jump jump jump jump double click V last man oh my gosh one of them oh that parachute was so low look at them go let's go boys contacts near the radio tower Southeast side outside of the walls Southeast side one Squad very likely to have a csat reaction there we're taking out six Choppers and I think the attack aircraft your helmet's gone Mr Gus it got shot off I landed amongst a squad of about 12 people you could say you landed among this I landed among well I also for some reason I thought that the parachute was gonna pop automatically and I was like so I pulled my shoot at like 100 meters I joined a squad of 12 opportunity right there for me we're taking a cool cinematic shot actually everybody pose everybody posed for a picture it's actually a really good picture everybody post I'll be right there clown I'm gonna take a picture everybody squeeze it squeeze it squeeze in [Music] this land bro easy I'm trying trying to get lower just shoot down the uh Josh hold hold Z hold the decrease Collective button whatever it is well just hold it and you'll go lower Josh no not sideways okay okay find a flat spot find a flat spot and look at it and and and Target fixate on that spot oh you would probably want to go forward so there's a pull to your left hold left pull left and he's dead so so the war path adds the warpath adds they send me like a big folder of stuff and it's basically just like b-roll and there's uh there's like the crit like I I think it's Indonesia is where this game is based off of yeah and so there's directly translated stuff in the ads and they give it to voice actors who they just like get off Fiverr or something so the the Fiverr voice actors don't care they just say it and so it comes back as like we found the pharaoh's treasure oh the pharaoh's treasure the desert desert oil it's like the dumbest thing conflict is unavoidable Beyond slot head started in certain parts of the city play rage Shadow Legends foreign yeah do you fly playing good no that's what I like to hear but this is not a plane yeah this is not a plan all right that's what happens when bro if you're trying to park a helmet in the garage and it gets hit by a mortar shell oof so skill issue yes hey stop putting a pistol at me hey sir sir I'm gonna have to ask you to put the gun down slowly how about you give me a big old kiss on my lips let's try hlz North there on the on the beach on the northeast side and hopefully we can get some cover uh in that in that Realm beach we're just we're landing and this part doesn't marketing not air assaulting yeah we would land and move out if we try to land on the objective we're gonna get engaged and that's not going to go well for us as we've seen multiple times helicopters getting shot down by even you know guys with an lmg so um uh control F I think okay I'm 92. matter hey don't call me fat I'm working on it I'm working on it all right it's okay it's okay I'm with you we're on the same boat only 92 yeah as you're wearing your giant like I'm about to kick a door where there's an IED inside the door plus I'm gonna shoot a tank inside the house plus it's night time plus I've got my rifle with my GL okay come on plus L plus what are you doing 120 pounds fill up the stamina Punishment No it's it's bad enough as it is please don't you weigh a hundred pounds a situation yeah it'd have to be a very beginning hahaha what the [ __ ] did I join dude get me out of the squad we're gonna do dust okay okay yeah yeah going if Drew goes down I'll take over controls but you don't want that yeah either way so what what do you mean dude I'm a good pilot I'm a great pilot when you're drunk that's the only time you can fly and guess what I have about eight beers of me so I'm a great pilot right now they also have a note to do some basic medicine if we need to or something as well I've got uh yeah it doesn't like European ideas Get Ready Get Ready three two one and jump jump taking fire front oh you didn't get out can you get on the right gun can you get on the right gun Beach just to our right in the white smoke area I've still got Bubba in I'm gonna drop him I know my game froze yeah you're good you're good you're good I'm coming back uh jump on left gun coming in with Bubba all right Bubba there you go jump jump jump double click V double click V double click V oh gosh I just want to set my radio 71. 3 ski on a large check check good check seven one reach you five by five uh successfully dropped uh blue team red team whatever team that was on the Northern Ireland coming back hlz currently solid copy red team uh one one holds your position uh a weight uh blue one twos arrival uh and then we'll push out as demarcated on map all right load up I'm flashing my laser okay let's uh yeah unless you're shooting at something or your signaling keep your iron lasers off I will react to them unleaded nice thank you Josh stumble West with it can I get an mg to mount up on this thing dude's down one down out in front of this straw Hut all right oh he's shooting out the door laying down prone right side prone right side player we're clear I'm on Duke oh my God there's like seven of them in here left arm I'm going chest [Music] helicopter inbound South Chinook two times oh it missed oh it went for flares Focus the Comanche with the tele to focus the commission are we on this 50 . oh it went for flares nice good hit oh enemy helicopter oh loading oh gosh whoa that rocket that's a toe holy crap it's gone they've got disembarks on that ghost Hawk we're moving down to clear the LZ [Applause] makes it more uh [Applause] Josh sent me two folks top of the top of the bird everybody else only two of you guys can fit touring okay two are in so we're four yeah we're full cool perfect food you want a door gun yeah I'm not tracking these guys to give them this is a hostage rescue right it's a reputation refugees back okay so very likely the blue four will be right next to the bad guys I'ma let them roll in first and then we'll come in circle got it now do we need um do we just load them into the truck yeah okay oh contact's on the road on the road in front of them in front of them I'm trying to pick them up see civilian cart civilian car on target civilian car caution take right side right side road yeah spray it's great uh right inside careful for the refugees careful careful I'm gonna Surplus I'm gonna start a circle here yeah yeah uh I've got good engage until I'm searching because I don't want to hit the refugees yeah refugees are on the porch of that house [Music] they're outside the front porch yeah I'm not gonna shoot that left of the house there's a shed with a water tank underneath the water tank so yeah there is oh contacts below yep if you have left side left side of the road can't see where you're shooting it's straight across the road right now about 100 yeah right there it's moving left bring left swing left right there right there on nope down down left left a little bit on target left four I'm gonna bring this over one sec okay there you go good kill why would you shoot at a ghost talk with mp5s come on yep you guys got three Airborne qrf head in your position oh okay where I must have just been called from where Josh UA from base right now I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm climbing one sec yeah climb oh I see him yeah I'm gonna bring this closer one sec yeah yeah he's definitely Landing nice okay one more is back rear High I'm turning yep yep yep oh he just got hit he just got hit thank you for that warning Josh all right going back to our normal Circle uh one two this is one six uh send your last transmission for the medic I'll spray itself depending towards you guys Osprey South through climbing very drought spare drops hair drops somewhere oh yeah oh yep there's some frame jumpiness oh they're shooting away a base oh crap where do they drop them [Music] they just hit the Osprey but I don't know where it dropped those paratroopers they're shooting at base it's at base this is base we got an enemy parachute overhead base friendly heli overhead base I'll bring you slow one second one second getting an angle now okay I got a couple of these guys clear them out dude we're all right in the line at one point taking fire oh wow brother there's a Crosshair that appears that makes it hard to adjust the fire any luck with that uh whoa those tracers are cool yeah they looked somebody got a flare up as well at night I always turn my Bloom up to Max and it makes it look really nice and cinematic all right okay guns try got it uh do they need transport up north at all let me check let me find out uh they're trying to figure out what's going on with the refugees I'm not sure I think they're working on it we'll go and land and rejoin the ground group sounds good hello you we release the black hole let's look at that [ __ ] you the water Man Too Close I see that you know I didn't really notice at the time but it's waterproof right is it it rains sometimes helicopters flying rain right do they yeah they do how'd the minigun look it looks so cool you guys look cool from above too bird was hovering behind us and then I just hear blob in a stream of tracers four feet past my head let's go it's Majestic walking back I'm gonna go get see I need to pick up here back he looks like he's walking back hey do you want to ride uh sure I'm gonna wait for the other knucklehead I was just sitting here walking back I was like huh I think imagine I want to go home I was gonna steal the police boat over there on the left I don't know if there's any fuel though dude you did you get killed by The one nprl dude that survived that crash no no we we survived oh you survived yeah yeah we were about that burning carcass off the coast with you I was like no no we died the one nprl boy no we uh we took some small arms from like mp5s that was like the most we ever took because at all other times the Infantry were just focused on other infantry yeah they shot me in my ass like four times it was very disappointed in myself me and the Butt Talks it just jumped up and bit me jumped up and bit me I said oh [ __ ] whoa holy crap okay okay we're taking fire close north we have a couple infantry up here no no no no no no no no no no no no oh come on come on we took fire close north of the base 300 meters I'm with you brother in heavy contact North grenade out grenade out Madge grenade out on them [Laughter] badge match oh I just woke up oh me a second hello oh I just wanted these cops I can't tell these rallies are cops these are friendlies okay got the siren on that thing what the heck what the [ __ ] happened dude we were driving a quad and imagine I were just like we were just chat we got ambushed it was like it was so cinematic like just shots would start flying by us and then we went over there so we tipped over all we heard I was like oh he's wearing like American Uniform and then immediately right as that thought entered my head back all we heard from base all we heard from bass was Majestic shots and tracers all right back to base we ride at dawn we ride we ride dude that was so funny I'll be honest I was very scared that's going in the video 100 dude that was so good I was so scared I was so I didn't know what to do I tried to pull up my GL but it was empty [Music] okay who's spray painting the who's graffiting the the headquarters God damn it can't have anything nice in this yeah who's drawing dicks on the shed we will be landing on the Southeast side getting an SPF upon the relative Hill I know it's not super high and we'll start pushing West toward La Rochelle and also the csat Outpost on the west side so priority is to secure the seaport uh secondary objective is to Sir Ghost Hunter make sure you guys recheck your radios um it's fine it's just uh I really wanted to get it a little wash so I put the tail in the water how are we going green if we just killed eight helicopters with tons of fuel and oil in them that just landed into the ocean [Music] shade of green solo coffee all right Baron and cubby uh a recommend uh Ingress Southeast uh to Northwest for uh hlz uh Linus Tech tips uh oh okay they know how low he was gonna fly he just flew through a tree he flew through a tree he's a better pilot and he's a pilot he went through a palm tree I saw it shake yeah he went through I don't know it might have been desync it was wild this volcanic dirt black Beach sorry just interesting nature wow it's oily oh after all the helis we killed yeah probably cause a mass biological all right we're pushing it with you foreign [Applause] he's dead [Applause] we're at down the road we can get into this building on the left or the containers on the right we just need to move now while those smokes are up okay toss them one more smoke I'm gonna go I'm gonna go left all those are friendlies holy actually I'm gonna go right crossing crossing Craig got it it bounced right we're good we're good with you with you with you [Applause] cross you're good keep going oh there's a gunboat right in front of us oh really I can't even see it oh oh right oh uh it's turning it's turning gunboat uh GMG HMG combination so can you get a frag on it Josh yeah get it get it we're right here to heal you if you go down we're right here Josh we're with you we can got you bro come on dude come on you can do it you're Chris Kyle you're Chris Kyle they should be bungled a little bit right all right let's go let's go the driver's dead the gun's looking directly at us just stay low go go go go saw that flash that ARMA 2 2D flash dot jpeg gonna get behind it yep really open uh if you want to move up feel free but if you want to stay there you can [Applause] get behind it [Applause] the boat's all dead [Applause] yeah it's all dead they're toast that's not fine helicopter South Southwest ready Southwest Southwest got it got it ready firing loading taru taru as well man rise I started eating my chicken they hit dude having guided weapons got it loading oh no same spot same spots yep I see it I'm gonna hold and wait if no I'm firing firing ouch I backlasted myself got it I think I'm just one scratch that's all the AI I've got though also that body might come down on top of us it's still going yeah it's coming down there it goes what the heck that was a weird Arc oh geez probably get in the van that would be good to have yeah uh Colin in air strike on the uh NATO on the up on The Outpost Forest I've got a fixed case guy um got it foreign crap come on please crash please crash yes coming in west of us moving Northwest death there it goes do they just toss those things out the door oh and one two we're moving out to direct West hotel I have two enemies Northwest 100 meters alley do we engage yeah let's get him let's get him push-ups out there's a higher position clear 400 meters nice good hit splash what are you doing this corner Sony for eign oh my gosh do you guys look up look up you too do you see what do you see myself fast mover West fast mover West oh no oh get inside all right kiddo go go go go go oh my gosh oh no [Laughter] oh man yeah [ __ ] I'm gonna climb the roof down Edition it's going down it's down it's down we got it one okay I'm pretty sure they just got clusters one two are you guys good don't walk it up oh another one no I've got a lock locking one one out one out another vital veto overhead oh Jesus I'm getting in the bunker I'm getting in the bunker shoot come on no I can't get a lock it's moving too fast paratroopers right above us good luck guys let me know how it goes helicopter West taru management West Cashman West has been down oh yes come on yeah baby am I all out I think I'm all out now yeah that is so many people [Applause] get everybody down into the [ __ ] area [Applause] oh [ __ ] sorry mace [ __ ] I just shot mace I shot him too Madge oh my god dude [ __ ] I shot him too we both shot you Mace he looks so much like I didn't know what to do uh he should be good is he still bleeding yeah no he's just lost a lot of blood so I'm giving him blood um okay I like your Club Penguin badge gotta admit don't match we lit him up so well he was he was a goner can you imagine he he literally took one shot and he went bam dead dead give little wimp watch for Crossfire [Music] thank you downhill downhill Southeast Southeast grenade out downhill grenade grenade I think he's farther I'm still taking a light contact east side down the Steep Mountain here 200 meters out I'm gonna try to bait while you guys could watch for those frags watch those frags we're down here we're good not not sure yet come back a little surrender left pause the GoPro recording and restart it okay good to delete that file someone turn off the GoPro how about they were selling it for 415 down from 685 through a 3.5 on it from Amazon Hank did you say Amazon scope no I bought a it's an it's um [Music] there's no civilian yeah Josh that's our truck because he's burning with the truck that's our truck there was a bad guy stood next to it he was buying oh I'm sure there was a bag copy [Music] was that call for heli yeah cubby yeah Kobe's inbound with one times copy that uh next time I was gonna grab I was literally in the process of grabbing the fx45 back because I found magazines for it all right I'm putting my view distance to minimum for maximum frames yeah okay I see what your stuff is okay all right uh here this is a good spot all right bye-bye you want to jump in or else is here just you must oh it wakes us over there there's wigs in a car yeah yeah he's in a like a off-road or whatever they're called yeah here he comes look I'm pissing along he's fine yo take him out we got a speeding Jeep it's 125 ticket we are going to use maximum for one second where'd he go where'd he go check out that engine block oh yeah he's up there I see him one sec stop the vehicle or you will be uh I don't know Meme Don it'll never catch me alive [Laughter] oh we got ourselves a runner Buzz lock load foreign don't actually kill him oh this is uh officer Majestic we would like you to pull your vehicle to the side and comply sir okay we're gonna cut them off oh yeah right at that spring around and spray around them he's gonna yep there he is there he is there he is oh you got it you got him oh [ __ ] something's here oh crap yeah those are enemies oh [ __ ] oh no no no no uh contacts front 300 meters looking at us yep I'm gonna set up a bipod once I get eyes and wait for your call foreign got a ton of enemy entry to our south and east they haven't seen us yet I'm still up yes I am still up we're good I just have to pick Skyler up Perfect's gonna initiate I have to go pro next to the flag here my food 50 50 Tower thank you left side loading yep cards you up I'm up left of the hanger I think drewsky's up range 4 30. 430 to the closest hanger right side hit it watch for that City Car City car is a little silly goober look at him yeah oh my gosh civi you are such a silly dude pull it back oh oh damn you've got thermals on that targeting pot as well yeah thermals and then we've got I think uh I think actually you have control of all of the weapons it seems uh friendlies in a Comanche inbound from your Northwest again Friendly's in Comanche Northwest he's inbound Northwest Friendly's in Comanche North contact Southwest of my position understood copied last uh be advised we have enemy infantry to our South at motor got we're on the east side of the city so what I would do Klein is I would use the map and left shift left click on our friendlies so you've always got to wait for them okay okay Northwest West yeah take them out we don't like them yeah uh white smoke at bearing one uh sorry two four four yeah well I don't see any one of them there's one there's one just to the right you see those green tracers yep that never happens engaging what about uh more more enemies left to take it left up top of the hill here look down a little bit down right right right up right upright upright right there right in that area where the rock is there's some enemies in that spot one second turning us there you go yep yep yep right there right there bring it higher up on that mountain higher yeah there you go see set Comanche this is one six I've got enemy csat Northwest on the hill Northwest of blue smoke copy we're engaging Northwest blue smoke that's the same spot uh looks like uh yeah up and right of that position or up and left right there yep okay the celebration is weird if I don't move the mouse it stabilizes at one point interesting uh sounds like another airframe to the Northeast just be aware copy that we have one friendly airframe oh yeah switch to Amber says Dorothy confirmed luck with r or t button another one where's the second one we can't see it uh behind you behind you behind you got it got it got it there we go shot out oh they hit it they got it they got it yeah scratch your neck oh Artie we will move positions quick quick 74 hop in just load up you got a box truck beside you on the street uh we're going north let's go a lot of boats the dock there like a lot of boats yep those are two ribs a small infantry east side of the Town East side of town 20 meters to your West or to your left box truck at the end of the at the end of the path dirt path you got water tank there right beside the water hit that water tank it's a edge of town you haven't just left just left dude watch out those are friendlies tracers I think all friendlies are in the town uh that dirt path that goes into the forest there's one sitting along it into the forest good hit right below us right below is fine outside of town right below us I'm pointing towards it yep that area is under the trees under the trees take it left take it left take more left what was that notification it said yeah it's unknown but it could be anything copy we're running also good job with the video Drew thank you yeah that video kind of blew up it you know it's it's funny how rushed and how uh destroyed that video was about 48 hours before its launch like it was one of the most confusing messes I've ever edited in in a long time but it worked out I I slept like uh 13 hours in the last 24 hours it was fun seeing other people's perspectives in it and every time I hear my voice I skipped five seconds uh it's a fast mover South Southwest don't shoot it oh no okay no I guess we're shooting it why would we shoot at a fast mover oh no spread out spread out spread out we're good it's not on us clear Ghost Talk and warthog oh geez it's a town parachuters correction scene directly south south east Southeast enemy uh parachute above [Applause] Ghost Talk Landing Southwest Comanche two times Comanche oh Comanches no no holy crap okay minigun okay you would uh Drew's hit in the head pretty quickly and then I'm moving back I'm back I'm back I'm gonna get in this house Duke's down uh yeah uh standby or did I use it no I I got 500. gotcha face there's this guy coming towards you Jerry East by the buildings thank you 500 left oh is that friendly oh [ __ ] sorry mace there's Amy's right beside you at the building man she's coming over [ __ ] he's fatal like tourniquet arm foreign AIDS my nades [ __ ] again enemy infantry Southeast and east side of the objective area ouch oh there's an at launcher right here oh my God welcome back buddy nice job oh thank you holy moly it's basiba comrades hello I like the bullpups sorry I was just looking at the Bullpup I'm not saying ooh about you Joshua wouldn't like me doing that but the Bullpup though oh mama yep borders that sounds like rockets those are Rockets yeah they're racing Rockets artillery now can you do me a favor uh I am right next to those Corners a ghost talk for minigun support to get him to voice actors cleric that would make sure oh God what just happened they all just died players just die I think they all just died from orders cards more yep you said it was like don't go back in the building we just shot from they called in a third heimar strike just for me um before we assault this Airfield let's let's really uh get down our our roles in the squads and so we can have a good spread of ataa uh Auto Rifleman designated Marksman and just assaults General assault people Medics probably can be kind of the assault Berg you got a mic yeah okay gotcha I didn't know if you were talking or not no but I would I did have it earlier muted earlier while trying to talk to Klein he just said he kept seeing my mouth move oh you suddenly have pants what the heck I'm a magician he did he didn't have pants I looked away I looked back and he had pants we're trying we're trying to speed run this [ __ ] mission but Jade's taking her sweet ass time farting around here it's gonna take us two minutes [ __ ] she just messaged me on Discord she said are you [ __ ] serious you prick wow just wow tell her to walk we'll have everybody else an assault yeah with that schmuck aren't you hot in that thing nah she's Australian Australian right you're used to it true you want to be my mg guy yeah I love how you go landed down at the gun you're just like yeah yeah I'm already holding it so I had a video of my friend touched my waist all right Joshua guzz leader of the guzzlers guzzlers our radio channel [Music] we have [ __ ] Ospreys and this is yeah exactly it's not a very big thing to worry about this is not like you'll feel too much right it's not it's not getting much to ever worry about yeah exactly so it's only a problem for like five seconds three two one jump jump jump jump double click V what's our altitude last man copy that I'm pulling my shoe down all right who's under canopy I'm hurt on every part of my body there's a we're Landing right next to a squad of cops I'm here I'm right behind you okay copy Josh I see him there between us oh hey Mikey you're good seven four is good I really don't know who that is oh friendly car I think civilian car yeah civilian go see lasers popping off from the north marked enemy infantry on map to our Northwest on the road hey I gotta get off I've got an AAA missile on me who wants it 19 fortnite card [Music] I don't know if you've seen that that video what is that it's like a weird Tick Tock or something it's it's a it's a guy just in his car going 19 Fortnight card who wants it I'm bipodding on a bush that works it's very well trimmed it's a very maybe it's like one of those solid ones yeah oh let's hopefully we can salvage that tank if we can get a tank that would put us so far ahead combat yoinked finessed combat dunked on there's too much foliage I can't get it uh let's spread back foo's already down oh [ __ ] we shot who's up uh [Applause] contacts on the northeast side jet in the air A10 A10 bombs bombs bombs [ __ ] where's Mikey oh crap Mike you good Mikey you good I'm all right are you hurt blown up how do I access the medical menu uh you'll do oh shoot there's a hotkey for it uh I do left control uh windows and the medical menu menu yeah you're not hurt too bad luckily are you healing me yeah I'm getting you oh shoot oh no crap where oh my gosh that's so many copy I think we're getting most is one to the left now they got them they got them okay I'm gonna dig a trench really quick is it like a traditional Rockets Rockets get down down down down Jet Jet Jet A10 it's pretty good wait for it shot chaff hit good it oh where was oh they're shooting at the parachute they just looked onto the pair oh no yeah some reason get down get down get down I don't know if there's more bombs I think we're all right man it's lucky that we had a chance oh it's going down oh that was cool to watch probably anything's still on gosh engine's still on what engine's still on that's not the that's not the driver's seat that's the back seat it's your engine isn't it no that's your engine no it's not it's off that's on yours is definitely jump out yeah no that's yours yeah that's yours I know I'm messing with Josh I know dude is your engine's still on idiot come on oh my gosh look at the amount of ordinance we've got here what the heck nobody poke this we're gonna have drivers and Gunners stay in the other two in each APC will jump out and give support on the ground and we'll do a slow push into the AO oh this drone doesn't have thermals on it HMG left side still up with B it's down let's move fast oh wow I gotta like aim to the right of the skill I'm being goodbye CLS yeah they're saying we're in there yes he's behind the truck I'm gonna get you guys up to this hole oh crap I'm gonna get you up to this vlog your disembark infantry disembark all right moving forwards poke to this wall here I'm gonna hold you here really quick and I'm gonna jump out [Music] fine you should be good to come in close to starting Cass foreign I think I got him Jay do you guys good original wheel s I'm gonna take the flag let's get everybody who has AAA out of the vix vehicle coming into our Northeast as well down the road what type I I don't know oh it's uh I'll push it it's a it's an Amtrak it's an Amtrak uh Northeast of us I think North we're coming with a left all right oh I'm hearing something yep yep yep it's straight north of us I think right now Northeast Northeast it's down North I see it I see it hit it hit it with all you got stopping oh no the tree I'm moving us okay good to shoot good to shoot good to shoot I'm gonna push it all right was it in that smoke utterly on the other side of that rest there got it let me know where to go just tell me oh yeah I see it I see it straight front nice good hit enemy ABC I think BTR down look to your left tank tank [ __ ] left left check left check left he's coming right in front of you that's funny I'm gonna I have Rockets I'm chasing this tank oh no go ahead and kick me out no it's aiming I'm running us backwards okay okay okay just a little bit I got oh no they got it they got it I just got like many all right let's go Engage The disembarks uh no friendlies up ahead all hostile oh they're climb we just got frog footed I'm gonna jump out yeah it's just our tires the hole is fine got it that's cook off that was not shooting we're just depressing all match pushed up copy hey Farrell uh just jump on a short range one one zero got it thanks we're uh attacking a town we're gonna drop you off with this little bird a fruit of dudes up above us or in front of us uh We've also got a high Mars that's gonna support us and yeah welcome to the night we're having fun yes sir check uh check one time okay white Smoke's front right there's the bunker if you get us low we can hit it yeah we can hear you infantry infantry moving out of that checkpoint heading Southeast if we're taking small arms right below us get us lower climb lower on the same Circle okay try to get that left one I think it's still up I'm not sure actually no it's down that's fine no worries I think these okay both hmgs are down yeah whenever we're shooting fine just try to make really smooth movements because every movements that's an HMG right side that green tracer you think no no that's not H and G minus one oh and on this kind of okay let's rtb we can grab uh we can grab uh the pickups uh feral and I think Jade went down yeah that that was me who called faster because I have an intervention on me oh yeah yeah get us on uh take a fire oh no no no no no no no oh boy Southeast 140. amateur Southeast close 75 meters Drew you up I don't think Drew is good anymore he's that fatal he's that fatal yeah pumping blood pumping but we are all okay except for Drew we're working on getting him up I wouldn't call it crash it was it was a hard Landing you know we got shut down yeah you got hit by a rocket hurt but I'm back up getting I like I trust myself hitting a building that I didn't see I don't think anything no you got shoes there he is a rocket hit us flying it wasn't you okay yeah oh mine oh shoot oh no I'm getting right arm holy tripwire Skyler what's your ETA chest uh we're gonna be delayed for about another two or three minutes but it should not be long all right everyone should be secure and collected at the CCP on our position whoa how are you guys doing down there what the hell [ __ ] I have no clue he has eyes on you he doesn't have eyes on me what where toss smokes have you got him let's smoke it let's smoke it smoke it smoke it 74. you guys good yeah moving into the damn it okay wait one and one and we'll move together once uh case guys back up and we'll move to reinforce Drew and do we know where he is Southeast that's what I'm thinking I just couldn't spot him on the wall that he's on the roof yeah because he's got like a clear line on our heads if we if we even Crouch that's weird he's got to be I'm not shooting me right now unless I tagged him when I was firing yeah we might have I mean I just sprayed everything he could be possibly behind got him got him he was low in a bush I'm proning loading yeah he was yeah oh it was a Viper team is on your position that's why his body Salvage what you can off of it I'm taking if they've got anything crazy yeah they've got suppressed six fives yeah this was a Viper team that's what csap punishment meant here's a lynx I'm taking the links [Applause] all right I'm a sniper now Levi's all-in-one tin we have special forces csat Special Forces Southwest any firm uh infantry Squad is on their way to reinforce your position time now hey what's up I gotta get over this oh my gosh I'm getting engaged from the southwest behind me do we still have artillery he's just around the corner drawer Circle I can get Justin hey who has the Drone in the air no muss oh they shotgun they just shotgunned him oh I'm gonna toss a frag around the corner oh no it Muzz is right there I'm gonna toss it farther oh no I am surprised I'm alive you get jester oh that's close I'm assuming this is enemy artillery it is blood he's getting blood right we need to move That's Just Gonna Keep zeroing in on us yeah we need to retreat to a better position yep let's uh office building there's an office building to my front right I'm carrying him covered come on buddy [Applause] the Southwest you might get hit by shrapnel any any units on this net we're moving to the four-story white office building Northeast of our Channel little Bird's taking fire from the southwest big guns Southwest [Music] negative I think I'm taking fire is that a friendly on his body but I can't take it whoa those are Beowulf rounds yeah I'm definitely getting shot at oh I see them I see them oh [ __ ] I'm empty contact two two or one one nine zero 190 on the hill oh he's gone he's gone another one below and right of that nice another one another one same spot immediate right immediate right um I'm gonna throw a grenade over the house cover look at that landed he's just around the corner watch out right there did I get him all right now let's move there's no way he's got to be yep he's still there not anymore [Applause] I definitely heard them oh yeah yeah oh they're behind us they're behind us up on the cliff Richard we're moving to You full strength time now copy Buzz it's the dog speaking Chinese the dog is speaking Chinese [Applause] gosh this thing is huge all right we're down that's a big old girl that's a good boy I'm ungrouped with that I would also I would also much prefer to make no nobody wants you'll be getting fixed ass like [ __ ] softball oh that's a big machine gun decline just call me a softball what do you say those are the detectives we land we get the vehicles the assault teams Moves In any questions a really quick question before we go how heck and dead is NATO going to be after this assault super dead super dead super freaking Dead all right well it's gonna be hot Landing folks oh this is good it's good to go oh yeah All Out playing all out it's not looking good team you have the sauce I want you guys up front uh blue caution contacts from caution contact front multiples I'm standing over you one of them just got alerted red they're looking at you open open up open up Let's cross this road to the right crossing crossing covering why am I stuck now you're talking to me Blues pushing East Waterside copy watch out for gunboats not an important not important one gunboat yep Northeast yeah I do uh can somebody get a range on that gunboat for me you got a rangefinder it's right where I'm pointing go across the road yeah just kill all the uh contact here 260 260 copy oh it's right behind that dock now I'm gonna try it back blast back blast you're good clear oh went over it thank you good right I'm about to hit him about 10 one sec once he comes around bottom got him yeah he fired back but I killed him he got one off Slayer you might be bleeding I might have back blasted you no no I took a little bit of his okay okay gotcha all right let's push this push push push um right behind you watch out door open I'm gonna frag in all right oh okay that was not bad frag bad frag that was not what it showed on my screen oh yep Spread spread spread we got an 18 inbound 18 inbound we're good oh never mind we're good um I'm trying to think of what we can do uh it's a [ __ ] Osprey oh [ __ ] Oscar yep shot it looked good he's banking two birds behind it Drew recommend we did everybody else to cover Josh I'm on the right bird copy hit it blue uh find a hold down position somewhere suggest this Southern Hill I'm hearing another helicopter East here in a rotary East Ghost Talk East yeah two times Chinook and uh ghost hawk or something uh single rotor we're shoving in Rockets now they're gonna be on us in 20 seconds less than that arm went engaging Josh I'm taking the Chinook there was Hawk Down good hit the way that they all fall individually red team get back on the roof and prepare to engage moving down the road to the West blue focus on creating an ambush West Highway Josh is that the highway to your West or the South blue move on that armor incoming West watch out for armor uh red team west of us Sprint this is advise uh clients dropped me in right now we're coming in that civilian bird copy that blue team watch fire that road is about 300 meters blue four North armored Convoy anti-air vehicle or anti-air tank and a quillin with a minigun copy blue let's set up let them get within this Kill Zone I'm marking now [Music] let them get within this blue let them get within the blue rectangle before we engage [ __ ] try to engage the heaviest thing first BTR is dead yeah one more armored bacon still up the teeth it's a tank T100 btr's dead hit the tank oh there is another one okay got it I got it I'm popping smokes copy right now drewsky's up what's up where does it take [Music] up oh my word 's good where are you at Slayer well if you're good move up on this infantry contact to our North this is the sixth contact is close front down West shots right shots right right side of the road I've got a bandage my arm is too hurt bandaging that was me big old Convoy right side of the gas station inside East Side yes on this light from right here yep I just need a rocket if we have anybody with at capability come to drewski right now um uh Slayer 200 meters Southeast that's the tank if you want to hit that is that a dead Sprint I see watch out back West backlash back blast it aim a little low looks like he's inactive did he get knocked out load another way copy yeah once yeah they might be knocked over there I want food to come up with Rockets first I'll approach it with wig is that all right I should go check it out you can go check it out [Music] I hit him with the tandem originally then you drove over to my pause and then he's just been sitting in there ever since wait sir you don't want 12. Slayer you have a rocket can you get in Duke yeah that means there's still a crew inside you gotta move out of the way yeah let's preach it yeah we can't say I ain't got guts I came out here do we have an engineer do you have anybody in the engineer role the tank is still active we need someone to breach the vehicle with the engineer roll approach from the rear of the tank not the front oh no wings but no do not approach the front of the tank approach the rear prepare for enemy counter-attack West and Northwest all right hey firm that's the position that we're holding understood just let me know if you have eyes on contacts no eyes on contact but that's what we're watching for uh blue do we want a trip wait one we're still breaching true I've got two more heaters I really don't want to kill it preach in 10 seconds get ready for disembarks in 10 seconds I don't know if it's gonna blow or if they're gonna jump out back up away from the tank watch the tank oh there they go I think you killed it yep hey we got it let me check the uh the status dude it's just the engine everything else is fine if you want to re-arm heats up for RPG yeah the way your armor character's lifelessized Aaron to me kind of kind of just gets me a little bit though when you say that it gets you going a little bit or it gets what do you mean it scares me oh okay I thought we had a little connection there Kelly's East Josh you're on the leader yep blocking right now I'm not sure it's an alternate shot around town you know Nate should be a little bit more creative next time maybe they realize that we have a strong anti-air presence man they really just like dropping bodies at us yeah what is this Russia all right let's go go contact front west one down oh I nailed him they're close they're close West 10 meters 10 meters West in this white smoke crack out west holy crap frag out west foreign how we doing blue he just needs CPR and a little bit of a um blue if you're up and good to go let's push push push I'm off the top of the hill let's go let's go we've got uh armored Vic Northwest on the main road gonna be here in about 30 seconds I think it might be right in front of us right now okay range to that bush out there oh I'm trying to get the range on that that one telephone pole the One telephone pole on the center right there is 240. sorry guys you're good Josh shout out I'm not gonna engage down [ __ ] nice good shot good shooting good shooting APC get ready enemy taru in the sky North got it let's try to lock up that bike to practice but I wasn't getting anything in the Target box I think that's the anti-air one right or is that the anti-tank okay do you have it on the thermal oh 18 18 A10 inbound over the Over The Outpost cluster probably cluster cluster cluster aircraft spread out spread out spread out spread out just kidding just big bombs shout out we got contacts do we have contact East foreign no you could do one drug and have no like lasting side effects afterwards which one would you try uh I'd probably try a psychedelic like like shrooms or something but I don't know good choice I wouldn't want to do anything I wouldn't want to do anything too heavy like I'm just not into it that's why it would be like that's why I haven't done drugs before I think I would try Coke I've uh never done any drugs nope no drugs that is alcohol I was gonna say well I mean yeah but you know you know I mean alcohol is you haven't smoked a lot of weed or like no I never I never I never found that fun we played Airsoft we dirt biked we did we did I don't know I'm just surprised we had lives we shot guns we hiked we hunted I started a video game channel dude look at me you think I do drugs yeah Sprint we had a group of friends who uh we had a big group of friends when I was like 12 or 13 and half of them got into drugs and the other half got into Airsoft and hiking you can see where I went take it slow up here let's let tail come in once we get up to the edge here especially I'm just RP walking understandable Point let's take it slow let the tail come in actually Point halt Point halt red team on the left side okay blue with me on the right Sprint with red oh [ __ ] contact no clue I cannot see him at all let's get smokes smoke this open oh in the center of the Airfield packing baggages are you taking fire front left just give me a great blue acros down pretty bad and there's a lot of them if you're watching my position I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to all right I'm gonna move twice [Applause] thank you yeah I got shot a few times getting over to Blue it's definitely still that BTR Jesus oh no oh Josh is down dragging him he's in cover Focus that that BTR we need smokes good we're taking Small Arms that's left of the trucks I see him one sec I have so many of these dude little gift packages okay can we move up [Applause] blue if you're good let's push up to this concrete wall on drewski Danny you're taking fire from the rear East [Applause] on the wall here we're taking fire from the East 150. bound I don't know uh [Applause] oh that's Napalm oh no is anybody there oh we're lucky damn he's crazy contact sniper Northeast [ __ ] I'm about to be shot from whatever that is oh my gosh standing over here watch out there right where I'm pointing oh no Josh Josh is down on me oh my god oh no copy I'm covering gotta get involved several airstrikes still taking fire three three zero three three zero 200. yeah we're taking that sniper fire East uh we gotta Focus that I'm gonna get up to this tree yep I'm getting up this tree okay I got her that one's dead what down here oh did that just hit the tree right beside me because the hitboxes I got passed out I'm good uh slayer's sleeping I'm gonna drag him to the wall foreign I think that's a Cashman is that a Cashman that is that's a Cashman Cashman we need to hit it now oh [ __ ] that's rocket already spread Spread spread come in here buddy where's that shooter oh there he is hi Jade who's this Sprint got it gotta got it I'll work with you I'm getting ahead oh that's a taru right there one sec I'm gonna bandage this and then I'm gonna work on that uh that's probably 200. Drew and jader up coming we got a helicopter just dropped off a troop infantry Squad East helicopter East that's so many GLS dude full Squad in the field 200 meters East two rifle squads East I need to range that 250 let's try 250. nope still short 300 300 okay now we can start working [Applause] heavy contact East about 20 guys out in the field hitting them with GLS now gosh there's got to be so many kills drewsky's up to you two times in the tree line Josh you see that guy standing up killed so many [Applause] shoot that's in the field we got enemy contact Southwest pop up Southwest [Applause] one down copy I think we have more on the like two five they're on the reverse slope I think behind that bush I saw Treasures come out God just gonna cut this pie here okay we're good here we need to grab any anti-air we can get take cover cover [Applause] [Music] yeah ceasefire cease going everywhere ceasefire that's wigs he's seen a lot of things from the last 10 minutes two three squads solo hey man that Squad out to the east did you see the non-stop gl's landing on their head for two minutes straight um I'm gonna lie I was down like every other shot oh okay I'm back so I don't know maybe that Squad out there I was yelling them I had 53 grenades I am now at three and I had to switch weapons oh my God I shot 53 or 50. wait is he even injured or he's is he just lazy I made a mistake of yawning uh-oh bye Bubba see you next fall I think I know why you guys both got knocked out by the mortars we didn't get knocked out by Mars oh you didn't once you get knocked out he got shot I found her I stabilized her and then I got shot man the love story of a lifetime I am a hero what I told you that was across the road the one is looking me out before we called mortars on them and then Josh got hit by the crew that was like North I don't know how many I killed I I feel like I killed 50 AI I yeah I've I've killed so many things that was a lot I I was up in that I have one mag left I have 10 I have a Negev mag left I started it's now a Hollywood it's now it is now the Sci-Fi gun P90 with scope Yankee with Brim everybody inside let's go man I wanted to gab in real life come on if there's semi-auto variants that'd probably be pretty lame you know I'm gonna get an FFL and then get a negative it's probably thirty thousand dollars just for the gun but it's worth it I'm gonna get an FFL like the two year process start a gun company and then just buy and to give and then to retire that's it I just I just wanted to give ggs everybody thanks for coming probably gonna jump on some Squad after I eat some food Mr Gus how do you feel after uh after the defense of Altis uh are our donation of of force in the tanoan islands how do you feel about our uh our our efforts so far I think she's a better watch out damn strong words coming from Joshua Gus everybody Joshua guz don't let csat know your IP all right he just yawned while saluting she said [ __ ] [ __ ] I doxed myself to try take it easy 308 Negra Royal Lane New Mexico Albuquerque Albuquerque New Mexico Albuquerque New Mexico take it easy [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,624,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Llvjz3WP-eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 54sec (7314 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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