Can We Survive Helldiver's MAX Difficulty With The NEW Mech?

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see exotic new life forms oh my God in the face there's a debate in the hell divers 2 community that after a recent patch that nerfed the powerful rail gun that hell diver's Max difficulty hell diver is now too much like diving into the depths of Hell enemies spawn too often and too plentiful and we have no effective ways of killing them but in the same update they gave us an armed Mech with a rocket pod and a Gatling gun that you can call down from the Pelican Drop ship that's been modified to carry it swooping down and latching your Mech while it fires its autoc cannon at the enemy and then you can jump in and prepare for Titanfall got you thanks PT pilot we're going to Whitney's why chicken salmon these go so heart watching teammates just letting the Gatling rip above your head as you dance below them with small arms is a spectacle jeez the mech at the moment is relatively simple extremely high in damage output but is also pretty weak when hit by either large spitter attacks or Rockets so you're going to want to put as much damage down range as possible before you reach the inevitable but to keep the freedom of choice possible even in higher difficulties hell divers has some work to do balance-wise with some strategems and weapons still being Nob brainers over weaker options but in my opinion if you make a Max difficulty it should be Max difficulty playing GTFO Halo firefight dark tide will teach you that the hardest difficulties are easily some of the most rewarding something that still gives you that oh [ __ ] we're going to die moment that never gets old but if you also just want to chill on a regularly challenging match after a long day of work I get that too and that's why it's nice to have nine different difficulty options to choose from in the current version of the game I don't know don't trust my opinion though because it's mine what's yours let me know in the comment section down below as I know you guys get feisty there as yesterday in the last video I read some really nice ones in today's episode I have sacal tomographic clean and myself jumping in and playing some level 9 Against The termined Horde is it too difficult I'll let you be the judge I'm going to throw cluster if you want to do a oh it bounced it bounced it bounced it bounced it bounced what the hell look down real Cannon oh wait all right bring him this way clean well we double it it's fine he's dead dead now it was the right so the ra one shot gosh I love the armor penetration system hello so cool whenever you see a round bounce off armor and fly to space there we go right leg's going on the charge of that dead holy hate this doesn't seem to work sometimes I'm going to get a exo up right now okay your me landed on the charger clean took a massive chunk out his top left to help us with the cannon too there it goes watch out watch out stay far stay far I love that it does a little bit of support that is so nice BT right side is that PT it is Bonk he looks like King Kong up on top of the Empire State Building if you know yeah yeah sorry cool thank you have you guys seen that game called ferocious I have not oh dude you guys got to check that out it's been in development for a while um yeah so first person shooter it's a it's a single player game but it's like uh I think King Kong meets Far Cry in terms of like giant bugs huge crabs like paramilitary and [ __ ] really cool like environmental destruction and a bunch of other stuff clean did you ever play the uh King Kong PS2 game yes that game was sick no it was so good it was so cool dude the graphics for the time weren bad it wasn't bad it was very like a really good art style oh 500 got it I remember like you pick up the javelins too and like throw them and [ __ ] like like weird mechanics but it was a good time the gamep play felt so clean in that there some movie games they're actually really good that's good like de behind them MH which game with the King Kong game on P too oh got you yeah it was super super cool and you fought dinosaurs and bugs yeah that was pretty rad you had like run away from King K I think there's a point where you could actually play as king I think there was yeah on our left on our left yep I think his back leg is gone back one y right side L on the radar got I got him I got him I'm going to bait him towards me if you can get the leg he that dead there we go didn't it yeah oh no am I stuck here I'm out of rockets maybe getting out will help just run I'll get his back one his butt's gone he's bleeding out that leg no uh yeah yeah you did nice hell yeah dude great shot very nice have we see uh yeah I just put the D2 thing in gotcha okay we're almost done very nice I've also got a uh oh that's perfect dude oh perfect that should never gets sold man hundreds of times it just still never gets so what the no when you let the perfect 500 on a tit just feel perfectly L it so he just walked right on on top of it all right let's go back to uh actually I guess we can go take out that middle bug hole I just walk around looking down the whole time make sure I'm not in a bright spot let's go nice oh it I'm your APS system now I'm I'm like a trophy interesting on my screen you're a little bit delayed it's probably just the Ping you're like flying behind my my uh called an Abrams my me yeah oh gosh you know we might we may just avoid all of that nonsense and go this way okay there's just a few bug holes up here I don't have Rockets but I'll shoot all the other bugs to on reinforce clean yeah yeah got you tole it oh he came out of the ground where is this funky mushroom bro to your right Other Side of the Mountain you're at there you go desty that oh there's a hell bomb right there charger bleeding beding real quick nice ni that looks insane from where I am looking down on it this game visually is by far one of the best games I've seen in a long time this one real is so good yeah my comments are can't even though I'm playing on Max graphics posting videos in 4k people are like looks like a PS2 game dude you want to be sick like a giga flamethrower on a Mech oh yes dude oh you just have you you literally the Hulk then yeah no basically yeah exactly yeah maybe maybe we get it man a flamethrower on a tank would be cool get that like Jacob rosowski sort of vibe going on mhm you know I wonder if we're actually going to be able to get like like an actual like track tank as well on this I bet so if they made the mechs from the first game they'll probably make the tanks and if they're multi crew that'd be so cool did you see the leak for the multi crw like moon walker APC I was going to say that APC does have tracks right uh no it's it's like a moon walker it's got like uh six wheels and like crazy suspension but it's got two oh I'm side Gunners uh and like an auto cannon turret and a driver seatan you have the most amount of enemies I think I've ever seen this is insane what where I don't I'm huge group like the whole screen is saturated the most amount I've ever seen oh I got the charg leg with that eagle I did yeah front left over there boysan on the left free breaches oh gosh I messed up my col going all before him oh nice holy [ __ ] I could I was struggling with my strategy dude oh I'm out of STS oh yes my leg nice yes s oh my gosh oh my gosh this is insane now it's a shoter oh but close another Char another two charges that leg on no was just yellow for some reason here ra Cannon there one of them e there as well nice beautiful watch out for that reloading in Theo my breath there don't know how the still one a heavy in there or is that a heavy no you got two there's two with rockets there he is of charges again right now dude try and get a rail gun into a rail Cannon even oh jeez oh one dead the other one's pretty hurt should be able to get him here the AE works oh go okay he's bleeding out you shoot underneath him can you po the I hit markers and kill oh nice damn that was insane that was [ __ ] nut like 300 like like three of us in like 600 Ms we're like clean he's like what nothing's happening look how open this is It's R you have like this much open space yep jeez love that this planet is really cool I like this one A Lot F yeah just like cold Moon yeah one recommendation and I guess it may not be good for streaming uh but the sharpness on this game actually looks really nice bumping it up to like 70% because you see all like yeah it doesn't get any like pixelation or anything mine's already on 70 already okay okay but yeah the makes the GS like super clear and I think it's because uh it's the anti- aling method they have sharpness anti-alias and then they add sharpness again yeah cuz I think I had it off for a while but then I turn it back on and oh my gosh like the clarity of bug guts flying everywhere is just so nice calling down an auto Cannon if somebody wants to support weapon double team this thing front right legs gone uh 25 hey uh Drew come down here give me a buddy load got you got a breach right hereit never mind away from that bre back away that breach I've clustered it it's going to head towards you in line with you careful oh [ __ ] oh sorry I didn't even I got you I didn't know that was here me my bad my sorry did I get him nice yeah did oh nice 500 coming in right there save your rocket save your rocket us oh he's stuck oh two of them holy [ __ ] southbound massive massive push I have real Cannon n back behind you back behind you load of infantry load of whatever the [ __ ] they're called throwing Eagle air careful stay back Tom yeah got the front left done got it I'll work on it drew look it took my arm off right arm oh it did oh no it took your life as well it did hey Drew look at me hey Drew look Mom no hands look Mom oh we go go line up line up boom man it's not dead there we go is dead nice but I'm stuck literally look on no hands that was great you haveed democracy I like the autoc cannon wreckage that's just here oh jeez we should probably keep running yep oh wa I'm going to die kicked me back so far oh are you kidding me come on oh this is what was really deep what have I done can't believe you've done this can't believe you've done this oh jeez oh [ __ ] what's that charger gun there he is have some of that down support Stu stuck an auto cannon on his head I'm to put an auto Canon behind us here clean all right uh two BTS actually they're not even pushing us oh no they are they are oh yeah they're going to going out throwing you your way Dam dude I thought that a would kill him when it landed left straight through his face at uh we're looking pretty good oh I'm just oh meters yep yep yep I'm powerful we got just extract yeah just EXT powerful I'm powerful Yeah clean clean clean I was like what's that light support what's that light yeah the light begins so faint and then it's like oh wait why is there a spotlight on me for me wow ouch ouch Charlie Charlie bit me Charlie bit my finger and it really hurt and it's still hurting British lore British L uh going be throwing somewhere here so I can shot you in the open a bit Yeah Whatever Whatever Chuck me in a bug hole Charlie Bit Me supp couple of BTS around there's a lot of [ __ ] going on trying to get back to my Javelin requ beaming there H there oh wow a single oh a couple enemies coming can I Cru serve load while you're prone oh I can oh that's cool probably clear out what's around the heavy and so we can work on him when he's closer that should kill him I mean it better [ __ ] kill him oh BT oh oh dude you killed him with the impact the impact killer yeah holy you got so good with those man boy looking for him right my Aro oh my oh let's go that was insane dude oh jeez I'm a s for them [ __ ] shuttles here I'm going to set up my autoc Cannon to the right snip over those [ __ ] yo my my [ __ ] minigun has no ammo in it oh what yeah com oh you're called one of no no my my like I me and it has no ammo in the Minun oh [ __ ] no no no no no no bug no no no no stop stop it stop it stop bug stop no what just what just got called here no my Eagle bounc back holy crap get some get some come on boys it's here your Uber's arrived put the castle on put the castle on support we are leaving oh there was nothing out there oh go on B Rockets yes dude all right let's go all right let's dop yep we've had our fun bye bye have a wonderful time what the you need to dive you need to dive goodbye Mech leave no Trace that was a cool one very nice yeah it was great man man midpoint was insane like so many enemies so cool seeing that many things com through one yeah I look dop as CH as loads on you and you was like what yeah I just couldn't see any 400 kills later we're like we're oh that Galaxy looks to for salvation stand oh man why did I bring the flamethrower and there spitty boys this ability is going to be ass is this even a planet no there's no no oh no that was oh oh it was okay still pretty damn Dusty out here though not some West West shy HUD I want some Dune sh is that I wonder if that Dune MMO is going to be any good it's basically but I just love the Dune universe so much that I'll probably end up yeah no I'll probably check it out too to be honest it sounds like some cool mechanics in play I really like the uh the blueprint system yeah wa what's hitting you uh I do not know something was like blowing up on you thank you there a lot of bugs yeah I'm going to throw an air strike in there oh it bounced it bounced run back back back back back running apologies gentlemen okay we're good we're good stepping all these little bugs it was all planned I need to figure out how to do the [ __ ] step yeah a lot of people were saying it in my stream yesterday but the what the step yeah there's like a melee you can do like a melee I wonder if you console oh it's only on Console interesting like I'm thinking maybe it's PlayStation cuz there's a lot of stuff that for some reason console can do the [Music] PC holy [ __ ] oh my God hit all those red barrels and bl oh damn my body is on the other side of the planet they like the green oh is that with a shot yeah the the V fit is more to this site and it hit the bar sorry I got another one in midpoint oh dude my Mecha is smoking I can't see bang butt mortars out here oh yeah there's earthquakes on this planet I have no idea what that means yeah so the Tremors will do the slow effect basically that you get when you walk over those plants mortar's clean I don't know if they're on you oh no they're not they're far it's really fun actually damn auto Cannon all right so much fun has to be another tree over near you somewhere that's like no this is just the planet dude it's got D storms abilities yes I do like how they were pretty brave on making each planet like very different and dust storms though they're like really thick don't last the entire round they come in and out like I I think the weather the D the dynamic weather is very very good in the game very cool way better than I've always said in games like Daisy and T off it should never just rain for like 6 hours straight yeah I was going to say I don't I don't like a lot of rain in games but I should pretty good in this one yeah yep I mean tarov weather and lighting is just honestly some of the worst I've seen in like modern gaming I'm hoping that um graphical rendering update that comes this year should really change things snow looked great but it didn't fall naturally or no it's it's very old yeah I mean they're working with unity it's like what else can you do super samples everyone needs I got him already God look at the look at that Vista holy [ __ ] that come come over here come over here look that way this is full Dune this is a thumbnail every time man beat your way down oh apparently the hive Lord is what causes the earthquakes and that's like a cool I knew Drew had guns but you know not that kind um I'm going to rail cannon that that dummy over there if he comes this way yeah he's coming yeah we can we can do that oh Michael du like that uh big group to our left big group South we should probably just run Northwest get out of here oh nice oh the [ __ ] double air strike awesome holy ho up here big old boys I need I need to call in supplies for my uh backpack actually oh no no no oh I got just eaten dude I can hear the radio and you're like no no no no yeah they're really frustrating I'm like I'm honestly kind of surprised that not every hell diver difficulty has the bile SP and stuff yeah it is significantly harder when you got to deal with these fcks charer behind Dua yep thank you oh boy oh sorry I didn't realize you were so close Tom oh good there you [ __ ] butt by okay by have a wonderful time nice nice nice nice I'll see coming down Supply the way wee cuz I need some ammo yeah do it dude this graphic is so freaking cool lighting is just 10 out of 10 this game looks like a PS2 game what are you talking about yeah PS2 game you need armor if You' been recall recently I could do with two oh what the hell that Dre just getting back my backpack fell off oh my god oh shoot fell off oh no come on dude all right there's actually so many of these mortal guys right now I'm going to put an air strike right in front of us Tom cop that moving back we're good sorry you there somewhere yeah to the left I see I'm going for it oh why did I get slowed on floor from the Mot yeah probably can't see it in the sand Sand's finally caling down right now yeah in the I can see reminds me of now coming through charger coming through [ __ ] big bastard ow oh my goodness what was that his but off I think no pieces of him who that was from downtown on you oh my God didn't get hit on me he just dragged me I never took any damage what seen that before there you go ni oh my gosh these tiny ons get away from me yeah disgusting foul creatures challenging our democracy socialist bugs socialist bugs we like our health insurance damn it yeah it should be good oh there's a few bugos that way too to your right D yep just going to e out I see that close range close range short time sorry clean Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive cook cook C but's gone clean y but's gone yep the terminal nice work oh that is getting Mighty close B Titan I got nothing for it on him oh crap if you want you can drop your bag for me I can load for you uh no no no no worries no worries D that auto Cannon is just reaming him right now Bey but a breach on site careful a crap oh shoot why are those but bugs so stealthy woo yeah listen they're so sneaky you can't hear them at all back up I'm going close to this support very nice holy hell I I love that different missions have like on the same planet have like totally different geography as well like this place is more open lot of lot of Sandy dunes and stuff imagine this is what the last Battlefield would look like with these explosions and physics and stuff mhm I mean 242 looked good it was just too clean like yeah it need be a little B it needed be it needed some grit to it yep there's something here like they just they just need to redo Bad Company and make Bad Company 3 and make like whoever wrote the campaign for those first two games needs to write the campaign for the first third what a nuke that have got how many kills you know what's funny the uh 15 though I think it massive the writer of the Bad Company campaign they genuinely like they discussed that they didn't understand why people liked it so much I remember reading that article the CEO's like I don't get why these kids like this blah blah blah it's like bro you're out of touch as hell yeah that's classic coo talk and then the one for hell divers actually likes the game yeah my mistake it was like a CEO who said that not the writer supp oh I see it's like Oh weird it's almost like it's fun to be able to blow up the environment and destroy everything and also have like funny quirky campaign yeah good jokes and a bond between like to chase yeah no the Bad Company wanted to such a great game like B Company 2 is probably like that Halo 3 and Metal Gear Solid 3 are probably like my top three games we got stalkers to West clean stalkers toer West behind us well I could see them through the fog cuz they're like the transc making them doesn't work very well you like how you like cooking stalkers yeah you like that you like that there we go ah shrimpy get off me oh shrimpy get off me shrimpy get off me oh crap oh crap I can't move I can't move I need stem I need a stem coming to help you I do like your character shouts at so voice for someone me oh St you yeah come on butt get out of here y there he goes watch bed got Supply nope any we called amb back that it was like away though more stalkers I honestly I I maybe maybe this might be an unpopular opinion I think they need to rework the cloak effect on the stalkers cuz they're just think you're right they're just too easy to see I think they need to be like on certain Maps like the sandstorms especially the same yeah same as sunglasses in so they're being red after smoke after f after everything this game like random dead corpses here he's actually looking at Reddit um Talk going to go on Hell divers and a lot of people are bitching that the mechs aren't strong enough as if crazy it's just it's another strategy like what how I don't know strong enough I think I would like like an ejection seat once it's dead so it like maybe if it could like Titan follow you out just maybe 20 ft up that' be cool dude there is a there is a hatch on the top there yeah I'd like to know when it's dying other than that I feel like it's definitely strong like it's it's super face one shot on a charge a leg and then follow up with the Gatling and it's dead in like 3 seconds still still not sh one need be it needs to be better dude holy what did I miss um giant horde on Mark right now oh giant horde I'm going to I just killed 30 with that one air strike oh hold me tommo hold me yeah I'm going to hold you hold you I'm I'm stuck loading all right there we go oh Sor didn't see sorry your big head was in the way coming to your left yeah it's quite big I got you I got you go go go go go okay reload left left nice left again holy oh I'm out I'm out I'm out of ammo in my bag yeah it's all good it's all you uh we have a resupply already I think we do we need S I think no I found some call in if you need no clean I'm okay I'm survive Oh I thought you were in the me stack now oh I'm in a Mech yeah I know sax in one too but last time I saw the mech I thought it was I turned around I saw the mech and assumed it was you re sack walking around in his some survived the BT spew yeah no crazy dropping it I call my name why not it's just everyone everyone makech it out yep see if we can makech it out alive I really don't want to make it make out with you tommo you get it sa you get it right I don't like you little joke I made he made it himself oh another BTW oh my gosh strong enough level content and people still think that're not strong enough the accuracy of the rocket over range as well is me has no drop yeah exactly where you aim let's run back to clean North these things actually had a run animation it's weird that people seem to think that they're entitled for a game to be easy at the highest difficulty that's a really odd entitlement for me it is strange I still feel like like the game is at least with these could be harder this is way too easy and we're chill we're definitely professional Gamers that as as dumb as that sounds but also this does need to be harder in my opinion now Bots different story effects actually help other effects do increase the chage which is good try but it doesn't it doesn't make like artificially difficult it's uh you know the like induces like strategy and you know you lose visibility and stuff you know mhm I'll go put the code in I think n level 9 difficulty should be let's watch them and see if they can do it rather than oh how fast did you do a level 9 apparently there there is 12 difficulties in the first game that is part of the that's part of the level cve I guess you could call it because obviously you get to the stage where you have all the best equipment most level 25 characters that players even terminal won't have the tools we have I think the mech is is a level 25 unlock there a bow Titan to the east which is the last unlock in the game oh my God right in the face yeah already it and then you just hit it as well yeah experience nature boom that's yeah dude think I see a bug hole to the north here I'm going to go ye it I need I need to I need to test something real quick intro just itself that mhm to a video right there exper experience yeah cut from the CGI trailer right into the boom oh I've got okay I'm going to come back a little bit I've got quite a bit of buggies over here oh damn it how did you do that I was trying to do it earlier but doesn't come out as fast usually he does it in the first one and then you ask him to replicate it oh there you go it's like you have to press I don't know you got to get the timing down it's kind of weird yeah it's really finicky like it is cool that you can do it but it's just really difficult to replicate it's not really practical to be honest yeah there's not a lot of situations where like oh I mean you don't even really use those [ __ ] things they should just let you throw them I don't understand why you can only well I mean you can there is a throw animation but they don't go anywhere you step on the little spew bugs by the way is that a thing yeah yeah little tiny ones they oh usually I mean you can step on Huns too Hunters I don't know I've tried that they just wild to the north BL it's only these little ones I've been able to stand on okay here we go cross map to the face one I've got one more rocket that's not strong enough D it should just like blow up all of them in one shot you know dead damn yeah this is actually really difficult behind you on your right Tomo Tom I think you're going to need some counseling after how difficult it was to hold that left click all right Tomo back up 500 right there not only that but the rocket the rocket staggers it and then prevents you like you can't even spew anymore there you go SP me in oh spawn you in yep no I got you hold on oh my gosh I'm do my own thing if I can't fat fingerl in this nuk time I can only handle one of us at a time oh there goes the missile care care care missiles launching uh doesn't has a blast now right they told they said that it will do there oh my god there you go holy crap that's actually really cool it also catches you on fire if you're a little bit closer yeah if you're too CL it will it will kill you mhm oh the mot very nice hey clean blast me with flames yeah I'm chill doesn't hurt okay yeah okay I got you on your body literally destroys your Mech what okay so you can walk you can walk over Flames fine you just can't actually take the impact yeah that's a bit silly that's right I was out of um rockets and MGS it was for science dude I I wonder if this flamethrower is actually good against the Bots now too yeah to go try it out a damn I'm down dude I really like fighting the BX now yeah yeah I'm done we can do it after uh after we finish this Campa oh earthquake was that earthquake yeah it's an earthquake oh top run that heavy is close to having his butt gone it may be gone right now no wait what's happening my arms oh need one sorry Tom I think I knocked you over right there it's okay it's okay I'm you just clawed me mid flight those yeah I am not doing you any favors there you go get my leg offo one oh [ __ ] no no no no Hunters I can't see that was tragic to watch that was horrible D dude I got eaten alive uh you on the charge of that got it Mark it moed thank you oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh nice crunch oh oh very nice D honestly the hunters I die more to than any other enemy in this game same yep work I've got a rail Cannon for him rail Cannon oh it might no okay it went on him nope it didn't okay perfect that worked out it man got you anybody reinforce dang it slowed by the puke and just came coun us all right 1 minute Guys 1 minute till extract and those dirty content you guys going to make it uh sure I just see the green it won't leave anyway it doesn't leave unless it's the final extract re support what are these bugs oh there's little Sky bugs flying around Sky bugs yeah we so much [ __ ] out there more winged insects actually do fly that would pretty cool cuz there the ones that jump and just use the wings help Propel themselves but they don't really have any air time back back back back yep team reload no uh you got a lot of bugs over there Ste requesting air support come on come on come on administering freedom 10 seconds clear Landing Zone yeah they definitely need a first person mode for the macman it's so good yeah just for a little bit of Zoom I'd like to be able to zoom in some way cuz obviously right would usually be oh what the you see that he just kind of appeared out of nowhere nice the uh the supply box goes back underground if you put it to where the uh the Pelican's going to land oh interesting weying you can still get the ammo it's just underneath the Earth right got a BT to our left far away wa so if I call a Mech Now is it going to be a different yeah it'll be different ship right should yeah it should here it is so cool different configuration it's got no how are the me against bugs if you guys try or but robots I mean uh mechs are really good against robots the only issue is that the Salvo guys can one tap oh but the Gatling is enough to stagger if you do like concentrate fire then you can't even get the rockets off cluster yeah so the uh the rocket will like you don't have to shoot the vents of like the turrets and Morts around the map on automatons you can just shoot them anywhere and they blow up same with tanks and basically does what the rail gun could do 500 just around the corner here oh nice one he's coming out of the ground too damn so many Mort dudes all right we should go we should go we're losing the line we're losing the line hold the line launch in 20 seconds 15 seconds 14 13 12 Tom I'm 9 8 seven six oh my go did I get in I don't I got in I don't know if clean died in the chat I heard the down for the right side funny what did you do man [Music] yeah you died fail to extract what the [ __ ] there's a post on H di is about uh it yeah sorry I'm readd it yeah post patch hell dive difficulty is [ __ ] nonsense and they complaining and [ __ ] and then someone replied you're one of those wiers her to all you whiny babies just go to Twitch he's someone playing difficulty 9 no cheese just cruising and then my link you're being entitled wiers you can't beat D9 without trying oh my God enough I mean to be honest like we've been kind of walking through the same just messing around like kill each other and [ __ ] about that is funny level too hard guys I I can't can't do this look at this guy he's chilling [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 359,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gi7beGJ22is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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