HELLDIVERS 2 - The Most Intense COOP Shooter of 2024

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yeah hell divers 2 baby the first game to allow me to Buddy up and assist my Rocketeer Friend by loading his Carl Gustav rifle for him wait what am we doing loader got you got got you go go go go go go hang on call it that's drop that does nothing that does nothing that does nothing that does nothing get ready to dodge dude that worked so well that was so sick Colin that is the coolest Fe I've ever seen in a video game in a long time hell divers 2 is a PVE Cooperative horde killing game that sends you down to kill bugs robots and bigger bugs and today I'm joined by a few buddies in my first rounds in the game also there's a likely chance that you're not subscribed and it's okay I'm taking it fully personally of course but if you want to see more fun game plays like this one subscribing helps you see my videos a lot easier but back to Hell divers hell divers is a four-player co-op game but you get to see so much that creates the feeling of a massive war from more ships appearing in orbit around popular missions to seeing directly how the fight is going for everyone on the ground including statistics like their bullets they've spent lives sacrificed for democracy of course the aiming player movement and special method of calling in air drops and air strikes is just really fun to balance when you're panicking in game too but I'll shut up now and uh show you the first gameplay of some hell divers with the veterans of Hell divers one themselves because well that's what I'm here for boys the content for you helmets on socks off let's jump into some hell [Music] dude these intros go so hard I know they go so hard like I I'm just impressed the training manual tips you're always on don't forget to take breaks that is if you want to be rebranded as a coward there's something here The uncontrolled spread of theat yeah calling that that R strike was me apparently he misfired like a [ __ ] AR I almost got squee all right Drew come pick up your uh support bag gotcha uh is it over here yep it's over here okay slide got it oh there is so much [ __ ] immediately you got to salute it hell divers on Ice who would have thought oh oh we're slipping we're SLI I got a barrel look at me I'm taking it with me all right where do we need to go uh we got a bug hole this way oh yeah this Colin there's a minor place of interest read that have me read what oh this little data pad here transport large flame you guys minor place of interest yet C off oh all right where's the POI it was right next to spawn oh okay let's go there first then loaded com uh how do I okay got it assisting [Applause] yeah loose I can't get that last one what the [ __ ] I have an angle I got it oh I'm out of Rockets oh didn't not get that last one no that last one's be bug get it bug a capital W waaka no but like there's a rock in the way of the hole so you can't get it through huh uh run yeah run run run run I'm throwing a 120 on it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] run run why I have to go over the spiky ice incoming how you like I hope that fixes it maybe it might not no it doesn't look like it but it looks sick for 12 me that was kind of all right I guess we're skipping that one can I orbital precise strike it where is it maybe it's the one that's glowing with The Rock in the middle of it one right in the center okay that's cheating that's cheating call stri oh my God would you like an orbital strike with your orbital strike hey hey walk all right let's uh let's go top off Drew's uh backpack over here actually we just call another resupply last reload I've got to sit to reload the mg that's cool yeah if I if I was the one with a support backpack with the recordist I would have to sit down and reload it but since your buddy loading quicker that's cool that's a little bit of flexibility ter right yeah so one thing I would always do in the first game is I would have a jump pack and the recoil so i' would be able to jump around and use it I like how there's uh Dynamic animations for running in snow as well like heavy snow it seems you kind of like your knees go higher yeah um Liberty h on a scale of democracy out of democracy oh you can just press Z Drew to you don't need to dive but the DI is cool the dive is cool I will give you that like when you do [Music] this you fall forward um apparently you will actually get the uh rocket or the explosion fuu achievement even though there was col come read this uh come read oh yeah the for for certified thing yeah yep I got the Expos achievement that's funny is there any samples critical Strat available oh hible to activating terminal when you reload does it drop that mag entirely yep yes got it dropping ammo oh drop the SSD I got it solid state drives we got to have the sssd my bad called it in the not it's the super solid state drivve super solid state drives we need them for gaming gosh the guns feel cool I love the aiming system mhm like a little bit of delay and it's got the I got the hard drive that's sick plugging her in wrong place oh what the [ __ ] I got the hard drive yeah you got to PL it into the the tower I got I I got it bug Outpost here no way no way man here damn you just eat those grenades oh kill all right you can't tell me the eagle is just an A10 it's a space A10 it's a space A10 oh Dre huh do you see that fighter in the hanger right there yeah it is literally un A1 look at where the engines are oh yeah that is that's so funny that is actually an A10 dude the thing is though is there is a like there's a whole category dedicated to the eagle that is all different kinds of you got all thr you can do gun runs rocket runs nap oh that's cool uh cluster and it's all it's all to the same thing and then you can also tell the eagle to go manually rearm um all things love okay don't hit those PL that that's what okay that's what those things have been wondering what the little blue areas were yot what's the heal button again must be healthy y sending in an eag I can fly that was thank you other chemical weapons in Hell divers too yes yes are there chemical weapons this is a big concern of mine are there chemical weapons or not uh run run run run the 120 has been launched leave the vicinity we're going to die God that's a pretty game it is nice it is very nice there's you want to rocket from up here too yeah [ __ ] it go you guys us the yet yep we're using it right now oh hell oh I didn't notice if you prep the grenade with four he like has his finger on the pin got two more yep uh no target oh Target calling AJ about adjust oh what did that go through counter coock I hit him damn how Rel that counter counter counter good this thing is a DMR if you go prone with it jeez yeah it's a bit nuts there's like no damage fall off at distance I saw you oh close close close I'll grab another rocket it's time Jus Christ they might be dead though so let's see y they might they might hey you know what just to be sure cuz it's fun oh my god oh we get to do the fun thing Colin the bomb the big oh no what help bom guys that's not a we're fine here you don't have to worry about it yet run run run I'll alarm it it run south okay Colin this community is already very good cuz everyone immediately saluted each other three two one run oh my God run oh I ran into the ice oh no yeah there's ice there by the way have fun I ran oh boy look back D look back I really wonder what the why are you saluting that's what it does yeah buddy uh East Side East Side large [Music] group holy [ __ ] oh my God what happened to you grenade I think uh I I threw a grenade over there I think Chris missed time to jump all right nothing in uh Southwest Southwest big group go and an orbital damn and an orbital building is gone you going to leave me hang in I can't enemy spotted enemy spotted oh they're coming left coming left thisel on the extraction Zone Grenade on it preparing for touch don't get squish oh what what happened I got I got blown up oh the did the gun kill him I think the gun shot me yeah that's 100% what happened I'm coming boys man out I'm coming oh my god oh I'm coming okay let's go I had to respawn cuz I was I was on top of the box and I heard like gunshots from the [ __ ] uh drop ship and so Drew was dead yeah I just dismembered everywhere mission accomplished guys we had zero casualties no what that thrust to weight ratio bro that's a 90° climb CHR you think it's time to put them into a challenging Mission you want to try it challenging Mission I don't even know if I'm a [ __ ] it we ball thek all right very based you guys up for a challenging Mission sure yeah a brother uh let's do the ertic gate first Yi get it out of the way let's look at the ship did uh did you guys buy any new strategems whoa what that's pretty cool I did I did I bought a few what' you get I got like the the Eagle Gun run or whatever and another one I forgot which one okay that was cool how the ship flies to your objective you know what hang on can can we do this real quick then let's let's show him what happens when we warp to another planet Mission preparation aborted sure choose where to join your fellows in righteous Liberation righteous Liberation is there a ICBM one well I mean I'll do that one to get away from the snow for once this one look at the other ones look at the other ones I mean uh a worthy Choice Geological Survey and valuable this this should be okay initiating FTL jump to the angels Venture system frame shift Drive charging oh my God pts look all the shifts isn't that just so [ __ ] cool what's our what's our tip of the day the enemy just keep coming P where they're coming from an only Shelly destroy I still love the Democracy one that's if it looks like they're trying to negotiate or if they look like they're trying to practice diplomacy stop that oh this planet looks cool all right aora Borealis in this part of the country in this time of the day local entirely within your kitchen yes and nor if the St Troopers actually I see it no feels like they're going to put a first person mode because they have the reload animations and [ __ ] like literally all they would have to do is add like a running one dude I would love a first person mode y honestly third person like player controller and and aiming is great for third person it's like I would say it's probably the best aiming I felt in a long time on third person do does feel really fluid as a game like I the only issue I have oh the ship actually FES over feels better already way too [Music] far oh one to the left oh okay you got him there we go I'm coming holy run that did not get it oh no not going over there don't go that way so many orbitals thrown 120 is coming in amm's up 120 back away in case it sees you oh 120 yep in case it sees you hide in the trees run I think he got him sector is clear the 120 um give a still shoot we're good are good yeah oh there's a all right uh let's go for the F to the Northeast I'm going start it up noreast guy oh there's a radar let's get the radar actually right here ooh floating uh floating terrain oh yes I see o I see it too all right I'm starting it can I crawl underneath it I don't remember it's like Minecraft physics cut the bottom of the tree the top R drops on your head yeah don't touch it or its physics will turn on you tested it you tested it with a shot it's alive let's SC guns have lasers and flashlights still charging standby uh yours does mine doesn't oh no oh wait are you pink or I see T2 L3 okay gotcha it it's the first initial of username oh I see I you're you're for Chris counter Co and you know what just just to make sure I'm following up again oh hey hey remember when I it only destroys it when I've got you ow is it I can't see it my machine gun I can't see it where'd he go where'd he go still oh [ __ ] wait what am we doing loader got you got got go go go go go go hang on call it's a [ __ ] nailed temp get on this rock get on this rock here dead it's dead it's dead dead Okay that was exciting my PO was not exciting in the [ __ ] slice I just saw dust and then I saw the charger you know what Chris you know what bug I really hope I didn't bring back the tentacle one the whip [ __ ] yeah I really hope they didn't make a return on that oh it's raining very nice got what's oh no I I lost the chicken fight I love the bodies flying I need to load oh [ __ ] oh yep got it wrong one no it is okay oh you have a machine gun never mind you're weird I have a machine fck are you weird it's a machine gun it's a machine gun okay get a good old gun run there yeah is it enough uh Firepower democracy I'm grabbing my ammo I'm doing my part wrong franchise but I like the enthusiasm very close basically rounds ammo St funny because this is more similar to the books of Starship tro we all the gosh dude I love the sound of the eagle too oh no that's three I see three shells we need four I found it uh uh wait I've got a turret I've got a turret I can set up oh boy boy we got a lot of bugs run run run oh it's on oh no oh no oh no oh no okay jeez it didn't kill my turret did it is your turret okay oh no I think my turret's gone no no all right I'm starting the artillery it was a complex situation it's all right I'm back welcome back uh Drew lost his turn loading if I call a resupply is that our o like is that all of us uh okay okay gotcha what is that over there you Lo like different ammo into it too or you have like AP saos yeah there's there's like oh we're missing one what the [ __ ] I found it oh my God that has to be throw it can you throw it can we I'm going to disconnect flag dropped flag taken you can do that with the explosive barrels where you can just toss them up and C them I mean sort of it's kind of faster oh my God he's doing it look at him go Tak flag flag dropped flag taken flag dropped flag Capt flag captured oh there's actually you can actually Red Dot your or first person your scope that's cool how how too middle Mouse oh what the that's nuts oh that feels interesting the DMR actually looks pretty [ __ ] cool all right resupply let's get to this big bu hole to our South that's a little disappointing oh hey there's another shell right here stri oh that went right in we got the same one oh damn my grenade fuse time isn't long enough to run gosh run away run away what are you doing oh dude the 120s are terrifying you got that one in the back oh it still got me one dude I was so far away none of them landed near that one Drew was just cursed it was just that one hey Drew next time just stand next to the bro I'll go to the opposite side of the map next time up top above I need load I need load I need oh [ __ ] coming coming coming I think I've got you do I have you oh I'm behind us behind us they're dead they're both dead [ __ ] my arm glitched my AR my animation's all glitched what did you do do you see this too yes oh Legion my gun is not working correctly uh maybe try okay let me let me do machine gun Sentry one sec one sec one sec re okay I'm just getting mg up I've got rocket ready if you need it okay just get in position see if your reload okay I think yeah I think it was just a lot going on right then oh I when y that's so cool all right you're fixed though yep that was really odd may have been a chance it is in my hand and there's also a Crusher in there so yep run oh it's tracking oh no that's not that's not it's not yours it's not yours okay still though I'm getting to the opposite side of the map [Laughter] now not going to trust that icon okay orbital I'm going to try to orbital it call in or oh no I didn't hit it I'm coming coming got you call I'm out I'm out I'm out okay it's dead though no isn't is it it's not shoots [ __ ] oh oh you [ __ ] I got [ __ ] taken out by 100 refor oh my God is it still alive yeah armor is destroyed [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] God [ __ ] small ones on me that was so I Ain going to lie did that kill it yep yes you can land Colin's yell there you peaked your mic I do that quite a lot yeah I know so the game is like mixed on Steam right now why why is that crashing instability the microtransactions uh the anti thing yeah people are really upset about the kernel level anti-che okay yeah cuz I'm like jumping into this like this is not bad I don't know I maybe I thought it was like progression or something would maybe be Bland or I don't know know but this is if anyone says progression they have not played hell that is this game play is just sick say hello to democracy I think it went Barrel up and then it sucked into the ground [Music] [ __ ] they ran out of ammo we have to run across them yep let's go hope y ready for a marathon time for our Mo Mishu mile Mishu mile through bugs armored bugs nothing to Oh Oh no I got him you can't just hold your I shot him in the [ __ ] face I got to load this mg to kill these armors once [ __ ] come on I can't see any of you so all right run run run ah [ __ ] resupplies on cool down keep running what do I have oh big guy big guy to the South where on my shots I'm with you Colin where oh that might get him that might get him uh he's gone yeah he he's he's gone safe to say he got artillery and orbital oh no he's not uh Drew you might want to move buddy he not what's happening he's not g he's not g sh it matters not [ __ ] here no he's dead he's dead he's not you can shoot him it say Ricochet on board we are leaving we are leaving and then a housewarming party oh no complete looks like the droids gave us a nice houseing party all right so if that's the0 and that's scary what about the 380 H barrage oh it's even it's even bigger I'm waiting I'm saving for that one I'm saving for that one there's also a walking barrage you should be banned from these you should not be allowed anything within the red category no no you get the GRE the laser and the rail Cannon are really cool because they will actually Target enemies the biggest one can oh yeah I see that it'll sweep over the design area that's cool many things ah okay one guy cheated on this he has 999999 yeah oh my someone already cheated go I'm going beat it you're going to beat his top score take you while angry it doesn't really do [Music] much I want to point out Drew's typ hitting nothing on this my screen what I did it correctly oh that was weird I did it correctly and it was like no or maybe he just did another one watch him get a hell bomb yeah no no okay the only thing that can stop them a strong economy oh well nope no NOP no stop stop stop stop it legion's just playing Tetris over there look at him go I love how you can I can hear him tapping and I can see in his hand in game going uh stalker Lair this is this is going to be fun this will be their first encounter with stalkers uh speaking up stalkers oh invisible left here they are inv we call them invisible [ __ ] ah invisible [ __ ] what the that one went did you see that flying past us yeah he he lunged at you but we got him just in time how do I press e again uh I see a sample in there is that a flame oh my [ __ ] god yo can I try the flamethrower go for it oral inom not approach the bug hiive don't approach uh you can set yourself on fire by lighting the ground on fire by the way got it loveby at up yeah oh bug reach give me a second I got one more [Music] thing close woo I didn't mean to throw that all right eagles rtb flying Jeep in the air or robot oh spinter behind us got him you got it jeez yeah that toast him quick there's another [Music] one D oh we got we need support we need support quick oh yep yep throw an orbital I got you Sho reloading loaded oh [ __ ] oh no what the [ __ ] happened charger got us oh that came so fast somewhere temply come on come on all right wait for I landed somewhere where I want be to get off uh okay this way oh he got me again yeah watch out there's still another Crusher okay he's behind us oh there's nothing in there oh [ __ ] well that was the painful can crushers cook land on him land on him oh no he flew off I couldn't see where he was was offit I spawned in fire I I heard you screaming I'm burning this Crusher but I think he's invulnerable to it I want to point there was a building here I don't think I can kill him with the flame we need the we need the sludge thrower back sludge he dead all right he's dead all right where's our uh please some ammo real quick yeah uh call in your rocket recoil yep recoil did you gra all the samples we dropped there should be a uh yeah I think we have all our back um I have no ammo for the pistol I mean we have to go this way way regardless for it's one the side objectives I did drop ammo over here we have to go we have to go towards them oh no the crusher destroyed the ammo never mind oh my god um avoid avoid or uh Eagle time [ __ ] that [ __ ] boom perfect got him oh oh my God one spawned there as well oh return to the combat zone uh-oh come on tile as four said I was running I was running I can't run I'm slowed Brothers go Boomer it's not going to do run oh gosh oh is that a Crusher that's a Crusher I need ammo I don't have any [ __ ] ammo on the launcher there we go Drew you got to S yourself press y yep yep yep I got it get ready oh come over here come over here Barrel there's barrels there's barrels no oh no holy crap holy crap God keep running keep running keep running keep running run run run run no that's not going to get it oh [ __ ] eats her up though I'm going to go grab one I'm going to call my machine gun in I should be able to pin their armor with it I just need to call it in before he crushes me down a support where is he on me on me on me oh there goes Temple again reinforcing I was pressing F at the same time as G and I uh oh he's dead holy [ __ ] yeah I hit him with two [ __ ] eats he better be [ __ ] dead oh shoot where's my I'm dropping I'm droing one okay [ __ ] hell got it I lost a sample over here by the way well I think we found out what these poon barrels do there it is ow did I hit you yeah oh what the heck I don't think you Dam me yeah it's like a one or two shots that just won't do anything but they do like we're going to hit this last actually dude this place doesn't exist anymore don't come here all right you did see what was inside this crate right uh I don't know what is that whoa it's an x52 taser oh it's get ready to dodge get Dodge oh run missing it's right we got it we got it dude that worked so well that was so sick Colin I I wanted to see if it was still alive we were playing chicken with it all right load yeah I'm trying got you oh oh [Music] ow that Hur thank you for going away turret oh God I'm going to call my turret in on that note oh my gosh what's happening behind me what just happened to you guys run run oh come on turret come down oh that one's jumping it I got you reinforcing we need to blow up that [ __ ] rein we got amm's on the way I got my launcher back Drew get over here we're going to Nuke these [ __ ] yep yep yep we got to get rid of this uh I'm going to need that ammo I got one rocket for you here one uh gotcha see if we can get this one okay oh oh back blast back blast is the thing back blast there's back blast dude that's sick you knocked me over with back blast all right just the far one should be this one that's so that's so fun just to like randomly realize that there's back blast in a game like this that should get it maybe oh we got a big group from the from the north location yep great Min that one is still up on the left it's still up goodbye I'm going to toss the n in this one on the left gosh there's still one hole left I'm hoping that gets it but I don't think it is oh no it's this one right here for prosity right there Norwest yeah I know loc position oh supp oh my God I got it call an EXT jump scare man he they're coming out of this hole we got to go we got to go tily go back there is ammo here there is ammo here uh Drew just grab this extra bag I just dropped okay uh coming [ __ ] there's a charger where where where got where's the charger he's over this direction he may have died I don't know no he's here he's here on me get to me get to me coming hang on I missed hit it up the ass ow that hurt there's a spitter on the right I'll get the spitter if I can jump off you okay yeah dead [Music] loading requ on the oh goodbye building we weren't using it they were using it get your down I used it a minute ago covered our butt on our run here oh nice [Music] nice I'm going to thr this far away 100 me sounds nice everything I have is on cool down as it should be as it should be God bless super Earth God bless our troops po democracy poor democracy indeed Frank you Land's get the [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] outch we did pretty good once we had one life left was never that sense that sense of urgency you know it's all going [Music] [Music] serious
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,542,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N6F_aVqXuwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 25sec (2485 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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