The New Tactical Shooter That's Actually Real - Gray Zone Warfare Pre-Alpha Gameplay

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tactical immersive technologically ahead and brave greyzone Warfare the new pvep shooter by madfinger games that puts you in the boots of a PMC operative deep within the jungles of Southeast Asia completing missions in a 48 player server with three different mercenary factions of 16 players each competing for control with multiple planned factions of AI fighting over control as well and hints of anomalous activity deep within the Zone I was kindly invited by the gra own devs to play an early version of the game and rest assured I can confirm this is a real game albeit an early look at a pre-alpha of a real game we were given a guided tour of a certain Mission then set free to explore a small slice of the game for 2 days where we could travel wherever we wanted within a section of the map shoot however many bad guys and ride on as many little birds as we pleased Gray Zone Warfare the game that combines features from Daisy tarov and Ghost Recon combined we get a taste of Grey Zone warfare's full potential in today's video but not all of it that will come in future play tests and coverage of the game that I'm sure I'll be able to explore so make sure you're subscribed to the channel to see more gry Zone gameplay in the future so what do you do in gry zone Warfare you're on a 48 player server with a large Southeast Asian Countryside of rice fields Villages industrial zones airfields creeks and thick jungle you spawn in at your base pick your load out grab a task and watch as the the little bird you called in to pick you up moves across your blue Force tracker as it comes into land your base is a physical safe Zone at the corner of the map imagine chinar and Day Z with three different faction safe zones on the corners when you enter a raid you simply get into your helicopter and fly in or you can just walk in there's no raid timer the world is persistent whether you're in a raid or not wa it's pushing the trees oh D the Dow draft from the chopper looks so good yeah that's cool in the dust too that looks really solid really cool as you lift up from your base you'd expect a fast travel transition or a loading screen but no no loading screen at all in fact throughout the entire play test the only loading screen I ever saw was when I launched the game Starfield take notes get ready 30 seconds dude that was sick pretty well done these are the reactions I like to hear the reactions I like to hear games don't look this good man this game looks incredible you guys run off too well this thing squishes as well yes it will squish you in our version of the game we only had one of the I believe over 100 quests that will be available at launch grab some Intel on a phone and a document in two different locations and return alive the visuals the textures models lighting and environment are very impressive I mean topof the line like nothing I've ever seen before this is a game built on Unreal Engine 5 utilizing path Trace lighting through Lumen and nanite to create hyper detailed models that still can run on gaming PC I'm playing on a 13900 CPU and an RTX 490 and I was only hitting about 80 FPS most of the time in 1440p with some pretty plentiful FPS hitches the firstperson animations for weapon manipulation eating food and Medical Care are industry-leading and the player models of my teammates and room temperature bad guys look fantastic with easily the highest detail I think I've seen in any game so far minus some clipping issues on certain combinations of gear everything from guns skin hair clothes is evenly lit and looks extremely natural and one of the most important features in a game that includes any level of PVP is the ability to stay concealed old engines struggle with this having to fade away things like grass shadows and clutter at distance for optimization sake creating weird situations where spotting someone up close was more difficult than spotting them from far away in grey Zone they've destroyed that problem entire fields of crop reach out to over 500 maybe even 700 M in render distance only once could I see the edge of small plants and grass being rendered and it was on a heli bench when I just got a lucky spot at the far edge of the map and Shadow distance was nearly infinite I don't know if it ever stopped with a game of this scale trust me that is something that is pretty hard for games to do still I can't wait to see the game with a true day night cycle as with the power of lum's actual Dynamic lighting all lights can be shot out imagine what powerful weapon lights can do with the power of path Trace lighting or how well you could simulate the insane throw of car headlights when looking through nods it's as big of a graphical jump as Battlefield 3 gave us in 2011 and once we have a few optimization patches there will be nothing like it right so far you guys you guys made it pretty far without a casualty I like seeing this oh I don't like you saying that right right on the right nor light bruis is ahead I'm going to move to this moving to the right building here the bruises just go away over time or do have to yeah yeah they go away over time I'm at the right house with you uh down the road down the road on the road yeah oh guy came out on the right again to the right soundwise I think I disliked most of the sound in the game in the version we played firefights were audibly uneventful quiet and just didn't sound scary lacking necessary Reverb and distant Echo sounds environment audio is this mono looping track that never leaves your brain where car close I'm hitting him to push I think that the only audible part of this game I liked was the little bird it's nice this is the piece of feedback that we gave them that they immediately replied with yeah we're fixing it but if you look at the most recent IGN gameplay which is a newer build of the game it just has frogs as loud as humanly possible so loud the comment section even said they L the frogs are louder than the guns moving through the map with no time limit feels fresh I immediately felt like I was playing a Day Z mod rather than an extraction shooter with no raid timer extraction or spawn camping is nearly impossible or at least will never happen on purpose with a more open map I'm not forced into choke points like in tarov the overall player threat in this version would be something similar to a lower population Day Z server but more on that later the game's interface follows the doctrine of mostly showing you heads up display elements only at extremely necessary times I still think that a top anchored Compass personally looks looks a bit ugly and the stamina being at the top left is a bit weird but I greatly appreciate the attempt at clean UI Ghost Recon take notes guns feel pretty nice as I mentioned earlier the animations for weapon manipulation are top tier and I do think the devs have put more effort into the weapons than I had expected Scopes are realistic but pretty bad at the moment both in ergonomics and the tanking frame rate when you're aiming down sights but I think that's a fixed bound to happen no matter what when you finally reach the village you will encounter AI in this ear uran sprawl environment they speak mostly English with a roughly Asian accent and will yell profanities at you as they open fire their AI were pretty deadly on par with tarov AI and their General difficulty but they do have a motivation system within their code where if they kill or maybe wound a player they will gain courage to assault you more aggressively if you drop one of them they may take cover and hide more this leads to firefights in theory being Dynamic based on who lands Good Hits first I personally didn't feel this too much I had a lot of points where I was shacking AI as a solo player yet they'd still be rushing me just like any scav in tarov I'll give you a few minutes of gam play here to just see what a raw little firefight is like when we entered the village at one point uh there's time stamps on the video so if you want to skip this kind of raw gameplay section by any means you can just scroll on your phone or your PC wherever to the next chapter in the video and it will go on to me talking again but for a few minutes here's some raw gameplay behind you okay oh you're hit you're hit yeah all right he's still up he's still up what the time to kill is going to be like on the PVP mhm well I guess you can either load up for killing what are these what what are they called Bandits or they're not Bandits they're uh you took a shot too yeah I think I think he's down all right yeah he might had a plate I was putting a bunch Center Mass and he wasn't going down I'll call them scabs for now I feel like you could probably run like hollow points for kill focusing scabs right here yeah then players are going to be whoa get a frag over there just cover the corner I've got the corner I don't have frag I'm holding Corner oh far far far pass the corner I have no eyes get get out of this Lane yeah yeah come back come back back back here I'm just pressing I'm holding corner all right I'm backing up the I was trying to get some get a hard point building I hear him on the other side yeah let's get out and to the left out and to the left in the shed at least for people heal right there there's a ton to the right okay where I'm facing in the main street moving left to right got it load man man this game looks so good dude just the visuals are insane oh we're about to get surrounded yep all right I'm going to go upstairs see if I can get a good angle I'm I'm going to assess my traa here I'm going to watch the way we came nobody's outside correct we're all in you want high low here on your shoulder I don't see oh I think I'm going to peek that Alleyway again cuz I think they're all they're all in it I know where are I know where you are I'm going get a frag out there got the Scorpion guy I out nice that was a cool fragmentation effect yeah looks oh shots coming through the wall I do think that the headset audio is a bit too compressed okay if you want to push it he just uh if you if you want run from grenade left to right I'm going to try and rotate on the contacts here okay we with you yeah they're still by that same wall with you oh it's just a bunch of foliage behind behind in the alley yeah they're Crossing this too he's down got where did you guys go I went out to the left they went out to the right got one down I just did some real frame La he yeah the ACOG is not optimized man oh yeah none of the Scopes are okay coming up with you Che here they they don't infinitely respawn as far as I understand right probably not in the same z z Oh yeah I set okay oh I can so I think we got to move here boys oh sh it's a move marker and then it's on the compass as well that's nice okay I'm going to really quickly load my mags here I'm going to check this corner up here to see if anybody's still yeah I definitely think uh loading animations need to be in cuz the old just like throwing rounds back into your mags is a bit weird for a game that doesn't have a time limit yeah so I'm coughing and I'm hurt did I take a like a [ __ ] sucker chest with him yeah checking you do really like the blue Force tracker style map that's neat use a surf helps um you have organ injury I don't think you can fix that in the field uh maybe the Serve Kit will do it we'll see you need like one of those things from that alien movie where it delivers the baby you know it's like the this animation is long holy oh yeah that that that fixed it so organ injury uh Serve Kit we'll Solve IT gotcha uh check your energy and hydro too guys Rel low oh good call good call food and water food and water time I like how carefully he screws back on the water bottle he's like so I don't know watch him screw back on he does it very like dainty deliberately yeah got like the fingertips like twisted and everything fingertip twist funny I don't know why all right so check your compass we're trying to get to the way point to get the first objective I think I hear somebody over here by me that M animation is awesome it is is so stupidly good get on level here I'm coming did you go here right be a chicken I don't know a chicken yeah the chickens make sound if you kill them you can cut them up and craft them into Fried Chicken there's a whole there's a whole cooking sub game to this got voices to the left here I'm going to flip ready yep right side as well dang I'm going to cross two contacts in front in the helmet two you took two hits back out back out if you need yeah I'm backing I'm backing they're right in the middle whoever still holding you took two hits I'm coming in that work we're looking good I think most people are going to end up drawing comparisons from the bandits in this game to the scavs and escape from tarov because the scavs serve the same purpose moderately difficult trip wire that the player must deal with in only certain areas the intensity of dealing with scabs isn't just because you're dealing with them but because another player can usually hear you dealing with them there's always the chance that a player may enter as a third party which greatly heightens the chance of you dying to an ambush there's also some depth in the identification alone where you don't know very easily if a scav as a player or not as players can wear similar clothes use the same weapons or even become a scav themselves I felt that when fighting these Bandit likee enemies that I wasn't very challenged I actually only died once in the entire play test to Bandits and that's because I was solo and couldn't cancel an animation over here I see him when you enter the village the majority of the AI are just standing around idle they're not running around there many of them aren't really patrolling talking amongst themselves looting or cooking sleeping so when encountering them I just felt F like I was playing something like ground Branch really cool gun really cool night vision but the bad guys I'm shooting at just feel like they're hired actors told to run and shoot roughly in my direction upon contact yeah I can even see you on the Left Behind the yellow truck no hosti he's down God he walked into the firing squad but uh one thing that tarov makes a mistake of you can like Lally throw a grenade AI don't even have to see their grenade they'll shout grenade uh having a system where they can actually see it and you know be within their vcinity to make make sense it be cool take you guys up objective is on upstairs in this in this building this interior lighting is amazing mhm and it should be a phone right here on do we all need to take you all need to grab it yes gotcha come on out here are the textures inside the m randomized oh no okay one time you get taco sometime you get spaghetti if you guys had like chili mac and stuff I would love y'all man as well oh [ __ ] reloading he's dead dead contact front behind the truck wow I hit him there's another guy in left yelling us I'm I'm going for him okay some sh left when hit you can bandage yourself with a very physical animation that spawns an entire toilet paper roll on your arm and here I accidentally splinted myself uh tnic myself and then bandaged myself because I was clicking the wrong buttons and could not animation cancel but when a buddy gets hit you can also Aid him you can be downed in a sort of cardiac arrest State as well not dead similar to Arma 3 A's down state where you and your friends can work on your medical issues to eventually have you wake back up we got to come over here this is the uh second building okay so kind of like the description of the quest as you were looking for these certain buildings that were covered with graffiti so if you kind of notice the same graffiti from this building and the other one and then if we go on in here ooh it is right here on this table gotcha the transition of the lighting from indoor to outdoor is really nice that's not Lin dude yeah me go ahead and close this does it get darker in here yes it does yeah oh that's check the floor try to open the door oh wait so are you guys using Lumen oh oh okay can you can you physically walk into the door and oh my god thank you oh so you can push it open nice yeah once it's kind of like half wait is that Lumin or just Expos ow but overall even with the cool medical system the cool guns graphics and environment I just felt that without the threat of players as there was no chance of PVP in this play test I couldn't get very immersed fighting the seemingly flat AI it created some cool little moments but it was surface level clean even stated in a feedback session a very similar opinion I was just going to say like I think one thing that's going to be crucial for this game success is making the AI like feel like they're actually living in the world stalkers yeah so stalker is a good example that like they go on patrols they go and sit at campfires they eat they talk to each other they engage with each other they go and like go kill things they go engage enemy squads and try and take specific locations but also things like from Metal Gear Solid where in Metal Gear Solid like when you go knock out the generator the guy goes and [ __ ] looks at the generator and sees what's wrong you go cut a light out goes like huh what was that that was [ __ ] weird but I think looking at games like stalker AI life in terms of like the world interacting with itself as well as games like middle Gear Solid where the AI are really intelligent in like the areas that they're at and how they how like the player engages with them is is going to be crucial to make this game interesting if fighting the AI are such a large compon component of the main game's Loop this is way too dry let's get a little speculative here one of the most interesting parts of the game in my opinion is when you die this is arguably the hardest part of the gameplay Loop for the developers to design and figure out but it's easily the most important when you die and escape from tarov you lose all your gear and you're dead no coming back sounds stupid to say but let's compare that to Battlefield when you die in Battlefield you don't really die you are just given the choice of going back back into the fight to any friendly captured objective on the map responding with full health and ammo when you die in Day Z you lose all your gear but you are randomly respond somewhere in the same instance you didn't really die you're still in the match you just lost your character and their gear your body remains out there and if you can get back to it in time or if your friends can cover it for you you'll be able to reacquire your entire lost progression this is where grone comes in when you die you respond instantly back at base same rer unless there's a system to negate this ability if you wanted to go back to your body and rejoin your buddies it'd take you a minute to build a basic fighting kit in your inventory maybe a 4minute helicopter ride if it's like halfway across the map and a 5 minute walk tops and boom you're looting your own corpse this is in the current version mind you if there was PVP and it's only 130th of the entire map but the question I have remains is even if the travel time is longer whatever how does grey Zone want to handle death if I kill a player will I have a time limit I'll have to put in the back of my head until that player can return attempting to either get revenge or grab his loot I've always found that feature alone to be a massive immersion killer in games like this if the developers can Design Systems to fight this sort of gameplay or The Meta that this would create that's very important to me the helicopter insert is also an odd feature in itself it's definitely cool and very cinematic and well executed at the moment but I asked a question to the devs what if my helicopter flies over an enemy player who begins shooting at us the pilot very likely works on pre-made flight tracks at the moment so how would one dynamically change his flight path when taking fire what if the fire was right before the LZ what if I'd rather commit to The Landing and engage the player these small questions that started popping up began to make my head wander on all the possibilities of how players would meta this game out I began asking questions about PVP and how I felt that the description of the PVP in the game was not very clear at the moment and I think the devs are also still trying to work out this chemistry equation just like I began to people are saying that this is a tarov game even tarov killer but it's very much not it's a daisy Ghost Recon game it's a persistent world that continues when you die you can rejoin the world after you die it has villages with localized enemies to create Dynamic PVE scenarios with potential PVP pressures and I'll remind you again that this is a 16 V 16 V16 PVE shooter that means three teams of let's say four squads of four for example all doing their own quests or working together to accomplish maybe something like Live Events that's speculation in in the world I find that player count to be very interesting this isn't like a squad server where there's 50 v50 and it's very clear-cut how the game is played There's No Loot between characters there's no uh there's not really even a reward when you die so the main objective of squad is to just be beat the enemy teams so that you win on the scoreboard but imagine the solo queuing experience of 48 players split into three different teams and how that would feel to have to work together with 15 other players on your team potentially on a quest that only you have I feel like what this is going to lead up to if it ends up anything like the quest system and escape from tarov is where quests are going to be the primary way the primary method that you will progress in the game and by doing these quests you'll likely end up on different quests than what your team is on so there's a lot of problems here because that means that a lot of players are going to be focusing on their own quests and not working together on major objectives unless we have like live events in the world something of that sort that can create large areas to kind of do a king of the hill battle over something similar to Arma 3 also karmakut brought up the very important idea of hey if this is a game where loot is very important what is stopping my teammate from team killing me and taking my stuff what if I diey in a random offers to take my stuff back to base so I want to allow him to be able to take my stuff off my body this is the best designed most high fidelity map and location and and world that I've ever seen for like a PVP possible game for a game that possibly has PVP in it and so that's what I'm curious about with this lighting with these uh graphics with these effects with the cool animations and the medical system the most I am excited for anything in this game is the PVP but with we don't have it yet in the current build of the game it's very much a PVE vertical slice showcase and we just can't see it yet so it's kind of like teasing me it's it's right there you know so we don't really have much in terms of uh hard evidence as to what the PVP is going to play out like but based on what the developers discussed with me things that I think I can share and things that I don't think I can share cuz there was kind of a gray line there in the testing that we had I I believe it's going to play out something like ARMA 3 Wasteland if you ever played Arma 3 Wasteland it was a mission or mode similar to Day Z but you would join a faction either blue or red or the independent team and then you would fight to U own objectives on the map do little missions build your own money your own wealth and use that wealth to buy cooler vehicles and cooler weapons now there's no vehicles in gry zone Warfare at least planned at the moment from what I'm hearing but that formula sounded very similar because there's the blue and red teams and then independent was a team that was kind of a third team but it was where you would play as independent if you just wanted to be like only a team with your friends and it worked pretty well it allowed for solo players to have their place in the game it allowed for the two uh groups of people that wanted to play in larger teams to have their own place in the game and they fought over the map in PVE and PVP situations now it was definitely more PVP back then than I think that this game is really shooting for but I really like armor through wayel I haven't played it in a long time but I really really liked it at the time because it had a lot of just unexpected moments unpredictable moments before we ever got into battle royal pubg tarov fortnite all that it had its own unique form of that Daisy style survival combat but skipping the whole survival thing and just getting into the PVP and PVE combat so I'm a little bit more concluded now that I have a decent idea about what this experimental very unique game is kind of going to play like I'm a little more settled now but I still am very curious as to what grey Zone can deliver to us in the future in terms of how this game is going to develop if they're going to focus more on possibly showcasing the PVP uh scenarios or possibilities in the future I'm really curious there's so many things that they could do to make PVP interesting in this game imagine you're in the middle of the night in the jungle observing a village before you push in and because there's no Mission raid timer you can spend as long as you want scouting out the location before you go for your quest and you hear some distant gunshots maybe some suppressed cracks through the air and then you see a red flare shot up into the sky Illuminating the village with RTX with with Lumen or whatever and uh you get this very very nice cinematic flare effect and then maybe the enemy forces the AI are calling in a reinforcement maybe via a helicopter or something and they come flying in and land on the side of the town and run in and you're able to spend as much time as you want just observing this fight you know that another player is in that Village but unlike tarov there's no choke points there's no raid timer that's going to make it predictable on how you may find them then you check your map and you realize oh this isn't just a random engagement this is a live event happening at the moment there's a weapons cache that's been stored in the village an AI are spawned around it with pretty heavily armed gear and then you notice another helicopter landing in the distance to the north thinking oh [ __ ] that's possibly uh more reinforcements for this player and then later you hear more gunshots because it's not reinforcements for that player but it's an entirely separate faction of players see that's what I want to see that's what I want to see the the unscripted the unexpected shooting AI are one thing but that's just part of the puzzle when it comes to a game that potentially has PVP in it I know I'm talking about PVP way too much in this video already but grey Zone Warfare has the ability to be one of the most unique PVP games out there if it takes what arma3 Wasteland Daisy and tarov do best and mix those ideas with their own unique ideas I think this could be one of the most interesting games to come out in the next few years but until then I could speculate for hours so I don't want to waste any more of your time thank you for watching and if you want to see more on gry Zone Warfare I'm very sure I can get more coverage in the future so make sure to subscribe to the channel and I will see you in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,858,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OepwuP_cw5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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