Restoring Democracy in Helldivers II with akaScoots, Chase, and Dankin

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you see the UN the did you see the US NT track and field coach Conrad main wearing got sentenced to 11 years in prison for sexual abuse of the track athletes I did not see that subaran it's hell divers two and favorite anime either code guos or attack on Titan but I'd say you should probably start with like something simple like a jiujitsu Kaizen I think it's a good starting point for anime a tier one soggy and the reub pyra will we try out Skull and Bones the beta's out yeah I'll probably do that one next Mayhem in tier one moist man membership Dabria and The resub Moxy you see the new quiet place trailer I saw it came out I didn't watch it I'm sure it'll be fine though than membership prob alone the bomb was from World War II no idea how it ended up buried just outside of Tampa but they found it during an expansion of the airport ah thanks Godzilla and thanks for the prime bin and the reub Abigail next week going to be interesting for Xbox Microsoft can't wait for the Twitter business experts from both sides to come flooding onto the platform once the decision has been made yeah I'll I'll keep my finger on the pulse thanks re jacobe and yeah we have one coming soon dark wolf I hope not so sakudo I only saw the clips with The Rock and Cody rhods right now it looks like they're actually turning it around which is shocking it looks like they actually started listening it it really seems pretty hyped from the clips I've seen I plan on trying to learn break dancing Dave yeah new fears to Fathom game Woodberry getaway announcement I'll play it when it comes out probably I play all of those I can't do that exceler The Rock heel turn is amazing great decision actually great decision maybe Breezy comes out next week right so I guess we'll see thanks membership kasu favorite anime intro/outro intro probably Vinland Saga season 1 with survive said the profit outro I don't know I never really turn or tune in for the outros usually turn it off thanks for you sub Eddie in the Prime game oh my God thank you so much for the huge drop B and I hope everything's looking up for you thank you for the generosity hope you're having a good night thanks for membership Sushi God damn B than res meenu yeah I accidentally already started I didn't realize that it put you into a mandatory tutorial right away so we're mid tutorial I don't remember what Transformers game is coming out so I don't have any thoughts on it what kind of game is it it's a co-op shooter I don't know much beyond that everything I've seen looks really good though apparently even some of the games are controlled by a human like a game master which is cool so I'm pretty excited thanks you sub Caro in the prime production no idea a stranger I have no idea what it would be about it's hell divers 2 you seen the updates on the scam a while back with Earth 2 no what happened the membership Brian I'm assuming they finally shut it down would be my I guess just including on improving on the gun play that's the main thing I want for GTA 6fe I think you're ready for our highly realistic Battlefield simulator that's right the real deal okay autopilot it a little too hard is this on Xbox no like I a Sony Studios game PC and PlayStation Now activate the battlefield injury simulator re some feedbacking out gr your tee so grab that stem and pat yourself up there good is new now look sharp about to encounter democracy SW also my workout splitz I talked about it a couple times I think it's on the second Channel somewhere is the terminate the scorge of Liberty arm yourself and show that bug the true meaning of freedom dead I for I now use a grenade to close up that bug hole otherwise they'll just keep coming fire in the hole God damn it what a catapult of an arm should to the next section look up in the sky recruit that there is a Super Destroyer and it's all powerful strategems are yours to command use a strategy now to take care of those bugs just make sure you take a few steps back oh you do like a full input for it I see damn one survived cringe the will of democracy good work we should Overkill in tier one hyper Lon membership the membership saler squadmate greetings fellow hell diver What a fine Soldier your brother at Arms a battle forged bond that could never be replaced until now here's your real lesson Soldier squadmates can and will perish tragically all the time now use the reinforcement strategy to have another hell take their place I really like that idea you have to do like a [ __ ] fighting game input basically well done Soldier it takes uncommon resolve to move past the death of your ally with so little pause should vampire yeah that new update's [ __ ] stupid kasu but I know our team's still going to do fine recruit this is the real deal it's just you the gun in your hands and 2,000 megatons of explosives in close orbit that's it piece of advice moving around makes it hard to aim for aist accuracy stay still while you shoot those FKS never a chance against a genius tactical mind like yourself are literally Invincible hold up recruit it's finally time to call in the big guns use the support weapon strategy to get yourself a real your weapon thanks Salander thanks a good sub broer that's the Stu now use a resupply strategy to get yourself some more ammo who's your favorite Apex Legends character Lifeline I have not seen Barry but I do know all about it load up Soldier because play time's over you've reached your final test this is the real deal get to it this area is in dire need of Liberation from the terminate Scourge activate that [Music] terminal I've never seen such Flawless terminal activation now somewhere around here is the flag of super Earth find it and plant it where all can see its Democratic Glory nice for superar make sure you show it the proper respect mag empty habitat of democracy glorious work recruit already you've Advanced the cause of democracy farther than any solder I've ever seen you've proved your worth you're ready to Dawn your keep now this is so patriotic Fearless all I need now is a cheeseburger to complete it for the realest deal of them all the galactic War Liberty to play Blue fantasy relink uh I don't know maybe we'll see over and out the tier one Jake reub [Music] Steve thanks the membership project yeah I heard the game's great everything I've seen looks fun so we'll see name your Super Destroyer champion of midnight sounds kind of cool here we'll do champion of peace that sounds intimidating the Patriot of patriotism that would have been much better you're right congratulations I'm completing training hell diver you're in charge of this vessel now the Democracy officer awaits you on the bridge welcome to the galactic War okay so those are just like General objectives no I probably wouldn't play that one anal freedom is under attack the termined outbreak threatens to spread out of control and pro and probability of child eviscerations is at an all-time high say no more if freedom is threatened then the Galaxy is threatened iy appreciate it kabi no I haven't played Persona 3 yet I don't know just started the game everything I've seen looks cool we'll go to Angels Venture Angels deserve Peace and Freedom as well and I'm going to give it to him let the enemy feel the wrath of Liberty initiating FTL jump to the Angel's Venture system oh thank you for that crit and no I didn't watch crit I just saw the clips the rock heill turn was a very good call helps primed it does look gooded that's fine for now I don't have any other options I imagine all right where's my hell pod i' I'd rather not Tris let me know if you need is this my hell pod citizens of super Earth now they're coming for you I imagine the pods would be in the back maybe it's up here oh is this it these are the pods oh try to avoid dangerous locations my ass here I come Freedom's always dangerous but it's worth it wait what oh these are my I see okay launch initiated thanks re freak you need a team doing it solo is going to be hard as [ __ ] I'm sure I'll be fine the champion of peace is sending its best warrior me bringing peace one bullet at a time oh God I'm in the thick of it terminate the illegal broadcast do the alien bugs broadcast things or is there like a group of Scoundrels here that I'm taking off their like illegal radio show thanks re arous you ever played hell divers no I never did I am familiar with it but I never played take this that's probably a waste I'm not going to lie you like the taste of Freedom it just it told me that I have the option so I did it now I wasted it God that's so cringe I blew it Freedom Forever where is their hole looks like it's over here think a prob Mega D if this is anything like the first game you're screwed without teammates I'm tired of this doubt you think that's what they said to the Founding Fathers as well and look how they look how they turned out how do I shut down this broadcast though oh didn't see I can interact [Applause] than re Foster what am I looking what signal strength 100% got it Liberty's will extracted your discretion democracy has been brought back how do I extract oh no oh I can't climb that oh God we're at the very beginning of the game I I very much doubt that this is going to be super difficult solo for now extraction request confirmed shuttle inbound for Prosperity last reload is there any dodging besides like a dolphin dive what's the backstory this game I have no idea America found oil on an alien planet I don't know man [ __ ] I'm going to have to stem let reload than you said bulldog this would have been a much better time to use my orbital strike if I was a coward that is that was easy every time you reload a magazine half a magazine you waste the other half oh it's one of those kind of games [ __ ] whatever I didn't notice Z ma empty arriving at coordinates Landing sequence initi where you're standing Pelican one hard copy waiting for democracy God bless the Constitution I'm oute all of that just to turn off a radio tower that must have been a really foul thing they were broadcasting to be worth all this effort for the right side of hisory re sassy you can go first person oh there were side objectives damn I didn't or wait no that's just me for the hell diver extracted easy five stars are you planning on playing the Final Fantasy 7 rebirth demo nope I'm just going to wait for the game to come out God bless super Earth wins again new difficulty unlocked easy what was I playing on before baby mode what could possibly be easier than easy game journalist mode all right I guess we can amp it up thanks a membership doctor oh that would definitely be worth shutting down than Kar yeah for sure who knows Jack I'll do one more solo then join danin and scoots that looks good oh this is the microtransaction store okay reub detective and Timmy is there anything left here for me to do part of the barrier thats the determinate spread but first it must be cleansed by the hell diapers coordinates Lo I'm locking it down engaging orbital the microtransaction super cheap literally 10 bucks and you can buy the whole shop at the moment oh nice synchronized put me right in the thick of it here I come launch initiated than a tier one will it's also earnable in game oh that's hype Bug Out Post spotted okay I thought the loading would be a little bit longer eliminate brood Commander ends to where is your uh brood Commander leader show me your champion and I'll show him democracy okay that's a lot that is so many bad boys wow no downside to using the support weapon can can I just call it in whenever oh [ __ ] wait I shouldn't do that right here mag let get myself some space deploying support weapon no [ __ ] yeah oh my God those moves rude Commander oh wait here I can shut this down fire in the hole nice oh there's a sniper anti-material rifle [ __ ] oh wait is that The Brood Commander oh [ __ ] no oh what a move I didn't dodge anything by doing it but man did that look pretty thanks res sub mey that was not The Brood Commander let me try this antimaterial rifle all right how do I ads with this oh there we go do I not have any can't reload thanks resub Hune and Nick where is it if I killed it it would have told me I completed the objective right I would think seems like a huge waste of ammo on these guys oh my God I just wasted that [ __ ] no I I know oh is this this right here isn't where it is this is just like the general area it could be got it okay I was wondering where the [ __ ] it was appreciate it Salvage hope you had a good day at work than the prime potential bu out post spotted prepare to exterminate let me close this well I thought I was properly kiting it I guess not rep to the okay Jesus what the [ __ ] get up all right all right that's quite the lunge request approved reinforcements have launched that'll be the last time they get the best of me now that I know what they're capable of where's my gotcha oh look at that beautiful kiting I need to shut down these holes ASAP though oh god what the [ __ ] they put booby traps for democracy for Freedom [ __ ] okay still no brood Commander do I plan on playing the last Ronin yeah of course man very excited for it is this giant red thing where the brood Commander is or what is that I wonder is that where I dropped no it's just another cluster out oh there it is grenade what a toss okay hold on get the antimaterial rifle out ineffective never mind very effective clap Lal nice out of am well [ __ ] reloaded oh I don't have any yeah I played Ultra kill it was good gotcha he's still alive come on now there we go how do the shooting feel feels good reload I still haven't found this [ __ ] brood mother though like it feel like it should be over there but I didn't see it I closed the hole though oh there's another hole fire in the hole oh and there's another one Jesus there was four holes here no stem [ __ ] request approved reinforcements have been launched ready to liberate I immediately just stepped on that that's great I think kills in three shots still looking for brood Commander feel like I went through this entire area at also how many hell divers do I get nope I haven't seen the new airax stuff you get four is this what you think aliens are like Charlie more or less say hello to democracy you have five at the start oh top left is how many you have okay so I have two left all right let's try going down this time that sounds cool will yeah I'll look it up the did I make it I can't tell I did not I got it that time though for Prosperity Max empty ma empty damn it let me set this up for a collateral to save ammo at least I thought that was I guess not I thought that would hit both of them pops their armor oh my God I wasted a whole another mag [ __ ] I keep doing that thanks Kratos this is the only area I haven't checked yet The Brood Commander's got to be here what no I like this is that The Brood Commander I think it is oh Jesus Christ I'm oh I killed it we traded steem steim steem last reload nice we got one how' you like the taste of Freedom out of ammo I need to resupply oh my god get some get some ma empty what how did they both die okay I'll take it all right we're good though is this a voice actor for Simone from G lagon I don't know I didn't watch G lagon dubbed all right one more what's this blinking yellow thing it's like a distress Beacon or something super credits nice thanks the membership Sam all right I'm full try calling the supply on the enemy oh true that's not a bad idea than re sub nope oh that's super sweet nope that's so cute thanks for thanks for letting me know that that's really wholesome how is it so far so far so good this is only my second mission but it's fun I imagine it's going to be a lot more fun with a squad it's all hop in with thaning and scoots and Chase if they want to play found something a rail gun okay M your oh I so is it always going to be the big red encounter up there than resub Kubo I keep doing that I keep doing that what was the uh check this out I know it's right over this hill [ __ ] strike oh no wait that's it oh [ __ ] you've done your Dy wait I killed it with that trapped With Honor I'll take it it was just as confused as I was what's that what's that thing about alligators they're more afraid of you than they are than you are of them guess it applies to The Brood mother as well how'd you like the taste of Freedom I'm getting the [ __ ] out extraction is available take this is a parting gift I think they're still behind me nope I did no no don't don't don't don't don't yep I blew it I keep I keep reloading wasting entire mags that little [ __ ] is going to follow me the whole way request confirm shleb definitely wasn't the cleanest I lost quite a few hell divers in this one good Patriots that will no longer get to see their family at least their family can hold their head up high knowing that they died for democracy and peace what better way to go strike incoming nice that was big do I have to stay in the like general area or can I just like leave you sub gief get get some you have to stay nearby okay last [Music] reload [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no yeah God the the only thing that's kill K me this entire run has been those guys the ones that jump super far they have been a real pain in my [Music] ass every single death came to them thanks the resub maning in oh [ __ ] I was Ring chat I thought it was over I thought they had started killing out of amm start shooting H just get me in extra complete Charlie you're required to tell us if this is sponsored it's not I don't know what about it even seems sponsored I'm just playing a new game like I do with every new game that comes out it's anytime I like a game people just assume it's sponsored now which really makes me upset I'm not allowed to like things tier one [Music] [Music] death we be moist metering this uh we'll see he's the bits Luigi I'm [ __ ] Cruising now we got medium difficulty on your own Expendable anti-tank wait what did it just kill there in at at the multiplayer is currently finicky and buggy oh that's a shame well I'm about to try it we're about to see re donut and I have no idea any give me that oh that's going to be good for like uh extraction well maybe it looks like it would be just put a bunch of landmines down down pre-made squads works fine quick play with randoms is having issues ah gotcha donation access license allows patriotic family members to donate supplies to their loved ones in the the field I don't have enough a tier one fluffy in the reub Jesse all right you on scoots daning and Chase now that I've mastered the game I'm ready re sub Slayer I have no idea who that is diggity dog I'm ready danin toss me the invite reub cliff and wood is there a plot or is it just missions I'm not far enough to know what the lore is but from what I've put together super Earth wants to F to spread Freedom democracy and peace throughout the Galaxy and these communist termites or whatever are preventing us from doing so so we have to kill the bugs that's what I've learned so far is re said Panda yeah hey hey yo yo yo ready to spread some democracy I stay ready to spread democracy the gospel hell yeah brother those bugs can't vote we don't need them amen thanks some chill Allied Destroyer coordinates received join up gamer what all about so is the multiplayer actually super bugged or is it just quick play Destroyer uh I I mean I've been watching people play multiplayer the whole day there's crashes that's like the biggest issue but okay yeah sometimes they'll like kick you out but then you just jump like right back in I think you still get like XP and everything so I figured you guys would be a really high level you just started as well no I just I just started yeah did you wait did you swipe your credit card for some micros or something oh okay listen listen listen I played hell one game's a [ __ ] Banger I'm supporting these devs oh my God I look sick dude check out this the game look at this dude I mean you look cool hey hey you're part of the problem you do look cool I'll give you that God damn right I look cool thanks crit get us into a mission I'm trying toing bugs let's not play on trivial are you just running in circles right now dankin yeah oh okay I didn't know if you like desynced or not over here I'm trying to play Let's go yeah bring us in wait are you picking no oh wait I'm host I forgot you joined mine uh this planet will be part of the barrier thats the terminate to join game Lobby it must be cleansed by the hell diers hey thanks for the five gifted members else we trying to join someone else hamstring the enem capabilities or veins boring Mission coordinates let's go Al I think we have to do like the easy difficulty cuz I don't have it yet that's fine the easiest it's even on easy it was kind of tough like those lunging bugs kill in three shots and you can't really Dodge hell well hey now you got to worry about us here oh is it friendly fire oh there's friendly have you played Magicka big time I have not played Magicka okay yeah there's a [ __ ] ton of Friendly Fire I a shotgun you better watch out initi like when you have four people in this game and like and you're in the later levels like 90% of your deaths are going to be from Finly fire that's exciting all right where you guys at I dropped with you right next to you oh [ __ ] uh fellas uh how do I get down without killing myself that was [ __ ] awesome did you take that oh you took a lot of damage you're fine I took a decent amount yeah you're good o democracy Tender Care us to Mac can't see nothing how much money I got to pay for a flashlight you can put on a flashlight if you just ads how do you have first person middle Mouse middle Mouse when you're aiming throwing Gren finding the samples fellas all right I got the bugs nest down I saw that all right next spot is do both we're just looking to destroy an illegal broadcast this flashlight sucks a flashlight how do you turn it on yeah you can hold you can hold R to like change your stuff I have shotgun that's it just telling me that I have a shotgun I might not have a attachment I know the assault rifle does oh this one that armor Oh I thought that was a hold to close no oh [ __ ] it bounced off I know I saw good work easy what what's going on with these rocks do you see this what do you mean those rocks are oh yeah it's floating yeah well no they were putting on like a whole show is it a bug breach the worst kind of breach there's Prim Sparty agreed so far trle and appreciate that thanks for the 20 that's it did I need ammo do you get anything extra for just closing up all these bugs nest besides XP uh I mean more XP and [ __ ] better stuff faster credits my man yeah the super credits reloading I got the hole no I think that missed oh never mind nope I got it yeah I did miss oh ouch ouch ouch oh on me fellas oh behind you danin I got you oh you jumped in front of it that's on you that's on you y y y yep yep yep yep I'm requesting a reinforcement oh there's another hole here I got it yeah we all try we all saw what you try to do there nice try buddy oh what [ __ ] oh you can move it okay completely forgot you can move it I'm going throw this real now reinforce for me throwing that real far away from me oh and Co-op you have to call in the reinforcement yeah qte thing gotcha sleeping oh dude we're going to a gas station I've dealt with these illegal broadcasts before bunch of [ __ ] filthy Pirates bug Pirates oh got to [ __ ] them up that means we lost my machine gun I had a machine gun [ __ ] I died it's gone forever OWI got a SLE man I cannot aim oh what's this I found the broadcast tower engaging terminal let's judge your qtes it's just that I'm sick with it God no you guys get a connection error no nope I did you're literally oh wow you just you went straight to hell you literally just [ __ ] fell through the ground is there a limited amount of resource drops in Co-op uh I think it's based on cool down okay yeah probably cool down thing uh all right I'm going to call in my machine gun then Freedom requires fire power what do I get you should be able to just join us again yeah it's just like endlessly loading that's not good do you want me to wait to do the the objective for you danan or do you not care uh like good way because I don't know if it'll count when I come back have to do it again just wait well somebody else could host to be fair we just play off that let me throw this Barrel yeah you you guys can finish cuz I can just Jo up you guys well this we're still in your game yeah yeah but like like I'm saying you guys can finish that and then like we can just move on to the higher difficulty I got the terminal uh coming in just completed it distract when ready supply drops are cool down base but it's shared cool down unlike your weapons and orbital strikes gotcha there's something shiny over there East yeah it's super credits I saw that we got to get everything we can yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks J do and tell her I said thanks found something something better than super Qui ammo everywhere samples if you're not crossplaying turn it off it fixes connection you want to try that danin when you get in yeah well you guys probably have to do that well I think we all have to do that actually oh oh oh man there's a lunging bugs behind me Charlie I got you help they're in the Smoke reload I killed the scary ones I don't know how I feel about said weed I'm heading to extraction wait did somebody join your game no not that I know of three out of four oh you're ghost no cuz when I left it said two out of four I'm not sure Hunter I don't know if it's always online or not found a bker come back here Charlie Destroyer oh God oh God I can't get off this I'm coming my hand is glued to the button I'm coming in hot fellas oh [ __ ] nice Pelican help with the button open it oh wait I can't did you get it whatever it was uh it leads two people to open yeah I'm here I'm here all right we got do the same time 3 two one go huge a all right loot to the inside o nice super credits wait is there only one super credits that wait isn't that for the premium shop yeah super credits are for premium yeah behind you oh the backwards drone sick back empad osity sh better just fire from the hip for this thing I take that back immediately Helly sh I got no ammo all right I'll start the terminal I'm going call in a resupply where we at whoops up there oh my God resupply get your ammo fellas I'm going to try my new strategy my first one what'd you get the Eagle Run where's like the nuclear bomb support you get that like way later oh I was expecting there to not be I didn't kill anything with it but it definitely look huge yeah it look cool all right one minute do I have enough time to go to that glowy bit you got some nerve requesting orbital oh what the heck why you do it on me something making a God awful sound next think he'll try Bim again when the update drops probably not getting updates I [Music] guess we got the 18 kill streak fellas okay this guy's nuts can I get up here etus 20 seconds there's a tunnel sending in an eagle uning democracy I wonder which way that's going to go oh it go straight every time oh this about to be big wow the Eagle strafing Run cool down is really quick come on what support Eagle strafing Run my strategy attack what just get squished by how did I get killed by that you were right under what do you mean how did you get killed by it I was not you were right I was looking at you oh God you have like 10 seconds get in I'm calling you down what if I crash into it yeah try crashing into it maybe it'll work all right I got to taking too long you just had to be under the ship One Step small price to pay for democracy control system so far so good Daniel that's only like my third mission what is it they say making the mother of all omelets here that is what they say think it's a prime vibe oh guys we missed out on the additional objective a [ __ ] I know oh and we missed an outpost oh God and we missed a player that [Music] was oh still five stars we're crazy too easy we're nuts I don't think that would work Seymour but maybe let's go ahead and Clank that difficulty up to Max now yes sir yes sir you can't you have have to keep unlocking it membership deow try though that'd be cool I think we have medium unlocked now that he's level three oh truey Chase is level five he's kind of game he's probably got Ultra nightmare mode unlocked we did spend like get him in the call 10 minutes we spend like 10 minutes just walking around the ship welcome back wait we have a we have a group from a year ago let's just start that up reignite it Li guide you okay hey Chase what's up hello soldier of Freedom Amen brother did you you swiped as well no I just had this oh nice yeah I don't know the game just gave it to that's one of the ones you get oh very sweet that looks cool the Super Destroyer is ready for your next mission Chums with base armor no I changed up my helmet look at me now hey appreciate it fungus thanks to Prime winter and foolish oh [ __ ] wait a minute that's kind of crazy hold up oh we're on my ship Now take us into a big one let me let me get a let me get a new uh thing strategy than Prime wisman I think I want yes I want that F ging barrage oh that's what you got char what's max level I have no idea I have no idea I don't know High a lot maybe one guy said 20 I got so many credits hold on let me purchase one more thing really 20 I remember how one being higher I have no it was literally just a single guy said 20 I have no [ __ ] no he's then he's right a single guy I'm put all my faith in him I trust him the of our next Vic rap approaches strategy my God is all that we need I think it's going to be a it's going to be a game changer for sure all right you know what I'm doing what I'm taking us to a different planet okay my God you're [ __ ] insane are we ready for that expect it they'll never expect it oo look at this orbit synchronized thanks a prim Panda uh Purge the hatcheries initiating the heat system going to Heath uh Heath the home of cuckoldry we need to install the good old traditional American values for superar liberate them mhm FTL jump successful all right out of the co chair than reub SL first than a hell all right uh let's go for the one on the right first there's enemy presence everywhere so then it'll be an even oh it's only medium difficulty this should be easy okay I I I can only extract on the I only do on the extraction point so all right I have a turret now oh Chase has a turret too yeah damn Chase is Ked upunch initi I got the tools those taxpayer dollars God bless nothing feels better than putting a little extra deons in Uncle Sam's pocket mhm all right where we going oh I can see [ __ ] on this planet uh East fellas East that was sick okay I didn't I really didn't think that was far enough for that to happen at any with the ragd doll yeah you like ragd doll from like 2 feet oh oh my god did we all do it yeah I didn't take damage the first time but I did that time little higher up the rag dolls are so good the rag dolls are pretty sliding on the floor for me like he running oh there's eggs everywhere almost snapped my neck on that one reing clear fellas whoa that's a new one oh my goodness oh god what happened to my screen oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I raged all myself oh God oh God H fellas he's right behind me isn't he oh I killed both of you with that grenade that's crazy Jesus he's too good wait that grenade was nuts we need reinforcements well hold on I'm trying I'm trying damn that team kill is actually for the [ __ ] highlight re though okay is it oh oh [ __ ] I blew the oh no I blew it I blew it hold on wait His Last Stand oh my God I did it again oh no you got hero is that only call one of us or all I don't know I think it's everyone I'm crushing the bug crush him [ __ ] him up what you tried to hit me Chase you [ __ ] psychopath was I near you I didn't know oh [ __ ] oh those do damage you're welcome for the clutch boys that was clut oh man this shotgun is not putting in the work right now I'm simming last reload I threw a grenade warning I'm going to go try and close the hole also got to resupply calling down supplies heavily armor Target oh well that was so watch out it might shoot you Pi you're the man I am unreal at this game I'm uh oh [ __ ] where's the resupply someone call in yeah it's uh near I can think there's one oh noes where is the uh hole eggs I can't find the I mean it's just yeast it's a bunch of eggs that way we got to plant our offensive here fellas the mysterious floating box here [ __ ] found something I found a bomb it says for alien scum I'm calling in a machine oh hey let's use it I hate alien scum can I blow it up y holy just happened who what just happened just nuked himself oh what the [ __ ] did you just do oh I shot the bomb that said for alien scum but all it did was let out like a puff of smoke so I thought it was a dud and then and then everything went everything went dark wait we're supposed to go uh Northeast there's the Hatchery over there well hey now we know all right yeah now now we know kill a Target at a distance of over 100 meters good job turret oh God ready to liberate we're kind of split up here fellas oh wait I'm no I'm with Chase watch out for the spiky I'm with you boys I'm a little bit away we're attacking the eggs we're on the offensive sacred eggs they had us on the ropes but we're back stri does the strategems close the holes doesn't seem like it oh that does like orbital Strike should it did not yo I know I know I accidentally the death draining robot that's just a gun attached to a drone thanks for the gift sub Maki good to see you again all right one more egg sack fellas oh there's a mysterious thing over here additional objective don't mind if I do okay I'm back good VI I have not watched the be mie oh my God I said get back I took no damage I didn't think it ragged on me from that far away though it didn't even close that's the bad news I got it oh [ __ ] okay oh my god oh nice dive Charlie thanks thanks there's a there's another hole I got it oh God ah big boy oh wait nice good job fellas uh there's this I don't know is there a ping thing or no see a light over there no right next to me right next to me there's another hole that we can close oh yeah but I don't have any nades I got one they alerted oh I also don't have any nades I think this one takes more than just one uh see my machine gun oh nice come on it's just got to be like directly in even if it's a little off it won't work can't wait until like we get an armor pierc weapon be so fun oh ow oh God I ran into an ice flower uhoh oh my God I'm high as balls right now move dank and dive I see one apocalypse I'm slow you're fine there's nothing left Splash inbound back up oh God fellas run go son of a [ __ ] I got you Charlie thanks re yours has a lot more AOE don't follow the water don't follow the water yo this little like drone thing is crazy joining the all right uh where's the thing it's West there's a extra Whatchamacallit over here objective forgot to make I forgot to get my machine gun re some Holts there's a resl down here that completely forgot I have another gun just using a machine gun stems nice ammo nice multiplayer on Lord of the Rings on Xbox 18 years ago is [ __ ] goated which one conquest be Return of the King did that have multiplayer R Return of the King is like that game is really good like actually is that the turn based one no that was the movie game it was the movie tiin The turn base was third age I think I think so yeah that one wasn't as good Return of the King crazy though I remember my brother and I spent so much time playing that I was always I would always be gimly he was legless hell yeah was that like the co-op beat up one yeah yeah oh my God holy [ __ ] yeah oh I found a grenade launcher so far pretty good rzy wow that's really good that is a grenade Lacher two shot it wait is this spot with the door oh no uh no wait what is this I'm INE oh hey look oh my God what happened he just exploded what happened what my leg I got you don't don't land on me please I saw I saw a red barrel and I my my monkey braid activated he's going to land on me he's going to land on me I got to get away nice try you tried here pick up my machine gun it's right here call in hey Super C is down here I'm I'm up here doing it for democracy when you guys are ready o good splash I couldn't get out of that that was stuck also uh did we get a resupply yet reloading I got you thanks for the big save I didn't realize I didn't realize I'd root myself reloading oh God God where's the hole fellas oh [ __ ] make a path I'm like Sugar Ray make a blasting you support strategy inbound going to orbital oh God nice for the Patriots back home call one in I'm calling one in throw it deeper throw it deeper I did I did I did the big guy get guy got him the hell was he aiming that I didn't realize it was that close sending in the the big never mind danger close danger close all right yeah know I'm sending in the the big guns oh here we go another one here comes chases oh [ __ ] nice hit any of the eggs yeah it actually didn't hit any wa I have a grenade I got it you can just use your pistol youve done your duty you good job desty let's get to extraction feels good to liberate all in a democracy's work oh something just dropped over there you see that he man I wonder if hold on I think it's just the extraction Beacon yeah oh you can't slide down tragic there's a bug over here tactical asset huh real big bug Avil I'll go start the extraction I'll go with you oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God Chase help I want to get up there and see what what there is thanks resub sunny go go go got your six I've got my 12 oh God armored guy one smoke weap do we have a what I was wondering if Chase had an armor piercer uh I do I don't think oh there's like a terminal here hold on racing the radar Tower this has to be a boat I'm calling Uncle Sam boys oh we got a Bonus objective I guess ours will probably finish by the time com so yeah you got two minutes do what you got to do I'll turn the radar dish once it gets to it I'm going to call in a get some ammo Chase exit Prime weed brother belt fed grenade launcher okay uh does it have to be rotated properly yeah I got to me I got to turn it let's see uh rotate it left I'll tell you to stop no other way other way oh what a [ __ ] straing stop stop there was like a audio I think got it huge [ __ ] combo there that we get to extraction just as the ship shows up requesting oral strike well there's nothing out there anymore how you like the taste of Freedom [ __ ] singing an orbital strike in the distance is so cool behind us tanking goddamn [ __ ] [Music] communist [Music] seconds I'm going fellas all right this time I won't kill myself yeah don't stand directly underneath it ship's here fellas gather around be careful oh God oh God almost oh [ __ ] wait hold samples get my samples get my I got your samples I got your hold on I'll call you back it was a ship it was a was I standing right in front of the gun yeah oops how time do we have uh I think like 30 seconds no I think it's until one of us gets in so it should be fine no we'll start counting down I guess if you take too long but we're here oh wait oh yeah you're already back let's nice yeah it is when somebody gets in thanks Sonic and thanks meds oh we're going to get so much xp yeah that was a big mission for us I think not even a sing SP will suly the surface of this planet and let's not forget the Lone Hero that made it possible that's a purple heart if I've ever seen one we missed an objective oh we did oh there was probably two towers wow wait we missed a lot that's a lot of outposts still a decent amount of XP wait we suck it's still good XP according to the Stars yeah although they might actually just give us that many stars just to keep our morale high so we keep work keep keep that would be kind of funny if it just constantly gives you a five star like no matter what like keep playing the car it on the thck chasing that dopamine High we should unlock hard mode from there I bet I think we're ready for Hard Mode I think so two we're ready for the hardest mode I agree that was too easy yeah well we only had like what five deaths yep two of them came from my one grenade one of them came from the the gods above shooting me press R well this is just for the gas strike how are the bugs going to be harmed by gas oh it's corrosive gas of course thanks mads did anyone buy the Expendable anti-tank the is it the rocket yeah you got unlock stuff without micro I'mma buy it from here though yeah I just bought the strategy for it wouldn't spend money on a sniper rifle oh I got heavy armor the hell okay so it's not just micros do I already have this I must that would make sense oh you know what I'mma Be a team player I'mma Be the guy bottom right I'm getting the backpack Oh I thought I just held down here I don't want that let see Acquisitions we get new weapon so I got 20 of those fun bucks so it seems like they actually give those credits out like quite often mark rifle that sounds fun look at that oh some super credits yeah need you give some Guapo I got the explosive assault rifle I'm ready to rumble pay to win look at you in your little basic ass armor I'm going go play some stratum hero I look cool premium yo who turned the machine off what the [ __ ] get us into a real intense Mission can we fight the cyborgs oh we can yeah let's try that let's go fight the robits uh complete a medium operation to unlock so before we could take on challenging we got to beat a medium thing all right uh ubia or male the lawn Creek mail the lawn Creek yeah that in unison their uh protect Liberty oh all the things say Protect Li protect our way of L life from the automatons by any means necessary aren't you concerned about the konel anti-che for this game and its past exploit been waiting for this game for so long probably plays valerant that guy's a redditor that guy plays valerant what exploit is he talking about though there there isn't one people are just making [ __ ] up we're going I don't I don't think Sony would work with a anti-che company that would have an exploit that bad oh I guess Riot has bangard also people people freak out about the colonel anti-che thing but like nothing's ever happened with valerant so I don't I don't get it also easy antiche is in every [ __ ] game yet nobody freaks out about that but it's the same thing is easy anti- cheats Colonel yeah yeah when you're when it's on oh warning starting a new operation will abandon your currently active operation the H's my currently active active operation whatever the group of two missions we were just doing oh is that so will join now with that said this game games anti-che from the past it's like used in a lot of like Korean MMOs and it's not been good like in terms of like people getting around the anti-che not effective is that the thing well yeah it's probably going to get bypassed to where somebody's going to hack your game but oh well that's just I mean it's a matter yeah I expect it the objective right next to the extraction Zone I think so okay can you guys even pick there I can click anything I'm going to go on the X I'm going here get my backpack get my machine gun that I got my rocket launcher look at the incident of ginin impact anti-che is ginin got a a lot of cheaters in there or something genin has easy anti-che which I mean that's just the most basic anti cheating in genin you got big that that's a that's actually a very valid point that's the easiest game ever made nice with five gifted members Jakey how do you even cheat in genjin I imagine just giving yourself more like uh gems to just play the slot machine more I assume maybe wait I didn't equip the uh what I said equip I didn't get the Marksman right like stomping hold on I got I got to do this let me let me get this real quick for us fellas what is it it's my backpack we just get extra ammo it's uh if you guys need ammo you guys can come to me and take some ammo off my back oh oh oh [ __ ] oh Jesus [ __ ] you just immediately got killed me how did wait how did he one shot you I just got spewed on T's empty we're only on medium yeah I don't know how he one shot oh wow they do a lot of damage yeah they are doing uh oh I could give you guys re where's [Music] my I got him oh there's an objective here fellas didn't I equip the Punisher which I think is the shotgun Why didn't it work okay the explosive rifle is pay to lose this sh sucks it's bad yeah they could higher difficulty but at the same time it feels like I'm doing like way more shots let's reload I'm doing this side objective here oh wait our objective is to just close holes is someone bringing Chase back I got you chase don't worry Freedom will call me when it needs oh [ __ ] oh God oh God I'm dead Jesus all right hindsight don't put your turrets on level ground with your no okay okay's go to the right a little bit we got to line the dish yeah I got it all right using anti-tank this one [ __ ] hype I'm like already out of ammo sad was that it uh hold on going back no no no no [ __ ] I keep doing that yeah that's it I don't know easy Z wait who needs ammo thank it I I do I do there you go wait that's nuts that's full ammo it says you're lacking on ammo right now still uh no I'm full I even got my RPG visual thing oh you reloaded your RPG got a no I said I even have my RPG oh okay where are we going hold up uh oh wait we're just supposed to go this way like Southeast that's definely a big net I don't know where Charlie is I'm just exploring killing a bunch of stuff I spread freedom in my own way so badasss all right watch this strike Don't Go Over There sh don't go don't go oh my God you're so right hey RPG is pretty good fire in the hole bug area eliminated man this thing is tank oh God tunnel break oh my God samples dude that Costco huh it was a good attempt Charlie wait killed by explosion items dropped oh here we go oh oh I thought it meant like I got killed by a drop wait it just means I dropped my items what the [ __ ] killed me I was full health I mean see as how one thing spitting on us does like half our health to the I wouldn't be surprised if you got hit by like just a stray blow blowy oh there's a there's an or gem to the Northeast there's another objective over here God I almost stepped in front of you supp hell divers 2 is the game and putting it in the title wouldn't change anything I've already learned that much requesting oral strike dude those orbal strikes look [ __ ] sick from far away okay are you losing your mind I don't know my character is laging Jesus having fun democracy will do that to you true wait orbital strike cool Downs are shared uh no no only the more over there clear this area [ __ ] I'm calling in a resupply so I can get some ammo closing holes throwing grenad there a resupply on me [ __ ] minutes what the hell holy all right holes yeah we had 30 minutes in the last one I think it's probably one of the just conditions of the mission oh true true true oh there's a a crashed ship here Freedom Fighters we actually have to like explore here well mind you it takes two minutes for the actual the ship to show up so we got to get over um we just need two more if you press tab you could see like uh red areas that's where kind of overall objective oh you can scroll out nice oh the last two are on the all the way across the map nice all right I say we send or I'm just going to go over and oh wa we can't call an extraction till we're done with the objective [ __ ] yeah I'm running over I see a oh never mind that's a fight pretty fast when you guys get here the the fellas that are low on ammo just pick it off the back have you done a on Mission I find them to be more fun and difficult I don't think we've done Mal levelon is that the robots must be the robots are just automatons than a Prosper Prime the re [Music] freak yeah send it on Twitter Sage oh God there's a lot of bugs around me I'm beining the hole I have one grenade wish me luck oh let's see a Chase oh that was SI nice rocket I'm running hold up my turn oh oh God oh God we still need we still need two more holes two more like actual holes there's one more on me I just don't have any grenades left [ __ ] I keep running into these that's a new thing that's a new thing oh don't shoot me in the back I'm sorry oh [ __ ] I died I just keep hitting flowers gotcha we need one more hole fellas it was over by me we only have 30 seconds re [ __ ] God run just throw a bunch of nades over that Hill thren will unavailable extract now oh we got to go fellas the extraction is close thank God there's a chance right next to us democracy's on our side boys just tweet the video starting it up all the way to the left in the Red Zone I don't know if we're high enough level for it yet Dale but would like to I think maybe okay so once that uh once that timer is zero I think we get no support yeah we get no Strat gems after that oh well who cares but we need to call in like a resay just okay nice I got I got my backpack as well so are you trying to get on top of this Chase yeah I know feel like I have before but I don't there's an anti-tank rocket if you want that Charlie I'm good big guys here nice just St on top of this rock honestly pretty good here tur's doing a lot of work there sub Jose and the Prime energy oh Charlie got my backpack yeah I picked that up [Music] run away Dan go nice close one oh we had a budget oh we R out of time sense all right let's not get crushed and shot by the ship this time right guys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah turn exraction is moreth than the oh yeah we really don't want to die we can't kill get anybody back oh wait I thought I was dropping on you guys no nice our first extraction without any deaths from the ship go go go go go ah my head complete Li let's go oh look at that achievement unlocked you got an achievement what is it uh extract after the timer runs out got that lame someone stole an entire radio tower from a radio station in Alabama what a great [Music] souvenir oh eag from The Nest all Destroyer leaving sron that ain't bad off by 10 XP look at that it's so many medals dang no level up Chase is leveling up so fast wait what that say level four wait yeah wait what you were level he got demoted I did well I just said you were level four but now you're back to level six wait it like kicked me from you guys game Prime redacted I got court marshal for for a while oh new difficulty unlock challenging yes yeah about [ __ ] time I'm know when you guys are back in we're back ship yeah there we go well now I can put on the Marksman rifle you sub Dingus apparently there's like a set of missions on the far left in the red that we can do yeah I I was going to do that last time but I didn't because we wanted I wanted to finish operation more Metals gotcha thanks for some thick think I should just use the high explosive the frag grenade is not that great all right I'm taking us to the robots more like robots I'll meet you on the front lines of Freedom that's cool that like one half the planet is covered in or as daytime and night time retrieve and transmit vital research data initiating J the Malon go you going play the Apex new season uh we'll see have you seen what they're doing look like they're attempting to shake things up but there is some stuff that is like woefully stronger than others well it's also a really [ __ ] dumb idea with one of the things they're doing when it comes to the armor wait what what is that is that the just like level up thing yeah yeah yeah I hate that idea so [ __ ] much also it seems like the like super annoying characters to fight against are also like super [ __ ] strong now with their getting the Buffs which are like unreal like Bangalore krypto's going to be stupid toxic now did Bangalore really need to heal in her smoke or get free pings while in Smoke yes obviously oh you're right you're right they're just reinforced in the Bangalore meta let's see how this shotgun treats me it's uh it's pretty cool this is the duty all going umth def demy at any we're up against robots this time oh the shotgun will be good then they hate that Buckshot is known to shred armor God that is that an at at oh my God holy [ __ ] it is I'm doing no damage oh there's a man behind it oh [ __ ] okay drop sh drop ship in you head shot them you can head shot the uh oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the whole might blow Jes holy looking good though boys I'm going to save my strategems oh [ __ ] whoa ah help oh didn't mean to do that don't want to use that this close take that metal scum oh [ __ ] gra this behind you Tak Jesus that was sick I'm burning help me terminal activated immune to head shot [ __ ] oh god oh we need a reinforcement I got you I got you do you got him all right reinforcing okay all right you know what to do robot scum yes sir whoa there're the ones rigging the voting machines I don't even know where they're at those sick bastards I forgot to use this last where's my other RPG on the ground it hurts I called down oh wait I didn't even call down a machine gun I [ __ ] up that input they never even came down I got the SSD AC what do I all right marks not that great what do I do with this to transport it to something is it like a back pack maybe no it's a I've got it under my arms right now it's it's a it's an SSD oh okay oh it's like top right of the map oh wow we got to go all the way over there quite the track yeah keep me safe boys goddamn cyber terrorist Jes oh my God I'm trying to steal it Dive Dive Dive stop dropping Roll Jesus who was that how did I not die I don't they deployed a goddamn nuke who shot me ow I can't I keep I'm slipping I'm like hitting banana peels or something we're ready for this why do they hate democracy we just want to bring freedom R fellas run I'm bleeding God I'm calling a strike on why did youu I'm stuck you threw it at me we're good no cuz then we run away and then it hits all the stuff behind us all right surely I'm I'm going to straing this we're going right to an outpost no no I'm going to I'm going to strafing run it we got good idea where's that going though okay right on let's go forward I think so the straping Run yeah yeah goes forward okay cool got I've still got the football oh they're in the what do we get what do we get oh wait hold up cool we're done stalwart oh it's just another lmg okay we're we're heading in the right direction Northeast Northeast let's go yep you guys got to lead me I can only use my sidearm just I'll press tab think probably should be able to well no no I just might like I can't be in front okay I've got this sensitive SSD got precious uh oh God at at God Jesus ah [ __ ] ma [ __ ] got one I got him I got him I got him nice nice nice ow thanks you said c there's on ground here if you guys need where at uh on me oh [ __ ] there's a lot of robot uhoh uhoh uhoh uh-oh throwing grenades I'm throwing grenades back we'll be fine oh my God calling in the big guns get back oh god let's go keep moving Northeast Northeast Jesus Christ okay Chas there's one chasing by the way huh there's a there's somebody chasing oh never mind uh Dan we need St Yeah Yeah Yeah Bang thanks fella all right we're going to need a re soon I got ammo on my back if you need a yeah yeah yeah yeah I can't grab it though oh I got to get to yeah yeah thank you go chase almost there Jesus The Sounds they make are terrifying are [ __ ] relentless I'm such a [ __ ] hero remember me on super bun there's a bunker open it open it open it fast oh oh oh we need our super credits reload all right ready hold on get in here 3 sick we're so good could just press I Ste oh God oh God big thing big thing loation just distraction I'm almost there I'm almost there no credits oh God oh God oh I'm going to pay the price Serpentine Serpentine serp I almost just blew your head off I [Laughter] actually y robot got can I climb this whoever said whoever in the chat said that that's this [ __ ] is way better oh God God the bug ones get way more intense when the like boss has come in though yeah I'm sure of it but I mean so far right now though this is [ __ ] awesome yeah where you at Charlie uh I'm trying to find a way to climb this uh I think it's over here you got to get on this side yeah I just didn't want to oh wait you're already there okay I'm coming I'm like constantly taking don't don't run what why oh I'm bleeding what on uh reinforcement I put a thing there I'm sorry oh sh why did you put a thing there was there was no enemies well I put it there then you ran to it grabbing football I didn't know you were going to run straight at it oh you got the SS yeah I got it oh [ __ ] you died marks rifle is really good for those uh guys of the ATS I haven't seen too much about that I just got the cliff notes terminal uh where's the thing right here I believe oh it's on Chase wait what yeah here I got to turn the thing so just activate it oh God they have like a drop sh uh South Southwest SSD inserted God bless United States never loses that's what I said South Southeast the United States of earth oh wait East yeah there's like five of the big big dudes the United States of earth goes so hard I keep looking at this guy's stupid more behind you guys behind you guys be hold on I'll kill him how behind how close not very oh [ __ ] behind you Charlie how about Ace ammo for your D thank you my friend run Charlie [Music] run orbital oh wait those guys aren't very tanky whatever no wait hold on no they're running they went in the water oh [ __ ] uh what does it mean need to be rotated to chase uh I have to put in an input hold on I got a T800 on me all right I'm the worst sniper on the super Earth Squad wait I'm getting trolled by my what the [ __ ] I'm throwing goddamn bouncy balls I'm putting a turret uh I'm putting a turret down by those cargo containers bro I of 80% I'm going to call in a resupply me need some am what the [ __ ] give you ammo Charlie so I can just okay uh unlucky where' you throw this well [ __ ] it skipped Like a Rock oh God this guy had a Punisher what is that a shotgun yeah that's a shotgun for myself resub snuggles okay does the rotated turn the satellite like to the left okay I think that means to the right I'm pretty sure hear the noise there's like a giant battle bot in the back got it oh my ble oh [ __ ] I see the battle bot I was going for head shot but it doesn't do damage he's getting blown up look at him watch him you're dead he's actually walking right into that oh nice oh I got hey nice what an idiot he didn't see the red laser no worries Sage sing in anag oh what a [ __ ] snip right at you Charlie yeah I sniped him out of midair too he didn't even know who he was [ __ ] with this guy's just confused they're all confused down here uploading this data man this is taking a while yeah we are uh oh is that what we had to do the radar for all right now I got to put in a big ass input up up down down left up down right left left left nice the your re well we got 27 minutes we can keep playing we can do side OB you guys want uh there's something to lacking in the ammo department but something to the West oh here I got ammo I got oh my god let's go let's go west there seems to be something big over there there like a red area [ __ ] what the fu oh my God oh my sniping is unreal I'm back oh yeah I see something I see some real uh moving in the distance yeah that's a royal headquarters there it's red too for communism oh my god oh sounds makeer sick it's their secret layer holy [ __ ] this is where they all rub their hands together oh God they're just Tre I'm calling them to strike Don't Go Near it they have like a tank what the [ __ ] is that rocket launcher you can grab one of them if you [ __ ] out of there I'm calling in the splash splash him wow all the strategems here are going crazy holy [ __ ] F what there's still another one is a tank cluster bomb inbound holy my God what does it take to kill it got throw another one just in case oh one holy sh Wait there is I'm going in fellas I'm going in yeah I'm going in too my God no the [ __ ] was that I don't even [ __ ] know oh my God they have like some kind of super Advanced rail gun somewhere they just got obliterated what the [ __ ] my [Music] cover is it this guy I will need some ammo Ser oh it's this it's this it's this okay I think we found out what it is yeah it's this turret right here on me oh that thing oh God yeah we need the rocket where's the boom I don't think this is is this doing anything to it I don't think my sniper is doing anything to it wait how we not got to hit it with an orbital SC I don't have any orbitals left though I got to wait oh [ __ ] is there a flamethrower oh [ __ ] what you do I've got an orbital for this all right I'm right next to it so let me know when you're placing it oh uh right now I'm bling it okay call back in Chase I got you I already called you in okay he walked in front of me [ __ ] popped your head off what did you do somebody [ __ ] shot a rocket at me oh sick God oh there's another boss guy on me there's a lot of Chainsaw guys behind Chase so they want me what oh [ __ ] I see the Hulk okay oh my God just survived damn you Freedom please God h on me we didn't come this far to lose now no sco what the [ __ ] scoots call in the re no get us in we need a reinforcement hide I I'm such a [ __ ] gamer for that by the way what I that was crazy crush him crush him crush him I didn't see him where was he oh I see him don't get near me don't get near me on me oh wait I'm shooting a shotgun at him like an idiot I think I got the Hulk he's on me God what the [ __ ] he insta kills oh if you get behind him he has a weak point it does a lot of damage holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ the turrets are still active oh oh no no no no no I'm stuck in a tree oh my god oh there's another Cannon D you got a reinforcement what the [ __ ] was that I don't know refor I'm with you chase crush him all I it was chased through it so I'm across the map oh my God I'm actually across the map oh I see him all the way over there all right all right all right all all right all all right I'm recovering I'm recovering armor guy down here this is not me I recover but there's there's a hole next to me so shot all right we got the full reset though we're all back F [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] uh we are not fully reset there are still a lot of guys after me we're coming to you Soldier oh thank you so much for that unwanted oh no I'm on fire serpen serp well I di holy holy [ __ ] oh my God there's so many dude there's 50 on me what the [ __ ] Jesus oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] The High Ground oh my God I'm a [ __ ] hero I'm going to start the extraction process I don't know I don't know if we I don't know if we can do it right now boys we might not be geared enough oh [ __ ] I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm gone I'm back oh I was going to try and take out the drop ship uhoh oh that was a bad that was a bad spawn ow there ain't no bad spawns in democracy brother I got to pull myself up by the bootstraps hey I'm coming to you all right I made it there's an atst on me though where is the extraction I am [ __ ] it's at us all I'm coming I'm coming go to M3 extraction inbound school bus is coming to pick the kids up moving I've got I'm bring a lot of Tango with me all right Tango confirmed hard copy a [ __ ] oh God I'm taking so many hits Char I'm sending down a rocket launcher they [ __ ] ganked me I I can't get I feel like platoon here there's one for each of us I'm fall to my knees when I get to the clearing I got to get the loot all about it super credits God bro please die God we're nuts yeah we're actually gaming you guys do not know the absolute pain that I have been through oh to the right there's Scots here I'm using rocket on these three I don't know how far I am from I only I only killed one yikes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I cannot stress to you guys I was like actually just in a movie right then you made it I'm here finally fellas welcome the sweet Embrace of patriotism requ [Music] all don't don't get crushed by the ship oh the Hulk's coming I'm thr a thing over there I don't know if it's over there but I'm throwing it over there we got something for him oh wait I think he's going to walk into it Sun's getting real low four holy [ __ ] this guy's done for oh he's tanking it right now I don't know he's still going staggering he's staggering I think we can R the ship ship get on the ship just hide just hide just hide wait maybe he get crushed by the ship oh run run run we got him the ship did it oh [ __ ] let's go I'm in I'm in I'm in let's go the pilot of this ship is a [ __ ] American hero than kristo when does he get his game the game of just going to an extraction spot waiting and then leaving than re some silver hey out that was [ __ ] intense Jesus Christ that was intense oh we got that cannon in that Bas was [ __ ] us up dude it missed me by an actual inch yeah that's not surprising yeah yeah that's embarrassing it's all right we got three uh medals we got out alive thanks for the 10 gift sub Shinobi I appreciate that after dying like 50 times oh D that pilot had to have been [ __ ] himself though on way down he sees the Hulk man that thing tanked four orbital strikes and like a strafing run flying down I don't know how I don't know how I killed the first one oh did Chase get kicked yeah my game crashed I'll be back right God damn holy [ __ ] it feels good to be free those metal bastards didn't see it coming no one ever does when you bet against democracy you're going to lose H guard dog seems crazy 10 this seems cool I've got a bunch of RS I don't know what the that currency is but I can buy something new here I think that's for buying the uh strategems yeah yeah yeah recoil this rifle well it cost 6,000 I can't that not the budget the hell you doing dog I like this one I'm GNA grab this oh there's a jump pad packet level eight yeah I just saw that I want that yeah looks cool that'll be good for Speed running we're just getting the hell out of there yeah wait yo Auto can Auto Cannon level 10 rail gun oh my God these weapons s so cool and you got the javelin missile from Modern Warfare 2 where is the agent orange Deployable or the white phosphorus there's a G there's a gas strike yeah oh so this is close you're getting to his Asian orange Char said where yeah where are the war crimes oh wait what the heck oh those cost uh material I don't have I'm ready if you boys are ready um I am ready I'm going to change up my weapon not feeling the Marksman rifle I'm just going to go back to the assault right the ene let's do that second half of that robot Mission though it was going real good for us up until we attacked that than so much Austin yeah that that base oh this one sounds like it's going to be even more stressful evacuate civilians trapped behind automaton lines oh well we got to get them out of there they're they're God-fearing super Earth Patriots hey there're are constituents oral they believe in the Billow rights just as much as we do we're public servers so we have to help thanks the membership Anthony um oh that's a sub objective establish communication Uplink we could just go for that and then immediately go for uh the primary yeah so we could just drop see where mine is S2 thanks Dixon drop right there Mo over I'm not immediately calling a uh backpack and the Machine Gun let's bring our boys home huh let's get him out of there bring them home Budweiser on me what do you think about the game I'm enjoying it so far it's fun I wish it would stop crashing though I haven't had the problem yet but I don't like that chase and danin keep getting kicked there's a skill issue we'll get over it let's see oh there's a little congrats bom that's huge every day is a good day to die for democracy oh [ __ ] I've angered the gods hold up uhoh uhoh uh H like if you take your time you could head shot the guy like from from the walk oh my God is there really nothing here just a ball drop oh my God fellas what is going on up there you guys okay I don't know down this hill sometimes I just randomly stop sprinting all right now we're okay sure one more robot coming over the hill wow there's a lot of robots on this hill I actually do like having it in first person ads oh someone gave me the anti-tank huh machine gun all right we have to have God God I just got one dab what happened I got directed by a rocket oh I see the guy too yeah smug bastard I think I got him Avenged was I right in front of you chase yes you just got sniped all right we're heading the wrong way fellas oh we got to go East I'll bring you in reinfor I got ammo on my back ow I'm with you let's go move as a unit fellas don't be too close just in case we get [ __ ] nuked by the a stray rocket sniper or turret won't happen I'm too slippery oh God anything here delivery oh look at this they have their bot propaganda here uh I'll put it right here do you did you get an SSD there's a terminal here oh yeah activate that AC I got a rare sample down here call down sssd and insert into Hatch oh [ __ ] someone shooting rockets at me oh those is the same objective from the last one I got the SSD put in the SS watch out watch out holy [ __ ] I almost shot that with an explosive round I know I didn't go as far as I thought it would yeah you really do not Chuck that thing far uh we need the terminal again terminal terminal on it on it on it cranberry juice tier list huh can't imagine there's much of that all right now we just have to head uh what North Northwest Northwest yep all right let's get moving watch out for that explosive Barrel where's Chase I'm watching The Flame am definitely Burger King Gary I think Burger King is one of the worst in the world there's a question mark here I hear robot a GL yeah oh AR I don't know what find out there's a the on me someone want to pick up a grenade launcher oh I got it oh I uh yeah the Hulk Dr coming in I got it I got it I got it watch this oh watching watching nice oh is that not that didn't do anything I'm [ __ ] dead now though oh my God Charlie got [ __ ] on yep what Chase said I got it I thought it was about to blow up so I got a good seat and just everyone jumped down and killed me it had a lot a lot more Health than I thought oh there a rocket here somebody wants it my arrow whatever the hell this does wow there's so so many bad boys up here are we still heading the right way oh my God there's a hole here Northwest more so West oh there's some enemies down there there's like a question mark on the map that oh God oh God this one very thin tree is keeping me alive right now what what was that I don't know last mag this guy really wants me but can't quite figure out how to hit me from the tree here that's smarted SLE their computer brains could never compute the gorilla tactics true go right into that oh I'm calling down a resupply did you hit him with that oh support uh here let me give you guys ammo and then I'm going to pick up the things calling down a support weon nice we're looking good all right here's our objective there's going to be a big base there's probably going to be a nuke here uh just be careful well there's civilians here we can't leave any tra there's a Hulk there wait wait wait oh god let's strategy it o wait go go go behind this building go behind this building we have the oh wait yeah you're right you're right you're right all right ready no no wait go come around here come around how do I how do I cancel now just uh press the other key or like one whatever there's a little dude here there's a little dude here press one Charlie I am I it's just I'm already cooking it is the thing oh how do we kill this guy I said we just throw it all right I here it's just it's going over it's going all right I've got my new barrage coming too ladies and gentlemen the Jericho wait he got staggered from that yeah maybe he'll get staggered from the four other things coming down in him all right we got to get back up somehow cuz jumping down was not the best idea is my barrage just missing I think every single one of those Miss there's stuff behind us B behind us oh oh my God what the [ __ ] he's here oh nice oh nice nice nice he's dead oh [ __ ] what's going on oh my God there's a there is an unreal amount of Bad Boys behind us I got him [ __ ] up though I'm falling back I'm falling back oh thank you so much SS got to get up there damn it can't from here short we're too short yeah we should never we got to go back we got to make take oh wait right here right here where the uh the thing came down right here on me whoa whoa whoa thanks Guardian it's cute uhoh oh what a shot here here's the SSD spot oh wait got to activate terminal first engaging terminal oh wait what is this doesn't need coordinates E4 I keep think a red hit marker is like a a pill all right terminals online opening the doors escort the civilians where are they going oh the civilians are here oh God oh my God [ __ ] we got to protect these idiots gu the robots they're going to die horribly they'll be fine they'll be fine they are [ __ ] just call out danger close they'll know here wait there's more over here in this cage I mean at least they're all in like a straight line oh is that it no no no no there's more over here three at a time four at a time a rocket if you want that already have my arcer the [ __ ] oh we got to just keep calling more I see yeah oh got might as well do it while the robots aren't attacking us no Borg patrols clear okay so they all come from here yeah oh well that's convenient yeah it's real convenient until they all end up dying on that door I don't know we killed every robot here we did the hard part and they're only running to that door so yeah oh I think something came down over there that I think that was my turret oh on standby for the more civilians press the button this is easy this is not spawning anything oh God they're here they're here uh uh oh uh oh back I'm going to keep them back I got it protect them with your life Chase setting up a perimeter oh was there two hangers that they were hiding in wait that was actually huge that was huge Chase did we lose any Patriots doesn't seem like it I think we could just keep I think we can just like keep activating them to like I don't think they like make it toward like there's a limited amount of civilians this will be the last batch yeah oh sick we'll probably have to I don't know where they're going to go they're just going from one building to the other yeah I don't see how that's safe they can just walk in and take them again okay cool they've been evacuated fellas you're welcome for your evacuation uh I guess we might as well go uh anytime Northeast is extraction there's a tower next to it go oh bot drop bot drop where uh South Southeast dropping Rockets where's that drop ship yeah Southeast Southeast oh I see I see oh my God I missed hey there's another rocket if you want it watch this They're All Dead they're done for on the oh n that didn't hit very many huh n didn't hit any I'm holding the line oh I'm throwing a grenade in this hole get back oh get back get back get back get back scoots oh [ __ ] oh my God ready what the hell I didn't know what hole you were talking about oh wait I I see a uh red building over there if we want it another secret layer another secret layer it was pretty fun last time it [Music] was well I'm calling more Rockets down before we go in though on my way fellas I'm with you chase what do you see I see a there's a guy on a turret there he doesn't see us yet it doesn't look like there's any huge oh [ __ ] who he us it doesn't look like they have any huge turrets though like the laser ones that were insta killing us out Spott double tap iy light tomon fabric Vader those are those are something scary just blow this up oh you throw the grenade inside oh yeah oh gosh [ __ ] there be some ceramic uh oh the tree okay uh there's more objective to the Northeast let's get it then it's going to be a big payday fellas yeah I'm feeling good we got 24 minutes on it too uh there's another Hulk where does it see us yet oh I see it yeah yeah right here you can p oh we I can we can see his fuel cells on the back I mean I do got a rocket launcher for him hit it hit it hit himit it hit him do it it's uh it's moving a lot do it I'm shooting you got it believe Nice Shot the the backfire from the rocket knocked me over I got another one right here the hell orbital oh wow we destroyed that idiot hey drop oh drop sh drop drop drop sh oh Jesus oh God oh God I may have shot you when you dove into me I know it's okay I'm crawling don't shoot me I don't know what the hell is AR like right reloading calling down a support weapon on a rocket I got a re coming in we're surgical on this run right now really are we know what we're dealing with now yeah no surprises left they ain't [ __ ] [Music] all righty we good mhm onward let's ride is that a Tinder match yeah PL a boy oh yeah tell her you're playing hell another Hulk where it us oh yep the Jesus oh hit it again all right everyone get back get back get back get back get back that didn't do anything nope that that one sucks it hit than that one [ __ ] sucks Jesus I should have never purchased it it's just after me yeah hold on I'm going to flank him nope now he's after me oh he fell over okay he tripped and died yeah he's dead oh I mean I did shoot it cells I mean maybe that's like a super point no I don't read the juju Ka in manga just watch the Anime favorite character is Toto all right I'm I'm I'm just heading to the tower moving we spent too much time in this area robots starting to get wise damn you should be able to slide in this game there's no way this just got rocket launcher St CH he hey he's just tanking that we about to tank this I think I killed him before that hit but it was a real good statement oh there's a vault people like Southeast yeah I'm with you scoots 3 two one oh my God what do we get oh a flame oh there's a [ __ ] on to the southeast I wonder how effective this is against a robot oh they don't like the flamethrower nice ow oh Jesus Jesus Chase why why I didn't know it would go from that angle I'm sorry you son of a [ __ ] got him he's a tier one bumpy request approved deploy reinfor join the uh Northeast keep moving where did my machine gun go oh my God borgs in the [Music] trees the flamethrower is useless yeah I was going to say I good against bugs ow ow I'm lightting the forest on fire I it's okay it looked like it was doing good damage wonder how it is against like the real tank you guys might be really good against the bugs too oh most definitely another hole to the left God damn got ping oh I see it I'm or striking this where is he hit that tree line oh Direct Hit let's go oh whoa whoa oh my God got him no I didn't to extra when ready why how one shot did you get rocketed yeah it was a one shot oh my God oh my God I just threw reinforcement oh God there's another Factory democracy has landed okay there's a [ __ ] T here I'm I'm I'm going to go to extraction I'm running away don't worry I'll clear it out surely that'll hit something it hasn't yet but maybe now it will oh my God a piece of sh what the [ __ ] just killed me that rocket I saw it it was quite the snipe oh wait no that was someone's body I got Rockets oh yeah there's a factory right here Walker guy up here I'm going in for [Music] democracy no it fell out oh my God can I control this dude that [ __ ] Walker man got it my heroic moment was ruined to your left there's a ton of ton of enemies at the factory I was unsuccessful in my mission I'm doing it again oh what the [ __ ] just hit me got mortars or something I really don't like the shot oh there's a Hulk I really don't like the shotgun at all I'm going north I'm going north I said break North fellas uhoh is back one more hit one more hit I'm out got him oh that didn't kill there we go [ __ ] you still alive I'm going need ammo oh what the there we go there we go call going to resp do they come in pleas all right I'm ning this hole I guess they do come in I'm not even going back to the factory there's so many oh [ __ ] oh my what the [ __ ] what just happened no I fell in the hole I don't know I'm moving North I'm moving North I'm moving North I didn't see it can follow reinfor I reinforced reinfor I've died like four times in a row now I just walk you like you turn to me and start walking for just oh my God my God I'm I wasn't looking I'm sorry I'm moving I'm still alive we're good oh my God what hit you I just got hit by a random rocket just a stray I'm getting nuts of the qts I'm definitely switching back off of the shotgun yeah it's not that great it's just not very goodal stri stri is there like a way to deal with the atss when they're you head shot them like even when they're in front it feels like it's not possible I got him I mean like if I guess we had armor piercing weapons you have an explosive oh yeah I have an explosive yeah damn still a long recharge what what the hell's going on why is the signal stri not going to 100 you have to yeah you have to wait it nice all right I think uh I my vote's extraction right now cuz I'm fine with crazy and we are running we're down to nine so yeah yeah yeah uh it's just right West right yeah think so oh God oh God good yeah there's there's a lot of Bad Boys still in there I I'll go call call it down call it down take us home damn I see red I'm going for it I can't let communism Thrive is this a full base or a tiny base all right 2 minutes tiny base I'm doing it he's going for it God bless oh God come on your sick so speed for super Earth something to do for 2 minutes so very true actually if you just shoot a rocket in that you can look at that okay my mission was unnecessary drop watch out watch out I'm backing up oh my God oh [ __ ] I ragged all behind you scoots there's a ton uh like like six of the big guys not the hulks but the other guys oh my god oh I even looked in his eyes when he shot it it almost killed [Music] me [Music] our troops are coming home the music's intense it really is re uh I was going to say might want to get out of that holy smokes oh what the [ __ ] was what did you do yeah it's my stupid [ __ ] strategy that just never does anything helpful it just killed me too I have died by every possible explosion I'm getting rid of that strategy ASAP Hulk Hulk Hulk oh my God how long we got it's coming in it's coming just stay alive Jesus it's here you going run take it run to the side I'm on fire I'm going home get in get in just get to freedom I got something for this son of a bit I was going to try land on sick oh he doesn't know we here get [ __ ] thanks the re so bis you have maintained our democracy never felt so good God damn right feels good to be the good guys Amen brother look at that both objectives done op objective all four of us damn there a lot there's a lot of bases holy [ __ ] that's still good XP though very good quality quality four shards hey we take it take those and five medals I'm trying to buy the reloadable rocket that's what I want the one where someone like loads them in for you yeah yeah have you guys noticed that the voice actors get like even crazier when there's more [ __ ] happening on screen well I mean did you hear one mine a couple missions ago where just kept going laughing yeah your character is [ __ ] losing it go we look sick yeah what a squad bunch of Freedom Fighters oh we got hard mode now o run it I'm also getting rid of this strategy cuz it's [ __ ] trash something tells me the p19 Redeemer is not good actually no I'll give it one more try I just sneaking suspicion SMG is not that great supposed to spend nine things five three and one yeah I'll play with the SMG just been 12 more credits 15 oh boy I'm pretty close to unlocking the premium war bond I say that but I'm absolutely not see what can I afford oh 1,500 credit short armor also gives you a boost to Stats oh I didn't know that does it actually I guess last time I tried to change it to crash my game so let's see have n I'll take more speed and stamina regen over 125 more all right I'm ready give us hard mode damn chase you look so heroic up there I'm stoic like how Abraham Lincoln would have been God Bless America the SMG just another pistol okay all that space out there and only some of it's got freedom makes you sick don't it all right we want to go back to bugs or find robots Bugs see if we can get one with Like A Boss by a brood mother I think there's a biot Titan too I don't know if that's thanks you g those are like the big on we all have the order to choose an operation oh I think that might be done now do you have the do you have the bile Titan uh you do you do it was that one you were just looking at is it yeah the middle the middle one oh okay launch ICBM that sounds I like that do it yeah I think I think we do the other two and then we gear up and then we fight the bile Titan no espe we're just do the bile Titan now oh well I just loaded us into launching a nuke so oh then that sounds nice jump sucessful let's go kill some terminat fellas amen time to launch the ICBM oh [ __ ] operation modifi our [ __ ] takes 100% more time to call in well oh fun that's interesting all right uh probably react power generator I'll retrieve the launch code actually maybe we should just start in the north do that op optional one too it's hell there two Saints yeah I'm going north I wonder what this oh what is that one chase that you have you have like a special one special slot what's up oh it's like a boost oh XP boost this one makes it to where when I respawn I just have full ammo and stuff oh what the heck that's crazy initi all the better to spread uh democracy yep we're in there uh I'm in there uh straight East it's so bright so beautiful yeah is is nice out now Stark difference from fighting robots at night time the hell is that that's one of the brood commanders armored one holy [ __ ] I'm familiar with their kind oh watch Dam don't walk in the a does it kill you no AC oh another one oh my God insta killed Jesus I even died that is true we are on hard I got Chase dude I am nuts at the qts holy I did F you and I had it ready but you just threw it you're just mad you and hero okay buddy takes so long dude 14 seconds for my Supply pack yeah oh Jesus oh we're nuts we are nuts way to coordinate brother whoa Jesus that one sucks that one sucks that one sucks that one sucks actually hold on we should probably throw Alles yeah just kill that one that one sucks Jesus Christ it's coming in hot oh it's dead it's dead though and wa wait wait wait wait wait who threw that [ __ ] bounc off of him it's a good thing they take so long to call in yeah whoa like [ __ ] raining pyramides okay I guess we had uh what West now [Music] our yeah empty that big guy was terrifying what thanks turret there's another big guy my turret actually just straight domed me as I was walking by it oh another one oh come on the turret couldn't stay up for that I'm going to crush him I'm going to crush him there's a lot of a lot of uh crushing a lot of bugs on me I missed holy [ __ ] there's another huge watch out watch out watch out Charlie my [ __ ] no I died you blew off all my limbs Chase CL Chase got a [ __ ] like kill there yeah oh I didn't get in before damn it oh I landed on the the boss call Quick can oh there we go nice I died again holy [ __ ] yeah this is this is a quite the increase in difficulty here I'm slowed God damn it we got to stop just calling in than you so much top of us thano that one was strategically placed okay let's just relocate to the objective request appr deploy reinfor all right full reset we're good now know exactly what we're doing I'm enjoying it so far someone drop their samples is this ICBM over here CH I got a rocket coming in if you want to use those real quick uhoh bug breach somewhere who don't spew on me please don't get away from me man my shooting is nuts oh my God it stuck to him oh hey take those missed all right I'm the weakest man alive you see that [ __ ] yeah that's a that's a fellas launch codes acquired oh what samples oh oh there's another big guy coming over here uhoh you know what this will get him by the time they actually get here he does charge it up it gets close yeah well I mean he's got 10 seconds to stay there so yeah it's going to miss isn't it [ __ ] me shoot him to sagum unlucky I like how the armor actually pops off I know just what to do fellas I'll throw a grenade as well wait Chase watch out Chase Chase OH Close Call there's a rocket rocket here all right let's keep moving uh South better to go turn on the generators supp on top of your head there that was badass that was badass what is this is this the minor place of interest ammo here oh God I wave this St I really like this Marksman rifle it's nice Oh that's oh it's perfect oh never mind you forget that it takes like it takes so long double the time o still got them all though that a boy moving along uh ammo down here does it I'm good the bugs are significantly easier than the robots they are that that's how Hell divers one was um but I think like when the bosses come in like the big boys I think then it'll get harder the big bugs are really annoying all the armor I guess that makes sense the kitan plating something big up here and I bet like the later levels it'll be like there's like a tril of them on why can't see wait oh what the [ __ ] is this guy can't wait to see what like Isles uh NAD here all up thank you oh wait I'm full on nades uh wave coming in you careful there the explosive thing right next to us I'm going to throw the explosive throw Charlie throw it that didn't go very far sick there's got to be a way to throw that further one of us has to carry it and hold on [ __ ] it was bad ass that that was so [ __ ] cool Chase super Earth will never forget your sacrifice brother three statues at least yeah easily all right uh just a little bit more south God something top of the hill isn't there it's right behind me isn't it last reload damn I keep reloading like an idiot what is that oh god I've made it Angry all right I'll kill him for you wait this guy's good wait this guy's really good what the [ __ ] out of ammo calling a resupply supp oh behind you good Dodge Chas thank you I immediately reloaded oh there's another wave coming I'm getting the machine gun in a tackle backpack o I killed them all with that all right everyone get back I just threw my worst strategy yep it's probably just going to hit all of us oh my watch out for that buddy that actually hits us I'm going be mad I'd be shocked we're so far away now oh my God that would have killed might actually Chase if he was there like 10 seconds ago that's fine think there's a delay all right I think it's done batteries are generators are right here to all these guys hold on I don't know why I thought that would work it's going to take like 16 seconds oh Jee I did not mean to dive towards him like that with a power play medicine get some get some damn there's so many spawning here reloading did that just die instantly hang on Chase I give you ammo you give me ammo okay uh bugs for the West I'll activate terminal here thanks for the big stem uploading Freedom protocol 50% should I yeah I wonder who the bugs my oh [ __ ] communism's got me stuck are you actually stuck yeah are you really yeah got you trapped in there goddamn commies [ __ ] another Patriot lost there's no way you're actually just straight stuck there just tell me if you want it not with a rocket oh no no not another God fear in super Earth patri out or something dude for super Earth for super Earth no I'll get your samples don't worry he was the best the best of us oh oh oh we got we got bugs we got bugs they're attracted to science all right now we get to launch the ICBM where is that I don't know but I I really want to see it it's to the northwest mystery location here oh reload I'm out nice what is there here samples okay keep moving no way I thought I was stuck oh I had a rocket ready I couldn't handle someone else having to be put down like that I got stuck on top of a trash can I can I'll be the Executioner wait wait wait we got we're heading the wrong way H what Mark over here that loot I almost lost s of what heavy South close are we killing that or just going for the ICBM kill it okay Chase and I are pretty far away I'm going to drop this on us now thaning it'll probably yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah or not real [ __ ] cool yeah I just Wast that oh you [ __ ] up that one little green grub got it dude I'll tell you what that ban L didn't stand a chance that was awesome scoots that's was calculated is this where the ICBM is and this I was say a [ __ ] way to set a rocket you might you should just like put a bullet into all those like spiky things just blows them up before you get there's something here I mean oh there's the holes that we got to oh yeah it's a nest or Outpost a lot of green guys hold on I got something for this I want to see how many this can cover actually yeah yeah yeah I want to see how many this can cover that didn't all right throw a turret down there so ohow [ __ ] all right hey no no no wait Chase Chase Chase why would you throw that there because there there's a there was a bunch of dudes coming oh I died I died oh my God I dropped so many samples for the first time in history this actually might be a useful strategy might actually get value out of that oh my god oh [ __ ] help no not like that gotcha oh I need my samples God damn I'm running into it he really appreciate it kaneen and I don't fly so probably never going to New Zealand but I do appreciate on the right on the right hey behind you guys behind you guys behind you guys I brought a friend oh God God damn it a on me reloading nice way to keep it together boys those holes reinforcement please Oh I thought you threw the reinforcement in the bug pit oh but I should this a big ass like pit bugs in righto yeah wasn't close we have enough explosives for this [ __ ] I've got it I'm already here oh I have no grenades I don't have it who's got grenades uh I'm coming I mean maybe if I resupply you I think if I resupply you grades just throw it in here I'll grab it no like I I it's I have to give it to you oh oh oh back oh my God there's two huge things why [ __ ] I hit the wrong button [ __ ] help communism got me acting up sorry no you got my backpack though oh and you died [ __ ] survive damn you I like how I it just you get a little limb report on what you lost I I blew up like 90% of the uh holes we just need one more do I'm coming I'm coming after I get my samples where are they the samples those are what's important oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] does it tell you where I drop samples yeah show all right I'm going for it where is it where is it where is it striking this with my own NES oh I didn't get it my bad holy don't worry I got you covered chase that was this has to kill that do orbital strikes kill the holes yeah yeah does hopefully mine does B nice all right now where North yeah oh I didn't finish the [ __ ] help ow I I didn't finish the reload oh God charger charger oh that's a big guy I forgot how long that was oh it's going to take like 15 seconds to get in [ __ ] [ __ ] he's on me help I don't have did you call in the reinforcements kind of get [ __ ] bed right now I'm juking oh huge oh God charge I landed on it killed it you're welcome I'm a [ __ ] American hero the United States of super Earth will remember me oh [ __ ] watch out watch out shoot oh my holy [ __ ] not even close that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot I see the launch site rocket tank rockets red guy's an [ __ ] dead I'm starting the launch he's not even dead I shot him in the face with a rocket you're starting launch sequence Y where is it I'm going to another charer Char H that was real bad I should not holy [ __ ] chase that was amazing or strike orbital strike watch out watch out watch out where right behind you I'm going to tell my fourth generation clone children about that I'm wait should we do the air strike or the IBM thing whatever the [ __ ] called yeah Chase started it oh [ __ ] there's a QT three out of nine input launch code uh 5 one two I need ammo I need I ragged all my like an idiot I'm stuck disengage all hatch locks I'm I'm doing I'm going I'm going I'm going reinforce me and I'll land on the charger again holy [ __ ] okay okay okay I got you oh [ __ ] I'm coming in hot I got him holy that was SI it's my signature move it's the only one he needs all right we do not have a lot of reses left so we got to like extract like right after this I think yeah I see BM launch sequence I can't wait oh terminal I'm going back up y intercontinental ballistic mission to deliver peace resupply down here all right Charlie do you want to press the button oh my God I'd love to do the honors thank you so much Commander there's also a whole hord of enemies coming right now just did wait do you actually see it explode or it just like go up in the air it just goes up in the air where oh that is lame did somebody grab the other rocket yeah I got it okay I'm out them in theole hello to democracy I'm calling down a turret so just be careful oh let's go ahead and launching wait what if I stand on oh never mind it's already up oh that's C3 like an idiot watch that [ __ ] inbound 5% loaded look at that that's so cool is that the most goddamn beautiful thing you've ever seen [ __ ] it is I'm saluting it glorious God bless all right Charlye press the button all right here I come so sick oh [ __ ] bugs to the South bugs to the South authorized 10 nine yes they want to stop the nuclear launch no one can stop what's begun now hey uh yeah yeah don't don't my God all right let's extract that's what this nation was built on oh I just saw it blow up too if you look out there you can see it oh my god oh whoa holy sh holy [ __ ] that's democracy gentlemen democracy manifest who needs SE Alis I've got Patriot suculent Chinese meal oh oh baby it's looking good out there all right where's the where's the extract chills Southeast Southeast actual chills Freedom never looks so good let's go fellas Southeast that guy started break dancing when you killed him POG at tax dollars you're you're [ __ ] right that guy gets it where the bugs going they're in like a single file line bug Bridge bug Bridge behind you guys behind you guys holy [ __ ] what's going on over there that that sweeping Run's going to kill all of them there did we all throw the same thing yep thanks so yeah nice amen Arc amen oh whoa whoa whoa uh just keep going further it's like all the way across the map keep moving fellas oh [ __ ] somebody left a bunch of anti-tank stuff here there's actually just a rocket here calling in oral strike I'll take that oh wait never mind you can have it you can have it damn still too slow we're close they haven't even hit Cy porgs yet Sai isn't that what we were killing right before this Mission all the robots or is there another group there's a third like there's a third like alien kind of faction likey yeah from the first game I don't know if they're in this one well we only have access to two so it's like the protos ah that sounds cool this this big ass Canon is this the exra point yeah we can load it it's a side objective load it whoa oh we got to just find the ammo around yeah coming to you D watch out I'm going to look around for the bus oh my God I'm nuts I am nuts nuts for dodging my goddamn shells I'm stuck in a corpse oh this one stuck on the ground no I had a perfect RPG shot help oh misclick miss click what the [ __ ] I just died too I so many samples on me we need we need a reinforce we need a reinforce like a good one I got it God bless oh [ __ ] oh I ran into him I might have unintentionally like pins maneuvered us it's all right I killed them we're good all right it's all right well I think I have to go back for those samples that was like way too big of a bag for us to lose yeah that's fine you got time is this the extraction spot or no no this is just a side objective that I think we should just abandon yeah we don't have to do it yeah I'm out of ammo I've got a hey appreciate the raid Gunner hope you had a great stream oh God I yeah we got to get the [ __ ] out yeah I'm grabbing my stuff and getting out of here melee no way what you just killed me okay to be fair I did not show you standing there what what oh I went too far supp not yet I'm inside of the artillery thing there we go we only have two reinforcements left thanks for your sub slamy in the prime Arctic what the [ __ ] what are you doing here no no no chase are you out of ammo too I am you want I'll pistol up all pistol whip him that's yeah that's what I was thinking all right hold on I just I called in ammo oh my God wait get the [ __ ] up you stupid bastard did you grab your stuff oh my God wait Chase get get the ammo quick there's so much behind you no way way charger charger charger charger oh [ __ ] throwing grenad I'm dead [ __ ] God damn it and for some reason the samples oh my God all the samples are down again oh my God that almost killed me holy [ __ ] return that combat though what yeah I just had the same problem holy [ __ ] ow right I'm starting extraction no I just threw that they're eating me oh nice you did get through oh it's a 4minute extraction timer what the [ __ ] was I'm leaving the mission area what the [ __ ] do you mean I'm leaving the mission area get up stop crawling it's so hard to get through the terrain with all these bug corpses who needs ammo four minutes oh my God yeah I'm coming I'm coming there are so I boys I'm going be honest I don't know if we make it out no don't say that I'm I'm just I've got a Gatling inbound I'm trying to just Camp I found a really cheeky spot what the [ __ ] is this they can they they made it up to me I was what oh no no oh my God what the [ __ ] is happening I don't know what is happening but random shit's exploding oh my God I can't dive oh my there's another one I'm going to get my head blown off Jesus reinforcements are almost back be careful Chase I killed one we have literally zero reinforcements no it's coming back 20 seconds oh God Chase I'm just I'm just ning the [ __ ] out of that area for our nation what h fin do how are you still alive I don't know Chase is a godam maniac he's a goddamn hero bring me back bring me home you're back I'm coming home let's go calling in a resupply I I got I got I got ammo I got ammo wait wait they're they're AB boarding they're AB boarding the shuttle oh oh 2 minutes 2 minutes [ __ ] minutes what we got it we got it yeah D you need ammo oh yes thank you minut seconds over here safe over here safe oh they're sliming us watch out watch out for the backpack I'm going for one of my Rockets I called an orbital strike over in that corner oh nice your backpack crushed it good [ __ ] I know that was huge that was calculated actually oh God oh God I might be dead I might be I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck no what did they knock you free yeah good holy [ __ ] there's still so many dude the anti Matera rifle is actually kind of [ __ ] goed some kind of shreds 30 seconds 30 seconds that sick who needs ammo who needs ammo I'm good for now I'm good I think we're clear we're clear we held the line [ __ ] we were just saying how bug missions aren't hard too the Red Wave tried their best but we stood strong I see them giant mosquito getting near me I get terrified and guess what fellas I I was able to recover all our samples let's go here might be M yeah well that was on the ground supp I think it was when I died one where the hell have you been took you long enough you son of a [ __ ] don't get crushed go go go now no no no go go go God damn what a mission another victory for the right side of the e oh [ __ ] yes that was big boys we dispensed freedom in the biggest way possible and made it back home in time for supper what more could you ask for it feels good to bleed Freedom amen [Music] amen oh we got the big one it's the one that mattered let go and 4% remaining you're crazy 4% time remaining we're [ __ ] nuts that was only the first objective we'll take it we got to fight the Behemoth look at all those samples hey a lot of samples yeah that that is nice good work why do I have like two stars on my thing yeah what the [ __ ] oh maybe you're a leader maybe probably thanks that Ka hey Astro and Ka hope you're doing well ah wonderful a day work feels good to be a citizen of super Earth all right I think that's a good one to call it on for me I got to get up early same good [ __ ] that was that was fun that was fun this game's sick Laser cannon all right boys I'll talk to you soon I'll see you tomorrow Chase see you see you byebye byebye all right I'm going to bed thanks everyone for tuning in I appreciate the generosity have a wonderful rest of your evening everybody sleep well I will see you soon have a great night bye bye
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 375,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 2sec (13082 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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