Playing HELLDIVERS 2 for the First Time

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Allied Destroyer has joined Squadron hey hey there he is what's up welcome to the SS Hammer of Freedom oh the hammer oh I'm I have the Sentinel of science myself I like it yeah nebes what's your [ __ ] uh the claw of peace all right Dion mine oh God it was the fist of something course did let's go do a mission all right all right let's take a look at the galactic War we're going to go to the Orion sector looks like Angel's Venture needs to be liberated they need some freedom very nice oh by the way the fist of benevolence oh that your ship yeah just came to me I like the fist of something better of something the fist of something I do like that better yeah all right we're doing itl jump 2 the Angel's Venture system oh oh we're taking all of our ships yeah like we could a car pulled all right we got to go down there there's a crashed Escape pod that we got to retrieve data from let's do it hell let do itad you know how to do this Simon no uh but I yeah hell just find a pod baby all right let's see um all right so looks like in the Northwest is our objective let's land right here yes all right let's yeah pick your stuff and ready up never did this before now you have well no I didn't I just clicked on a couple things I have no knowledge to what I've really done hey when you get to be level two like me you'll know what you're doing that's right door are you ready yeah I'm picking a strategy I don't know anything about right so he's still doing it too MBs is getting up and pointing at door's screen want you to fill those SL oh level two one day Dres yep you hang in there I'm I'm here orbital strike and machine guns good call yeah that's all I got don't forget to click ready yeah man you're okay and then ready ready and then ready Simon is that say m say toggle ready yeah don't toggle ready you're already ready don't hit button wait for door to hit the button enter I I'm not playing that way oh my God you could try it it'll still work right you're never going to get level okay hell diers yeah woo oh that's hot I already sweat enough this is overkill now Simon you can steer here in a second we steer you can steal steer your pod when you land I think here we go NOP oh yeah B on each other ow every bug Left Alive is a threat to the success of operation Valiant enclosure no bugs Left Alive folks all right everybody on me I'm taking a look at our map Let's see we got to travel North that way through the forest all right I'm the guy with a big head kind of yeah you have D4 above you oh there you go I'm D4 I turn that stuff off cuz it annoys me yeah all right cuz we're level two or higher yeah yeah brag about it some more someday you'll be level two and you can brag about it it'll be today all right yep look we got some bugs up ahead all right okay everybody on me we're going to open fire on these guys I don't see them but I'll wait for you to shoot all right and here we go oh he's over there we're all over here yeah what are you doing where are you guys I thought you guys behind me you're by yourself yeah shiter God oh my God I got the worst team we were together we were one not together that guy's got uh he a big dude he's like parts of his body are bulletproof get him in the face oh maybe the face isn't good I'll get him in the side side pod there we go oh yeah he got his underbelly oh yeah oh oh bug breach detected oh boy this this gun's already out of ammo I'm going to call in an orbital strike okay do it watching orbital strike we hold him back and here it comes yeah that was nice oh God ow coming behind us behind us hey hey is there Friendly Fire here I might have shot you there is friendly fire okay that might have been me Dora well that was friendly of you all right pulling back I'm going to try to call in some ammo about that throw a grenade that's a good idea hold him off me come on suckers I got a boy coming at me oh no I need to reload that is that supplies heyo supplies coming down have yall ever uh melee something reloading come on Mama o Mele IT Supplies are here I will take that I was shooting that one need I think you might have melee killed my all right everybody only take one okay reloading ooo good job boys yeah this game's pretty cool it's basically Starship Troopers isn't it yes so the Escape skate pod is still uh north of here yep all right let me heal up a little bit take a look at the map yep keep on trucking North bug hiive spotted prepare to exterminate oh another couple we got to get a grenade in this bug hole okay I'm on it I'm on it to that's what she said Li yeah oh God help yep oh don't shoot me I feel like a lot of bullet flying by my head yeah we're professionals we do this all done I'm on level one I I know what I'm doing oh I saw a question mark on the map right over here is that important might be oh it's a radar station let's see I think we get extra points and stuff if we activate this radar station let's activate the [ __ ] out of it terminal I just his e all right I guess it's activating it yeah yeah I'll get up tire so I can take a look let's see I'm on the terminal radar Tower currently lowered oh I think we got to raise it raise Tower there we go I'm raising the uh the tower Tower raising I guess oh yeah it's right above me oh sure thing oh yeah there it goes look at it that's adorable it's going up oh and the dish is going to spin around it's going to be fun y don't forget to look for bugs they're out looking looking for bugs all clear looking for bugs in all the wrong places looking for bugs to many looking for bugs oh there's two of them we have one of two okay yep all right I got one done now I think I can let's see oh all right a little buggy boo buggy boo buggy boo I got buggy Boo or I don't got them but I'm working on it grenade out you'll never destroy our way yeah I got to take advantage of my grenade all right here we go grenade out nice grenade oh grenade out what the hell does it want me to do here relate terminal text take your time we got this relate terminal text another grenade out oh God wait watch your damn grenades that might have been me I mean that's it was still bugs bugs I held on a little too long I got the buggy boo grenade out let me get more supplies all right grenade out supp all right I can bring in supplies way too far grenade I'm already doing this no I'm out of grenade oh figured out how to touch the screen get off me baby supplies are here oh you got okay I got some coming too I guess ouch okay don't do that watch your back oh got I really don't know how this works you want me to take a look uh please please all right you hold them off holdal align Tower with data destination right okay let start transfer is there something is there something around here we need to interact with hey right here I just interacted with this I'm on do I have to adjust the relay dish maybe yeah adjust it yeah but I don't know to where keep going keep going oh that's what you're supposed to do keep going oh there that's perfect leave it alone leave it alone okay now I think we can touch this other one yeah try that I'll handle the terminal okay and W to activate we did it nice nice okay hell divers all right level one ones let's go north y oh I guess this looks like our Escape pod here we just got to upload the Escape pod data use upload data strategy to again okay there's a strategy we got to use collected got a sample uh up oh here it is upload data uploading data protect me during the upload yep doing I'll stand on top of the Pod all right seems quiet I smell him from the East should I call it a machine gun yeah it might not be a bad idea oh that sounds fun machine gun on his way anybody can grab that right I'll throw down a Century oh a century I got a machine gun coming too right here guys yeah right in the middle here comes the sentury oh oh damn all right I'm taking the machine gun nice yeah you can take the machine gun oh oh it's already working yeah it is bugs to the southeast but hey we did it man that was easy the shuttle AIT your request turret finish the rest of them I got a machine gun oh now we can can uh now we can get to the extraction point which is looks like to the southeast hey little buggy here little buggy bug tunnel breach oh yep we got a wave up them coming in on it tossing a nade grenade that was two grenades need to do all that I'm going for the old flank no need to flank me uh watch out to your Southeast Southeast huh yep big ones coming [Music] in big one dead so if we call in a uh strike does it cool down for all of us or do we all have them uh it cools down for everybody I believe okay reloading got it is he down am iction is available uh out of grenades calling a resupply all right yeah you know what let's do that I'm calling in a resupply right now I'm doing it right here sorry I'm trying to at least oh you doing it uh can I yeah of course you can uh no you got this Salon I can't I'll do it probably CU I had just put it in [ __ ] it you you're good s it's good it's all good all right supplies coming in boys there she is oh man that's cool every time that sent bug bodies flying last reload couple of bug holes up here let's put some grenades in these bug holes boys you're a bug hole getting your Bug Hole bug I got it I'm on it I'm on it I'm on it three-pointer did that go in I don't know I'm going to try one too I'm going try one you already got it yeah we closed her [ __ ] God oh God I'm hurt oh no dead damn it I think I shot your head hole okay there we go we're good all right Simon down we need reinforcements boom got and I'm calling Simon back in re there's a bunch that way over there oh God how many are we looking at Here Comes seven oh um we got one back baby I got one shall we should do yeah let's do an oral strike the hill there yep oh yeah good good spot for that yeah yeah come on come on down big ass pull back pull back grenade out I didn't kill as many as I wanted oh god wow I said full back grenade out yeah as you threw it no before I threw it yeah not much you didn't every we're going to need more ammo all right someone C me in all right I'm going to do it um you calling in Abra um I don't remember how to do it you want me to do it y okay uh reinforcement boop boop boop boop oh that's I got it calling in reinforcements you okay you just asked me to do it yeah I know well I remembered all right uh down resupply so I think that's why back for [ __ ] I'm completely out of ammo back here woo so supplies are dwindling huh uh one second till cool Down's over yeah we got to wait at least 20 more seconds before we can resupply uh so did everyone can anyone does always what talk it's my [ __ ] brain trying to figure out what I what to say Can anyone throw something and get a resupply of something not yet yeah no but I mean time when we can yes yes absolutely 4 seconds we can but didn't I have to choose a particular thing are you going to do it I've been trying to do something do it do it right now all right do the resupply Simon so do I have to hit control hold control right and then down down up right oh that's that's what it is down down there you go and then you got to throw something down be level three before you know it did you drop it way over there yeah it's fine let's move over here move over here to get resupplied don't get right under it here she com yeah beautiful everybody get a resly man we look cool I wish we different clothes though we all look the same well yeah you play long enough Cadet you might uh you might earn some clothes all right or you could pay more money up front you know and buy some clothes and you'll be able to talk to people like abster talks to us confidence D what was that oh a bug fart bug farts got to watch out for those there's a lot of bugs back on that Hill old bug hill we call it they're all over the hill man probably going to follow us where they are following us oh yeah they are all right oh I got an idea you guys might like this oh I want to do a strike too what check this one out land mines see see if this will work come down don't shoot them all I want to see if this works well I mean the ones got past it oh wow yeah that's pretty awesome hey I'm going to do H one of those like let him hit the MS yes sorry do that one what's that one what's that who called it a orbital strike me on the mines he blew up off his mines I mean that actually was pretty cool there you go there's a few mines left though I thought it'd be in a different spot it's where you throw it son I know I didn't know uh yeah I'm I'm nice grenade working on it God those mines are awesome oh yeah freed come on step on the mine woo all right yeah I can't wait to unlock that one yeah that mine's pretty cool all right how we doing can we resupply yet 45 seconds yeah let's move up to where you want to move to yeah Head East yeah was something here right here maybe seem like a place where some oh what's this oh here we go interact see weapon W look at this what you got what like a oh oh yeah cover us wow that's cool there's ammo over here guys man I picked up a sniper rifle this thing them get a little closer they'll never get close with my sniper rifle guys ammo up yeah there's ammo behind us grab here we go sweet Hil divers likee nibling on you yeah thank you that thing's awesome you get the ones close I'll get the ones out in the distance now I'll get the ones at distance I got a sniper rifle all right I'll get midrange you idiot you fool you boob EMP is there Friendly Fire yep we already oh yeah Friendly Fire is a thing uhoh uhoh come come give give them off me take turn yeah got use a stem that's better all right we calling re uh supplies yet I have not there was Amo that round over here oh God right here turn turn turn supplyon all right I'm calling in resupplies okay our objective is oh little guy there we go our objective is let me pull up the map oh yeah we're close just to the Southwest is available all right we got to get out of here yeah we got time to go home pick a seies oh lots of bugs over here I'm tossing a nade throwing grenade all right let's keep pushing forward P behind us behind us behind us okay all right oh no reload oh somebody sh I might have got your toe my bad everybody up here on the platform with me is this some ammo hell yes this is some ammo all right all right yep there's some ammo and stuff up here everybody come up here and grab supplies got it and uh as soon as everybody's ready we'll call in this strike oh je lot stuff over here in the hole oh [ __ ] I got a rocket launcher I don't want this a rocket launcher nice I think so yeah all right so let's see once we call them in I bet the bugs are going to come probably from the north and from the south I tell you what let me put a machine gun I want uh put that over here requesting I'm calling in the uh calling in extraction the extraction okay I got a pretty good angle for uh go 2 minutes until extraction comes in two minutes oh heads up stay W move back Simon well I need to get ammo and shoot these guys okay I was going to say move back so I can do that all right go ahead oh that just has one shot one shot [Music] huh oh God they're coming in that way too do I have another mine yeah I'm going to put more mines down you go like right over here nobody go over there there's going to be mines everywhere did you call in the turret too uh tur already did oh the turret's already down look at these mines going out o wow I love it oh wow that okay that's very close that's that's a lot closer than I wanted it to be I'll tell you that does that hurt us too probably oh okay coming in this way side here we got you all right less than a minute left I'm going to go ahead and call in resupply just in case why don't they come the way from the mines [ __ ] I'm going to call it an orbital strike just kind of in that general direction maybe it'll hit something feel like I should get back o y that do [Music] it 30 seconds 30 seconds boys you got it oh God that's resupplies resupplies excellent pull back on the shots right by the re oh that was bad all right uh what was that that might have a grenade from who me I thought it was far enough away sorry 10 seconds clear Landing Zone all right clear the LZ clear the LZ clearing is there any ammo left over here shoot some of these mines we don't step on them that one all right one Landing sequence initiated yeah it's time to go home boys oh and it shoots forward yeah it does got us some cover all right everybody on board everybody on board toart in 20 seconds extraction complete everyone begin aend level three here I come baby democracy prevails once more hey nees yeah uh I think I got enough cash to unlock a new strategy so you come over here to like uh your ship uh-huh and then yeah strategems let's see o I could get a new weapon to be sent down but I saw how about a cluster bombb strike that sounds fun it 4,000 credits yeah cluster bomb okay all right I'm going to go set up our next mission we'll use it greetings hell diver Greetings oh here we go here's a fun mission uh launch ICBM okay what does ICBM stand for intercontinental ballistic missile that sounds fun I want to do that initiating F jump all right we're heading to a new planet we're going to bring that planet all sorts of Freedom okay we're still we're not car pulling all right yeah what if one of us leave needs to leave all of a sudden you don't want a car right gotcha FTL jump successful hell pod's Prime all right everybody to a hell pod got it let's get back out there I'm ready steep [Music] steps here we go boys oh just a a training tip Friendly Fire isn't sure it never was no it's a good goal I think I I've killed somebody almost every time wait why don't we make that the goal of uh this Mission don't kill each other okay maybe next mission all right let's all land exact same spot oh [ __ ] call it out this she Sandy here is she yes defend democracy all right any cost all right launch codes aren't too far away just to the southeast on me on you launch code should be somewhere around here uhhuh oh I think this might be it right here yep these are it these are the launch codes in the dirt okay got them yep I have the launch codes now let's look at the map we need to head in East our objectiv is East two to East I hear him yep oh wait okay should I call it a cluster yeah yeah oh that' be a fun one that'd be fun yeah cluster them up oh yeah yeah oh these are like oh yeah come on come on come come coming yep democracy's on it way yeah that is bad ass was that good um well if the hill up there straight ahead the East oh those look like plants oh there's a couple up there yeah yeah yep I see a couple bugs in the distance hold on this might be a perfect time for my marksman's rifle oh oh wow there we go that thing sounds pretty bad to the bone it does uh-oh okay pissed off a big boy how far can we call the orbital strike as far as you can throw uh yeah you want to get a shot I'm doing it requal stri here it goes see if you can hit this big boy oh over there let's get their attention we got to call him in come on guys come on other on ah that was a waste wasn't it yep work on your arm D breach detected us us what' you just throw oh grenade nice all right I got our six covered you guys got South covered are we good oh wow now we got a bunch of on the hill who's got a St the hill Southeast yep grenade out got supplies coming in behind us over here beautiful mes nice all right bug's good I think so good deal let's keep pushing to the let's see what does the map say oh we're actually we're super close good it's right up here even better I heard that what is that I'm hearing something oh big boy right there oh right there he wasn't where to the uh Southeast just Doo okay sample collected all right uh I'm going to start the process of launching this missile are we good good go for yeah why not I got an oral strike kind of ready to go so I'm going to try to utilize that let's see uh I'm activating the terminal I got the terminal all right launch codes uh 92177 9 2 oh again oh boy they're up here up they're up here there's a bunch oh crap we got to open the silo hatches okay right [ __ ] sorry shot me I'm stuck in his B I can't move oh God oh God I'm I'm going to throw some out over there uh let's see we got to get neees back in all right I'll bring them I'll bring them okay you got him yeah look what you did to me oh wow okay oh we got to watch out for these lines they're yeah they go a lot farther than you think yeah okay look we got to come down here and open these missile hatchets I thinkes will be with us oh [ __ ] I just hurt oh [ __ ] heads up I'm back yall I got all right I got one missile patch these are mines yeah watch out there's mines over there two missile hatch I'm going around three missile hatch this is a missile hch isn't it no yeah I already got that one side they're all up they should be good they're all up all right you want to use that terminal up there to open the silo man what is that which where I am yeah it's up there look like right there here you got it engaging terminal okay and activate activated I want to see what that gun is over there oh boy there's a bunch over here oh yeah you know what I'll thr grenade oh God I'm going to put down a Sentry over there hey they're hitting my mines so that's good yeah that is good ooh and it's just big Dusty mess over there isn't it person over here wow oh there's that missile look at that oh yeah that's a hot I've seen all day oh my God I'm getting wet that really is hot I really want to see this gun up here oh did you use this uh yeah no I just I threw that down that's your turret all right yeah just to keep us protected while this missile I hit one of them names you idiot are you out there so far well miss got you did you say we failed a mission yeah not to kill each other oh yeah well it was too late for that a while ago all right I got to use the terminal up here to uh com to protect yeah I guess guide the missile is that code for bathroom uh yes cuz I got to go to the terminal up here too I'm on the terminal all right got you back couple straggler bugs too is that gun still up there I really want that gun oh I got to go to B4 okay going to B4 right there locking Target all right we're fueling the missile all right oh oh I got the gun I got the gun nice what is it it's just a machine gun does it not have a scope U maybe if you push in on I don't know what it is on a keyboard buddy yeah it's Center Center uh Mouse wheel oh we got something coming in from the south hey you know what I'm going to throw down an orbital strike just do it throw it where the enemies are though I know I just dipp it now he's dead big guy boom it's still fun it's still fun I love it I do like it oh wow it destroyed the containers yeah got a Clear Sight line okay hey we're launching the missile I'll handle the terminal and wait authorized launch yeah oh apparently this is a nuke uhhuh we're going to go deliver some Freedom giant [ __ ] of Freedom you have been a line of Freedom extract when ready let's get that extraction man we get to see the explosion I mean InterContinental so probably not yeah I wanted to see the move well let's go all right yeah extraction available it is to oh I saw it oh wow yeah that's really something oh Jesus all right we're going to get the back blast smell that ah this feels like Freedom where we going okay we got to go to the South all right let's hit it watch out for mines extraction is available oh the turrets are okay still working good oh y we got action yep couple of bugs to the oh yeah there mine there a lot coming in over there huh not too bad nothing we haven't dealt with before Oh my God that's a that's a big boy that's I'm throwing a couple grenades woo really this thing had like three shots in it boy oh boy he took a big oh god oh boy yeah okay oh wow we got a bunch over here oh boy yeah was grenad that way towards us yep is that crazy oh guy's coming oh [ __ ] I hit a mine you see me God there's a lot there's a lot over here you killed me abro I'll come to you though guys keep running over the damn M dude you blew me in half back H okay so running your way up [ __ ] up down all right there's a bunch all right all right calling in one of them H calling in another all right let's group up stick together come to us neees okay there's a lot of bugs between me and you come to us as fast as you can okay but you understand the bug thing right y yeah just get around them uhhuh how do we know where the mines are cuz Dam yeah the mines aren't here anymore don't worry they're over there I I I threw you guys away from the mines oh man supplies are dwindling nebs yep coming us I'm trying to find a safe sweet you're good there we go I need some ammo I called in now uh yeah let's call it a resupplying down supp oh on me head up on my careful oh God ammo wow all right get some resupplies here oh we got a big boy all right soft underbelly there we go holy moly let's see I want a machine gun I'm going to call in my machine gun here requesting Advanced Weaponry hey how about your machine gun huh that's the machine gun okay I want it soft [ __ ] don't go too far don't go too far trying to get the machine gun yeah yeah oh boy got a bug breach here sh through got a little one right on you I'm down oh God all right I'm going to call it a cluster bomb do it baby uh okay maybe not we'll need it get up fck them up yeah that was a good one oh very nice oh it's a big guy oh de big [ __ ] look at this teamwork baby teamwork all right hey okay let's see checking the map extraction is oh God right behind me right behind us [ __ ] okay all right we need to move out let's start moving south let's go on me on me South through the desert man we got a good few of them behind us I'll bet yep keep on running it's like running on the beach not fun gets in your shoes well got stop and shake out my socks oh [ __ ] he's right they're right on our ass I'm getting nipples this where we're going right here nipples all right we got some distance yeah the extraction Point's right here to the South yeah we made it okay uh cool down resupply 21 seconds God okay all right let's get up here we'll uh we'll resupply before we call in call in [ __ ] okay all right everyone everyone take a knee everyone take a me take a knee take a minute okay oops that'll work too that'll work that's not a KN but okay okay we call in resupplies you throw down some lines resupply available right now I'm doing it requesting supplies uh where should I put M God it could come from anywhere I got we should all take a direction to kind of try to hold okay um I'm looking West I'll put mines to the north all right I'll go east let's see M North East of West and South's open I got West I'll take South down fortifications got some mines oh boy okay gra have suppli if you need them right here do it I'll call in a turn as well but I'm going to go ahead and call in extraction oh you know what I'm chucking something right now we got two minutes an orbital thing is going to go come on do some damage guys come on do it damn youing that didn't do [ __ ] here there we go there's a lot I'm looking South but do y'all need help oh yeah I got a big boy up top yeah you got a lot going on here I'm just helping that laying down me I don't is still clear clear on the wayo all right I'm going to call in a cluster bomb okay uh let's see which way it's over here by the bug breach I'll do that buster bomb coming in [ __ ] yes God I love that thing oh boy big boy up here all right I'm tagging him oh he's dead already tus one minute East hasn't gotten anything yet all right we got one minute what about m abro I got mines down already nebes you they wait yeah they they went through them went through them all right I'm GNA get a cluster bomb ready but I'm not going to throw it let me know where they're coming from turret uh turret I've already put down I think it's uh yeah I have a cool down on it I'll call in a machine gun in case somebody wants it good idea Southeast CLE we're doing good we're doing real good and all right Pelicans coming in get ready oh bugs right behind you I'm coming all right I'm going to TOs over there keep that place covered oh yeah El coming in you idiot yeah yeah just stand right under of the damn thing I got you Simon call Simon back in you got to we got to do it quick we only have a limit time to get on the com de door board the shuttle get on the shutle 16 seconds the shuttle come on S all right coming coming get on that shuttle get on that shuttle all right yeah everybody on everybody on everybody on we did it hell divers hell diers another victory for the right side of [Music] History
Channel: Neebs Gaming
Views: 658,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Neebs Gaming, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 neebs, helldivers, neebs, gaming, how to play helldivers, helldivers gameplay
Id: zThQdA9DPU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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