Firearms Expert Reacts To Helldivers 2’s Guns

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode it's time for a little managed democracy as Jonathan's looking at the weapons of Hell divers 2 This Moment was where I realized you could fire mini nukes in the recording you can actually hear me go mini nuke mini nuke mini nuke mini nuke I just saw the chat LOL mini nuke yeah what a great idea it's ironic that something so science fiction should nail certain aspects of s of heavy artillery and its effect and its importance nothing beats artillery really if you like this kind of content make sure to subscribe and let us know in the comments section down below what future episodes you'd like to see and if you want to see us break down more of the hell divers Arsenal in a part two make sure to let us know by liking the video right it's time to defend super Earth with the guns of Hell divers 2 let's look at a bit tore inevitably with that knuckle bow style trigger guard set up and being a Bullpup of course yeah I do I do think this is undeniably tavore adjacent especially that squarish blocky of front that's on the current generation x95 although it doesn't doesn't directly match by any means but even even this Legacy T all with the short barrel is is pretty pretty reminiscent I will note that it's really robust on this on this um ar23 much much thicker and chunkier here I don't know if I'm not sure why that would be it's very far diverged from the Tor but I think I think the silhouette says it all really especially the the later variant even of this earlier type so this is the original this is the um standard Israeli Defense Force configuration the commercial option became later just a Pik atini rail across the top which would make it look even more like this gun gun's decent it's got some feels like it has some heft to it one detail I'm sure you'd appreciate is um you have to really manage your magazines like if you toss away a magazine with half your is half full you can't like repoet it I guess to simulate the intensity of the bug fight big fan of that that's the kind of thing I would sort of advocate for over and above in this case certainly trying to replicate a slavishly replicate firearm is that sort of detail magazine can hold as many rounds as it can hold not like a my beloved but ridiculous pulse rifle but it's 99 rounds and Starship Troopers where they just seem to have bottomless magazines realistic capacity and if you drop half a MAG that's gone so your reflexive Cod reloads are not going to help you in this which is good it really does help you know it's not it's not really a realism thing so much as it's a tension things you rightly say it was definitely something I had to bully myself out of doing when I started playing this lots of wasted magazines until I Advanced a few levels are you able to retrieve them no cuz well usually you're not in one place for too long either so the your toss magazine is probably under like 13 bug corpses either way it's a real mashup this thing there is a bit of MP9 TMP going on but the shape of the receiver is can't decide if it's more MP7 or Ingram with that angle on the lower looks like it's meant to be a lower nestled into a sorry an upper nestled into lower receiver with that distinctive angle on the back yeah if you had to pick one I guess it would be the more like the SP cuz it doesn't have that for grip which is the the STA pistol based on the machine pistol clearly this is a machine pistol very machine pistol conventional looking 9 mil cases coming out a little bit lethargic there I wouldn't be too happy about how weak that ejection is looks like a stoppage is imminent with this thing it works well with the Frantic nature of the game you can fire it one-handed while running away whereas the rest a normal two-handed weapon will make you sort of pace backwards whereas this you can just sort of Point backwards and flee from big bucks that's actually really good that's kind of how weapons like this with no butt stop are actually used one-handed to whom it may concern which is a sort of very crude take on what they're really used for which is much more accurately in a controlled way to sort of break contact to keep people's heads down stop people firing back typically while you get a VIP away from danger that kind of thing reinfor this is looking very familiar except we can sh see our shotgun cartridges in the Twin magazines which is cool but silly you don't want to get mud and crud inside your magazine tube it's not so so much the magazine that's the problem CU with those holes the dirt would sort of clear itself out of the way it's the dirt you'd then be carrying into the chamber on the rounds that's going to cause stoppages now it's a pump action gun so that's less of a problem going to be a little bit more you're going to be able to muscle it past the grit and grind to some extent in a way that a semi-auto or automatic gun might choke on so this is looking a lot like the UTS 15 unfortunately we don't have a UTS shotgun but as far as I understand it you do have to switch tubes gives you the advantage in theory of having different round types so the real thing has a fairly typical seven round capacity but twice the mags onboard mags of course not removable and I believe you have to switch between the two tubes is where I was going with the that comment this one we just keep them both topped up and they both just feed it's fine it's a Sci-Fi take on the weapon fast reload a large belt fed but feeding from a box presumably gas operated machine gun in a way it looks quite traditional it's a fairly generic looking gun um I'm not saying that's a bad thing it has got some clean lines it is almost like a space PK or PKM or something now that's a feature there that we've kind of already moved past is having an optic rail on a top cover that moves it's getting increasingly common to have a very have a short top cover and you might have a rail on it but it locks in much more securely than a traditional sheet metal top cover or you have your optic mounted to the receiver and the top cover is UN unconnected to it so you don't lose zero you don't lose accuracy when you reload this doesn't have that this is um more of again more of a sort of PKM esque gun needless to say as as much as the handling of this as a sort of lmg or maybe gpmg is pretty realistic casually tossing it onto your back is not a good idea and and if you like your back that's not a good thing to do but yeah kneeling down to reload the empty box being persistently there is good and I'm not going to hold this to a high standard of realism because of what it is so I have I have a head Cannon Theory while we watch okay we watch us getting shot out from giant bullets into the planet my head Cannon theory is that the weapons are sort of basic because the troops you play as are so extremely disposable they think let's not put too much money into these like you do feel like you're being brainwashed to drop into hell because that's the Patriotic thing to do and you're down there with equipment that is probably not as good as you could get okay but knowing the uh the death rate of a hell diver I have to imagine the higher ups are thinking maybe don't give them really expensive Weaponry not unless not until they prove themselves which I suppose is as you advance and level up you do get holer more Hightech weapons so maybe there is something to that yeah yeah I think we have to assume that and actually it makes more sense in that respect than something like Halo where you're the most elite soldier possible and you're still using this kind of Technology if you're more of an Expendable Grunt and this kind of thing still being made it's kind of plausible that it still would be you know suitably tweaked for presumably zero g zero atmosphere use as well another pretty conventional looking battle rifle seems to be firing the same rounds as the what I assume was an assault rifle from earlier on the Bullpup but it does appear to be semi-auto and a low capacity it's a little more powerful um it's a lot easier to get to the squishy bits or the weak points of an enemy when you've got a marks what called The Marksman rifle what I have suggested not that anyone has to pay attention to me is polymerase ammo for the case telescope system system that was developed a few years ago something something akin to that so you'd still have the punch of a conventional weapon you still have case ejection but it wouldn't be Victorian style brass cases flying after of the guns they really don't fly after of the guns enough I know I'm saying it a lot but um same with this pseudo DMR thing they just kind of they appear very clearly in your eyeline it's not projecting hard enough they're not spinning enough either definitely an AK Soviet star reload in there as well reaching under underarm yeah I will say that under underarm cocking looked a little bit awkward like it might be hard to do in real life why wouldn't you just switch the cocky handle you can do that now they can definitely do it right we now have something very reminiscent on this which I have on the wrong shoulder there we go the call G St have proper steel tube none of you throw away well fiber glass usually and notably well pistol grip of course some sort of optic and what really makes me think this is what this is being based on is well firstly the we have a very flared back end here and we also if we [ __ ] it and then we pull down this system here and we can then use the other kn to Pivot this open they don't the the rounds don't look dissimilar in the scheme of things to to the real thing they do have a rim on the base because they has has to sit into here so this moves it out the way shove it in close it up and then you're ready to ready to shoot now in real life this is a Cru served weapon cuz it's a an absolute chunk to be effective you've got to have an assistant Gunner loading this thing for you you can see here if if you you need to load it via the backpack full of rounds but if a teammate carries the backpack for you they become the assistant Gunner to load for you and it like triples your rate of fire cuz obviously it's a lot quicker to get someone else to reload that than it is to do it yourself no that's good stuff for a sort of futuristic game that might be the first time I've seen a a light weapon like this Cru served like that I'm sure one of the more realistic games must have done it but great way to draw a little bit of realism in for the benefit of the game play the way although you wouldn't do it with weapon in hand obviously but the way the assistant Gunner keeps their hand on the weapon like that if you if you watch footage of um soldiers doing this for real well they must have basically cuz it looks it's not like you just run up magically slamming around and then can just saunter off you you stay you you work as a team and that that reflects that quite well okay this is this is an odd Beast magazine on the side not something we typically see Pace ejections insane on this one they appear on the other side of the gun and they dropped straight down that makes no sense at all the mag is I was going to say it's a coffin mag but it isn't really it's just a double stack into single feed needlessly reducing the capacity in theory what is the capacity on this day oh I think it was about 40 45 45 seems a bit high for the size of the mag although I mean the body is very wide so I think they think they're going for some sort of a multi stack probably the closest thing we've got to this although it has the Sterling's curved mag is the Sterling S11 which has that square boxy body that this has we display in here with two bayonets fitted not because it was ever intended to mount two bayonets but it makes it look very sci-fi I think the Sterling magazines 34 rounds which is which is really impressive for such a short man um this is this is a fantastic mix of capacity and size and weight this is kind of Lanchester capacity with this form fact well not this form factor but this size the stock is a bit a bit rubbish double strut almost like a Gil or something but it doesn't seem to have any adjustment yeah that stock really ought to be a bit more ergonomic than that I think we we've gone for sci-fi aesthetic over what would be ergonomic and practical so we've carried over patini rails we've Carri carried over some features that might persist into the into the Future something that's never going away now is ultimately adjustable butt stocks pistol grips four grips that kind of thing requesting oral strike requesting air support we do have sci-fi retical disease here where there's a lot going on in the scope but none of it doesn't it's at the end of the day it could just be a Crosshair or a circle in the middle or ordinary crosshairs full WID I always enjoy some functionality to these sci-fi Scopes because otherwise you're just you're this is this is less effective than a modern scope with a even an oldfashioned reticle because you're obscuring your target essentially and of course your windage and elevation knobs are essentially grebles on a on a game of this nature it it wouldn't look like a scope if it didn't have them but you they're not there to be adjusted if I were to shoot a lot of these targets with like a rifle or something you could You' actually be able to see the round bounce off oh really and you can see on even like the bugs there's bugs with armored fronts that close up if you hit them with an antimaterial rifle you see like bits of their carpes just blow off like its armor and chunk away okay so might it might not be super clear in the gameplay but while you're playing it where you're playing there's definitely a tangible difference in in how much your round is punching through whatever you're shooting I'm definitely getting the those robots getting being one shotted You definitely get a sense that this is something much more powerful and you might think so what but there are plenty of representations of things like the Barrett in games where it takes two shots or three shots to kill somebody if you're going to have an AMR in a game I think it's got to have that kind of at least just have high damage and here we seem to have a lot more going on in terms of terminal effect so it's it's taking into account what it's hitting which is good and it's representing that in a somewhat realistic way so we got strikes on armor with lots of Sparks large pieces blow going off maybe a bit too much but but then who knows who knows what type of round this is It's almost like someone's taken an ag17 off the mount so it's belt fed grenades you got a but that means you got a length of belt hanging out of the weapon I mean that's probably a to be fair that's probably a better solution than either the harmonica three round Carousel thingy that that we've got from the China Lake program in this in the uh us or the three round pump action you're probably better off just having a a length of rounds hanging out of the gun quite frankly because then you could have your three or you could have five and it's might still be a bit wieldy so there's nothing really wrong with that the barrel is super short though because of the configuration that's a very short barrel it's like shorter than something like a an mgl a milk cor now they don't need to have very long barrels to be effective the sort close range video game grenade launcher thing in Hell divers 2 at least is the grenade will Ricochet off the front of the bug armor which bounces back into me if in a few occasions this has been once or twice where I've got a bit close to the grenade launcher and pinged offs at the environment at my own feet typically you're going to have an impact fuse for something like that uh partly for that reason because it you know it's possible to bounce things off hard surfaces in real life as well and you definitely don't want that that to happen so that that is a sort of gamified thing but why [Music] not quite a cool looking flamethrower I think we've reached a point now where flamethrowers are people know that it needs to be look needs to look like a stream of liquid cuz it is they know it needs to stick and burn first time you use it there's a nice little moment where it's just liquid coming out before the igniter Sparks there's like a little delay between pulling the trigger and seeing the effect in the game which hearkened back to a lot of what you said about how flamethrowers actually work is nice to see and we also get little drops of fuel dropping to the ground still burning as you sling it now the there is a problem with slinging it in that the igniter is still ignited so your your lovely cloak should be on fire at this point the bigger issue as ever is the fuel tank is not going to be big enough for what for the amount of fuel we're seeing be like it's like having a 500 round magazine that's the size of a 30 round magazine having a what should be a backpack fuel tank be size of a soda stream is not plausible but I think we're more inclined to overlook that because of the obvious constraints yeah is it really worth having a backpack fuel tank appear appear magically on your back out of nowhere just to tick a realism box when that in itself would be unrealistic really blocky looking thing struggle to differentiate this from the first weapon I saw to honest this is the space P90 it is a bit isn't it yeah so in this case the blockiness which is a sort of design Choice generally with these firearms in this game is accommodating a take on the P90 here's our old friend the P90 it's not that close to be fair they haven't done the sort of Call of Duty P90 in space approach they they've taken the idea of a top mounted magazine and a Bullpup configuration and they've done their own thing with it what's a bit weird is unlike the P90 which just has this straight receiver integral butt stock set up this thing has what looks like a magazine housing where you could insert a magazine into it but it doesn't feed from underneath it feeds from the top maybe it's just a a very stylized elaborated ejection Port system but it needn't be that bulky it's really hard to beat the P90 for compactness although it does maybe need some work up here to make this whole setup a bit shorter for modern Optics let's reload I added a final clip to just as a nod to your the artillery part of your title you can find artillery pieces throughout the maps to take control of you have to actually load the artillery piece munition by munition and the order in which you put the Munitions will be the order in which they're fired and you can see see fire from the the artillery piece and land so if you put High EXP explosive in first that's what you'll get the first time you fire the artillery piece if you put Napal in second you've got to remember okay Nepal's next that's so interesting very cool seeing it shoot it's a little weird in that it's like a very short range I guess you that it won't always be like that but in this case it's firing almost straight up in order to hit something very very close which seems very dangerous you can use it anywhere in the map but that was uh okay danger close very much so yeah this moment was where I realized you could fire mini nukes and in in the recording you can actually hear me go mini nuke mini nuke and I saw run away mini nuke mini nuke I just saw the chat LOL mini nuke yeah what a great idea a great idea to have well yeah I can't think of a we've had sort of environmental map-based artillery before but not it's ironic that something so science fiction should nail certain aspects of of sort of heavy artillery and its effect and its importance nothing beats artillery really except for air power I suppose all right guys thank you as always for watching um as a lot of you know by now we have our own YouTube channel over at the Royal armories as well uh three mums you can come and visit if you're in the UK and various social media channels um things going on check the website check the socials for for what's happening either online or or in the real world regardless we'll see you again here next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 793,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 weapons, helldivers 2 guns, helldivers 2 expert reacts, helldivers 2 firearms expert, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, dave jewitt, loadout
Id: _NHf93J0X0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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